Principal Navigator Fall 2020

Page 28

feature story

Socially Distanced Professional Developemnt Navigating instructional leadership during COVID-19 BY TIM TARVIN AND PAUL M. WALKER


hen Ohio Governor, Mike DeWine, mandated all schools close their physical doors and go to emergency remote learning by the day’s end on March 16, education as we knew it truly was “Forever Changed.” At Shelby City Schools, the district took the opportunity to ensure that any long-lasting changes were for the better. In addition to a quick transition to emergency virtual teaching, the staff of Shelby City Schools embraced virtual professional development. The Leader in Me (LIM) is an evidence-based Social Emotional Learning (SEL) process that helps to equip students and staff with tools needed to maximize growth and achievement. Shelby adopted the inside/out method of adaptation, first focusing inside on staff with plans to move out to students this coming fall. This process will help to align the district’s vision in addition to supporting the staff, students, and community through common language and culture. Prior to the global pandemic, Shelby prepared to partner with LIM to provide professional development to ease the transition from multiple schools to one campus for PreK-8 students in the district. The original start of the collaboration was canceled in March due to the national health crisis. It quickly became apparent that the LIM platform has crucial components to assist staff in helping students address both the challenges of moving to one campus for PreK-8 students as well as the obstacles that have emerged in response to emergency virtual learning. Throughout the month of May, Shelby staff completed a series of six Zoom sessions centered around The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The initial training focused on elevating the social-emotional competencies of the adults in the district. By making the investment to increase healthy habits in Shelby staff, both personally and professionally, the adults in the district now have tools to support our students in a way not previously possible. While the staff was looking forward to in-person professional development, they found that using the Zoom platform added value to the experience. Shelby teacher Mandi Green shared, “I think using Zoom during our LIM training was actually very effective. LIM is such a personal journey. Being ‘alone’ in your own space during this training allowed me to focus on myself as the leader rather than what I thought those around me would want me to do/say.” Intervention Specialist Callie Callender added, “Not only did it give us a chance to sit in the seats of our very own students by learning


principal navigator

online, but it also gave us the opportunity to share our thoughts, questions, and opinions, through the chatbox, as the lesson was taking place, without interrupting our instructor.” LIM is an intentional and proactive approach to develop collaboration and cohesiveness among the staff during the next several years as Shelby works to open the new PreK-8 campus. LIM also provided staff with the ability to address the stress and anxiety surrounding COVID-19, which will in turn mean they are better equipped to assist their students in navigating their thoughts and feelings surrounding the national health crisis and its effects on both personal and academic life. This approach will be effective in easing the transition from emergency virtual learning and being away from the physical classroom for six months to reintegrating students into our new “forever changed” model of traditional learning. The LIM training also focused on enhancing Shelby’s current positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) and multi-tier system of supports (MTSS) through differentiated supports. In addition to strengthening the staff and supports of the schools, Shelby plans to introduce LIM to students in the fall. Welcoming ideas and input from students will work to strengthen connections between students and staff with the launch of this platform. Finally, this series was an opportunity to maintain and strengthen the connection with staff throughout the stay-at-home directive from the governor. Developing collaboration and cohesiveness among staff during the next several years as the district works to open the new PreK-8 campus is essential. This professional development opportunity allowed for this work to continue at a time where it was not possible for staff to physically work together. Assistant Superintendent Paul Walker explains, “During this pandemic, the LIM gave me a chance to focus and learn about the 7 Habits, while at the same time during social distancing/stay at home orders connect with my colleagues. The LIM program has given me a new way to operate and think about my personal life and career. I am confident that my results will continue to improve if I continue to live by these 7 Habits.” Tim Tarvin has been an administrator for 25 in Shelby City Schools and for the last 9 years has been the Superintendent at Shelby City Schools. Paul M. Walker has been an administrator for the Shelby City Schools since 2008 and is currently the Assistant Superintendent. You can contact Walker via email at and via Twitter @paulmwalker.

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