Winter 2011- D20 Girls Magazine

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D20 Girls Magazine

Winter 2011

D20 Girls’ New Year’s Resolutions Game & Con Reviews Recipes

D20 Girls Magazine - Winter 2011

D20 Girls Magazine - Winter 2011

On the Cover: The Colorado D20 Girls

Above: L to R Foxx, Cryshayn and G0regeous

The D20 Girls

The D20 Girls embody Confidence, Reliability Intelligence, and a Strong Work Ethic. We break down stereotypes, we are NOT Barbie Dolls. We do NOT come in one shape! We do NOT come in one size. We currently have D20 Girls active in over 90% of the United States. The D20 Girls is a semi-unique business that combines Social Networking, Talent Management, and Event Services. Yes, there is a business angle to what we do, but we push the social

aspect much needed to in the industry. We arrange with vendors, artists, and conventions to hire D20 Girls as booth help and trade show models at gaming, comic book and fandom related shows across the US. Why? Our project is crucial, because the gaming industry and related fandoms should be promoted by girls who are actually a part of it; NOT over-paid models who know nothing about the industry or the people affected. So, sign up now and get involved!

D20 Girls Magazine is published 4 times per year. Manufactured and published in the United States of America. The Editor in Chief welcomes submissions from all sources. Such submissions should be addressed to EDITOR and sent to D20 Girls Magazine is a copyright of OGO Publications. Products named in these pages are trade names or trademarks of their respective companies. The publisher shall not be responsible for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of the advertisement. The publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions in connection with an advertisement is limited to republication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement.

D20 Girls Magazine - Winter 2011


Zombie Shoot --- Page 4 Zombie Walk Dallas 2011: Bound By Blood --- Page 8 MidOhioCon --- Page 11 PortConMaine --- Page 12 Cooking with Cryshayn --- Page 14 Crazy for Kale --- Page 18 Nan Desu Kan’s 15th Anniversary --- Page 20 Q&A with Anthony “Master” Le, Professional Cosplayer Extraordinaire --- Page 24 Why I am a D20 Girl --- Page 28 Ask L --- Page 31


The D20 Girls’ New Year’s Resolutions --- Page 32

Oh Gnome You Don’t Review --- Page 35

Ico & Colossus Game Review --- Page 36

Skyrim Review --- Page 38

OGO Publications, Inc.


Editorial Staff for this issue:


Abigail “AbiSue” Selvidge, Editor-In-Chief and Graphic Designer Laura “Cryshayn” Latterman, Copy-Editor

Contributors: Alissa “Saki” Butzow Audrey “Aurora” McNeese Jennifer “Jenni Fear” Joana “L” Perkins Jondi “Ruby Red” Soper Laura “Cryshayn” Latterman Leah “Shard” Collins

Mail: OGO Publications PO Box 2224 Columbus, OH 43216 Offices: 1(877)646-0010 Email: Web:

Legal Counsel: Jessica Fallon Law Offices of Saia & Piatt, Inc 713 S. Front St Columbus, OH 43206 (614)444-3036


D20 Girls Magazine - Winter 2011


D20 Girls Magazine - Winter 2011

By: Aurora

Zombie Shoot

pared our makeup and outfits. Puppet got together her outfit and gave it a little something extra: she singed and ripped through her jeans and top to give them an ultra-realistic touch. Shard shopped around and found eye socket prosthetics to go with her creepy red contacts, while I made sure to stock up on toilet paper and liquid latex.

Photo by Peter Van Egmon for One Sweet World Photo, further editing done by Leah Collins (Shard) SCD20 Girls posing as “Charlie’s Zombies”

For the most part,

Puppet, Shard and I have limited our cosplay to anime and game-related garb. So when my friend Carol wanted to do an apocalyptic zombie photo-shoot and needed a few good bodies I 4

saw it as an opportunity to get our small but awesome group of South Carolina D20 Girls together to try something new. In the weeks leading up to the shoot, we each pre-

The night before the shoot we gathered together at my house and planned our gory make-up. For at least an hour, we watched YouTube videos of people painting and gluing and ripping things off of their faces. Eventually we dozed off. The next morning we woke and started the process of becoming the undead. Several layers of toilet paper and a lot of blood later, we were ready to step out into the world. We walked to the to the shoot, which was done in a park near by home, and hopefully gave the passersby something to gawk at. When we arrived at the shoot we were met with an array of zombies, survivors and the photographers:

D20 Girls Magazine - Winter 2011

Above: Photo by Carol Corral Photography Ferocious Puppet and Aurora Right: Photo by Peter Van Egmond with One Sweet World Photography Walking the pet zombies

Carol of Carol Corral Photography and Pete of One Sweet World Photography. We set up for the first shots with Robyn, another volunteer dressed as a socialite. Puppet and I were chosen to be Robyn’s pet zombies as inspired by the movie Fido. After that shot we started


D20 Girls Magazine - Winter 2011

Middle Left: Photo by James McNeese, editing by Leah Collins (Shard) Portrait of a zombie Bottom Left: Photo by Carol Corral Photography The end of the cheerful zombie Photo by James McNeese They came from the sewers Photo by James McNeese, editing by Leah Collins (Shard) Shard eating a fake eyeball

the storyline; today was day one of the zombie uprising and our group had made it to a local park. A mom and her kids had volunteered to be our first hunt. We chased them over a bridge and finally got hold of one of the children. The next scene was of a panicked mom trying to save her son from a hoard of hungry zombies. Needless to say, her efforts were futile. The hunt ended with us “feasting” on the boy, while the mom tried to drag her son’s remains away. At this point there was a short break, but Shard came up with an idea on the spot; there were some large drainage pipes that we could play in so off we went. We each stepped into a pipe and crept out slowly, keeping our eye on my husband who was taking these shots.

stalked them and pulled down another victim. We moved this scene over to a tree where the victim was pulled down from a branch. He was particularly cheerful and it was very hard for the zombies to keep from giggling. We broke for lunch and moved to the second location, an empty shopping center. With the location change also came a time jump in the storyline.

than fifteen minutes of holding it in, she finally went up for her scene. Through the whole shoot she had a smile on her face and, though we all poked fun at the “cheerful zombie,” the last shot of her with the head wound and terrifying smirk had to be one of the best from the whole shoot.

Overall, we had a great time with a fun group of people. The photographers had a great plan and were willing The zombies were now the to listen to others’ ideas. majority, facing off against Our first group shoot as the few remaining humans SCD20 Girls was very sucin a post-apocalyptic world. cessful and we’re already Group by group we faced planning the next one. off against the dwindling humans and were cut down by You can check out more of gunshots and swords. Pup- the shoot on Facebook propet was to be one of the last files for Aurora, Puppet and few shot down by this group. Shard as well as the photogShe filled her mouth with rapher profiles for Carol Cor“zombie blood” (a horrible ral and Peter Van Egmon. After our escape from the tasting take on fake blood Like Carol Corral Photogradrains, we rejoined the group. that’s more blue-black than phy and One Sweet World We moved on to chasing two red), and she slowly let a bit Photography on Facebook young couples who were out here and there to project and visit www.OneSweetplaying on the swings. We at opportune moments. More for more! 7

D20 Girls Magazine - Winter 2011

Top Left: Photo by Carol Corral with Carol Corral Photography SCD20 zombies getting a grab at the kid

D20 Girls Magazine - Winter 2011

Zombie Walk Dallas 2011:

By: Alissa “Saki” Butzow

Bound By Blood

Ah, October.


The autumn month in which a copious amount of individuals don their most ostentatious, their most flamboyant, their most frightening… pinks.

It is the month of Breast Cancer Awareness, and at the dawn of the fifteenth of October, countless thousands of women from all over the Dallas metroplex wore their festive frocks of bubblegum and magenta. Those women walked downtown for their mothers, sisters, wives, daughters,

and friends affected by breast cancer, in order to celebrate life with the hope of eradicating such a disease from the face of this earth. However, there was an alter alternative walk to participate in later that day, in another part of downtown Dallas, with over

D20 Girls Magazine - Winter 2011

a bounce slide for the walking dead tykes, the event provided attendees with chances to get bloodier and party hard. There was even a screening of the newest episode of The Walking Dead television show and a costume contest folOctober fifteenth was the day lowing the zombie crawl down of Zombie Walk Dallas 2011: Elm Street (in which the top Bound By Blood, and, man, two finalists were a dog wearing a ripped-up t-shirt covered was it a blast! in blood and a zombie astroFrom noon until eight in the naut, both eluding the lens of evening, Main Street in Dal- this writer’s camera). las’ Deep Ellum district held one of the largest gatherings But why would a zombie walk of zombie fans on the South- have such an emphasis on ern half of the United States. blood? With a stage lineup of live bands playing throughout the This year, Zombie Walk Dalafternoon, make-up stations las was sponsored in part by making folks look ever more Carter Blood Care, and atgruesome, a clown blasting tendees had the chance to people with tasty fake blood give blood prior to the event (red velvet cake batter), and for people in need due to crifour thousand individuals celebrating life by spending the day as the very creatures that are anything but alive… What in some horror and postapocalyptic tales would describe as, well, “the undead.”


D20 Girls Magazine - Winter 2011

ses, emergencies, and unexpected events. (Here’s hoping that none of the blood donated by the “undead” was infected by a zombie virus.) In the humble opinion of this writer, giving blood seems a noble cause and wearing blood is an honor. Therefore, getting a chance to run around with a look of vacancy and groping for the brains of random fellow attendees brought multiple tons of joy, but the idea that some of them were kind enough to give some of their actual blood proved more satisfying. For most of the walkers of the Zombie Walk Dallas, attendance for the event was free. This allowed for multiple individuals to participate in the event, whether they had a disposable income or not. However, for twenty-five dollars an individual could purchase a premium package that included a t shirt and a monetary donation to Carter Blood Care.

The event geared itself with determination to hit the Guinness World Record for the most zombie walkers at an event. Though making it past four thousand attendees, Zombie Walk Dallas was unable to surpass the Dublin, Ireland tally of over eight thousand attendees at a zombie walk. This does not mean the record could be broken next 10

mangled, and disfigured merriment. Go online and search your area for a zombie walk, that is is you feel bold enough to enjoy the debauchery on It is probably a tad late to your own turf! If you would state this; however, Dallas is like to check out more about not the only city that offers the the Zombie Walk Dallas, find opportunity to go thrashing them at www.zombiewalkaround in your most brutal, year, and perhaps next year there will be a strong Texas D20 Girls representation there to help rally the masses…

By: L

Mirkat as a Gameboy

D20 Girls Magazine - Winter 2011


Badger as an Ewok

When & Where: October - Columbus OH This year was the first year MidOhioCon was run by Wizard World in the Greater Columbus Convention Center. It has always been a great show, but this year’s guest list had the the stingiest of nerds ready to squeal in delight. Adam West, James Masrters, and Billy Dee Williams were just a few, with other guests from classics like Star Trek OST and Babylon 5 in attendence. Lines were long to see these guests, but

the wait was worth it to have worth it to meet your idol, but your own one on one for auto- some people just can’t afford graphs and photos. to pay that along with all the other con fees. There were a few panels for the special guests to go over Thanfully the dealer’s room shows and review projects came with your entry and during this two day event. there were plenty of booths Unfortunately, just about ev- to explore. I spent the majorerything cost extra money. ity of my time schmoozing Autograph? $20 bucks. Pho- with Mandalorians, harassto? Hand shake? Panel? Be ing Radio shows, and criready to shell out cash for tiquing artists, and I still had each one of these. Sure, it’s an amazing con. 11

D20 Girls Magazine - Winter 2011



10 Year Anniversary

Written By: Jennifer “Jenni Fear”

PortConMaine is an annual

many good things about convention in Portland, Maine Day 1 of the PortConMaine for anime and gaming fans all convention from some of my over the New England Area. friends and acquaintances PortConMaine is Maine’s big- who also attended. gest and longest running anime and gaming convention. Day 2 of the convention was They happen to also be New when Meg Swanton, a fellow England’s longest running MA D20 Girl, and her friend convention as well. PortCon- Chaz Bergeret, and I finally Maine 2011 was the 10th An- arrived in Portland, MA for niversary celebration of the the convention. We did a convention. It was held at the great deal of beautiful Wyndham Portland things that day. Airport Hotel, located in South We went to the RPG room, took Portland, Maine. photos of many It had something to appeal to awesome cogeeks of all interests, includ- splayers, went ing: anime, gaming, science to the dealfiction, costuming/cosplay, er’s room, and fantasy, comics, video gam- much more. ing, boffer combat, steampunk, and more! PortCon- There was a cool thrift store/ Maine went on from June 23 garage sale-type thing at the convention too. One would to June 26, 2011. bring things like costumes, Like every year before, the wigs, comics, action figures, first day was a special “ex- games, etc. that they no lontra day” and only for people ger wanted or had room for who pre-ordered their badg- and then sell them. The best es online to attend. Unfortu- part of the garage sale was nately, we could not make it that people got to make many to the first day, but I heard other people very happy, as 12

well as earn some extra cash. Meg sold a few things there and she thought the whole idea of selling your old nerdy stuff for profit was pretty nifty. PortConMaine 2011 had many amazing Guests of Honor. The guest list included the following: R. “Sketch” Scholz, J. Michael Tatum, Christopher Ayres, Barry C. Fernandes, Daniel Kevin Harrison, Christian Matzke, Michael “Mookie” Terracciano, Brian Brushwood, The Mandalorian Mercenaries, Luke “McMasters” Morgan, 4-Player Co-op, The Entertainment Experiment, Sharon Lee, Steve Miller, Charles Dunbar, Elizabeth O’Malley, and many more awesome guests.

Day 3 was the day that I think we did the most. We went into the RPG room and played an awesome board game called “Run For Your Life Candyman.” It was pretty much like a dark, demented version of Candy Land, an old classic that I’m sure we all know. The game attracted a lot of cool people who joined in.

After the long game of “Run For Your Life Candyman”, Meg and Chaz found another group of tabletop gamers who were starting up a game of Star Gate SG1. Being Star Gate fans, all three of us were instantly interested in the game. Meg and Chaz played Start Gate SG1 in the RPG room with the group. I was tired so I sat out, but I had a blast watching them. There were so many cool tabletop gamers there and meeting all sorts of new people was extremely fun. The SG1 game went on for hours, so I eventually decided to do something else while Meg and Chaz were gaming. I went to the dealer’s room and invested in pretty looking dice, Transformers action figures, and epic steampunk gauntlets. There were far too many amazing things being sold in the dealer’s room. So much so, that Meg and Chaz had to practically pull me away from things to keep me from going overboard on the spending. I still wish I had bought that batliff though, but it was a bit over priced.

During Day 3, Meg and Chaz also tried out the boffer games. It was located outside in a big open tent with tons of different weapons for loan. Aside from boffer games, there were also models of the Enterprise (“Star Trek”) and Tardis (“Doctor Who”) in the tent for people to admire and to take pictures of/with. I feel that I should also add in that the con provided delicious food at affordable prices and they had a huge variety of vendors. Day 3 was also the day, or rather the night, of the rave. Sadly, I only got to experience the rave for about 15-20 minutes. I ended up sick and sleeping in a comfy chair in the corridor for the rest of the rave. Meg and Chaz told me that it was really fun though. I’m sad that I missed all the rave fun, but I’m glad that I at least got to see Spiderman and Deadpool have a dance off, and the Mine Craft guys and Creepers having a dance off too. The costumes and outfits at the rave were incred-

Meeting fellow nerds and cosplay enthusiasts was one of my favorite parts of the con. I met some awesome Trekkies and I got to meet a few members of the famous Mandalorian Mercs Costume Club. My second favorite part was hanging out in the game room. All the gamers displayed good sportsmanship and offered to let others have a turn. It wasn’t like some other conventions I have been to where all the good players hog the consoles all night and make fun of “noobs”.

D20 Girls Magazine - Winter 2011

ible; a prime example was the guy who made chainmail out of glow sticks.

On the 4th and final day of PortConMaine 2011, we did all our last minute shopping and took some more pictures, then at last said goodbye to PortConMaine and took our leave.


cooking with cryshayn


By Laura “Cryshayn� Latterman Ingredients: 1 artichoke 1 lemon 1 garlic bulb 3 bay leaves thyme yellow mustard mayonnaise ranch dressing salt pepper

Supplies: 1 large pot 2 bowls tongs garlic press spoon fork plate kitchen sheers

D20 Girls Magazine - Winter 2011

cryshayn’s Artichoke w/ Dipping Sauce

Artichoke: In a large pot, add enough water to mostly cover the artichoke, 4 whole garlic cloves, 3 bay leaves, and half a lemon - Set to a boil. Rinse your artichoke and take a knife to cut off the top inch of the head and the bottom half inch of the stem. Next, use sheers to cut all the points off the exterior leaves. Now add your prepared artichoke to your pot and let it boil for about 45 minutes turning it over occasionally with tongs, or until you can easy stick a fork in the tougher leaves. Once done, remove from pot and set on a plate to cool off. Once cool enough to touch, cut each artichoke in half and arrange on the plate. Dipping Sauce: Mix all of the following together in a small bowl and chill: 1/3 cup mayonnaise (or Vegannaise) 1/2 tablespoon ranch dressing 1/2 tablespoon yellow mustard 1 teaspoon olive oil juice from 1/2 a lemon 4 fresh crushed garlic cloves 1 solid pinch of thyme (dried is just fine) salt & pepper to taste When everything is done, eat up and enjoy! Be sure to remember an empty bowl for the discarded leaves. Trust me, this is both simple and awesomely tasty! 15

D20 Girls Magazine - Winter 2011

cryshayn’s Crockpot Chipotle Turkey Chili By Laura “Cryshayn” Latterman

This chili can have a kick, but its dang tasty! It’s a savory dish that I love to make for snowy days. I know the ingredients list is a little lengthy, but try your own variations and see what you think. It’s one of my personal favorites. Enjoy! Ingredients: 1lb ground turkey 1lb ground Italian turkey sausage 1 green bell pepper, chopped 1 orange bell pepper, chopped 1 cup cilantro, fresh and coarsely chopped 1 brown onion, diced 1 white onion, diced 1 7oz can of chipotle chilies in adobo sauce, chopped with sauce 1 18oz can of tomatillos, drained and chopped 2 small habanero peppers, seeded and chopped (use 1 for less heat) 2 small jalapeno peppers, seeded and chopped (or 1 medium) 1 15oz can of fire roasted diced tomatoes, drained

1 15oz can great northern white beans, rinsed and drained 1 15oz can black beans, drained 1 4oz can of mild diced green chilies, drained 1 Tbsp honey 1/2 cup sour cream 1 Tbsp bbq sauce 2 Tbsp good scotch 3 Tbsp roasted cumin, dried and ground 1 tsp salt 1 tsp oregano, dried and crumbled 1 tsp basil, dried and crumbled 1 tsp mustard, dried and ground 1 tsp ancho chili, dried and ground 1 Tbsp jalapeno jelly (optional) 1 Tbsp olive oil

Preparation: In a large pot, brown the onions with the olive oil. Add the meat and dried seasonings in, stirring until the meat is crumbled and browned. Remove from heat and drain half the liquid. The rest is easy! Get your Crockpot out, add everything in and stir well! I recommend prepping this at night and then placing the crock in the fridge to “marinate”. In the morning, put the Crockpot back together and turn it on Low. Let it cook all day while you’re at the office and enjoy a warm meal when you get home. Suggested Serving: Serve with a little shredded cheese and/or a dollop of sour cream. If it’s a little too spicy for some taste buds, try adding a little extra sour cream and a squirt of bbq sauce. Enjoy! 16

By Laura “Cryshayn” Latterman

Ingerdients: 1 ½ cups flour 1/3 cup butter (softened) 1 tea spoon baking powder 1 tea spoon vanilla extract 3/4 cup sugar 1/2 cup of your favorite chopped nuts 1 egg 2 bananas (over ripe) 1 cup strawberry preserves pinch of salt sprinkle of cinnamon

D20 Girls Magazine - Winter 2011

cryshayn’s Strawberry Banana Nut Bread

Preparation: Preheat oven to 350F. Put all ingredients in a mixing bowl and with a wooden spoon stir, mix and smash it all together. You’ll know you’re done when everything is wet and a fairly consistent color. Use cooking/baking spray to grease a loaf pan (approx. 5” x 9”). Pour every last drop into the pan, sprinkle the top with more nuts, and bake for 1 hour. Use a toothpick to test the inside of the bread to make sure it’s fully cooked. Remove and let cool. Slice it up and serve warm with butter, with a hazelnut spread, or just on its own – It’s delicious!


By Alissa “Saki” Butzow snack, but it also has some outstanding health benefits. In fact, it may be one of the healthiest vegetables available, and below are only a few reasons why:


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With its unique flavor, multitude of health benefits, and its easy way to incorporate into the diet, pretty soon you might be saying you’re “crazy for kale,” yourself! Tune in to the Spring Issue for some ideas in adding kale to your picnic salad creations.



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- - - Kale can help lower your cholesterol


Photo By: Jaden Hair from Steamy Kitchen



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I happen to be a Nutrition major in my third year of college. Recently, with the intention of broadening the variety of vegetables I eat, I stumbled upon kale in the grocery store. As a cruciferous vegetable, kale has its own unique flavor, and after learning a few quick ways to prepare it, I found myself hooked. Kale is not only a delicious stand-in for the base of a salad or tasty


D20 Girls Magazine - Winter 2011

Crazy for Kale

This is my favorite way to incorporate Kale into my daily food habits! An excellent alternative to potato chips, and makes a great side for dinner time.

Ingredients: • Kale (four handfuls, torn into bite-sized pieces, stems removed) • Olive oil (1-2 tablespoons) • Sea salt or Kosher salt to taste

D20 Girls Magazine - Winter 2011

Saki’s Crispy Kale Chips

Preparation: Preheat oven to 350F. Rinse and dry kale. In a bowl, mix kale with just enough olive oil to lightly coat leaves when tossed. Place kale on baking sheet and heat until crispy (roughly 12-14 minutes). Remove from oven and sprinkle with sea salt or kosher salt. Enjoy. (Note: For an added kick, try adding some spices for a hint of pizazz! I use Slap Ya Momma Sauce, a Cajun seasoning… and no, it really is named that!)

*** Nutritional Facts Reference The George Mateljan Foundation. Kale. The World’s Healthiest Foods Website. Accessed October 31, 2011.


D20 Girls Magazine - Winter 2011

Nan Desu Kans 15th Anniversary by Laura “Cryshayn� Latterman


D20 Girls Magazine - Winter 2011

KayKay - Sailor Tin Kitty - By Raven Alexander

Nan Desu Kan (loosely translating to ‘what is it?’) is the largest anime convention in the Rocky Mountain region.

Nan Desu Kan (NDK) provides its attendees with a diverse mix of cultural panels, musical guests and dances, various games and tournaments, themed workshops, art showings and auctions, and screenings of new and classic anime.

mestic voice actors hosting various Q&A panels, and the American J-rock band LemFor 2011, NDK proudly wel- on Drop Kick headlining the comed two special Japa- music festivities. Needless nese guests: seasoned ac- to say, with all there was to tor/singer Ryusei Nakao and do and see, the D20 Girls of producer/director Yutaka Colorado had a blast helpYamamoto. Other esteemed ing Nan Desu Kan celebrate guests included eleven do- their 15th Anniversary! Photo by Cryshayn

Nan Desu Kan is sponsored by the Rocky Mountain Anime Association, a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization dedicated to promoting Japanese culture in Colorado. After 15 successful years, NDK is still a fan-run convention, but is beginning to feel the growing pains of triumph. For NDK 2011, an attendance cap was placed, prompting a record 4,159 pre-registered attendees for the weekend convention. They didn’t break their cap, but were happy with the

healthy growth for their 15th convention.


D20 Girls Magazine - Winter 2011

Photo by Quincy Allen

Photo by Cryshayn

Cryshayn challenged her steampunk cohort, Quincy J. Allen, to the Friday night Texas Hold’em Charity Poker Tournament. It’s an NDK tradition with all proceeds


the Dragon and will be held at the Renaissance Denver Hotel. Festivities will include: professional photos by CG Photography, dancing and music with DJ BullKayKay entered NDK’s Cos- ock, food, cash bar, games tume Contest in the begin- and prizes, a balloon drop, ner’s category with her sexy friends and fun – And all in interpretation of Sailor Tin costume! Nyanko (a.k.a. Sailor Tin Kitty) from the Sailor Moon se- Rest assured that the D20 ries. Not only was KayKay Girls will be partying it up at lovely, but she was also su- NDK NYE 2012! perbly talented. She created her costume from scratch Next year, Nan Desu Kan celebrates its sweet sixteen! and wore it with pride. NDK 2012 is slated for the Shim was our walking bill- weekend of September 14th board – rocking her D20 – 16th. Additional details on Girls Project t-shirt and hav- location, pre-registration, ing an absolute ball. guests and events can be found at www.NDKDenver. Each year, NDK also holds org. a New Year’s Eve Costume Ball on December 31st. This NDK 2012, here we come! year’s theme is the Year of See you there! going to charity. This year’s charity was the Japanese Red Cross Society to help with the tsunami relief efforts.

D20 Girls Magazine - Winter 2011

Photo by Quincy Allen

Photo by Garmstro Photography

Top & Bottom Photos by Garmstro Photography


D20 Girls Magazine - Winter 2011

Q&A with


“Master”Le Professional Cosplayer



Anthony “Master” Le - Iron Man - By: Garmstro Photography D20 Girls Left - Shim, RightTop - Cryshayn, Bottom - KayKay

His Iron Man costume was jaw-dropping: a mechanized robotic mask, lighted full body armor, and a paint job right out of the movies! All the regular attendees knew him as a local celebrity, but his legend is continually growing with appearances at San Diego’s Comic-Con International, Denver’s StarFest and AnimeLand Wasabi conventions, and a promotional tour for director Jon Favreau and Paramount Studios. He also takes time to volunteer with local charities and children’s hospitals. Curious as to what got Master Le involved in cosplaying, I sat down and asked him to give me his own personal 411 on cosplaying.

In the beginning… Cryshayn: When and where did you first learn of cosplay? Master Le: When I was a wee little 10-year-old making my own costume for Halloween. I started to get more serious when the first Iron Man movie was being released in theaters.

man, Spider-Man, and of course Iron Man.

C: What was your primary reason for wanting to cosplay? ML: I love art; from sculptures and painting, to even crafting. It’s my outlet for creativity, and seeing othC: What did you think of er creativity gets my juices flowing. cosplay then versus now? ML: It’s so much fun! I love meeting people who C: Do many of your friends are nerds, geeks, and/or cosplay? ML: The majority of people freaks [he winks]. I know – yes they do. There C: Did someone get you is a wide variety of genres into cosplay? Or did you to choose from: video games, anime, American come into it on your own? ML: I actually got into it cartoons, etc. myself. I always wanted to create my own cos- C: When and where did you tume. Growing up watch- first cosplay? ing television cartoons ML: My first cosplay was was such an inspiration: Iron Man. It was for the Power Rangers, Bat- movie release, but for

fate to making cosplay.

C: Who/what did you first cosplay as? ML: Iron Man Mark 3 About the costumes… C: Do you prefer to buy or make your cosplay outfits? ML: I am a big “do it yourself” kind of person. Everyone always tells me I’m good with my hands.

D20 Girls Magazine - Winter 2011

I met Master Le at Nan Desu Kan 2011, Denver’s fun and leisure. Everyone premiere anime convention, back in September. loved it and it sealed my

C: Making your own cosplay outfit, how did it go? Where did you get your materials? Was it more rewarding to make it yourself? ML: With my first Iron Man cosplay, there were no tutorials or instructions to make one. So, I improvised with poster board, Bond-O, fiberglass, LEDs, hot glue, and a lot of time (which I don’t really have). It was rewarding to me as a person, because I made it with my own two hands, and also the comments people gave me on my art. C: When deciding on how you want your costume to look, what goes through your mind? Does the fabric/material have to look like the picture? Or is it more of an interpretation of the character?


D20 Girls Magazine - Winter 2011

ML: I usually love going above and beyond with all of my cosplay. I usually try to go for the “shock and awe.” Basically electronics and animatronics on the cosplays usually drop people’s jaws.

C: Ever have something terrible happen to your outfit? ML: Not really. My cosplays usually can take a beating. Even if someone wanted to punch or strike me, it would injure them and not me.

C: Have you ever walked around in public in your cosplay outfit? What inspired you to do so? Did people recognized you and ask for photos? ML: Before my first convention, I wore my first Iron Man suit to local movie theaters and in downtown Denver on 16th Street Mall. It was scary at first, since I had never done anything like that for fun, but it all worked out. People loved it at the time, but 70% did not know who I was since the movie was not released at the time. All in all, it was a fun experience.

About the characters… C: What type of characters do you enjoy cosplaying as? ML: It usually ranges, but the common ones I cosplay as are Iron Man or War Machine. C: How do you choose the character you cosplay as? ML: I like to always do something new and different from all my previous cosplays. I just can’t leave well enough alone. I continue to try and make things better.

C: Who is your favorite person to cosplay as and why? ML: Obviously Iron Man – C: How long is the plan- it’s an iconic character and ning process for your co- people see me cosplay it. It has been branded to me splay outfits? ML: They usually range and is how many people based on the difficulty of know me. each build. The level of shock and awe features C: What is your next cousually is the time-eater splay and when do you plan for me. From the fabrica- to debut it? tion of my own electronics, ML: There is a plethora of to hinges, etc. the usual cosplays I would like to build time takes about 2-3 do, but some are kept secret for the shock and awe weeks. of blowing people’s minds 26

with what I can make. [He sneakily grins…] C: Who do you REALLY want to cosplay as? ML: Well... I don’t have just one, but something I would like to make is Gundam armor cosplay or real robotic Transformers Autobot or Decepitcon cosplays. C: Have you ever done a cosplay skit on stage? ML: Just a few for kicks. I actually enjoyed the fun of being in character and kicking ass! C: Have you ever won a prize for said skits? ML: Yes: StarFest 2010, Legendary Cosplay 2010, Wizard Magazine 2010, San Diego Comic-Con International’s 2010 Masquerade, etc. The experience... C: Being in costume and channeling a character is a unique experience; what do you personally get out of it? Is it freeing? Are you less inhibited? Do you feel more or less like yourself? ML: Heck yes! It is so much fun to escape from daily stress, even just for 5 minutes. I, like everyone else, have things in life to take care of, but cosplaying is fun and I just get to let loose.

C: Do you utilize any acting techniques? Do you have any stage experience? ML: For the most part, I am just myself. I have fun with like minded individuals, and it’s always a blast! C: What do you feel you do the best when cosplaying? ML: Goofing off is my best skill! Well, besides wearing my cosplay of course.

D20 Girls Magazine - Winter 2011

C: When cosplaying, are you just yourself in a costume, or are you fully embracing the character? ML: Well it depends. I love just being me, but sometimes I jump into character when taking pictures for people.

Anthony “Master” Le - Iron Man - By: Garmstro Photography D20 Girls Left - Shim, RightTop - Cryshayn, Bottom - KayKay

ML: Only a bit. In my thoughts, it only makes it more awesome, but cosplay is for fun. You should enjoy the people you meet, whether they “fit” the coC: Do you have any cosplays splay or what not. I give that you will never do? Why? credit to them because ML: I’m pretty much open they enjoy it and they are to making or trying any- having fun while doing it. thing. C: When cosplaying what C: Are there any cosplays do you feel is most importhat you wish you could tant? Physical details or pull off? If so, what’s hold- character portrayal? ing you back? ML: The most important ML: The only things are part of cosplaying is havtime and working. Besides ing fun! If you’re not havthat, the sky is the limit. ing fun, then why do it? Right!? C: In your opinion, do you believe that a person has C: What is the worst thing to have certain qualities to about cosplay? pull off a cosplay? (ex. fa- ML: The most obvious are cial structure, gender, body trolls, naysayers and negashape, height, skin color, tive people. etc.)

C: Is there a worst cosplay memory/experience? ML: Forgetting a piece of cosplay costume at home, and realizing it when you’re already at the con. C: In your opinion, what is the best thing about cosplay? ML: Meeting people, having fun, sharing stories, and the parties! C: Do you have a favorite cosplay memory/experience? ML: All of them are awesome. If I could do it all over again, I would do it in a heartbeat. To contact Master Le or check out more of his amazing cosplay projects, visit his website at 27

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I always knew I didn’t fit in with everyone else, but I didn’t find my true niche until later in my life. I call it the “geek closet,” and I was unknowingly in it for way too many years. Falling in with a bad crowd in middle school and high school, mainly because they were more accepting and fit better than any of the other groups I could find, might have delayed my inevitable emergence from the geek closet, but when it happened it was like a true freedom like never felt before. I always loved theater and I secretly had a love for things like Tranformers, He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, She-Ra, Voltron and many more things along those lines much longer than most kids. I was a singer and even in college choir when everyone else fell into the easy little cliques, I found myself being the odd one

D20 Girls Magazine - Winter 2011

By Jondi “Ruby Red” Soper

Not long after that I moved on to World of Darkness and learned I LOVED the D10 system much more than the D20 system. Dungeons and Dragons is okay, but a out, no easy place to settle Gothic world full of political in. Sure, I got along with ev- intrigue and vampires? How sexy is that? Yes please! I eryone, but I didn’t fit. dove in headfirst and fell in Then I found my place. One love with Vampire: the Masnight in a bar I met a guy who querade, playing the game played Dungeons and Drag- until White Wolf released ons. When he reluctantly told Vampire: The Requiem at my me, and I do say reluctantly very first GenCon. (because he was trying to pick me up) I got all excit- Yes, my very first GenCon ed. I told him I had always was a dream come true, not wanted to see how the game only was it the most amazwas played! So, he took me ing four days of my to game night. I sat at at ta- favorite game was releasble full of true geek and nerd ing a whole new reboot of guys and was instantly dis- their world and when I got liked by the girlfriends be- my hands on the books, my cause they were leaving, but I was staying. By the end of the night, I thought it was really awesome stuff! Yeah, I was hooked on gaming and I made my first D&D character the following week – an elven bard. It didn’t take long for me to learn bards suck to play, but I have a soft spot for them because my first one, Killashandra, was a bard.


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best friend and I immediately planned out a game and started running it at our local comic book store. We had an unbelievable amount of players and the game was a hit!

ously, if I am not writing, I am watching anime. I can’t get enough. And in college I spent three years studying costume design, so I am lucky enough to be able to use the skills I learned there To this day, I am still a HUGE to start building costumes fan of Vampire: the Requi- for cosplay...something I em, as well as Werewolf: the have ALWAYS been interForsaken...both of which are ested in, but never dabbled World of Darkness games. I don’t get the opportunity to play them much as table top anymore, but I found something I love equally and have become addicted to: online role play. It is a way to combine my creative writing and my love for role play! What could be better? I have been playing for more than three years at a wonderful site called Dwell in Darkness, located at The site supports all the splats incorporated in the World of Darkness and the people who play and write at the site are talented and fun. Who could ask for more?

I am a D20 Girl because I am a geek! I look at my geekiness kind of like you would build a D&D character, I am a multiclass geek. I have levels of gaming, levels of book nerd (I love horror books and sci-fi/fantasy books), I am a HUGE Star Trek fan, I love Science-fiction and I have recently become a giant fangirl of anime. Seri30

with before. Now, as a D20 Girl, I plan to go all out. I am the manager of the Indiana D20 Girls and the acting manager for Michigan and I also help out with Illinois. D20 keeps me busy and I wouldn’t have it any other way, because in the end...a geek is all I want to be.

Dear L, I’m a new nerd mom, and I was so excited about the prospect of dressing up my baby and returning to the convention scene with him in tow. Little did I know how hard it would be to drag this cranky kid around. Not to mention he ruins his cosplay outfits before I can even get out of the hotel room.... How can I do it?! - Mommy Mitzu

D20 Girls Magazine - Winter 2011

Ask L

Dear Mommy Mitzu, Juggling parenting and your fandom can be a hard thing, and I’ve got two kiddos myself! Here are some tips that have always helped me: 1. Bring a buddy. Either a spouse, sitter, or both! Having an extra hand to help can make a world of difference. Changing, going to a bathroom, or taking turns going to your events are made much easier. 2. Be aware of your baby’s limitations. Depending on the age of your son, he may be eating every other hour, and need several naps. Also, all the new sounds, sights, and smells may be overwhelming for the wee man. Be aware of your child’s needs and comfort level. Have a bottle ready for a hungry kid, or make sure to be in a quieter area when nap time rolls around. This saves the scrambling and stress of being unprepared. 3. Dress practically. While an indepth Pikachu outfit may be cute, it can be uncomfortable and hard to take off. Put them in something comfortable, simple, and with ‘easy access’ to the diaper. Make sure it is weather appropriate, and you have a back-up for accidents. Don’t forget about yourself either! If you’re breastfeeding, you may want to leave off the bodysuits and armor. Be aware of costume props and sharp accessories that aren’t so baby friendly. 4. Don’t stress. Baby knows when you’re upset, and they get upset too. This con may be a miss, but your sweet little one won’t be so small next year. Enjoy them, and enjoy the con more when they’re older. They’ll grow so fast, I guarantee that you’ll miss those small smiles and hugs more than any convention.

-L 31 39

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“I will not... Fall in love with Alistair over and over every time I play Dragon Age: Origins.” – Aby

“I will not wear my wigs out to go grocery shopping.” – Taga Pixie “I will only slay bad Vampires.” – Naughty Girl



I asked D20 Girls from all over the U.S. to participate in setting goals regarding their nerdy pursuits and gaming addictions. (My own personal resolution? I pledge to purge my cosplay closet and obtain all the FFX legendary weapons. Wish me luck on that last one… Damn chocobos.) This is what they came up with for their New Year’s Resolutions in 2012. Have a nerdilicious new year! ~ Cryshayn


“I will thin out my game collection that I don’t play, but keep because I think I’ll play it.” – KisaValkyrie

“I will become the Doctor’s new companion” – Nichyta “I vow to organize my cosplay and renfaire closet so that I can fit more costumes in!” – AbiSue “I will limit myself to only buying three Batman shirts this year.” - Lolly Five

“I will restrict my Skyrim play to 600 hours before 2013, so I have time to “I will learn to make a corset from scratch and see the sun.” – Kiddo by hand.” “I will finish the twenty- – Constance Lightwood something costumes i “I will only buy one d20 per have in limbo.” – Aurora month… I mean week.” “I will finally complete a – Apocalypse Sue steampunk outfit that I “I will finish my half-made made on my own.” costumes and post pictures – Sammich from cons within a week of “I pledge to… be the very attendance.” best, like no one ever was: to – Nightmare Marzipan catch them all is my real test, to train them is my cause…!” “I resolve to upgrade my armor from “metal bikini” to “at– TheChainmailChick tractive functional armor;” in “I will enter at least 3 workman- other words, improve my AC ship competitions this year at without losing too much CHA. Haha!” – TheChainmailChick conventions.” – Kitteninstrings “I resolve to spend as “I will finally finish the 7 different much time on homework as I do at play. video games I have started.” Ok, maybe... half as – Hello Kitten

fits instead of buying ones that are nowhere NEAR the quality I can make on my own.” – Ruby Red

“I will stop spending the money I set aside for bills on games I really want. I will spend more time focused on work and homework and start my cosplay collection. And, I will not go “fan girl” every time I go to pick up a game I have waited forever and a day for (or at least not while in the store).” – Anjel

ft wi






“I vow to not start more cosplay projects than I can handle, and to actually finish the projects I start.” – Reika




“My resolution this year is to finally have a tournament “I will actually strive to learn legal MTG *60 card deck… more Japanese to attract myNo more slipping Unhinged self a bishie.” – Aby into the deck. Lol!” – Nelys “I vow to finish my son’s Sound“I will NOT use a higher- wave costume so we can copitch voice when speak- splay together at Gencon.” ing to my online Japanese – Alleygirl friends.” – Faebiela “I will actually finish one of “When playing DDR, I will limit the games I’ve started, and my attempts to AAA Max Un- not get distracted by new limited to under 5 per day. No releases.” – Amberosine wait… Maybe 7. Okay, 10.” – Apocalypse Sue “I vow to kick ass and chew bubblegum… and I’m all “I vow to finish Zelda outta gum.” – Saki OoT for the N64.” – Washue “I will teach more people that I like how to pick up “I will not be an achievement hotties in Japanese. whore.” – Constance Lightwood ;D” - Leah

“I promise to teach my son how to play the Xbox, instead of just handing him a controller and saying my character is his…” – L

D20 Girls Magazine - Winter 2011

much time on homework as I do at play.” – Gracieblove

“I wanna level my Troll and Worgan to an 85 by May of 2012.” – WoWlock “I will not steal my boyfriend’s games and complete them before he has the chance to this year.” – Rainbow Hart “I vow to start making more of my cosplay out33

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“I promise to pillage, then “I promise to keep my obsessive fangirling to an burn.” – Allegra Torres absolute minimum.” – Anji ”I vow to not start any more alts, until I ding 85 on at LEAST one “I promise to rape the crap out of Skyrim until I unlock every of my current ones!” achievement. X0” – Misbegotten – Bitey Jenni Fear “I promise to finish my Soul Calibur Talim co- “I pledge to stop plansplay. AND to not destroy ning new cosplays… too many villages… or Until I actually finish one. And perhaps towns.” – KristalGodzilla to put down my con“I promise to make my son play troller long enough his own games instead of letting to finish editing and uploading photos behim convince me to do it.” fore the shoot is a – Constance Lightwood year past…” – Himitsu “I pledge to start costumes for conventions WELL before “I promise to make an acthe convention and to finish tual convention budget and plan ahead for what I want all the video games I start.” to buy, instead of plunder– Chiki Fischer

ing the vendor’s room and leaving with empty pockets while realizing I have yet to eat.” – Camille Guy “I pledge to channel all my cosplay experience into making one excellent costume that I love, rather than a bunch of average ones that are done superlast-minute! :D” - MissKitteh “I will be the best Clergyman that my ________ Campaign will ever have.” – Shim “I will update my Best In Slot list for 4.3 and try not to yell at the newb healers.” – Nyma Wae



GutBustin’ Games’ newest hit comes in a small package. Well, at least figuratively. Up to five players take on the guise of Gnomes as they travel the board brawling and collecting gems. The goal? Finish with the biggest hoarde, of course! Collect nuts, berries, and such to sell

Us girls had a blast playing this board game. It took longer than we anticipated (3 hours!), but it went by fast enough. The game play was easy to understand while being complex enough to be considered adult worthy. The art, too, was absolutetly gorat shoppes and make your geous, even if our Gnomes pile of shiney’s grow.Careful seemed overly flambouyant though, you’ll have to watch or drunk. out for other Gnomes envious of your stash. You can retali- I’d recommend this for any ate by choosing to play with small group of friends taking ‘Brawl’ enabled to fight your a night off from their normal friends, or just keep it simple RPG session. If nothing else, and send your pet hamster to who could beat the gratificaeat their berries! tion of besting your GM?

D20 Girls Magazine - Winter 2011


A New Comic Series featuring the D20 Girls Organization Welcome to the world of Professor Moriarty’s great-great-granddaughter Katherine Moriarty. Katt discovers whom she is after some rather bizarre twists in her life as a powerfull corporate attorney for the secretive and globally connected Division 20. She will find that being Moriarty’s descendant is the least of her worries. The story will feature characters created by members of the D20 Girls Project. Website:


D20 Girls Magazine - Winter 2011

By: Leah Colburn


I’ll give you the TL/DNR right up front: Let it never be said that video games can’t be art.

Wander. You bring the body of the (recently sacrificed) girl important to you to the forbidden land to try to resurrect her through the power of a longFinally, after months of wait- banished god. (Girlfriend? ing and not nearly as many Sister? The relationship is obdollars as I’d be willing to pay viously deep, but vague.) This for it, the Shadow of the Co- god tells you that he will do lossus (SoC) and Ico Collec- as you wish... If you help him/ tion has been released. And, her by killing the 16 monsters even as someone who has through the land that currentreligiously played it before, ly lock away the god’s stoI. Am. Blown. Away. len power - The same power needed for the resurrection. In case you don’t know, the gist of Shadow of the Co- Kill the monsters. Save the prinlossus is as follows: you are cess. So stereotypical, I know. 36

But it’s not. These monsters are literal Colossi. They loom at always intimidating sizes, dwarfing you by hundreds to thousands of feet. Some swim, some fly, some burrow, and every time you must overcome their sheer size by using the environment, their own behavior, and your beloved horse. Another thing - There are no weapons to collect. Instead, you basically get what amounts to a butter knife of a sword, your bow, and your quiver. Certainly not least on the list of things to

fight itself... and then haunting. Sad. After the Colossi is dead, the music seems akin to something at a funeral or in a real tearjerking death scene Small spoiler ahead: And the from a movie. I won’t lie; I last thing, which changed might have got a little somemy entire perspective on the thing in my eye. Every time. game, takes a while to fully realize, but is always a pres- Ico came out previous to SoC, ence of sorts. The Colossi, but would be considered a sein all their infinite power and quel of sorts... I think. Like the immense size, never really Zelda franchise, it’s not really fight back. They for the most given a point of comparison, part will ignore you, and sim- at least chronologically. I was ply try to rid themselves of never able to play through Ico, you. They don’t shoot to kill, to be honest. Once I heard so to speak. This gets to me about it, it became rare as al in a deep sense; you are kill- get out. My Gamestop had ing a gentle giant, something me in their phonebook in case massive and peaceful and for someone traded a copy in. No what? Can you really call that such luck, till now. worthwhile? And the music is epic and beautiful and haunt- The music is even better than ing and makes this feeling I remembered and amazingly even stronger. The game is so. The male and female commostly silent during general bined voice of the god, Doroverworld exploration, intimi- min, is even more unsettling dating when you spot a Co- and entrancing than last go lossi, epic and intense in the around. The epic, realistic (for

PS2) and gorgeous graphics are cleaner and more beautiful than many PS3 games I’ve seen. The special features are nothing short of mind-boggling and draw you in - making a diehard fan out of anyone. The only complaint I, or anyone else, have really ever had about this game is the camera. It can be glitchy, but I was always able to swing it right where it needed to be. Some people complain about your horse’s controls, but as a rider and owner of horses myself, I think the controls are realistic and have an amazingly perfect learning curve that’s proportional to real horseback riding.

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mention, there is nothing else in this massive world to defeat save for the Colossi. This gets... unnerving.

Noticing a trend here? Like the fact that beautiful is the most common adjective right now? It’s not unwarranted. This isn’t a game you play. This is a game you experience.


D20 Girls Magazine - Winter 2011


The Elder Scrolls V:

Skyrim The game without end. Seriously. By: L

most took off your head, fight for the right of all people to inhabit Skyrim, and oppress what they consider to be the barbaric ways of the Nords. The Stormcloaks fight for a usurper who beleives in the right of the Nords to the land. Are either ‘right’? Take your pick within the first hour of Storyline: The game opens with you as play and follow it to blood and a captive, on your way to get glory! your head lopped off for treason. Oh joy... Luckily, at the There are, literally, tons of last moment, a dragon comes quests. Be good, be evil, or to destroy the town and aid neither. There are familiar your escape. Right at the be- things as well, though, such as Graphics: This area was the biggest put- ginning you are torn between the Dark Brotherhood. Night off for gamers in past editions. two factions: the Imperials Mother is always watching... While game play was usually and the Stormcloaks. The great in Elder Scroll games, Imperials, who mistakenly al- Game Play: As with prior games, there are several ‘species’ to choose from, each with their own perks. The new Skill system uses game play to up your skills through use, and adding a point to put toward abilities for each catagory when you level up. It’s even possible to max out each skill, for those of us too indecisive to choose between a magic or bashng character. This game has so many possible combinaBethesda Game Studio has been giving us hits left and right. Their graphics coupled with easy, adaptable RPG’s have been making gamers VERY happy the last year. Without exception, their newest release, Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim, has been an amazing experience. I’m sure you have friends updating Facebook with their purchase and then disappearing for weeks. Let’s break it down so you can fall off the face of Earth with them.

the graphics were laughable, and even ridiculous in some scenes. Have no fear though, Bethesda has saved the day. Even if you haven’t been a fan of this game before, I guarantee any RPG fan will approve of these pixels.

D20 Girls Magazine - Winter 2011

tions, you might be tempted tory. Why not though, since to make another game just to you’ll be living on screen the majority of the time anyway. toy with the choices. Might as well do it with DragCombat is much the same; onscale Armor! though, I really wish they’d get a targeting system... Mag- Replay Value: ic spells are gathered through Ever wish a game wouldn’t tomes, and the addition of end? Skyrim doesn’t. Don’t the Dragonborn ‘Shouts’ tack worry about replay value, this on an extra bit of beefiness game has no end. The system to your arsenal. The latter involve killing some of the infinite amount of dragons, and absorbing their souls to help you speak the words of power. Think of them as Medeival ‘Super Powers’. Other fun things include Alchemy, Smithing, and even Cooking. The gathering of ingredients and animal parts can take up a few hours if you want the best in your Inven-

created has the mind-blowing ability to generate quests to keep you busy until the next big release. Unfortunatetly, this also means our obsessive compulsive friends who have to ‘complete’ a game, are never going to talk to us again. Go play. Now, and forever...


D20 Girls Magazine - Winter 2011

D20 Girls Magazine - Winter 2011

D20 Girls Magazine - Winter 2011

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