Ohio City Incorporated 2019 Annual Report

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2019 Report to the Community

O H I O C I T Y I N CO R P O R AT E D i s a s m a l l tea m o f o rga n i ze rs , planners, marketers, and leaders working to promote the growth of the Ohio City neighborhood, and help to better the quality of life for the community we serve.


THIS YEAR AT OHIO CIT Ohio City Inc. Small Grant program awards four $250 to resident-lead initiatives

Irishtown Bend is awarded $12.5M, reaching a total of $31.5M committed

The closing of Market Ave made for a pedestiran-friendly space and brought visitors to #PlayonMarket

Ohio City Incorporated purchased Fairview Gardens, perserving affordable housing for elderly residents of the neighborhood





1300 youth and 150 coaches participated in 11 Near West Recreation leagues

15 new businesses opened in the neighborhood in 2019

Ohio City Economic Development Plan & Retail Strategy completed in September 2019

Founded Friends of Ohio City Green Spaces to preserve and promote our neighborhood’s green spaces

Began attending monthly Homeless Congressmeetings to better advocate for the Homeless population in Ohio City

2020 marks 10 years of the Ohio City Farm, with this past season yielding 46,700 lbs of produce


TY INC 125 Lakeview Residents engaged in the Lakeview Greening Project throughout 2019 Legislation passed to expand the Special Improvement District to include 400 properties



The 5th Annual Ohio City Street Festival welcomed 15,000 people to West 25th Street

Talk of the Town series elevated resident voices and concerns

Welcome Letter Dear Ohio City Stakeholder, For the past three years, Ohio City Incorporated has been working from our Access and Mobility strategic vision. As we begin to wind down the work of that vision, we are able to take stock of how the organization has built upon the legacy of the previous plans and how we as an organization-and a neighborhood-have evolved. Our past two strategic plans laid out a path that would serve the neighborhood holistically, focusing on the individuals, businesses, and nonprofits that make Ohio City unique. As the organization has evolved, our language has evolved. We have moved from People, Place, Promotion, to a language that better communicates our approach—Placemaking, Quality of Life, and Telling Our Story. We understand the role of being committed to a diverse neighborhood, while also having the responsibility of maintaining a regional destination. We strive to support placemaking efforts that continue to build our community, but also understand the importance of placekeeping that maintains the values and culturally important assets for those who have been part of our neighborhoods growth. To that end, it is important now more than ever to come together as a community to define our collective future as neighbors. We are a growing and dynamic neighborhood. We believe that everyone can and should benefit from this growth and change. The following pages highlight how our residents have come together over the past year to build relationships and create change for their community. We thank each of you for your passion and commitment to work with each other, and with us, as we move the neighborhood forward together.


85 Neighborhood Block Club meetings were attended

Christopher Schmitt

Thomas S. McNair



QUALITY OF LIFE What a difference in the neighborhood since the inception of the Special Improvement District. Better community relationships, security, cleanliness, snow removal, residential and commercial growth and a shared vision among the property owners and residents. A diverse population working together has produced fabulous results.

Darrell Young O H I O C I T Y I M P R O V E M E N T CO R P R OAT I O N

QUALITY OF LIFE By 2011, the area around the West Side Market was beginning to show signs of revitalization. As the vacancy rate along West 25th Street dropped and new businesses moved in, the Market District was returning to a regional destination. Ohio City Incorporated began working with residential and commericial property owners along West 25th Street to continue to create a lively commerical district where residents and visitors felt safe and where businesses wanted to relocate. The Special Improvement District (SID) was formed in 2012, which then created the Market District Improvement Corproation, the nonprofit organization managing the operations of the SID. At it’s first passage, the SID covered the main commerical district surrounding the West Side Market along West 25th Street from Lorain to Bridge Avenues. After the success of its’ first five years and the continued growth of the neighborhood, the SID expanded South of Chatham Avenue and North to Detroit Avenue in 2016. With this expansion, the Market District Improvement Corporation became the Ohio City Improvement Corporation (OCIC). With a focus on safety, maintenance, and hospitality, OCIC works to improve the experience of individuals in the district. In 2019, OCI led the renewal of the SID for another five years to include a total of 400 properties including residential homes and extends the boundaries out to Urban Community School.






2,704 & CHECK-INS


PLACE MAKING With our partnership, we have proved that a community coming together can make great things happen. This past year particularly, but with continued development plans like the Irishtown Bend project, we will only increase this common theme of CMHA being an integral part of this neighborhood and city overall.


PLACEMAKING Part of Ohio City Incorporated’s work is to improve the connections in and around the Ohio City neighborhood. There was no place where this work was needed more than the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Association (CMHA) public housing property that looks and feels the least connected to Ohio City -- Lakeview Estates. Beginning in early 2017, a collaboration between OCI, Trust for Public Land, and the Lakeview Estates residents was formed to implement a greening and beautification initiative. What began as an opportunity to incorporate more green space into CMHA’s public housing property at Lakeview Estates quickly evolved. After extensive conversation with residents and administration, the team focused on improving the greenspace already there. Instead of adding more greenspace, the residents identified things like improving air quality as a greater priority. Placekeeping and community empowerment have been the main drivers behind this project, with the goal to provide resources to the residents that will empower them to continue to create the space that they deserve.

PROGRAM HIGHLIGHT: LAKEVIEW GREENING PROJECT TREE PLANTING – A major problem identified during planning with residents regarding greening Lakeview was the significant air quality issues residents face that cause health concerns and lower the quality of life. In May 2019, residents of Lakeview Estates, alongside volunteers, planted several trees around the property, which will make both short and long term impact on air quality and the public health in the area. HELPING HANDS – In October 2019, Cleveland artist Glen Infante took inspiration from the younger residents of the Estates and transformed the basketball court at the center of Lakeview into a colorful work of art. The mural has two court designs and features two clasped hands, signifying the strength of the relationships built within the CMHA community. BICYCLE RACKS – During the annual Spring Break Jam, youth participants took part in a design competition for new bicycle racks to be installed outside the community center. Two designs were chosen - a flower and a basketball hoop - and were forged and installed by Rust Belt Welding in December. These colorful works of art also help support alternative modes of transportation.

TELLING OUR STORY Closing West 25th Street off to cars and letting the community celebrate in the street is one of the highlights of the neighborhood. The Ohio City Street Festival is truly fun for all and brings friends and families together in Ohio City in a super positive way!


TELLING OUR STORY As the Ohio City neighborhood has changed, the role of Ohio City Incorporated has changed as it relates to how we tell the story of the neighborhood. The strategic plan developed in 2014 celebrated the renaming and rebranding of the organization from Ohio City Near West Development Corporation to what we know it to be today, Ohio City Incorporated. This rebranding helped to make the neighborhood what it is now, a regional destination that has stayed true to its historic character and diverse community. Through partnerships like the one with the City of Cleveland and the West Side Market in 2012, OCI focused on bolstering the many historic assets of the neighborhood and celebrating all of the assets that make this community unique. It was during this time that the neighborhood began receiving broader, even national media attention. As the story of the neighborhood continues to evolve, we strive to strike the balance between telling the story of the neighborhood on a citywide and regional level, as well as highlighting the work of individual neighbors as they continue to strengthen the social fabric of the neighborhood they love and call home.

PROGRAM HIGHLIGHT: OHIO CITY STREET FESTIVAL THE BEGINNING – The West Side Market’s (WSM) Centennial Street Festival + Parade included 40 Ohio City restaurants and businesses, and over 50 WSM vendors. There was a parade put on in partnership with Parade the Circle that included over 500 performers marching behind the Grand Marshalls, West Side Market vendors and their families. THE GROWTH – Ohio City Incorporated, responding to resident and business requests, brought the festival back in 2015. Since then, the Ohio City Street Festival has grown tremendously. The Street Festival is still a fullday event with highlights from the West Side Market, neighborhood vendors and local music. In 2016, OCI began engaging with local artists and arts organizations to provide pop-up cultural experiences throughout the day. The greatest addition was the “Kids Zone”, an entire area dedicated to kids activities including kid-oriented performances, arts and crafts and bouncy houses. THE FUTURE – We look forward to what is in store for the Street Festival in coming years. We have begun looking to find ways to incorporate more people into the planning of the Festival to ensure we find more ways to make the event truly representative of the neighborhood.

LOOKING TO THE FUTURE Being a growing neighborhood isn’t about buildings. It is about connecting long term and new residents to amenities and opportunities. It’s about keeping and creating spaces that allow those people to come together, and ultimately about feeling you belong.


LOOKING TO THE FUTURE QUALITY OF LIFE: SAFETY Community Safety is, as always, a top priority for both Ohio City residents and Ohio City Incorporated. Looking forward, OCI will expand existing safety initiatives like the Home Safety Improvement Program, the Safety Camera Initiative, NearWestSafety.org, and the safety arm of the Special Improvement District; We will also introduce new safety initiatives such as community wide trainings on a variety of safety related topics, and a comprehensive plan for communicating about safety issues in a timely, effective manner to residents. PLACEMAKING: PLAY ON MARKET In 2019, OCI converted Market Avenue into a temporary pop-up park for the summer, creating a safer environment for people to walk and gather in a bustling area of Ohio City. The project, Play on Market, was designed to be an inclusive space that attracted families and kids to the area with kid-sized furniture and the removal of vehicles; encouraged people to linger and patronize adjacent businesses; and offered a comfortable space where people could spend time and socialize without having to spend money. OCI will continue working with stakeholders on a plan for the street that could include creating a permanent space for people. TELLING OUR STORY: TALK OF THE TOWN This series of community conversations aims to increase engagement while equitably providing access to information for residents. Looking ahead to 2020, OCI is committed to continuing to provide this platform for a diversity of voices in the neighborhood to bring awareness, concerns, successes and potential solutions to the issues of all community stakeholders. 2020’s topics will include Affordable Housing, Community Safety Engagement, and Resident Interactions. This series is open to the public and are most impactful when resident-led.

AWARDS Resident Leader Award -


Debbie Morgan is a model resident leader that actively gives back to our co m m u n i t y. As a m e m b e r o f t h e S o Lo B l o c k C l u b, s h e p i l ote d t h e i d ea o f connecting with neighbors through delivering welcome packages and handw r i t te n b i r t h d ay, s y m p a t hy, a n d co n g ra t u l a t i o n s c a rd s t h ro u g h o u t t h e yea r to build stronger relationships around her block. Debbie has also woven her passion for sewing and crochet into her sense of community by providing sewing as therapy to people who suffer from depression, PTSD, and trauma. As a re s i d e n t o f O h i o C i t y, D e b b i e h a s b e e n a n o u t s t a n d i n g l ea d e r w h o h a s m a d e meaningful contributions to the neighborhood.

Hospitality Leader Award -


Af t e r 4 0 y e a rs o f e m p l o y m e n t w i t h t h e D a v e ’s M a r k e t n e t w o r k o f s t o re s a n d s e r v i n g a s t h e M a n a ge r o f t h e s to re h e re i n O h i o C i t y, Dave St u eve re t i re d i n D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 9 . D a v e ’s p o s i t i v e d e m e a n o r a n d p e rs o n a l i t y s e t t h e t o n e fo r t h e exc e l l e n t c u s t o m e r s e r v i c e a n d d a i l y h o s p i t a l i t y s h o w n b y a l l o f t h e s t o re ’s employees. Dave always made sure your favorite item was in stock and on the shelves and ensured personally that customers were always greeted with a warm smile. Dave will always be remembered in the neighborhood for creating a w e l c o m i n g a n d i n c l u s i v e e n v i ro n m e n t a t o u r l o c a l D a v e ’s M a r k e t .

Community Safety Award -


Officer Nan exemplifies what it takes to make a difference in the community t h ro u g h h i s re l e n t l e s s d e te r m i n a t i o n a n d m ot i va t i o n eve r y d ay.O f f i ce r N a n makes himself available to business owners and residents in the community 24/7 over the phone and has been an asset to the community with his expert u s e o f s u r ve i l l a n ce , i n te r v i ew, a n d v i d e o exa m i n a t i o n te c h n i q u e s , O f f i ce r N a n h a s b e e n c r i t i c a l to t h e s o l v i n g o f m a ny h ig h p ro f i l e c r i m e s a c ro s s O h i o C i t y, the Second District, and the entire city of Cleveland.

Community Service Award -


Fo r o v e r 4 0 y e a r s , t h e We s t S i d e C a t h o l i c Ce n t e r h a s o f fe re d h o t m e a l s , h o s p i t a l i t y, c l ot h i n g a n d h o u s e h o l d go o d s , e m e rge n c y s e r v i ce s , a d vo c a c y, a fa m i l y s h e l t e r, h o u s i n g s o l u t i o n s , a n d wo r k fo rce d e ve l o p m e n t t ra i n i n g t o those in need right here in the Ohio City neighborhood. In 2019, in partnership with their in-house workforce training program, the WSCC opened Ohio City P i z ze r i a o n Lo ra i n Ave n u e . W h i l e s e r v i n g t h o u s a n d s o f p e o p l e i n n e e d a n n u a l l y, and now providing an affordable family meal option in the neighborhood, the WSCC h a s co n t i n u e d to s t re n g t h e n t h e co m m u n i t y i n O h i o C i t y.

Outstanding Small Business Award -


A l ex N o s s e , a l i fe l o n g re s i d e n t o f O h i o C i t y, o p e n e d J oy M a c h i n e s b i ke shop on West 25th Street in 2011. The shop helped spur new commercial investment in the area and created a business that is welcoming to community members of all ages and backgrounds. Alex regularly advocates for a more equitable transportation network and also helps to educate the community on safe mobility through group bike rides and social events.

Historic Preservation Award -


R e d e v e l o p e d b y t h e S n a v e l y G ro u p , Fo re s t C i t y L i v i n g a p a r t m e n t s t r a n s fo r m e d t h e h i s t o r i c Fo re s t C i t y B a n k a n d S e y m o u r b u i l d i n g s o n t h e c o r n e r o f We s t 25th Street and Detroit Avenue into green, affordable apartments with c o m m e rc i a l s p a c e o n t h e f i r s t l e v e l . Fo re s t C i t y L i v i n g p r i s t i n e l y p re s e r v e s these historic properties while adding 36 affordable apartments to the neighborhood. This project represents $15 million of investment in maintaining t h e s o c i o - e co n o m i c d i ve rs i t y o f O h i o C i t y.

Near West Recreation Coach Award -


The first recipient of the Near West Recreation Coach awardee, Cameron Helmick, is a model coach that displays sincere dedication to his players and the overall league. He has been a coach with Near West Recreation for over two years and has led over ten different teams in basketball, lacrosse, baseball, soccer and volleyball in that time. Cameron has a competitive spirit and likes to win, but his main priorities are that all his players are improving their skill set, having fun, and learning how to be a great teammate.

Arts & Culture Award -


The work of Cleveland-based artist Glen Infante first appeared in Ohio C i t y i n 2 0 1 6 , w h e n h e p a i n t e d t h e Tr i b u t e t o P r i n c e m u r a l o n t h e M a i n Av e n u e B r i d ge . T h ro u g h a p a r t n e rs h i p w i t h O C I , Tr u s t fo r P u b l i c L a n d , Cu ya h o ga M e t ro p o l i t a n H o u s i n g Au t h o r i t y, a n d L . L . B ea n , G l e n re t u r n e d t o O h i o C i t y i n 2 0 1 9 w o r k i n g o n t h e b a s k e t b a l l c o u r t a t C M H A’s L a k e v i e w Estates with neighborhood youth to design and install the Helping Hands m u r a l o n t h e c o u r t . Fe a t u r i n g t w o h a n d s c o m i n g t o g e t h e r, t h e m u r a l symbolizes a strong and growing connection between Lakeview residents and the Ohio City neighborhood.

Presidential Award -


Fe w p e o p l e a re m o re d e d i c a t e d t o t h e O h i o C i t y n e i g h b o r h o o d t h a n Councilman Kerry McCormack. A neighborhood resident for over 8 years, Kerry started as an organizer at Ohio City Incorporated in 2013, and played a pivotal role in growing Near West Recreation. His commitment to the program continues as councilman, securing $50,000 in annual funding for t h i s c r u c i a l a s s e t fo r fa m i l i e s i n Wa rd 3 a n d t h ro u g h o u t t h e C i t y. As a member of council he has championed multi-modal transportation, e q u i t a b l e h o u s i n g d eve l o p m e n t , a n d s m a r t c i t y te c h n o l o g y.

Fr. Mark DiNardo Legacy Award -


D a r r e l l Yo u n g , a fo u n d i n g O h i o C i t y I m p r o v e m e n t C o r p o r a t i o n B o a r d m e m b e r a n d advocate for the Special Improvement District, has specialized in commerical, re s i d e n t i a l , a n d i n d u s t r i a l re a l e s t a t e i n C l e v e l a n d fo r t h e p a s t 4 0 y e a rs . D a r re l l ’s legacy in the neighborhood began with the early development of Market Plaza, located across the street from the West Side Market and continued with his advocacy and support for the Market District. In 2019, he served as a steward in finding a successor for the property to continue the transformation of the corner of Lorain and West 25th Street.

T H A N K YO U TO O U R 2 01 9 C O R P O R AT E PA R T N E R S Gold

Sil ve r

EDGE32 B ro n ze

C or p o ra te Su ppo r te rs

T H A N K YO U TO O U R OHIO CITY GUARDIANS The Ohio City Guardians program launched in 2016 to ensure the safety and security of the neighborhood. We recognize this group of neighborhood stakeholders who have supported the program and made a significant donation to Ohio City safety initiatives.
















T H A N K YO U TO O U R 2 01 9 D O N O RS Thank you to the following individuals and organizations for making the work of Ohio City Incorporated possible through financial donations and ongoing support. This list represents gifts received between January 1 to December 31, 2019.

ABM Industries Inc. APG Office Furniture Chisholm Agency Inc. Loren Anthes & Emily Lundgard Donald Albert A-Z Management Co. Benevity Community Impact Fund Maggie Bacher Lillian Baratko Debbie Barnes Virginia ‘GiGi’ Benjamin Bo Berges Todd Bennice Margaret Breloff Andrew Blank Tom Buford Deborah Catera CF Bank, NA. Carli Ciofani City Architecture, Inc. City Church Lauren Corlett Mary Cornely Kim Corrigan CORUS45 Tony & Rachelle Coyne Robin Davenport Timothy & Bea Del Papa Douglas DeRose Dana DeSantis Karen Desotell Dimit Architects, LLC Enterprise Community Partners Joel Elvery & Lynn Phares Alan Fodor Scott Francis Molly Friedman Julie Iodine Fries Elizabeth Paterson Warren Gaston Margeaux Gagliano Leslie Gentile Lynn Gentile John Gill Hillary Goldberg

Harbor Bay Lori Henry David Hess Lisa Hess George Gund Foundation Hey Design Guy Hicks Family Trust Paul Hill Joseph Hogan Bonnie Hoynacke Insight Holdings Cleveland Intentional Community Larissa Jackson Jeanne Jenks Camp Journey Trust Margy Judd Knez Homes Steven Karaiskos James Keating Kathleen & Tom Knittel Hattie Kotz Amy Kulisheck Amber Kwallek LDA Architects Raymond Lancione Whitnye Long-Jones Linda Malik Dr. Donald Malone Antonia Marinucci Market Plaza Properties Ari Maron Craig Maurer Srinivas Merguru Bill & Jean Merriman Michael McCarthy Amy McCoy Kerry McCormack Alaina McCourt Bridget McDevitt Amy McKenna Andrew McNett Paul Meeker John Neumann John Nosek Maria Nosse

Richard Nosse Karl Odenweller Ohio Arts Council Ohio City BBQ Ronald & Jen O’Leary Progressive Insurance Foundation Progressive Urban Real Estate Leigh Partridge Keri Palma Rebecca Palma Karen Pianka Thomas Poccia Mitch Pollack Helen Quin Barb Rauhe Alexander Reich Emily Rogoff Priscilla Rocha Pamela Sandy Roger Scheve Chris & Melissa Schmitt Kurt Semrad Roderick & Marianne Semrad, Jr. Celine Shenk Julia Sieck Chuck Simons Jacob Sinatra Leah Singletary Paula Ann Slimak David Stack Sara Steinle Gretchen Snediker & Scott Jackson David & Mary Ellen Szamborski Kate Taseff Donna Taylor Tony Torrens Angelo & Jessica Trivisonno Emily Tsivtse Theodore Tywang Vine Townhomes LLC Jane Vogel Phil Woodcock Joel & Molly Wimbiscus Rose Wright Jessica Whale

N E A R W E S T R E C R E AT I O N S P O N S O R S CASTO Momocho City Life Center Hispanic UMADAOP My Place Homes Cleveland State University Greg Zucca Near West Intergenerational CLV-Lofts Knez Homes CMSD Lincoln West H.S. Kowalski Heat Treating Co. Neighborhood Family Practice Ohio CAT Coast to Coach Equipment Legends Sports Photography Ohio City Burrito Dave’s Market Lutheran Hospital Ohio High Reach Detroity Shoreway CDO Marous Development Group Ohio City Provisions Dickey Lanes Mason’s Creamery Ohio North Coast Lacrosse Duck Island Development Merrick House Ohio Savings Bank Edge32 Metro Mini Storage Pilgrim Congregational Church Franklin Plaza LHS Health Metro West Progressive Urban Real Estate Harness Cycle Mitchell’s Ice Cream Hathaway Brown

Saint Ignatius High School Salvation Army Snavely Group Solon H.S. Lacrosse Srinivas Merguru Starting Point Target Youth Soccer Tremont West Urban Community School U.S. Lacrosse Phil Woodcock Walter Haverfield The Vine


19% $235,961 Contributions

18% $223,255 Property Income

7% $93,230 Events

2% $5,173 Other


total revenue

EXPENSES $80,907






$31,669 Property Expenses

$314,312 Program Expenses

$654,177 Salaries & Benefits

total expenditures


PA R T N E R S H I P S Thank you to the following community partners who help us to advance the mission of our organization and broaden the programs and resources that we are able to offer to our residents. APA Cleveland

NEO Areawide Coordinating Agency

Baldwin Wallace University

Cuyahoga Metropolitan

Ohio CDC Association

Bike Cleveland

Housing Authority

Ohio Department of Transportation


The City of Cleveland


Detroit Shoreway Community

Ohio Public Works

CHN Housing Partners

Development Organization

Ohio State University Extension

Cleveland Housing Court

Downtown Cleveland Alliance

Port of Cleveland

Cleveland Metroparks

Economic & Community

Providence House Refugee Response

Cleveland Museum of Art

Development Institute

Cleveland Neighborhood Progress

Enterprise Community Partners

State of Ohio

Cleveland Police Second District

Greater Cleveland RTA

Saint Ignatius High School Third Federal Savings & Loan


Cleveland Public Library

Great Cleveland Partnership

Cleveland Public Theatre

LGBT Community Center

Transformer Station

Cleveland State University

LAND Studio

Tremont West Development

Cleveland Transformation Alliance

Metro West Development Corporation


Court Community Service

Miami University

Trust for Public Land

Cuyahoga County

Moore Yourkvitch, & Dibo Ltd.

UH Bikes

Cuyahoga County Board of

My Com

Urban Community School

Developmental Disabilities

NEO Regional Sewer District

West Creek Conservancy

Cuyahoga County Land

NEO Coalition for the Homeless

West Side Market

Reutilization Corporation

B OA R D & S TA F F 2019 BOARD OF TRUSTE ES C h r i s S c h m i t t , Pre s i d e nt Re s id e n t A l e x Fro n d o r f, V i ce Pre s i d e nt Re s id e n t M a r i a N o s s e , Trea s u re r Resident

D on n a B a i le y

C h ad B ig ge r s

Ho u s i n g & D e v e l o p m e n t Ma n a g e r

C o m m u n i t y S a fe t y O r ga n i z e r

B re n d a n D oy l e , S e c re t a r y Re s id e n t Virginia “GiGi” Benjamin Re s id e n t John Gill S ain t Ig n a tiu s High S c h o o l

M at t B u rke Ne a r We s t R e c L a c r o s s e Ma n a g e r

C onor E m s e r Communications & E v e n t s Ma n a g e r

S h a r h o n d a G re e r C uya h o ga Me t r o p o lita n Ho u s in g Auth o r it y K a t h l e e n K n i t te l Re s id e n t D r. D o n a l d M a l o n e Luth e r a n Ho s p ita l

W h it nye L ong Jone s C o m m u n i t y E n ga g e m e n t O r ga n i z e r

Helen Qin Re s id e n t

C a r r ie M i l le r Associate Executive Director of Operations

P r i s c i l a Ro c h a Re s id e n t Ro ge r S c h e ve Re s id e n t

T hom a s S . Mc Na i r

L i s a R ab e r

Executive Director

Executive Assistant & O f f i c e Ma n a g e r

Helen K . Smith Re s id e n t A n d y Tr a re s May D uga n C e n te r A n ge l o Tr i v i s o n n o Re s id e n t Joel Wimbiscus Re s id e n t

Ke r i P a l m a D i r e c t o r o f Yo u t h & Fa m ily S e r v i c e s

A sh le y S h aw D i r e c t o r o f Ne i g h b o r h o o d Pl a n n i n g & Economic Development

B e n T r i mble A s s o c i a t e E x e c u t i v e D i r e c t o r, R e a l E s t a t e & Pl a n n i n g


216.781. 3222


216.781. 3252


3308 Lorain Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 4 4 1 1 3 


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