Union board “I enjoy working at the Oglesby Union because the staff is truly invested in every aspect of my personal and professional growth. I also appreciate the student interaction I have through working with the Oglesby Union Board. Having the opportunity to work with student leaders has reminded me why I have a passion for this field.” - Paige
Responsibilities Include: • Serve as the advisor to the Oglesby Union Board and the Student Allocations Committee • Coordinate special projects for the Oglesby Union Board and Director of the Union
Union productions “My experience working in the Oglesby Union has given me the opportunity to be at the hub of student engagement, watching students become programmers, leaders and make intentional decisions about the FSU student body. No two days are alike, and I look forward to what my students in Union Productions will think of every day!” - Sendi
Responsibilities Include: • Directly advise the Hospitality, Special Events, Daytime, and Co-Sponsorship committees • Organize the co-sponsored event schedule and hold meetings with students in the committees advised • Assist with advisement of all programming and volunteer committees • Evaluate student program proposals and work with student programmers to plan fiscally responsible events • Supervise evening UP events 2-3 times a week • Collaborate with campus partners in putting on campus-wide events such as Haunted Harvest, Seminole Sensation Week, Spring Fling, etc. • Serve as liaison for UP to Guest Services, Operations, and Special Event Permitting
F.A.Q. Q: How many graduate positions are there? How many are available each year? A: The Oglesby Union currently has eight graduate assistantships within our department. There are numerous graduate assistantship experiences, all of which are described in this pamphlet. The number of assistantships available each year depends on how many of our current graduate students will remain employed in the next academic year. Generally, we have between 4-5 openings each year.
Q: What are the minimum qualifications? A: Candidates for any assistantship must be officially accepted into a graduate program at Florida State University. We also prefer that candidates have some form of previous experience in a union setting. Our assistantships are meant to be practical work experiences complimenting the academic curriculum in the Higher Education graduate program, so we look to fill our assistantships with students from that program. However, we may hire students from other graduate departments (i.e. marketing) based on departmental needs.
Q: What are some typical job responsibilities? A: While each graduate experience might look different, some important job responsibilities that successful candidates in any of the assistantship opportunities will perform include supporting and/ or advising students, strong administrative skills, flexibility and adaptability to change, effective communication (both written and verbal), working well with a team, meeting deadlines, ethical decision making, and displaying a positive attitude.
Q: Are there mandatory work hours? A: Yes. Graduate assistantships are required to work 20 hours each week. Each individual will set a work schedule with his or her supervisor upon arrival.
Q: What compensation is included? A: For all assistantships, compensation includes an instate tuition waiver for Fall and Spring semesters (up to nine hours), a health insurance subsidy, professional development and travel assistance funding, a modest stipend, and up to 6 hours of coursework for the Summer term (this is not guaranteed, it is dependent on the budget). Out-of-state tuition waivers will only be granted for the first year. The financial stipend rate will vary based on the department you are placed in.
For more information please contact: Brandon Bowden bbowden@admin.fsu.edu (850) 644-6860 or Ladanya Ramirez Surmeier lramirez2@admin.fsu.edu (850) 645-1559
union.fsu.edu facebook.com/FSUOglesbyUnion twitter.com/oglesbyunion
Homecoming & Special Events “I believe that working for the Oglesby Union is awesome because we truly impact the lives of students. My GA position has provided me with many transferable skills that I know will equip me for the job search and my first full-time position.” - Andrew
Responsibilities Include:
DANCE MARATHON “The Union GAs are really treated more like professionals by our supervisors and staff. It’s wonderful to know I will have the hands-on, practical experience from my assistantship to help me in my first job because of the responsibility and respect given to me as a GA.” - Karli
Responsibilities Include: • Serve as advisor to the Management Team and Overall Committee • Work with the Director of Student Activities in coordination of the event • Assist students with the coordination of fundraising events including, but not limited to, canning, football tournament, 5K, Lip Sync, etc.
• Coordinate all aspects of FSU Homecoming with the Advisor • Serve as a direct advisor to designated Directors within the Homecoming Executive Council • Assist in the implementation of the entire week of events for Homecoming • Facilitate the event planning and permitting process for 600+ Recognized Student Organizations (RSO’s) and other campus organizations (Greek Life, SGA, etc.) on behalf of the Student Activities Center • Contribute to the coordination and facilitation of the event planning and permitting training and resource development • Assist with the implementation of Jimbo’s True Seminole Tailgates as needed
• Manage the two 20-hour DM event shifts
Responsibilities Include: • Serve as a liaison for 600+ Recognized Student Organizations and other campus organizations (Greek Life, SGA, etc.) on behalf of the Student Activities Center. • Co-advise the Student Organization Advisory and Resource (SOAR) Board, including attendance at weekly SOAR Board meetings and holding one-on-ones with student advisees.
“My graduate assistantship puts real-world experience into my curriculum. It allows me to understand how the things I’m learning academically apply to my professional career.” - Mike “Working for Oglesby Union Marketing has been an amazing experience for me. As a Graduate Assistant, I have gained leadership skills such as how to manage entire projects and coordinating student employees. In the Union, I can be involved with the University while gaining invaluable skills and experience.” - Lenore
Major Events & Involvement “The staff and students of the Oglesby Union are always so welcoming and kind—it really is an amazing environment to be a part of.” - Nicole
Responsibilities Include: • Advise the Pow Wow Director, Assistant Director, and student committee to assist in event planning and implementation • Oversee the development and securing of sponsorships for Homecoming through advising the Homecoming Director of Sponsorships
Organizations & Involvement “The depth of experience and support I received as a result of working in the Student Activities Center and being a part of the Oglesby Union has stretched far beyond me role as a graduate assistant and helped me develop as a well-rounded professional.” - Alyssa
• Assist the Coordinator of Organizations and Involvement with major projects such as Leadership Awards Night and the annual recognition process for student organizations.
• Advise the Union Productions Programming and Special Events Chairs to plan and implement Spring Fling, FSU’s annual oncampus carnival • Advise the student group, Peer Involvement Mentors, to help increase awareness of the importance of student involvement
• Coordinate scheduling for Union Market Wednesdays’ space and performances with student organizations. • Assist in the development, planning, and implementation of leadership training programs for student organizations.
Get involved as a Graduate Assistant!
Responsibilities Include: • Manage projects and oversee a staff of undergraduate students • Manage flyer posting, camera equipment rentals, and inventory • Responsible for training of undergraduate staff • Guide development of graphic design projects, prepare proofs, and provide design insight to student staff • Consult with Creative Director, Art Director and clients to appraise and evaluate creative strategies
Education & assessment “Working in the Oglesby Union has given me the opportunity to experience the amazing passion that Florida State University students have for their school and their involvement.” - Steven
Responsibilities Include: • Coordinate assessment plan/calendar • Plan, coordinate and assess professional staff and student development programs (i.e. Café Conversation, New Employee Orientation and Student Staff Trainings, etc.) • Assess and analyze the programs and services within the Oglesby Union • Develop, administer and analyze online surveys for union departments