Q100660 冠豪a4menu 07 11 v2d

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川菜 川菜即四川地區的菜餚,是中國漢族四大菜系之一 [1] ,也是最有特色的 菜系,民間最大菜系,同時被冠以“百姓菜”。 起源於四川,以麻、辣、鮮、香為特色。川菜原料多選山珍、江鮮、野蔬 和畜禽。善用小炒、乾煸、乾燒和泡、燴等烹調法。以“味”聞名,味型較多, 富於變化,以魚香、紅油、怪味、麻辣較為突出。川菜的風格樸實而又清新, 具有濃厚的鄉土氣息。著名代表菜品有:魚香肉絲、回鍋肉、麻婆豆腐、水煮魚、 夫妻肺片等等。 即四川菜系,分為以川西成都樂山為中心的上河幫,川南自貢為核心的小 河幫,川菜風味包括成都、樂山、內江,自貢等地方菜的特色,主要特點在於 味型多樣,即復合味的運用。辣椒、胡椒、花椒、豆瓣醬等是主要調味品,不 同的配比,配出了麻辣、酸辣、椒麻、麻醬、蒜泥、芥末、紅油、糖醋、魚香、 怪味等各種味型,無不厚實醇濃,具有“一菜一格”、“百菜百味”的特殊風味, 各式菜點無不膾炙人口。川菜在烹調方法上,有炒、煎、乾燒、炸、熏、泡、燉、 燜、燴、貼、爆等三十八種之多。在口味上特別講究色、香、味、形、兼有南 北之長,以味的多、廣、厚著稱。歷來有 " 七味 "(甜、酸、麻、辣、苦、香、 咸),八滋(乾燒、酸、辣、魚香、乾煸、怪味、椒麻、紅油)之說。川菜係 因此具有取材廣泛、調味多樣、菜式適應性強三個特徵。由筵席菜、大眾便餐菜、 家常菜、三蒸九扣菜、風味小吃等五個大類組成一個完整的風味體系。在國際 上享有“食在中國,味在四川”的美譽。

Chuan Cuisine Szechuan cuisine Sichuan region that is one of the four Chinese Han Cuisine [1] , is the most distinctive cuisine, folk largest cuisine, while being dubbed "people food." Originated in Sichuan , with hemp, spicy, fresh, fragrant features. Sichuan raw multiple choice delicacies, fresh river, Yeshu and livestock. Use of fry, stir dry, dry and foam, braised and other cooking methods. "Taste" is famous flavor type are more varied, with fish-flavored, marked , smell, spicy more prominent. Szechuan style simple but fresh, with a strong local flavor. There are well-known representatives of dishes: fish-flavored pork , twice-cooked pork , mapo tofu , boiled fish,Fuqifeipian so.

Stir Fried French Bean with Minced Pork & chilli

That Sichuan cuisine, divided into the western Sichuan Chengdu, Leshan centered on the river helped, southern Sichuan Zigong help at the core of the river, Sichuan cuisine, including Chengdu , Leshan , Neijiang , Zigong and other local food specialties , mainly characterized by diverse flavor type, namely the use of complex flavor. Chili , pepper , pepper, bean paste , etc. are the main spices, different ratio, with a spicy, sour, pepper hemp, sesame, garlic , mustard , oil, sweet and sour, flavored, smell and other flavor type, all thick mellow, with "a dish of a cell," "one hundred dishes Subway" special flavor all kinds of dishes popular. Sichuan cooking methods, there are fried, fried, dry, fried, smoked, bubble, stew, stew, braise , stickers, explosion, etc. thirty-eight kinds much. In particular, pay attention to color on taste, smell, taste, shape, both north and south of the long, multi-flavored, broad, thick known. Has always been " Qiwei "(sweet, sour, hemp, spicy, bitter, sweet, salty), eight AIDS (dry, sour, spicy, flavored, dry stir, smell, pepper Ma, marked ) said. Sichuan Department therefore has drawn wide variety of seasonings, dishes adaptable three characteristics. The banquet dishes, public meals dish, dishes, tripledistilled nine buckle dishes, snacks and other five categories form a complete flavor system. Enjoys in the international "food in China, taste in Sichuan "in the world.

Banquet A £ 16.00 Per Person (Minimum For 2 Person)

Soup (Each Person Select One) Chicken Sweetcorn Soup Crabs Meat Sweetcorn Soup Hot and Sour Soup

Crown Platter Spring Rolls, Prawn Toast, Prawn Wonton, Spare Ribs, Seaweed Dip with Sweet Sour Sauce

Main Course (each person select one main Course) Sweet and Sour Chicken Chicken Kung Po Chicken with Lemon Sauce Chicken with Ginger and Spring Onions Chicken with Green Pepper and Black Bean Sauce Deep Fried Chicken with Dried Chilli Curry Chicken / Beef Beef with Cumin Beef with Green Pepper in Black Bean Sauce Beef with Ginger and Spring Onions Deep Fried Fish Fillet with Sweet and Sour Sauce Roast Pork in Honey

Vegetable (Choose one for share) Mix Chinese Vegetable in Soy Sauce Fried Mushroom in Garlic Fried Beansprouts Egg Fried Rice or Chips Tea or Coffee 如有特别要求,请咨询我们的服务员。 For any special requirement, please ask one of our staffs.

Banquet B £ 25.00 Per Person (Minimum For 2 Person)

Soup (Each Person Select One) Chicken Sweetcorn Soup Crab Meat Sweetcorn Soup Hot and Sour Soup Prawn Wonton Soup Western Beef Soup

Crown Platter

Spring Rolls, Prawn Toast, Salt and Pepper King Prawn, Satay Chicken Skewer , Spare Ribs, Seaweed Dip with Sweet Sour Sauce

Second Starter

Aromatic Crispy Duck Served with Pancakes, Hoi-Sin Sauce and Salad

Main Course (each person select one main Course) Chicken Kung Po Deep Fried Chicken with Dried Chilli Taiwan Style Chicken Stew Sizzling Fillet Steak with Black Pepper Sauce Sizzling Fillet Steak with Ginger and Spring Onions Sizzling Egg Tofu with Mixed Seafood in XO sauce King Prawn with Green Pepper and Black Bean Sauce Salt & Pepper Squid Roast Duck in Plum Sauce Roast Duck with Ginger and Spring Onions Lamb with Cumin Deep Fried Fish Fillet with Sweet and Sour Steamed Seabass with Soy Sauce

Vegetable (Choose one for share)

Sauteed Green Peppers , Potato & Aubergine Deep Fried Aubergine with Garlic Stir Fried French Bean with Minced Pork Mixed Vegetable with Black Bean Sauce Mixed Vegetable with Garlic Mixed Vegetable with Oyster Sauce Special Yeung chow Fried Rice or Special Chow Mein Tea or Coffee 如有特别要求,请咨询我们的服务员。 For any special requirement, please ask one of our staffs.

Banquet C Vegetarian £ 14.00 Per Person (Minimum For 2 Person)

Soup (Each Person Select One) Sweetcorn Soup Vegetable Hot and Sour Soup Mixed vegetable soup

Crown vegetarian platter Spring Rolls, Potato Toast, Monk Chicken Skewers ,Seaweed with Sweet and Sour Sauce

Main Course (each person select one main Course) Sauteed Green Peppers , Potato & Aubergine Ma Po’s Beancurd Shredded Beancurd Sheet with Red Pepper Deep Fried Aubergine with Garlic Stir Fried Shredded Potato with Green Pepper Stir Fried French Beans with Chinese Mushroom Mixed Vegetable with Black Bean Sauce Mixed Vegetable with Garlic Mixed Vegetable with Oyster Sauce Mixed Vegetable Curry Fried Cabbage with Dried Chilli

Side (Choose one for share) Stir Fried Mushroom with Garlic Sauce Stir Fried Beansprouts Mixed Vegetable Fried Rice or Mixed Vegetable Chow Mein Tea or Coffee

如有特别要求,请咨询我们的服务员。 For any special requirement, please ask one of our staffs.

Rice Dishes 1. Roast Duck & Roast Pork with Boiled Rice 2. Mixed Seafood Fried Rice 3. Beef Brisket Curry with Boiled Rice 4. King Prawn Fried Rice 5. Special Yeung Chow Fried Rice 6. Chicken Fried Rice 7. Beef Fried Rice 8. Mix Vegetable Fried Rice

£ 8.80 £ 8.80 £ 7.80 £ 7.00 £ 6.50 £ 6.00 £ 6.00 £ 6.00

Noodles Dishes 9. Crown Special Fried Noodles 10. Roast Duck Fried Noodles 11. King Prawn Fried Noodles 12. Chicken Fried Noodles 13. Beef Fried Noodles 14. Mix Vegetable Fried Noodles 15. Fried Noodles with Soy Sauce 16. Mixed Seafood with Udon Noodles in XO Sauce 17. Beef with Udon Noodles in Black Pepper Sauce 18. Singapore Style Vermicelli

£ 8.80 £ 8.80 £ 8.80 £ 6.80 £ 6.80 £ 6.80 £ 4.50 £ 8.80 £ 8.80 £ 7.80

Side Dishes 19. Curry Sauce or Sweet & Sour Sauce 20. Fried Chips

小辣 Mild

中辣 Medium

辛辣 Hot


如有特别要求,请咨询我们的服务员。 For any special requirement, please ask one of our staffs.

£ 1.50 £ 1.80

4. 糖醋排骨

14. 笑迎佳偶

粤菜推荐 1. 广式烧鸭 半只 一只 2. 北京片皮鸭 ( 配鸭酱,鸭皮及沙拉 ) 半只 一只 3. 蜜汁叉烧 4. 糖醋排骨 5. XO 腰果西芹鸡柳 6. 咸鱼蒸肉饼 7. 韭菜炒猪红 8. 煎酿三宝 9. 脆皮炸大肠 10. 樱花爽肉(韩式泡菜炒猪肉) 11. 宫保虾球 12. 腰果虾仁 13. 螺片 ( 白灼 / 老干妈 / 西芹) 14. 笑迎佳偶(藕片炒大虾) 15. 十八罗汉豆腐 16. 鬼马鱼卷 17. 芥兰炒花枝片 18. 芥兰炒腊肉 19.XO 爆花枝片 20. 鲍味汁荷兰豆炒牛肉 21. 豉椒凉瓜牛仔肉 22. 姜葱花胶筒爆鸡 23. 清蒸鲈鱼 24. 悠然飘香牛柳条 25. 明月映双辉 ( 百花酿带子) 26. 碧绿炒带子 27. 美极煎虾碌 28. 龙虾 蛏子 带子 需提前预定 / Pre-Order Only Lobster,Razor,Scallops 小辣 Mild

中辣 Medium

辛辣 Hot

£ 9.50 £ 18.00 £ 13.50 £ 25.00 £ 7.80 £ 8.80 £ 9.80 £ 9.80 £ 9.80 £ 9.80 £ 9.80 £ 9.80 £ 9.80 £ 9.80 £ 10.80 £ 10.80 £ 10.80 £ 10.80 £ 10.80 £ 10.80 £ 10.80 £ 10.80 £ 10.80 £ 11.80 £ 11.80 £ 12.80 £ 12.80 £ 12.80 £ 12.80 时价 /Market Price 素菜Vegetarian

如有特别要求,请咨询我们的服务员。 For any special requirement, please ask one of our staffs.

16. 鬼马鱼卷

17 芥兰炒花枝片

31. 酒糟汤圆

甜品及糖水 29. 花生糊 30. 凤凰玉米羹 31. 酒糟汤圆 32. 拔丝地瓜

£ 8.00 £ 8.00 £ 8.50 £ 8.50

32. 拔丝地瓜

小辣 Mild

中辣 Medium

辛辣 Hot


如有特别要求,请咨询我们的服务员。 For any special requirement, please ask one of our staffs.

33. 卤味拼盘 Marinated Platter

如有特别要求,请咨询我们的服务员。 For any special requirement, please ask one of our staffs.

冠豪精选凉菜 Cold Dish 33. 卤味拼盘(猪耳 猪肚 牛腱 卤水豆腐) Marinated Platter(pig ears,pig Tripes,Beef shank,Beancurd) £ 12.80 34. 蜀香口水鸡 Steamed Chicken in Chilli Sauce £ 6.00 35. 凉拌粉皮 Marinated Cold Bean Pastry £ 5.50 36. 蒜泥白肉 Sliced Boiled Pork with Garlic and Chilli Oil £ 5.50 37. 大刀猪耳 Marinated Pig Ears £ 5.50 38. 红油肚丝 Shredded Pig Tripes in Chilli Oil £ 5.50 39. 爽口木耳 Marinated Fungus £ 5.50 40. 皮蛋豆腐 Marinated Preserved Egg with Beancurd £ 5.50 41. 夫妻肺片 Sliced Ox-Tripe and Tongue in Chilli Sauce £ 6.00 42. 麻辣牛肉 Hot and Spicy Chilli Beef £ 6.00 43. 水晶猪耳 Jelly Pig Ears £ 6.00 44. 温拌海蜇 Marinated Jelly Fish £ 6.00 45. 葱油豆腐皮 Shredded Beancurd sheet with Chopped Spring Onion £ 6.00 46. 五彩肉丝拉皮 Tossed Mung Clear Noodles in Chilli Sauce £ 6.50 47. 麻辣鸭舌 Hot & Spicy Duck Tongues £ 6.80 48. 芥辣螺片 Sliced Whelk with Wasabi £ 7.00 小辣 Mild

中辣 Medium

辛辣 Hot


如有特别要求,请咨询我们的服务员。 For any special requirement, please ask one of our staffs.

34. 蜀香口水鸡 Steamed Chicken in Chilli Sauce

46. 五彩肉丝拉皮 Tossed Mung Clear Noodles in Chilli Sauce

汤类 Soup 49. 咸蛋时蔬汤

Small 小

Vegetable with Preserved Duck Egg Soup

Large 大

£ 6.00

£ 8.00

£ 6.00

£ 8.00

£ 6.00

£ 8.00

£ 6.00

£ 8.00

£ 6.00

£ 8.00

£ 6.50

£ 8.50

Winter Melon / Dry Seaweed and Spare Ribs Soup £ 6.50

£ 8.50

50. 北方豆腐脑

Smooth Beancurd in Thick Soup 51. 川味酸辣汤

Szechuan Hot and Sour Soup 52. 鱼头豆腐汤

Fish Head with Tofu Soup 53. 黄豆猪手汤

Yellow Beans and Pig Feet Soup 54. 西湖牛肉羹

West Lake Beef in Thick Soup 55. 冬瓜 / 海带排骨汤

56. 药膳老鸡汤

Chicken with Chinese Herbs Soup 57. 花蚬冬瓜汤

£ 7.00

£ 9.00

£ 7.00

£ 9.00

£ 7.00

£ 9.00

White Clam with Winter Melon Soup 58. 海鲜羹

Mixed Seafood in Thick Soup

小辣 Mild

中辣 Medium

辛辣 Hot


如有特别要求,请咨询我们的服务员。 For any special requirement, please ask one of our staffs.

59. 巴蜀烤全鱼 Grilled Seabass with Hot Spicy / Black Bean Sauce

65. 飘香辣子鸡 Deep Fried Chicken with Dry Chilli

冠豪厨师推荐菜 Chef’s Special 59. 巴蜀烤全鱼(麻辣 / 豉汁)

Grilled Seabass with Hot Spicy / Black Bean Sauce 另加蔬菜(Extra Vegetable)

£ 21.80

£ 3.00/Each

60. 新疆大盘鸡(可选粉皮或者面底)

Spicy Chicken Xin Jiang Style with Jelly Noddles or Plain Noddles 61. 砂锅鱼头

£ 18.80

Fish Head in Stew Pot

£ 15.80

62. 海底捞

Boiled Mix Seafood with Seafood Sauce Topping 63. 美极鲜尤

£ 12.80

Boiled Squid with Maggie Sauce 64. 秘制香辣骨

£ 10.80

Deep Fried Spare Ribs with Crown Special Sauce 65. 飘香辣子鸡

£ 8.80

Deep Fried Chicken with Dry Chilli 66. 金沙蟹黄豆腐

£ 8.00

Beancurd with Golden Crab Roe 67. 冠豪酸辣粉

£ 8.80

Potato Glass Noodle in Hot and Spicy Soup

小辣 Mild

中辣 Medium

辛辣 Hot


如有特别要求,请咨询我们的服务员。 For any special requirement, please ask one of our staffs.

£ 4.80

66. 金沙蟹黄豆腐

Beancurd with Golden Crab Roe

67. 冠豪酸辣粉 Potato Glass Noodle in Hot and Spicy Soup

71. 干锅鱼片 Griddle Cooked Fish Fillet

锅仔,铁板类 Casserole and Sizzling Dish 68. 干锅香辣虾

Griddle Cooked King Prawn with Dried Chilli 69. 香锅麻辣鸡

£ 10.80

Griddle Cooked Chicken with Hot Spicy Sauce 70. 干锅鱿鱼须

£ 9.80

Griddle Cooked Tentacles of Squid

£ 9.80

71. 干锅鱼片

Griddle Cooked Fish Fillet

£ 9.80

72. 干锅牛肉

Griddle Cooked Beef

£ 8.80

73. 干锅肥肠

Griddle Cooked Intestine in Chilli Sauce 74. 东北酸菜氽白肉锅

£ 8.80

G riddle Cooked Sliced Pork with Preserved Vegetables in Soup 75. 铁板茄盒

£ 7.80

Sizzling Aubergine with Spicy Sauce 76. 铁板蒜仔田鸡腿

£ 8.80

Sizzling Frog Legs with Garlic 77. 铁板黑椒牛柳

£ 9.80

Sizzling Black Pepper Fillet Steak

小辣 Mild

中辣 Medium

£ 10.80

辛辣 Hot


如有特别要求,请咨询我们的服务员。 For any special requirement, please ask one of our staffs.

80. 松鼠鱼

Larger Seabass in Sweet and Sour Sauce

81. 沸腾水煮鱼 Spicy Hot Poached Fish Fillet

海鲜类 Seafood Dish 78. 双色剁椒蒸鱼头 Steamed Fish Heads with Chopped Peppers £ 6.80 水饺 with Dumplings Extra Charge £ 4.00 清水面 with Noodles Extra Charge £ 3.00 79. 清蒸多宝鱼 Steamed Turbot 时价 80. 松鼠鱼 Larger Seabass in Sweet and Sour Sauce £ 15.80 81. 沸腾水煮鱼 Spicy Hot Poached Fish Fillet £ 11.80 82. 酸菜鱼 Fish Fillet with Preserved Vegetables £ 11.80 83. 川味豆瓣鱼 Deep Fried Seabass with Chilli in SoyaBean Sauce £ 11.80 84. 清蒸鲈鱼 Steamed Seabass with Soy Sauce £ 11.80 85. 基围虾 ( 椒盐 / 香辣 / 避风塘 ) Head On Prawn with Salt Pepper / Dried Chilli / Typhoon £ 9.80 咸蛋黄另加 £ 1.00 86. 韭菜炒河虾 Fried River Shrimps with Chinese Chives £ 8.80 87. 椒盐软壳蟹 Salt and Pepper Soft Shell Crabs £ 10.80 88. 咸蛋黄软壳蟹 Yellow Duck Yolk with Soft Shell Crabs £ 11.80 89. 蟹 ( 香辣 / 姜葱 / 避风塘 ) Crabs with Dried Chilli /Ginger and Spring Onion /Typhoon £ 6.80/Each 90. 酸豆角炒田螺 Snail Meat with Sour Beans £ 8.80 91. 椒盐鲜鱿 Salt and Pepper Squid £ 7.80 92. 龙虾 蛏子 带子 ( 需提前预定 / Pre-Order Only) Lobster,Razor,Scallops 时价 /Market Price

小辣 Mild

中辣 Medium

辛辣 Hot


如有特别要求,请咨询我们的服务员。 For any special requirement, please ask one of our staffs.

冠豪小炒类 Meat Dish 93. 冠豪麻辣烫 Spicy Hot Poached Mixed Meat and Seafood £ 11.80 94. 香辣贝贝鸡 Deep Fried Chicken and Scallops with Dried Chilli £ 11.80 95. 田鸡腿 ( 香辣 / 老干妈 / 椒盐 ) Frog Legs with Chilli / Spicy Black Bean / Salt and Pepper £ 9.80 96. 孜然羊肉 Stir Fried Lamb with Cumin £ 9.80 97. 孜然牛肉 Stir Fried Beef with Cumin £ 8.80 98. 水煮牛肉 Spicy Hot Poached Beef £ 9.80 99. 毛血旺 Spicy Hot Poached Pig’s Blood £ 8.80 100. 京酱肉丝 ( 带鸭皮 ) Stir Fried Shredded Pork with Bean Sauce with pancake £ 8.80 101. 秘制红烧肉 Braised Pork in Crown Special Sauce £ 8.80 102. 梅菜扣肉 Braised Pork with Preserved Vegetable £ 8.80 103. 水煮肉片 Spicy Hot Poached Pork £ 8.80 104. 萝卜干炒腊肉 Preserved Pork Fried with Dried Mooli £ 8.50 105. 蒜苔炒腊肉 / 肉丝 Preserved Pork / Shredded Pork Fried with Garlic Sprouts £ 8.50 106. 尖椒肥肠 Stir Fried Pig Intestine with Fresh Chilli £ 8.50 107. 干煸肥肠 Deep Fried Pig Intestine with Dried Chilli £ 8.50 108. 老干妈肥肠 Deep Fried Pig Intestine with Spicy Black Bean £ 8.50 109. 米椒碎排 Mini Spare Ribs with Hot Chilli £ 8.50 110. 野山椒爆鸡胗 Chicken Gizzard with Rod Chilli £ 8.00 小辣 Mild

中辣 Medium

辛辣 Hot


如有特别要求,请咨询我们的服务员。 For any special requirement, please ask one of our staffs.

冠豪小炒类 Meat Dish 111. 孜然鸡胗 Chicken Gizzard with Cumin 112. 潮州小炒肉 Sliced Belly Pork with Fresh Chilli 113. 鱼香肉丝 Stir Fried Shredded Pork with Spicy Garlic Sauce 114. 肉丝炒香干 Shredded Pork with Dry Beancurd 115. 锅包肉 Double Cooked Sliced Pork 116. 回锅肉 Sauteed Sliced Pork with Peppers and Hot Sauce 117. 老干妈 / 蒜香肚条 Spicy Black Bean / Garlic Pig Tripes 118. 火爆腰花 Stir Fried Pig Kidney with Hot Spicy Sauce 119. 鱼香肝尖 Stir Fried Pig Liver with Spicy Garlic Sauce 100. 京酱肉丝 ( 带鸭皮 ) Stir Fried Shredded Pork with Bean Sauce with pancake

小辣 Mild

中辣 Medium

辛辣 Hot


如有特别要求,请咨询我们的服务员。 For any special requirement, please ask one of our staffs.

£ 8.00 £ 8.00 £ 8.00 £ 8.00 £ 8.00 £ 8.00 £ 8.00 £ 7.50 £ 7.50

120. 鱼香茄龙 Braised Aubergines with Sweet Chilli Bean Sauce

家常菜类 Home Style Vegetable Dish 120. 鱼香茄龙 Braised Aubergines with Sweet Chilli Bean Sauce 121. 鱼香茄子 Stir Fried Aubergines with Spicy Garlic Sauce 122. 上汤娃娃菜 Baby Cabbage with Soup Stock 123. XO 三鲜玉子豆腐 Sizzling Egg Tofu with Mixed Seafood in XO sauce 124. 金针菇玉子豆腐 Egg Tofu with Needle Mushroom 125. 脆皮豆腐 Deep Fried Beancurd with Minced Pork 126. 家常豆腐 Braised Beancurd with Slice Pork 127. 麻婆豆腐 Ma Po Beancurd 128. 虎皮青椒 Pan Seared Green Chilli Pepper 129. 尖椒豆腐皮 Shredded Beancurd Sheet with Red Pepper 130. 地三鲜 Sauteed Green Peppers,Potato & Aubergine 131. 干煸四季豆 Stir Fried French Bean with Minced Pork & chilli 132. 榄菜四季豆 Fried French Beans with Kale Borecole 133. 酸豆角炒肉末 Minced Pork with Sour Beans 134. 海米冬瓜 Winter Melon with Dried Shrimps 135. 手撕包菜 Fried Cabbage with Dried Chilli 136. 酸辣土豆丝 Stir Fried Shredded Potatoes with Red Peppers 137. 双菇扒时蔬 Seasonal Vegetables with Mix Mushroom Topping 138. 咸蛋黄玉米粒 Yellow Duck Yolk with Sweetcorn 139. 咸蛋黄焗豆腐 Yellow Duck Yolk with Beancurd 小辣 Mild

中辣 Medium

辛辣 Hot


如有特别要求,请咨询我们的服务员。 For any special requirement, please ask one of our staffs.

£ 8.50 £ 8.00 £ 8.50 £ 8.50 £ 8.50 £ 8.50 £ 8.00 £ 8.00 £ 7.50 £ 7.50 £ 7.50 £ 7.50 £ 7.50 £ 7.50 £ 7.50 £ 6.50 £ 6.50 £ 8.50 £ 8.50 £ 8.50

127. 麻婆豆腐 Ma Po Beancurd

131. 干煸四季豆 Stir Fried French Bean with Minced Pork & chilli

时令蔬菜 Seasonal Vegetables 140. 菜心 / 上海青白菜 / 空心菜 / 菠菜 Choy Sum/Shanghai Pak Choi/Morning Glory/Spinach £ 8.50 芥兰 ( 另加 £1.50) Gai lan (extra £ 1.50) 烹调酱汁选择(无额外费用):清炒 / 蒜蓉 / 姜汁 / 椒丝腐乳 / 上汤 Choice of Sauces (No Extra Charge): Plain Fried / Garlic / Ginger / Preserved Beancurd / Soup Stock

主食类 Rice and Noodles Dish 141. 烧鸭饭 Roast Duck Topping with Rice 142. 三烧饭 Roast Mixed Meat with Boiled Rice 143. 双拼饭 Roast Duck & Roast Pork Topping with Rice 144. 扬州炒饭 Yeung Chow Fried Rice 145. 福建炒饭 Fu Jian Style Fried Rice 146. 海鲜炒饭 Seafood Fried Rice 147. 斑腩豆腐饭 Deep Fried Fish Fillet & Tofu with Rice 148. 椒盐猪扒饭 Salt & Pepper Pork Chops with Rice 149. 牛腩饭 Beef Brisket Boiled Rice 150. 牛腩汤面 Beef Brisket Noodled in Soup 151. 雪菜肉丝 / 鸭丝汤米粉 Fried Vermicelli with Pork / Duck 152. 福建焖面 / 焖米粉 Fu Jian Style Noodle / Vermicelli 153. 四川担担面 Szechuan Style Dandan Noodle 小辣 Mild

中辣 Medium

辛辣 Hot

£ 8.80 £ 8.20 £ 8.20 £ 7.80 £ 8.80 £ 8.80 £ 7.80 £ 7.80 £ 7.80 £ 7.80 £ 7.80 £ 8.80 £ 4.80 素菜Vegetarian

如有特别要求,请咨询我们的服务员。 For any special requirement, please ask one of our staffs.

主食类 Rice and Noodles Dish 153. 四川担担面 Szechuan Style Dandan Noodle

154. 北京炸酱面 Noodles with Soy Bean Paste in Bei jing Style

154. 北京炸酱面 Noodles with Soy Bean Paste in Bei jing Style 155. 金银馒头 Steamed and Deep Fried Bun 156. 北方水饺 Boiled Pork Dumplings 157. 锅贴 Deep Fried Pork Dumplings 158. 红油抄手 Pork Dumplings with Chilli Oil 159. 白饭 Steamed Boiled Rice 每人 /Per Person 160. 蛋炒饭 Egg Fried Rice 每人 /Per Person 小辣 Mild

中辣 Medium

辛辣 Hot


如有特别要求,请咨询我们的服务员。 For any special requirement, please ask one of our staffs.

£ 4.80 £ 4.80 £ 4.80 £ 5.80 £ 4.80 £ 1.50 £ 2.50

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