E-Tourism project in the African Tourism Market

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E-Tourism in Africa

INTRO What our African Tourism Market needs the most is commercial interest and our research has shown there are some existing successful structured modules we can use to help you drive up such commercial interest. We have therefore created a series of initiatives designed to assist African Tourism Boards to generate the commercial interests in their country. A list of the services we oer include: - E-Tourism to members of the public - Film Tourism - African Tourism Information system - African Tourism Payment services - Afrobeat Music Tourism - Tourism investment - Tourism technology transfer

ABOUT BEN OMOAKIN OGUNTALA African in Chief, www.africantourismmarket.com

Under the management of Anthony Isibor- Head of Operations and Ben Omoakin Oguntala, African in chief. We are a Tourism Development Solution Provider and we travel frequently to various countries to understand and seek out various, existing and successful alternative tourism solutions available that we believe can be eectively deployed in the African Tourism Market. Some of the counties we have travelled to includes Japan, Colombia, USA, Canada, Belgium, Holland, Austria, Germany, Italy, France, Norway, Iceland and Switzerland to name but a few. The management have delivered technology solutions with over 25 years of combined experience in the sector.

COST OF OUR SOLUTION AND RETURN ON INVESTMENT Our African Tourism Market is a license based solution plus a revenue share agreement that gives you annual access to potentially unlimited and global commercial interests, all structured to generate revenue for your tourism market while at the same time developing your tourism sector. The project takes 12 months to implement and involves a license fee as well as consulting fee. Once implemented, there is a revenue share. • The license fee costs 55£k per year • The projected income is approximately between 1.5£m in the first year if %10 of the sectors work, to up to 10£m per year if %50 of sectors work. • The profit revenue share agreement is based on a percentage share that we can agree upon. It varies depending upon whether or not you pay for our consulting work to establish the project or not. • If you pay for the consulting work it reduces our revenue share to %30 and if you don’t, our revenue share goes to %49.

CREATING CONTENT We initial rely on African Tourism Boards to provide us with quality content from your tourism market, this content allows us to build up your database of e-tourism locations that can then be applied to the various modules below. In some cases, we may need to generate the content especially if the current content you have is not of sufficient quality.

OUR MODULAR SOLUTIONS This section describes the various solutions we provide to the African Tourism Market


E-TOURISM TO MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC The aim of this module is to expose tourism locations in Africa to the international community on a pay per view basis. This will bring many African tourism locations to the masses worldwide who would otherwise not know of the existence of these places. Now that they know more about the places can can consider and start to plan their visit. There are many locations across Africa that are yet be discovered and our project will bring these locations to the attention of the international audience. As this is a commercial project, viewing the content will be paid for. Our marketing team will work with your marketing team to promote such locations and generate interest in commercial subscriptions to the content we generate. The E-tourism content we generate will create secondary interest to the other modules we have.

FILM TOURISM Access to film and music video location managers is becoming one of the most lucrative means of generating content . The impact of filming in one of your facilities, towns or cities has the potential to create significant primary and secondary economic value. The Black Panther film in South Africa, the Game of Thrones series in Ireland and the Lord Of The Rings films in New Zealand are some key examples. We believe Africa has a lot more potential to offer the film industry. There are a lot of business services that would be needed for each film contract.

FILM TOURISM EXAMPLES Some specific examples of the tourism benefits which arise out of the filming of a blockbuster film in your country;

1. Authorities in Thailand are looking to restrict tourist numbers to certain locations made famous by the Leonardo DiCaprio film The Beach - an example of too much Tourism

2. The film The Lord of the Rings increased tourism to New Zealand the primary location for filming. In fact, the success of these films saw a staggering %50 increase in tourist numbers according to the general manager of Tourism New Zealand

3. Tourism to Northern Ireland has increased as a result of the filming there of a series called Game of Thrones. Back in 2016 the authorities in Northern Ireland confirmed that the country had already benefited to the tune of about 150£m at that time from both the money spent in country during filming and as a direct result of increases in tourism.

RESEARCH TOURISM Our E-tourism solution includes research tourism and it is targeted at the educational sector. We are creating the first structured and organised research tourism across Africa. This will be targeted at educational institutions across Europe, Asia and the Americas. This research tourism initiative will expose the educational institutions’ research interest and the natural assets in your country. The aim is to invite leading educational establishments to undertake research in Africa, exposing their needs from touch down to take off creating a variety of services for various requirements across the continent. The organised process will mean the African tourism market will take the lead and generate revenue from the start of the research tourism experience all the way to the end. Flights, hotels, tours, transportation, exploration, catering, relaxations and so on would all be areas where direct revenue can be generated from. This will create primary economic interests in their research trip and ultimately in the support services they would need from touch down to take off.


Our e-tourism includes the transfer of tourism technology to Africa. We match tourism technology to tourism locations across Africa, allowing African Tourism Boards to see tourism technology as it may apply to the locations in Africa. Tourism locations in Africa are in desperate need of technology update and the easiest way to achieve the technology transfer is to showcase the existing tourism locations and their requirements to tourism technology partners. We would then bring these to the attention of tourism technology providers to partner with you under PPP (Public Private Partnerships) in order to get their technology into your country and ultimately create a revenue share scheme with you. Increase in technology will attract more visitors and increase the revenue generated and ultimately generate more revenue for you.


Part of our e-tourism solution includes tourism investment. This module will create a structured investment template that international investors will work with and form a process that African Tourism Boards can use to showcase the tourism locations in need of investments. African tourism locations in need of investment can be presented in a manner that international investors can appreciate, understand and where they can recognise the beneďŹ ts of investing in such locations. This will allow them to see what the potentials are and also engage in how they can get involved. As part of this module we take your tourism locations and load them online, fully documented and interested investors are then invited to express interests and investment will ow from there. It will be the ďŹ rst and largest tourism investment platform in Africa and the investors are going to want to visit the country before they invest, these tours would be paid for and showcase the potential to the investors to experience your tourism market. If the investors are impressed with the potential and more of their teams will also be invited and ultimately an investment will follow. The investment agreement will be overseen by our U.K. lawyers ensuring African tourism markets negotiate with international lawyers making sure there is no abuse and that Africa is treated fairly in every single contract.

TOURISM PRODUCTS The platform aims to create the world’s largest repository of African Tourism products, where any African tourism product can be purchased by international and national tourists. As a module of our E-tourism project, the African Tourism Board would be a stakeholder and generate revenue from each sale. This module will create an online market place where African tourism products can be loaded online and clients will be able to pay for them online. This nationwide process will allow your agency as the sponsor to generate revenue from each sale. Selling tourism products online is one of the easiest means of generating trade and creating employment directly into the pockets of ordinary Africans and our module allows this for African Tourism boards. The platform is set to allow African Tourism Boards to enable their tourism small to medium businesses to get online and start selling their products and services directly online. This service can enable the generation of employment to take place in a rapid manner and generate signiďŹ cant impact in a relative short period of time. Revenue generated can assist African Tourism Boards to further enhance this sector as a means of generating employment.


AFROBEAT AS A TOURISM FEATURE “Afrobeat across Africaâ€? as Afrobeat becomes increasingly popular across the world it is now an increasingly popular feature for Africa. This module will form a joint venture with the Afrobeat sector using African tourism locations for events and music development. This collaboration will give the Afrobeat sector the best locations in Africa for their events whilst at the same time hosting their events. Music tourism - Afrobeat generates millions of followers online and these are music tourists that our module seeks to harness to boost your tourism. Music tourism will generate thousands of fan to tourism location and our e-tourism experience will allow them to be able to book tickets, book services like taxis, hotels, restaurants and other local services providing an international experience to local audiences. These activities already take place, our service will oďŹƒcially set up a framework that allows these events and activities to happen in a structured and organised manner. Most importantly, the African tourist Board as a stakeholder generates revenue from every ticket or service purchased. Afrobeat concerts draw sell out audiences



TOURISM LOCATIONS AS LOCATIONS FOR CONCERTS One of the quickest ways we can generate interest in tourism locations is to host a music event at or near a tourism location. Music concerts can generate huge amounts and include places to stay and food and drink for visitors interest alone is suďŹƒcient to transform the tourism sector. Music concert at the Pyramids


AFRICAN TOURISM PAYMENT SERVICES This module will allow each African Tourism board to manage and generate as well as control every payment made within the tourism sector. This will be supported by the banking sector and enable tourists to use the payment platform to make secure payments before, during and after their tour. We provide African Tourism Boards with the technology to enable all the tourism participants in their country to take secure card payments and create a fee to be generated per transaction. Payment is a feature of E-tourism that brings the experience of the international tourists into Africa. The payment service we provide directly integrates into your bank and allows for secure and compliant payment services to clients. A look at the statistics show that Africa has a negligible contribution to international data on card usage, this shows that the international tourists that Africa is trying to attract are not able to access the same payment methods in Africa which they are used to using everyday. Our solution provides the technical capability to bring an entire tourism industry online and to provide international tourists with the experience they are used to as well as national or local tourist the ability to purchase in the tourism.

AFRICAN TOURISM INFORMATION SYSTEM Information is crucial to tourism market and is a valuable asset that is needed by the African Tourism Market. The solution we offer under the African Tourism Information System is a state of the art information system that will allow Africa to .take hold of its tourism information data This data set will allow African tourism boards to control and manage their own tourism data giving them the ability to have .a direct relationship with their own tourists before, during and after visits to the continent It contains analytics that will assist African tourism Boards to get a better understanding of their tourists and essential trend analysis. Giving tourism markets additional opportunities to maximise benefits and revenue streams. This provides an opportunity for repeat business from tourists who enjoyed their visit but didn’t manage to see everything as well as an .array of other data intelligence Our African Tourism Information System includes Data on inbound, domestic and outbound tourism will be available, as well as on tourism industries, employment and complementary indicators The Infography below show the variety of data intelligence that can be transformed into meaningful business

CONTACT US Email: ben.oguntala@africantourismmarket.com Tel: +44 7812 039 867 Address: 1 Royal Exchange, London, EC3V 3DG Twitter: @Afrotourism Facebook: www.facebook.com/AfricanTourismMarket/

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