2011-2012 Breakfast For A Buck AB Overview Breakfast for A Buck (B4AB) is a monthly signature event hosted by the Oglesby Union. Students of Florida State University are able to enjoy a buffet of breakfast items for the economical price of $1. Non-FSU students may also enjoy the event for the price of $6. A total of eight B4AB events took place during the Fall 2011-Spring 2012 academic year as part of the Oglesby Union’s “Fridays at the Union.” Over the course of an average of three hours, students are able to meet new friends and socialize with old friends, all while enjoying a warm meal and various activities. Attendance
Number of Students
Fall 2011-Spring 2012 Attendance 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0
711 554
488 335
Total Attendance
Longitudinal Attendance 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0
3843 2547
Fall 2008
Spring 2009
Fall 2009
Spring Fall 2010 2010 Semester/Year
Spring 2011
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
2011-2012 Breakfast For A Buck AB
Classification Other 3%
Transfer Graduate 3% 7%
Senior 18% Junior 17%
Other 4%
Male 45%
Freshman 35%
Female 55%
Sophomor e 17%
Multiracial 4% Asian 10%
Caucasian 50%
AfricanAmerican 16%
Hispanic 15%
Offcampus 52%
Oncampus 48%
Native American 1%
No 5%
Will you come again?
How was the food?
Below Average 11%
Excellent! 22%
Yes 95%
Above Average 19%
Average 48%
2011-2012 Breakfast For A Buck AB
Why did you attend? 1000
800 600 400
237 117
0 Meet new Enjoyed Activity Learn about Hungry/cheap people/socialize campus activities food
Nothing else to do
Which activity interests you most? 544
600 500 355
400 300 200
281 189
100 0 Bowling
Art Center Events
Breakfast for A Buck
Breakfast for A Buck Programming August 26th- B4AB for the month of August coincided with Seminole Sensation Week (SSW). The entertainment selected was the Fine Print Jazz Combo. September 16th- Theme selected was Game night. American Honey, a local Tallahassee band, was selected as the musical entertainment for the night while students played board games and ate their food. October 21th- This Breakfast for A Buck coincided with Haunted Harvest. Activities held in the union were pumpkin carving, Paint-A-Pot, and various games. The dining hall was decorated with Halloween themed ducks and porcupine people on the tables, as well as twirlies on the ceiling. The musical entertainment was 2Smoove Deejays, a duo of deejays that are FSU students. December 9th- A Winter Wonderland theme was selected. The musical entertainment was the Zach Bartholomew Trio. January 27th- The theme selected was FSU Spirit/ Back 2 School. The dining hall was decorated in garnet and gold décor. February 10th- The theme for February’s B4AB was Mardi Gras. The dining hall was decorated according to the theme, and the menu consisted of traditional New Orleans food.
2011-2012 Breakfast For A Buck AB
March 23rd- The theme for this Breakfast for A Buck was time warped, but the main focus was the Like Us on Facebook campaign. Attendees who liked Breakfast for A Buck at FSU on Facebook were entered in a raffle to win prizes that night. April 13th- April’s B4AB coincided with the Oglesby Union’s annual Spring Fling. The selected entertainment was Bounce House Band.
Conclusion B4AB continues to be a popular event at Florida State University with over 2,000 students attending in the Fall 2011 semester and over 2,000 students in the Spring 2012 semester. Of the students who attended B4AB in the Fall and Spring semester, 27.1% were surveyed. Most students (44%) indicated “Hungry/Cheap Food” as their reason for attending. A majority of the respondents (27%) cited “Movies” as the activity that they find most interesting. The majority (95%) stated that they would attend B4AB in the future. Programming B4AB would not be possible without the collaborative efforts and funding of the Office of the Provost, Student Activities, Union Productions, and Seminole Dining. The evaluation data collected throughout the fall and spring semester will help with future B4AB programming.