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HARSH REALITIES New year –- busy year
By Elizabeth Harsh, Ohio Cattleman Editor
Happy holidays from OCA! Hopefully, your celebrations included lots of time spent with family and with friends that are like family. Our family time around Christmas always includes a little catch-up cow work, in addition to all the other festivities. What cattle-owning parent hasn’t put cow-work on the holiday to-do list when the kids are planning to be home.
Ohio Cattleman magazine (USPA: 020-968, ISSN: 1543-0588) is published six times per year: Winter issue, mailed in January; Expo preview issue, mailed in February; Spring issue, mailed in April; Summer issue, mailed in July; Early Fall issue, mailed in September; and Late Fall issue, mailed in October; for $15 a year to OCA members only. It is dedicated to reporting facts about Ohio’s cattle including marketing, production and legislative news. All editorial and advertising material is screened to meet rigid standards, but publisher assumes no responsibility for accuracy or validity of claims. All rights reserved. Circulation for the issue is 3,086.
Published at Minster, Ohio 45865 by the Ohio Cattlemen’s Association, 10600 US Highway 42, Marysville, Ohio 43040. Periodical postage paid at Marysville, Ohio and at additional offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Ohio Cattleman, 10600 US Highway 42, Marysville, Ohio 43040. CHANGING
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To schedule advertising write to: Ohio Cattleman, 10600 US Highway 42, Marysville, Ohio 43040, or call 614873-6736. All advertising material for the Expo Issue must be received by Feb. 1, 2023.
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Full Page $460
2/3 Page $345
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Ohio Cattlemen’s Association members will receive a 10% discount when advertising their farm products, such as cattle, hay, corn, etc. ...
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OCA Staff
Elizabeth Harsh Executive Director
Ron Windnagel Director of Accounting & Operations
Luke McKee Manager of Member Services
Kelly Keirn Manager of Consumer
Programs & Digital Marketing
Karigan Blue BEST Program Coordinator
As the calendar turns to the New Year, OCA welcomes the opportunity to offer a full range of programs and events that have been limited in the past couple of years. Things get underway with the OCA Annual Meeting on January 14. If you are not yet registered, there is still time to do so. The schedule is packed with policy development and updates from OCA’s partners, including NCBA, the Department of Agriculture and State Veterinarian, Ohio State College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and the Ohio Beef Council. Buckeye football tight end Cade Stover and his family will be guests at the meeting. The Beef Checkoff funded Ohio Stories video featuring Cade and his family’s cattle farm will be a part of the beef council’s checkoff update. OCA will also present several prestigious awards to outstanding families, individuals and industry partners during the evening’s awards banquet. The night will conclude with a live auction fundraiser benefiting the OCA Political Action (PAC) Committee.
OCA will be on the road throughout January with new Cattlemen’s Academy programs, including the popular Calving Clinics and calving simulator. More information on dates and locations for these member-only programs is available on the association’s website.
As Ohio’s Statehouse organizes for the 135th General Assembly, OCA leadership will host the Cattlemen at the Capitol event in early February to advocate for issues important to our members. The association will also be developing their agricultural funding priorities for the state’s upcoming operating budget for 2024 and 2025.
Lots of planning is already underway for the Ohio Beef Expo March 16-19. This year marks the 35th anniversary of the Expo and with nine breed sales on the schedule, the event is shaping up to be worthy of an anniversary celebration. The planning committees for the Expo will continue to utilize the Coliseum to showcase the junior show and the trade show is expected to be sold-out once again. Beef Expo sponsorships provide great opportunities for cattle producers and agri-businesses to advertise while helping support the event. More info on these opportunities is available at the ohiobeefexpo.com website.
Working for OCA’s members is who we are and so a special shout-out to OCA member and BEST sponsoring partner Ricer Equipment for providing a great prize for the association’s new member recruitment contest. Details are included in this issue. All it takes is asking a friend or neighbor to join OCA and you could win. Help us grow and continue to strengthen the association to prepare for what the future holds.
Here’s hoping your future holds great calving weather, healthy calves and good markets. Happy New Year!