Telling Their Stories A handbook for media professionals
Child rights, exploitation and the media
The issues of child rights generally, and child exploitation in particular, are high on the agenda of politicians and the news media. Bad journalism adds to the indignity of children who have been abused. However, it is possible for journalists to depict children in a way that maintains their dignity, and avoids exploitation and victimisation. This book contains the guidelines and principles for reporting on issues involving children first drawn up by journalists from many countries, meeting in Recife, Brazil, in May 1998. This book also contains a commentary on the human rights of children and tips on how journalists can protect them. It is designed for journalists and other media professionals working in any area where children are visible and vulnerable. The guidelines avoid the trap of telling journalists what to write, but help them decide how to address these issues. They should be read by every working journalist and camera crew, by editors, producers and other decision makers in the media, and by media trainers and media students.
Published by the International Federation of Journalists with the support of the European Commission.
Guidelines for journalists and media professionals International Federation of Journalists