Go teach russia booklet

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Global Internship Program aims to provide teaching opportuni7es in Russia for young specialists. Only

7% of Russians speak English Qualified educa+onal process is important for: •  building personal capacity in all aspects of life; •  preparing for a job or profession; •  good ci5zenship and helping to develop country •  widening my perspec5ves, or learning about and understanding other people’s experiences and cultures. •  Both federal and local is making a concerted effort to boost the Government trends country’s English skills. •  Globaliza5on o f Russian universi5es as a criteria to be included in interna5onal rankings.

Tradi&onal methods of educa&on do not allow to develop communica&ve language skills among students and don’t meet the youth needs today.

76% of

Russians have never been abroad

Foreign young teacher brings the change ü

ü  ü


Discuss and share new methods of educa7on with local teachers to improve their and own qualifica7on Provide more effec7ve language or subject educa7on content delivery for faster students learning By crea7ng real interna7onal environment empower students for usage of new skills and knowledge on prac7ce Increase people’s mobility and access to the globalized world



Language educa&on *English *Spanish *German *Italian

*Language centers (kids/teenagers/ adults) *Language camps (kids, teenagers) *Kindergartens (3+)

Dura&on From 3 to 12 months

EP profile Background: linguis7cs/pedagogy/English language related studies. Graduate/ Undergraduate Experience: Working teaching experience is Required Excellent verbal, reading, wriWen English/ other language Skills: Facilita7on, presenta7on skills, effec7ve communica7on, flexibility Dates: Summer start of work: May/Jun Autumn start of work: Sep/Oct

Language education

Tradi7onal formats of educa7on which don’t meet youth needs today can be improved with the help of AIESEC trainees.

Language education TN examples


Conditions information


TN-­‐In-­‐RU-­‐RD-­‐2014-­‐312 TN-­‐In-­‐RU-­‐MU-­‐2014-­‐3262 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.

Teaching children, students, graduates English and/or other languages in groups or individually (daily). Create content of all lessons, using the given educa7onal materials, following the topic and prepare everything necessary for it (outputs, presenta7ons, video materials so on). Plan and conduct educa7onal process according to the educa7onal program of the Language School and provide its implementa7on and support for different students' ac7vi7es. Organize prac7cal seminars and discussions with local teachers Evaluate the learning progress of your students. Salary: 400 – 1000$ per month (depends on the city). Enough to cover shared apartment per month and basic living needs in the city. AIESEC helps to arrange accommoda7on for the trainee: find apartment to rent, provide host-­‐family, place in the dormitory (depends on the city and TN). Cultural and working integra7on is provided by AIESEC, par7cipa7on in Local CommiWee ac7vi7es will be offered. Online prepara7on for the internship before arrival. Some7mes language schools are situated on a distance from AIESEC en7ty city. This way intern is geing full support remotely and from the working stuff.

What? Subject educa&on *Marke7ng, PR *Int management, Economics *IT *English language




From 5 to 10 months

EP profile Background: Subject (Marke7ng/HR/…) master degree Experience: Working teaching experience is Required Excellent verbal, grammar, wriWen English. Russian preferred. Skills: Facilita7on, presenta7on skills, effec7ve communica7on, flexibility, leadership skills, teaching Dates: Arrival: End of August Start of work: September

Subject education

Tradi7onal formats of educa7on in Universi7es which don’t meet youth needs today can be improved with the help of AIESEC trainees.

Subject education TN example


Conditions information



1.  Prepara7on of the seminars, trainings, lectures for the project to start. Introduc7on seminars for university students, integra7on of them into the project 2.  Pack up lectures on topics related to management, HR, PR, entrepreneurship, sales, marke7ng or business communica7on in English in educa7onal course. 3.  Evaluate progress of your students. Be ready to be evaluated by the Department staff. Elaborate detailed program based on your own preference and university preference. 4.  Take coaching sessions from responsible staff from university and evaluate personal development. Create personal development plan and realize it.

Salary: 400 – 1000$ per month (depends on the city). Enough to cover shared apartment per month and basic living needs in the city. AIESEC helps to arrange accommoda7on for the trainee: find apartment to rent, provide host-­‐family, place in the dormitory (depends on the city and TN). Cultural and working integra7on is provided by AIESEC, par7cipa7on in Local CommiWee ac7vi7es will be offered.

VISA 1) Intern is arriving for 3 months internship by geing humanitarian visa (non visa regime with some countries like Brazil), is not hired officially by the language center, going there as AIESEC representa7ve (according to Russian law there’s no descrip7on of “internship”, that’s why it’s the fastest and the easiest way to prepare documents). It takes from 1 to 4 weeks to prepare the official Invita7on LeWer (depends on the country. Intern is informed about the dura7on during selec7on process) 2) Intern is arriving for more than 3 months by geing teaching visa (It takes 4 weeks to prepare the official Invita7on LeWer from the company according to our Migra7on Policy. Intern should be informed about the dura7on during selec7on process AIRPORT PICK UP Pick up op7ons and informa7on is clarified during selec7on and prepara7on process in a wriWen form for the intern (depends on the city) REGISTRATION Aper arrival during 1 week intern has to be registered in local Migra7on service. AIESEC support and follow up this process

ACCOMODATION The accommoda7on standard, condi7ons and costs during the internship correspond to the informa7on provided on the TN form and during selec7on process. A I E S E C a r r a n g e s t h i s accommoda7on for the EP.



JOB Experience and Learning

AIESEC in Russia


DURATION The internship lasts from a minimum of 6 weeks to a maximum of 78 weeks WORKING HOURS The ac7vi7es related execu7ng the Job Descrip7on are a minimum of 35 hours per week INTEGRATION TO WORK 1ST working day starts from the mee7ng of AIESEC & Intern & Company to set expecta7ons, align JD, put rules of communica7on and INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILTY AND GOALS, which are finalized during the first week of work

PREPARATION Intern receives online prepara7on for the country & work from hos7ng AIESEC en7ty LEARNING FACILITATION During the realiza7on intern is offered to get space on leadership development COMMUNICATION During the whole process AIESEC have to answer the email (during 48h) and regularly contact EP. FEEDBACK Intern is expected to fill in NPS 3 7mes during the whole process and give feedback to AIESEC when necessary. AIESEC en7ty should remind about that.

Impacting Russia for more than10 years

Useful links about Russia

100+ Educa&on Ins&tutes as Go Teach partners

•  Wiki about Russia •  Russian for beginners hbp://bit.ly/X1HTsy •  Cost of life in Russia •  Have fun with stereotypes about Russia wowrussia.com •  Go Teach Russia TN searchtool and LC contacts

Growing every year Develop young specialists and grow global leaders of tomorrow Thousands of happy students and supportive partners

“Company greatly appreciate AIESEC representa&ves for doing such a great impact on our community and for a chance to diversify study program, interna&onalize teaching process and giving an experience to work with the skillful and talented people. We hope to con&nue working with AIESEC and provide our students with the academic experience of their lives” Maria Komarova, Educa5onal supervisor J&S Company Ltd. Omsk, Russia


AIESEC in Russia est. 1989



Realization growth


km between east and west

AIESEC in Russia


Opportunities in entities

Contacts us






Victoria Puzach



+7 916 379 80 70


Vitaliy Gulyaev



+7 912 798 93 94


Artem Badriev



+7 911 273 97 71


Svetlana Talalay

LC Krasnodar


+7 961 50 96 745


Anastasia Niki7na

LC Rostov-­‐on-­‐ Don


+7 961 461 10 80


Anton Churbakov

LC NSTU (Novosibirsk)


+7 913 001 98 88


Julia Arsenyeva

LC Tomsk


+7 952 803 34 69


Ekaterina Zhgunova

LC SPUEF (St. Petersburg)


+7 921 394 97 96


Victoria Gula

LC E&G (St. Petersburg)


+7 911 254 24 17


Maria Ryabeva

LC Moscow


+7 926 140 89 03


Max Mednikov

LC Samara


+7 987 929 16 87


Andrey Kapus7n

LC Omsk


+7 950 786 87 01


Vladislava Stepanova

LC Ufa


+7 927 968 29 29

vladislava_stepan ova

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