Spring 2019
Official Publication of the Ohio Cattlemen’s Association
Spring Issue 2019 | Ohio Cattleman | 1
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Features BEST Program Banquet
NCBA Legislative Conference
Ohio Beef Expo Highlights
Join us as we celebrate 20 years of the BEST program
Young Cattleman of the Year
OCA Young Cattlemen’s Conference & Tour Set for August 8-10
Best of the Buckeye Ohio Beef Expo Show Results
Thornburgs build cow-calf operation from scratch in Belmont County by Amy Graves
News & Notes
Harsh Realities
Your Dues Dollars at Work
OCA News & Views
OCA News
Up the Alley
Beef Briefs
Forage Corner
Breed News
36 On the Edge of Common Sense
52 Your Checkoff Dollars at Work
Reference 8 OCA County Affiliate Presidents 28
Allied Industry Council
Calendar of Events
Parting Shots
Advertisers’ Index
On the Cover
Photo taken by Lauren Corry, OCA Member from Greene County
Spring Issue 2019 | Ohio Cattleman | 3
Harsh Realities
Ohio Cattleman 10600 U.S. Highway 42 Marysville, Ohio 43040 Phone 614-873-6736 • Fax 614-873-6835 www.ohiocattle.org cattle@ohiocattle.org Editor Elizabeth Harsh Managing Editor Michaela Kramer Sales Representative Stephanie Sindel
Ohio Cattleman magazine (USPA: 020-968, ISSN: 15430588) is published six times per year: Winter issue, mailed in January; Expo preview issue, mailed in February; Spring issue, mailed in April; Summer issue, mailed in July; Early Fall issue, mailed in September; and Late Fall issue, mailed in October; for $15 a year to OCA members only. It is dedicated to reporting facts about Ohio’s cattle including marketing, production and legislative news. All editorial and advertising material is screened to meet rigid standards, but publisher assumes no responsibility for accuracy or validity of claims. All rights reserved. Circulation for the Spring 2019 issue is 2,862. Published at Minster, Ohio 45865 by the Ohio Cattlemen’s Association, 10600 US Highway 42, Marysville, Ohio 43040. Periodical postage paid at Marysville, Ohio and at additional offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Ohio Cattleman, 10600 US Highway 42, Marysville, Ohio 43040. CHANGING YOUR ADDRESS: Please send old as well as new address to Ohio Cattleman, 10600 US Highway 42, Marysville, Ohio 43040.
To schedule advertising write to: Ohio Cattleman, 10600 US Highway 42, Marysville, Ohio 43040, or call 614-873-6736. All advertising material for the Summer Issue must be received by June 19, 2019.
Ohio Cattleman Advertising Rates
Full Page $460 2/3 Page 1/2 Page $260 1/3 Page 1/4 Page $145 1/8 Page Business Card $65 Classified Ad Four Color $270 One Additional Color $90
$345 $175 $105 $50
Ohio Cattlemen’s Association members will receive a 10% discount when advertising their farm products, such as cattle, hay, corn, etc. ...
Call today to place your ad: 614-873-6736
4 | Ohio Cattleman | Spring Issue 2019
By Elizabeth Harsh, Ohio Cattleman Editor
Cowboy Meetings On a recent trip to Washington, D.C. the three-year-old daughter of one of OCA’s board members asked her dad if he was going to his cowboy meetings. We laughed at her description of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association’s (NCBA) Legislative Conference. But as cattlemen and women from across the country dressed in boots and hats took to the Hill to visit with their members of Congress, cowboy meetings seemed to be an accurate description. I can identify with the term cowboy meetings especially if they are guided by the same set of principles that author James P. Owen outlined in his book, Cowboy Ethics. NCBA had the author present at a meeting some years ago and I’ve kept the card with his principles printed on it ever since. They went something like: Live each day with courage Take pride in your work Always finish what you start Do what has to be done Be tough, but fair When you make a promise, keep it Talk less say more Remember that some things aren’t for sale Do these sound familiar? I’ll bet most of you had a parent that taught you a similar set of principles based on respect and responsibility. They describe our way of life that is based on a hand-shake and your word. OCA members work hard day in and day out caring for cattle and for many of you, that work keeps you tied close to home. And no matter how hard you work, there are some issues beyond your control that have the potential to threaten your bottom line. OCA works to represent your interests by addressing those issues in cowboy meetings every day. For example, expanding trade opportunities for U.S. beef is high on the list of priorities. Last year, U.S. beef exports represented over an $8 billion market. While that figure seems big and unattainable, market analysts like Cattle-Fax can document that those global opportunities for U.S. beef amount to an additional $327 for every fed animal we market. Support for Congressional approval of the US Mexico Canada Agreement (USMCA) follows this same logic, with Mexico and Canada being the third and fifth largest markets for U.S. beef. Establishing a trade agreement with Japan, already the top market for U.S. beef despite a substantial tariff, is also a high priority to increase that $327 per head and compete against countries like Australia. Beyond trade there are other issues OCA and NCBA are addressing, such as hours of service related to electronic logging devices, climate change and misinformation like the Green New Deal and the regulation of fake meat. Full repeal of the 2015 WOTUS rule and implementation of a new rule that includes clearer definitions, as well as monitoring the work of the Dietary Guidelines Committee that provides nutrition recommendations for the U.S. rounds out some of the top issues. In Columbus OCA is also involved in cowboy meetings. Presently there are important meetings taking place to support Governor DeWine’s proposed H2Ohio water quality initiative. The proposal would create a special H2Ohio fund to protect Ohio’s water quality over 10 years and would total $900 million. There are also important funding needs for agriculture that need to be championed as the General Assembly works on the state’s operating budget for the 2020-2021 biennium. Space won’t allow an indepth review of each of them. However, adequate funding for the Ohio Department of Agriculture, Soil & Water, OSU Extension, OARDC and the College of Veterinary Medicine are all important to addressing the needs of the state’s number one industry. The same cowboy principles guide these meetings at the Ohio Statehouse, just with fewer hats. v
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OCA Officers
President • Sasha Rittenhouse Vice President • Aaron Arnett Secretary • Elizabeth Harsh Treasurer • Bill Tom Past President • Joe Foster
OCA Directors
Tom Karr Director At-Large Pomeroy • Term expires 2021 Kyle Walls Director At-Large Mt. Vernon • Term expires 2020 J.L. Draganic Director At-Large Wakeman • Term expires 2019 Scott Alexander District 1 Bowling Green • Term expires 2020 Kelvin Egner District 2 Shelby • Term expires 2021 Pete Conkle District 3 Hanoverton • Term expires 2019 Troy Jones District 4 Harrod • Term expires 2020 Frank Phelps District 5 Belle Center • Term expires 2021 Pam Haley District 6 West Salem • Term expires 2019 Brad Thornburg District 7 Barnesville • Term expires 2020 Linde Sutherly District 8 New Carlisle • Term expires 2021 Jim Jepsen District 9 Amanda • Term expires 2019 Jess Campbell District 10 Waynesville • Term expires 2020 Lindsey Hall District 11 Hillsboro • Term expires 2021 Luke Vollborn • District 12 Bidwell • Term expires 2019
Elections are held each year in November. If interested in serving on the OCA Board, please call the OCA office.
OCA Staff Elizabeth Harsh Executive Director Michaela Kramer Director of Communications & Managing Editor Stephanie Sindel Director of Member Services & Youth Programs Ron Windnagel Director of Accounting & Operations Shelby Riley Project Manager Cindy Sankey Administrative Assistant 6 | Ohio Cattleman | Spring Issue 2019
OCA News & Views By Sasha Rittenhouse, OCA President
I’m Proud to Call Myself a Farmer I have never understood why farmers are often portrayed as dumb, uneducated, clueless individuals. If you live in the Miami Valley, I’m sure you’ve heard the commercials for Buckeye Gaming. One of the characters in their commercials is “Buckeye the Buckeye Farmer”. He is a handsome fellow but is portrayed as being simple. This stumps me. Farmers, whether they are folks in beef, crop, dairy, poultry, citrus, etc. are quite the opposite of simple. We know this, but where does this perception come from? I think about the technology many of us use these days, the licensing and certifications we go through and the resiliency that we have. I think of the long, sometimes endless hours we work in all different kinds of conditions. We work sick, hot, cold, and tired, from sun up to sun down. We are not lazy. We are not dumb. We are intelligent, and we are passionate. I think about the very successful Ohio Beef Expo that just took place. I, for one, am proud to be part of the group of people who helped put this event on and participated in it. What a success it was! One of the most exciting parts was we had over 560 youth come on Friday to participate in the judging contest. That is our future and I’m excited about it! The breed sales are growing and successful, the trade show is popular and always expanding. And to top it off, I don’t see how you could call the junior show anything but successful. From the bottom of my heart, thank you to each and every exhibitor, buyer, seller, spectator, trade show participant, staff, intern and volunteer. You all made the Ohio Beef Expo a huge success! It took hard work, determination, sacrifices and team work to make it what it is – but it was one of our best yet. When I think about the water quality issues that we face in our state, I often wonder why people think we are so lazy and don’t care about our land, our future or our environment. Why? We are families, we have children and we make our living on this land and depend on it. It must be healthy for us to survive. I think we have a better understanding than most. We know what N, P and K stand for, what they mean and what is ideal. We are smart, and we are educated. Life in the beef industry is anything but easy. My heart goes out to the farmers and ranchers in the Midwest that were recently affected by the blizzards and the flooding. I personally know folks who suffered livestock losses that I could not fathom; many of them lost more cattle than I own today. It’s mind boggling. Most of them were just thankful and could tell stories of someone who was worse off than they were. They just wanted to get their remaining cattle moved to a safe place, so they could go help their neighbor find the rest of their cattle. They are resilient, they are proud and they are strong. I am proud to say that I am a farmer. Maybe it’s because I know what that means. I appreciate its title, and I appreciate each and every one of you! We are in this together and I think we’re a pretty impressive group. I am happy and proud to stand next to each one of you and call myself a farmer. v
e w s a s u Join cel ebrate
20 years of the best program Saturday, May 4 - 5:00 p.m.
Ohio Expo Center - Rhodes Center RSVP online at www.ohiocattle.org by April 26, 2019 All BEST participants and their families are invited to celebrate the 20th year of the program.
Visit www.ohiocattle.org for final point standings, show results and banquet information.
Thank you to our sponsoring partners!
Frazier Farms
Ohio Cattlemen’s Association • www.ohiocattle.org • 614-873-6736 • cattle@ohiocattle.org Spring Issue 2019 | Ohio Cattleman | 7
Your Dues Dollars at Work
OCA County Affiliate Presidents Adams......................................Jeremy Tomlin Allen...................................... Randy Pohlman Ashland........................................ Jared Wynn Athens/Meigs/Washington....... Andy Smith Auglaize.......................... Charles Sutherland Brown............................................Alan Scott Butler........................................... Brad Baker Carroll........................................... Fred Kungl Clark....................................... Linde Sutherly Clermont......................................Chris Smith Columbiana/Mahoning/Trumbull................. ....................................................Brady Baker Crawford.....................................Kurt Weaver Darke.......................................... Brad Wilcox Defiance.............................. Brian Schroeder Fairfield......................................Dale Decker Fayette.............................................Luke Bihl Fulton................................... Rick Coopshaw Gallia.......................................... Scott Payne Greene...........................................Jarrot Test Hancock................................Charles Beagle Hardin........................................ Dane Jeffers Henry.......................................Scott Millikan Highland.................................. Craig Shelton Huron.................................... Michael Sparks Jackson..................................... Jim Edwards Jefferson................................... Tyler Ramsey Knox............................................... Kyle Walls Lawrence............................. Nathan Lambert Licking......................................... Steve Davis Logan............................................. Jim Warne Madison................................ Quinton Keeran Marion..................................... Dustin Bayles Mercer......................................Chad Knapke Miami...................................Robert Karnehm Montgomery......................Duane Plessinger Morrow................................... Dustin Bender Muskingum................................... Adam Heil Noble.......................................Pernell Saling Ohio Valley............................... Marvin Butler Perry......................................Jason Poorman Putnam............................. Dennis Schroeder Richland................................... Dave Fackler Seneca............................................ Jason Fox Shelby......................................... Jason Gibbs Stark............................................Steve Lewis Tuscarawas................................... Jerry Prysi Vinton.............................Teresa Snider-West Williams.................................. Robin Herman Wood............................................. Drew Baus Wyandot........................................Mike Thiel
8 | Ohio Cattleman | Spring Issue 2019
A review of actions by the Ohio Cattlemen’s Association Legislative & Regulatory
• OCA signed a letter to the U.S. House and Senate Committees on Appropriations requesting funding for Wildlife Services to control wildlife damage to the livestock industry. • OCA represented the beef industry at the March meeting of the NRCS State Technical Committee. • OCA joined a letter in support of Wood County farmer Mark Drewes’ lawsuit challenging the constitutionality and legal status of the Lake Erie Bill of Rights (LEBOR) that passed in February giving the lake rights. In March a U.S. District judge issued a preliminary injunction delaying enforcement of LEBOR. • Encouraged members to submit comments to the Environmental Protection Agency and Army Corps of Engineers to support full repeal and replacement of the 2015 Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule. Replacing the 2015 rule with the new, proposed water rule will restore private landowner rights and provide significant regulatory relief to rural communities, without sacrificing protection of federal waterways. • Provided testimony before the Finance Subcommittee on Agriculture, Development and Natural Resources in support of the DeWine administration’s proposed H2Ohio Fund to address Ohio’s water quality challenges. • Signed letters of support for state funding for the OSU College of Veterinary Medicine, OSU Extension and OARDC.
• Held the final BEST sanctioned show for the 2018-19 show season and finalized plans for the OCA BEST Awards Banquet and 20th anniversary celebration on May 4. • Awarded the Ohio Cattlemen’s Foundation and Saltwell Western Store Ohio Beef Expo scholarship to Kinley Kreis of Muskingum County. • Held Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) training for nearly 500 youth at the Ohio Beef Expo on March 15. • Helped plan the Livestock Judging Contest held in conjunction with the Ohio Beef Expo.
Programs & Events
• Attended county affiliate banquets and meetings in Ashland, Auglaize, Crawford, Fairfield, Fayette, Hancock, Richland, Shelby, and Wood Counties. • Spoke at the annual banquets for the Buckeye Hereford Association, Ohio Shorthorn Breeders, and Ohio Simmental Associations. • Provided an OCA update at the Heritage Co-Op and Purina beef producer meeting in Marysville on February 28. • Held the 32nd Ohio Beef Expo, March 14-17 and followed with extensive press release distribution. Expo coverage can be found in this issue and at www.ohiobeefexpo.com. • Held the Best of the Buckeye (BOTB) Show in conjunction with the Ohio Beef Expo Junior Show. The BOTB program features Ohio bred, born and raised registered cattle. • Met with Ohio Farm Service Agency (FSA) staff to discuss procedures and questions around the Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP), as well as other FSA programs.
• Hosted the spring meeting for members of the OCA Allied Industry Council. Colin Woodall, NCBA Senior Vice President of Government Affairs provided a Washington legislative update. • Participated in the NCBA Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C. on April 2-4. • The Buckeye Hereford Association and Ohio Shorthorn Breeders held meetings at the OCA office building. • Attended the Ohio State University Animal Science Event of Excellence on April 4.
• Held February board of directors meeting for OCA. • Held the first meeting of the OCA County Affiliate Study Committee to discuss and develop recommendations regarding the OCA and county affiliate relationship. • Compiled and emailed March and April e-newsletters for OCA membership. • Held April board of directors meeting for OCA and completed OCA audit.
ARE YOU TAGGED FOR GREATNESS? Ohio Cattlemen’s Foundation License Plate Program Show your pride as an Ohio cattle producer and support Ohio’s youth by purchasing the Beef license plate. Plates are available through the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles. By purchasing an Ohio Beef license plate, you will be supporting the Ohio Cattlemen’s Foundation Scholarship Program and making a positive difference in the future of the industry by supporting those youth who have been “Tagged for Greatness.” The Beef plate will cost $25 annually, in addition to regular registration fees. With each Ohio Beef license plate sold, $15 goes directly to the Ohio Cattlemen’s Foundation. The plates are also available for commercial farm trucks. For more information, call 1-866-OPLATES or visit www.OPLATES.com.
JOE PRYOR 740- 516-1675
BILL HELTON 740-607-1074
Spring Issue 2019 | Ohio Cattleman | 9
OCA News Young Cattlemen’s Conference Dates Set OCA Young Cattlemen’s Conference Set for August 8-10
The Ohio Young Cattlemen’s Conference (YCC) and Tour will be held August 8-10, 2019, in Columbus and the central Ohio areas. The Ohio Cattlemen’s Foundation and Ohio Cattlemen’s
Association (OCA) coordinate the Ohio YCC Tour. Every summer, young cattlemen meet in Central Ohio for a three-day event like no other. YCC features numerous engaging educational opportunities designed to inform both beef industry
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10 | Ohio Cattleman | Spring Issue 2019
leaders and cattle producers alike. The event offers industry insight and enhanced networking for attendees to take home and use to keep their own operations progressive and profitable. Participants are challenged to think outside the box as they practice their public relations skills and learn beneficial ways to present their operations and the beef industry to consumers. They will have the chance to visit the Ohio Statehouse and discuss current issues with elected officials, as well as learn more about the product they produce through participation in a mini Beef 509 at The Ohio State University’s Department of Animal Sciences. To top it all off, attendees will be able to take a behind-the-scenes tour of The Ohio State University’s football practice facility and enjoy opportunities to network with other industry leaders. YCC is open to any OCA member over the age of 20 who possesses great leadership potential and is active in their community. Counties are encouraged to nominate participants for YCC, but individuals may also self-nominate. Couples are also encouraged to attend. The cost is $150 per participant or $250 for couples, and nomination forms and payment must be submitted to the Ohio Cattlemen’s Foundation by July 5, 2019. All meals and a two-night hotel stay will be covered by YCC program sponsors, Farm Credit Mid-America, Ohio Corn & Wheat Growers Association, Ohio Soybean Council and the Rick Malir and Bonnie Coley-Malir Beef Leadership Fund. Forms can be found online at www. ohiocattle.org or requested by contacting Shelby Riley at the OCA office at 614873-6736 or sriley@ohiocattle.org. v
OCA Participates in NCBA Legislative Conference Representatives from OCA traveled to Washington, D.C. on April 2-4 for the 2019 NCBA Legislative Conference. The NCBA Legislative Conference is an opportunity to spend three days in the nation’s Capitol, meeting with key congressional and agency influencers to raise awareness about the beef industry’s policy priorities. While NCBA staff regularly meets with these policy makers, the most influential meetings are with producers that travel to D.C., bringing local perspective to the beltway. In total, OCA met with 13 congressional offices and had productive conversations regarding trade and the U.S. Mexico-Canada Agreement, electronic logging devices and hours of service, the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule, the Green New Deal, and fake meat. OCA knows that national policy decisions have a direct impact on cattle operations here in Ohio. We’re committed to diligently working to pass legislation that is beneficial to producers, while defeating that which negatively impacts our members. OCA appreciates the support of the legislators that took time to meet during the 2019 NCBA Legislative Conference. v
1. Conference attendees met with Senator Rob Portman during the NCBA Legislative Conference, who happens to be a fellow cattleman. 2. Pictured from left: Congressman Troy Balderson (R-12th); Elizabeth Harsh, OCA Executive Director; Pam Haley, OCA District 6 Director - Wayne County; Kyle Walls, OCA Director At-Large - Knox County; and Congressman Bob Gibbs (R-7th). 3. Boots on the Hill: OCA leadership in front of the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C. 4. OCA leadership met with Congressman Bob Gibbs (R-7th) to discuss current issues affecting the beef industry. 5. Pictured from left: Kyle Walls, OCA Director At-Large - Knox County; Senator Rob Portman; Pam Haley, OCA District 6 Director - Wayne County; and Elizabeth Harsh, OCA Executive Director.
6. Pictured from left: Pam Haley, OCA District 6 Director - Wayne County; Congressman Steve Chabot (R-1st); Elizabeth Harsh, OCA Executive Director; and Kyle Walls, OCA Director At-Large - Knox County. 7. The United States Capitol.
7 4
3 Spring Issue 2019 | Ohio Cattleman | 11
YOUNG CATTLEMAN OF THE YEAR Thornburgs build cow-calf operation from scratch in Belmont County
Story & photos by Amy Beth Graves Opportunity knocked literally for Brad Thornburg. On a rainy Sunday afternoon in 2013, he was out scouting for a hayfield to rent at a time when natural gas and oil exploration had sent land prices soaring in Belmont County. On a back road, he spotted a wooded area with a sliver of a hayfield. He knocked on the door to inquire about cleaning up and renting the field. The woman’s response stunned him: “I’ll do you one better. I’ll just sell the property to you,” as Brad recalled her saying. “We struck a deal right there at the kitchen counter to buy it,” said Brad, adding that the property still had to be listed for sale for 30 days because a realtor had already been hired. It was an agonizing wait – but in the end, Brad and his wife, Mindy, got the 80-acre parcel, cleared the land and started a commercial cow-calf operation. Today, Thornburg Cattle has about 40 Angus-cross cow-calf pairs spread out over 115 acres. Brad and Mindy, who are equal partners in the commercial cattle operation, were recipients of Ohio Cattlemen’s 2018 Young Cattlemen of the Year award. “Winning the award was an utter surprise. We don’t do it for the accolades – we do it because we like this and now that we have kids, we love 12 | Ohio Cattleman | Spring Issue 2019
that they’re having these great experiences,” said Brad, talking about the couple’s three children: Vonn, 5, Vaya, 3, and Voss, 1 1/2. While neither Brad nor Mindy grew up on a farm, both were attracted at an early age to agriculture and livestock. For Brad, it was when he stayed at his grandmother’s house just behind the sale barn of the Barnesville Livestock
“WE DON’T DO IT FOR THE ACCOLADES – WE DO IT BECAUSE WE LIKE THIS. ” - BRAD THORNBURG auction. He hung out with the neighborhood kids and they would work their way over to the auction. He was thrilled when he was picked to pull out an animal to show during an auction. Later when his family moved from the country to Barnesville, he started working on sale days and at special events at Barnesville Livestock doing everything from unloading cattle to inoculating them. All this he did while working a full-time job as a bricklayer, which he started at age 15.
It wasn’t long before he’d saved up enough money to buy his first farm – at age 19. The 10-acre lot was part of an old farm being sold, and he got the back portion, which included a dilapidated dairy barn. He tore down the barn, cleaned up the property and started buying goats from Barnesville Livestock. “I was wide eyed enough at that age that I knew that I wanted to make money and be diversified,” he said. “My intention was to find deals at the sale barn and turn those animals around to sell.” Before Brad knew it, he had 40 registered boer goats and over 100 kids running all over the place. It was backbreaking work feeding and trimming the animals’ feet for Brad, who was working full-time as a bricklayer. “Nobody takes care of your stuff like you do and it got to the point where I realized it was getting out of hand. I couldn’t keep working until midnight and get up at 4:30 in the morning and work 12 hours and come back and take care of 100 head,” he said. “My back hurt and I was only in my 20s.” Brad sold the goats and didn’t get back into livestock until 2008 when his job slowed down enough for him “to have a life and do something after
work.” When a friend offered to sell him four Red Angus heifers that he had trouble breeding, Brad jumped at the opportunity. It was those heifers that led him to meet Mindy for the first time. He was talking one day with a friend about how he’d gotten the heifers all “fat and sassy” but still didn’t have any calves and wanted to try artificial insemination. “He said ‘My sister knows how to do that. It’s what she does and she just moved back to the area.’ 10 minutes later Mindy pulled into the driveway and I was blown away by her ability and beauty,” Brad said. “We struck a deal to breed and vaccinate my cows and the rest is history.” Mindy, who graduated pre-vet from The Ohio State University with an animal science/life science degree, was successful in breeding a couple of the heifers but suggested they all be sold, saying their breeding quality wasn’t strong. The couple, who married just a year after meeting, then bought 11 Angus-Simmental crossbred cows, sight unseen from a friend. They purchased their first group of embryos and put them in their unbred cows. As Brad recalls, it was a “real learning experience.” “We were having calves that were 125 pounds and were way oversized. We were learning 10 years’ worth of neonatal stuff in just a few days. We only lost one, which is amazing,” Brad said. “We knew we needed to do our research to make sure we weren’t putting a monster calf inside a heifer that couldn’t handle it. We started researching on our own to see who the cows were and who the dads were and trying to learn the EPDs.” Mindy even went to Kansas State
University to learn how to flush their own cows. Today the Thornburgs rely solely on artificial insemination and ET and don’t have a cleanup bull. Their Angus-crossbred herd includes registered Angus, Chianina, Maine and Simmental cattle and after a big buying spree, they don’t buy anymore, relying instead on their replacement heifers. As the couple built up their herd, they did the same with the 80-acre wooded lot they had just purchased. They clearcut most of the land, as well as a nearby 35-acre wooded parcel they bought in 2014, and started converting the lots to pasture. Later they worked with UDSA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service to obtain an Environmental Quality Incentives Program grant to fence out waterways and improve the land. They do rotational, intensive and mob grazing in an attempt to build up the pastures. Calving season starts Jan. 1, and they sell their calves around the Fourth of July when they are roughly 550-600 lbs. A local producer buys all the calves and sells them to feedlots out West or on the Internet. “The feeder market peaks around the Fourth of July weekend and we try to capitalize on that,” Brad said, noting that the summer heat can be hard on the newly established pastures, and the less hooves on it, the better. “We’re trying to build proper rotational grazing and make the farm sustainable and environmentally friendly so it’s here for many generations,” said
Mindy, a dairy specialist for Zoetis, who has logged more than 100,000 miles in work travel over the last 1 ½ years. Brad is equally busy, continuing to lay brick and serve as the District 7 representative on the Ohio Cattlemen’s Association Board of Directors. The couple are also members of the Ohio Valley Cattlemen’s Association. “This operation is six years in the making and something we’re very proud of. We started from scratch and while neither one of us grew up on a farm, we both love agriculture and knew it was something we wanted to do,” said Mindy, who has always been interested in the reproductive side of animals. Mindy also said she was surprised and honored by the award, saying the farm is a labor of love and hard work for the couple. “I love that it’s a nominated award because that means someone was observing us out here doing the hard work,” she said. “There’s a guy I used to breed cows for and I remember when he and his wife got it, and I used to think that would be so awesome to get it, that it was such an honor. It was almost like it was unrealistic when we got it.” v
Spring Issue 2019 | Ohio Cattleman | 13
Beef industry enthusiasts gathered in Columbus, Ohio, March 14-17, for the 2019 Ohio Beef Expo. The Ohio Cattlemen’s Association (OCA) hosted more than 30,000 participants and attendees at the Ohio Expo Center. The Expo provides an annual opportunity for those in the cattle industry in Ohio, and across the nation, to learn and enhance their operations through a multi-day trade show, cattle sales, youth events and quality assurance sessions. The Expo kicked off with a trade show featuring more than 130 vendors from 16 states. Sullivan Supply was selected as the premier large booth exhibitor, ShowBloom – F.L. Emmert Company was selected as the premier small booth exhibitor and Heritage Show Supply was selected as the premier outdoor exhibitor. The premier Genetic Pathway exhibitor was Tim Schaeffer Show Cattle. A social was hosted for OCA 14 | Ohio Cattleman | Spring Issue 2019
members, volunteers, trade show participants and cattle exhibitors on Thursday, March 14, at the Hilton Columbus/Polaris. OCA also held a live auction to raise money for OCA’s Political Action Committee (PAC) fund. An adult beef quality assurance session was offered on Friday, with close to 120 participants attending. Four breed shows and two breed parades were featured Friday and Saturday, as well as numerous breed displays representing the Angus, Charolais, Dexter, Hereford, MaineAnjou, Miniature Hereford, Murray Grey, Red Angus, Shorthorn and Simmental breeds. The Genetic Pathway, located in the ShowBloom Breed’s Barn, showcased the industry’s most popular sires and donor prospects on display throughout the weekend. Six breed sales brought in large crowds on Saturday, March 16, selling 345.5 lots with an average live price of $3,435 and a gross of $1,186,650.
Two recipients were honored with the Friend of the Expo Award for their dedication and contributions to the Expo’s annual success. C.J. Brown of Lindewood, Illinois, and Joe Foster of Plain City, were both honored. Brown owns C.J. Brown studios, where she creates unique prints for numerous cattle associations and companies. C.J. has always been willing to donate to fundraisers and create original artwork for the Ohio Beef Expo, particularly for the Expo’s 30th anniversary in 2017. Foster is a district sales manager for Quality Liquid Feeds, where he oversees sales in Ohio, southern Indiana, West Virginia and Virginia. Foster has been heavily involved with the Expo since nearly the beginning of the event and is currently the vice-chairman of the Trade Show Committee. Throughout the year he is in communication with trade show exhibitors and also works to accommodate them during the event. Friday was Youth Day, sponsored by the Gallia County Cattlemen’s Association and the Fayette County Cattle Feeders. The day began with the judging contest, where over 560 youth tested their ability to evaluate cattle. 2019 marked record participation in this event. Nearly 450 youth participated in youth quality assurance training as well. Junior exhibitors also had the opportunity to attend two fitting and clipping demonstrations and a welcome pizza party. Events continued Saturday with over 475 exhibitors in the showmanship competition, sponsored by Cattle Visions, LLC, Engelhaupt Embroidery
and ShowBloom – F.L. Emmert Company. Junior Showmanship was judged by Dan and Jill Harker of Hope, Indiana. The junior portion of the Expo wrapped up Sunday with the junior market animal show and junior heifer show. Amanda Schnoor, California, evaluated the breeding heifers while Dr. Ryan Rathmann, Texas, assessed the market animals. A combined total of nearly 815 head
from across the state participated in the two shows. During the junior show, Kinley Kreis, Muskingum County, was awarded the $1,000 Saltwell Expo scholarship, funded by the Saltwell Western Store and Ohio Beef Expo. During the event, OCA volunteers signed up and renewed nearly 200 memberships, including NCBA members. Current or new OCA members also had the opportunity to
win some great prizes, like YETI coolers and a wood-pellet fired grill. These drawings were sponsored by the Ohio Corn Marketing Program. A complete list of the event’s sponsors can be found at www. ohiobeefexpo.com. The dates for the 2020 Ohio Beef Expo are March 1922. Visit www.ohiobeefexpo.com for more information as well as complete coverage of the 2019 event. v
FRIENDS OF THE EXPO C.J. Brown of Lindewood, Illinois and Joe Foster of Plain City, Ohio were honored with the Friend of the Expo award on Saturday, March 16. Pictured from left: J.L. Draganic, Expo Co-Chair; Sasha Rittenhouse, OCA President; C.J. Brown; Joe Foster; and Pam Haley, Expo Co-Chair.
Pictured from left: Dave Puthoff, Trade Show Committee Chairman; Pam Haley, Expo Co-Chair; Katie Cull, Sullivan Supply Manager; Mary Bea Halimeh, NCBA; J.L. Draganic, Expo Co-Chair.
Pictured from left: Pam Haley, Expo Co-Chair; J.L. Draganic, Expo Co-Chair; Mary Bea Halimeh, NCBA; Dave Puthoff, Trade Show Committee Chairman; Ashley Kauffman, ShowBloom.
Pictured from left: Dave Puthoff, Trade Show Committee Chairman; J.L. Draganic, Expo CoChair; Stef Lewis, Heritage Show Supply; Mary Bea Halimeh, NCBA; Angela Kain, Weaver Leather Livestock; J.L. Draganic, Expo Co-Chair.
NEW IN 2019,
Premier Genetic Pathway Exhibitor! Pictured from left: Pam Haley, Expo Co-Chair; Mary Bea Halimeh, NCBA; Tim Schaeffer; Tim Schaeffer Show Cattle; J.L. Draganic, Expo Co-Chair; Dave Puthoff, Trade Show Committee Chairman.
Thank you - Athens, Meigs and Washington Cattlemen for preparing lunches for the trade show exhibitors at the Ohio Beef Expo! Spring Issue 2019 | Ohio Cattleman | 15
BREEDS BARN F.L. Emmert Company ShowBloom
fayette county cattle feeders
EXPO COMMITTEE APPAREL Breeders’ World Online Sales Farm Credit Mid-America
Gallia County Cattlemen’s Association Fayette County Cattle Feeders
willis and sons plumbing, heating and cooling
Franklin Equipment
Bachman-Fennig Show Cattle Jerry Haag Motors, Inc Lehman Show Cattle McGuire Excavating Willis & Sons Plumbing, Heating and Cooling
SHOWMANSHIP Cattle Visions, LLC Engelhaupt Embroidery F.L. Emmert Company - ShowBloom
JUNIOR SHOW HEIFER RING BioZyme, Inc. - Sure Champ
OFFICIAL CHUTE SPONSOR Armstrong Ag & Supply Highland Livestock Supply
JUNIOR SHOW MARKET ANIMAL RING Green Oak Farms & Schaeffer Show Cattle
Allen county Cattlemen’s Association
JUNIOR SHOW MAKE-UP RING Allen County Cattlemen’s Association
CONCESSION STAND CUPS Hilliard-Lyons R&C Packing
SALE RINGS The Wendt Group Ferguson Show Cattle
goettemoeller show cattle
JUNIOR SHOW HEIFER TOP 5 Goettemoeller Show Cattle
JUNIOR SHOW MARKET ANIMAL TOP 5 David L. Campbell Insurance Agency Hastings Mutual
BACKTAG SPONSOR Kalmbach Feeds, Inc.
THANK YOU! the expo would not have been possible without these generous sponsors. 16 | Ohio Cattleman | Spring Issue 2019
JUNIOR SHOW PLATINUM SPONSORS AgCredit Merck Animal Health Ohio’s County Farm Bureaus Rowe Nutrition LLC BEST SPONSORING PARTNERS
Ag-Pro - John Deere Bob Evans Farms Farm Credit Mid-America Frazier Farms Garwood Cattle Company, LLC Kalmbach Feeds - Formula of Champions M.H. Eby Weaver Leather Livestock
BEST OF THE BUCKEYE SPONSORING PARTNERS The Folks Printing Dickson Cattle Co. Jones Show Cattle R.D. Jones Excavating Sullivan Supply Stock Show University
All American Scales & Calibration, Inc. Barnesville Livestock Auction Esterline & Sons Manufacturing LLC Haley Farms Mercer County Cattlemen’s Association Seneca County Cattlemen’s Association STS Cattle Co. Umbarger Show Feeds
Nutrien Ag Solutions Ohio CattleWomen Paintcreek Cattle Johnny Regula, Auctioneer Reinecker Ag., LLC Team Sutherly Livestock Bill and Bridget Tom Williams County Beef Producers
Highland Livestock Supply Matt, Amy and Parker Kleski Locust Lane Farms Logan County Cattlemen’s Association Mars Angus Menzie Cattle Noble County Cattlemen’s Association Reiterman Feed & Supply
Ashland County Cattlemen’s Association Crawford County Cattlemen’s Association Kyle, Ashley, Adalida and Klifton Culp Heil Farms Hess Auction Company/Hess Cattle Ke-Car Farms JB and Blair Levering Rod’s Western Palace Trinity Cattle Company
Buckeye Hereford Association Ohio Angus Association Ohio Mid-Eastern Maine-Anjou Association Ohio Shorthorn Breeders Association Ohio Simmental Association
JUNIOR SHOW SILVER SPONSORS Alltech, Inc. Karigan Blue Kim Davis Insurance Agency/ Nationwide Insurance Fulton County Cattle Feeders Goff Genetics Granville Milling, Co. Graze On Catering - Ali Muir, Personal Chef Hara Farms Huron County Cattlemen Ron Kreis, Auctioneer Maplecrest Farms Mercer Landmark Miami County Cattlemen’s Association Miami Valley Feed & Grain Morgan Cattle Company
JUNIOR SHOW CLASS SPONSORS Chippewa Valley Angus Farms Circle L. Fence, Ltd. Scott and Shannon Clark Gahler Farms HerdPro by Sand B Custom Innovations HFS Angus
COWBOY HAPPY HOUR Armstrong Farms Heartland Bank Kent Feeds Mercer Landmark
TRADE SHOW HOSPITALITY Mercer Landmark Reinecker Ag. LLC Spring Issue 2019 | Ohio Cattleman | 17
Champion Hereford Bull: UHF A1 Secure Future U03F Exhibited by: Ralph E. Ullman & Son, Graysville, OH
Reserve Champion Hereford Bull: WD CA 0101 Karystmatic Exhibited by: Dunn Herefords, Cochranton, PA
Champion Hereford Female: CSF Miss Jackie 17E Exhibited by: Cope Stock Farm, Leetonia, OH
Reserve Champion Hereford Female: JLCS 0091 Emma A64 F66 Exhibited by: J&L Cattle Services, Jeromesville, OH
Champion Hereford Cow/Calf: WD 4102 Katrina 6217 Exhibited by: Dunn Herefords, Cochranton, PA
Reserve Champion Hereford Cow/Calf: LBK JMK Z246 Beauty 36F Exhibited by: Jennifer Keets, Berlin Heights, OH
Champion Miniature Hereford Bull: LOV Jack Jack ET Exhibited by: Mike Oehlhof, Shelby, OH
Reserve Champion Miniature Hereford Bull: DJS Lancer Exhibited by: All His Farm, Butler, OH
Champion Miniature Hereford Female: RHH Annie Exhibited by: Rolling Hills Cattle Co., Blakesburg, IA
Champion Miniature Hereford Prospect Steer: RHH Mickey Exhibited by: Kylie Loyd, New London, IA
Reserve Champion Miniature Hereford Prospect Steer: BAT Vader Exhibited by: Cody Landin, Ft. Jennings, OH
Reserve Champion Miniature Hereford Female: 4 Wiley Annabelle Angel Exhibited by: 4 Wiley Farm, Mt. Vernon, OH
18 | Ohio Cattleman | Spring Issue 2019
Champion Murray Gray Bull: LRF EDSIL Exhibited by: Limestone Ridge Farm, Bedford, IN
Reserve Champion Murray Gray Bull: LRF FALCON Exhibited by: Limestone Ridge Farm, Bedford, IN
Champion Murray Gray Female: Victory Extra Special 76E Exhibited by: Clark Farms, Carrollton, OH
Reserve Champion Murray Gray Female: LRF DOMINIQUE Exhibited by: Limestone Ridge Farm, Bedford, IN
Champion Shorthorn Bull: Byland Premier 8SC24 Exhibited by: Byland Shorthorns, Loudonville, OH
Reserve Champion Shorthorn Bull: Byland Eclipse 8U66 Exhibited by: Byland Shorthorns, Loudonville, OH
Champion ShorthornPlus Bull: Rainy Day Cupid Exhibited by: Rainy Day Shorthorns & Hidden Hollow Farm, Jerusalem, OH
Reserve Champion ShorthornPlus Bull: HH Royal Prince Exhibited by: Hidden Hollow Farm, Jerusalem, OH
Champion Shorthorn Female: UTCC Molly Exhibited by: Uptop Cattle Company, East Palestine, OH
Reserve Champion Shorthorn Female: Layla’s Ginger Rose Exhibited by: C&S Hetrick Show Cattle, Fremont, OH
Champion ShorthornPlus Female: SFF LILLY 825F B Exhibited by: Smith Family Farms, Pendleton, IN
Reserve Champion ShorthornPlus Female: Minges Miss Molly Exhibited by: Minges Show Cattle, Okeana, OH
Spring Issue 2019 | Ohio Cattleman | 19
Managed by: Dan Wells Auctioneer: Ron Kreis Live Lots: 48 Sale Gross: $187,000 | Live Average: $3,895
Managed by: Lisa Keets Auctioneer: Dale Stith Live Lots: 55 Sale Gross: $138,000 | Live Average: $2,457
Managed by: Craig Reiter Auctioneer: Kevin Wendt Live Lots: 92.5 Sale Gross: $381,575 | Live Average: $4,082
High Selling Bull: Lot 7 - Dadosky’s Bragging Rights Sold to Select Sires - Plain City, OH for $10,000 Consigned by Dadosky Farm - Wheelersburg, OH
High Selling Bull: Lot 22 - EML About the Boo E582 Sold to Oakridge Polled Herefords - Value City, OH for $3,800 Consigned by Emma Lewis - Litchfield, OH
High Selling Bull: Lot 42 - ML Shootist Sold to The Shootist Group for $50,000 Consigned by Martin Livestock - Bargersville, IN
High Selling Female: Lot 8 - Maplecrest Blackbird B8130 Sold to George Duvall & Sons - Barnesville, OH for $21,000 Consigned by Maplecrest Farms - Hillsboro, OH
High Selling Female: Lot 53 - CSF Miss Jackie 17E Sold to Nya Johnson - Cortland, OH for $6,500 Consigned by Cope Stock Farm - Leetonia, OH
High Selling Female: Lot 81 - JPF Miss Ana 4F Sold to Lucey Show Cattle - Cameron, WV for $14,000 Consigned by Pettigrew Farms - Columbia City, IN
Sale Gross
Live Gross
Live Avg.
Genetic Gross
Bull Avg.
Female Avg.
Red Angus
20 | Ohio Cattleman | Spring Issue 2019
Managed by: Dan Wells Auctioneer: Ryan LePage Live Lots: 20 Sale Gross: $55,750 | Live Average: $2,720
Managed by: Cagwin Cattle Service Auctioneer: Kevin Wendt Live Lots: 25 Sale Gross: $83,145 | Live Average: $2,896
Managed by: DP Sales Management, LLC Auctioneer: Ron Kreis Live Lots: 105 Sale Gross: $382,290 | Live Average: $3,414
High Selling Bull: Lot 4 - DBOR Debt Collector Sold to Bradley Hessey - Bellville, OH $4,900 Consigned by DBOR Cattle - Chandler, IN
High Selling Bull: Lot 3 - Byland Premier 8SC24 Sold to James Angus - Bellvue, MI for $6,750 Consigned by Byland Polled Shorthorns – Loudonville, OH
High Selling Bull: Lot 77 - LEB Joker Sold for $7,000 Consigned by LEB Cattle - Fredericktown, OH
High Selling Female: Lot 16 Red LePage Ruby 02 Sold to Bradley Hessey - Bellville, OH $5,300 Consigned by LePage Cattle Ltd. - Coshocton, OH
High Selling Female: Lot 7 - UTCC Molly Sold to Ronald Kelly - Bruceton Mills, WV for $5,900 Consigned by Uptop Cattle Co. - East Palestine, OH
High Selling Female: Lot 56 - TJSC Cinderella 178F Sold to Blake Walker - Pikesville, TN for $19,700 Consigned by Jones Show Cattle - Harrod, OH
Spring Issue 2019 | Ohio Cattleman | 21
Disqualified for violation of Ohio’s Livestock Exhibitions rules. See page 54 for more information.
Reserve Champion Heifer & Reserve Champion % Simmental Exhibited by Kathy Lehman, Richland County
3rd Overall Heifer & Champion Angus Exhibited by Bailey Garwood, Columbiana County
4th Overall Heifer & Champion Purebred Simmental Exhibited by Kennley Siegrist, Mercer County
5th Overall Heifer & Champion Chianina Exhibited by Emma Pitstick, Madison County
6th Overall Heifer & Champion Crossbred Exhibited by Delaney Jones, Allen County
7th Overall Heifer & Champion Shorthorn Exhibited by McKala Grauel, Morrow County
8th Overall Heifer & Reserve Champion Crossbred Exhibited by Pacee Miller, Holmes County
9th Overall Heifer & Reserve Champion Angus Exhibited by Paige Pence, Clark County
10th Overall Heifer & Champion High % Maine-Anjou Exhibited by Hanna Schroeder, Putnam County
NO PICTURE AVAILABLE Reserve Champion Chianina Heifer Exhibited by Abbie Collins, Preble County
Champion Hereford Heifer Exhibited by Kathy Lehman, Richland County
Reserve Champion Hereford Heifer Exhibited by Maddox Cupp, Fairfield County
NO PICTURE AVAILABLE Reserve Champion High % Maine-Anjou Heifer Exhibited by Mason Love, Fairfield County
Champion Mainetainer Heifer Exhibited by Austin Hunker, Huron County
Reserve Champion Mainetainer Heifer Exhibited by Abbie Collins, Preble County
Reserve Champion Shorthorn Heifer Exhibited by Emma McLaughlin, Monroe County
Champion ShorthornPlus Heifer Exhibited by Haley Frazier, Jackson County
Reserve Champion ShorthornPlus Heifer Exhibited by Caden McLaughlin, Monroe County
Reserve Champion Purebred Simmental Exhibited by Hudson Drake, Ross County
Champion Miniature Hereford Heifer Exhibited by Isaac Wiley, Morrow County
Reserve Champion Miniature Hereford Heifer Exhibited by Walker Wiley, Morrrow County
Champion High % AOB Heifer Exhibited by Kathy Lehman, Richland County
Reserve Champion High % AOB Heifer Exhibited by Brooke Hayhurst, Wayne County
JUNIOR SHOW RESULTS CONTINUE ON PAGE 38 Spring Issue 2019 | Ohio Cattleman | 23
Beef Briefs OSU Livestock Judging Camp to be Held June 4-6, 2019
The Ohio State University Livestock Judging Team will be hosting a livestock judging camp, June 4-6, 2019 on the Ohio State campus. This three-day camp is open to youth ages 8-18 and designed for 4-H and FFA members who wish to take their livestock evaluation and oral reasons skills to the next level. Attendees will work alongside current members of the livestock judging team to expand their abilities. The camp includes: • housing and meals • transportation to all judging locations • individual instruction • mock contest with reasons • official camp t-shirt and popsocket • judging notebook • 2019 OSU Livestock Judging Manual • 24-hour medical assistance
Entries due: June 20th All Junior Market Beef entries must be made online.
The fee to attend is $250 per person and the deadline to register is May 1, 2019. For more information, contact coach Hank LeVan at levan.27@osu. edu. You can find the camp registration form by visiting the OSU Livestock Judging Team’s Facebook page.
Nationwide Foundation Approves $7M grant in support of OSU Partnership
The Nationwide Foundation is contributing $7 million to support the The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES)’s vision of a modern land-grant institution with a mission to sustain life. The Nationwide Foundation gift supports initiatives in translating research and making it accessible, strategic collaboration, workforce development, and new facilities. This new gift brings total contributions to $11.8 million for the CFAES collaborative over the past several years.
The largest part of the gift, $5 million, supports constructing new facilities and infrastructure at Waterman Agricultural and Natural Resources Laboratory, a key asset on the Columbus campus and essential to our comprehensive university. At Waterman, CFAES operates a unique hub for teaching, research, and extension. Last year alone, more than 100 active research projects, and more than 200 outreach programs in the areas of turf science, dairy management and research, entomology, ecological engineering, agricultural systems management, sustainable agriculture, food science, medicine and behavioral science, and agronomic and horticultural production practices took place at Waterman. Waterman is also home to a multitude of college-credit courses. Nationwide Foundation’s lead gift will support CFAES’ goal to engage every undergraduate student in some
1st Session:
Gelbvieh, Hereford Limousin and Simmental
Sunday, July 28:
2nd Session:
Tuesday, July 30:
Angus, Chianina, Maine-Anjou, Shorthorn, AOB and crossbred
3rd Session:
Commercial Cattle
Santa Gertrudis Miniature Hereford Dean’s charity steer show and sale
Jr. Market Beef
For more information visit www.ohiostatefair.com 24 | Ohio Cattleman | Spring Issue 2019
OHIO STATE FAIR Beef Cattle Schedule
Continued on page 50
aspect of the Waterman experience dedicated to food security, production, or sustainability during his or her time at Ohio State. The plan for Waterman includes a Controlled Environment Food Production Research Complex with a state-of-the-art greenhouse production system. In addition, there will be a new multispecies animal learning center, the Kunz-Brundige Franklin County Extension Building, which is currently being built, and a modernization of the dairy facility. The remaining $2 million will go towards programming initiatives focused on the land-grant mission, including translating research to ensure its accessibility and utility, broadening lifelong learning opportunities to strengthen the workforce, and strengthening leadership programming for CFAES students. These initiatives include combining an integrated team of researchers, data scientists, and communicators to manage a robust digital knowledge exchange to respond to public needs and highlight relevant research and data. Also included is the coordinated development of emerging talent, leaders, and workforce through educational, training, and certification programs, with innovative research through the college and programming that emphasizes career exploration and college preparation through Ohio 4-H.
In Memoriam PATRICIA P. “PATTY” DEBRUIN, age 62, of Millersport, Ohio passed away on March 31, 2019. She was born in 1956 and graduated from The Ohio State University in 1978 with a B.S. in Home Economics and went on to teach the subject at Amanda-Clearcreek High School and Fisher Catholic High School. She was the office manager of Feeder Creek Veterinary Services for 35 years DeBruin was passionate about agriculture; she served as the Southeast Women’s Trustee for the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation and was a member of the executive board of the organization for 12 years. She served
as a 4-H advisor, member of the Ohio CattleWomen’s Association, member of the auxiliary committee for the Ohio Veterinary Medical Association, and a participant in Ohio State’s LEAD program. DeBruin is survived by her husband, Steven DeBruin and their children, Elizabeth Cole, Anna Hubbard, Megan Moreland, and Caitlin DeBruin; eight grandchildren; and her siblings. Donations in her memory may be made to the Lung Cancer Research Fund at The James OSU Cancer Hospital or to the Patty DeBruin Scholarship account at Commodore Bank. LOUIS HOMER MCDORMAN, age 49, of South Charleston, Ohio passed away February 24, 2019 after a brief illness. McDorman was born in 1970 and graduated from Southeastern High School. He earned his Bachelor of Science degree from Wilmington College in 1992. Shortly after graduation, he worked at Hitch Feed Lots in Guymon, Oklahoma as a feed caller for five years before returning to work in partnership with his father on the family farm. McDorman is survived by his parents Louis James and JaNelle of South Charleston, Ohio; his sister, Denise McDermott, as well as numerous aunts, uncles and cousins. Per the family’s wishes, McDorman’s legacy will live on in pursuit of medical research. Donations may be made in his memory to the Clifton Presbyterian Church or a charity of your choice.
JANET L. QUAINTANCE SHUMAN, age 74, of Springfield, Ohio passed away March 16, 2019. She was born in 1944 and graduated from Northeastern Local Schools and The Ohio State University. She was the owner of Grandview Farms, which is in its sixth generation of ownership and celebrated its Bicentennial in 2018. Shuman retired as a teacher with over 20 years of service. She also worked as an instructor for JobsPlus as a job trainer in Clark and Madison Counties. Survivors include former husband Bob Quaintance; children Jennifer Fleming, Becky (Jay) Reed and Elizabeth Olsen; her husband John Shuman and step children, her sisters and grandchildren including Laramie and Codee Reed and several step grandchildren. Memorial contributions in her memory may be made to the Ohio CattleWomen’s Association Scholarship Fund, c/o Dona Tullis, 4926 St Rte 187, London, Ohio 43140.
Spring Issue 2019 | Ohio Cattleman | 25
OCA Associate Members 2019 OCA Associate Members
Thank you for your continued support of OCA and Ohio’s beef industry
These Associate members of the Ohio Cattlemen’s Association believe in and are supporting the efforts of OCA. Their associate membership helps OCA to continue to work on behalf of Ohio Cattlemen on all the important issues facing the industry. We thank them for their continued support. OCA/NCBA PRESIDENT’S CLUB MEMBERS Kewpee Hamburger, Harrison Shutt, Lima - Allen S & F Transport Co Inc., Glen Feichtner, Chatfield – Crawford Full Throttle Trucking, Gus Bonham, Washington C.H. – Fayette OCA/NCBA ASSOCIATE MEMBERS E R Boliantz Co. Inc., Robert Boliantz, Ashland - Ashland Harsh’s Farm Service, Radnor, Delaware Ohio Shorthorn Breeders’ Association, Beth Carper, Treasurer, Delaware, Delaware Johnny Regula, Auctioneer, Ostrander Delaware J & J Food Concessions, Jim & Jackie Murray, Xenia - Greene Brookview Farms, Jack Lugbill, Archbold - Henry Rohn Ranch Trailer Sales - Navarre Stark Certified Angus Beef LLC, John Stika, Wooster - Wayne Certified Angus Beef LLC, Mark McCully, Wooster - Wayne Certified Angus Beef LLC, David O’Diam, Farmersville - Wayne Certified Angus Beef LLC, Tracey Erickson, Wooster - Wayne Ohio Simmental Association, Pam Haley, Treasurer, West Salem – Wayne OCA PRESIDENT’S CLUB MEMBERS Turk Brothers Custom Meats Inc., Roy Turk, Ashland - Ashland Feedlot Nutrition Consulting Services, Curtis Cupp, Carroll - Fairfield Wayview Cattle Co., LLC, Fred Penick, Hebron - Licking
OCA ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Adams Douglas White, Manchester Joseph Wright, Seaman David & Mande Payton, Winchester Allen Ingredient Distributors Inc., Ted Williams, Delphos Ashland Roger Amos, Ashland Don Nickles, Loudonville Heffelfinger Meats Inc., Rick/Ryan Heffelfinger, Jeromesville Ashtabula Stringfellow Farms, Marc Stringfellow, Jefferson Athens Lance’s Trailer Sales, Chris Lance, Athens Ohio Murray Grey Association, Coolville Auglaize Kurt Kaufman, Waynesfield Dave Puthoff, St. Marys Butler Patrick Barker, Liberty Township Carroll Hunter Logan, Carrollton Champaign David Lynn McIntosh, Urbana King Feed & Supply Inc., Alvin King, West Liberty Neer Farms, John Neer, North Lewisburg Clinton Charles Von Bergen, Sabina Darke Jim Buchy, Greenville Ryan Sorensen, Greenville Defiance Derrill Kline, Hicksville Lynnsey Maassel, Defiance Delaware Bonnie Coley-Malir, Powell Pork-Q-Pine Farm, Tom Price, Delaware Select Sires Inc., Todd Kranz, Dublin Franklin Micah Mork, Gahanna
26 | Ohio Cattleman | Spring Issue 2019
Franklin (cont.) Roger Thompson, DVM, New Albany John Yarrington DVM, Worthington Tori Trbovich, Westerville Animal Science Ext Specialist, Stephen Boyles, Columbus Barrett, Easterday, Cunningham, & Eselgroth, LLP, Troy Callicoat, Dublin COBA/Select Sires Inc., Duane Logan, Columbus Ohio Farm Bureau Federation, Roger High, Columbus Ohio Soybean Association, Kirk Merritt, Worthington Greene Kent’s Feed Barn LLC, Kent Campbell, Cedarville Highland Merchants National Bank, Bertha Hamilton, Hillsboro Licking Granville Milling Co., Granville USDA NASS Great Lakes Region, Reynoldsburg Logan TechMix Inc., George Clayton, Rushylvania Madison Neil & Elizabeth Pitstick, South Solon Judith & James Wilson, London Mahoning Farmers National Bank, Marla Pieton, Canfield Miami Opal Holfinger, Troy Morgan Morgan Veterinary Services, McConnelsville Morrow Loren Coleman-Cronenwett, Mount Gilead Muskingum Muskingum Livestock Auction Co., Zanesville
OCA MEMBERSHIP FORM Annual Membership - $75
First Name:
Perry Jon & Jackie Stottsberry, Roseville
Last Name: Operation Name:
Pickaway Vaughan Dresbach, Circleville
Sandusky Gary Norman, Fremont
Seneca Jeffrey Miller, Tiffin - Seneca
Shelby Wayne Kiesewetter, Piqua Stark Kiko Meats, Ron Kiko, Minerva Tuscarawas Kris Welch, Newcomerstown Union Select Sires Inc., Plain City Washington Kearny Hambrick, Marietta Phil A Lowe, DVM, Phil Lowe, Beverly Wayne Mike Borger, Apple Creek BJ & Marlene Eick, Wooster OSU Extension Wayne County, Rory Lewandowski, Wooster Steve Andrews Auctioneer, Steve Andrews, Wooster Out of State Pleasant View Farms, Given - WV Trans Ova Genetics, Boonsboro – MD
City: Zip:
Cell Phone:
Recruited By: A. OCA Membership (Producer Status)
New Member
Type of Cattle Operation Dairy Commercial Cow-Calf Stocker Club Calf* Seedstock* - Breed:
Feeder Freezer Beef*
* Marking these selections will ensure your operation will be listed in The Ring and Fresh From the Farm Freezer Beef Directory (where applicable).
A. SUBTOTAL OCA Producer Dues $
B. NCBA Membership (Optional - Must also be an OCA member)
Check number of cow-calf pairs or feeders marketed annually to determine dues: 1-100 head..$150
101-250 head..$300
501-750 head..$650
751-1,000 head..$900
1,001-1,250 head..$1,150
1,251-1,500 head..$1,400
1,501-1,750 head..$1,650
1,751-2,000 head..$1,900
2,001 head & up...$1,900 + 0.38 cents/hd.
Stocker / Feeder Member $150 + 0.38 cents/hd.
C. OCA/NCBA Associate Membership (Non-Voting & Non-Producer) OCA Associate Member.................................................................$75 $
Associate Members will be listed twice yearly in the Cattleman magazine.
OCA President’s Club.................................................................... $175 $
Members of OCA’s President’s Club will receive extra recognition as such in the Ohio Cattleman magazine and one OCA Banquet ticket that includes recognition at the event.
OCA/NCBA Associate Member................................................. $225 $
Associate Members will be listed yearly in the Ohio Cattleman magazine and receive the National Cattleman.
OCA/NCBA President’s Club...................................................... $325 $
Will receive the National Cattleman, receive extra recognition in the Ohio Cattleman magazine and one OCA Banquet ticket that includes recognition at the event.
C. SUBTOTAL Associate Member Dues $
D. Additional Contributions (Voluntary) Ohio Cattlemen’s Association.......................................................... $ Additional monetary support to further the mission of OCA
Ohio Cattlemen’s Foundation ............................................................. $
501 (c) (3) Charity with funds used for industry education & youth scholarships.
OCA Political Action Committee ....................................................... $
Funds will be used to support ag friendly state and federal candidates from Ohio. To comply with Federal law, OCA uses its best efforts to obtain, maintain, and submit the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 per calendar year. Contributions to OCA-PAC are not tax deductible for Federal Income Tax purpose. OCA-PAC may accept only personal checks and credit cards.
D. SUBTOTAL Contributions............................ $
A + B + C + D = GRAND TOTAL $
Make checks payable to: OHIO CATTLEMEN’S ASSOCIATION Credit Card:
Card number: Exp. Date:
Security Code:
Cardholder’s Signature:
Membership and Additional Contributions are Non-Refundable
Mail to: Ohio Cattlemen’s Association 10600 U.S. Highway 42 - Marysville, Ohio 43040 Spring Issue 2019 | Ohio Cattleman | 27
Please patronize these companies that support Ohio’s cattle industry The Ohio Cattlemen’s Association Allied Industry Council is a business partnership that supports educational efforts and leadership opportunities geared toward cattlemen to advance Ohio’s beef cattle industry.
ADM Animal Nutrition Dan Meyer 330-466-3281, Kevin Steele 330-465-0962 www.admworld.com Ag Credit David White 419-435-7758 | www.agcredit.net Ag Nation Products Bob and Marie Clapper 1-800-247-3276 | www.agnation.com Ag-Pro Ben Butcher & Jenna Phelps 740-653-6951 | www.agprocompanies.com Allflex USA, Inc. Dave McElhaney 724-494-6199 | www.allflexusa.com Alltech Ryan Sorensen 440-759-8938 | www.alltech.com Armstrong Ag & Supply Dean Armstrong 740-988-5681 BioZyme, Inc. Lori Lawrence 614-395-9513 Ty McGuire 937-533-3251 www.biozymeinc.com Boehringer-Ingelheim Brent Tolle 502-905-7831 www.boehringer-ingelheim.com Burkmann Nutrition Brent Williams 859-236-0400 www.burkmann.com COBA/Select Sires Duane Logan, Kevin Hinds, Bruce Smith, Julie Ziegler, 614-878-5333 www.cobaselect.com CompManagement, Inc. Anthony Sharrock 614-760-2450 | www.sedgwickcms.com CPC Animal Health Devon Trammel, Paul Alan Kinslow 615-688-6455 | www.cpcanimalhealth.com DHI Cooperative, Inc. Brian Winters 1-800-DHI-OHIO, Tim Pye 912-682-9798 www.dhicoop.com Elanco Animal Health Jon Sweeney 515-249-2926, Jim Stefanak 330-298-8113 | www.elanco.com Engelhaupt Embroidery Leslie Gardisser & Linda Engelhaupt 937-592-7075 | engelhauptembroidery.com Farm Credit Mid-America Wendy Osborn 937-444-0905 David Sanders 740-335-3306, Tara Durbin 740-892-3338 www.e-farmcredit.com Fennig Equipment Gary Fennig 419-953-8500 | www.fenningequipment.com
F.L.Emmert Company – ShowBloom David Westhoven 954-261-5730 Justin Little 940-206-2860 www.emmert.com | www.showbloom.com Franklin Equipment Troy Gabriel 614-389-2161, Corey Muncy www.franklinequipment.com Heartland Bank Brian Fracker 740-349-7888; Joel M. Oney 614-475-7024; Chuck Woodson 614-5060482; Seth Middleton 614-798-8818 www.heartland.bank Heritage Cooperative Allan Robison, Dave Monnin, Cy Prettyman, Stef Lewis 937-652-2135, Dale Stryffeler 330556-8465 | www.heritagecooperative.com Highland Livestock Supply Curt & Allison Hively 330-457-2033 | www.highlandlivestocksupply.com Hilliard Lyons Patrick Saunders 740-446-2000 | www.patricksaundersfc.com Hubbard Feeds Bradley Gray 937-693-6393, Jeremy Baldwin 765-730-5459, Darl Bishir 419-236-0656, Perry Owen 937-726-9736 www.hubbardfeeds.com ImmuCell Corporation Bobbi Brockmann 515-450-2035 www.firstdefensecalfhealth.com K Buildings Doug Hemm 937-216-5620 | www.kbuildings.com Kalmbach Feeds Jeff Neal, Kyle Nickles, Cheryl Miller & Levi Richards 419-310-4676 | www.kalmbachfeeds.com Kent Feeds Patrick Barker 513-315-3833, Joseph Wright 937-213-1168 www.kentfeeds.com Legends Lane Rob Stout 740-924-2697, www.legendslaneET.com McArthur Lumber & Post Stan Nichols 740-596-2551| www.totalfarmandfence.com M.H. Eby Inc./Eby Trailers Kirk Swensen & Steve Rittenhouse 614-879-6901 | www.mheby.com Mercer Landmark Randy Seeger 419-230-9832, Joe Siegrist 419-305-2451, Travis Spicer 419-733-9915, Chad Knapke 419-733-6434 | www.mercerlandmark.com Merck Animal Health Seth Clark 330-465-2728 www.merck-animal-health-usa.com Multimin USA, Inc. Thomas Carper 540-336-2737 | www.multiminusa.com
Murphy Tractor Eric Bischoff, Chad White 614-876-1141 Brent Chauvin, Marty Mhlawati 937-898-4198 www.murphytractor.com Ohio CAT Linda Meier, Brian Speelman, Courtney Bush 614-851-3629 | www.ohiocat.com Ohio Soybean Council Jennifer Coleman & Barry McGraw 614-476-3100 | www.soyohio.org PBS Animal Health Bridget Gillogly 1-800-321-0235 | www.pbsanimalhealth.com Priefert Ranch Equipment Corey Hinterer 304-625-1302 www.priefert.com Purina Animal Nutrition LLC Patrick Gunn 317-967-4345 | www.purinamills.com Quality Liquid Feeds Joe Foster 614-560-5228 | www.qlf.com Reed & Baur Insurance Agency Jim & Paula Rogers 740-593-6688 | www.reedbaurinsurance.com ST Genetics Aaron Arnett 614-947-9931 Al Gahler 419-350-2091 www.stgen.com Straight A’s Nikki McCarty 330-868-1182 | www.ranchcity.com Summit Livestock Facilities Richard Hines 765-421-9966, Angie Dobson 219-261-0627, Mike Schluttenhofer 765-4272818, Mike Sheetz 800-213-0567 www.summitlivestock.com Sunrise Co-op, Inc. Phil Alstaetter 937-575-6780 | www.sunriseco-op.com Umbarger Show Feeds Jackson Umbarger 317-422-5195, Eric King 419-889-7443 | www.umbargerandsons.com United Producers, Inc. Sam Roberts, Bill Tom, Hayley Beck 1-800-456-3276 | www.uproducers.com Weaver Leather Livestock 330-674-1782 Angela Kain - ext. 251, Lisa Shearer - ext. 206 Christy Henley 208-320-1675 www.weaverleather.com The Wendt Group Kevin Wendt 614-626-7653, Dale Evans 260894-0458, Nick Cummings 740-572-0756, Tyler Wilt 740-572-1249, Wesley Black 740-572-1670 www.thewendtgroup.com
For information about joining OCA’s Allied Industry Council, call the OCA Office For information about joining OCA’s Allied Industry Council, call the OCA Office 614.873.6736 or visit www.ohiocattle.org. 614.873.6736 or visit www.ohiocattle.org. 28 | Ohio Cattleman | Spring Issue 2019
CALVING EASE because your heifers are counting on you! Tahoe
Sure Fire
14AN502 TEHAMA TAHOE B767 17817177 // Upward x Final Answer Few sires can match TAHOE’s combination of Calving Ease, performance, maternal traits and carcass merit CED: 16 BW: -1.7 WW: 71 YW: 122 $W: 79.10 $B: 145.40
Big Timber
7AN389 GAR SURE FIRE 17328461 // In Sure x New Design 5050 The premier Calving Ease and carcass bull in the beef business today, SURE FIRE is seeing heavy use by commercial and purebred cattlemen CED: 15 BW: -0.4 WW: 57 YW: 107 $W: 63.49 $B: 164.00
7SM93 KOCH BIG TIMBER 685D 3133113 // Yellowstone x Lucky Boy BIG TIMBER has earned his EPDs as a Calving Ease sire with an outcross pedigree allowing unlimited mating flexibility CED: 18.6 BW: -3.0 WW: 79.7 YW: 114.7 API: 169.2 TI: 88.5
14HP1032 UPS SENSATION 2504 ET 43347360 // Sensation 028X x Boulder 57G SENSATION excels in all the relevant traits of beef production Calving Ease, growth, maternal and end product merit CED: 10.7 BW: -0.6 WW: 54 YW: 84 BMI$: 358 CHB$: 120
Call Your COBA/Select Sires representative Today! American Angus Association EPDs as of 3/22/19; American Hereford Association EPDs as of 3/25/19; American Simmental Association EPDs as of 3/19/19.
Up the Alley By John Grimes, OSU Extension Beef Coordinator
A Few Final Thoughts I have had the pleasure of writing this article regularly since 2011 for the Ohio Cattleman magazine. Over the years, I have written about several wide-ranging beef management topics and timely industry issues, including a few “editorials” along the way. I hope you have found them worth the time it took you to read them and gained some useful information along the way. Since I will be retiring from over 33 years of employment with OSU Extension in the very near future, I want to thank you for allowing me to work with you through many OSU Extension and Ohio Cattlemen’s Association programs over the years. I have tried to think of an appropriate way to wrap up this column. I really could not think of a single topic that I thought would make a fitting conclusion. Rather than focusing on a single topic, I thought I would touch on a few of the subjects that I admit I am passionate about relating to beef industry. I believe each of these topics have seen many changes throughout my Extension career. Many advancements have been made in each area, but I believe there are still improvements to be gained. These are a few of my parting thoughts. Shorten the Calving Season Regardless of whether you use a natural service sire or artificial insemination in your breeding program, there is
little justification for a lengthy breeding season. A 60-day breeding season is an ideal goal to shoot for and I would recommend nothing longer than 90 days. If you are currently involved in a longer breeding season, there are valid economic and management reasons to make a change. It requires a little discipline, some rigid culling and a willingness to use technology and other resources available. Nearly every management decision associated with the cowherd is simplified with a shorter calving season. Herd health and nutritional and reproductive management are much easier when all cows are in a similar stage of production. Restricting the breeding season to 60 to 90 days will produce a more uniform calf crop that enhances marketing opportunities. It is easier to match up your forage supply with the nutritional demands of your herd when all animals are in a similar production cycle. Vaccination programs are more effective when animals in the breeding herd are in a similar reproductive status, as well. Purchasing a Herd Sire is Serious Business Ohio currently has nearly 300,000 beef cows. Hundreds of bulls are required to help make the next calf crop possible. Over the years, many tools have become available to help the producer make an educated decision when choosing their next herd sire. Establish
the production goals for your herd and select a sire that compliments the needs of your cowherd. Use EPDs, actual performance data and Selection Indexes to identify outstanding sire prospects. Never buy a bull without a Breeding Soundness Examination. Select the appropriate age and size that matches the number of cows to be bred. A time-honored rule-of-thumb is to place about the same number of cows or heifers with a young bull as his age is in months. Putting too many cows with too young of a bull is a recipe for open cows. A bull that can increase the number of live calves born, add growth and increase the maternal strength of a herd through daughters retained should be viewed as a sound investment. A low-cost bull that may not excel in traits of importance may be purchased just to get cows bred and does little to add to the profitability of the herd. This bull is little more than a “cow settler.” Forage Production and Storage Harvested feeds are the single largest expense in any beef cow-calf production budget that I can find. Typically, the most important component in this category are harvested forages. The producer can improve their bottom line significantly by improving forage quality and yields from every acre of grazed or harvested forages. Yields are certainly an important factor for improving
The Ohio Cattleman would like to congratulate John Grimes on his retirement from OSU Extension. He has regularly contributed to the magazine with his “Up the Alley Column” since 2011, providing nearly 50 articles to our readers. Thank you for sharing your expertise and industry knowledge with our readers throughout the years, and congratulations John! 30 | Ohio Cattleman | Spring Issue 2019
the bottom line. However, the timely harvest of grasses and legumes at the early bloom stage can improve forage quality and ultimately improve animal performance. There is also plenty of room for improvement in the areas of storage and feeding practices. We simply waste too much of the forage that we produce. Replacement Females for the Cowherd Several surveys have indicated that the typical beef cowherd in Ohio averages approximately 17 cows in size. The average replacement rate for females in a given cowherd is roughly 15-20 percent annually. If heifers are being retained as replacements for the herd, this can quickly become a significant management problem for the producer. It is extremely difficult to manage replacement heifers with mature cows and hope that they will become properly developed additions to the herd. I believe that heifers should be managed separately from the mature females, from weaning until they wean their first calf. If this is not possible, the producer should consider purchasing bred heifers or young bred cows as a viable alternative to raising their replacements from within their herd. Feeder Calf Production Feeder calves are the most commonly merchandised product by Ohio’s beef industry. A few producers retain ownership of their calves by feeding them to harvest themselves or through a custom feeder. However, the vast majority of calves produced in Ohio herds are sold at weaning or shortly thereafter. A wide range of marketing strategies may be in play. Some will choose to wean calves from the cow and sell them at a weekly auction market that same day. Others may implement a vaccination program prior to weaning, wean the calves and background them for a period of 45 to 60 days. Various weaning and marketing strategies occur between these two extremes. Feeder calf marketing is undergoing significant changes across the country.
The market is currently sending a clear message that buyers are demanding more for their purchasing dollars. Significant discounts are occurring in the market place for feeder calves that are not weaned at 45 to 60 days, castrated & healed, dehorned and given two rounds of a modified live vaccine for the shipping fever complex. End-product users are requiring their suppliers to be Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) certified and this will in turn be pushed down to the producer level. Exports to China and other countries are going to require age and source verification. These are growing realities for cowcalf producers if they want access to as many markets as possible. The “Big Picture” Producers must treat their beef enterprise as a business and implement management strategies to keep them profitable for the foreseeable future. Regardless if you are involved in cow-calf, stocker or feedlot enterprises, you must consider all proven and potential practices and technologies to remain competitive in this business. Look around and you can see how rapidly things are changing. Input costs and market prices are more volatile than ever, the consumer increasingly wants to know how their food is produced and expects more choices and quality options, and we continually evolve into more of a global economy where the impacts of imports and exports resonate on the farm. Now more than ever, it is important to become a member of your local, state
and national cattle organizations. We cannot expect people outside of our industry to promote our product and fight for the issues that are near and dear to us. It is our duty to the beef industry to understand the issues that threaten our livelihood and speak out individually and through the strength in numbers that a cattlemen’s organization can provide. Support your local, state and national cattlemen’s associations however possible. There are many of you that are addressing several or all of these topics and achieving success within your operations. However, there is always room for improvement. I encourage you to take a critical look at your own operations and determine where you can make practical changes that can influence your bottom line. It has been a pleasure for me to work with you over the years and I hope I have made a difference for some of you. Best of luck in the future! v
Spring Issue 2019 | Ohio Cattleman | 31
Forage Corner Chris Penrose, OSU Extension Educator, Morgan County
Healing the Mess: Early Season Pasture Managemenet For those with pastured livestock, this past winter is one that most would like to forget, but the damage done is preventing that from occurring. Many farmers have lost livestock due to the wet weather and mud and, to make matters worse, more hay had to be fed to deal with the additional stress on animals from the muddy conditions. The result was animals in a lower body condition, messy fields from livestock, feeding hay in the fields and equipment trying to get hay to livestock. Damage to fields was worse than most can remember. What can we do to fix the problem? We can start off with two options: do nothing or work the ground and re-seed. Doing nothing may not seem to be the best option, but if the area was not damaged too badly, it may heal itself. I noticed in late March some areas where I had bale rings, grass was starting to grow where the bale was located. Where the cattle stood, it was bare and not rutted too much. In a situation like
that, you may be able to take a “wait and see” approach. Some grazers have fed in a concentrated area with the understanding that that part of the field will be out of production for the year and will be back in production the next year. In either one of these scenarios, monitor closely for undesirable weed growth and mow or treat as needed. If the area needs to be re-seeded, you have options on how to repair the ground and what to plant. In an area that is not in too bad of shape, on a good year, one may be able to get out in March and level up the ground and possibly frost seed – but it is too late for that this year. Once the ground is leveled, no-till is a good option. If you choose to work the ground, the better prepared the seed bed is, the greater the chances are of seed germination. The best option is to have a firm seed bed with good seed to soil contact. Any other lack of ground preparation reduces chances of germination. One option that I have seen work with some
Ohio farmers and their cattle have battled extremely muddy conditions this winter, particularly in pastures and around bale rings. This feeding area showcases just some of what cattle producers have dealt with. Photo courtesy of Mark Landefeld of Monroe County. 32 | Ohio Cattleman | Spring Issue 2019
success is to level the ground with a loader or a blade and when you are nearly finished, back blade it and leave a little loose soil on the surface, then broadcast the seed. The key to success with this option is to apply the seed immediately after back blading and before a rain or a dew where the soil will crust over. The addition of some mulch and fertilizer will also help. The next question is what to seed. Do you plant an annual or a perennial? Do you focus more on the needs of the animals or the needs of the ground? If you feed in the same location every year and want a rapid establishment, an annual grass may be an option. I tend to lean more towards planting a perennial with the hope that I won’t have to re-seed every year. One perennial grass that works well is Kentucky 31 (endophyte infected) fescue. The endophyte in the fescue makes it a more durable grass that can withstand more damage than other grasses. However, the endophyte in the grass can cause health issues for livestock. The good news is there are newer “novel endophyte” fescue varieties that have the persistence of infected fescue but none of the health issues with livestock. When choosing what to plant, I subscribe to the recommendation that Dr. Mark Sulc (OSU Forage Specialist) uses: first, pick a primary grass, then a primary legume. If desired, pick a secondary grass then a secondary legume. There are also pasture mixes available at seed dealers and feed stores that may fit your needs as well. If you had a chance to frost seed areas, especially clover, that were damaged during the winter and are starting to grow, you may consider a light grazing of the pre-existing grass to allow for more sunlight and less
competition for the new growth. You will lose some new seedings from the animal movements but if done right, the reduced competition will provide more growth of the new plants. Another key to a successful stand is to wait to graze or mow. When to graze depends on stand vigor and weather conditions. Watch for weed competition. In spring planted fields, it is typically better to mow before you graze. If you graze first, make sure the ground is firm and keep animals in for no more than a week (less will be better). Keep in mind that grasses tend to establish slower than alfalfa. Are there things we can do to reduce damage to fields in upcoming years? I think one of the least expensive and most time saving things we can do is have our animals graze as much as possible. Stockpiled fields of grass will reduce the amount of hay we need to make and to feed. If you only had to feed for three months, would that reduce the potential damage to your fields and reduce the amount of hay that needs to be made? What if you could cut it down to 60 days? Would having some square bales of hay available to feed if the ground gets too wet to support a tractor be beneficial? If you could place some round bales out in the field in the fall or when the ground is frozen in the winter and use electric fence to ration out the bales, would that reduce mud issues? Finally, when all else fails, I am convinced that a heavy use pad is the way to go. I have seen several of these that are designed so a bale can be taken from the barn to the feeding area on the pad, and never go into the field or off the pad. The livestock are out of the mud and damage is reduced. There is a cost involved and manure to haul, but in situations like we experienced this year, it may be money well spent. v
Ohio Land & Cattle Co.
150 Head Angus Cattle - 50 Head Bred Heifers – 50 Head Bulls – 50 Head Cow Calf Pairs (3-In-1 Ones) At The Ranch In Cadiz, OH
Absolute auction, all sells to the highest bidders on location: 77500 Jamison Rd., Cadiz, OH 43907 Directions: From Cadiz, OH take SR-250 southeast 5.1 miles to Jamison Rd. Turn right, go 9/10ths of a mile to ranch entrance on right.
Saturday – April 27, 2019 – 11:00 AM Visit www.kikoauctions.com for full details and terms! AUCTION BY ORDER OF:
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KIKO Auctioneers
(330) 455-9357 • www.kikoauctions.com
Spring Issue 2019 | Ohio Cattleman | 33
Breed News Featuring our members’ success at local, state and national shows
Angus Achievements
Kidwell Sisters Earn Junior Bronze and Silver Awards
Josie and Ellie Kidwell, of Walhonding, Ohio have earned the National Junior Angus Association’s (NJAA) Bronze and Silver awards. Ellie, the 16-year-old daughter of Korey and Kelly Kidwell, attends Tri-Valley High School and is a member of the NJAA and Ohio Angus Association, where she has served as reporter. She has participated in state, regional and national shows. At the National Junior Angus Show (NJAS), Ellie participated in the photography, livestock judging, skillathon, quiz bowl, and team fitting contests and the All-American Certified Angus Beef® Cook-Off. In 2018 she was a participant in the mentoring program and served as a voting delegate. She also participated in the Leaders Engaged in Angus Development (LEAD) conferences in 2017 and 2018 and attended the 2018 Angus Convention in Columbus, Ohio. Josie, the 13-year-old daughter of Korey and and Kelly Kidwell, attends Tri-Valley Middle School and is a member of the NJAA and Ohio Junior Angus Association. She has participated in local, state, regional and national shows and showmanship contests. At the National Junior Angus Show (NJAS), Josie participated in the creative writing, livestock judging and quiz bowl contests. She was also a participant in the mentoring program in 2018. The Bronze and Silver awards are the first two levels of the NJAA Recognition Program that began in 1972. Junior Angus breeders must apply for the awards, then meet point requirements in many areas of participation before receiving the honors. Applicants are evaluated in areas of junior Angus association activities and leadership, participation in showmanship, contests and shows, using performance testing to improve their herd and their progress in producing and merchandising Angus cattle. 34 | Ohio Cattleman | Spring Issue 2019
Red Angus Royalities
National Western Stock Show Chosen as Permanent Home for National Show
The Red Angus Association of America’s Board of Directors’ have chosen to make the National Western Stock Show the permanent home for the National Red Angus Open Show. Moving forward, the NWSS will host the National Red Angus Open Show while the National Red Angus Junior Show will continue its rotation to various sites.
Shorthorn Success
American Shorthorn Association Modifies Mission Statement, Visions and Core Values
In February, the American Shorthorn Association (ASA) board of directors met in Kansas City for a strategic planning session where the board revised the ASA mission statement, vision, core values and core strategies. The new mission statement is “the mission of the American Shorthorn Association is to serve all members and enhance the value of the Shorthorn breed by managing data, maintaining the integrity of the herdbook, educating members and communicating the value of Shorthorn cattle resulting in the expanded use of Shorthorn genetics in the U.S. beef industry.” The new ASA vision is to be recognized in the industry as a viable British breed that creates profitability in beef cattle production, with a family-friendly environment. The new ASA core values are diversity: we value diversity of members and breeding programs, transparency: we value the importance of a transparent database and herdbook, family: we value programs and activities that encourage and support family-based beef production, accountability: we believe its important for individuals to take ownership of their actions and decisions, honesty and integrity: we believe that strong relationships are based on personal honesty and
integrity, technology: we value the role technology plays in advancing beef production and the Shorthorn breed, heritage/history: we celebrate the rich history of the Shorthorn breed, and customer service: we commit ourselves to treating our members like valued customers. The new ASA core strategies are to increase commercial interest in Shorthorn genetics, educate, equip & empower our members, continue to develop & support the junior program, and invest in research & development to enable breed improvement.
Simmental Solutions American Simmental Association Project to Accelerate Carcass Selection
A large-sale project from the American Simmental Association (ASA) aims to improve beef quality by capturing widespread carcass data. This will arm producers with more accurate decision-making tools. ASA recently launched an expansive new project that pairs actual carcass records with genomic data on sire-identified calves. The Carcass Expansion Project aims to boost total carcass records and to train genomic panels to more accurately predict carcass traits. ASA’s Board of Trustees invested significantly toward the five-year project, open to seedstock members and their commercial customers with SimGenetic influence. For the genomic component, the Association plans to pay genotyping costs associated with the use of tissue-sampling units (TSU) provided through Allflex. Seedstock members or commercial producers wanting to learn more can read a fact sheet on the project online at www.simmental.org or contact the ASA at 406-587-4531. v
Classified Ads
Red Angus
Angus Novak Town Line Farm Efficient, Easy Fleshing Cattle
Yearling bulls sired by:
Coleman Charlo 0256 S A V Renown 3439 Ron Novak Hartford, OH 330.772.3186
VALENTINE FARMS Red Angus Bulls, Cows, Calves, Semen with Breed Leading Genetics & EPDs Thirty years of breeding cattle with performance and longevity in mind in a highly intensive grazing management system. Cattle that work for a living.Check out our yearling Bulls at the Red Angus Stockyard. www.redangus.org Richard & Bob Johnson 2687 Moriah Road • Oak Hill, Ohio 45656 740.682.7869 or 740.418.5022 rbjreds@aol.com
Put a Valentine in your herd
Limousin O’Connor Farms Limousin
Bulls Heifers Freezer Beef
FGUY SI Don & Frank Phelps 8807 TR 98 :: Belle Center, Ohio 43310 frankph@watchtv.net 937/686.3191 H :: 937/539.1442 C
Texas Longhorn Jet Black Chex
Jeff • 765-620-0733 Scott • 765-620-1700
trennepohlfarms@yahoo.com 6591 W 625 N • Middletown, IN 47356
Renew your membership today!
Producer and Associate Memberships: $75 Ohio Young Cattlemen’s Membership: $20
Dickinson cattle co Texas Longhorn breeding stock from the nation’s leading producer. REAL calving ease, longevity, browsers, and rate of gain under poor conditions. Specializing in convenience, health, and profit traits. Call for solutions. 35000 Muskrat OC ◆ Barnesville, OH 43713 740 758-5050 ◆ www.texaslonghorn.com
Join online at ohiocattle.org or call (614) 873-6736.
Vision: Maintain profitability and growth of Ohio’s beef industry.
Mission: Member focused and issue driven to represent the business interests and way of life important to Ohio’s cattle families.
A Strategic Plan provides direction for the Ohio Cattlemen’s Association and develops resources around these areas: • Advocacy & Representation • Communication & Information • Membership & Youth Development • Sustainability • Organizational Effectiveness 10600 US Highway 42 Marysville, Ohio 43040 614-873-6736 • www.ohiocattle.org • cattle@ohiocattle.org
Advertise Here Classified Ads are available for $50/issue or $47/issue if you sign a contract for all six issues.
Contact ssindel@ohiocattle.org or call 614-873-6736.
Spring Issue 2019 | Ohio Cattleman | 35
Dates to Remember:
On the Edge of Common Sense By Baxter Black, DVM
BEST Banquet
May 4
The Ring Advertising Deadline
June 11
Ohio State Fair Entry; Best of the Buckeye Nomination Deadline
June 20
Young Cattlemen’s Conference Nomination Deadline
July 5
Ohio State Fair
July 24-August 4 Young Cattlemen’s Conference
August 8-10
Call 614-873-6736 or email cattle@ohiocattle.org for more info
36 | Ohio Cattleman | Spring Issue 2019
The Gift Seems like I ride a lot of borrowed horses. At folks’ ranches or trail rides, ropings or brandings they mount me ‘cause I’m usually a long way from home. I often bring my own saddle. They offer to lend me a saddle as well, but I decline for personal reasons. Sometimes it’s the only way I can find my own horse! In the mornin’ when we saddle, I kinda hang back till the bunch is picked through and then see if I can spot anything familiar. After lunch I wander down the picket line lookin’ for my saddle. My daughter and I would buy a few ol’ gummers every spring to calve out on our little patch of grass. She’d check ‘em every day a’horseback and we’d run ‘em all summer. I could ride out in the pasture in August, look ‘em over, come back in the house and not remember what they look like. She can describe cows from five years ago! I figger it’s a gift. Like some people can draw, some can sing and some can fit a steer. There are some people who can look at a horse colt at two years of age and pick that sucker outta the string twelve years later. Or recognize a cow comin’ through the chute out of a herd of four hundred. Or a steer in the ropin’ box…“He drags a little.” I used to think that they were puttin’ me on or show talkin’ to impress folks. But I’m convinced there are horsemen and cow people who dang sure really know that animal. If I set my mind to it I can make a point of checkin’ the animal out. Does he have three white stockings, is his tail black, did his ears get froze off, does he have one eye? Then I might remember him for a day or two. Maybe it’s just lack of attention on my part...not payin’ attention to details. But I’ve always been like this. I’ve never seen a memory course for cowboys with my problem. But I’m sure I’m not the only one. It could begin with a few basics, i.e. sex, number of legs, species, color, broken limbs, tuberculosis, blindness. But I’m convinced a person with a gift sees more than just physical characteristics. They see personality, movement, ability, potential...they see the individual. I envy their gift. I wish I had part of it. But I guess I just have to be thankful that my dog remembers me and the family cat has three legs. v www.baxterblack.com
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1-866-383-7827 | ARROWQUIP.COM Spring Issue 2019 | Ohio Cattleman | 37
Champion Low % AOB Heifer Exhibited by Colleen Minges, Butler County
Reserve Champion Low % AOB Heifer Exhibited by Allison Herr, Fulton County
DONORS Karigan Blue • Greenhorn Cattle Company Haley Farms •Novel Designs • Travis Oliver Pine Drive Farm - Ethan Staley • Richfield Industries Riverwind Supply • Stock Show Customs Sullivan Show Supply • Bill Tom
Scott Alexander • Karigan Blue • Tom Campbell Tyler Clark • Sarah Denlinger • Elizabeth Duff Brandy Hamilton • Alyssa Justus • Terry Muir Janel Mullett • Travis Oliver • Betsy Petitjean Brenda Rains • Shane Riley • Justin Slone Alexis Sprow • Charlotte Wadsworth Andrew Warner • Darrin Young
Jay & Sally Puzacke, Owners
Kinley Kreis of Adamsville, Ohio, was presented with a $1,000 Ohio Cattlemen’s Foundation Saltwell Expo scholarship during the Ohio Beef Expo Junior Show. Saltwell Western Store, owned by Jay and Sally Puzacke of New Philadelphia, Ohio, and the Ohio Beef Expo sponsor the scholarship. The Puzackes donate a percentage of the sales generated from the official line of clothing sold through Saltwell’s trade show booth at the Ohio Beef Expo. Applications for the Ohio Cattlemen’s Foundation Scholarships are due October 31, 2019.
Western Apparel Men’s • Ladies’ • Children’s • Show Justin * Tony Lama * Ariat * Dan Post * Laredo * Twisted X * Double H Official Clothier of the Ohio Beef Expo and Proud Sponsor of the Saltwell Expo Scholarship
Outfitting Cattlemen for More than 50 Years saltwellwesternstore.com • 330-343-0388 2000 Seven Mile Drive • New Philadelphia, OH 44663
38 | Ohio Cattleman | Spring Issue 2019
Kinley Kreis, Adamsville, Ohio, was the recipient of the Saltwell Expo Scholarship. Pictured from left: Sally Puzacke, Saltwell Western Store; Kinley Kreis; Pam Haley, Expo Co-Chair.
THE SOCIAL The 2019 Ohio Beef Expo kicked off with an evening spent networking with fellow cattlemen and industry leaders at The Social, the evening of Thursday, March 14, at the Hilton Columbus/ Polaris. OCA members, Expo cattle and trade show exhibitors and volunteers were all in attendance at this event.
POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE OCA PAC is the political arm of the state’s largest cattle association representing Ohio cattlemen and women and their family’s business interests. It is a federal PAC that can support state and federal candidates. OCA PAC raises funds from personal voluntary contributions from OCA members and pools those contributions together to support political candidates who support the beef cattle industry. OCA PAC gives cattle producers the access and visibility the industry needs to have its voice heard at the State House and on Capitol Hill. Not everyone can run for office or travel to Columbus or Washington to speak with each Representative or Senator. Cattlemen and women need to be back home running their day-to-day farming operations. OCA PAC enables us to have daily representation on the issues important to our industry, while supporting state and federal candidates from both sides of the aisle.
THANK YOU, OHIO BEEF EXPO PAC SUPPORTERS! Alexander Show Cattle • Allflex • Cagwin Cattle Company • C.J. Brown Studios • Glen Feichtner HFS Angus • Janel & Gene Mullett • MC Livestock • R&C Packing, Inc. • Sasha Rittenhouse Shelby County Cattlemen’s Association • Stock Show Customs • Tom Karr • WM. E. Fagaly & Son, Inc.
MEMBERSHIP BOOTH During the Ohio Beef Expo, several gathered at the Ohio Cattlemen’s membership booth to join or renew, ask questions, catch up with board
members and volunteers and discuss current issues affecting cattlemen. Each day, a member drawing was held. Congratulations to the following winners from Expo: Leroy & Nicole Frazier, Knox Co. - $100 J&J Steakbarn giftcard; Shawn Herzog, Hardin Co. - YETI cooler; Ben & Jamie Wheeler, Highland Co. - semen tank; and Adam Brodman, Wyandot Co. - grill. In addition to the daily drawings, a special drawing was held at the conclusion of the Expo. Lexi Rittenhouse, Clark Co., was the winner of the Cabela’s Polar Cap cooler in the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) membership drawing.
Thank you to all who stopped by the booth! OCA appreciates your support and hopes to see you at an OCA event in the near future.
Spring Issue 2019 | Ohio Cattleman | 39
Grand Champion Market Animal & Champion Crossbred, Division IV Champion Exhibited by Fox Morgan, Perry County
Reserve Champion Market Animal & Reserve Champion Crossbred, Division I Champion
Exhibited by Kayler Frey, Lorain County
3rd Overall Market Animal & 3rd Overall Crossbred, Division II Champion Exhibited by Cael Gostomsky, Darke County
4th Overall Market Animal & 4th Overall Crossbred, Division IV Reserve Champion Exhibited by Micayla McClure, Hamilton County
5th Overall Market Animal & 5th Overall Crossbred, Division III Champion Exhibited by Jackson Shane, Miami County
6th Overall Market Animal & Champion Maine-Anjou Exhibited by Victoria Waits, Fayette County
7th Overall Market Animal & Reserve Champion Maine-Anjou
8th Overall Market Animal & Champion AOB Exhibited by Harrison Blay, Portage County
Exhibited by Montana Hulsmeyer, Allen County
9th Overall Market Animal & Champion Chianina Exhibited by Carter McCauley, Guernsey County
10th Overall Market Animal & Champion Hereford Exhibited by Madison Frey, Wyandot County
Champion Angus Steer Exhibited by Zach Meyer, Mercer County
Reserve Champion Angus Steer Exhibited by Isaac Miley, Noble County
Reserve Champion Chianina Steer Exhibited by Calvin Trigg, Fairfield County
Reserve Champion Hereford Steer Exhibited by Kendall Bishop, Clark County
Champion Shorthorn Steer Exhibited by Ross Michael, Montgomery County
Reserve Champion Shorthorn Steer Exhibited by Arica Hamilton, Preble County
Champion ShorthornPlus Steer Exhibited by Alex Linder, Huron County
Reserve Champion ShorthornPlus Steer Exhibited by Tatumn Poff, Geauga County
Champion Simmental Steer Exhibited by Karlie Palmer, Clark County
Reserve Champion Simmental Steer Exhibited by Luke Kiefer, Butler County
Champion Miniature Hereford Steer Exhibited by Seamus Bly, Lake County
Reserve Champion Miniature Hereford Steer Exhibited by Jocelyn Belleville, Wood County
Reserve Champion AOB Steer Exhibited by Maggie Mathews, Clinton County
Champion Market Heifer Exhibited by Bailey Garwood, Columbiana County
Reserve Champion Market Heifer Exhibited by Kassidy Thompson, Miami County
JUNIOR SHOW RESULTS CONTINUE ON PAGE 42 Spring Issue 2019 | Ohio Cattleman | 41
NO PICTURE AVAILABLE Reserve Champion Division I Crossbred Steer Exhibited by Bailey Garwood, Columbiana County
Reserve Champion Division II Crossbred Steer Exhibited by Hannah Whitted, Portage County
Champion DIvision V Crossbred Steer Exhibited by Kaden Frey, Wyandot County
Reserve Champion Division III Crossbred Steer Exhibited by Kendall Davies, Wood County
Reserve Champion Division V Crossbred Steer Exhibited by Ellie Day, Athens County
JUNIOR DIVISION TOP 10 INDIVIDUALS First: Samantha VanVorhis, Wood County Second: Alexis Perry, Ottawa County Third: Hudson Drake, Ross County Fourth: Jaycee Yelton, Champaign County Fifth: Walker Wiley, Morrow County Sixth: Kari Carter, Marion County Seventh: Karly Goetz, Ottawa County Eighth: Sydney Schneder, Clinton County Ninth: Dawson Staley, Knox County Tenth: Makayla Crawford, Knox County
SENIOR DIVISION TOP 10 INDIVIDUALS Junior High Team was Clearfork. Team members were (from left) Caroline Tilton and Dawson Staley. Not pictured: Makayla Crawford and Luke Raudebaugh
Senior High Team was Warren A Team. Team members were (from left) Caroline Bensman, Logan Heitzman, and Alyssa Carter.
Second: Wood County B Team Members: Samantha VanVorhis, Karly Goetez, Ethan Davies and Grant Belleville
Second: Norwayne FFA Team Members: Kendra Marty, Tim Gunkelman, Libby Grossniklaus and Emily Croft
Third: Wood County E Team Members: Luke Perry, Alexis Perry, Riley Burtchin and Brooke Simon
Third: Preble County Team Members: Carson Shafer, Skyler Ward, Cheyenne Baker and Mackenzie Neal
Fourth: Highlanders Team Members: Sydney Sander, Carly Sanders, Ross Michael and Hudson Drake
Fourth: Gallipolis FFA Team A Team Members: Beau Johnson, Cody Brumfield, Erin Pope and Bryce Hines
Fifth: Yochums Team Members: Emma Yochum, Connor Yochum, Sydney Shelton and Wyatt Osborn
Fifth: Talawanda FFA Blue Team Members: Colleen Minges, Peyton Weikley, Dalton Schlichter and Michael Scwab
Thank you, Wood County Beef Producers for donating and preparing burgers for over 560 judging contest participants!
First: Caroline Bensman, Warren County Second: Kylie McWhinney, Champaign County Third: Taylor Cluxton, Brown County Fourth: Ann Marie Nietz, Wood County Fifth: Ellie Kidwell, Knox County Sixth: Beau Johnson, Gallia County Seventh: Alyssa Carter, Warren County Eighth: Carson Shafer, Preble County Ninth: Colleen Minges, Butler County Tenth: Lexi Knopp, Jackson County
Top 10 Beginner Showmanship include, from left to right: 1. Kendall Davies, Wood County; 2. Morgan Neill, Huron County; 3. Kolten Greenhorn, Greene County; 4. Brynn Shearer, Wayne County; 5. Margaret Davis, Gallia County; 6. Kaitlynn Baker, Wayne County; 7. Caiden Daugherty, Morrow County; 8. Bailey Garwood, Columbiana County; 9. Delaney Dudte, Wayne County; 10. Piper Shepard, Henry County
Top 10 Junior Showmanship include, from left to right: 1. Hayden Smith, Holmes County; 2. Hudson Drake, Ross County; 3. Sydney Sanders, Clinton County; 4. Ryleigh Egbert, Auglaize County; 5. Taylor Barton, Clinton County; 6. Madison Paden, Guernsey County; 7. Ross Michael, Montgomery County; 8. Garret Miley, Noble County; 9. Karly Goetz, Ottawa County; 10. Troy Zimpfer, Shelby County
Top 10 Novice Showmanship include, from left to right: 1. Rachel O’Reilly, Geauga County; 2. Haylee Robinson, Athens County; 3. Allison Lust, Crawford County; 4. Reed Schumacher, Putnam County; 5. Adam Bensman, Miami County; 6. Sydney Kleman, Putnam County; 7. Jordan Marcum, Athens County; 8. Pacee Miller, Holmes County; 9. Courtney Hamilton, Clark County; 10. Jaycee Yelton, Champaign County
Top 10 Intermediate Showmanship include, from left to right: 1. Skyler Ward, Preble County; 2. Victoria Waits, Fayette County; 3. Brice Phelps, Union County; 4. Riley Rismiller, Darke County; 5. Montana Hulsmeyer, Allen County; 6. Harrison Blay, Portage County; 7. Frani LeVan, Champaign County; 8. Beau Johnson, Gallia County; 9. Caden McLaughlin, Monroe County; 10. Alex Linder, Huron County
MARCH 19-22
Top 10 Senior Showmanship include, from left to right: 1. Allison Davis, Carroll County; 2. Haley Frazier, Jackson County; 3. Emily Paden, Guernsey County; 4. Alli Pfister, Licking County; 5. Samantha Wallace, Sandusky County; 6. Brooke Egbert, Auglaize County; 7. Jordan Johnson, Gallia County; 8. Addie Shaffer, Lake County; 9. Hadley LeVan, Champaign County; 10. Abigail Thornton, Fairfield County
Spring Issue 2019 | Ohio Cattleman | 43
Ohio’s Premier Bred, Born & Raised Registered Steer & Heifer Youth Event Hosted by the Ohio Cattlemen’s Association in conjunction with the Ohio Beef Expo and the Ohio State Fair.
Heifer Division
Steer Division
Breeder Recognition
2019 Ohio Beef Expo Results The Ohio Cattlemen’s Association (OCA) hosted the Best of the Buckeye show at the Ohio Beef Expo on Sunday, March 17 during the junior show. The Best of the Buckeye program, coordinated by OCA in conjunction with the Ohio Beef Expo and Ohio State Fair, had a strong start with, to date, nearly 170 head of cattle nominated by youth and breeders. The program recognizes top Ohio bred and born registered steers and heifers, along with the breeder and exhibitor, in each breed division at the two shows. Best of the Buckeye provides Ohio seedstock breeders with an enhanced marketing opportunity for Ohio bred and born registered steers and heifers, creates a source of more moderately priced show
steers and heifers by providing a program with awards and prestige, and attracts new participants interested in showing at the Ohio Beef Expo and/or the Ohio State Fair. All nominating breeders will be recognized on OCA’s website at ohiocattle. org and will also be recognized for their honors achieved with the cattle they sell and nominate for the program. All participating breeders are invited to attend the Best of the Buckeye Breeders Reception preceding the Cattlemen’s Gala on August 24 at Leeds Farm in Ostrander, Ohio. This year’s generous sponsoring partners are The Folks Printing and Dickson Cattle Company, heifer division; Jones Show Cattle and R & D Jones Excavating, steer division; and Sullivan Supply and Stock Show University, breeder recognition.
Over $45,000 will be presented between the two shows in the form of premiums and awards. Every winning Best of the Buckeye exhibitor received a basic premium of $300 for champion, $200 for reserve champion, and $100 for third overall. Ohio breed associations also contributed additional premiums. OCA would like to thank these sponsors for contributing to a successful year of the Best of the Buckeye program. Visit www.ohiocattle.org/Youth/bestof-the-buckeye for more information.
Heifer Division SponsorS
*Additional premiums for the Angus divisions were sponsored by the Ohio Angus Association.
Best of the Buckeye Heifers - Sponsored by The Folks Printing & Dickson Cattle Company
Champion Angus Heifer Exhibited by Tanner Cordes, Farmersville, Ohio Bred by Hara Farms, LLC, Dublin, Ohio Total Premium: $500*
Reserve Champion Angus Heifer Exhibited by Kyle Piscione, Burbank, Ohio Bred by Julia Loch, West Alexandria, Ohio Total Premium: $325*
Third Overall Angus Heifer Exhibited by Harrison Blay, Mogadore, Ohio Bred by Pugh Central Station LLC, Louisville, Ohio Total Premium: $175*
Champion Chianina Heifer Exhibited by Collin Fedderke, Napoleon, Ohio Bred by Conkey Show Cattle, Hicksville, Ohio Total Premium: $300
Reserve Champion Chianina Heifer Exhibited by Tucker Shepard, Napoleon, Ohio Bred by Schroeder Show Cattle, Columbus Grove, Ohio Total Premium: $200
Third Overall Chianina Heifer Exhibited by Allison Davis, Carrollton, Ohio Bred by HR Cattle Company, Republic, Ohio Total Premium: $100
44 | Ohio Cattleman | Spring Issue 2019
to all Best of the Buckeye Exhibitors,
& Thank You 4 Wiley Farm, Mt. Vernon Adams Family Show Cattle, Springfield Agle Family Cattle, South Vienna Annett Cattle Farm, Utica Apple Creek Farms, Kenton Bakers Farms, Shreve Barnes Brothers, West Alexandria Barton Farms, Sabina Breymier Farms, Union City C&S Hetrick Show Cattle, Fremont Cairns Shorthorns, Amherst CambellCo, Cedarville Carlin Cattle Company, Stryker Carper Family Shorthorns, Delaware Conkey Show Cattle, Hicksville Corry Farms, Xenia Crystal Creek Farm, Greenville DaLin Show Cattle, New Carlisle Austin Douglass, Alvordton Hudson Drake, Chillicothe Du-lyn Farm, Millersburg Durban Cattle Company, West Jefferson EarlHaven Farms, Utica Farno Polled Herefords, Eaton Fedderke Show Cattle, Napoleon Fennig Show Cattle, Coldwater Ferguson Show Cattle, Jefferson Frazier’s Farm, Fredericktown Fries Farms, Willard Garner Show Cattle, Hamilton Garwood Cattle Co, Columbiana Gillespie Herefords, Oxford Valerie Graham, Frazeysburg Grauer Show Cattle, Shiloh
to all PARTICIPATING breeders!
Green Oak Farms, New Paris Greenhorn Cattle Co, Waynesville Gurney Show Cattle, Bloomville Haley Farms, West Salem Kyle Hanna, Shreve Hara Farms, LLC, Dublin Landon Helmke, New Philadelphia Heritage Farm, Fort Jennings B.J. Herman & Sons, Edgerton Herman Show Cattle, Edon Herr Show Cattle, Metamora Highland Farms, Ltd., Granville HR Cattle Company, Republic Hunt Farms, New Madison Jordan Johnson, Gallipolis Johnston Farms Show Cattle, Wauseon Jolliff Farms, Kenton Jones Show Cattle, Harrod KDS Farms, Eaton Kiefer Farms, Hamilton Kingsway Angus, Tiffin Kinley Kreis, Adamsville Ben Kremer, Ansonia Lawrence Cattle Company, Hebron LeVanderosa Farms, Urbana Julia Loch, West Alexandria Mason Love, Baltimore Morgan Love, Baltimore Maplecrest Farms, Hillsboro Tony McClain, New Concord McConnell Farms, Mt. Vernon Miley’s Windy Ridge Farm, Sarahsville Missing Rail Simmentals, Holgate Muddy Fork Cattle, Wooster Muir Show Cattle, Waynesfield North Coast Livestock, Suffield
Orchard View Farm and Show Cattle, Stoutsville Painter Farms, Hebron Paradise Cattle Company, Ashville Platinum Farms, Chardon Prospect Cattle Co, Hillsboro Pugh Central Station LLC, Louisville Rattlesnake Creek Cattle, Milledgeville RDS Herefords, Weston Rick Hogue Shorthorns, Newcomerstown Rockin’ C Show Cattle, Oregonia Rocking 3C Cattle Co, Tontogany Sautter Farms, Helena Schneder Farms, Wilmington Schroeder Show Cattle, Columbus Grove Schulte Girls, Ottawa Sharp Farms, Beloit Simms Show Cattle, Waterford Alyson Simpson, West Union Molly Spohn, Oak Hill Strausbaugh’s Black Simmental, Danville STS Cattle Co., London The Farmer Group, LTD, Pemberville TK Cattle, Lexington Turner Shorthorns, Somerset Watson Family Show Cattle, Cable Lindsey Weaver, Jackson Center Winegardner & Klingaman Show Cattle, Lima Winegardner Show Cattle, Lima Zimmerly Family Cattle, Bellefontaine
Best of the Buckeye Heifers - Sponsored by The Folks Printing & Dickson Cattle Company
Champion Hereford Heifer Exhibited by Maddox Cupp, Lancaster, Ohio Bred by Jones Show Cattle, Harrod, Ohio Total Premium: $300
Reserve Champion Hereford Heifer Exhibited by Maddox Cupp, Lancaster, Ohio Bred by BJ Herman & Sons, Edgerton, Ohio Total Premium: $200
Third Overall Hereford Heifer Exhibited by Jacob Wiechart, Ft. Jennings, Ohio Bred by Heritage Farm, Ft. Jennings, Ohio Total Premium: $100
Champion High % Maine-Anjou Heifer Exhibited by Austin Hunker, Bellevue, Ohio Bred by Winegardner Show Cattle, Lima, Ohio Total Premium: $300
Reserve Champion High % Maine-Anjou Heifer Exhibited by Piper Shepard, Napoleon, Ohio Bred by Schroeder Show Cattle, Columbus Grove, Ohio Total Premium: $200
Third Overall High % Maine-Anjou Heifer Exhibited by Russell Fox, Tiffin, Ohio Bred by McConnell Farms, Mt. Vernon, Ohio Total Premium: $100
Champion MaineTainer Heifer Exhibited by Austin Hunker, Bellevue, Ohio Bred by Winegardner Show Cattle, Lima, Ohio Total Premium: $300
Reserve Champion MaineTainer Heifer Exhibited by Riley Rismiller, Rossburg, Ohio Bred by Crystal Creek Farm, Greenville, Ohio Total Premium: $200
Third Overall MaineTainer Heifer Exhibited by Delaney Chester, Oregonia, Ohio Bred by Green Oak Farms, Farmersville, Ohio Total Premium: $100
Champion Shorthorn Heifer Exhibited by Skyler Ward, New Paris, Ohio Bred by KSD Farms, Eaton, Ohio Total Premium: $300
Reserve Champion Shorthorn Heifer Exhibited by Mya Hetrick, Fremont, Ohio Bred by C&S Hetrick Show Cattle, Fremont, Ohio Total Premium: $200
Third Overall Shorthorn Heifer Exhibited by Amanda Annett, Utica, Ohio Bred by Annett Cattle Farm, Utica, Ohio Total Premium: $100
Champion ShorthornPlus Heifer Exhibited by Caden McLaughlin, Woodsfield, Ohio Bred by Painter Farms, Hebron, Ohio Total Premium: $300
Reserve Champion ShorthornPlus Heifer Exhibited by Rachel Hostetler, West Liberty, Ohio Bred by Cairns Shorthorns, Amherst, Ohio Total Premium: $200
Third Overall ShorthornPlus Heifer Exhibited by Sydney Kleman, Ottawa, Ohio Bred by Winegardner & Klingaman Show Cattle, Lima, Ohio Total Premium: $100
46 | Ohio Cattleman | Spring Issue 2019
Champion Simmental Heifer Exhibited by Kennley Siegrist, Celina, Ohio Bred by Jones Show Cattle, Harrod, Ohio Total Premium: $300
Reserve Champion Simmental Heifer Exhibited by Hannah Topmiller, Pleasant Plain, Ohio Bred by Jones Show Cattle, Harrod, Ohio Total Premium: $200
Third Overall Simmental Heifer Exhibited by McKala Grauel, Ridgeway, Ohio Bred by Jones Show Cattle, Harrod, Ohio Total Premium: $100
Champion % Simmental Heifer Exhibited by Paige Pence, New Carlisle, Ohio Bred by CampbellCo, Cedarville, Ohio Total Premium: $300
Reserve Champion % Simmental Heifer Exhibited by Hannah Schaub, Wapakoneta, Ohio Bred by Jones Show Cattle, Harrod, Ohio Total Premium: $200
Third Overall % Simmental Heifer Exhibited by Kolten Greenhorn, Waynesville, Ohio Bred by Hara Farms LLC, Dublin, Ohio Total Premium: $100
Champion Miniature Heifer Exhibited by Isaac Wiley, Mt. Vernon, Ohio Bred by 4 Wiley Farm, Mt. Vernon, Ohio
Total Premium: $300
Reserve Champion Miniature Heifer Exhibited by Walker Wiley, Mt. Vernon, Ohio Bred by 4 Wiley Farm, Mt. Vernon, Ohio Total Premium: $200
Third Overall Miniature Heifer Exhibited by Brock Mills, Shelby, Ohio Bred by TK Cattle, Lexington, Ohio Total Premium: $100
Champion High % AOB Heifer Exhibited by Mason Love, Baltimore, Ohio Bred by Mason Love, Baltimore, Ohio Total Premium: $300
Reserve Champion High % AOB Heifer Exhibited by Cade Carlin, Stryker, Ohio Bred by The Farmer Group, LTD, Pemberville, Ohio Total Premium: $200
Third Overall High % AOB Heifer Exhibited by Marcus VanVorhis, Bowling Green, Ohio Bred by Winegardner Show Cattle, Lima, Ohio Total Premium: $200
Champion Low % AOB Heifer Exhibited by Colleen Minges, Okeana, Ohio Bred by Crystal Creek Farm, Greenville, Ohio Total Premium: $300
Reserve Champion Low % AOB Heifer Exhibited by Jordan Johnson, Gallipolis, Ohio Bred by Jordan Johnson, Gallipolis, Ohio Total Premium: $200
Third Overall Low % AOB Heifer Exhibited by Shala Graham, Frazeysburg, Ohio Bred by Simms Show Cattle, Waterford, Ohio Total Premium: $100 Spring Issue 2019 | Ohio Cattleman | 47
Best of the Buckeye Steers - Sponsored by Jones Show Cattle and R & D Jones Excavating steer Division SponsorS
Champion Angus Steer Exhibited by Isaac Miley, Sarahsville, Ohio Bred by Miley’s Windy Ridge Farm, Sarahsville, Ohio Total Premium: $550*
Reserve Champion Angus Steer Exhibited by Caroline Winter, Ashville, Ohio Bred by Paradise Cattle Company, Ashville, Ohio Total Premium: $350*
Champion Chianina Steer Exhibited by Lauren Schulte, Ottawa, Ohio Bred by Schroeder Show Cattle, Columbus Grove, Ohio Total Premium: $300
Reserve Champion Chianina Steer Exhibited by Zachery Retcher, Defiance, Ohio Bred by Tony McClain, New Concord, Ohio Total Premium: $200
Third Overall Chianina Steer Exhibited by Kadon Martin, Monroeville, Ohio Bred by Fries Farms, Willard, Ohio Total Premium: $100
Champion Hereford Steer Exhibited by Madison Frey, Upper Sandusky, Ohio Bred by Pugh Central Station LLC, Louisville, Ohio Total Premium: $300
Reserve Champion Hereford Steer Exhibited by Kendall Bishop, Springfield, Ohio Bred by Hudson Drake, Chillicothe, Ohio Total Premium: $200
Third Overall Hereford Steer Exhibited by Arica Hamilton, Eaton, Ohio Bred by Farno Polled Herefords, Eaton, Ohio Total Premium: $100
Champion Maine-Anjou Steer Exhibited by Delaney Chester, Oregonia, Ohio Bred by Rockin’ C Show Cattle, Oregonia, Ohio Total Premium: $300
Reserve Champion Maine-Anjou Steer Exhibited by Bailey Dusseau, Graytown, Ohio Bred by Ben Kremer, Ansonia, Ohio Total Premium: $200
Third Overall Maine-Anjou Steer Exhibited by Allison Lust, Bucyrus, Ohio Bred by Garwood Cattle Company, Columbiana, Ohio Total Premium: $100
No Picture Available Champion Shorthorn Steer Exhibited by Luke Wilson, South Vienna, Ohio Bred by Wesley Burt, New London, Ohio Total Premium: $300 48 | Ohio Cattleman | Spring Issue 2019
Reserve Champion Shorthorn Steer Exhibited by Garrett Agle, South Vienna, Ohio Bred by Agle Family Cattle, South Vienna, Ohio Total Premium: $200
Third Overall Shorthorn Steer Exhibited by Sydney Stidham, Thornville, Ohio Bred by Turner Shorthorns, Somerset, Ohio Total Premium: $100
Champion ShorthornPlus Steer Exhibited by Tatumn Poff, Chardon, Ohio Bred by Kyle Hanna, Shreve, Ohio Total Premium: $300
Reserve Champion ShorthornPlus Steer Exhibited by Braden Studenka, Metamora, Ohio Bred by Herr Show Cattle, Metamora, Ohio Total Premium: $200
Third Overall ShorthornPlus Steer Exhibited by Hannah Lang, Luckey, Ohio Bred by Johnston Farms Show Cattle, Wauseon, Ohio Total Premium: $100
No Picture Available Champion Simmental Steer Exhibited by Luke Kiefer, Hamilton, Ohio Bred by Kiefer Farms, Hamilton, Ohio Total Premium: $300
Reserve Champion Simmental Steer Exhibited by Paige Lucic, Chardon, Ohio Bred by Platinum Farms, Chardon, Ohio Total Premium: $200
Third Overall Simmental Steer Exhibited by Owen Fennig, Coldwater, Ohio Bred by Fennig Show Cattle, Coldwater, Ohio Total Premium: $100
Save the Date
Breeder Recognition Reception
Saturday, August 24 Sponsored by Champion Miniature Steer Exhibited by Jocelyn Belleville, Bowling Green, Ohio Bred by RDS Herefords, Weston, Ohio Total Premium: $300
Champion AOB Steer Exhibited by Maggie Mathews, New Vienna, Ohio Bred by LeVanderosa Farms, Urbana, Ohio Total Premium: $300
Reserve Champion AOB Steer Exhibited by Colleen Minges, Okeana, Ohio Bred by Crystal Creek Farm, Greenville, Ohio Total Premium: $200
Third Overall AOB Steer Exhibited by Alexis Perry, Woodville, Ohio Bred by Lawrence Cattle Company, Hebron, Ohio Total Premium: $100
Ohio’s Premier Bred, Born & Raised Registered Steer & Heifer Youth Event Heifer Division
Steer Division
Breeder Recognition ®
Selling Best of the Buckeye Eligible Cattle? FEEL FREE TO USE THE LOGO WHEREVER APPLICABLE IN YOUR CATALOGS AND sale PROMOTIONS! Need the logo? Download it from ohiocattle.org. Spring Issue 2019 | Ohio Cattleman | 49
Beef Briefs 2018 Cattlemen’s Beef Promotion and Research Board Annual Report
The 2018 Cattlemen’s Beef Promotion and Research Board Annual Report is now available. The Cattlemen’s Beef Promotion and Research Board’s top priority is to drive demand for beef, and through this year’s report, they disclose exactly how checkoff dollars support the entire industry. In this report, you can meet beef’s new, star advocate and other influencers, review hard data on beef demand, see how “Beef. It’s What’s for Dinner.” is evolving, discover the global impact of beef and learn which cuts are gaining popularity. This year’s report can be viewed online at www.drivingdemandforbeef. com/annual-report
Annual Beef Improvement Federation Meeting Registration Open
Registration is now open for the 2019 Beef Improvement Federation (BIF) Annual Meeting and Research Symposium. This year’s event will be June 18-21 at the University Comfort Suites and Convention Center in Brookings, South Dakota. The early registration deadline is May 15. Attendees can save $100 by pre-registering. Online registration is available at www.beefimprovement.org. This year’s BIF symposium features two and a half days of educational programming and a full day of tours. The first morning’s general session — “Applications of Technology” — will feature Mark Allan, Trans Ova Genetics director of genetic technology; Alison Van Eenennaam, U.C. Davis animal biotechnology and genomics extension specialist; and a producer panel including John Moes, Moes Feedlot, Watertown, South Dakota; Trey Patterson, Padlock Ranch, Ranchester, Wyoming; Tylor Braden, King Ranch, Kingsville, Texas; and John Maddux, Maddux Cattle Co., Wauneta, Nebraska. The second day’s general session, “Utilization of Big Data” will include a presentation by Dr. Mark Trotter, Central Queensland 50 | Ohio Cattleman | Spring Issue 2019
Continued from page 25
University. The afternoon breakout sessions both days will focus on a range of beefproduction and genetic-improvement topics. The conference also features a Young Producer Symposium on Tuesday afternoon, designed for networking and to equip young cattle producers with essential knowledge as they grow their role in the business. Tuesday evening attendees will also enjoy an opening reception followed by the National Association of Annual Breeders Symposium at 7 p.m. Each year the BIF symposium draws a large group of leading seedstock and commercial beef producers, academics and allied industry partners. The attendance list is a “who’s who” of the beef value chain, offering great networking opportunities and conversations about the issues of the day. Program topics focus on how the beef industry can enhance value through genetic improvement across a range of attributes that affect the value chain.
Beef Quality Assurance Certification trainings are available
Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) is a national program that raises consumer confidence through offering proper management techniques and a commitment to quality within every
segment of the beef industry. For those still looking to become BQA certified, you can complete your training online at www.bqa.org. To find an in-person training near you, contact your local OSU County Extension office or visit the OSU Extension BEEF Team website for a listing of trainings. You can learn more about BQA at www.bqa.org.
Ohio CattleWomen News
The Ohio CattleWomen elected their 2019 officers at their annual meeting on January 12, 2019. They are President, Linda Harr of West Liberty, Ohio; Vice President, Connie O’Connell of Gambier, Ohio; Secretary, Kathy Sautter of Tiro, Ohio; Treasurer, Dona Tullis of London, Ohio; and Past President, Amy Coffman of Attica, Ohio. This year, OCW chose to donate canned beef to the Ronald McDonald Houses (RMDH) in Ohio. Their officers have been traveling to locations in their respective areas and delivering beef, which has been met with much excitement from the families staying at the houses. OCW officers will continue to donate needed items to RMDH in the future. If you are interested in becoming a member of OCW, learn more at their website www.ohiocattlewomen.com. v
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Spring Issue 2019 | Ohio Cattleman | 51
Your Beef Checkoff Dollars at Work
2014 Ohio Fall Feeder Cattle Sales
Investing in Beef Safety, Nutrition and Promotion 2018 OBC Annual Report
Learn more about the programs your beef checkoff investments make possible in the Ohio Beef Council’s 2018 Annual Report. The report also includes a financial report for the year. The annual report is available on the Ohio Beef Council’s website at ohiobeef.org or by calling the OBC office at 614-873-6736.
BEEF 509 Program Educates Producers
Nearly 50 beef farmers attended the 2019 BEEF 509 program held at The Ohio State University on February 16 and 23. The program is sponsored by the Ohio Beef Council and the beef checkoff program, as well as the OSU Department of Animal Sciences and OSU Extension. BEEF 509 is held to raise the awareness level about what goes into producing a high-quality and consistent beef product. Participants had the opportunity to learn from industry experts in the areas of animal handling, carcass grading, current issues and adding value to their fed cattle.
To be added to the email list for information on future educational events, please contact Shelby Riley at sriley@ohiocattle.org.
Checkoff Drives Beef Demand
The majority of beef producers are in favor of the Beef Checkoff Program. In fact, according to a recent independent study, 80 percent say the checkoff drives demand for beef. For more than 25 years, the checkoff has commissioned a third-party research firm to conduct an annual survey of beef and dairy producers nationwide to determine their awareness of the Beef Checkoff, as well as their sentiment and concerns about the program. This year’s key survey findings include: -80 percent say the Beef Checkoff drives demand for beef. -72 percent say they approve of the Beef Checkoff. -68 percent say the Beef Checkoff leads to greater profitability in their own operation. The survey was conducted in January 2019 by Luce Research who gathered the input from 1,200 beef and dairy producers nationwide. These producers were randomly chosen from a master list of 150,000 U.S. producers. To view further survey results, visit www.beefboard.org.
kitchen “lab” where students learned how to cook a steak. They also made beef stroganoff with different cuts to learn about the varying degrees of tenderness. Each student was given a folder of resources from OBC. On April 16 Gibbons spoke at a joint meeting of the Greater Akron Area Dietetics Association and the Stark County Dietetics Association where she discussed the newest research about beef’s role in the Mediterranean diet.
Chuck Knows Beef
With nearly half a million sessions since being launched in 2018, the Chuck Knows Beef digital assistant powered by Google Artificial Intelligence is keeping beef information easily accessible for consumers. Chuck (available for download at ChuckKnowsBeef.com) provides information found on Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner through the use of your computer, mobile phone, Amazon Alexa or Google Home. Just ask a question and Chuck will provide the answer. Efforts to expand Chuck’s use by consumers in 2019 include Pandora radio ads, tailored YouTube videos and working with meat case retailers to use Chuck as a resource at the butcher counter and meat case. v
Sharing Beef’s Nutrition Story
Anna Gibbons, OBC Nutrition Coordinator recently presented a program at Bluffton University. It included a lecture on beef from pasture to plate, covering the cattle lifecycle and nutrition, grading and labeling of beef, retail cuts, cooking methods and the role of beef in the diet. Gibbons led students through a two-hour
Photo courtesy of BeefItsWhatsForDinner.com
The Ohio Beef Council and the Cattlemen’s Beef Promotion and Research Board are responsible for developing programs that increase the demand for beef. For more information, contact the Ohio Beef Council at 614-873-6736, beef@ohiobeef.org or visit www.ohiobeef.org. Ohio Beef Council Operating Committee: Jamie Graham, Patriot, Chairman • Todd Raines, Seaman, Vice Chairman Erin Stickel, Bowling Green, Treasurer • Henry Bergfeld, Summitville • Mike Carper, Delaware • Dave Felumlee, Newark Bill Sexten, Washington C.H. • Brent Porteus, Coshocton • Allan Robison, Cable • Bev Roe, Hamilton • Garth Ruff, Napoleon Stan Smith, Canal Winchester • Sam Roberts, South Charleston • Kurt Steiner, Creston• Barb Watts, Alexandria • Elizabeth Harsh, Executive Director 52 | Ohio Cattleman | Spring Issue 2019
OCA News OCA Board of Directors Takes Disciplinary Action at Ohio Beef Expo The Ohio Cattlemen’s Association (OCA) BEST program and the OCA Board of Directors recently issued final disciplinary action involving one participating family in the 2018-19 OCA BEST program. This action is the result of the Ohio Beef Expo’s testing process for champions conducted by the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA). OCA was notified of these test results by the Analytical Toxicology Laboratory (ATL) of ODA. Additionally, the letter stated that exhibitor had violated Ohio’s Livestock Show Reform Law, Chapter 901 of the Ohio Revised Code under Ohio’s Livestock Tampering Exhibition Rules, as set forth in Sections 901-19-1 through 901-19-21 of the Ohio Administrative Code. The violation involved the Grand
54 | Ohio Cattleman | Spring Issue 2019
Champion Heifer at the Ohio Beef Expo testing positive for Flunixin in her system. The family was notified of this finding per the testing results provided by ODA. The family attended a meeting to share their side of the incident with OCA BEST and Board of Directors leadership. The heifer in question had become sick nearly two weeks prior to the Expo and was treated at her location of housing by a hired hand per the farm’s animal treatment protocol issued by the farm’s veterinarian. The treatment method, although issued by a veterinarian, resulted in the animal testing positive for residue in her system at the time of the show, a violation of Ohio Revised Code (ORC) Chapter 901-19 pertaining to Livestock
Exhibitions. Throughout the investigation the names of the BEST exhibitor and breeder were never used to avoid any perception of partiality. The OCA BEST committee reviewed all the information and developed recommended penalties outlined in the OCA BEST rules derived from the ORC. Through a unanimous vote the OCA BEST committee recommended the following disciplinary actions, which were supported and finalized by the OCA Board of Directors. The disciplinary action prohibits the exhibitor and all animals owned by the exhibitor from exhibiting at any OCA BEST sanctioned show or participating in the Best of the Buckeye program for a period of three years from the date of this violation. This penalty will expire on March 17, 2022. Additionally, they will forfeit the title of grand champion heifer at the Ohio Beef Expo and all awards including showmanship from the 2018-19 BEST show season. Photos of the heifer depicting it as Grand Champion Heifer of the Ohio Beef Expo Junior Show will not appear on OCA websites or be printed in OCA publications. In place of the photo and exhibitor name will be the following statement, “Disqualified for violation of Ohio’s Livestock Exhibitions rules.” Furthermore, the exhibitor and all those associated with this heifer are not permitted to place advertising that names the heifer, through either copy or photos, as Grand Champion Heifer of the Ohio Beef Expo Junior Show. As the sanctioned entity of livestock exhibition events, OCA and its’ youth programs operate under Ohio’s Livestock Tampering & Exhibitions rules set forth in the ORC. All youth and their families are obligated to review and understand the rules that pertain to all livestock exhibition events in the state of Ohio. v
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Wooster • Van Wert • Marion • Elyria • Hamilton • Circleville • Tiffin • Huber Heights • Gallipolis St Clairsville • Lebanon • Xenia • Norwalk • Fremont • Coshocton • New Philadelphia • Greenville Waverly • Heath • Springfield • Marysville • Zanesville • Steubenville • New Boston • Mt Vernon
Calendar of Events Visit www.ohiocattle.org for a complete list of events
19 27 27 27-28
May 4 4 10
11 18-20 19 20 20
1 5 24-31 29-31
Partners in Performance Bull Sale – Mineral Wells, West Virginia Bowman Farm Auction – Fredericktown, Ohio Ohio Land & Cattle Co. 6th Annual Production Auction – Cadiz, Ohio Southern Ohio Spring Smackdown Online Sale Ohio Valley Limousin Spring Sale - Mineral Wells, West Virginia BEST Awards Banquet – Columbus, Ohio Switzerland of Ohio Polled Hereford Association 42nd Annual Sale – Old Washington, Ohio
The Ring Advertising Deadline Beef Improvement Federation Meeting - Brookings, South Dakota Ohio Cattlemen Summer Issue Advertising Deadline Best of the Buckeye Nomination Deadline for the Ohio State Fair Ohio State Fair Entry Deadline OCA Fall Internship Application Deadline Young Cattlemen’s Conference Nomination Deadline Ohio State Fair - Columbus, Ohio NCBA Summer Business Meeting - Denver, Colorado
August 1 1-4 8-10 9 24 24
NCBA Summer Business Meeting - Denver, Colorado Ohio State Fair - Columbus, Ohio Young Cattlemen’s Conference - Columbus, Ohio Ohio Cattlemen Early Fall Issue Advertising Deadline Best of the Buckeye Breeder Recognition Reception - Ostrander, Ohio Cattlemen’s Gala - Ostrander, Ohio
Save the Date August 24, 2019
Let’s Get Connected!
#ohiocattle 56 | Ohio Cattleman | Spring Issue 2019
For more information, visit ohiocattle.org
Saturday, April 27 @ 10 AM Pasture • Cropland • Timber (Woods) • Rec/Hunting Land
Bowman Farm Auction
149 Secluded Acres +/Located: At the farm 5 mi. north of Chesterville, Ohio on SR 314 to West Morrow Co. Rd. 22 then West 1/3 mi. to Perry Twp. Rd. 239 Address: 5404 TR 239 Fredericktown, OH INSPECTION DATES: Thurs., April 11 (5-6 pm) & Sat., April 13 (Noon - 1:30 pm) Lunch/Restroom on site
Farm & Cattle Equipment Tractor • Skid Loader • Livestock Trailer • HAY
‘95 - 5BR COUNTY RESIDENCE (New Additions 2010) OVER 3,000 Sq.’ 56’ x 112’ SHOW BARN • BANK BARN W/ LEAN-TOS All Farm/Cattle Equipment • Household Goods/Collectibles to follow 66 Acres Prime Timber • Hunting Land • Approx. 75-80 ACRES Pasture/Tillable • 3 Acres and Buildings NOTE: This farm is all high tensile fenced and cross fenced with pipe gate entries. Ready for your farm animal enterprise. AUCTION ORDER: Real Estate 1st; Cattle Equipment at 11 am; Farm Equipment at NOON followed by Household Goods & Tools on 2nd ring approx. 11:45/NOON. Two rings possible.
Zetor 6245 MFWD diesel tractor w/open station, ROPS, 16.9-30 rear rubber, 11.2-10-24 front rubber, 1 SCV, 2033Hrs. (1-OWNER); CASE 60XT diesel skid loader w/670Hrs., sells w/72” materials bucket, (1-OWNER) (SN JH0366420); pair of steel tracks (fit Case 60XT- sell separate); Land Pride 6’ mtd. rotary chopper less than 5acres (like new); 6’ mtd. rear blade; box scraper w/ diggers; Hardee 6’ rear mtd. rotary chopper; gin pole; bale spear & carrier; ’12 MORITZ 16’bumper pull lvstk. trailer w/side door & divide gate (1-OWNER); Remlinger post & tree puller; Mast pallet fork; Remlinger grapple forks, bale spear; Shaver mtd. hyd. post driver; MF 160 PTO manure spreader w/top beater; ’09 POLARIS 4x4 RANGER w/ROPS & windshield, manual dump bed- ONLY 978Hrs.; factory wagon gear; CATTLE EQUIP.: (5) poly round bale feeders; (6) poly lined cattle feed trough; PALCO 6’ cattle chute w/head gate & three point; VALLEY HD head gate; Valley retainer gate; Valley tub; alley way w/10’ gates & end gate (1-UNIT); Assort. pipegates 6’, 14’, 16’, bull gate 16’; cattle oiler w/mineral tub & wheel kit; (3) water tanks hard rubber; 6’x10’ PORT. METAL SIDED BUILDING; calf creep feeder; (1) New automatic water; hog panels; (3) 16’ (1) 12’ poly gates & (1) walk through; Generac & North Star (Honda powered) 8000KW generators; goat feeders & combination hay grain; Quantity of: iron posts 7’; fencing & fencing supplies for electric fence; poly elec. fence posts (100’s); gripples; handles ~ reels ~ wire & nylon wire; 8’ Pressure treated wood posts; poultry feeders/waters; HAY: (8) lg. square bales 1st cut-grass hay ~ (18) 4’x5’ 1st cut round bales; sm. sq. bales straw (15-20)
Tools • Lawn Mowers • Motorcycle
Chainsaws (Stihl MS211C ~ Farm Boss 028 ~ Homelite); (NEW) ATV 26gal. sprayer; tarps; shop lights; 3T floor jack; acre measuring wheel; dbl. wheel barrow; 6’ & 8’ step ladders; 30’ alum ext. ladder; bench grinder; 4’x19’ HD steel pallet rack; box trap; halters; rubber tubs; rubber matting; Campbell Hausfeld air compressor; BLACKSMITH FORGE; 24” orbit drum fan; lawn carts; Rubbermaid p.t. lawn trailer; poly folding picnic table; 14’ fiberglass CANOE; Champion generator 1800KW (NIB); gas cans; John Deere GT235 lawn tractor w/54” deck (needs work); GRAVELY PRO TURN 460 COMMERCIAL ZERO TURN MOWER w/60” deck, Koehler powered (like new); HONDA 350XL motorcycle. Plus primitives and household goods. TERMS: Cash, Check, MasterCard, Visa, Discover, AMEX, w/photo ID. 4% buyer’s premium on all purchases w/4% discount for cash or check. TRACT 1: The Crop of MATURE TREES (TIMBER) on 66 acres. If timber buyer, please call for complete teams of removal. Unusual opportunity - lots of mature species in this woods! TRACT 2: 149 Acres +/- of rolling hills & one of the quietest locations you’ll ever find. Perimeter of acreage is fenced and cross fenced w/ high tensil charged. The buildings need nothing except an owner. Pasture/tillable acres approx. 80 acres. This tract has no timber crop. TRACT 3: Combination of Tract 1 and Tract 2 - Keep everything together including the timber.
Douglas E. Walton, Broker, CAI, CES, Auctioneer, Appraiser Darby J. Walton, PRI, Roger Hunker, Dave McDowell, PRI, Auctioneers 227 W. Wyandot Ave., Upper Sandusky, OH 43351 Phone: 419.294.0007 • Fax: 419.294.0296 Email: waltonauctionco@sbcglobal.net Website: ucwaltonrealtyandauction.com
Bowman Farm Gary & Linda Bowman Fredericktown, OH
Authorized Bobcat Dealer
Cincinnati | Mt. Orab | Hilliard | Reynoldsburg
Spring Issue 2019 | Ohio Cattleman | 57
Parting Shots
Advertisers’ Index Ag-Pro.................................................................. 51 Alltech....................................................................5 Armstrong Ag & Supply...................................... 56 Bobcat................................................................. 57 Buckeye Hereford Association.......................... 35 Bush Hog............................................................. 37 COBA / Select Sires........................................... 29 Dickinson Cattle Co. ......................................... 35 Fagaly Feed........................................................ 37 Highland Livestock Supply................................ 31 John Deere.............................................................2
Rylan Rittenhouse, son of OCA President Sasha RIttenhouse of Clark County, stayed busy during the Ohio Beef Expo at the membership booth.
Kalmbach Feeds................................................. 60 Karr Farms.......................................................... 10 KIKO Auction....................................................... 33 Leachman Cattle of Colorado........................... 35 Multimin USA...................................................... 53 No Bull Enterprises............................................ 33 Novak Town Line Farm....................................... 35 O’Connor Farms.................................................. 35 Ohio Valley Limousin.............................................9 PBS Animal Health............................................. 51 Tim Derickson, Assistant Director for the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA), spoke to members of the OCA board concerning ODA initiatives for 2019 at their meeting on April 9. Derickson is a former dairy farmer from Butler County.
Reed & Baur Insurance Agency........................ 54 Rural King Supply............................................... 55 Saltwell Western Store...................................... 38 Thompson, DVM.................................................. 25 Trennepohl Farms............................................... 35 Triple B Enterprises............................................ 51 Valentine Farms................................................. 35 Walton Auction Company.................................. 57 Weaver Leather Livestock................................. 59
Several beef producers gathered at the Ohio Beef Expo to complete their Beef Quality Assurance certification. The session was instructed by John Grimes and Dr. Steve Boyles of OSU Extension.
Nearly 450 youth became youth quality assurance certified at the Ohio Beef Expo by attending one of the three sessions that was offered for those ages 8 to 21. 58 | Ohio Cattleman | Spring Issue 2019
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