Ohio City Incorporated 2018 Annual Report

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O H I O C I T Y I N C O R P O R AT E D 2018 Report to the Community

O H I O C I T Y I N CO R P O R AT E D i s a s m a l l tea m o f o rga n i ze rs , planners, marketers, and leaders working to promote the growth of the Ohio City neighborhood, and help to better the quality of life for the community we serve.

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Market District planning study begins Launch Lorain planning study begins

Funding secured to renovate Market Square Park

Fairview Park renovation completed

Ground breaks on Market Square Park

Ground breaks on Ohio City Farm

Market Square Park completed

Ohio City Farm Stand opens

First season of Ohio City Tee-Ball 87 participants

Special Improvement District (SID) Initiated Special Improvement District Clean & Safe Ambassador program launched

Special Improvement District passed

St. Ignatius Breen Center breaks ground

Ohio City Near West Development hires first Marketing Staff



Mariner’s Watch breaks ground - first residential new construction project since 2004

Charter One small business initiative launched

Major investments made in United Bank building


Organization re-brands as Ohio City Inc. & launches neighborhood re-branding

West Side Market celebrates its centennial with a parade & festival




Bike Lanes added on Detroit Avenue

Lorain Avenue Cycle Track plans adopted by City of Cleveland planning commission

Lorain Avenue Cycle Track receives $6.1m in Federal funding

Lorain Avenue Cycle Track receives $2.3m in City funding

Greenwood Park renovation begins

Market Square Park receives funding for new landscaping

ITB funding secured for land acquisition and a state capital grant

Near West Recreation is formed

Near West Recreation Manager hired

Near West Rec reaches 1,000 participants

Soccer and bowling programs launch

Youth boxing & adult bowling launch

Basketball, volleyball, & womens boxing launch

US Lacrosse Partnership is formed

Market Garden Brewery Production Facility opens

Platform Brewery opens, triggering investment on Lorain Ave.

The first Ohio City Stages series takes place at the Transformer Station


Ohio City becomes a MyCom neighborhood

The Special Improvement District doubles its service area

Mitchell’s Ice Cream opens flagship store

Skylight Financial relocates to Ohio City

The first Station Hope event is held at St. John’s Church


Ohio City Inc. & Tremont West hire fulltime Safety Organizer


Launched nearwestsafety.org

The Music Settlement opens Urban Community School announces partnership with MetroHealth

Economic Development Committee formed

Community Engagement Committee formed


Surpassed 100 safety cameras in the community

Ohio City Inc. purchases Family Dollar storefront on W.25th

Goal of encouraging 500 new units of housing in Ohio City reached

The inaugural Ohio City Street Festival takes place on W.25th Street


Near West Rec reaches 1,334 participants

Track program launches

Spring Jam program launches for youth at Lakeview Terrace

Launched Safety Camera Program

22 of 24 parcels of land secured for Irishtown Bend

Irishtown Bend Vision Plan adopted by City of Cleveland

Irishtown Bend collaborative is formed, major initial funding is secured

Launched Home Safety Audit Program

Funding secured for the restoration of Franklin Circle

Creative Fusion Mural Project completed

Grant funding received for Lake Link, Red Line Greenway, & Whiskey Island Connector trails

OCI launches a small grant program for resident-led activities

Ohio City Welcome Guide launched



Welcome Letter D E A R O H I O C I T Y S TA K E H O L D E R ,

In 2010, Ohio City Near West Development C

entitled Historic Progress. The nine page do

district, celebrating the West Side Market C the neighborhood.

Our subsequent 2014-2016 strategic plan foc

25th Street and Lorain Avenue; filling storef

Ohio City a great place to live, work, play, w Our most recent plan, adopted in 2016, was level look into our neighborhood and the pe defining values our organization sees as dri

Diversity, Inclusivity, Urbanism, and Collabo

understanding of the people who live here, g

headed as an organization and as a communi

As you review this annual report, see it as m going. On behalf of our Board and staff, we members, residents, elected officials, busin

with our organization as we continue to mov


Christopher Schmitt

Thomas S. McN



Corporation adopted a 4-year strategic plan

ocument focused primarily on creating a market

Centennial and rebuilding key relationships within

cused on leveraging our main corridors of West

fronts with unique local retailers; and making

worship and serve others. an attempt to take a truly wholistic, ecosystem ople who make it go.

In it we agreed to the

ving the neighborhood as History, Equity,


These values and a much clearer

gave us our best outline ever of where we are


map for where we have been and where we are would like to take the opportunity to thank our ess owners and visitors for continuing to work

ve our neighborhood forward.


QUALITY OF LIFE Yo u c a n f i n d u s o n S a t u r d a y mornings at the park, drinking coffee, chatting with neighborhood friends, cheering on our kids at t h e i r s o cce r ga m e s . Fo r u s a s parents, being a part of Near West Rec deepens our roots in the neighborhood; for our girls, they love being a part of a team—and eating the post-game treats!

The Eadie Family N E A R W E S T R E C R E AT I O N FA M I LY

QUALITY OF LIFE In 2012, the Near West Side began seeing an increase in population, alongside the increased investment. In addition to “millennials” and “empty nesters,” Ohio City began seeing many young families moving into the neighborhood. This challenged Ohio City Inc. to reconsider the way our organization serves the neighborhood, and pushed us to f i n d n ew, c rea t i ve ways to b r i n g n e ig h b o rs together and help encourage a thriving co m m u n i t y. T h e o rga n i z a t i o n evo l ve d to include staff dedicated to creating programs and initiatives that would improve the quality o f l i fe fo r t h e n e i g h b o r h o o d ’s re s i d e n t s .

Ohio City Inc. continues to organize residents through staffing block clubs, planning neighborhood clean ups, and finding ways to increase safety in the neighborhood. As this shift occurred, we have launched programs including a recreation league for neighborhood youth; a Special Improvement District to provide increased litter pick up and safety services; a safety camera program to provide extra coverage throughout the neighborhood; and mechanisms to better support residents in their work in the co m m u n i t y.

P R O G R A M H I G H L I G H T : N E A R W E S T R E C R E AT I O N

N U M B E R S - Amenities like Near West Recreation make Cleveland competitive with surrounding suburbs who offer s i m i l a r, ye a r- ro u n d re c re a t i o n a c t i v i t i e s . Over the past seven years, Near West Recreation has grown from an 8-team summer tee-ball league with 87 kids, to a fully functioning, year-round recreation

N U M B E R O F PA R T I C I PA N T S 2012:



league serving 1,300 youth.

G EO G RA P H Y - Anyone, regardless of income or location, is accepted into the Near West Recreation League. Financial assistance is available to participants that live or attend school on the Near West side. In 2018, 70% of youth participants either lived in or attended s c h o o l w i t h i n N W R ’s s e r v i c e a re a , a n d almost 10% lived outside the city of




PA R T N E R S H I P S - A s a d e m o n s t r a t i o n o f N e a r We s t R e c re a t i o n ’s g ro w t h , O C I was approached by US Lacrosse to bring Lacrosse, a sport not typically found in urban communities, to the Near West side. This partnership has allowed for a d d i t i o n a l s t af f c a p a c i t y, a n d ye t a n ot h e r n e w s p o r t a d d e d t o t h e N W R ro s t e r. O ve r 200 youth participated in a variety of lacrosse activities in 2018.



PLACEMAKING The Lorain Avenue Cycle Track demonstrates what’s possible in our region for greater safety improvements for cyclists, pedestrians and drivers with protected bike lanes. We are delighted that funding from NOACA for this project will significantly change the course on how people will get around Ohio City to Cleveland’s connecting neighborhoods.


PLACEMAKING It has long been a part of Ohio City I n c o r p o ra t e d ’s m i s s i o n t o h e l p i m p ro v e t h e p l a ce s a n d s p a ce s w i t h i n O h i o C i t y. We h ave d o n e t h i s b y p l a n n i n g fo r, a t t ra c t i n g , a n d guiding appropriate physical development, infrastructure, and placemaking efforts throughout the neighborhood. Encouraging a smart growth strategy for the neighborhood, OCI has assisted in the historic renovation of over 100 homes, and overseen the completion of 500 new units of housing over the past 10 years, with nearly 1,000 more in development. Through this growth, we are working to build density on vacant land along our transit corridors, and single-family homes w i t h i n t h e n e i g h b o r h o o d i n t e r i o r.

S i m i l a r l y, O C I h a s a s s i s te d 1 28 n ew businesses in opening, while investing nearly $150,000 in small businesses to support 45 storefront renovations, and creative bike racks throughout the neighborhood. To e n s u r e a w a l k a b l e a n d i n v i t i n g neighborhood, we have created and expanded a Special Improvement District, as well as led public planning and implementation of projects for existing neighborhood parks, a wayfinding system, the re-imagining of streets, large scale public art, and the future Irishtown Bend waterfront park.

P R O G RA M H I G H L I G H T : LO RA I N AV E N U E ST R E E T SC A P E VISIONING - In 2011, over 200 community members came together for a 3-day “Launch Lorain” charrette to create a vision to better connect Lorain Avenue to residents, alternative transportation, education, new and existing businesses, and development opportunities. The process focused on turning this corridor back into the N e i g h b o r h o o d ’s m a i n s t re e t . L a t e r t h a t ye a r, O C I wo r ke d w i t h t h e C i t y t o re z o n e the corridor with a Pedestrian Retail O ve r l ay, i n te n d e d to c rea te a m o re walkable street.

PLANNING - In 2013, OCI and partners raised private dollars for a planning process that engaged over 1,000 stakeholders, culminating in a plan to transform Lorain Avenue with a two-way cycle track. In 2014, OCI coordinated stakeholder delegations to Indianapolis, IN to see similar bike infrastructure. In 2015, the Cleveland City Planning Commission adopted the plan.

FUNDING- In 2016, after several years of advocacy by OCI, City Council, and t h e co m m u n i t y, t h e C i t y o f C l eve l a n d allocated $2.3 million in funding for the p ro j e c t . I n 2 017, t h e N o r t h ea s t O h i o Areawide Coordinating Agency allocated $ 6 .1 m i l l i o n . Co n s t r u c t i o n i s e l i g i b l e t o begin in 2022.


T E L L I N G O U R STO RY A sense of social connectedness is vital to the health of any community. Creating opportunities for diverse groups of neighbors to come in contact with each other in creative and positive ways has come through Ohio City’s community events and conversations.


TELLING OUR STORY As Ohio City has evolved over the last decade, we have welcomed many new community members, businesses, and visitors. As a result o f t h i s , O C I ’s w o r k ex p a n d e d t o i n c l u d e a focus on communications and events. By adding capacity in this area, our organization was able to launch initiatives that would help residents and stakeholders feel more co n n e c te d to t h e co m m u n i t y. The increased activity in the neighborhood also contributed to the changed perception o f O h i o C i t y, b ot h l o c a l l y a n d reg i o n a l l y. Sharing the stories of the people and places that make this neighborhood special became a p r i o r i t y o f O C I ’s w o r k . O u r n e w e v e n t s a n d neighborhood marketing began to focus on showcasing Ohio City as a great place to live, wo r k , v i s i t , a n d ra i se a fa m i l y.

In 2010, Ohio City Near West Development hired their first marketing staff member who introduced regular community newsletters, a stronger web presence, and a series of events. In 2011, the organization went through a re-branding process for both our organization and the neighborhood, changing our name to Ohio City Inc. and creating a consistent identity and look for neighborhood wayfinding, signage, and marketing. In 2012, Ohio City hosted the West Side Market Centennial celebration, showcasing the neighborhood on a national scale and creating the foundation of what would become the O h i o C i t y S t re e t Fe s t i v a l . I n 2 0 1 4 , O C I e n t e re d two major events partnerships with Cleveland Public Theatre and the Cleveland Museum of Art, bringing events such as Station Hope and O h i o C i t y St age s to t h e co m m u n i t y. O C I n ow hosts 3 of our own events and facilitates 7 p a r t n e rs h i p eve n t s a n n u a l l y.


O H I O C I T Y W E L C O M E G U I D E - Fo r the last decade, OCI has mulled over the idea of creating a marketing piece that would serve as a one-stop shop for information on our organization and the neighborhood. In 2018, this idea finally took shape in the form of the Ohio City Welcome Guide. The guide launched in November of 2018, and the initial run was mailed to every address in our service area. Moving forward, the guide will be delivered to new residents as they move into the neighborhood.

CONNECTION - Our organization reaches many residents and stakeholders through the work that we do, but has long faced the challenge of connecting with every resident living here. Through this guide, we were able to introduce our organization to every resident in our service area, better inform them of the resources available here, and share ways to connect and get involved.


LOOKING TO THE FUTURE Building off our storied history, diversity and authentic sense of place, we have a unique opportunity to grow inclusively. To g e t h e r, w e w i l l m o v e O h i o City forward and focus on investments that improve the quality of life for all.


LOOKING TO THE FUTURE CO N T I N U I N G T H E P R O G R E SS - As the needs of those we serve shift and grow in different ways, so will the work of our organization. Looking to the future, OCI will continue to work to improve the quality of life for our residents, encourage strategic economic growth, tell the u n i q u e s to r i e s o f t h i s co m m u n i t y, a n d b e a n a d vo c a te fo r p o s i t i ve c h a n ge .

QUALITY OF LIFE: SAFETY Creating a safe neighborhood continues to be a top priority for both the residents of Ohio City and for Ohio City Incorporated. Safety initiatives in Ohio City continue to evolve through the growth of the Special Improvement District, strengthening communications with residents, increasing engagement with CPD Second District, and the continuously expanding safety camera network.

PLACEMAKING: IRISHTOWN BEND Irishtown Bend is a 17-acre hillside along the west bank of the Cuyahoga River In O h i o C i t y. I n i t s cu r re n t s t a te , t h e h i l l s i d e is at risk of catastrophic structural failure. A collaboration of organizations have been working together to ensure t h e h i l l s i d e ’s s t a b i l i t y fo r t h e p a s t s e v e n years, with activity increasing over the past three years. In the coming years, this collaboration will work to create a greenspace that will serve as an urban park and trail hub, connecting four different trails and completing a greenway between the Cuyahoga Valley National Park and Lake Erie.

T E L L I N G O U R S T O RY: O H I O C I T Y S T R E E T F E S T I VA L I n 2 0 1 9 , t h e O h i o C i t y S t re e t Fe s t i v a l w i l l ce l e b ra t e i t s 5 t h ye a r. A s t h e fe s t i v a l grows in attendance and scale, OCI continues to identify ways to better connect the neighborhood to the event and utilize the audience to tell our story and encourage repeat visitors. OCI plans to further the impact of this event by working alongside OCI's Economic Development Committee, Merchants Association, Community Engagement Committee, and other community partners.

AWARDS Resident Leader Award -


I s a a c i s a n a c t i ve a n d p a s s i o n a te m e m b e r o f t h e co m m u n i t y. H e l e n d s h i s time, talents, and energy to supporting the community around him and advocating for a healthier physical environment. “Being part of the of the Ohio City community allows me to experience something greater than myself,” says Robb. “Whether it be coaching with Near West Rec, planting a few trees, o r p i c k i n g u p w i n d - b l ow n l i t t e r, t h e c a m a ra d e r i e b e t we e n p e o p l e i s i n s p i r i n g .”

Hospitality Leader Award -

S T. J O H N ’ S E P I S C O PA L C H U R C H

S t . J o h n ’s C h u rc h h a s a s t o r i e d h i s t o r y i n O h i o C i t y. T h e i r l e g a c y i s o n e o f inclusivity and acceptance, including their participation as a stop on the Underground Railroad for people seeking refuge in the North, and their leadership in insighting change by being the first place of worship in Cleveland t o o p e n l y w e l c o m e t h e LG BTQ + c o m m u n i t y. S t . J o h n ’s c o n t i n u e s t o s e r v e o u r community by opening their doors to all community members as a safe and welcoming place to explore their ideas and host events and conversations.

Community Safety Award -

S G T. T I M O T H Y M A F F O -J U D D

Sgt. Maffo-Judd has consistently demonstrated his commitment to rising to the needs of the community he serves. His regular attendance at meetings and community conversations has made him more accessible to our residents, and has helped create a more connected and understanding relationship with the CPD Second District. “I love being active in the community and helping people in the same community I live in,” says MaffoJudd. “I truly get to be a part of making Cleveland a great place and in that I am very grateful.”

Community Service Award -


The Ohio City neighborhood is home to a wealth of human service agencies. While these resources exist, there are large populations of people who are in need of even more support, but don’t always feel comfortable seeking it, or experience difficulties in accessing it. The Metanoia Project is committed to reaching and serving these populations. They work to better understand the needs of those that they serve, and provide health services, m ea l s , hyg i e n e re so u rce s , ove r n ig h t h o s p i t a l i t y, a n d m u c h m o re .

Outstanding Small Business Award -


The Flying Fig has been an Ohio City staple long before the neighborhood wa s v i ewe d a s t h e d e s t i n a t i o n i t i s to d ay. C h e f a n d ow n e r Ka re n S m a l l i s ce l e b ra t i n g t h e b u s i n e s s ’ 2 0 t h a n n i ve rs a r y t h i s ye a r, w i t h q u i t e a l e g a c y to be proud of. Through the years, Karen has supported the community by sourcing product from local farmers and hosting cooking classes for r e s i d e n t s a t R i v e r v i e w To w e r. H e r p r e s e n c e w i l l c o n t i n u e t o b e a n i n f l u e n c e o n t h e n e i g h b o r h o o d ’s fo o d s c e n e a n d c o m m u n i t y.

Historic Preservation Award -

4 01 9 B R I D G E AV E N U E

4 0 1 9 B r i d ge Ave n u e w a s h i s t o r i c a l l y ow n e d b y A l f re d G re e n b r i e r, a f re e d s l av e w h o s e t t l e d i n t h e n e i g h b o r h o o d i n t h e m i d 1 8 0 0 ’s . G re e n b r i e r b re d a n d ke p t h o rse s o n t h e p ro p e r t y, a n d wa s r u m o re d to have used both his home and his horses to assist passengers on the Underground Railroad. The home was facing demolition in 2015, but was instead purchased in 2016 and stunningly restored by Antonia Marinucci in 2018. The preservation of this home is an important feat for the neighborhood at large.

New Construction Award -


The intersection of West 25th Street and Detroit Avenue has long b e e n a n u n d e r- u t i l i ze d ga teway to O h i o C i t y. T h i s p ro j e c t , m a n age d by Snavely Group, has transformed blocks of fenced off parking lots into a mixed-use building. The building includes 194 units of housing, 3 retail storefront spaces, and a West side home to the The Music Settlement; a n a cce s s i b l e e a r l y c h i l d h o o d e d u c a t i o n a n d a r t s ce n t e r.

Arts & Culture Award -


T h ro u g h o u t h e r c a re e r, C l e ve l a n d . co m re p o r t e r N i k k i D e l a m o t t e u s e d h e r p l a t fo r m t o s h i n e l i g h t o n t h e u n i q u e s t o r i e s o f o u r n e i g h b o r h o o d ’s a r t s , culture, and small business communities. Her work had a genuine quality that reflected the time she took to truly listen and the intentionality she had in elevating and positively representing what was happening h e re . W h i l e o u r n e ig h b o r h o o d wa s o n l y a s m a l l p a r t o f h e r s to r y, we a re lucky to have had her as a part of ours.

Presidential Award -


Urban Community School has been a fixture on the Near West Side s i n ce 1 9 6 8 . I n h i s 9 ye a rs a t U C S , b o t h a s C h i e f D e ve l o p m e n t O f f i ce r, a n d s i n c e 2 0 1 7 P r e s i d e n t , To m h a s m a d e a s u b s t a n t i a l i m p a c t . F r o m leading the efforts of the expansion for the Thomas Jeckering Middle S c h o o l , u n i q u e co l l a b o ra t i o n s l i ke U r b a n S q u a s h a n d , m o s t re ce n t l y, ensuring that UCS students and their families have access to healthcare t h r o u g h a c a m p u s e x p a n s i o n a n d p a r t n e r s h i p w i t h M e t r o H e a l t h . To m h a s worked to ensure that children and families of all backgrounds can be successful in Ohio City and beyond.

Fr. Mark DiNardo Legacy Award -


Fo r f i f t y y e a r s , M a y D u g a n Ce n t e r h a s p ro v i d e d q u a l i t y h e a l t h a n d h u m a n services to under served individuals and families on the Near West side of Cleveland. The organization serves as a lifeline for basic needs such as food, clothing, and health screenings, and encourages an improved quality of life through education and counseling programs.

T H A N K YO U TO O U R 2 01 8 C O R P O R AT E PA R T N E R S Gold

Sil ve r

B ro n ze

T H A N K YO U TO O U R OHIO CITY GUARDIANS The Ohio City Guardians program launched in 2016 to ensure the safety and security of the neighborhood. We recognize this group of neighborhood stakeholders who have supported the program and made a significant donation to Ohio City safety initiatives.















T H A N K YO U TO O U R 2 01 8 D O N O RS Thank you to the following individuals and organizations for making the work of Ohio City Incorporated possible through financial donations and ongoing support. This list represents gifts received between January 1 to December 31, 2018.

ABC Tavern

KeyBank National Association

Bradley Reed


Kathleen Knittel

Pamela Sandy

Christine Anderson

Arthur Korkosz

Saucy Brews Works LLC

Rod Anderson

Hattie Kotz

Roger Scheve

Andros Property Management, LLC

Timothy Kovach

Christopher Schmitt

Angel Balcarcel

Stephen Kowalski

Kevin Schmotzer

Benevity Community Impact Fund

Anya K. Kulcsar

Sharon Schnall

Bo Berges

Natalie Leek-Nelson

Yvonne Schroll

Alex Budin

Linda Malik

Drew Sellers

Thomas C. Buford

Don Malone

Mariann L. Semrad

Lynn Carpenter

Al Mancuso

Ryan Sheppard

Lawrence Carter

Antonia Marinucci

Julia Sieck

CF Bank

Market Plaza Properties LLC

Nav Singh

Chisholm Agency Inc.

Amy C. McCoy

Paula A. Slimak

Judy Comeau-Hart

Medical Mutual

Helen Smith

Rachelle Coyne

Jean Merriman

Gretchen Snediker

Courtney Crockett

William C. Merriman

St. Ignatius High School

CrossCountry Mortgage, Inc.

Srinivas Merugu

Suite 1300 Services Inc.

Jade Davis

Carrie Miller

The Harp Tavern

Jessica Davis

Vincent Morelli

The Old Angle Tavern

Timothy Del Papa

Colleen Munley

The Quarter

Dimit Architects

Near West Family Network

Allen Tittle

Brendan Doyle

Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer

Andrew Trares

Joel A. Every


Vocon Designs, Inc.

Nathan Friedrichsen

Maria Nosse

V William ogelgesang

Friends of Kerry McCormack

Richard L. Nosse

Walter | Haverfield LLP

Alex Frondorf

Karl E. Odenweller

Aino Wheler

John Gill

Ohio Savings Bank

Joel Wimbiscus

Kathleen Ginley

Mark Owens

Xorax Management, Inc.

Joel Gulko

Kagan Palma

YMCA of Greater Clevelan d

Kimberly Heinen

Rebecca H. Palma

J.T. & R.M. Hogan, Jr.

Doug Perkowski

James Keating

Helen Qin


PA R T N E R S H I P S Thank you to the following community partners who help us to advance the mission of our organization and broaden the programs and resources that we are able to offer to our residents.

City Life Center Cleveland State University CMSD Lincoln West High School Constellation Schools Stockyards Community Elementary & Middle School

Metro West Community Development Mitchell’s Ice Cream Momocho Near West Intergenerational School Nehemiah Mission of Cleveland

APA Cleveland

Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority

Baldwin Wallace University

Ohio CDC Association

Detroit Shoreway Community Development Organization

Bike Cleveland The City of Cleveland

Downtown Cleveland Alliance

Cleveland Housing Court

Ohio State University Extension Port of Cleveland Providence House Refugee Response

Cleveland Metroparks

Economic & Community Development Institute

St. Ignatius High School

Cleveland Museum of Art

Enterprise Community Partners

Third Federal Savings & Loan

Cleveland Police Second District

Greater Cleveland RTA

Transformer Station

Cleveland Public Library

LAND Studio

Cleveland Public Theatre Cleveland Transformation Alliance

Metro West Development Corporation

Tremont West Development Corporation

Conveyer & Caster

Neighborhood Family Practice

Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority

Ohio City Burrito

Court Community Service

Miami University

Urban Community School

Ohio City Provisions

Cuyahoga County Board of Developmental Disabilities

Moore Yourkvitch, & Dibo Ltd.

West Creek Conservancy

Neighborhood Housing Services

West Side Market

Ohio City Incorporated

Cuyahoga County Land Reutilization Corporation

Northeastern Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency

Dave’s Market Detroit Shoreway Community Development Organization

Ohio Savings Bank

Dickey Lanes

Old Angle Boxing

Duck Island Development

Pilgrim Congregational Church


Progressive Urban Real Estate

Franklin Circle Church

Saint Ignatius High School

Franklin Plaza LHS Health

Salvation Army

Hispanic UMADAOP

Snavely Group

Knez Homes

Solon High School Boy’s & Girls Lacrosse

Kowalski Heat Treating Co. Legends Sports Photography

Starting Point

Lutheran Hospital

Tremont West Development Corporation

Mason’s Creamery

Vision Yoga & Wellness

Mentor High School Boy’s Lacrosse

Urban Community School

Merrick House Metro Mini Storage

UH Bikes

US Lacrosse Westown Tire




While the City of Cleveland has a wealth of worldclass arts institutions, the center of this activity l i v e s o n t h e c i t y ’s E a s t s i d e , m a k i n g t h e m l e s s a c c e s s i b l e fo r m a n y We s t s i d e re s i d e n t s . W i t h t h e l a u n c h o f t h e Tr a n s fo r m e r S t a t i o n & O h i o C i t y S t a g e s i n 2 0 1 3 , t h e C l e v e l a n d M u s e u m o f A r t ex p a n d e d t h e i r p ro g r a m m i n g t o t h e We s t s i d e , a n d i n d o i n g s o c re a t e d a n e v e n t t h a t h a s g ro w n t o b e a c o m m u n i t y f a v o r i t e , a n d h a s s p u r re d a g re a t p a r t n e r s h i p .

I n a c o l d w e a t h e r c i t y, o u r i n d o o r p u b l i c s p a c e s p l ay a n i m p o r t a n t ro l e . O h i o C i t y i s fo r t u n a te to h ave i n s t i t u t i o n s l i ke t h e Ca r n e g i e We s t L i b ra r y that go beyond their call of duty to respond to the unique needs of the neighborhood they are in. The library hosts programming including educational workshops, financial counseling, and c h i l d r e n ’s p r o g r a m m i n g t h a t p r o v i d e o p p o r t u n i t i e s fo r O h i o C i t y re s i d e n t s . O C I a n d t h e l i b ra r y h ave worked together to facilitate job readiness fairs, community conversations, and youth programming.

S i n c e 2 0 1 3 , t h e C l e v e l a n d M u s e u m o f A r t ’s acclaimed summer music series, City Stages, has p re s e n t e d t h e b e s t i n g l o b a l m u s i c a n d c o n n e c t e d t h e m u s e u m w i t h a u d i e n c e s o n t h e We s t s i d e o f t o w n . We l o o k fo r w a rd t o t h e b r i g h t f u t u re o f t h i s s e r i e s a n d continuing our partnership with Ohio City Inc.

Thomas M. Welsh

A s a n e w m a n a ge r a t Ca r n e g i e We s t B ra n c h I desired to engage Ohio City residents beyond the l i b r a r y ’s w a l l s . M y f i r s t g o - t o w a s O h i o C i t y I n c . and they have been a remarkable partner ever since. I applaud their commitment to addressing the needs of this dynamic and diverse community a n d v a l u e t h e i r i n c l u s i o n o f T h e P e o p l e ’s University in helping them do so.


Angela Guinther




33% $414,154

9% $107,369 Events

2% $28,153 Contributions

2% $26,211 Other



$80,520 Overhead

$91,243 Operational Expenses


$623,333 Salaries & Benefits


54% $671,323 Grants

Property Income


otal revenue

$72,786 Professional Services

$27,381 Program Expenses


Program Expenses

al expenditures




C h r i s S c h m i t t , Pre s i d e nt Re s id e n t A l e x Fro n d o r f, V i ce Pre s i d e nt Re s id e n t M a r i a N o s s e , Trea s u re r Resident

D on n a B a i le y

C h ad B ig ge r s

E n t e r p r i s e Ho u s i n g Fe l l o w

C o m m u n i t y S a fe t y O r ga n i z e r

M at t B u rke

H at t ie Kot z

Ne a r We s t R e c L a c r o s s e Ma n a g e r

D i r e c t o r o f Ma r k e t i n g

W h it nye L ong Jone s

D a n ie l Ly nc h

C o m m u n i t y E n ga g e m e n t O r ga n i z e r

Am e r i C o r p s Vi s t a

T hom a s S . Mc Na i r

C a r r ie M i l le r

Executive Director

Associate Executive Director of Operations

B re n d a n D oy l e , S e c re t a r y Re s id e n t Virginia Benjamin Re s id e n t Alex Budin Re s id e n t Co r t n e y C ro c ke t t C uya h o ga Me t r o p o lita n Ho u s in g Auth o r it y J a d e D av i s Po r t o f C l e v e la n d John Gill S ain t Ig n a tiu s High S c h o o l K a t h l e e n K n i t te l Re s id e n t D r. D o n a l d M a l o n e Luth e r a n Ho s p ita l Al Mancuso Re s id e n t M a r k O we n s S kylight Fin a n c ial G r o up Helen Qin Re s id e n t Ro ge r S c h e ve Re s id e n t Ryan Sheppard We s t S id e Ma r k e t

Ke r i P a l m a

L i s a R ab e r

D i r e c t o r o f Yo u t h & Fa m ily S e r v i c e s

Executive Assistant

A sh le y S h aw

B e n T r i mble

D i r e c t o r o f Ne i g h b o r h o o d Pl a n n i n g & Economic Development

Associate Executive Director o f R e a l E s t a t e & Pl a n n i n g

Helen K . Smith Re s id e n t A n d y Tr a re s Re s id e n t Joel Wimbiscus Re s id e n t


216.781. 3222


216.781. 3252



2525 Market Avenue, Suite A Cleveland, Ohio 4 4 1 1 3 

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