Adinkra Symbols and Meaning

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Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

Adinkra Symbols and Meanings: West African Adinkra Symbol of Knowledge POSTED ON APRIL 12, 2019 BY ADINKRAHENE



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: Akan Knowledge Symbols Never in my life did I think I would see Adinkra Symbols in a Marvel Movie. Once Obscure, these West African symbols now take the spotlight in the world’s third largest movie industry, Hollywood. The Adinkra symbols have been spotted in movies like;



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

The Black Panther: Symbol – WAWA ABA. “Seed of the Wawa tree” (Eng Translation) Click to see meaning>>

Avengers: Age of Ultron: Symbol – TAMFO BEBRE, “The Enemy will stew in his own Juice” (Eng Translation) Click to see meaning>>



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

The Sorcerer’s Apprentice: Symbol – NKYINKYIM , “Twisting” (Eng Translation) Click to see meaning>>

Adinkra are symbols that represent concepts or aphorisms. The historical

roots of these symbols date back to the times of the Akan people of Ghana,



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

West Africa. They are believed to have their origin from Gyaman, a former kingdom in today’s Côte D’Ivoire. History, philosophy and various religious beliefs were the core factors in the development of these symbols. Their roots stand strong to this day, with many modern-day individuals utilizing them to provide a range of products with definitive meanings. Such industries include Jewelry, Arts, Fashion, and even the world of architecture… Here are some beautiful products we’ve made with Adinkra Symbols >>> So, what do the Adinkra symbols mean?

Here’s a list of 122 Adinkra Symbols, Meanings, philosophical Significance & Pronunciation. GYE NYAME “Except for God”

Symbol of the Supremacy of God Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> This unique and beautiful symbol is ubiquitous in Ghana. It is by far the most popular for use in decoration, a reflection on the deeply religious character of the Ghanaian people



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

[Exclusive Offer >>> Adinkra Symbols Ultimate Collection!”]

Download Now SANKOFA “Return and get it”

A symbol of the importance of learning from the past. Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> Sankofa is an African word from the Akan tribe in Ghana.The literal translation of the word and the symbol is “it is not taboo to fetch what is at risk of being left behind.” Essentially every experience in life should leave you wiser than it met you and even if it was a bad experience, you would have learnt not how to go about it.



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

ADINKRAHENE “Chief of the adinkra symbols”

Symbol of Greatness, Charisma and Leadership Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> This symbol is said to have played an inspiring role in the designing of other symbols. it signifies the importance of playing a leadership role in the community. Great



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

leaders are charismatic and this symbol exemplifies the honorable qualities of a good leader. FUNTUNFUNEFU-DENKYEMFUNEFU “Siamese crocodiles”

Symbol of Democracy and Unity Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> The Siamese crocodiles share one stomach, yet they fight over food. This popular symbol is a reminder that infighting and tribalism are harmful to all who engage in it. DENKYEM “Crocodile”

symbol of adaptability Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> The crocodile lives in the water, yet breathes the air, demonstrating an ability to adapt to circumstances.



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

DWENNIMMEN “Ram’s Horns”

Symbol of humility together with strength Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> The ram will fight fiercely against an adversary, but it also submits humbly to slaughter, emphasizing that even the strong need to be humble.



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

AKOMA NTOSO “Linked Hearts”

Symbol of Understanding and Agreement Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> NYAME NTI ” by God’s grace”

Symbol of faith and trust in God Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> Similar to Gye Nyame, According to The Adinkra Dictionary by W. Bruce Willis: “This stalk is depicted as the staff of life in many cultures. It symbolizes to the Akan that food is a basis of life and that they could not survive if not for the food that God has placed here on Earth for their nourishment. “



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

NYAME BIRIBI WO SORO “God is in the heavens”

Symbol of Hope Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> A reminder that God’s dwelling place is in heaven, where he can listen to all prayers NKYINKYIM “Twisting”

Symbol of Initiative, Dynamism and Versatility Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> NSOROMMA “Child of the heavens [stars] “



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

Symbol of Guardianship Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> A reminder that God is the father and watches over all people. BI NKA BI “No one should bite the other”

Symbol of Peace and Harmony Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> This symbol cautions against provocation and strife. The image is based on two fish biting each other tails AKOKO NAN “The leg of a hen”



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

Symbol of Nurturing and Discipline Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> The full name of this symbol translates to “The hen treads on her chicks, but she does not kill them.” This represents the ideal nature of parents, being both protective and corrective. An exhortation to nurture children, but a warning not to pamper them FIHANKRA “House/Compound”

Symbol of Security and Safety Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> Typical of Akan (Asante) architecture, the communal housing compound has only one entrance and exit. EBAN “Fence”

Symbol of Love, Safety and Security Click to listen to Pronunciation >>>



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

The home to the Akan is a special place. A home which has a fence around it is considered to be an ideal residence. The fence symbolically separates and secures the family from the outside. Because of the security and the protection that a fence affords, the symbol is also associated with the security and safety one finds in love.– from The Adinkra Dictionary AKOBEN “War Horn”

Symbol of Vigilance and Wariness Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> Akoben is a horn used to sound a battle cry. NKONSONKONSON “Chain Link”



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

Symbol of Unity and Human relations Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> A reminder to contribute to the community, that in unity lies strength OWO FORO ADOBE “Snake climbing the raffia tree”

symbol of Steadfastness, Prudence and Diligence Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> Because of its thorns, the raffia tree is a very dangerous challenge to the snake. His ability to climb it is a model of persistence and prudence. AKOMA “The heart”

Symbol of Patience and Tolerance Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> According to Agbo, when a person is said to “have a heart in his stomach,” that person is very tolerant. HWE MU DUA “Measuring stick”



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

Symbol of Examination and Quality Control Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> This symbol stresses the need to strive for the best quality, whether in a production of goods or in human endeavors. HYE WON HYE “That which does not burn “

Symbol of Imperishability and Endurance Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> This symbol gets its meaning from traditional priests that were able to walk on fire without burning their feet, an inspiration to others to endure and overcome difficulties. FAWOHODIE “Independence”



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

Symbol of Independence, Freedom, Emancipation Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> “From the expression: Fawodhodie ene obre na enam. Literal translation: “Independence comes with its responsibilities.” – from Cloth As Metaphor by G.F. Kojo Arthur TAMFO BEBRE “The enemy will stew in his own juice”

Symbol of Jealousy and Envy Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> DUAFE “Wooden Comb”



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

Symbol of Beauty and Cleanliness; Symbols of desirable feminine qualities Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> The meaning of this symbol is characterized slightly differently in “The Adinkra Dictionary” and “The Values of Adinkra Symbols”; the former emphasizes more abstract qualities of feminine goodness, love and care, while the latter has a more literal interpretation, looking one’s best and good hygiene. In any case, the duafe was a prized possession of the Akan woman, used to comb and plait her hair. MMUSUYIDEE “That which removes bad luck”

Symbol of Good Fortune and Sanctity Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> OSRAM NE NSOROMMA “The Moon and the Star”



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

Symbol of Love, Faithfulness, Harmony Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> This symbol reflects the harmony that exists in the bonding between a man and a woman. Proverb: “Kyekye pe aware.” (The North Star has a deep love for marriage. She is always in the sky waiting for the return of the moon, her husband.) –from The Adinkra Dictionary) KINTINKANTAN “Puffed up Extravagance”

Symbol of Arrogance Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> BESE SAKA “Sack of Cola nuts”



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

Symbol of Affluence, Power, Abundance, Plenty, Togetherness and Unity Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> The cola nut played an important role in the economic life of Ghana. A widelyused cash crop, it is closely associated with affluence and abundance. This symbol also represents the role of agriculture and trade in bringing peoples together. MPATAPO “Knot of Pacification/Reconciliation”

Symbol of Reconciliation, Peacemaking and Pacification Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> Mpatapo represents the bond or knot that binds parties in a dispute to a peaceful, harmonious reconciliation. It is a symbol of peacemaking after strife. NSAA “A type of hand-woven fabric”



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

Symbol of Excellence, Genuineness, Authenticity. Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> According to “The Adinkra Dictionary” by W. Bruce Willis, the nsaa symbols reflects a saying: “nea onnim nsaa oto n’ago”, which he translates as “He who does not know authentic Nsaa will buy the fakes.” The quality of Nsaa has come to represent quality of workmanship in general NKYIMU “The crossed divisions made on adinkra cloth before stamping”

Symbol of Skillfulness, Precision Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> Before adinkra cloth is stamped with the symbols, the artisan blocks off the cloth with lines in a rectangular grid using a broad-tooth comb. This preparation is symbolic of the exacting technique which results in the highest quality product. SESA WO SUBAN “Change or transform your character “



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

Symbol of Life Transformation Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> This symbol combines two separate adinkra symbols, the “Morning Star” which can mean a new start to the day, placed inside the wheel, representing rotation or independent movement. EPA “Handcuffs”

Symbol of Law and Justice, Slavery and Captivity Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> Adolph Agbo, in “Values of Adinkra Symbols” notes that handcuffs were introduced in Africa as a result of the slave trade, and later became popular among chiefs in cuffing offenders of the law. “The symbol reminds offenders of the uncompromising nature of the law. It, however, discourages all forms of slavery.” DAME-DAME “Name of a Board Game



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

Symbol of Intelligence and Ingenuity Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> ESE NE TEKREMA “The Teeth and The Tongue”

Symbol of Friendship and Interdependence Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> The teeth and the tongue play interdependent roles in the mouth. They may come into conflict, but they need to work together. NYAME NNWU NA MAWU “God never dies, therefore I cannot die”



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

symbol of God’s omnipresence and the perpetual existence of man’s spirit Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> This signifies the immortality of man’s soul, believed to be a part of God.Because the soul rests with God after death, it cannot die. NYANSAPO “Wisdom Knot”

Symbol of Wisdom, Ingenuity, Intelligence and Patience Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> An especially revered symbol of the Akan, this symbol conveys the idea that “a wise person has the capacity to choose the best means to attain a goal. Being wise implies broad knowledge, learning and experience, and the ability to apply such faculties to practical ends.” (Willis, “The Adinkra Dictionary”)



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

ODO NNYEW FIE KWAN “Love never loses its way home”

Symbol of the Power of Love Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> MATE MASIE “What I hear, I keep”

Symbol of Wisdom, Knowledge and Prudence Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> The implied meaning of the phrase “mate masie” is “I understand”. Understanding means wisdom and knowledge, but it also represents the prudence of taking into consideration what another person has said. FOFO “Yellow Flowered Plant”



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

Symbol of Jealousy and Envy” Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> When the fofo’s petals drop, they turn into black spiky-like seeds. The Akan liken the nature of this plant to a jealous person. ” The Adinkra Dictionary by W. Bruce WillisThere is a Akan proverb associated with this symbol: “What the fofo plant wishes is that the gyinantwi seeds turn black.” OWUO ATWEDEE “The Ladder of Death”

Symbol of Mortality Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> A reminder of the transitory nature of existence in this world and of the imperative to live a good life to be a worthy soul in the afterlife. MMERE DANE



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

“Time Changes “

Symbol of Change, Life’s dynamics Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> PEMPAMSIE “Sew in Readiness”

Symbol of Readiness, Steadfastness, Hardiness Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> According to The Adinkra Dictionary, the design of this symbol resembles the links of a chain, and implies strength through unity as well as the importance of being prepared. AKOFENA “Sword of War “



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

Symbol of Courage, Valor, and Heroism Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> The crossed swords were a popular motif in the heraldic shields of many former Akan states. In addition to recognizing courage and valor, the swords can represent legitimate state authority OKODEE MMOWERE “The Talons of the Eagle”

Symbol of Strength, Bravery, Power Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> The eagle is the mightiest bird in the sky, and its strength is concentrated in its talons. The Oyoko clan, one of the nine Akan clans, uses this symbol as their clan emblem.



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

NYAME YE OHENE “God is King “

Symbol of Majesty and Supremacy of God Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> ONYANKOPON ADOM NTI BIRIBIARA BEYE YIE “By God’s grace, all will be well”

Symbol of Hope, Providence, Faith Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> KWATAKYE ATIKO “Hair Style of an Asante war captain”



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

Symbol of Bravery and Valor Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> “This symbols is said to be a special hair style of Kwatakye, a war captain of old Asante. The symbol has come to represent bravery and fearlessness. It is also given as an earned title to any brave son of an Akan community.” – W. Bruce Willis, The Adinkra Dictionary MPUANNUM “Five Tufts” (of hair)

Symbol of Priestly office, Loyalty and Adroitness Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> “This symbol is said to be the hairstyle of joy. It is the traditional hairstyle of the priestesses. The [ps2id id=’aba’ target=”/]design of the adinkra symbol mpuannum resembles the way the priestesses’ hair was tied. It also represents the devotion and faithfulness one displays when doing a task required of one. In addition, mpuannum means loyalty or the embodiment of lofty duty to a desired goal.” – W. Bruce Willis, The Adinkra Dictionary



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

WAWA ABA “Seed of the Wawa tree”

Symbol of Hardiness, Toughness and Perseverance Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> The seed of the wawa tree is extremely hard. In Akan culture, it is a symbol of someone who is strong and tough. It inspires the individual to persevere through hardship. AYA “Fern”

Symbol of Endurance and Resourcefulness Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> The fern is a hardy plant that can grow in difficult places. “An individual who wears this symbol suggests that he has endured many adversities and outlasted much difficulty.” (Willis, The Adinkra Dictionary)



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

NYAME DUA “Tree of God” – Altar

Symbol of God’s Presence and Protection Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> The Nyame Dua is a sacred spot where rituals are performed. Erected in front of the house or compound, it is crafted from a tree that has been cut where three or more branches come together. This stake holds an earthenware vessel filled with water and herbs or other symbolic materials for purification and blessing rituals. MFRAMADAN “Wind-Resistant House”

Symbol of Fortitude and readiness to face life’s vicissitudes” Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> This symbol suggests a reinforced or well-built home — one built to withstand windy and treacherous conditions. It reflects in Asante history a clause in the unwritten constitution of the Golden Stool. Oral accounts say that according to



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

that clause, mud houses in Kumasi must be reinforced with turf. This reinforcing would cause the house to be sturdier and resistant to unfavorable weather conditions.” –from The Adinkra Dictionary by W. Bruce Willis NEA OPE SE OBEDI HENE “He who wants to be king “

Symbol of Service and Leadership Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> From the expression “Nea ope se obedi hene daakye no, firi ase sue som ansa” meaning “He who wants to be king in the future must first learn to serve.” Source: Cloth As Metaphor by G.F. Kojo Arthur WOFORO DUA PA A “When you climb a good tree”

Symbol of Support, Cooperation and Encouragement Click to listen to Pronunciation >>>



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

From the expression “Woforo dua pa a, na yepia wo” meaning “When you climb a good tree, you are given a push”. More metaphorically, it means that when you work for a good cause, you will get support. Source: Cloth As Metaphor by G.F. Kojo Arthur WO NSA DA MU A “If your hands are in the dish”

Symbol of participatory Government, Democracy and Pluralism Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> From the aphorism, “Wo nsa da mu a, wonni nnya wo” — “If your hands are in the dish, people do not eat everything and leave you nothing.” Source: “Cloth As Metaphor” by G.F. Kojo Arthur BOA ME NA ME MMOA WO “Help me and let me help you”



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

Symbol of Cooperation and Interdependence Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> Source: “Cloth As Metaphor” by G.F. Kojo Arthur KETE PA “Good bed “

Symbol of a Good Marriage Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> From the expression that a woman who has a good marriage is said to sleep on a good bed. See Cloth As Metaphor by G.F. Kojo Arthur, pp. 87-89 ME WARE WO “I shall marry you “

Symbol of Commitment, Perseverance Click to listen to Pronunciation >>>



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

From the expression “No one rushes into the job of mixing the concrete for building the house of marriage.” See Cloth As Metaphor by G.F. Kojo Arthur, pp. 89, 163. ASASE YE DURU “The Earth has weight”

Symbol of providence and the divinity of Mother Earth Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> This symbol represents the importance of the Earth in sustaining life. NEA ONNIM NO SUA A, OHU “He who does not know can know from learning”

Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> Symbol of knowledge, life-long education and continued quest for knowledge Source: Cloth As Metaphor by G.F. Kojo Arthur.



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations


Symbol of Wisdom, Creativity and the complexities of life Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> Ananse, the spider, is a well-known character in African folktales. MAKO “Pepper”

Symbol of Inequality and Uneven development Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> Mako is a shortened form of the Akan proverb “Mako nyinaa mpatu mmere,” literally “All peppers (presumably on the same tree) do not ripen simultaneously. ”This proverb admonishes the greater ones to help the less fortunate with the implicit understanding that fortunes could reverse so that they would also need someone’s help. As the Akans say, “Mmerɛ dane,” literally, “Time changes” so any advantage one may have now may not persist forever.



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

ABE DUA “Palm Tree”

Symbol of Wealth, Resourcefulness, and Self-sufficiency Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> The palm tree is a symbol resourcefulnees because many diverse products emanate from that single tree: wine, oil, brooms, etc. OKUAFO PA “Good farmer”

A symbol of Diligence, Hard work, Entrepreneurship Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> SEPOW “Executioner’s knife”



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

Symbol of Justice Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> MENSO WO KENTEN “I am not carrying your basket”

Symbol of Industry, Self-reliance, and Economic self-determination Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> UAC NKANEA “UAC lights”



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

Symbol of technological advancement Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> Several of the symbols in the adinkra cloths record social changes that have been brought about by both external and internal factors. For example, the aban (castle, fortress), kurontire ne akwamu (council of state), ohene tuo (king’s gun), UAC nkanea (UAC lights), benz, television, kookoo dua (cocoa tree), and sedee or serewa (cowrie shell) symbols record specific technological developments and historical events that led to particular changes and factors that influenced the direction of such changes in the Asante (Akan) and Ghanaian society. (Arthur and Rowe, Akan Cultural Symbols Project) NTEASEE “Understanding”



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

Symbol for understanding and cooperation Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> Â KURONTI NE AKWAMU Kuronti and Akwamu

A symbol of democracy, sharing ideas, taking council Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> The Centre for Democratic Development (CDD) in Ghana holds an annual lecture series called the Kronti ne Akwamu Lecture to discuss issues related to democratic development. Â ABODE SANTANN All seeing eye



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

A symbol of divine creator, omnipresence, Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> Â ABUSUA PA Good Family

A symbol of good family, family unity, Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> Â ADWO Peace

A symbol of serenity, peace, calmness



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> AGYIN DAWURU Loyalty

A symbol of loyalty Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> AKWAABA Welcome

A symbol of reception, hospitality Click to listen to Pronunciation >>>



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

ANI BRE A ENSO GYA Red Eyes Can’t Spark Flames

Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> ANYI ME AYE A If You Will Not Praise Me

Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> ASAAWA Sweet Berry



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

A symbol of tenderness Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> ASAASE YE DURO The Earth Has Weight

Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> ASETENA PA Good Living



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> AWURADE BAATANFO God The Mother

A symbol of nurturing, provision Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> BOAFO YE NA Willing Helper



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

A symbol of support, help Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> DONNO Bell Drum

Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> DONNO NTOASO Talking Drum



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

The talking drum is a communication device among many cultures in Africa Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> ESONO ANANTAM Elephant’s Footprint

A symbol of making an impact Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> FAFANTO Butterfly



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

Many Cultures associate butterfly with the soul Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> GYE W’ANI Enjoy Yourself

A symbol of enjoyment, celebration Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> KOKUROMOTIE Thumb



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> Â KRAMO BONE Bad Mohammedan

Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> Â KYEMFERE Potsherds



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> MEKYIA WO I Salute You

A symbol of respect Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> MMARA KRADO Seal Of Law



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

A symbol of Justice Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> MO NO YO Congratulations

A symbol of Recognition Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> MPUANKRON Five Tufts Of Hair



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> MRAMMUO Crossing Paths

Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> NANTE YIE Goodbye



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

A symbol of farewell Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> NKOTIMSEFO MPUA Court Attendants Hair Style

Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> NKRABEA Destiny



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

A symbol of destiny Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> NKURUMA KESEE Big Okra

Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> NNAMPO PA BAANU Two Good Friends



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

A symbol of friendship and interdependence Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> Â NOKORE Truth

A symbol of truth Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> Â NSA KO, NA NSA ABA Hand Go, Hand Come



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

A symbol of help, support Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> NSEREWA Cowry Shells

The cowry shells were once used as money or medium of exchange in many cultures. Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> NYA GYIDIE Have Faith



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

A symbol of Faith, Hope Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> OBAATAN AWAAMU Warm Embrace Of Mother

A symbol of compassion Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> OBOHEMMAA Diamond



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> OHENE ADWA King’s Stool

A symbol of authority, leadership Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> OHENE ANIWA King’s Eyes



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> OHENE KRA KONMUNDE Royal Soul Pendant

Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> OHENE KYE King’s Crown



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> OHENE KYINIIE King’s Umbrella

A symbol of Kingship Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> OHENE PAPA Good King



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

A symbol of good governance Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> OSIADAN NYAME God the Builder

Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> OTUMFUO WUO YE YA The King is Gone



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> Â OWIA A REPUE Rising Sun

Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> Â PAGYA Strikes Fire



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> SOM ONYANKOPON Worship God

A symbol of Worship Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> SUNSUM The Soul



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> TABONO Oars

Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> TI KORO NKO AGYINA One Head is not a Council



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

Emphasizing the importance of cooperation, board of members, team. Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> TUMI TE SE KUSUA Power Is Like an Egg

Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> TUO NE AKOFENA Gun And State Sword



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> YEBEHYIA BIO We Shall Meet Again

Click to listen to Pronunciation >>> NYANSAPO Wisdom Knot



Adinkra Symbols & Meanings: African Symbols & Pronunciations

Variation of the Symbol of wise leadership, ingenuity, intelligence and patience. A revered symbol of the Akan, this symbol conveys the idea that “a wise person has the capacity to choose the best means to attain a goal.� Being wise implies broad knowledge, learning and experience, and the ability to apply such faculties to practical ends.


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