AIESEC United States COMM & OGX Synergy Booklet

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Backwards Planning: the Steps 1.  Set your realiza/on goal for the whole year (your EB term) 2.  Based on the realiza/on peaks you already have and the realiza/on peaks you want to create -­‐ distribute your realiza/on goals monthly 3.  Based of the amount of realiza/ons per month -­‐ set the number of matches monthly. Example, you would like to realize 10 EPs in May, think how many matches you need to make in March/April to have those realiza/ons in May. Probably at least 12 matches in March/April 4.  The same scenario with raising EPs, think how many EPs do you need to raise in January/February to match 12 in March/April? Probably at least 15-­‐20 EPs to raise in January/February 5.  Put number of Ra/Ma/Re (Raised/Matched/Realized) per month 6.  Keep in mind that usually matching/realiza/on ra/o is about 50%, and should be 80% or higher

Put Everything in a Spreadsheet!

TA-­‐DAH! This is what backwards planning looks like. You now know when you need to raise EPs, and how many, to achieve you realiza/on goals month-­‐by-­‐month.

DIY – Do it Yourself

CITIZEN Determine Your Focus & Target your Messaging


















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“Learn to teach and teach to learn in a global classroom. Realize your Global Teaching Talent”

“Put theory into practice and become the next Global Sales Talent”

“Take your marketing career to the next level. Do you have what it takes to be a Global Marketing Talent?”

“Make the world a little greener. Make a difference with our Global Citizen Environment Program”

“Innovate in a global setting, get “Develop a global mindset, share “Mold the minds of to know foreign your culture markets, startfuture leaders abroad and through our Global ups, and NGOs. become and Citizen Education Become a Global Global Citizen” Citizen” Program”

Message Your Messaging should be based on the answer to the ques/on— “Why should I buy into this specific opportunity?” 1.  Customize a Value Proposi/on for each Issue (Teach to Learn) 2.  List down the Key Benefits a customer will gain from the opportunity under this specific issue ? (ex. Gain personal development, make a difference in children’s lives) 3.  What are the Reasons to believe/ Proof points for this issue? (ex. Stories, tes/monials, Impact of projects)

Delivering the Message Class promo*on: TELL A STORY! •  AIESEC is the largest student organiza/on in the world. AIESEC is aiming to develop future leaders through leadership experience, global internship and global learning environment. •  Here is an example of leadership development / global internship – my friend Peter did ABC in AIESEC in one year and he feels excellent about it! He says without AIESEC he wouldn’t be able to discover about himself that much. •  Isn’t it cool? Do you want to have similar experience? Join our Info Session to find out more! SHOW A VIDEO! •  Show a video that introduces AIESEC and demonstrates the impact of exchange. Youtube has a ton! MAKE AIESEC STAND OUT •  Be crea/ve. Promote AIESEC in a way that makes us stand out from other classroom presenta/ons, and in a way that is reflec/ve of our organiza/on.

Delivering the Message One-­‐on-­‐one: ASK QUESTIONS! •  What do you study? What do you want to do in the future? Are you interested in developing skills in a global organiza/on? Do you think it’s hard to get such opportunity? •  You should join AIESEC. •  AIESEC provides … •  Come to our info session to find out more!

Channels 1.  With your Customer Profile Research, iden/fy the Key Channels which present ideal opportuni/es for you to connect with your target audience 2.  Can be online (ex. social media channels) or physical channels (on campus, bus stops, youth events, etc.) 3.  Determine KPI’s for each of these channels that clarify the ROI of these channels for the marke/ng campaign 4.  A Customer Journey Map can help!

Channels •  What is the best way to get your message out? •  Online: Facebook, Email, Website •  In person ü  Tabling §  Where do the highest volume of students walk through, every day? ü  Classroom Presenta/ons §  What’s your elevator speech? ü  Flyering ü  Informa/on Sessions §  Set /mes in which interested students can come and hear more about AIESEC §  Bring past EP’s to tell their stories ü  Other §  How can your university administra/on help? §  Guerilla Marke/ng

Tips & Tricks •  Facebook Page: •  Create a page for your LC that people can “Like” •  Have everyone in your LC post a status that tags your page at least once a month, this leads the page to appear on the News Feeds of students •  Set a goal for how many “Likes” you want to have by the end of the year •  Start a viral marke/ng—through other social networks as well •  Flyers: •  Make them brand aligned and use anrac/ve photos •  Have short and clear descrip/ons of what AIESEC offers •  Promote subproducts and issues and country partners •  Include informa/on session /mes •  University Connec/ons: •  Meet with different university administrators and see how AIESEC and your university can work together – more to come in the University Rela/ons Session

Info Sessions Make info sessions enjoyable and informaMve DO: •  Include ice breakers and ac/vi/es to get to know the anendees •  Invite previous EPs to share their experience •  Play videos that provide an overview of AIESEC and/or tes/monials •  Provide info booklets to par/cipants which they can take home •  Be honest with the informa/on you present DON’T: •  Use acronyms •  Do AIESEC dances •  Have someone present who doesn’t know what they are talking about •  Set the wrong expecta/ons

Guerilla Marketing Guerrilla marke/ng is an adver/sing strategy in which low-­‐cost unconven/onal means (graffi/ or street art, s/cker bombing, flash mobs) are used, oqen in a localized fashion or large network of individual cells, to convey or promote a product or an idea.

What are some examples? Reverse Graffi/—clean pavement adverts Internet marke/ng—having presence on sites, subliminally encouraging its users (A combina/on of Viral and Undercover marke/ng) Forehead adver/sing—placement of temporary or permanent tanoos on foreheads Buzz (or undercover marke/ng)—word of mouth marke/ng and subtle product placements Tissue-­‐pack marke/ng—hand-­‐to-­‐hand marke/ng Wait marke/ng—when and where consumers are wai/ng (such as medical offices and gas pumps) and recep/ve to communica/ons

What’s Available to Help Me?

Global Citizen and Talent Information Booklets, Flyers, Cover Photos, Icons, Banding Guidelines, testimonials, and more! Find it all here on Select wikis at the search bar, and type in Global Citizen/ Global Talent. Select the result published by AIESEC United States.

Resources, cont’d!!!!

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