2012 Oglesby Union (OU) and Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs (OVPSA) Graduate Assistant Orientation Schedule The goals of the Oglesby Union and OVPSA graduate assistant orientation program are: 1. To welcome new graduate assistants to Oglesby Union, OVPSA, and the university community; 2. To educate graduate assistants about the purpose and role of College Unions and the uniqueness of the Oglesby Union; 3. To help graduate assistants acclimate into their roles as graduate assistants of the Oglesby Union/OVPSA and Higher Education students at Florida State University; 4. To familiarize graduate assistants with Oglesby Union, Division of Student Affairs, and Florida State University resources to assist in their experience; and 5. To build a relationship between the graduate assistants of the Oglesby Union and the OVPSA. Contacts Please contact one of the following with questions, needs, etc. Brandon Bowden Ladanya Ramírez Surmeier Associate Director, Oglesby Union Research and Assessment, Oglesby Union bbowden@admin.fsu.edu lramirez2@admin.fsu.edu 850/645-7354 850/645-1559 Wednesday, August 15 – Welcome 9:00am – 9:30am: First Year Graduate Assistants meet in Micco Room 9:30am – 12:00pm: Behind the Scenes Campus Tours: Alyssa Zewe & Karli Sherman will serve as guides 12:00pm – 1:00pm: Lunch in Micco Room o First Year GA’s have the afternoon free 1:00pm – 4:00pm: Welcome to Year 2! (Second year GA’s only) Thursday, August 16 8:30am – 12:00pm: Student Affairs & Oglesby Union Overview o Second year GA’s have the morning free. 12:00pm – 1:00pm: Lunch in Micco Room (All GA’s) 1:00pm – 4pm: Making the Most of your Graduate Experience (All GA’s) 4:00pm – 5:00pm: Paint-a-Pot in the OU Art Center (All GA’s invited) Friday, August 17 OU Graduate Assistants – Department retreat at the Rez OVPSA Graduate Assistants – Day off
Sunday, August 19 &– Higher Education department Orientation
3pm at the Club Downunder
Monday, August 20 – Higher Education department Orientation
8:30 am – 5:00 pm in the Stone Building (STB)
Tuesday, August 21 – Graduate School Orientation
Location: Room 101 of HCB (Classroom Building across from Oglesby Union) Registration opened July 3 online: Click here to register. We recommend you attend the 8:00 am – 1:00 pm block. Highly recommend the Strozier Library – Scholars Commons Tour, Table Fair, and the BBQ Picnic.