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EASTERN OHIO HEREFORD ASSOCIATION JUNIOR SHOW RESULTS The Eastern Ohio Hereford Association recently held their junior show at the Wayne County Fairgrounds in Wooster, Ohio. Matt Kleski of New Albany, Ohio evaluated the 85 head. The Grand Champion Heifer and Grand Champion Bred & Owned Heifer was RCSC Jorja 101J exhibited by Delaney Chester. Samantha Wallace exhibited the Reserve Grand Champion Heifer SSF KKH 513 Miss Pilgrim 108. The Reserve Grand Champion Bred & Own Heifer, Creek 2296 Rosie, was exhibited by Jillian Johnson Grand Champion Steer honors went to LGM Chief 719T for exhibitor Jessilyn Miller. Reserve Grand Champion Steer and Grand Champion Bred & Owned Steer was AFSC Joey BJ2 exhibited by John Adams. Jalyn Eddy exhibited the Reserve Grand Champion Bred & Owned Steer, MMF 109 Lariet 104. Eddy also took home Grand Champion Bred & Owned Bull honors with MMF 109 Manly 102. The Reserve Grand Champion Bred & Owned Bull was LCR 1906 Suzy’s Kid exhibited by Codee Reed. Grand Champion Cow/Calf honors went to Liberty Ridge Skylar 539 for exhibitor Kinnalee Connnolly. The Reserve Grand Champion Cow/Calf was EML Happy Holidays H812 shown by Emma Lewis. Lewis also took home Grand Champion Prospect Steer, EML Mr. Jellly K815.
Showmanship winners for the event are as follows: Supreme Champion - Samantha Wallce Senior Division - Samantha Wallace Intermediate Division - Delaney Chester Junior Division - Piper Pennell Beginner Division - Jaycee Schrader 1st Year Division - Natalie Atterholt
The American Angus Association will host their annual Angus Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah on Nov. 4-7, 2022. The convention will welcome over 2,000 Angus breeders and beef industry enthusiasts to hear the industry’s latest, rekindle relationships and conduct the business of the Association. The event will feature a solutions-based trade show, and educational workshops and sessions. Registration for the Angus Convention and Trade Show is now open. Learn more about the event’s sessions, speakers, tours and more at www. angusconvention.com.
AMERICAN HEREFORD ASSOCIATION TO HOST ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING AND CONFERENCE IN OCTOBER Hereford breeders will gather in Kansas City, MO on Oct. 21-23, 2022 for the American Hereford Association’s Annual Membership Meeting and Conference. The event will feature a trade show, educational sessions and the Honorees Reception and meeting where three new members of the Board of Directors are elected. Registration for the event is due Oct. 3, 2022. More information and a full schedule can be found at www. hereford.org.