your book of hope
ways to and
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Quiz TRUELove in search of
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quizwhat is
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REALLIFE your book of hope
Table of Contents
SELF-ESTEEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 3 FUTURE HOPE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 SEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 9, 10 LOVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 21 HIV/AIDS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 FRIENDSHIP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 STORMS OF LIFE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 FREEDOM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 ADDICTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 FAMILY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20, 21 SUCCESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 23 SUFFERING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 STEWARDSHIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 NEXT STEPS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Is there hope for my future? Who can I trust? How can I find real love and friendship? What is a family? There are answers to these questions and more. This book will help you get to know the One who holds the answer to every question. He is the One who loves you and created you for a purpose! He knows you better than you know yourself. And He wants you to know Him, too! REAL Teen Edition (Malawi) - Anglicised English ISBN 978-1-59480-604-9 Copyright © 2013 by OneHope. Scriptures used in this publication are taken from the Contemporary English Version (CEV) and arranged in a Bible story format. Copyright © 1995 by the American Bible Society. Anglicisations © 1997 by the British & Foreign Bible Society. Used by permission.
ang_R.E.A.L.TE_Malawi_20130912.indd 2 OneHope 600 SW Third Street Pompano, FL, U.S.A. 33060 Text quoted directly from the Bible is in bold. Chapter and verse references show where you can read the full story in the Bible.
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How The
World Began
In the beginning, God made everything. On the first day, He made day and night. On the second day, He made the sky and earth. On the third day, He made the sea and dry land. Then He made all kinds of plants to fill the land. On the fourth day, He made the sun, the moon, and stars. On the fifth day, He made the fish in the sea and the birds in the air. On the sixth day, He made all the animals. He made the first man, Adam, and the first woman, Eve. God looked at all He made, and He was pleased with everything. On the seventh day, God rested. Genesis 1
The Lord made a garden in a place called Eden. The Lord God placed all kinds of beautiful trees and fruit trees in the garden. Two other trees were in the middle of the garden. One of the trees gave life—the other gave the power to know the difference between right and wrong. Genesis 2:8-9
God gave Adam and Eve everything they could ever want or need in the Garden of Eden. Like the animals, they did not need clothes, but they were not ashamed. They walked and talked with God. Everything was perfect.
God has no beginning or end. He is the one true God and creator of everything. He is all-powerful, allwise. He is love and He is good!
God made humans in His image. He created us so that we could know and love Him. 1
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You were handmade in love by God! The same God who formed the sun and moon, formed you in your mother’s womb (Psalm 139). There is no one in the world just like you. God
knows everything about you. The Bible says that He even knows the number of hairs on your head! (Luke 12:7a). This same God wants to have a personal relationship with you!
Have you ever looked in a mirr or and wished you wer e someone else ? Most of us have at on e time or anothe r. Maybe you wan t to be taller, or wish you could chan ge you nose, yo ur smile, or your ha nds. The fact is, God made you exac tly as you are an d He loves what He sees! True worth com es from seeing ourselves the w ay God sees us . Do you know that God much as He love loves you just as s His own Son, Jesus? It’s true (John 17 :23)!
You are special! Read aloud these verses from Psalm 139. Say your name in each blank space below. You, Lord, have looked into ________ heart, and know all about ________. You notice everything I do and everywhere I go. And with Your powerful arm You protect ________. You are the One who put ________ together in ________ mother’s womb. Nothing about ________ is hidden from You! Your thoughts about ________ are much more than I can imagine. They are more than the grains of sand on the beach. You saw me before I was born. Every day of ________ life was recorded in Your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. 2
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first Sin
God had created Adam and Eve to live in perfect relationship with Him and with each other. God loved them so much! He gave them a rule to keep them safe. He said, “You may eat fruit from any tree, except the one that has the power to let you know the difference between right and wrong. If you eat any fruit from that tree, you will die.”
ways to and
10. Take care of your of your appearance by being clean and neat. Remember: You were created by God. You are a reflection of His glory! (Isaiah 43:7) 9. What ever you are wearing, always wear a smile! (Nehemiah 8:10) 8. Keep your body in shape by playing a sport or exercising. (I Corinthians
God had an enemy named Satan. Satan had been one of God’s angels in heaven. Then he chose to rebel against God and was thrown out of heaven. Satan wanted to hurt God’s perfect world. He knew how much God loved Adam and Eve. So he made an 6:19-20) evil plan to trick them into disobeying God. 7. Limit the amount of sweets you eat Satan went into the garden as a snake. He asked Eve, “Did God tell you not to eat fruit from any tree in the garden?” The woman answered, “God said we could eat fruit from any tree, except the one in the middle. If we do, we will die.”
and drink plenty of water. Did you know that God created your body to be 50 to 65% water? (I Corinthians 10:31)
6. Be yourself and not a copy of anyone else. (Psalm 139:14-16) 5. Stand up straight with confidence. You are God’s masterpiece! (Ephesians 2:10)
4. Look beyond yourself and care “No, you won’t!” the snake replied. about others. Celebrate their “If you eat the fruit, You will know the accomplishments like you would difference between right and wrong, just your own. (Philippians 2:4) as God does.” 3. Never build yourself up by putting others down. (I Thessalonians 5:11) Genesis 3:1-8 2. Try to get 7 hours of sleep at night. Short nights can affect your ability to concentrate and weaken you Sin caused separation from body’s ability to fight off sickness.
God’s presence. This is spiritual death. Sin also brought physical death into the world.
(Psalm 127:2)
1. Get to know the One who created you! (See page 32: The Most Important Step.)
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The woman stared at the fruit. It looked beautiful and tasty. She ate some. Her husband was there with her, so she gave some to him, and he ate it too. Straight away they saw what they had done, and they realized they were naked. Then they sewed fig leaves together to make something to cover themselves. Late in the afternoon a breeze began to blow, and the man and woman heard the Lord God walking in the garden. They were frightened and hid behind some trees.
So the LORD God said to the snake: “Because of what you have done, you will be the only animal to suffer this curse—for as long as you live, you will crawl on your stomach and eat dirt. You and this woman will hate each other; your descendants and hers will always be enemies. One of hers will strike you on the head, but you will only strike Him on the heel.” God made clothes for Adam and Eve out of animal skins. Then He sent them out of the garden as punishment for their sin. God put angels at the entrance of the garden to stop Adam and Eve from returning. Genesis 3:9-24
The Lord called out to the man and asked, “Where are you?” The man answered, “I was naked, and when I heard you walking through the garden, I was afraid and hid!” “How did you know you were naked?” God asked. “Did you eat any fruit from that tree in the middle of the garden?” It was the woman You put here with me,” the man said. “She gave me some of the fruit, and I ate it.” The Lord God then asked the woman, “What have you done?” “The snake tricked me,” she answered. “And I ate some of that fruit.”
God promised that one of Eve’s descendants would crush Satan’s head.
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What is sin? Sin is rebellion against God. It is ignoring what God has said is right and wrong. Sin always brings pain. The choice to disobey God has resulted in physical, spiritual, social and environmental death and brokenness on earth. Sin entered the world when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit. This act of disobedience separated all humans from God, who is holy, or without sin.
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a man
God always keeps His promises. Nothing is impossible for Him. Abraham trusted God and obeyed Him – even when it looked impossible. You too can trust Him with your life.
named Abram
After Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden, the whole world became filled with evil. Many years passed. Most people forgot about God, and especially about His promise that one of Eve’s descendants would crush Satan’s head. Many people worshiped false gods. One day, God made a promise to a man named Abram. The Lord said to Abram, “Leave your country, your family, and your relatives and go to the land that I will show you. I will bless you and make your descendants into a great nation. Everyone on earth will be blessed because of you.” Abram was seventy-five years old. Genesis 12:1-4
One day, God told him that he and his wife would have a child. Abraham laughed at the idea because he and Sarah were very old. But God fulfilled His promise. Their son, Isaac, was born when Sarah was 90 years old and Abraham was 100 years old.
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10. God has promised to keep working in you and with you. (Philippians 1:6) 9. God’s mercy and love for you is new and fresh each morning.
(Lamentations 3:22-24)
8. God will never leave you. (Hebrews 13:5)
7. When you make mistakes, you can confess your sins to God and start over. (I John 1:9) 6. God loves you unconditionally! (Jeremiah 31:3)
5. God created you with a purpose. (Jeremiah 29:11)
Abram believed God and obeyed Him. He and his wife Sarah started their journey following God. God led them far from their homeland and changed Abram’s name to “Abraham,” which means “father of many nations.”
Genesis 17; 21:1-8
10 REASONS to Believe Your Future is Bright
4. You are never too young to walk in God’s plan for you. (Psalm 139:16) 3. God has created an amazing place in heaven for those who believe in Him. (John 14:1-3) 2. As you trust and acknowledge God, He will direct your life. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
1. Make God number one in your life, and He will take care of all your needs. (Matthew 6:33)
ple of God promised to bless all the peo ily. the world through Abraham’s fam
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abraham and Isaac Some years later God decided to test Abraham, so He spoke to him. Abraham answered, “Here I am, Lord.” The Lord said, “Go and get Isaac, your only son, the one you dearly love! Take him to the land of Moriah, and I will show you a mountain where you must sacrifice him to Me on the fires of an altar.” So Abraham got up early the next morning and chopped wood for the fire. He put a saddle on his donkey and left with Isaac and two servants for the place where God had told him to go.
Three days later Abraham looked into the distance and saw the place. He told his servants, “Stay here with the donkey, while my son and I go over there to worship. We will come back.”
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Long ago, people would offer sacrifices to the one true God. The sacrifices were a way to worship God. They also provided temporary forgiveness for sins. God sent His Son Jesus to be the perfect and final sacrifice for sin.
Abraham put the wood on Isaac’s shoulder, but he carried the hot coals and the knife. As the two of them walked along, Isaac said, “Father, we have the coals and the wood, but where is the lamb for the sacrifice?” “My son,” Abraham answered, “God will provide the lamb.” The two of them walked on, and when they reached the place that God had told him about, Abraham built an altar and placed the wood on it. Next, he tied up his son and put him on the wood. Genesis 22:1-9
Imagine how hard this was for Abraham. God asked him to sacrifice his own son! But Abraham knew that God was good. He trusted God and obeyed.
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He then took the knife and got ready to kill his son. But the Lord’s angel shouted from heaven, “Abraham! Abraham!” “Here I am!” he answered. “Don’t hurt the boy or harm him in any way!” the angel said. “Now I know that you truly obey God, because you were willing to offer Him your only son.” Abraham looked up and saw a ram caught by its horns in the bushes. So he took the ram and sacrificed it in place of his son. Abraham named that place “The Lord will Provide”. The Lord’s angel called out from heaven a second time: You were willing to offer the Lord your only son, and so He makes you this promise, “I will bless you and give you such a large family, that some day your family will be more than the number of stars in the sky. You have obeyed Me, and so you and your family will be a blessing to all nations on earth.” Abraham and Isaac went back to the servants who had come with him, and they returned to Abraham’s home. Genesis 22:12-19
But instead God Himself provided the sacrifice.
God is good and He is in control. We might not understand everything that happens to us or that happens around us, but we can always trust God. No matter what happens, you can trust Him to work it for your good (Romans 8:28). Are you willing to trust Him in everything? Just like Abraham, God blesses everyone who trusts in Him (Psalm 100:5)! 7
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Sex Many years later Abraham’s family, known as the Israelites, went to live in Egypt. The first one to be in Egypt was Joseph. He served in the home of a very rich man. Joseph was strong and good-looking. The master’s wife was sexually attracted to Joseph. Many times she tempted him to lay with her. Each time Joseph refused. Joseph chose to put his love for God above temporary pleasure. Finally, the master’s wife became so angry that she lied about Joseph. He lost his job and was thrown in prison. But God did not forget Joseph. Later Joseph was set free and given one of the highest postions in the government.
God promises: I will honour those who honour Me. (Genesis 39 and 40, I Samuel 2:30b; Ephesians 5:1-11; II Timothy 2:22; I Corinthians 10:13) When the Israelites grew into a huge nation, the king of Egypt made them work as slaves. This lasted for 400 years. The Israelites cried out to God, and He heard them. God worked great miracles and freed them from Egypt. God chose a man named Moses to lead the Israelites to the land He had promised to Abraham. God gave Moses rules to help the people obey God and live well. These rules are known as the Ten Commandments.
The 10 Commandments
Do not worship other gods.
Do not murder.
Do not make idols of any kind.
Do not commit adultery.
3 4
Keep God’s name holy and don’t misuse it.
Do not steal.
Honour your parents.
Honour the Sabbath day.
9 10
Do not lie to your neighbour or about your neighbour. Do not desire to have anything that belongs to your neighbour. Exodus 20:1-18
The one true God wanted His people to enjoy a relationship with Him. He wanted them to live in peace with one another. But ever since Adam and Eve, all humans have chosen to
disobey God. Because of the sin in our hearts, no one has ever been able to keep all of God’s commandments. Even so, God still loved the people He had made.
ore a plan to remove our sin and rest We have all sinned. But God had our relationship with Him.
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After the Israelites had been living in the Promised Land for a long time, they asked God for a king. Until then, God had been their king. The first king of Israel was Saul. He disobeyed God, so God chose another king: a young, brave shepherd named David. Late one afternoon, David got up from a nap and was walking around on the flat roof of his palace. A beautiful young woman was down below in her courtyard, bathing. David happened to see her, and he sent one of his servants to find out who she was.
David became worried. He ordered that Bathsheba’s husband, Uriah, be moved to the frontline in battle. Uriah was soon killed. David married Bathsheba before the baby was born. But God was angry with David. He sent the prophet Nathan to talk to the king. David became was very sorry for his sin. God forgave him, but his newborn son died. 2 Samuel 11:6-27; 12:1-23
The servant came back and told David, “Her name is Bathsheba, and she is the wife of Uriah the Hittite.” David sent some messengers to bring her to his palace. She came to him, and he slept with her. Then she returned home. But later, when she found out that she was going to have a baby, she sent someone to David with this message: “I’m pregnant!” 2 Samuel 11:1-5
Sex Everything that God created has purpose, but it also has order. God created sex to be enjoyed as a deep expression of love and commitment between a husband and wife. Understanding God’s good plan for sex can help you make right choices in your relationships before marriage. Obeying God’s plan always comes with benefits! Remaining sexually pure results in a clean conscience before God, and keeps you free from
worries about pregnancy and Sexual Transmitted Infections. You also have more self-respect and personal freedom. Staying pure adds peace of mind when the time comes to enter into the loving commitment of marriage. Outside of marriage, sex results in brokenness, pain, and disease. Just like Joseph, knowing God and and trusting His Word can help you stand strong when tempted! 9
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David sinned by having sex with another man’s wife. He broke God’s seventh commandment: Do not commit adultery. Sin is very serious. It always leads to more trouble. Two people died because of David’s sin. But God forgives when we truly repent of our sin. To repent means to be truly sorry for our sin, confess it, and turn from it to God. God wants broken people to be healed. David’s life is an example of this. David was truly sorry for his sin. He repented, and God forgave him. David continued as the king of Israel and honoured God with his actions. He enjoyed a special relationship with God. He also wrote many of the Psalms of prayer and praise in the Bible. After David repented of his sin, God said David was “the kind of person who pleases me most!” (Acts 13:22b)
God made a big promise to David. He said, “I will make sure that your son and his descendants will rule my people and my kingdom forever.” (1 Chronicles 17:14)
Sex Sex that is practised outside of God’s plan always leads to pain and sorrow – things like broken relationships, guilt, unwanted pregnancies, abortion, and rape. Disease is often another painful result. God’s design for sex is so much better! Those who wait until marriage can look forward to a lifetime of fulfillment within married love. And that’s worth waiting for! When you choose to honour God by waiting to have sex until you are married, you are also respecting yourself and your future marriage partner. God will give you strength to stay pure! What if you have already had sex outside of marriage? It is not too late! God offers forgiveness and a new start when you confess your sin to Him. And what if you have been forced to have sex? God does not condemn you. He offers you hope and healing for all you have suffered. You are very precious to Him!
Sin always has consequences. oration. But God offers forgiveness and rest
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What does true love look like?
QUIZ: In Search of True Love Select the answers of your choice to each of the four questions. 1 You see an older couple still committed to one another in marriage. You: a. Think, “Wow! They must still love each other after all those years.” b. Wonder how they can still be attracted to each other with wrinkles and grey hair. c. Assume that because they are old, they have no other choice. 2 You think marriage is: a. Impossible. Sure to fail. b. The truest expression of love between a man and woman. c. A good idea for couples who don’t mind the long-term commitment. 3 When you hear the word “love,” the first thought that pops in your head is: a. Sex b. A certain boy/girl c. God
HIV/AIDS There are many myths about HIV and AIDS. Here are the real facts: • You cannot get HIV by drinking from the glass of someone infected. • Hugging someone who is HIV + does not give you the disease. • You cannot cure HIV by having sex with a person who is not infected.
4 You are told that you are attractive. You think: a. Now maybe I will be loved more. b. What can I do next so others will notice me as good looking? c. I’m thankful, but it doesn’t have anything to do with me being loveable.
How many points did you score for each of your four answers? Add your points to find your total score. 1 a = 3 2 a = 1 3 a = 1 4 a = 1 b = 1 b = 3 b = 2 b = 2 c = 2 c = 2 c = 3 c = 3
How did you score?
10–12 points – You are on the right path for true and lasting love. Don’t settle for anything less. 7–9 points – You’re headed in the right direction, but there is more to love than you know. 4–6 points – Take care! Looks like a painful road ahead. But it’s not too late. Change direction now!
• You can get HIV from having sex with someone who is infected. And without medical tests, you do not know if that person has it or not. • You can get HIV through no fault of your own (from your parents or a blood transfusion). • You can get HIV if you share a needle to inject drugs with someone who is infected. 11
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fiery Furnace Solomon, David’s son, was king after him. After Solomon’s reign, Israel was divided and the two sides fought against each other. The one side, called Judah, was captured by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. The king chose three young men from Judah to serve him. God was with them and they became leaders in Babylon. King Nebuchadnezzar ordered a gold statue to be built. Then an official stood up and announced: Listen to the king’s command! You must bow down and worship the statue he has set up. Anyone who refuses will be thrown into a flaming furnace. Some men from Babylon said to the king, “You commanded everyone to bow down and worship the gold statue. You said that anyone who did not would be thrown into a flaming furnace.
Sir, you appointed three men to high positions in Babylon, but they have disobeyed you. Those Jews, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refuse to worship your gods and the statue you have set up.” King Nebuchadnezzar was furious. So he sent for the three young men and said, “I hear that you refuse to worship the gold statue. Now I am going to give you one more chance. If you bow down and worship the statue, everything will be all right. But if you don’t, you will be thrown into a flaming furnace. No god can save you from me.” The three men replied, “The God we worship can save us from you and your flaming furnace. But even if He doesn’t, we still won’t worship your gods and the gold statue you have set up.” Daniel 3:1a, 4, 5b-6, 8-18
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Nebuchadnezzar’s face twisted with anger. He commanded some of his strongest soldiers to tie up the men and throw them into the flaming furnace. Suddenly the king jumped up and shouted, “Weren’t only three men tied up and thrown into the fire?” “Yes, Your Majesty,” the people answered. “But I see four men walking around in the fire,” the king replied. “None of them is tied up or harmed, and the fourth one looks like a god.”
Nebuchadnezzar went closer to the flaming furnace and said, “You servants of the Most High God, come out at once!” They came out. The men were not burnt, their hair wasn’t scorched, and their clothes didn’t even smell like smoke. King Nebuchadnezzar said, “Praise their God! They trusted their God and refused to obey my commands. Yes, they chose to die rather than to worship or serve any god except their own.” Daniel 3:17-28
There is only one true God. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego determined that they would worship only Him. Even when everyone else was taking the easy way out, they refused to disobey God. They trusted God with their very lives. We don’t only worship things by bowing down to them. An idol is anything in our life that is more important to us than God. People worship money by chasing after it. Others worship education or being popular. Is there anything other than God that you are worshipping? Only the one true God is worthy of your worship. God promises to take good care of everyone who worships Him alone!
God honours everyone who honours Him. 13
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birth of Jesus More than five hundred years after God rescued the three young men from the fiery furnace, a young woman named Mary lived in a town called Nazareth.
that Mary will have is from the Holy Spirit. Go ahead and marry her. Then after her baby is born, name Him Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins.”
She was engaged to Joseph from the family of King David. An angel appeared to her and said, “Don’t be afraid! God is pleased with you, and you will have a son. His name will be Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of God Most High. The Lord God will make Him king, and His kingdom will never end.”
Emperor Augustus gave orders for the names of all the people to be listed in record books. Everyone had to go to their own home town to be listed. So Joseph had to leave Nazareth in Galilee and go to Bethlehem in Judea. Long ago Bethlehem had been King David’s home town, and Joseph went there because he was from David’s family. Mary travelled with him to Bethlehem. And while they were there, she gave birth to her firstborn son. She dressed Him in baby clothes and laid Him on a bed of hay, because there was no room for them in the inn.
Mary asked the angel, “How can this happen? I am not married!” The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come down to you, and God’s power will come over you. So your child will be called the holy Son of God. Nothing is impossible for God!”
Luke 1:30-33, 34-37; Matthew 1:20-21; Luke 2:3-7
An angel also appeared to Joseph. The angel said, “Joseph, the baby 14
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That night in the fields near Bethlehem some shepherds were guarding their sheep. All at once an angel came down to them from the Lord. The shepherds were frightened. But the angel said, “Don’t be afraid! I have good news for you, which will make everyone happy. This very day in King David’s home town a Saviour was
born for you. He is Christ the Lord. You will find Him dressed in baby clothes and lying on a bed of hay.” Suddenly many other angels joined in praising God. After the angels had left, the shepherds found Mary and Joseph, and they saw the baby lying on a bed of hay. Luke 2:8-15a, 16
Have you noticed? • God created everything. He created humans so that we could live in relationship with him. (Adam and Eve) • God’s relationship with humans was broken by sin. (Adam and Eve) • God promised that one of Eve’s descendants would crush Satan’s head. (Jesus) • God requires blood sacrifice for sin. (Adam and Eve, Abraham) • God requires trust. (Abraham and Isaac)
• God is perfect. His law is perfect. All humans sin. (Moses) • God forgives sin when people repent. He restores. (David) • God promised that one of David’s descendants would be king forever. (Jesus) • God wants us to forsake other gods. He sends salvation. (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego) • God sent His Son, Jesus, to earth. Angels announced that He would be a Saviour and King forever.
Read on to learn about Jesus’ time on earth…
ins here, but He was from the The story of Jesus’ life on earth beg s was the answer to God’s beginning with God the Father. Jesu promise to Eve in the garden!
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Jesus grew and matured. He became strong and wise. God was pleased with Him and so were the people who knew Him. Jesus was both fully human and fully God. His actions and His words showed Him to be God’s Son. Jesus came to show us what God the Father is like. He became the way for us to personally know the living God.
heals a Crippled Man One day Jesus was in a house teaching many people. It was so crowded that people could not even move! Four people came carrying a crippled man. But they could not get him to Jesus. So they made a hole in the roof and let the man down in front of everyone. When Jesus saw how much faith they had, he said to the crippled man, “My friend, your sins are forgiven.”
he say such a thing? He must think he is God! Only God can forgive sins.” Jesus knew what they were thinking, and He said, “Is it easier for me to tell this crippled man that his sins are forgiven or to tell him to get up? I will show you that the Son of Man has the right to forgive sins here on earth.” So Jesus said to the man, “Get up! Pick up your mat and go on home.” The man got straight up. Everyone praised God and said, “We have never seen anything like this!”
Some of the teachers of the Law of Moses were sitting there.
Mark 2:2-12
They started wondering, “Why would
By forgiving the man’s sins, Jesus was showing people that He was truly God!
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It was the crippled man’s friends who carried him to Jesus. A true friend is there for you in difficult times and helps you do what is right.
Friendship Qualities of a Friend What makes a good friend? Build your own ‘Top 10 List’ by picking 10 qualities from the list below! a. Loyal and reliable b. Lots of money c. Easy to talk with d. Honest and trustworthy e. Good-looking f. Similar life goals g. Popular h. Does not gossip i. Wears cool clothes j. Enjoys the same activities k. Fun. Makes me laugh l. Able to keep a secret m. Makes time for me n. Willing to help when I need it o. Respected by others p. Good listener q. Looks for the good in others r. Smart s. Always knows the latest fad t. Lets me borrow his/her things u. Offers me honest advice v. Same political views w. Same economic/social status x. Won’t embarrass me in front of others y. Not jealous z. Doesn’t pressure me to go against my convictions
Jesus’ Disciples Jesus chose twelve men to be with Him as He met the needs of people and taught them about God. These men were called disciples. Jesus did not choose people because they were rich or popular. Instead, Jesus chose ordinary people like you and me to be His close friends and followers. Today, Jesus is still looking for people who are willing to follow Him.
Lessons for Life
Jesus showed people God’s love by His words and His actions. He said we are to love others the way that God loves us. It is easy for us to hate when others treat us badly, but God’s love is stronger than anything that anyone can do to us. God gives us the strength to forgive and to love when we ask Him. Jesus said, “God blesses those people who are treated badly fro doing right. They belong to the kingdom of heaven! “People say, ‘Love your neighbours and hate your enemies.’ But I tell you to love your enemies and pray for anyone who mistreats you. Your Father in heaven makes the sun to rise on both good and bad people. If you love only those people who love you, will God reward you for that? If you greet only your friends, what’s so great about that? But you must always act like your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:10, 43-45, 48
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Jesus also said to trust God about everything.
of them. Aren’t you worth more than birds? Can worry make you live longer?
“I tell you not to worry about your life. Don’t worry about having something to eat, drink, or wear. Look at the birds in the sky! They don’t plant or harvest. They don’t even store grain in barns. Yet your Father in heaven takes care
“Your Father in heaven knows that you need all these. But more than anything else, put God’s work first and do what He wants. Then the other things will be yours as well.” Matthew 6:25-27, 32b-33
calms the Storm One evening, Jesus and His disciples got in a boat and started across a lake. Suddenly a storm struck. Waves started splashing into the boat, and it was about to sink. Jesus was in the back of the boat asleep. His disciples woke Him and said, “Teacher, don’t you care that we’re about to drown?”
stopped, and everything was calm. Jesus asked His disciples, “Why were you afraid? Don’t you have any faith?”
Jesus got up and ordered the wind and the waves to be quiet. The wind
Mark 4:35-41
Now they were more afraid than ever and said to each other, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey Him!”
Storms of Life What are the storms in your life? Broken relationships? Hopelessness? Chronic illness or poverty in your life or among family members? Other problems at home? Is it the loss of loved ones or ill treatment? Traumatic memories or rejection? Are you holding guilty feelings or hatred and unforgiveness? There is hope and you are not alone! Such challenges must not crush your faith and or lead you to end your life.
Life is precious and is in God’s hands. He will take care of you! God promises hope through Jesus Christ. Just like the disciples experienced in the storm, Jesus is your provision, protection, and peace through every storm. He has promised and Jesus always keeps His Word. He will never let you down (John 15:18-20; 16: 33; Jeremiah 29:11; Deuteronomy 30:19; 1 Peter 5:7).
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a boy made whole One day, someone in a crowd shouted out to Jesus: “Teacher, please do something for my son! He is my only child! A demon often attacks him and makes him scream. It shakes him until he foams at the mouth, and it won’t leave him until it has completely worn the boy out.
While the boy was being brought, the demon attacked him and made him shake all over. Jesus ordered the demon to stop. Then He healed the boy and gave him back to his father. Everyone was amazed at God’s great power. Luke 9:37-39, 41b-43
Then Jesus said to the man, “Bring your son to me.”
FREEDOM When Adam and Eve sinned, Satan and his evil spirits gained authority to use their power against people everywhere. Jesus came to free us by taking back the authority that Satan had stolen. Jesus said, “I have been given ALL authority in heaven and on earth.” Matthew 28:18 Satan still has power to rob, kill and destroy lives (John 10:10). But Satan’s
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power cannot compare to the power of the Creator God who is all-powerful. By His sinless life and His death and resurrection, Jesus destroyed Satan’s authority (or his right) to use his power to defeat us (Colossians 2:15). Satan has no authority to use his power when we stand against him in the power of God and the authority of Jesus’ name (Mark 16:17). 19
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the story
of the Lost Son
Once Jesus told a story to show how much God loves us no matter how far we run away from Him:
“Once a man had two sons. The younger son said to his father, ‘Give me my share of the property.’ So the father divided his property between his two sons.
“The younger son got up and started back to his father. But when he was still a long way off, his father saw and felt sorry for him. He ran to his son and hugged and kissed him. The son said, ‘Father, I have sinned against God in heaven and against you. I am no longer good enough to be called your son.’
“Not long after that, the younger son packed up everything and left for a foreign country, where he wasted all his money in wild living. He had spent everything, when a bad famine spread through that whole land. Soon he had nothing to eat. He went to work taking care of pigs. He would have been glad to eat what the pigs were eating, but no one gave him a thing.
Luke 15: 11b-20-22, 24
“Finally, he came to his senses and said, ‘My father’s workers have plenty to eat, and here I am, starving to death! I will go to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against God in heaven and against you. I am no longer good enough to be called your son. Treat me like one of your workers.’ ”
Jesus told this story to help us understand how very much God loves us. No matter what we have done, God loves us. The son was willing to overcome his shame and return to his father. Like the father in the story, God is ready to forgive us with open arms when we come back to Him!
“But his father said to the servants, ‘Hurry and bring the best clothes and put them on him. Give him a ring for his finger and sandals for his feet. This son of mine was dead, but has now come back to life. He was lost and has now been found.’ And they began to celebrate.”
family Jesus told this story to help us understand how very much God loves us. But what if in your family… • • • •
You do not have a both parents or one of them because of divorce, separation or death? There is alcoholism, smoking, drugs, fighting, and quarrelling? A family member is seriously ill? You are facing poverty, rejection, and other misfortunes?
Such problems can leave you feeling ashamed, angry, depressed, or confused. But the truth is, God is a Father who will not abandon you. He promises to guide you, to be your Counsellor, and to provide your needs through every situation. Your value to Him is not based on your family’s social or economic status. God offers healing. He invites you and your family to become a part of His family!
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How does a family grow in their love for one another?
10 WAYS to Know If It’s Love
Here are some ways that can help! Write the name of at least one family member for each activity in the blanks below.
Love… 10. Doesn’t say, ‘Me first!’ 9. Believes the best about others.
GET INFORMED:_________________ Ask an adult in your family what they remember most about being a teenager. What was the hardest part for them?
8. Does not ‘keep score’ of the wrongs of others.
GET BUSY:______________________ Do a chore around the house for someone without being asked.
6. Is not proud.
GET BOLD:______________________ Admit to something you have done wrong or said to hurt a family member. Then ask for their forgiveness. Even if they do not forgive you, you will be forgiven by your Heavenly Father. GET WISDOM:___________________ Ask a wise member of your family for advice in a choice or decision you must make. GET CONNECTED:________________ Ask a family member about their day. What was the best part? What didn’t go so well, or was really hard?
7. Never calls someone a bad name.
5. Forgives the hurtful things that others do. 4. Is not happy when someone gets hurt. 3. Helps others. 2. Is not jealous of what others have. 1. Never quits. (1 Corinthians 13:4-8)
“I had an addiction that was controlling my life. I had to choose between life and death. If you are stuggling with an addiction, be honest about it! No one can help you until you admit that you have a problem. Most important of all, confess your addiction to God. He is the one who can set you free. Become ‘addicted’ to Him and to His Word, the Bible! He will fill you with His love and power!” Melissa (18) – South Africa 21
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Zacchaeus Jesus was going through Jericho, where a man named Zacchaeus lived. He was in charge of collecting taxes and was very rich. Jesus was heading his way, and Zacchaeus wanted to see what he was like. But Zacchaeus was a short man and could not see over the crowd. So he ran ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree.
a sinner! And Jesus is going home to eat with him.”
When Jesus got there, He looked up and said, “Zacchaeus, hurry down! I want to stay with you today.” Zacchaeus hurried down and gladly welcomed Jesus.
Jesus said to Zacchaeus, “Today you and your family have been saved, because you are a true son of Abraham. The Son of Man came to look for and to save people who are lost.”
Everyone who saw this started grumbling, “This man Zacchaeus is
Later that day Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, “I will give half of my property to the poor. And I will now pay back four times as much to everyone I have ever cheated.”
Luke 19:1-10
success During Jesus’ time on earth the Roman Empire ruled over Israel. The Romans were hard on the people and demanded high taxes from them. Zacchaeus worked with the Romans as a tax collector. It made him feel important. He had become rich by cheating his own people!
What about you? How do you measure success? What if you had enough money to buy anything you wanted? You would probably have a long list. And with all that money, people might call you successful.
But then he met Jesus and his life was changed. Peace with God became his most valuable treasure. Zacchaeus was sorry for the things he had done and Jesus forgave him.
But what about the real list? The list of things that money cannot buy – like the longing to be loved, or having a family the cares for one another, or the need to be accepted just as you are.
Still, Zacchaeus did not stop there! He also promised to repay everyone he had cheated – four times as much as he had stolen! Zacchaeus found that true success is in knowing Jesus and following Him.
Zacchaeus found that deep in his heart what he really wanted were the things that money cannot buy – love, peace, forgiveness, and a right relationship with God and others.
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The Parable
of the rich fool
Jesus said, “Owning a lot of things won’t make your life safe.”
Then Jesus told a story: “A rich man said to himself, ‘I don’t have a place large enough to store everything. I’ll tear down my barns and build bigger ones, where I can store all my grain and other goods. Then I’ll say to myself: Live it up! Eat, drink, and enjoy yourself.’
“But God said to him, ‘You fool! Tonight you will die. Then who will get what you have?’” “This is what happens to people who store up everything for themselves, but are poor in the sight of God.” Luke 12:15-21
Quiz: What is Success?
1 Having a big home, a nice car and expensive clothes lets people know you have achieved success in life. Not True
Very True
2 Success means being able to get anything you want when you want it. Not True
Very True
3 My money is mine to spend on myself any way I want. Not True
Very True
4 To become successful, you have to put yourself first. Not True
Very True
5 Success is worth it, even if you have to lie or break the rules. Not True
Very True
How did you do? If you mostly chose “Not True”: You recognize that success isn’t found in things, money or looks. Good things do come from hard work and God has promised to supply all of our needs, But the key to real success is found in knowing Jesus. Read more about this on page 32. If you mostly chose “Very True”: YIt’s time to reconsider your definition of success. Real success is taking your eyes off yourself and the things you own and putting them on God and others. Jesus had this kind of success, even when He was young. “He became wise, and He grew strong. God was pleased with Him and so were the people” (Luke 2:52). If you want that kind of success, read more about it on page 32. 23
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jesus raises
lazarus from the Dead
A man called Lazarus was sick in the village of Bethany. He had two sisters, Mary and Martha. The sisters sent a message to the Lord that His good friend Lazarus was sick. When Jesus heard this, He said, “His sickness won’t end in death. It will bring glory to God and His Son.” Jesus loved Martha and her sister and brother. But He stayed where He was for two more days.
When Jesus got to Bethany, He found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb four days. Martha went out to meet Him. Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” Jesus told her, “Your brother will live again! I am the one who raises the dead to life! Do you believe this?” “Yes, Lord!” she replied. “I believe that you are Christ, the Son of God. You are the One we hoped would come into the world.”
So He went to the tomb, which was a cave with a stone rolled against the entrance. After the stone had been rolled aside, Jesus looked up towards heaven and prayed.
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When Jesus had finished praying, He shouted, “Lazarus, come out!” The man who had been dead came out. Then the chief priests and the Pharisees called the council together and said, “What should we do? This man is working a lot of miracles. If we don’t stop Him now, everyone will put their faith in Him.” From that day on, the council started making plans to put Jesus to death. John 11:1-2a, 3-6, 17, 20a, 21, 23, 25a, 26b, 27, 38b, 41a, 43-44a, 47-48a, 53
Then Satan entered the heart of Judas, one of Jesus’ disciples. Judas went to the religious leaders to offer to help them arrest Jesus. They paid Judas thirty silver coins, and he began looking for an opportunity to betray Jesus. Matthew 26:14-16
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Jesus knew what was going to happen. He knew that Judas would betray Him. He knew that He was going to die. This was God’s plan from the very beginning.
Remember how people used to offer sacrifices to God so that He would forgive their sins? Jesus offered His life as a sacrifice for ALL sin, once and for all. Jesus, who was sinless, was the perfect sacrifice for the sins of people everywhere.
jesus the way,
truth and Life Jesus said to His disciples, “Don’t be worried! Have faith in God and have faith in Me. There are many rooms in My Father’s house. I am going there to prepare a place for each of you. After I have done this,
I will come back and take you with Me. Then we will be together. You know the way to where I am going. I am the way, the truth, and the life! Without Me, no one can go to the Father.” John 14:1-2ac,3-4,6
jesus promises
the Holy spirit “The Holy Spirit will come and help you, because the Father will send the Spirit to take My place. The Spirit will teach you everything and will remind you of what I said while I was with you. I give you peace, the kind of peace that only I can give. It isn’t like the peace that this world can give. So don’t be worried or afraid.” John 14:26-27
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is Arrested
Jesus went to a garden to pray. He prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, don‘t make Me suffer by having Me drink from this cup. But do what You want, and not what I want.” Judas knew where Jesus was and led soldiers to the garden. The soldiers arrested Jesus. All of Jesus’ disciples left Him and ran away. Jesus was taken to Pilate, the Roman governor.
Pilate gave orders for Jesus to be beaten with a whip. The soldiers made a crown out of thorn branches and put it on Jesus. They came up to Him and said, “Hey, you king of the Jews!” They also hit Him with their fists.
Pilate said, “Here is the man!” When the chief priests and the temple police saw Him, they yelled, “Nail him to a cross! Nail Him to a cross!” Pilate told them, “You take Him and nail him to a cross! I don’t find Him guilty of anything.” The crowd replied, “He claimed to be the Son of God! Our Jewish Law says that He must be put to death.” “Kill Him! Kill Him!” they yelled. “Nail Him to a cross!” Then Pilate handed Jesus over to be nailed to a cross. Matthew 26:39b; John 19:1-3, 6-7, 15a
SUFFERING Because of sin, we live in a fallen, imperfect world (see page 3). This results in times of loss, grief and suffering for each of us. Pain is a part of life. Like the “Lost Son” on page 20 (Luke 15), we sometimes suffer from our own bad choices. Even then, God does not abandon us. He offers forgiveness to everyone who returns to Him! Even in His darkest hour, Jesus entrusted Himself to the will of His heavenly Father. Before He was arrested, Jesus told His disciples: I will do what the Father requires of me, so that the world will know that I love the
Father (John 14:31). Like Jesus, your love for God through suffering can help others see Him in your life. Years after Jesus returned to heaven, Peter, one of Jesus’ disciples wrote: Be very glad because trials will make you partners with Christ in His suffering, and afterward you will have wonderful joy (I Peter 4:13). And James the brother of Jesus gives us more good news about suffering: When trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy. When your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. Then you will be strong in character and ready for anything (James 1:2-4).
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Jesus was taken away, and He carried His cross to a place known as “The Skull.”
There Jesus was nailed to the cross, and on each side of Him a man was also nailed to a cross. Pilate ordered the charge against Jesus to be written on a board and put above the cross. It read, “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.” Jesus knew that He had now finished His work. And in order to make the Scriptures come true, He said, “I am thirsty.” A jar of cheap wine was there. Someone then soaked a sponge with the wine and held it up to Jesus’ mouth on the stem of a hyssop plant. After Jesus drank the wine, He said,
“Everything is done!” He bowed his head and died. The next day would be both a Sabbath and the Passover. It was a special day for the Jewish people, and they did not want the bodies to stay on the crosses during that day. So they asked Pilate to break the men’s legs and take their bodies down. The soldiers first broke the legs of the other two men who were nailed there. But when they came to Jesus, they saw that He was already dead, and they did not break His legs. One of the soldiers stuck His spear into Jesus’ side, and blood and water came out.
John 19:16-17a, 18-19, 28-34a
Who killed Jesus? Pilate? The soldiers? The religious leaders? No, no one took His life. He gave it. Jesus could have performed a miracle and escaped, but He didn’t. Jesus lived a sinless life, but took the punishment we deserved so our sins could be forgiven.
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is buried
That evening a wealthy disciple named Joseph went and asked for Jesus’ body. Pilate gave orders for it to be given to Joseph, who took the body and wrapped it in a clean linen cloth. Then Joseph put the body in his own tomb that had been cut into solid rock and had never been used. He rolled a big stone against the entrance to the tomb and went away. The next day, the Jewish leaders asked Pilate to have the tomb guarded for three days. They thought the disciples might come and steal His body. Pilate agreed. So they sealed the tomb and placed soldiers there to guard it.
STEWARDSHIP Joseph was willing to give his time, his energy, and his possessions to meet the need of someone else. Think of ways that you can give what you have to help the people you love.
Matthew 27:57-66
the Resurrection The Sabbath was over. Suddenly a strong earthquake struck, and the Lord’s angel came down from heaven. He rolled away the stone and sat on it. The angel looked as bright as lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. The guards shook from fear and fell down, as though they were dead. On Sunday morning while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been rolled away from the entrance. She ran to Simon Peter and to Jesus’ favourite disciple and said, “They have taken the Lord from the tomb! We don’t know where they have put Him.”
Peter and the other disciple set off for the tomb. They ran side by side,
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until the other disciple ran faster than Peter and got there first. He bent over and saw the strips of linen cloth lying inside the tomb, but he did not go in. When Simon Peter got there, he went into the tomb and saw the strips of cloth. Matthew 28:1a, 2-4; John 20:1-6
Jesus defeated sin and death! This is what God had promised back in the Garden of Eden. Jesus “crushed Satan’s head.” His victory over death means that we can have eternal life with God. Once we were spiritually dead. Now because of what Jesus did on the cross, we can live with Him in heaven forever!
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appears to His Disciples
The disciples were afraid of the Jewish leaders, and on the evening of that same Sunday they locked themselves in a room. While Jesus’ disciples were talking about what had happened, Jesus appeared and greeted them. They were frightened and terrified because they thought they were seeing a ghost.
But Jesus said, “Why are you so frightened? Why do you doubt? Look at My hands and My feet and see who I am! Touch Me and find out for yourselves. Ghosts don’t have flesh and bones as you see I have.” After Jesus said this, He showed them His hands and His feet. The disciples were so glad and amazed that they could not believe it. John 20:19a; Luke 24:36-41a
There’s Work
to Be DONE Jesus said: I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth! Go to the people of all nations and make them my disciples. Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to do everything I have told you. I will be with you always, even until the end of the world. Matthew 28:18b-20
Do you remember God told Abraham that everyone on earth would be blessed through his family? Jesus was from Abraham’s family and fulfilled that promise. He is the Good News that brings eternal life and blessing to the world!
Want to do something that truly matters? Be His disciple! Share Jesus with others through your words and share His love with others through your actions. A disciple is someone who learns from and follows Jesus. The things that are important to Jesus are also important to a disciple. Knowing who Jesus is does not make us His disciple. A disciple obeys Jesus’ teachings and wants to become more like Him every day. (John 15:8)
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The Whole World
For forty days after Jesus had suffered and died, He proved in many ways that He had been raised from death. He appeared to His apostles and spoke to them about God’s kingdom. He told them: Don’t leave Jerusalem yet. Wait
here for the Father to give you the Holy Spirit. Just as I told you He has promised to do. The Holy Spirit will come upon you and give you power. Then you will tell everyone about Me in Jerusalem, in all Judea, in Samaria, and everywhere in the world. Acts 1:3-4, 8
After Jesus had said this and while they were watching, He was taken up into a cloud. They could not see Him, but as He went up, they kept looking up into the sky.
Suddenly two men dressed in white clothes were standing there beside them. They said, “Why are you men from Galilee standing here and
looking up into the sky? Jesus has been taken to heaven. But He will come back in the same way that you have seen Him go.” After His disciples had worshipped Him, they returned to Jerusalem and were very happy. They spent their time in the temple, praising God. Acts 1:9-11; Luke 24:52-53
true life
Through JESUS
Jesus did many other things. If they were all written in books, I don’t suppose there would be room enough in the whole world for all the books.
miracles for His disciples, and not all of them are written in this book. But these are written so that you will put your faith in Jesus as the Messiah and the Son of God. If you have faith in Him, you will have true life.
Jesus performed many other
John 21:25; 20:30-31
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Adam’s sin brought death into the world. Now everyone has sinned, and so everyone must die. Yet in an even greater way, Jesus brought God’s gift of kindness to many
people. God’s gift made it possible for us to be acceptable to Him, even though we have sinned many times. Romans 5:12, 15c,16c, 21
Holy Spirit COMES Before Jesus returned to heaven, He made many wonderful promises about the Holy Spirit. One time He said, “I will ask the Father to send you the Holy Spirit who will help you and always be with you. The Spirit will show you what is true. The people of this world cannot accept the Spirit, because they don’t see or know Him. But you know the Spirit, who is with you and will keep on living in you. John 14:16-17
On the day of Pentecost, after Jesus had gone back to His Father, all the Lord’s followers were together in one place. Suddenly there was a noise from heaven like the sound of a mighty wind! It filled the house where they were meeting. Then they saw what looked like fiery tongues moving in all directions, and a tongue came and settled on each person there. The Holy Spirit took control of everyone, and they began speaking whatever languages the Spirit let them speak.
Then the disciples left and preached everywhere. The Lord was with them, and the miracles they performed proved that their message was true.
Acts 2:1-4; Mark 16:20
the holy spirit There is only one God. But He exists as three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Each of the three is fully God. Jesus is now in heaven, seated at the right hand of the Father (Mark 16:19), but His Holy Spirit is here with us, living in us. The Bible says that our bodies are to be temples of God’s Holy Spirit (I Corinthians 3:16-17;II Corinthians 6:16)). God created us this way so we could become more like Jesus and do His work on earth. It is the Holy Spirit in us who gives us the power to be witnesses of the Good News of Jesus where ever we go and in all that we do (Acts 1:8). 31
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THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP There is a longing inside of each of us that nothing in this world can fill. God created us with this need from the very beginning. It is a longing that can only be filled by God’s love. It begins with a relationship with Jesus. God sent Jesus to be our Saviour. A saviour is someone who rescues you. We all need rescuing from sin. We all fall short of the standard of holiness set by God. We can try to achieve it by being good, but it’s impossible. We cannot save ourselves. The good news is that God doesn’t want you to fix everything in your life before coming to Him. He wants you to come to Him just like you are.
“But if we confess our sins to God, He can always be trusted to forgive us and take our sins away” (I John 1:9). If you are saying “yes” to these things, then tell Jesus. You can pray this prayer from your heart as you read it aloud to Him:
“Jesus, I believe You were sent by God to take the punishment for my sins and to be my Saviour. Please forgive me and free me from my sin. Come into my life and fill the longing in my heart. Guide me to understand and follow Your ways. Thank You for hearing and answering my prayer. I love You, Jesus. In Your name I pray. Amen.”
Jesus said, “God loved the people of this world so much that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who has faith in Him will have eternal life and never really die” (John 3:16). Jesus took the punishment we deserve when He died on the cross. That’s how much He loves us. And He came back to life in three days, proving He has all authority, even over sin and death. Jesus took your punishment on the cross so that you can spend eternity in heaven with Him. He wants you to admit your sins, ask for forgiveness, and accept Him as your Saviour.
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NEXT STEPS The Bible says that when one person believes in Jesus the angels in heaven celebrate! If you just prayed that prayer, you just started a party in heaven! You have a future hope of heaven after you die. You also have the sure promise of hope for your life right now through your relationship with Jesus. Here are some things that will make your relationship with Jesus stronger: GO BY THE GUIDE
Read some part of this book every day. Before reading, ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand and apply what you are reading. You will also want to get a copy of the entire Bible to learn more of God’s story!
Keep on talking with God. You can talk to God anytime and anywhere. Every day, find some time to get alone and talk to God. Thank Him for being with you at all times. Bring your needs to him. Nothing is ever too small or too big for God! He is always ready to listen and respond to you. GET WITH A GROUP
Jesus had a close group of friends that shared His love for the Father. This is an example for us. We all need friends who believe in Jesus. Together you can get to know Jesus better. SHARE THE GIFT
You have received the greatest gift from God—Jesus as your Saviour. Think about the people you love and tell them about this precious gift. Share this book with them and ask Jesus to fill the longing in their hearts as He has done for you. Remember: God loves you and He has forgiven you! No matter what is going on in your life, God has a plan for you. He has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5). 33
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