1. Respect Life 2. Respect Property 3. Respect Sex 4. Respect Truth 5. Respect Mind
There are five prescribed practices. They are like the five petals around your corolla.
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Apriori Flower
Your corolla is your mind. The petals and your corolla are your corona. You practice the 5 precepts and your are a noble flower.
By Alexander Blair Nuttall
How can I be noble when I do not own any property?
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The 5 petals are yours. Your corolla is yours. This is your practice and your mind. You are the owner of time with practice.
Everything I do is practice?
Reduce your activities to the 5 precepts. If what you do is not this then you are not a practicing noble, Apriori!
Observed practice is meditation. I want to be the king flower!