3 minute read
Allied Industry Council
from Late Fall Issue 2020
by ohiocattle
The Ohio Cattlemen’s Association Allied Industry Council is a business partnership that supports educational e orts and leadership opportunities for cattlemen to advance Ohio’s beef cattle industry.
ADM Animal Nutrition Dan Meyer 330-466-3281, Kevin Steele 330-465-0962 www.admworld.com Ag Credit David White 419-435-7758 | www.agcredit.net Ag Nation Products Bob and Marie Clapper 1-800-247-3276 | www.agnation.com Ag-Pro Ben Butcher & Jenna Phelps 740-653-6951 | www.agprocompanies.com All ex USA, Inc. Dave McElhaney 724-494-6199 | www.all exusa.com Alliantgroup www.alliantgroup.com Alltech Ryan Sorensen 440-759-8938 | www.alltech.com Armstrong Ag & Supply Dean Armstrong 740-988-5681 Bayer Crop Science Adam Frantz 937-538-6892, Christina Howell 419-295-9247, Dan Hutchins 614-546-9603 www.cropscience.bayer.com BioZyme, Inc. Lori Lawrence 614-395-9513 Ty McGuire 937-533-3251 www.biozymeinc.com Boehringer-Ingelheim Brent Tolle 502-905-7831 www.boehringer-ingelheim.com Burkmann Nutrition Brent Williams 859-236-0400 www.burkmann.com Cargill Animal Nutrition/Sunglo Chris Heslinger 937-751-9841 Tim Osborn 973-655-0644 www.cargill.com | www.sunglo.com COBA/Select Sires Kevin Hinds, Bruce Smith, Julie Ziegler 614-878-5333 www.cobaselect.com CompManagement, Inc. Tony Sharrock 614-376-5450 www.sedgwickcms.com CPC Animal Health Devon Trammel 615-688-6455 Paul Alan Kinslow 615-604-1852 www.cpcanimalhealth.com DHI Cooperative, Inc. Brian Winters 1-800-DHI-OHIO, Tim Pye 912-682-9798 www.dhicoop.com M.H. Eby Inc./Eby Trailers Kirk Swensen & Steve Rittenhouse 614-879-6901 | www.mheby.com Elanco Animal Health Jon Sweeney 515-249-2926, Jim Stefanak 330-298-8113 | www.elanco.com Farm Credit Mid-America Wendy Osborn 937-444-0905, David Sanders 740-335-3306, Tara Durbin 740-892-3338 www.e-farmcredit.com Fennig Equipment Gary Fennig 419-953-8500 | www.fenningequipment.com Four Star Veterinary Service Taylor Engle 419-305-7494, Bryant Chapman 419-953-4523, Trey Gellert 419-953-4523 www.4starvets.com Franklin Equipment Troy Gabriel 614-389-2161, Corey Muncy www.franklinequipment.com Heartland Bank Matt Bucklew 614-475-7024, Brian Fracker 740-349-7888, Joel M. Oney 614-475-7024, Chuck Woodson 614-506-0482, Seth Middleton 614-798-8818 | www.heartland.bank Heritage Cooperative Dale Stry er 330-556-8465, Derek Fauber, David Monnin, Stef Lewis & Allan Robison 914-873-6736 www.heritagecooperative.com Highland Enterprises Curt & Allison Hively 330-457-2033 | www.highlandlivestocksupply.com ImmuCell Corporation Bobbi Brockmann 515-450-2035, Kathy Becher 800-466-2035, Becky Vincent 330-705- 8755 | www. rstdefensecalfhealth.com Johnson Concrete Livestock Waterers Brad McCormick 402-463-1359 www.johnsonconcreteproducts.com Kalmbach Feeds Je Neal 419-356-0128, Kyle Nickles & Cheryl Miller 419-294-3838 www.kalmbachfeeds.com Kent Feeds Patrick Barker 513-315-3833, Joseph Wright 937-213-1168 www.kentfeeds.com Legends Lane Rob Stout 740-924-2691, www.legendslaneet.com McArthur Lumber & Post Stan Nichols 740-596-2551| www.totalfarmandfence.com Mercer Landmark Randy Seeger 419-230-9832, Joe Siegrist 419-305-2451, Travis Spicer 419-733-9915, Chad Knapke 419-733-6434 | www.mercerlandmark.com Merck Animal Health Jake Osborn 937-725-5687 Seth Clark 330-465-2728 www.merck-animal-health-usa.com Multimin USA, Inc. Thomas Carper 540-336-2737 www.multiminusa.com Murphy Tractor Eric Bischo 614-876-1141, Brent Chauvin 937-898-4198 www.murphytractor.com Nationwide Insurance www.nationwide.com New York Life Insurance Erin Stickel 419-344-2716 www.erinstickel.com For information about joining OCA’s Allied Industry Council, call the OCA Offi ce 614.873.6736 or visit www.ohiocattle.org. Ohio CAT Linda Meier, Brian Speelman, Courtney Bush 614-851-3629 | www.ohiocat.com Ohio Cow Hunters Michael Hendren 740-404-3134, Chris Goodwin 740-823-2502, Carlie Milam 304-890-6788 www.ohiocowhunters.com Ohio Soybean Council Jennifer Coleman & Barry McGraw 614-476-3100 | www.soyohio.org PBS Animal Health Bridget Gillogly 1-800-321-0235 | www.pbsanimalhealth.com Priefert Ranch Equipment Kayla Gray & Steve Campbell 903-434-8973; Corey Hinterer 304-625-1302 www.priefert.com Purina Animal Nutrition Patrick Gunn 317-967-4345, Cy Prettyman 470-360-5538, Kira Morgan 812-480-2715 | www.purinamills.com Quality Liquid Feeds Joe Foster 614-560-5228 | www.qlf.com Reed & Baur Insurance Agency Jim & Paula Rogers 866-593-6688 | www.reedbaurinsurance.com Rod’s Western Palace Eric Seaman Saunders Insurance Agency John Saunders, Scott Saunders, Brett Steinback 740-446-0404 saundersins.com ST Genetics Aaron Arnett 614-947-9931 | www.stgen.com Straight A’s Nikki McCarty 330-868-1182 | www.ranchcity.com Summit Livestock Facilities Richard Hines 765-421-9966, Mike Schluttenhofer 765-427-2818, Angie Dotson & Mike Sheetz 800-213-0567 www.summitlivestock.com Sunrise Co-op, Inc. Phil Alstaetter 937-575-6780 | www.sunriseco-op.com Umbarger Show Feeds Jackson Umbarger 317-422-5195, Eric King 419-889-7443 | www.umbargerandsons.com United Producers, Inc. Sam Roberts, Bill Tom, Hayley Beck 1-800-456-3276 | www.uproducers.com Vytelle, LLC Ridge View Farms 740-641-3217, Michael Bishop 608-345-1822, Jarod Knock 605-881- 2375, Taylor Grussing 605-680-9504 www.vytelle.com Weaver Leather Livestock Angela Kain & Lisa Shearer 330-674-1782 Karli Mast 330-674-1782 www.weaverleather.com The Wendt Group Kevin Wendt 614-626-7653, Dale Evans 260- 894-0458, Nick Cummings 740-572-0756, Tyler Wilt 740-572-1249, Wesley Black 740- 572-1670 | www.thewendtgroup.com 30 | Ohio Cattleman | Late Fall Issue 2020 For information about joining OCA’s Allied Industry Council, call the OCA Offi ce 614.873.6736 or visit www.ohiocattle.org.