Ohio Cooperative Living - October 2018 - Holmes-Wayne

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Holmes-Wayne Electric Cooperative Official publication | www.hwecoop.com

Korean War Veterans

Forrest James and Art Christopher visit the Korean War Monument

Also inside Candidates for governor, senator make their case

Taking the reins at the Cardinal Plant

Member Interactive: trick or treat!




Every October, we celebrate you. After all, co-ops were formed by members, for members, and are still owned by members like you. Thank you for being a part of your co-op!



INSIDE 25 Q & A Knowing the importance of electric cooperative voters in statewide campaigns, the major-party candidates for governor and U.S. senator took some time to answer questions that are crucial to Ohio Cooperative Living readers.

32 DAWES ARBORETUM The remarkable Dawes Arboretum begins its second century as a living shrine to its founders.




t’s been a little more than six months since Buckeye Power assumed operational responsibilities for the Cardinal, Mone, and Greenville power plants from our longtime partner, American Electric Power (AEP). I’m pleased to report that we’re off to a good start, with each facility operating safely, reliably, cost-competitively, and in an environmentally responsible manner. Throughout our history, Ohio’s electric cooperatives relied on AEP to manage our plant operations, thereby availing ourselves of the technical expertise and the economy of scale that AEP brought as a larger organization. But as its business model changed and AEP moved away from Ohio-produced electricity, it became clear that it was time for Buckeye Power to step into a management role. We’ve learned much over the years, and even more in the past few months, about what’s needed to run power plants to produce reliable and affordable electricity. While much of what we’re doing today is the same as it’s been for years, we’re learning new and better ways to operate. It starts with a focus on what’s best for every facility — each has different operating requirements, safety precautions, environmental challenges, and workforce needs. Our operations today are leaner than ever, which keeps costs down. Some of the changes we’ve already made include updating computer systems; finding better ways to both reduce emissions and produce cleaner, more usable ash products; and adding fuel oil storage at the Greenville plant to allow for extended operations on the coldest winter days, when natural gas is less available.

We’ve also promoted Bethany Schunn to Cardinal plant manager, whom you can get to know better by reading an interview with her on Page 6. We’re proud of Bethany’s accomplishments in her new role. Bethany helped lead our transition efforts by employing her considerable industry skills and credentials. I trust you haven’t noticed much difference in your power supply over the past several months, but behind the scenes we’ve been busy planning for the future to assure that we continue to provide clean, safe electricity in a reliable and affordable manner. It’s the cooperative way.




It starts with a focus on what’s best for every facility — each has different operating requirements, safety precautions, environmental challenges, and workforce needs.

October 2018 • Volume 61, No. 1



Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives 6677 Busch Blvd. Columbus, OH 43229 614-846-5757 memberinteract@ohioec.org www.ohioec.org Patrick O’Loughlin Patrick Higgins Jeff McCallister Rebecca Seum Anita Cook

President & CEO Director of Communications Managing Editor Associate Editor Graphic Designer

Contributors: Colleen Romick Clark, W.H. “Chip” Gross, Patrick Keegan, Catherine Murray, and Damaine Vonada. OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING (USPS 134-760; ISSN 2572-049X) is published monthly by Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc. It is the official communication link between the electric cooperatives in Ohio and West Virginia and their members. Subscription cost for members ranges from $5.52 to $6.96 per year, paid from equity accruing to the member. Nothing in this publication may be reproduced in any manner without written permission from Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc. All rights reserved.

For all advertising inquiries, contact GLM COMMUNICATIONS 212-929-1300 sales@glmcommunications.com

MORE INSIDE DEPARTMENTS 4 POWER LINES RUNNING THE SHOW: Buckeye Power has taken over operations at the cooperative-owned Cardinal Power Plant.


WOODS, WATERS, AND WILDLIFE ROOTING OUT THE RATS: Our outdoors editor goes on an expedition to help save a state-endangered species.

10 OHIO ICON HARPERSFIELD BRIDGE: One of the oldest and longest covered bridges in the state, the span has carried traffic since 1868.

12 CO-OP PEOPLE ALPACAS APLENTY: Neighboring breeders cooperate to produce animals renowned for their fleece.

15 GOOD EATS COOK-OFF: A good bowl of chili can warm up any occasion. Here

are four dishes to spice up these cool autumn days.


News and important information from your electric cooperative.


SYSTEM TOUR: Board members at Lorain-Medina Rural Electric Cooperative take a day to check out some businesses they serve.

36 CALENDAR WHAT’S HAPPENING: October events and other things to do. The fact that a product is advertised in Ohio Cooperative Living should not be taken as an endorsement. If you find an advertisement misleading or a product unsatisfactory, please notify us or the Ohio Attorney General’s Office, Consumer Protection Section, 30 E. Broad St., Columbus, OH 43215. Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, OH, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to editorial and advertising offices at: 6677 Busch Boulevard, Columbus, OH 43229-1101

Cooperative members: Please report changes of address to your electric cooperative. Ohio Cooperative Living staff cannot process address changes. Alliance for Audited Media Member Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

38 MEMBER INTERACTIVE COSTUME PARTY: Our readers pull out all the stops to come up

with just the right get-up for trick-or-treat.

IN THIS ISSUE Brilliant (p.4) West Union (p.8) Harpersfield Twp. (p.10) Burbank (p.12) Wellington (p.23) Newark (p.32)



TAKING CHARGE For Ohio electric co-ops, running power plant operations just makes sense BY JEFF MCCALLISTER


ifty years ago, when two generating units at Cardinal Power Plant were first placed into operation, Buckeye Power was a newly minted generation cooperative, formed and owned by all of the electric distribution cooperatives in Ohio. American Electric Power (AEP), which built the Cardinal plant, offered a unique partnership agreement to Buckeye Power and its member cooperatives: AEP and Buckeye Power would each own one of the two units, and AEP would operate the plant — at cost — for its partner. “From the start, it only made good sense to partner with AEP to run our unit at Cardinal,” says Tom Alban, Buckeye Power’s vice president of power generation. “We each owned one of the units, and they had the experience and knowhow to take the operational responsibility. It’s been a truly beneficial relationship for all of these years.”



Due to growth in the number of electric consumers, the Ohio cooperatives added another unit at the Cardinal site in 1977. Cardinal Units 2 and 3 continue to be the workhorses of the co-ops’ fleet, but through the years, Buckeye Power has added to its generation portfolio and now is more diverse than ever before. “Having AEP operate our plants alongside their own worked extremely well for 50 years,” says Pat O’Loughlin, president and CEO of Buckeye Power. “When investments in emissions control systems were required to comply with regulations, AEP and Buckeye Power shared these costs to meet our common objectives. With AEP operating our plants, we were able to gain efficiencies and rely on an experienced company to ensure an environmentally responsible and reliable delivery of power to our members.”

Changes in the regulation of Ohio investor-owned utilities over the past several years have led AEP to close or sell many of its generating plants. Investor-owned utility customers now rely primarily on electricity purchased from the wholesale market rather than having it produced by their local utility. Ohio’s electric cooperatives have seen the benefit of stable prices that has come from owning and operating competitive and efficient power plants such as Cardinal. The longtime partners agreed, therefore, that a change in roles would be appropriate. So while AEP still owns Unit 1 at the plant, Buckeye Power officially took operational charge of all three units in March of this year, after two years of negotiation and preparation. The 320 staff members there became employees of the Cardinal Operating Company, now directed by Buckeye Power management. In addition, Buckeye Power now operates both the Robert P. Mone Plant in Convoy and the Greenville Generating Station in Darke County — both naturalgas-fueled plants that produce during times of higher energy demand.

“We’re excited for the opportunity this transition has given us,” O’Loughlin says. “While our consumermembers should not see any difference, we’ll be working to identify opportunities for cost savings and improvements in the daily operation of the plant that will keep the Cardinal plant competitive for years to come.” Operating the plant also lets the co-ops have greater say in ensuring that the power provided by their power company remains safe, clean, affordable, and reliable. Co-ops have invested more than $1 billion in the last decade on environmental safeguards at Cardinal and have a vested interest in keeping it running at its best.

Cardinal Power Plant quick facts Location: Along the Ohio River, south of Brilliant, Ohio

Capacity: 1,800 MW total Stack height (Units 1 and 2): 1,000 feet Unit 3 cooling tower capacity: 16.8 million gallons of water per hour

Average annual coal use: 5.2 million tons Average daily coal use: 15,800 tons Coal yard storage capacity: 1.3 million tons






ethany Schunn is a chemist by trade. In fact, she began working in the power industry in 2005 at the American Electric Power Conesville Plant chemistry lab, and eventually climbed the ranks to become maintenance superintendent there. She came to Buckeye Power, the generating arm of Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives, in 2017, and earlier this year, she was named plant manager at the Cardinal Power Plant, just as Buckeye Power took over operations of the plant from AEP. She is the first woman to hold the plant’s top post in its nearly 50 years of operation. “We’re taking on a new evolution as the business model has changed,” she says. “Just getting everyone’s mindset on that and looking to the future — and not just immediate needs — is what we need to do here. That’s one of my goals, to get everyone rowing in the same direction to achieve that together.” Schunn said it is a challenging time for coal-fired power plants in general, though Ohio’s electric cooperatives, which collectively own two of the three generating units, have invested more than $1 billion in technology that has made Cardinal one of the cleanest coal-fired plants in the world. “We plan to be here for the long haul,” she says. “There may be more environmental regulations to comply with, but we anticipate that and will plan for those as they come up. In the end, we still need to provide electricity for our co-op members, and we need to do it in the cleanest, safest, most reliable, and most affordable way we can.” “I invite anyone to come to Cardinal so we can explain it to them,” she says. “If they would come to the plant or go on one of our tours, we could show them all of our environmental controls and strict safety standards, and that puts people’s minds at ease to know we are thinking about the environment in that way.”


While she doesn’t push the agenda of women in the workplace, it is unavoidable that the topic does come up among those who haven’t worked with her. “In this industry, I’m proud of any woman in any role who works here, or in any male-dominated industry,” she says.



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indigenous to eastern North American forests. Norway rats, on the other hand, were unintentionally introduced to America centuries ago, coming ashore after stowing away in the cargo holds of sailing ships. Woodrats are members of the packrat family, and as such, have a curious habit of building “middens.” “A midden is not their nest, but rather, a pile of sticks, leaves, and other natural materials that woodrats gather,” says Mollohan. “The pile can be small, only the size of a dinner plate, or huge, measuring several yards long and possibly a yard deep. As researchers, if we find fresh middens, we know woodrats are in the area.” Woodrats also have the interesting habit of collecting oddities they find in the woods, adding them to their midden. They’re attracted to shiny or unusual objects, and the day I accompanied the researchers, we found a piece of



ot many people get excited upon seeing a rat, at least, not in a positive way. But there is a group of folks in southern Ohio who go absolutely giddy when spotting one. They are wildlife researchers, and the object of their ardor is the Allegheny woodrat, a stateendangered species.

I had the opportunity to tag along with this group of dedicated wildlife biologists on a perfect early-fall day. The prior evening, they had set more than 50 live traps in a steep, heavily wooded valley in the sprawling Edge of Appalachia preserve in Adams County, near the Ohio River. Approaching the first few traps, Laura Stalder, one of the researchers, yelled, “We got one!” The animal was a large male, weighing about three-quarters of a pound. After the weighing, the researchers took a tiny DNA sample from the woodrat’s ear, then marked a small spot on its white belly with a blue marker before releasing it. If the woodrat is trapped again the following night — as often happens — that blue mark alerts researchers that the particular animal is a recapture. “In just two nights, we can usually catch about 90 percent of a woodrat population living in a particular area,” says Cheryl Mollohan, the researcher heading the team. To be clear, Allegheny woodrats are not Norway rats. Although the two species are similar in size, woodrats are



tinfoil, a penny, and a colorful bird feather in the middens we examined. Laura Stalder says that she once had a woodrat take one of the nylon straps from her trail camera to add to its midden, while a second camera recorded a video clip of the theft.

the poop, looking for undigested seeds to eat. By doing so, they ingest roundworm eggs. Ingesting even one roundworm egg can be lethal to a woodrat. Since the eggs persist for several years in the environment, when the next woodrat moves in, it is also infected and dies.”

“Woodrats will also trade you for an object,” says Mollohan. “For instance, when camping in woodrat country, you might wake up one morning to find that the small pocketknife you inadvertently left outside your tent is missing, having been replaced by a nut or other natural object. If that happens, you’ve been visited during the night by a woodrat.”

The Ohio DNR, Division of Wildlife, has taken the roundworm threat so seriously that not only is it funding this woodrat study, it has also been dropping de-wormer from aircraft into areas of known woodrat populations. The hope is that the de-worming of raccoons in woodrat habitats will prevent further spread of the roundworm and reduce infection.

Allegheny woodrats inhabit the shallow rock caves, cracks, and fissures found in large sandstone and limestone outcroppings. Mollohan believes, however, that it’s not a lack of habitat that has pushed Ohio’s woodrats onto the state-endangered list.

So why should we care? What difference does it make if an obscure wildlife species, such as the Allegheny woodrat, becomes extirpated from Ohio? There are many arguments for attempting to save endangered species, but the one that rings truest for me is that the healthiest natural environments are those that support the greatest diversity of species — including humans.

“Raccoon populations in the state have been extremely high for years,” she says, “and raccoons carry a parasitic roundworm that is fatal to woodrats. Woodrats will take dried raccoon feces back to their dens and search through

If you have a wildlife or outdoors-related story idea you’d like our outdoors editor to investigate, he can be reached by email at whchipgross@gmail.com.



HARPERSFIELD covered bridge Ashtabula County


Location: Harpersfield Road, about a half-mile west of State Route 534 in Ashtabula County. Provenance: Constructed in 1868 to replace an earlier bridge lost in a flood, the double-span Harpersfield Covered Bridge measures 228 feet long and crosses the Grand River, a Lake Erie tributary and one of Ohio’s wild and scenic rivers. Its Howe trusses have characteristic X-shaped members with metal uprights, and that exceptionally strong design was used in the 1800s for lengthy roadway and railroad bridges. After part of the Harpersfield Covered Bridge was swept away in the infamous statewide flood of 1913, a 140-foot steel bridge was added to the wooden structure. Property surrounding the bridge and river became part of presentday Harpersfield Covered Bridge Metropark in 1961, and when the one-lane bridge was renovated in the 1990s, a pedestrian walkway for park visitors was added to it.

Significance: Listed on the National Register of Historic Places since 1975, the Harpersfield Covered Bridge turns 150 this year and, except when closed for repairs, has continuously carried traffic since 1868. It’s also one of the oldest and longest covered bridges in the state, a treasured local landmark, and probably the most photographed of the numerous covered bridges in Ashtabula County, which is known as the covered bridge capital of Ohio. Currently: Because of its nostalgic architecture, long history, and beautiful setting, the Harpersfield Covered Bridge is a magnet for tourists and covered-bridge aficionados. “The bridge is majestic-looking,” says Ashtabula County Metroparks executive director Larry Frimerman, “and the views of it as well as from it are quite outstanding. You can see the river, the bluffs, and water cascading over the dam.” In addition to serving as the park’s centerpiece, Harpersfield Covered Bridge is a featured attraction at events ranging from kayak races on the river to the annual Ashtabula County Covered Bridge Festival in October. Locals also love to fish from the bridge’s walkway, and the park’s amenities include a bait and gift shop. It’s a little-known fact that: Because of maintenance costs, Ashtabula County’s engineering/highway department is considering a plan to replace the Harpersfield Covered Bridge with a new two-lane, double-walkway covered bridge. The Harpersfield Covered Bridge, 1122 Harpersfield Road, Geneva, OH 44041. Learn more about the Harpersfield Covered Bridge at www.ashtabulametroparks.com/harpersfield-covered-bridge. For information about Ashtabula County’s covered bridges, visit www.visitashtabulacounty.com. Information about the Ashtabula County Covered Bridge Festival (Oct. 13-14, 2018) can be found at www.coveredbridgefestival.org or by calling 440-576-3769.



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ALPACAS aplenty

Neighboring breeders cooperate to produce animals renowned for their fleece STORY AND PHOTOS BY DAMAINE VONADA


hile driving to an alpaca show in Kentucky a few years ago, Debbie Patonai and Spencer Reames decided to listen to music on their cargo van’s radio. Among the alpacas they were transporting that day was Phlint, a male who spontaneously started singing along with the radio. “Phlint sang all the way to Louisville,” says Patonai. “He kept making his humming noise, and whenever we changed the station, Phlint hummed differently.” Patonai and Reames are friends, business associates, and Holmes-Wayne Electric Cooperative members who breed alpacas on neighboring parcels of farmland near Burbank. Patonai operates The Alpacas of Phantasy Pharm (she channeled a family surname by substituting “ph” for “f”), while Reames runs October Skies Alpacas (he named it for October Sky, an inspirational movie about a coal miner’s son who becomes a NASA engineer). They often share facilities and equipment, and their combined herd has some 220 “yours, mine, and ours” alpacas. The two are also award-winning educators. She has taught mathematics for four decades at St. Vincent-St. Mary High School in Akron, and he recently celebrated 50 years of teaching biology at Bellefontaine’s Benjamin Logan High School. Patonai already owned alpacas when she met Reames during a Presidential Awards teaching conference in the late 1990s. While helping her with an international math and science study, Reames got a crash course in caring for the amiable animals. “We were working on my report at the farm one day when Spencer took a break and went out to the barn,” 12


recalls Patonai. “He was gone for hours and came back all dirty. Once you start cleaning alpaca stalls, you’re definitely hooked.” Reames’s first alpaca, a bred female named Melanee, was imported from Peru. “Anytime she heard anyone speaking Spanish, Melanee perked right up,” says Reames. Patonai likewise originated her herd with a bred female — Shannon — from Peru, where Altiplano people developed alpacas about 5,000 years ago. Alpacas are members of the camelid family, but unlike their larger cousin, the llama, they were bred for their soft fleece, not as pack animals. In the textile-rich Inca culture, in fact, alpaca fleece was considered “the fiber of the gods.” Alpacas come in two types: huacaya (pronounced “wah-KY-ah”), which have dense, wavy fleece, and suri (pronounced “SOO-ree”), whose lustrous fleece grows in ropelike strands. “Alpaca fiber is softer and stronger than wool and insulates better too,” says Patonai. She and Reames specialize in show-quality huacaya alpacas and have produced numerous champions. They’re known for breeding dark-colored animals, but a young, whitefleeced male — Phalling Starz — might broaden both their reputation and the hues of the alpaca yarn, socks, and apparel they sell at festivals and craft shows. “Phalling Starz has really exquisite fleece, so we’re going to use him for a herd sire next year,” says Reames. Since alpacas’ gestation period is about 11 months, Patonai and Reames time the birth of crias — baby alpacas — for summer, and they devote their vacations to

Above, Spencer Reames of October Skies Alpacas looks after some of his charges; below, Debbie Patonai of The Alpacas of Phantasy Pharm gives some love to one of her new, lighter-fleeced alpacas. The two neighboring breeders have formed a friendship through their businesses near Burbank, Ohio.

nurturing them. Both have taken alpaca birthing classes, and in 2018, they ushered 12 cria — six female and six male — into the world. Because alpacas are gregarious, they typically welcome human companions during labor. “Phinesse actually will come to get Spencer when it’s time to have her baby,” says Patonai. Phinesse was Patonai’s first cria, and, at age 21, she is now the matriarch of the herd. The oldest male is 18-year-old Phortune, the sire, grandsire, great-grandsire, and great-greatgrandsire of many of the farms’ alpacas. Alpacas are inquisitive and intelligent animals, and Phortune is quite the character, using his mouth to turn on the water faucet whenever he wants a drink. He also turns on lights and delights in pulling open grain bags. “Phortune isn’t hungry,” explains Patonai. “He just likes to watch the grain bags empty.” The Alpacas of Phantasy Pharm, 330-671-1843. October Skies Alpacas, 937-935-2358.





Cook-off Everyone has a different idea of what makes one bowl of chili better than another,

bringing spirited debate to many a fall

afternoon. Whatever version you prefer, one thing’s for sure: A good bowl of chili can warm up any occasion.

















Prep: 10 minutes | Cook: 60 minutes | Servings: 6 2 teaspoons cumin 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 teaspoon smoked paprika 1 small onion, diced 1 teaspoon salt 1 garlic clove, minced 1⁄2 teaspoon pepper 2 pounds ground turkey 1⁄4 teaspoon cinnamon 2 large sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into small cubes TOPPINGS (optional) 28-ounce can crushed tomatoes corn chips or pretzels 1 chicken bouillon cube cilantro, finely chopped 2 cups water sour cream 2 tablespoons chili powder

Prep: 10 minutes | Cook: 45 minutes | Servings: 5 1 tablespoon cumin 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 medium yellow onion, diced small 1 teaspoon garlic salt 1⁄2 teaspoon turmeric 1 large red pepper, diced small 1⁄2 teaspoon ground coriander 4 cloves garlic, minced 1⁄2 teaspoon ground paprika 3 cups water large bunch fresh parsley, 1 cup dry lentils chopped 2 15.5-ounce cans garbanzo beans TOPPINGS (optional) (chick peas), drained and rinsed 3 14.5-ounce cans diced tomatoes crumbled feta pita chips 3 tablespoons chili powder

In a large stockpot, drizzle olive oil. Add onions and sauté over medium-high heat for 3 minutes. Add ground turkey and garlic and continue cooking 8 to 10 minutes or until turkey is cooked through. Drain excess grease. Add sweet potatoes, tomatoes, bouillon, and water. Rinse tomato can with 1⁄2 cup water and add water to the pot. In a separate bowl, mix all spices, then add to the pot, stirring thoroughly. Reduce heat to a simmer. Cover pot and cook 45 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes. Check that sweet potatoes are tender enough to easily put a fork through before serving. Top with corn chips (or pretzels), cilantro, and sour cream, if desired. *Nutritional info excludes toppings.

In a large stockpot, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add onion and red pepper, sauté for 3 minutes. Add garlic and sauté 2 more minutes. Add water and lentils and cook, covered, over medium heat for 20 to 30 minutes or until lentils are tender. In a small bowl, mix dry spices, then add them to the pot along with the garbanzo beans and diced tomatoes with juices. Stir, cover, and let simmer for 10 minutes. Lift lid and stir in half the chopped parsley. Scoop chili into individual serving bowls and sprinkle with fresh parsley and crumbled feta, if desired. Serve with pita chips. *Nutritional info excludes toppings.

Per serving: 509 calories, 20 grams fat (3 grams saturated fat), 42 grams total carbs, 10 grams fiber, 47 grams protein




Per serving: 334 calories, 6 grams fat (1 gram saturated fat), 54 grams total carbs, 22 grams fiber, 19 grams protein




















Prep: 10 minutes | Cook: 75 minutes | Servings: 10 1⁄2 teaspoon salt 3 pounds hamburger 30.5-ounce can Brooks Chili Hot 1 green pepper, finely diced Beans (red beans in chili sauce) 1 medium onion, finely diced 1 6-ounce can tomato paste 2 1.25-ounce packets hot chili 2 cups water seasoning mix 2 14.5-ounce cans diced tomatoes 1 teaspoon chili powder

Prep: 10 minutes | Cook: 80 minutes | Servings: 8 2 14.5-ounce cans diced tomatoes 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 1⁄2 pounds boneless chicken breasts 2 cups chicken stock 1⁄3 cup distilled white or apple 1⁄2 teaspoon salt cider vinegar 1⁄4 teaspoon ground black pepper 1 tablespoon chili powder 4 cloves garlic, minced 1 tablespoon ground cumin 1 large red onion, diced TOPPINGS (optional) 3 15.5-ounce cans black sliced avocado beans, drained plantain chips 7.5 ounces chipotle pepper in adobo sauce, minced or pureed diced red onion

In a large skillet, cook hamburger until browned, approximately 10 minutes, breaking it into small pieces. Spoon a little grease into a large stockpot. Add green pepper and onion and sauté for 3 to 4 minutes over medium heat. Drain grease from hamburger. In stockpot, combine hamburger with green pepper, onion, chili seasoning mix, chili powder, salt, tomato paste, and water. Stir well. Rinse each can with a little bit of water and add water to pot. Add beans and tomatoes with juices. Simmer on mediumlow heat for 1 hour. Store in refrigerator for up to a week or store in small, freezer-safe containers for future meals. Per serving: 383 calories, 10 grams fat (4 grams saturated fat), 26 grams total carbs, 9 grams fiber, 42 grams protein

Heat olive oil in a large pot over medium heat. Sprinkle chicken with salt and pepper and add to pot. Cover and let cook for 5 to 7 minutes or until undersides of chicken are nicely browned. Flip and cook another 5 to 7 minutes or until cooked through. Remove chicken from pot and let cool. In the same pot, add garlic and onion (reserving some onion for garnish). Cook until onions are soft, 2 to 3 minutes. Add black beans, minced chipotle pepper in sauce, tomatoes with juices, chicken stock, vinegar, and spices. Stir to combine and continue cooking over medium heat. Using two forks, shred chicken and add to chili. Bring to a boil, then lower to a simmer; cover and cook for 1 hour. Top with diced red onion, sliced avocado, and plantain chips, if desired. *Nutritional info excludes toppings. Per serving: 726 calories, 7 grams fat (1 gram saturated fat), 111 grams total carbs, 29 grams fiber, 59 grams protein




CUT THE CHILL Tips to stay comfortable this winter BY PAT KEEGAN

When we talk about being warm in our homes in winter, we usually think about where the thermostat is set. But sometimes, even with the heat turned up, it can still feel chilly. It turns out there’s more to winter comfort than just the indoor temperature. An important piece of the comfort puzzle is radiant heat, which transfers heat from a warm surface to a colder one. A person sitting in a room that’s 70 degrees can still feel chilly if there’s a cold surface nearby — like a single-pane window, a hardwood floor, or an exterior wall. Covering these cold surfaces can help. Try using area rugs, wall quilts or tapestries, bookcases, and heavy curtains to help prevent heat loss and make your home feel more comfortable.

A fireplace can also be a major source of air leakage. If you don’t use the fireplace, seal the opening or install an inflatable chimney balloon. Before using the fireplace, consider this: Unless you have a high-efficiency insert, your fireplace will suck heated air from the room out through the chimney. Always close the fireplace flue when it’s not in use. Your pursuit of comfort should also include a careful look at your home’s heating system. Is it distributing heat evenly and efficiently? Forced-air systems distribute air through supply ducts and registers. Small rooms may only have one register, but large rooms could have several. You may find some supply registers are blowing copious amounts of warm air and others little at all.

Keep in mind that radiant heat can also work in your favor. A dark-colored tile floor that receives several hours of direct sun can retain heat during the day and radiate it into the room during the evening.

Ideally, every room should have return air registers. If you see possible shortcomings with your forced-air system, enlist the help of a certified contractor who really knows how to improve ductwork.

Another possible cause of discomfort during the winter is air movement. We recognize this when weather forecasts report chill factor, which is a calculation of air temperature and wind speed. Moving air makes us feel colder, which is why we use fans in the summer. During the winter, that cold, outdoor air can infiltrate our homes.

Ensure that your furnace is running at peak efficiency by scheduling an annual inspection. Check your filter monthly and replace or clean it as necessary. If you heat your home with radiators, bleed them at the beginning of the season so they flow more efficiently.

On average, a typical home loses about half its air every hour, and that amount can increase when outdoor temperatures are extremely cold and the wind is blowing. In that case, the best way to keep your home toasty is to minimize air leaks. You can easily locate air leaks in your home with a blower door test, which is typically conducted by an energy auditor. These are some of the most common spots air leaks occur:

Beyond that, you can always warm yourself by wearing heavier clothing, doing some light exercise throughout the day, and snuggling with a pet or under a blanket. While a fireplace may warm a small area of your home, it can also suck heated air from the room out through the chimney. Always close the fireplace flue when a fire is not burning. Also, during the winter, covering cold surfaces like hardwood floors can improve comfort. An area rug can be visually appealing while helping retain indoor heat.

• Penetrations and cracks around windows and doors • Exterior cracks in brickwork and siding • Plumbing and wiring penetrations from the exterior to the interior of the home • Mail slots or pet doors A variety of products like caulk, weather stripping, outlet cover gaskets, and dryer vent covers can be used to seal leaks. For more of Pat Keegan’s efficiency tips, visit www.collaborativeefficiency.com/energytips.








uring the Korean War, Army veteran Arthur “Pete” Christopher earned many awards, including three Purple Hearts. He uses a cane these days. Managing eight steps on the Holmes-Wayne Honor Trip bus wasn’t easy. But again and again, Christopher planted his cane, gripped the railings and advanced, never complaining. Christopher was among 2 veterans of the Korean and Vietnam wars who traveled to Washington as part of the annual Honor Trip sponsored by the Holmes-Wayne Electric Cooperative, the Shreve American Legion Forest Post 67 and Rolling Thunder Chapter 2 Motorcycle Club, Inc. The Holmes-Wayne Honor Trip, a 501(c) organization, takes veterans and guardians from the local community to visit military memorials and other sites in the nation’s capital. The three-day trip is free for veterans, thanks to donations from community organizations and individuals, which is an amazing testament of this local community coming together to support veterans. Each veteran is accompanied by a guardian who pays for their own trip and volunteers to participate as a way to


give back to those who have served. Many volunteers are those who have served themselves or have a loved one who has served. Retired teacher and history enthusiast Elaine Hess served as tour guide and activities director, distributing snacks, joking, organizing trivia games, and offering little-known tidbits about the nation’s capital. Alan Griffiths of Wooster, who served in Vietnam and Germany, was among many who appreciated Hess’ entertaining history lessons. “She made you feel like you were a part of history and that you mattered,” he said. Hess makes several bus trips a year, often with Don Way, owner of All-Ways Trans Plus Charter Bus Service. Way, an ardent supporter of veterans, drove the Honor Trip bus. “It’s not about us. It’s about getting the vets down there,” Way said as he navigated the concrete maze that is the D.C. highway system. Continued on Page 20A






Joe Ajtaji — Army/Vietnam Jim Austin — Army/Vietnam Art Christopher — Army/Korea Donald Tegtmeier — Army/Vietnam Dean Corrigan — Army/Vietnam Dick Drown — Army/Vietnam Ed Dye — Army/Vietnam Marvin Edwards — Marines/Vietnam Steve Eiler — Army/Vietnam Rick Elliott — Army/Vietnam Hank Gehring — Air Force/Vietnam Alan Griffiths — Army/Vietnam Tom Hanna — Army/Vietnam Jerry Higgins — Army/Vietnam Forrest James — Army/Korea Pete Morton — Army/Vietnam Dick Patterson — Army/Vietnam Gary Snyder — Air Force/Army/Vietnam David Venosdale — Army/Vietnam Dale Weber — Army/Vietnam Rene Weber — Army/Vietnam Larry Young — Air Force/Vietnam Paul Younker — Army/Vietnam

Bobbi Wilson Lynn Carpenter Mary Christopher and Jeff Burgett Joyce Yoder Arlene Gower Dick Smith Jackie Wolfe Betsy Edwards Ronnie Schlegel Dorothy Majors Bryan Bowman Cathy Cline Pat Hanna Bob Ajtaji Brian Spencer Lloyd Shellhorn Bob Burgett Nolan Hartzler Denise Rager Steven Crytzer Cheryl Arwood Jeff Young Kurt Detterman


Continued from Page 19

By the first rest stop, veterans and guardians had discovered common bonds and were sharing both life stories and laughs. The chance to develop genuine friendships and for healing is the reason for a three-day trip rather than adopting the one-day Honor Flight model. More time means more conversations, they said, more leisurely meals, and more memories. Stops in Washington included the Pentagon, where 184 lives lost on Sept. 11, 2001, are memorialized, the soaring Air Force Memorial, and the Navy Memorial, where the group left a plaque signed by the Holmes-Wayne travelers and inscribed, “In memory of John McCain, United States Navy, Senator, Patriot. Thank you for your service and patriotism.” McCain died Aug. 25. Holmes-Wayne Korean War veterans, including Forrest James of Wooster, participated in a wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery. After the ceremony, James admitted he’d been nervous. “It worked out,” said James. After a moment, he added, “I’m glad I don’t have to do that every day.” Offering words of encouragement was guardian Brian Spencer of Smithville. “This trip has been much more than expressing appreciation to the veterans for their service. It has been an opportunity to learn more about the profound commitment each of them has made to our country.” Sisters and guardians Cathy Cline and Roberta Wilson of Killbuck and Joyce Yoder of Millersburg will remember meeting Sen. Bob Dole at the World War II Memorial. Dole, a WWII veteran, was a primary fundraiser for the memorial and now tries to spend a few hours each Continued on Page 20B



Saturday greeting veterans and posing for pictures. Dole welcomed the Holmes-Wayne group and insisted on everyone having an opportunity for a photo. While the bus headed back to Ohio, Hess encouraged riders to share their thoughts. Army veteran Steve Eiler of Millersburg told his fellow Holmes-Wayne travelers his first homecoming was subdued. “When we came back from Vietnam, most of us didn’t want to talk about it, not even to other veterans,” he said. “We were outsiders when we came back. And now we belong.”

We extend our gratitude to the following

COMMUNITY SPONSORS of the Holmes-Wayne 2018 Honor Trip

Rolling Thunder Inc. Ohio Chapter 2 Carol Sands James and Jackie Wolfe Keith and Deborah Berner Bright Life Players Lost Warriors Bradley and Margaret Conn Alvin and Lorena Troyer Ajtaji Family Trust Valley College Grange Wooster Emblem Club Walter and Elaine Morrison Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. Chapter 255 Roy and Judy Smetzer Ellis and Cathy Aylsworth Wayne County Ponoma Grange #52 Doug and Barb Polen Holmesville Ladies Auxiliary Unit #55 Killbuck Valley Sportsman Club Commercial Savings Bank Melvin McClure Post No. 551 American Legion, Holmesville Dave and Karen Mann Touchstone Energy Cooperatives Employees of Holmes-Wayne Electric Cooperative, Inc. Board of Holmes-Wayne Electric Cooperative, Inc.



Patricia Hanna of Millersburg served as guardian to her husband Thomas, a Vietnam War veteran. She said the experience was especially emotional because “my brother’s name is on the wall.” Hanna was too choked up to continue. Rolling Thunder President Jim Smith told her to take her time. “You’re fine,” he said quietly. “That’s what we’re here for.” The veterans were enthusiastically welcomed when the bus pulled into Shreve on Sunday evening, escorted by police cars and 25 motorcycles. They were ushered to chairs amid applause and cheers and thanked by speakers, including Rep. Bob Gibbs. Bryan Bowman of Canal Fulton, who works for Rep. Jim Renacci and served as a guardian on the trip, also spoke. “We had a ton of Vietnam veterans on this bus, and you actually gave them their first welcome home,” he told the crowd. He also reminded the crowd that our veterans are rich with heroic stories. Many in this group fought the front lines in either the Korean or Vietnam war. These local men include Purple Heart recipients. It’s something we may take for granted every day as they walk among us, but Honor Trip provided an opportunity to thank our hometown heroes.

As a member-owner of your electric cooperative, you receive capital credits. In the past 10 years, Holmes-Wayne Electric has distributed more than



I GET FROM MY ELECTRIC COMPANY?! What are capital credits? Capital credits distributions from member-owned, not-for-profit utilities like Holmes-Wayne Electric Cooperative are somewhat similar to the dividends paid to shareholders of investor-owned utilities. The difference is that a co-op’s “shareholders” are also the members that it serves, and the “dividends” are capital credits distributed to the cooperative’s member-owners.

What’s the difference between allocated and retired capital credits? Allocated capital credits appear as an entry on the permanent financial records and reflect your equity, or ownership, in HWEC. Every year, the cooperative notifies its member-owners of the amount added to their patronage capital account through a printed notice on their May electric bills. When capital credits are retired, a check is issued to you.

How are capital credits calculated? Each year, net margins of the cooperative are divided among the members based on each member’s electric consumption for the year. Members who use more electric service receive a larger amount of capital credits allocated to their account.

Will I receive a capital credits check every year? The board of trustees must authorize a retirement before you receive a check. When considering a retirement, the cooperative’s board of trustees must

$12.7 MILLION in capital credits to its members.

consider the financial condition of the cooperative, the need for cash, and the availability of loan funds.

What happens to my capital credits when I leave HWEC’s service area? Your capital credits remain on the books in your name and member number until they are retired. Because payments are made to current and former members alike, you should ensure that HWEC always has your current mailing address.

I have been a cooperative member for several years. When will I receive a capital credits check? Most recently, the HWEC Board of Trustees approved the retirement of capital credits from 1997 and 1998. Members who joined the cooperative since 1997 and 1998 have not yet received a general capital credits retirement. The unretired capital credits, or “equity” of the cooperative, serves a vital function — allowing the cooperative to operate economically and effectively, while investing in the infrastructure necessary to meet the needs of our members. A 20-year capital patronage cycle is the common industry standard.

What are unclaimed capital credits? HWEC wants to ensure that members receive this benefit, but sometimes we are not able to reach members after they have moved from our lines, leaving their capital credits “unclaimed.” In this month’s and November’s issue of Ohio Cooperative Living, we have included a list of members who have not claimed their capital credits. If you recognize any of the names listed, please have the person contact our office toll-free at 866-674-1055. HWEC also needs to be notified by a relative or other legal representative when a member passes away so that the account can be closed or transferred to another person’s name.



Unclaimed Capital Credits In 2014, Holmes-Wayne Electric Cooperative, Inc. mailed a general retirement of capital credits. Many checks were returned to us as undeliverable and, to date, these refunds remain unclaimed. Per the cooperative’s Code of Regulations, the unclaimed capital credits are reallocated to current cooperative members four years following the original mailing and following two consecutive notices in this publication. This is the first notice. Anyone with information on these members or their heirs whose name and last known residence is listed, is asked to contact the cooperative office toll-free at 866-674-1055. Contact must be made within 60 days following the last date of the publication of this notice on Jan. 1, 2019. Abraham Dris, Mansfield, OH Ackeret Wilma, Wooster, OH Action Chevrolet, Akron, OH Adams John S, Houston, TX Adams Leroy, Washington, DC Adams Walter L, Defiance, OH Adamson Janice K, Wooster, OH Adi Terra Distributing, Huron, OH Adi Terra Distributing, Huron, OH Adkins David L, West Salem, OH Adkins Rickie A, West Salem, OH Adkins Thomas Ljr, Holmesville, OH Agri-INdustries Corp, Wooster, OH Akers Franklin Dsr, Wooster, OH Akins Sharon R, Millersburg, OH Alexander Anthony, Akron, OH Alexander Micah U, Strasburg, OH Allen Ronald E, West Salem, OH Aller Gary N, Canton, OH Allesee Richard W, Wooster, OH Allison Dale, West Salem, OH Allison Eugene, Big Prairie, OH Alloway Kevin P, Lillington, NC Alltel Communications INC, Little Rock, AR Ambilt Corp, Rittman, OH American Weatherseal, Urbandale, IA Ampro, Akron, OH Amtex Oil & Gas INc, Canton, OH Anderson Robert E, Wooster, OH Arbogast Gerry W, Ashland, OH Arbogast Keith F, Medina, OH Arco Pipeline Ccpl 167, Independence, KS Arman Paul, Big Prairie, OH Armstrong Della M, Milan, OH Armstrong Scott A, West Salem, OH Arnold Randy K, Lakeville, OH Arny Carol J, Ostrander, OH Artrip Tommy M, Wooster, OH Atwood Energy INc, Houston, TX Atwood Resources INc, Port Washington, OH Atwood Resources INc, Houston, TX Austin Retirement Vill, Cleveland, OH Bahr Barbara Y, West Salem, OH Bailey Jack D, Smithville, OH Baker Carolyn D, Wooster, OH Baker Jeff L, Wooster, OH Bales Dorothy S, Cuyahoga Falls, OH Ballacchino Joseph, Lynchburg, OH Ballantyne Kathleen A, Seville, OH Ballek Steve J, Cleveland, OH Bam INvestments, Mansfield, OH Barat Scott P, Rittman, OH

Barbara Anderson, Wooster, OH Bard S H, Ashland, OH Barker Robert E, Bonita Springs, FL Barkey Steven R, Wooster, OH Barnes Marilyn A, West Salem, OH Barnes Ronald L, Simpsonville, Sc Barnett Don, Wooster, OH Barnette Emma E, Killbuck, OH Barnette Jewel A, Apple Creek, OH Barnhart Edith M, Frazeysburg, OH Barr Cheryl R, Ashland, OH Barr Edward, Stow, OH Barry John C, Creston, OH Basinger Dean A, Smithville, OH Battersby Charles, Wooster, OH Beachy Maynard E, Sugarcreek, OH Beachy Trucking, Sugarcreek, OH Beasley Larry E, Greenville, SC Beatty David W, Uhrichsville, OH Beatty Martha, Glenmont, OH Becker Jan F, Killbuck, OH Beers Daniel J, Burbank, OH Bellman Larry D, Shreve, OH Bellville William D, Big Prairie, OH Benatty Corp, Cambridge, OH Benatty Corp, Cambridge, OH Benatty Corp, Cambridge, OH Benatty Corp, Cambridge, OH Benatty Corp, Cambridge, OH Benham Deborah L, West Salem, OH Bennett Charles S, Lodi, OH Bennett Rita L, Rittman, OH Benson Michael P, Harrison Township, MI Bentley Kathy A, Burbank, OH Bergoon Dillon, Killbuck, OH Bernhart Ronnie E, Fredericksburg, OH Berry Roger H, Loudonville, OH Besancon Frank A, Smithville, OH Best Kent E, Wooster, OH Bickel John J, Millersburg, OH Bienz Robert A, Norton, OH Bigley Weldon Sr, West Salem, OH Bilderback Arthur G, Zanesville, OH Billings Brenda J, Burbank, OH Bing David L, St Augustine, FL Birkes Jerry, Wooster, OH Bishop Greg G, Perrysville, OH Bitticker Steven R, Loudonville, OH Blachleyville Grange, Wooster, OH Blackledge Rodney W, Beach City, OH Blackwell Doris J, Mansfield, OH Blagg George G, Apple Creek, OH Blakely Barbara L, West Salem, OH Blankenship Lela A, West Salem, OH


Blaylock Tony G, Medina, OH Blu Oil Co, Danville, OH Bodnar Andrew P, Barberton, OH Boehm George, West Salem, OH Boggs Michael K, Powell, OH Booth John, Wooster, OH Booth Ruth H, Killbuck, OH Boreman Sarah L, West Salem, OH Bornstine John, Sterling, OH Bouch William V, Ashland, OH Brammer Homer D, Ashland, OH Braun Alberta A, Cleveland, OH Breneman Barry W, Medina, OH Brenneman A L, Smithville, OH Brian Fred Msr, Wooster, OH Briggs John, Wooster, OH Brinson Joseph L, Orrville, OH Broadbridge Wayne, Millersburg, OH Brock Kenny V, Auburn, Al Brown Bill, West Salem, OH Brown Gregory L, West Salem, OH Brown Kevin D, West Salem, OH Brown Linda A, Cleveland, OH Brown Norma, Shreve, OH Brown Norma, Shreve, OH Brown Randall, West Salem, OH Brown Randi S, West Salem, OH Brown Robert R, West Salem, OH Brugger Bruce A, Wooster, OH Brugger Michael F, Wooster, OH Bryan Patricia A, Mount Vernon, OH Bucklew Beverly, Millersburg, OH Bullard Ted J, Naples, FL Bullock William J, Dundee, OH Bullock William J, Uniontown, OH Bunt Daniel M, Wooster, OH Burford Douglas J, Wooster, OH Burgan Patricia S, West Salem, OH Burkey Loretta A, Dundee, OH Burkholder Jack E, Puyallup, Wa Burns Connie S, Decorah, Ia Burris Deborah M, Creston, OH Burson William L, Libby, Mt Burt B R, Millersburg, OH Burwell Frederick D, Columbus, OH Butcher Gary L, Brunswick, OH Butler Frank, West Salem, OH Butler Joel L, Millersburg, OH Byland Allen K, Coshocton, OH Byler Evelyn M, West Salem, OH Byler John S, Sullivan, OH Byler Urie A, Holmesville, OH Byrd Harold, Wooster, OH Cadle Danny R, Millersburg, OH Caldwell Todd A, Wooster, OH

Callandar-Kimberell INc, Cerulean, KY Camacho Rafael A, Millersburg, OH Campbell D W, Wooster, OH Campbell Gary Pjr, Scio, OH Campbell James R, Nashville, OH Canfield Mary, West Salem, OH Cannell Thomas G, Canton, OH Capiccioni Samuel J, Medina, OH Capital Oil & Gas INc, Austintown, OH Caraballo Aurea E, Valley City, OH Carey John E, Wooster, OH Carless Resources INc, Cambridge, OH Carless Resources INc, Cambridge, OH Carless Resources INc, Cambridge, OH Carmco INc, Wooster, OH Carnes Jack, Creston, OH Carpenter Darlene, Big Prairie, OH Carpenter James Jr, Killbuck, OH Carpenter P M, Summerfield, FL Carr Douglas A, Magnolia, OH Carroll Charles A, Wooster, OH Carter C R, Smithville, OH Carter Jerry D, Burbank, OH Carter Linda L, West Salem, OH Carter Paula, Orrville, OH Carter Wendy K, Shreve, OH Carter William G, Big Prairie, OH Cascade Petroleum, Canton, OH Cascade Petroleum, Canton, OH Cascade Petroleum, Canton, OH Cascade Petroleum, Canton, OH Case Lavina, Wooster, OH Casey Danny K, Wooster, OH Casgrain Peter B, Wooster, OH Cassell John L, Creston, OH Caudill Amy L, Ashland, OH Cawthra Darci A, Big Prairie, OH Cernetisch Edwin D, La Mesa, Ca Chaffin Neal C, Burbank, OH Chafin Helen, West Salem, OH Challis Stairways INc, Draper, Ut Chapman Amy L, Holmesville, OH Chapman Keith W, Big Prairie, OH Chastain James E, Elyria, OH Chio Lynn K, Jeromesville, OH Christian Radio, Millersburg, OH Church Of God Of Prophecy, Brecksville, OH Church Susan R, West Salem, OH Clark Anna M, Mount Vernon, OH Clark Clay Co, Millersburg, OH Clark F G, Holmesville, OH Clark Rhonda J, West Salem, OH Clevenger Rodney, Burbank, OH Clever Alfred B, Dover, OH Click Daniel L, West Salem, OH Clouse Cheri E, Elyria, OH Clutter Richard, Ashland, OH Coblentz Ben J, Millersburg, OH Coblentz Jonas E, Holmesville, OH Coblentz Mark B, Walnut Creek, OH Coblentz Moses A, Holmesville, OH Cochran Thomas W, Medina, OH Coffman William P, West Salem, OH Cofsco INc, Wooster, OH Collins Michel G, Fort Lauderdale, FL Columbus Oilfield Expl, Columbus, OH Columbus Oilfield Expl, Westerville, OH Columbus Oilfield Expl, Westerville, OH Condry Mark D, Wooster, OH Conkle Georgia J, Killbuck, OH

Conley Charles E, Cuyahoga Falls, OH Conley Thomas S, Wooster, OH Conrail Corp, Cincinnati, OH Conroy & Gehring, Strongsville, OH Converse Margaret V, Wooster, OH Cook Robert A, Denver, Co Cool Robert H, Sterling, OH Coombes Adeline, Barberton, OH Cooper Clyde E, Coshocton, OH Cooper Earnest M, Wooster, OH Cornelius FLoyd, Burbank, OH Cornet Pieter J, Bokeelia, FL Corp Bill, Cleveland, OH Costello Joseph P, Heath, TX Cottle Martha M, Glenmont, OH Cover Teresa J, Jeromesville, OH Cowen Jack, Scappoose, Or Crabtree George Fsr, West Salem, OH Cramer Harry E, Dundee, OH Crane John H, Wellington, OH Crawford Barbara M, West Salem, OH Crawford Pamela A, West Salem, OH Crebs Robert, West Salem, OH Crebs Todd, Polk, OH Crider Marian S, Medina, OH Croskey John W, Wooster, OH Cross Ramona, Homerville, OH Crummel Earl R, Akron, OH Crush C M, Wooster, OH Curtis David M, Fayetteville, Ga Custom Forklift Service, West Salem, OH Cutlip M M, Wooster, OH D & C Oil Co, Canton, OH Damon Clayton, West Salem, OH Daniels Larry J, Shreve, OH Darnell Elwood, Cleveland, OH Davenport Larry Asr, Medina, OH Davis Andrew O, Millersburg, OH Davis Barbara E, Glenmont, OH Davis Edward, Mansfield, OH Davis Kenneth L, West Salem, OH Davis Richard K, Medina, OH Dawkins Delmar C, Rittman, OH Dawson Gregg W, Loudonville, OH Dearment Warren L, Burbank, OH Delor Jim, Killbuck, OH Devenney Helen K, West Salem, OH Devore Esther, Mount Vernon, OH Devore George B, Mount Vernon, OH Devore Walter L, Harrisville, WV Dewey J R, Petersburg, TN Dick James E, Wooster, OH Dickens Ruby M, West Salem, OH Dickerhoff Cloyd, Beach City, OH Dickson William Dsr, Loudonville, OH Dieffenbach Bruce D, Lebanon, Nj Dilgard FLorence, Lakeville, OH Dilgard FLorence, Lakeville, OH Dillon Mary K, Canton, OH Dodenhoff Alfred F, Wooster, OH Domers Duane B, Wadsworth, OH Donahue Janet L, Smithville, OH Donaldson Mary E, Coshocton, OH Donner Henry C, West Salem, OH Doris M. Houser Poa, Wooster, OH Dorsey David A, Creston, OH Doty Glenn, Wooster, OH Double R Trucking, Millersburg, OH Doughman Melody, Wilmington, OH Doyle Timothy L, Wooster, OH Dragovich James E, Rittman, OH

Drake Gilbert W, Orrville, OH Drake Patty J, Jeromesville, OH Drouhard Tracy L, Orrville, OH Drown Peggy, Wooster, OH Duff Charles H, Millersburg, OH Duff Wayne A, Millersburg, OH Dumont Fred E, West Liberty, OH Duncan Dorothy, Millersburg, OH Dunham Tim A, Mansfield, OH Dunn Joseph W, Alliance, OH Dunstone Dereck K, Creston, OH Durr Fred, Millersburg, OH Durst Emerson L, Killbuck, OH Dusty Drilling & Prod, New Lexington, OH Dygert Clayton E, Wooster, OH Earle Cheryl J, Creston, OH East Holmes Water Co, Millersburg, OH Easterday Denise J, Lodi, OH Easton Mark F, Grove City, OH Eaves Dewey B, West Salem, OH Eberhardt Donald L, Wadsworth, OH Eberhardt Kevin D, West Salem, OH Edco Drilling & Prod, Mount Gilead, OH Edwards Cynthia D, Wooster, OH Eggers Valentine M, Millersburg, OH Eisenberg Martin J, Cleveland, OH Elko Pamela J, Wooster, OH Elliott Bruce D, West Salem, OH Elliott Rex, Howard, OH Elliott Richard H, Wooster, OH Elsasser David S, Worthington, OH Ely Joyce A, Dover, OH Englis Robert M, Millersburg, OH Ensign Kimberly S, West Salem, OH Eppley Hilton, Coshocton, OH Erb William A, Haysville, Ks Estepp Douglas W, Lodi, OH Estes Paula M, Homerville, OH Etzwiler Joseph Asr, Shreve, OH Etzwiler Les P, Loudonville, OH Evanicky Joyce J, West Salem, OH Evans Richard W, Seville, OH Fair Clinton A, Medina, OH Fair Forest, West Salem, OH Fair Linda L, Millersburg, OH Falkenstein Albert J, Wadsworth, OH Farner Christina L, West Salem, OH Farnham Geraldine, Holmesville, OH Fath Charles A, Shreve, OH Fein Madeline G, Wooster, OH Fender Cletus, Walnut Creek, OH Ferree David C, Apple Creek, OH Ferrell Ruth A, Barberton, OH Ferris Boyd, Worthington, OH Fieg Viola E, West Salem, OH Fikes Charlotte E, Kingsland, TX Firestone Nancy M, Jacksonville, FL Fischer Edward J, West Salem, OH Fisher Erma, Millersburg, OH FLadda James A, Wooster, OH FLadda Robin M, Bowerston, OH FLeming Diane K, Mansfield, OH FLickinger John, Chevy Chase, MD FLinn Dorothy J, Millersburg, OH FLuharty Francis L, Wooster, OH FLury Douglas G, West Salem, OH Folck Robert A, Bucyrus, OH Force Gary, Millersburg, OH Ford Robert A, West Salem, OH Foreman Geoffrey H, Wooster, OH


HOLMES-WAYNE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE LOCAL PAGES Fort Defiance Const, Defiance, OH Fortner William, West Salem, OH Fortune Robert E, Big Prairie, OH Fouts William, Wooster, OH Fox James W, Waynesburg, PA Franks Roberta M, Cleveland, OH Franks Roger L, Wooster, OH Franks Russell R, Muskegon, Mi Frederick Earl E, Wooster, OH Frederick Edward E, Wooster, OH Freeman David R, Akron, OH French Ray C, Millersburg, OH Friedrich Henry R, New Philadelphia, OH Frietchen Cheryl M, Nashville, OH Fuqua William A, Park City, IL Furon Company, Aurora, OH Gaethke-Brand Jane E, Eugene, Or Galbraith Frieda M, Wooster, OH Galbraith Ronald J, Glenmont, OH Galion Dump Bodies, Galion, OH Galley Elsie M, Millersburg, OH Gamertsfelder Susan D, Millersburg, OH Garretson Leona C, Shreve, OH Garver Margaret E, Wooster, OH Garver Vanessa L, Wooster, OH Gatliff Ricky D, Wooster, OH Geiger William G, Arlington, OH Geisinger Jerome Dsr, Bolivar, OH Gella John, Killbuck, OH Gemayal Andrea L, Painesville, OH Gentry Kevin D, West Salem, OH Gentry Megan, Lakeville, OH George Charles D, Wooster, OH George Michael K, Medina, OH Georgen Junior C, Wooster, OH Gerbetz James P, Holmesville, OH Gerbino John G, Pensacola, FL Giannone Beverly K, Alexandria, LA Gibbon Thomas E, Wooster, OH Gilbert Cal E, West Salem, OH Gilbert Gill R, Lodi, OH Giles Charles, Spokane Valley, Wa Gill Edward J, West Salem, OH Gillespie Clarence Jr, West Salem, OH Gillispie Robert, Gates Mills, OH Gillispie Robert, Gates Mills, OH Gingerich Douglas L, Blountstown, FL Gingerich Mose, Millersburg, OH Gingery Richard W, Millersburg, OH Glassco Thomas B, West Salem, OH Goetz Thomas, Winter Haven, FL Goloja Mike, Brook Park, OH Goslee Thomas W, North Royalton, OH Gouse John, Rochester, NY Graber Lee, Mission, TX Graham Charles T, West Salem, OH Graham Dawn R, West Salem, OH Graham Gary G, Wooster, OH Grant Jeffrey W, Mc Dowell, Va Grant Thomas S, Lodi, OH Gray Steve, Millersburg, OH Grebenik Richard, Brook Park, OH Green David I, Sun City, AZ Green Gilbert I, Wooster, OH Green James A, Wooster, OH Green James A, West Salem, OH Green-Cunningham Sandra D, Walnut Creek, OH Gresko Tanya, Bucyrus, OH Grier Richard R, Loudonville, OH Griesmer Walter H, Cleveland, OH

Griffey Charles, Clinton, OH Griffey Joseph, West Salem, OH Griffin R S, Wooster, OH Grimwood Dennis, Lockbourne, OH Grischow John R, Akron, OH Grissinger Rick, Marengo, OH Grose Damon R, Charleston, WV Gross Timothy P, Dalton, OH Grouver Barbara S, Wooster, OH Grubb & Pipes INc, Iberia, OH Grueser Robert D, Vincent, OH GTE Telephone Operations, Columbus, OH Guardian Mgmt, Marion, OH Guardian Mgmt, Marion, OH Guckert B C, Fountain Hills, AZ Guerin Phyllis, Chicago, IL Guidetti Ronald P, West Salem, OH Gulko Edward, Wooster, OH Gumber Donna D, Clearwater, FL Gutschmidt Willliam J, Millersburg, OH Guy Perry D, Iselin, NJ H & H Producing, Broadview Heights, OH H L M Company, Danville, OH Habegger Jeffrey S, Tallahassee, FL Haines Earl L, Scottsdale, AZ Haley Robert G, East Northport, Ny Halkias Martha, Lugoff, Sc Hall Jonathan N, Wooster, OH Halverson Jerry D, Killbuck, OH Hamilton Donald, Homerville, OH Hamilton Genevieve, Red Wing, Mn Hamilton Robert A, Wooster, OH Hamilton Robert A, Wooster, OH Hammers Judy L, West Salem, OH Hammons Roland D, Brinkhaven, OH Hanna Van J, Akron, OH Hardin Patricia A, Wooster, OH Hardway Richard A, Elyria, OH Harris Kathryn, Holmesville, OH Harris Robert M, Littlestown, Pa Harris Toni J, Ashland, OH Harry Timmy R, Wooster, OH Harter Mary A, Akron, OH Hatzis James G, Cuyahoga Falls, OH Haught Beryl, Canton, OH Hawkins, Dana and Kaye Shamp, Killbuck, OH Haynes Joseph H, Millersburg, OH Hecker Jack E, West Salem, OH Hedrick Phil J, Massillon, OH Heidtman Karl O, Cleveland, OH Heilman Freeda, West Salem, OH Heiney Roger, Wooster, OH Heldreth Everett C, Litchfield, OH Heller Malcolm T, Brookville, OH Helm Warren L, Magnolia, OH Helman Kenneth, West Salem, OH Hendrix Dawn S, Wooster, OH Hennessy John D, Dundee, OH Henry Curtis P, Mansfield, OH Henry Wayne O, Nashville, OH Herpel James M, Shreve, OH Hershberger Carol A, Millersburg, OH Hershberger Dale D, Killbuck, OH Hershberger Dorothy, Pasadena, TX Hershberger Levi S, Millersburg, OH Hershberger Norman J, Millersburg, OH Hershberger Realty, Wooster, OH Hershberger Realty, Wooster, OH Hickman Rachel D, Wellington, OH


Hicks Carolyn J, Polk, OH Higgins John B, Killbuck, OH Hilbert Larry, Wooster, OH Hill Bonnie L, West Salem, OH Hill Howard RIR, Dundee, OH Hill Mark A, Sterling, OH Hiller Brooks H, Big Prairie, OH Hilltop Allotment, Millersburg, OH Hilltop Allotment, Millersburg, OH Hilltop Allotment, Millersburg, OH Hines Mark E, Millersburg, OH Hinton Phyllis E, Lakeville, OH Hintz Steven R, Navarre, OH Hirschl Gertrude, Wooster, OH Hochstetler INc, Holmesville, OH Hodge Charles B, Brunswick, OH Hodge Margaret A, Peninsula, OH Hoffman Carole L, Strongsville, OH Holcomb Bruce E, Millersburg, OH Holliday Joseph E, Cleveland, OH Holmden Kent L, Lodi, OH Holmes Jim F, Bolivar, OH Honabarger John J, Millersburg, OH Hood Jane O, Millersburg, OH Hooley Richard M, Wooster, OH Hoover Albert J, Shreve, OH Hoover Betty, Danville, OH Hoover Christeen K, Shreve, OH Hoover Mildred R, Jeromesville, OH Hopkins Amy S, Killbuck, OH Hortin & Huffman, Worthington, OH Hoschar Keith E, Sherrodsville, OH Hostetler Ervin N, Fredericksburg, OH Hostetler Robert, Wooster, OH Hott David, Smithville, OH Howard Russell Asr, Winesburg, OH Howland Robert T, Coshocton, OH Hoxworth Blanche, Millersburg, OH Huebner Ralph, Millersburg, OH Huegle Russell Wsr, Doylestown, OH Huff David P, Ashland, OH Huffines Christopher D, Wooster, OH Huggins Dennie L, Williamstown, WV Hughes Jean M, Delphi, IN Humrichouser Timothy J, Jeromesville, OH Hunt Guilbert M, Brecksville, OH Hunter James S, Danville, OH Hurayt Anthony A, Millersburg, OH Hydrocarbon INvestments, Niles, OH Ickes Luella M, Wooster, OH Ickes R L, Wooster, OH ILey James E, West Salem, OH Imars Wayne J, Akron, OH Impact Petroleum INc, Worthington, OH INgram Barbara A, Rittman, OH INland Corporation, Houston, TX INland Corporation, Houston, TX INland Corporation, Houston, TX INland Corporation, Houston, TX Ions Sue C, West Salem, OH Ippco, Millersburg, OH Irwin Ray, West Salem, OH J & B Enterprise, Fredericksburg, OH J & J Oil & Gas, Smithville, OH J & J Oil & Gas, Smithville, OH J & J Oil & Gas, Smithville, OH Jabiru Resources, Santa Barbara, Ca Jackson Irene C, East Liverpool, OH Jackson Tammie L, West Salem, OH Jacobs Laben C, Medina, OH James Glenn E, Wooster, OH

James Versil N, Shreve, OH Jarrell Roy Wjr, West Salem, OH Jarvis Dennis L, Medina, OH Jay Pallet All, Millersburg, OH Jeandervin Therman G, Killbuck, OH Jeffers Michael L, Wooster, OH Jenkins George K, Killbuck, OH Jenkins Marcha, New Trenton, IN Jenney William C, Johnstown, OH Jester Harold R, Wooster, OH Jills Country Art, Wooster, OH Johnson Chris, Wooster, OH Johnson Dan, Ione, Wa Johnson Tonya R, Bethel, OH Johnson Wendell C, West Salem, OH Jones Donna M, Apple Creek, OH Jones Glenn E, Medina, OH Jones Myra J, Dundee, OH Jones Opal M, Homerville, OH Jones Spacelink Ltd, Lodi, OH Jones Timothy C, Smithville, OH Joslyn Robert O, Princeville, HI Joy Ida, Millersburg, OH Jureatic Charles Rsr, West Salem, OH Justice Freddie H, Lodi, OH Kahrig Wilfred D, Burbank, OH Kain Paul L, Wooster, OH Kalinowski Nancy, Danville, OH Kalmbach Feeds, Upper Sandusky, OH Kandel Buford L, Orrville, OH Karvonen Karen, Apple Creek, OH Karwan Elizabeth W, Rocky Hill, Nj Kaser Marjorie R, Waynesburg, OH Kauffman Ethel, Berlin, OH Kaufman G E, Phoenixville, Pa Kaye Steven J, Jeromesville, OH Keal Driveaway Co, Broadview Heights, OH Kearney Mark D, Wooster, OH Keen Richard Djr, Oak Ridge, Nc Keiffer Vera, Ashland, OH Kelley Walter R, West Salem, OH Kendall B D, Purcellville, Va Kendig J F, Fort Myers, FL Kennedy Joel A, Wooster, OH Kerr Karl K, Canton, OH Khosla Manmoha K, Lakewood, OH Kidwell Woodrow, Wooster, OH Kiggins Wilbert E, Medina, OH Kilbane Advertising INc, Bainbridge Island, WA Kilkenny Matthew G, Wooster, OH Kimmell Richard, Wooster, OH King Ivan D, West Salem, OH Kirkham John S, Hopewell, VA Kirksey Walter, Mount Hope, OH Klein Katherine, Millersburg, OH Klein Robert M, Fresno, CA Kline Gary E, Ona, WV Klosterman Earle W, Wooster, OH Knappenburger John P, West Salem, OH Knoderer Thomas A, Kissimmee, FL Knotts Kenneth J, North Lawrence, OH Kraska Joseph P, Creston, OH Krepina Cindi, West Salem, OH Krepina Norman, Medina, OH Kridler Jane C, Millersburg, OH Krieg David S, Wooster, OH Krueger Dennis A, Brunswick, OH Krueger James E, Cleveland, OH Kundracik George, Wooster, OH

Kurtz Andrew, Millersburg, OH Kurtz Andrew J, Millersburg, OH KYle Donald D, Dennison, OH Lafontaine Paul F, West Salem, OH Lance Cheryl L, Wooster, OH Lang Helmut M, West Farmington, OH Langdon Mary R, Warsaw, OH Langkamp Sam, Dundee, OH Lanier Charles C, West Salem, OH Lantz Pearl B, West Salem, OH Larson Eric, Burbank, OH Latka Dawn M, West Salem, OH Lautenschleger Beulah, Danville, OH Lawrence Ralph E, Medina, OH Leaman Jeffrey L, Fredericksbrg, OH Leaman Robert, Wooster, OH Leckrone Donna, Millersburg, OH Leeda Services INc, Massillon, OH Leggett Michael E, Wooster, OH Lehr Susan A, Orrville, OH Lesher C Y, West Salem, OH Letzelter Dan M, Seville, OH Lewis Eloise, Millersburg, OH Licht Henry A, Cleveland, OH Lilley Peggy, West Salem, OH Limbacher John, Baltic, OH Ling Robert L, Killbuck, OH Link Roger Bsr, Olmsted Twp, OH Linscott James H, Wooster, OH Little James L, Wilmington, De Littleton William G, Jeromesville, OH Littleton William G, Mesa, AZ Livezey Dennis M, Mantua, OH Lloyd Emma J, Rittman, OH Lockhart Doris M, Canal Fulton, OH Locklear Terry, West Salem, OH Lockney Effie, Arnoldsburg, WV Love Anna J, Tornado, WV Love Patrick, West Salem, OH Lowe Donald, Holmesville, OH Lowe Donald L, Wooster, OH Lucas Wilma F, Wooster, OH Lucius Steve H, Broadview Heights, OH Lukac Connie, Wooster, OH Lundell Jack S, Lodi, OH Lupi Natalie M, Logan, OH Lutsch Leona, Wooster, OH Lyons Mary J, Smithville, OH Lyons Robert E, Millersburg, OH M B Operating INc, Hartville, OH Maciel Paul M, West Salem, OH Mackey Dean, Wooster, OH Maddamma Marc A, Medina, OH Mader Frederick, North Olmsted, OH Mairs C J, Rolling Hills Esta, Ca Majewski Michael, North Royalton, OH Majka Gerald E, Millersburg, OH Maksymiak Jay A, West Salem, OH Malcomson John D, Campbellsville, KY Malhke Sylvia, Elyria, OH Manacapilli Philip W, Smithville, OH Manattee Oil Co, Fredericksburg, OH Maneese Keith A, Wooster, OH Marburger Ted P, Anderson, SC Marilyn E. Smith, Shelby, OH Marion Richard L, Brevard, NC Marner Matthew, Uhrichsville, OH Marques Donald J, Bolivar, OH Marshall Benton, Wooster, OH Marshall Lynn A, Shreve, OH Martin Betty L, Killbuck, OH

Martin Brian M, Big Prairie, OH Martin James D, Wooster, OH Martin James D, Wooster, OH Martin Lillian M, Wooster, OH Martin Loree L, Ashland, OH Martin Mark, Wooster, OH Martin Randy M, Big Prairie, OH Martin Walter F, Millersburg, OH Massaro Antonio J, Wooster, OH Massie Betty J, Lima, OH Mast Cindy L, Strasburg, OH Mast Ivan A, Dundee, OH Mast Joseph R, Wilmot, OH Mast Levi A, Left Hand, WV Mast Michael L, Berlin, OH Mast Tobi I, Lakeville, OH Mathias Dwight D, Lexington, KY Maurer Neal F, Wooster, OH May Rhonda, Greenwich, OH Maynard Cecil Jjr, Wadsworth, OH Mazgaj Robert G, Caldwell, WV Mccloskey L W, Wooster, OH Mccloud Ronald, Millersburg, OH Mccomas Richard L, West Salem, OH Mccombs Craig E, Killbuck, OH Mcconahay Russell, Wooster, OH Mcconnell Tim, West Salem, OH Mccoy Benjamin D, Sheboygan, WI Mccoy John, Utica, OH Mccullough Drilling, Utica, OH Mcfarland John L, Wooster, OH Mcglothlin Broderick, Big Prairie, OH Mcgraw Keith D, Lodi, OH Mcgreevy Thomas J, Olmsted Twp, OH Mchugh James M, Wooster, OH Mckee Robert L, Pulaski, VA Mckinney David W, Charleston, WV Mclaughlin David B, Wooster, OH Mcnitt John M, Port Angeles, Wa Mcvicker C A, Wooster, OH Meas Haysan, Corpus Christi, TX Meek Willard, Madison, OH Meisner Helen R, Pompano Beach, FL Mellott Eugene, Dalton, OH Mellott Larry C, Rittman, OH Mendenhall Dennis, Wooster, OH Menuez V O, Millersburg, OH Messner Rex M, Birmingham, OH Metheney Dana P, West Salem, OH Metzger Brice A, Danville, OH Metzger Russell A, Wooster, OH Michalek George, Wooster, OH Middleton Diane, Glenmont, OH Midwest Exploration, Villa Park, IL Midwest Exploration INc, Villa Park, IL Mihalko Andrew, West Salem, OH Milanko Dennis M, West Salem, OH Miller Abraham, Wooster, OH Miller Andrew J, Millersburg, OH Miller Benjamin H, Coshocton, OH Miller Diane R, Millersburg, OH Miller Don P, Dover, OH Miller Elizabeth A, Roaring Spring, PA Miller Gregg R, Dalton, OH Miller James H, Akron, OH Miller Jeffrey L, Minerva, OH Miller John H, Dundee, OH Miller K R, Davie, FL Miller Kathryn E, Dundee, OH Miller Laura L, Millersburg, OH Miller Marvin M, Berlin, OH


HOLMES-WAYNE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE LOCAL PAGES Miller Michael D, Brinkhaven, OH Miller Michael T, Loudonville, OH Miller Orin F, Millersburg, OH Miller Robert, Walnut Creek, OH Miller Robert E, Millersburg, OH Miller Ronald B, West Salem, OH Miller Roy H, Big Prairie, OH Miller Ruth C, Coshocton, OH Miller Samuel E, Wooster, OH Miller Steve R, Wooster, OH Miller William R, Killbuck, OH Missler Clinton E, Wooster, OH Mitchell Keith A, Ocala, FL Moats Meade E, Wooster, OH Mohican River INn, Akron, OH Mohler Charles W, Millersburg, OH Mohler Charles W, Millersburg, OH Monroe John B, Greenwood, Sc Mooney John D, Lodi, OH Mooney Robert M, Homerville, OH Moore Jesse H, Wooster, OH Moore Michael Lsr, Burbank, OH Moreland Lola, Killbuck, OH Morgan Cathy D, Wooster, OH Morgan Jack B, Lakeville, OH Morgan Robert D, Lodi, OH Morris Andrew E, Hilliard, OH Morris David W, Wooster, OH Morris Esker J, Shreve, OH Morris J G, Westerville, OH Morris Jack D, West Salem, OH Morris Michael S, Mount Vernon, OH Morrison Lori L, Sterling, OH Mosier Daryl, Shreve, OH Mosier Mary E, Millersburg, OH Moss Margaret M, Dover, OH Mouser Charles A, West Salem, OH Mowery Patricia A, West Lafayette, OH Muldrew William, Wooster, OH Mulligan Daniel J, Lodi, OH Multi Products, Killbuck, OH Munyan David J, Litchfield, OH Mutchler Kurt T, Orrville, OH Myers Emma J, Wooster, OH Myers Glenn C, Wooster, OH Myers Gloria B, Clermont, FL Myers James E, Wooster, OH Myers John E, Wooster, OH Myers Lowell A, Wooster, OH Nagel Carl J, Burbank, OH Nagel Forrest, Medina, OH Natland Energy Corp, New Philadelphia, OH Neer Breck A, West Salem, OH Nelson Mae, West Salem, OH Nelson Rex E, Wooster, OH N-Er-G INc, Millersburg, OH Nicewander Ruby, Dundee, OH Nichols Roger, West Salem, OH Nichols Shirley A, Gainesville, FL Nickles Randy L, Loudonville, OH Niebel Daniel R, Loudonville, OH Niemocienski Edwin A, Hudson, OH Noftzger Larry G, West Salem, OH Norma Callahan Executrix, Columbiana, OH Norman Donald L, Grantsville, WV Norman Jeanett, West Salem, OH Norman Peter J, Millersburg, OH Norris David W, Creston, OH Norris Edward E, Walhonding, OH

North Steve R, Mc Dermott, OH Northwestern All-Sports, West Salem, OH Norton Clayton H, West Salem, OH Novak Kalman, Cleveland, OH Numbers Ronald, Beach City, OH Obrecht James H, Shreve, OH Obrien Michael, Coshocton, OH Obrien Michael, Burbank, OH Oconnor Daniel P, West Salem, OH Ogden Ronald W, Jeromesville, OH Ogg Garrett J, Orrville, OH OHio Pure Oil Corp, Richardson, TX Oiler Charles T, Big Prairie, OH Olderman Russell Jjr, Bath, Me Olinger Christi L, Fresno, OH Olsafsky Robert C, Glenmont, OH Orourke Bonnie N, Shreve, OH Orr Galen C, West Salem, OH Overman James R, Millersburg, OH Pachmayer Carl E, Wooster, OH Pado Gladys, Lodi, OH Paige Adie, Millersburg, OH Paragon Geophysical, Mount Gilead, OH Parkinson David L, Shreve, OH Parks Aviation Services, Akron, OH Parks Aviation Services, Akron, OH Parobek John, Brecksville, OH Parsons James S, Killbuck, OH Parsons Ronald E, Coshocton, OH Patrick Peter, Wooster, OH Patterson Harlan M, Burbank, OH Patterson Nellie F, Canton, OH Patterson Scott A, Beach City, OH Patterson William Csr, Orrville, OH Pauley Rickie E, Medina, OH Paullin Evelyn B, Loudonville, OH Pavelschak Stephen M, Wooster, OH Peek Jerry D, Midland, TX Pennington Debra L, Wooster, OH Pennington Jesse, Wooster, OH Pentecost Tom, Sugarcreek, OH Peppler David N, Wooster, OH Peppler Warren W, Fredericksburg, OH Perry Clifford A, Sierra Vista, AZ Perry Pearl E, West Salem, OH Perry Wendy L, Wooster, OH Pertee Renee M, Medina, OH Peterson Warren L, Miles City, Mt Petry Ruth J, Wooster, OH Pettry Howard, Cleveland, OH Pevec John C, Wooster, OH Pfister Dan, Dundee, OH Pfouts Verda C, Wooster, OH Phillips David R, Marshallville, OH Phillips Ellen D, West Salem, OH Phillips Richard G, Strongsville, OH Philpott Diane M, Wooster, OH Piatt Frank S, Massillon, OH Piatt Mary E, West Salem, OH Piotrowski Kenneth M, Henderson, NV Pitcher David L, Houston, TX Pitkiewicz Elizabeth A, Danville, OH Pliske Margaret E, Wooster, OH Plumley Darius R, Wooster, OH Polin Debi L, Millersburg, OH Pompey Steven D, Apple Creek, OH Porter Douglas E, Wooster, OH Porter Glenna, Barton City, Mi Porter Norman, Creston, OH Poturica Robert Pjr, West Salem, OH


Powell Charles E, Millersburg, OH Power Gas Marketing & Tra, Dover, OH Presock James L, West Salem, OH Prigge Cindy L, Wooster, OH Pringle James W, Wooster, OH Producers Livestock, Baltic, OH Proper Arthur E, Big Prairie, OH Przybyla Alan J, Medina, OH Puckett Thelma, Lakeville, OH Purdy Daniel H, West Salem, OH Quaker State Refining, Belpre, OH Quality Collision, West Salem, OH Raber Ben A, Millersburg, OH Ralph A. Nolletti, Orrville, OH Ramsey Kris E, West Salem, OH Ramsier Edward G, Wooster, OH Ramsier Rexanne, West Salem, OH Ramsier Vickie L, West Salem, OH Randles Mona, Wooster, OH Randolph Cathy A, Shreve, OH Rang Cletus, Ashtabula, OH Rapp Leah D, Polk, OH Rastorfer Eddie E, Creston, OH Ray Marvin W, Amherst, OH Reed Brian J, Wooster, OH Reese Alta L, Canton, OH Reese James R, Millersburg, OH Reese Jeffrey A, Brinkhaven, OH Regional Cable TV (USA), Greenwood, IN Regional Cable TV (USA), Greenwood, IN Reinhardt Jan, Lady Lake, FL Renfrew Nettie, Wooster, OH Repp Dorothy C, Ashland, OH Reserve Ford, West Salem, OH Reserve Ford, West Salem, OH Reutter Robert W, Wooster, OH Reynolds Duane O, Smithville, OH Reynolds Eugene, West Salem, OH Reynolds Robert K, Holmesville, OH Rhees Johnnie, Millersburg, OH Rheim Wallace, Lakeville, OH Riblet Products INc, Middlebury, IN Rice Franklin D, Lodi, OH Rice Jerry L, Millersburg, OH Richards Timothy W, Shreve, OH Richardson O W, Columbus, OH Richeson FLorence, Wooster, OH Richeson Mildred, Millersburg, OH Richmond Mfg Co, Ashland, OH Ricker Clay W, Copley, OH Riffle Thomas L, Akron, OH Rig Drilling, Marietta, OH Ritsos & Ritsos, Chicago, IL Rittenhouse Memorial, Navarre, OH Roberts Donna K, Millersburg, OH Roberts John G, Wooster, OH Rockwell Resources INc, New Matamoras, OH Rodeheaver Harry B, Fredericksburg, Va Roessner David, Dublin, OH Rogers Bessie A, West Salem, OH Rogers Charles F, Rittman, OH Rogers Charles F, Rittman, OH Rohrer Robert J, Millersburg, OH Rohskopf Andy, Killbuck, OH Rohskopf James, Wooster, OH Roland Richard A, Wooster, OH Root Jean B, Huntington, IN Roque Alfredo M, Wooster, OH Rose April, Wooster, OH Ross Cindy L, Polk, OH

Ross Wayne D, Burbank, OH Rottmann Mary A, Wooster, OH Roush Patricia, Painesville, OH Rowe Barbara J, Wooster, OH Rowe Bill Jjr, Killbuck, OH Roy Klaus G, Cleveland Heights, OH Rucker Annabell E, West Salem, OH Rucker Karen L, Lodi, OH Rueschman Larry L, North Canton, OH Rufener Dee K, Orrville, OH Russell Connie, Wooster, OH Russell Helen, Killbuck, OH Rutt Craig S, Wooster, OH Ryan David A, Wooster, OH Sachara Darren J, Sevierville, TN Salisbury Autie, Ravenna, OH Santangelo David J, Apple Creek, OH Scarberry Patricia A, Glenmont, OH Schaeffer Tim E, Jeromesville, OH Schaffer Walter J, Loudonville, OH Schar Charles W, Wooster, OH Schar Lola M, Wooster, OH Schar Michael T, Sterling, OH Scheef Gary E, Lumberton, NC Scheerens Joseph C, Wooster, OH Scherer Ada M, Millersburg, OH Scheutzow Mark H, Rittman, OH Schlabach Bert E, Dundee, OH Schlabach Delbert A, Millersburg, OH Schlabach Lavern D, Sugarcreek, OH Schlabach Malinda S, North Royalton, OH Schlegel Patricia A, Millersburg, OH Schmid Alexander, Beach City, OH Schneider Robert E, West Salem, OH Schodorf Gary E, Holmesville, OH Schrack Timothy A, Lakeville, OH Schreiner & Weinsz, Canton, OH Schrock Leroy, Dalton, OH Schroll Nicholas M, Medina, OH Schuler Brian K, Beach City, OH Schuler Eugene Ejr, Chippewa Lake, OH Schultz Dawn A, West Salem, OH Schultz Robert F, Delaware, OH Schwartzwaldejoyce K, Wooster, OH Scott Paul H, Wooster, OH Seagraves Curtis, Wooster, OH Seiber Barbara, Medina, OH Seitz Kenneth R, Silver Lake, IN Self J E, Lakeville, OH Sell John, Ashland, OH Sellers Gregory S, Wooster, OH Sellers Robert, Massillon, OH Senz Joseph, West Salem, OH Settles Perry L, Wooster, OH Shafer Richard E, Warsaw, OH Shaffer Barbara L, Medina, OH Shaffer Daniel W, Millersburg, OH Sharp Dayton R, Macksburg, OH Shaw Susan J, Lodi, OH Shearer Jeffrey D, Wooster, OH Shearer Joey T, Lakeville, OH Shears Linda B, Killbuck, OH Sheely Curtis A, Wooster, OH Shelton Dan L, West Salem, OH Shepherd Terry, Creston, OH Sheppard Mark, Shreve, OH Sherman Drilling INc, Mineral City, OH Shetler Ben H, Lakeville, OH Shilling Robert R, Shelby, OH Shoup Ralph M, North Canton, OH Shrock Elmer, Baltic, OH

Siedschlag Karl Gjr, Kent, OH Sigler Betty, Wooster, OH Sigler David P, Wooster, OH Sigler Dennis R, Rittman, OH Sigler Michael D, Rochester Hills, Mi Sigler Russell R, Lodi, OH Sills Brian G, Wooster, OH Silverman William, Peralta, NM Simms Rodney D, West Salem, OH Simpson Helen M, Millersburg, OH Sines Thomas D, Wooster, OH Singer Joyce E, Wooster, OH Singleton John C, Wadsworth, OH Sinnett Shelly, Danville, OH Sinsel Carl J, New Philadelphia, OH Skelly Disposal INc, Killbuck, OH Slabaugh Jerry A, Sears, MI Sloop Barbara, Lodi, OH Smail A N, Killbuck, OH Smail James C, Mount Vernon, MO Smail Scott T, Millersburg, OH Smetzer Ray A, Millersburg, OH Smith Carl R, Marshallville, OH Smith Daniel L, Wooster, OH Smith David E, Wooster, OH Smith David P, West Salem, OH Smith Dennis D, Nashville, OH Smith Elsie V, Wooster, OH Smith Frances V, Nashville, OH Smith George R, Creston, OH Smith Lois L, Wooster, OH Smith Mark, Fredericksburg, OH Smith Pat, Fort Myers Beach, FL Smith Richard E, Big Prairie, OH Smith Richard E, Big Prairie, OH Smith Ronald J, Wooster, OH Smith Rowena V, Big Prairie, OH Smith Steven E, Wooster, OH Smith W O, Millersburg, OH Smucker Larry L, Key Largo, FL Snader Mary M, Orrville, OH Snell James Ajr, Holmesville, OH Snyder Alfred D, Dundee, OH Snyder Brothers, Wooster, OH Snyder Dale A, Big Prairie, OH Snyder Jack, Loudonville, OH Snyder Joan, Big Prairie, OH Soffos James R, Wooster, OH Somerlade Dawn M, West Salem, OH Sommers Carl, Lodi, OH Sommers Elizabeth H, Glenmont, OH South Palm Energy INc, McConnelsville, OH South Palm Energy Inc, McConnelsville, OH South Palm Energy Inc, McConnelsville, OH Spach James F, Grafton, OH Sparks Ben, Dundee, OH Spatz Joan M, Warsaw, OH Spicer Leonard C, Salem, OH Spires Donald K, Holmesville, OH Spires James M, Wooster, OH Springsteen Alice M, Wadsworth, OH Squires Edward C, Glenmont, OH St Clair Richard A, West Salem, OH Staiduhar Ann L, Killbuck, OH Staley Steven, Wooster, OH Stankiewicz John S, Killbuck, OH Stanley Jerry L, Mc Kenzie, TN Stanley Scott, Howard, OH

Starcher Debbie, West Salem, OH Steele Timothy L, Wooster, OH Steiner Randall G, Apple Creek, OH Steiner Steve, Dalton, OH Stemen Jerome D, Millersburg, OH Stetson INvestment Prop, Cleveland, OH Stevens Victori L, West Salem, OH Stewart FLorence E, Sarasota, FL Stilke Larry E, Pulaski, VA Stiltner Kathleen D, Harrisville, WV Stoll Margaret A, Wooster, OH Stone Thomas R, Greenville, OH Stover Donald, West Salem, OH Strait Gladys E, Painted Post, NY Strait Phyllis A, Burbank, OH Stryffeler Myron W, Wooster, OH Stuart James F, Gulf Breeze, FL Sturznickel James F, North Canton, OH Stutz Steven A, West Salem, OH Sundheimer June, Walnut Creek, OH Sustersic Jack, Wooster, OH Swartzentrube Nellie I, Wooster, OH Swedge Development Comp, Wooster, OH Swerline Mike, Wooster, OH Switzer Donivan Ii, Loudonville, OH Szaniszlo Gary, Spencer, OH Taber Edward N, Louisville, KY Tamburin Cindie L, West Salem, OH Tartir Khaled, Big Prairie, OH Tate Faye I, Medina, OH Taylor Howard, Strongsville, OH Taylor Paul L, Doylestown, OH Taylor Sandy K, Burbank, OH Teague Kathleen A, Wooster, OH Tenge Charles J, Hillsboro, KY Teter Debra S, Orrville, OH The Scurry Group Inc, Memphis, TN The Scurry Group Inc, Memphis, TN The Scurry Group Inc, Memphis, TN The Scurry Group Inc, Memphis, TN The Scurry Group Inc, Memphis, TN The Scurry Group Inc, Memphis, TN The Scurry Group Inc, Memphis, TN The Scurry Group Inc, Memphis, TN The Scurry Group Inc, Memphis, TN The Scurry Group Inc, Memphis, TN The Scurry Group Inc, Memphis, TN The Scurry Group Inc, Memphis, TN Theiss Paula K, Wooster, OH Theriault Vern R, Killbuck, OH Thomas Donald E, Killbuck, OH Thomas Dorothy, Kent, OH Thomas Jerry W, Wooster, OH Thomas Jerry W, Wooster, OH Thomas John A, Aurora, CO Thomas Robert J, Kent, OH Thompson Allen D, Burbank, OH Thompson FLoyd E, Countryside, IL Thompson William, Akron, OH Three M Drilling, Mount Hope, OH Three M Drilling Co, Mount Hope, OH Tilden John D, Cape Coral, FL Tipton Gretchen L, Millersburg, OH Tisher Kathleen, Wooster, OH Titan Energy Group INc, Zanesville, OH Tomlin Timothy J, Madison, IN Tompkins Larry, Jeromesville, OH Tope Anna, Millersburg, OH Tops, Canton, OH Towner Sherri L, Glenmont, OH


HOLMES-WAYNE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE LOCAL PAGES Tracy Samuel, West Salem, OH Trail Feed Service, Dundee, OH Trenching & Ditching, Wooster, OH Tron Gene G, Loudonville, OH Troyer Andrew A, Dundee, OH Troyer Darryl L, Canton, OH Troyer David A, Utica, OH Troyer David D, Harrisonburg, VA Troyer James M, Holmesville, OH Troyer Jody S, Shreve, OH Troyer Joni E, Howard, OH Troyer Noah A, Millersburg, OH Troyer Norman J, Dundee, OH Troyer Roy N, Winesburg, OH Tucker Donald E, Wooster, OH Tucker Kelly, Wadsworth, OH Tucker Leonard O, Spencer, OH Twilight Mining Co, Berlin, OH U S Silica Co, Ottawa, IL Umfleet William T, Orrville, OH Umstead Clifford, Shreve, OH Underwood Thomas M, West Salem, OH United Telephone Co, Mansfield, OH United Video Cable, Cincinnati, OH Upp Evelyn M, Creston, OH Valentine James, Wooster, OH Van Dyke Alan C, Apex, NC Van Wagenen Jared, Cleveland, OH Vaness Ronald R, West Salem, OH Vann Kevin E, Wooster, OH Vansickle Cameron T, Millersburg, OH Vantrease Mark W, Vancouver, Wa Varisco Andrew A, Glenmont, OH Varner Clarence E, Columbus, OH Vaughan Michael A, Apple Creek, OH Vaughn Tammy L, West Salem, OH Vehar Victor, Euclid, OH Venis Mark A, Millersburg, OH Vonallman Eric C, Killbuck, OH Wachtel Robin K, Big Prairie, OH Wallace Thomas Ejr, Louisville, OH Walters Betty L, West Salem, OH Ward Thomas L, Rittman, OH Ward Thomas W, Southampton, Ny Warren Franklin T, Wooster, OH Watson Mark F, FLorence, SC Watson Rodney L, West Salem, OH Weaver Duane E, Millersburg, OH

Weaver Ivan E, Fredericksburg, OH Weaver Leroy H, Big Prairie, OH Weaver Marion R, Millersburg, OH Weaver Monroe J, Bellville, OH Weaver Monroe Mjr, Holmesville, OH Weaver Sara J, Dundee, OH Weaver Sarah, Holmesville, OH Webb Bobbie L, Brook Park, OH Webb Dorsey Njr, Smithville, OH Weidman Craig C, Aurora, OH Weiser William O, Burbank, OH Wellman Steve R, Apple Creek, OH Wells Samuel J, Cleveland, OH Wengerd John H, Millersburg, OH Wengerd Paul J, Millersburg, OH Wengerd Rian C, Millersburg, OH Werstler Dean, Olmsted Falls, OH Westfall Jane, Shreve, OH Weygandt Harold J, Wooster, OH Wharff Butch T, Newcomerstown, OH Wheeler Arlene E, Newcomerstown, OH Wheeler Donnie E, Orrville, OH White Irene F, New Franklin, OH Whitehead John D, West Salem, OH Whitlock Maxwell M, Vandalia, OH Whitman Ronnie, Millersburg, OH Whytsell Richard, Medina, OH Wickens John B, Wooster, OH Wiles Donald L, Wooster, OH Willdrick Larry D, Hamer, SC Williams Alvoide J, Millersburg, OH Williams Beulah M, Shreve, OH Williams Billy J, Burbank, OH Williams Dale R, West Salem, OH Williams James P, West Salem, OH Williams Roy L, Lakeville, OH Williams Susan L, Wooster, OH Williams Timothy O, Wooster, OH Williamson Kathleen A, Zephyrhills, FL Wilson Charles, Wooster, OH Wilson Charles Wiii, Akron, OH Wilson Donald J, Cleveland, OH Wilson Garland Sr, Fort Mc Coy, FL Wilson James T, Orrville, OH Wilson Vernon R, Millersburg, OH Wilson William A, West Lafayette, OH Windnagel Mark F, Youngstown, OH Winkler Loretta J, Wooster, OH



Randy Sprang

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Dave Mann Vice Chairman

CONTACT 866-674-1055 (toll-free) www.hwecoop.com OFFICE 6060 St. Rte. 8 P.O. Box 112 Millersburg, OH 44654-0112

Barry Jolliff Secretary/Treasurer

Jonathan Berger Kenneth Conrad Bill Grassbaugh Jackie McKee Ronnie Schlegel David Tegtmeier



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Glenn W. Miller


Winstanley Mabel, Rocky River, OH Wissel Sue A, West Salem, OH Wissel William Fsr, West Salem, OH Witt Alison C, Elyria, OH Witt INdustries, Cincinnati, OH Wnt Operating Inc, Dover, OH Wohlford W J, Wooster, OH Wolf Chester W, Mansfield, OH Wolf Michael J, Jeromesville, OH Wolf Tammy L, Wooster, OH Wood Vickie L, Uniontown, OH Woods Debra, Fayetteville, NC Workman Ada, Wooster, OH Wright Arthur, West Salem, OH Wright Eloise, Dundee, OH Wright Steven L, Wooster, OH Wright Susan, West Salem, OH Wright Thomas A, Dundee, OH Yacaprara Vic J, West Salem, OH Yacapraro Carl Ajr, Wooster, OH Yankee Exploration Inc, West Farmington, OH Yantis Grace A, Findlay, OH Yarnell Wesley L, St Petersburg, FL Yeagley Retta J, West Salem, OH Yeagley Sandra L, Smithville, OH Yeakel J D, Canton, OH Yeater Brinton J, Hudson, OH Yoder Carl H, Millersburg, OH Yoder David N, Millersburg, OH Yoder Edward R, Millersburg, OH Yoder Ervin E, Fredericksburg, OH Yoder Harold J, Portage, WI Yoder Henry A, Mesa, AZ Yoder Sam J, Fredericksburg, OH Yoder Steven J, Dundee, OH Yost Bernard, Sherrodsville, OH Yost Brian L, Horn Lake, Ms Young Jennifer E, Millersburg, OH Youngblood Richard A, Wadsworth, OH Younker Sally S, West Salem, OH Zerrer Jeffrey P, Wooster, OH Zickefoose Judy A, Killbuck, OH Zimmerman Theresa, Warsaw, OH Zubrod Paul A, Ashland, OH



LMRE board tours businesses The Lorain-Medina Rural Electric Cooperative (LMRE) operations department hosts a system tour for the board of trustees every other year, and this year’s tour featured a stop at Allied Waste Industries (AWI) in Lorain County. “We use a lot of power here, but we try to conserve electricity when we can. All shop lights and all pole lights are LED,” says AWI’s maintenance supervisor, Chris Reineck. The LMRE group started the day with a business update from Lorain County Rural Wastewater District (LORCO) Executive Director Gene Toy before heading to Allied Waste Industries. The board also visited the Litchfield substation, where Director of Engineering and Operations Brad Warnement talked about recent upgrades to the substation. The group finished the day by visiting the cooperative’s Spencer Industrial Park in Spencer Township in Medina County.

Washington REC awards lighting rebate to Noble Local SD The Noble Local School District has received a $1,825 rebate from Washington Electric Cooperative for improving lighting efficiency across its campus. The cooperative’s commercial and industrial custom lighting rebate program helps replace inefficient internal and external lighting at member business facilities. The program provides a rebate based on the number of lamp-watts reduced when replacing old lighting with new, energy-efficient lighting. To qualify, lighting at the facility must be used a minimum of 1,800 hours per year. “We’re happy to provide a program that promotes efficient energy use and also helps the school system and the people who support it,” says Washington Electric General Manager Jack Bragg. The upgrades are expected to save the school district $1,495 per year.

Ohio Cooperative Living writer earns award Heather Juzenas, communications manager at The Energy Cooperative and former freelance writer for Ohio Cooperative Living, recently received an award of merit in the Best Treatment of a Technical Subject category at the 2018 Willies Awards for her article “Saving Power, Saving Money” in the July 2017 issue. The Willies, awarded annually by the National Electric Cooperative Statewide Editors Association, recognizes outstanding work published in statewide electric cooperative publications.

Carroll golf outing benefits Relay for Life Carroll Electric Cooperative’s Charity Golf Scramble raised $8,794 for the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life. The scramble was held July 21 at the Lake Mohawk Golf Course in Malvern. Carroll Electric has raised more than $115,000 in eight years to help fund cancer research, education, prevention, advocacy, and patient services.




Ohioans face some significant choices as they enter the voting booth next month — not the least of which are whom to elect as the next governor and which candidate will best represent the state in the U.S. Senate. Knowing the importance of electric cooperative voters in the campaigns, the major-party candidates for the two offices took some time recently to answer questions that are crucial to Ohio Cooperative Living readers.

Richard Cordray Democrat

Mike DeWine Republican

Sherrod Brown Democrat

Jim Renacci Republican


GOVERNOR Mike DeWine, Ohio’s attorney general and a former two-term U.S. senator and four-term congressman, is the Republican candidate, with Jon Husted as his running mate for lieutenant governor. He faces Richard Cordray, the Democratic former attorney general and state treasurer and first director of the federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and his running mate, Betty Sutton.

Q: What will be the issues of highest priority for your administration? DeWine: • Help bring more high-paying, 21st-century jobs to all parts of Ohio. • Improve early childhood education and health services so kids have the skills they need early in life to succeed. • Implement a 12-point comprehensive action plan to combat the opioid crisis. • Enact real-world education reform that gets our kids either careerready or college-ready. Cordray: Betty’s and my No. 1 priority as governor and lieutenant governor will be putting money back into the pockets of middle-class Ohioans. In order to accomplish that, we will work to keep health care costs low, provide quality workforce training and education programs, and invest in local small businesses. Betty and I know how important the Medicaid expansion is in covering low-income Ohioans, keeping rural hospitals open, and reducing costs for everyone in the state. That is why we have always supported Medicaid expansion, and will work to bolster and improve the Medicaid program as governor and lieutenant governor. Another way that Betty and I will work to put money in the pockets of Ohioans is by giving them the tools and education they need to succeed in the everevolving 21st-century workplace. We will invest in workforce training so that every Ohioan has the opportunity to unlock their full potential. Finally, we will empower Ohio’s small businesses in order to create local jobs and bolster local economies. We will also provide better tax incentives, grants, and small-business loans in order to help local entrepreneurs and business owners. Q: Ohio’s electric cooperatives rely on a diverse set of generation sources. As governor, how closely will your energy policy align with our all-of-the-above approach regarding electric generation? DeWine: Jon Husted and I believe in an all-of-the-above energy strategy. Ohio must have an energy plan that reflects our diverse industries and the availability of natural resources, including both existing and evolving technologies. Ohio is a regional leader for low-cost energy. Maintaining regionally competitive energy prices is a key component in growing Ohio’s economy and attracting new businesses.



Cordray: Ohio’s energy policy should focus on making energy costs affordable for middle-class families and expanding the sector so that we are creating good-paying jobs with the opportunities and natural resources available — like water, solar, and wind. That’s why as governor, I’ll pursue an “all-of-the-above” energy policy that takes advantage of Ohio’s great natural resources, while making smart investments in the jobs of the future, in emerging sectors like wind and solar. Through that policy, we can create good-paying jobs for Ohioans in design, construction, and maintenance. Those are good jobs, many of which don’t require a college degree, that can support a person and their family.

for in-demand jobs; and • Expand early childhood education opportunities that help children grow and learn and empower families to go to work. Those efforts will not only improve today’s workforce and economy, but they will also ensure that our state will thrive for future generations. Cordray: For too long, our rural communities have suffered while Republicans in Columbus turned a blind eye. Betty and I will ensure that rural communities aren’t left behind by investing in infrastructure, restoring funding to local communities, and retaining Medicaid expansion.

But if we’re going to move forward on energy, we need to end a misguided ideological agenda in Columbus that’s keeping the renewable-energy sector from investing in Ohio and creating jobs. We need to lead the way on clean energy and tell companies that Ohio is open for business once again in renewable energy and energy efficiency.

Ohio’s infrastructure is crumbling, and nowhere is that more apparent than in our state’s rural areas. We want to fix Ohio’s roads and bridges, repair our water infrastructure, and stretch broadband across the state. These improvements will help to stimulate commerce throughout Ohio and ensure that rural areas have access to the 21st-century economy.

Q: What will you do to help improve the economic vitality of rural communities and improve opportunities for residents of rural areas?

Betty and I will also end state government’s cutbacks on local funds that have left schools underfunded, jails overcrowded, and local infrastructure in ruins. We want to empower change and development on the local level by restoring vital funding to local governments so that they can make the improvements that their communities need.

DeWine: Nearly two-thirds of Ohio counties are rural. These communities were hit hard by the recession. People are doing better, but many rural areas, especially in southeast Ohio, have been left behind. As governor, I will: • Slow and reverse the opioid epidemic with my 12-point action plan; • Create and maintain an economic climate that attracts businesses to Ohio and helps existing businesses grow;

Finally, we will aid Ohio’s rural communities by retaining Medicaid expansion. If Medicaid expansion were ended or diminished, one of the biggest losers would be rural hospitals. With less people insured and more uncompensated care costs, rural hospitals would begin to close, eliminating good-paying, local jobs and putting the health of rural Ohioans in danger.

• Work with businesses, schools and universities, and local agencies to ensure that people can access training



Democratic incumbent Sherrod Brown seeks his third term in the U.S. Senate after seven terms in the U.S. House and two terms as Ohio’s secretary of state. He faces Jim Renacci, a four-term Republican congressman and former president and general manager of the Columbus Destroyers of the Arena Football League.

Q: What will be the most important, pressing issues facing the U.S. Senate in its next term? Brown: I’m fighting to make sure every single Ohioan has the opportunity to succeed — from the nurse in Cincinnati or the barber in Cleveland to the waitress in New Philadelphia or the business owner in Sandusky. One of the most pressing issues facing our state and country is the need to make sure all workers can earn a living wage, provide for their families, and retire with dignity. Ohioans deserve to see their hard work pay off, and to share in the wealth they create. At the same time, we must also invest in communities to create new jobs and new opportunities for Ohioans. Another one of my top priorities for my next term in the Senate is pursuing new policies that support U.S. job creation, from renegotiation of trade deals so they work better for Ohioans to tax incentives for companies that keep jobs in the United States. Fighting the opioid epidemic is another one of my top priorities. I hear from Ohioans on the frontlines of the epidemic every day, and they need Congress to step up and provide the resources they need to make an impact in their communities. In addition to boosting funding for the hardest-hit states like Ohio, I am working with Senator Portman to make it easier for Ohioans battling addiction to get the treatment they need. Renacci: In 2019, it will be vital to continue pushing for a commonsense, pro-growth agenda that allows all Ohioans to benefit from a thriving American economy. Sustaining long-term economic growth, addressing our debt crisis, and tackling the opioid epidemic are three of our top challenges. Over the past year, we’ve seen tremendous progress and economic expansion; however, many Ohio families continue to struggle. Unfortunately, Ohio has one of the highest unemployment rates in the nation. As your senator, I will advance a pro-growth, common-sense agenda to advance our economy and to decrease our nation’s debt. The financial health of our country impacts more than just our wallets. In order for our state to grow and prosper, we need Ohioans, especially young Ohioans, to feel confident there will be opportunities available to them here at home. Bringing more and better-paying jobs to our state will allow Ohioans to have more confidence in the future, which in turn will lead to stronger, more stable communities.



Q: Ohio’s electric cooperatives rely on a diverse set of generation sources. As senator, how closely will your energy policy align with our all-of-the-above approach regarding electric generation? Brown: We need to support innovation across a wide range of energy sources for both our economy and electric cooperatives. That is why I’ve worked to ensure that cooperatives have access to low-interest loans through the United States Department of Agriculture, and why I’ve supported efforts at the Department of Energy to accelerate the development of the next generation of coal-based energy production that would support jobs while ensuring cleaner air. I’ve also fought for policies to reduce the cost of renewable energy and spur the clean energy economy of tomorrow. Renacci: I support an all-of-the-above approach to energy that encompasses the robust energy resources located here at home, including natural gas, clean coal, Americanmade oil, as well as alternative energy sources such as wind, solar, hydropower, and nuclear. Ohio is a leading energy producer, with robust supplies of both natural gas and coal. In Washington, I have fought to roll back burdensome energy regulations and bring more energy sector jobs to the Buckeye State. Supporting all forms of energy production here at home not only creates more good-paying jobs — it helps to keep energy costs low for Ohio families. As your senator, I will continue working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle on a comprehensive energy plan that supports our economy in an environmentally responsible way. This Congress, I am cosponsoring H.R. 1090, the Technologies for Energy Security Act of 2017. The legislation would extend and modify the tax credits for residential energy-efficient property and investments in energy property. The bill would also extend tax credits for investments in energy properties, including renewable energy such as solar, wind, and thermal energy construction.

Furthermore, I staunchly opposed President Obama’s Clean Power Plan in 2015 and voted for legislation to prevent it from going into effect. Due to the negative impact the plan would have had on the state of Ohio, I believe the Supreme Court acted wisely by issuing a stay on its implementation. Q: What are the biggest challenges facing energy production in the U.S. and what are your plans to address them? Brown: Ohio has been at the forefront of natural gas production, with the industry creating jobs and improving livelihoods across the state — and it’s important that we make sure that we’re also at the forefront of safe and responsible natural gas production. Ohio communities can have both the economic benefits of natural gas production and a healthy environment in which to raise their families. We have to keep talking to communities and industry leaders as we grapple with new forms of energy and innovate. As our state’s oldest power plants retire, it’s important that we ensure that Ohioans have access to the low-cost, affordable power that has made our state a great place to live and do business in. Renacci: The United States’ dependence on foreign sources of energy is one of our greatest national security concerns. We cannot afford to halt or discourage domestic exploration and development of our energy resources. Consequently, it is critical to implement policies that support our economic and security interests. Additionally, Waters of the U.S. is another important issue that needs to be addressed. In Congress, I voted for numerous bills to prevent the WOTUS rule from taking effect, to prevent expanded federal oversight and cost increases for co-ops to build and maintain power lines. The Trump Administration is actively working on rules to fully repeal the rule and to implement rules pre-2015.


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MR. DAWES The remarkable Dawes Arboretum begins its second century as a living shrine BY DAMAINE VONADA


uccessful individuals often amass museum-worthy collections reflecting their interests — works of art, luxury cars, fine wines, even historic structures. While Libbey’s glass earnings launched the Toledo Museum of Art and Ford’s automobile funds built Greenfield Village, Pure Oil Company President Beman Dawes pursued a more down-to-earth passion: He collected trees.

Growth from the start In 1917, Dawes and his wife, Bertie, planted 50 sugar maples on their 140-acre farm near Newark, which they christened “Daweswood,” and commenced a methodical accumulation of both land and flora. Seeking specimens suited to central Ohio’s climate, Dawes brought in trees from around the world and



arranged them in groups at Daweswood. By 1929, they had acquired nearly 300 acres of land on which grew more than 50,000 trees, and the Daweses established The Dawes Arboretum as a private foundation. Their goals included fostering research; giving pleasure to the public; and increasing the general knowledge and love of trees and shrubs. Today, The Dawes Arboretum is an internationally known treasure that staff historian Leslie Wagner calls a museum without walls. Encompassing nearly 2,000 acres and some 17,000 labeled plants, it’s one of the nation’s largest arboretums and attracts upwards of 250,000 guests per year. USA Today has named the arboretum one of the best U.S. botanical gardens. Its main grounds, including the original farm, are on the National Register of Historic Places, and Botanical Gardens Conservation International ranks its maple collection No. 12 in the world.

Family tradition Born and raised in Marietta, Dawes acquired his appreciation for trees while working at the lumber business his father, General Rufus Dawes, opened after the Civil War. “Rufus Dawes taught Beman how to size up a tree, so he could tell at a glance its species, age, and value,” says Mike Ecker, the arboretum’s curator of living collections. A member of the Iron Brigade, Rufus Dawes fought at Gettysburg, but he was not the first — or last — Dawes to have a hand in American history. His great-grandfather, William Dawes, joined Paul Revere in making 1775’s midnight rides to warn that the British were coming, and the general’s eldest son, Charles Gates Dawes, not only became Calvin Coolidge’s vice president, but was also awarded the 1925 Nobel Prize. Although Beman and Bertie Dawes owned several homes, their primary residence was in Columbus. As nature lovers, they often picnicked on that wooded farm they later called Daweswood, and they bought the property after one fateful visit when Beman stepped in to stop workers from cutting down some of its trees. Soon they had transformed its Italianate farmhouse there into a comfortable country retreat. While Beman procured trees, Bertie planned Daweswood’s gardens and kept journals about her roses, tulips, and peonies.

A living laboratory Along with his own deep personal interest in selecting the arborteum’s trees, Dawes also sought advice from experts, including Ohio State forestry professor Norman Scherer and state forester Edmund Secrest to help him decide what to plant and where. Cultivating those eminent arborists soon led to the practice of using the arboretum as a land lab. The American Chestnut Foundation, for example, currently keeps a tree test plot there, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture is studying its borer-resistant Asian ash trees. Also distinguishing The Dawes Arboretum is the family’s ongoing involvement. “The arboretum is the Dawes family’s living legacy,” says Wagner. Beman’s and Bertie’s five children were founding trustees in 1929, and their great-grandchildren still serve as trustees today. The family holds reunions there, and through the generations, they’ve watched as the likes of Admiral Byrd, Orville Wright, and John Glenn dedicated trees and have seen four tree collections — maple, buckeye and horse chestnut, witch hazel, and dawn redwood — gain national accreditation. Today, employees and volunteers continue to develop facilities, propagate educational activities and events, and produce maple syrup from sugar maples Beman planted a century ago. The Dawes Arboretum, 7770 Jacksontown Road SE, Newark, OH 43056. Open year-round; hours vary seasonally. For additional information, call 740-323-2355 or visit www.dawesarb.org.

Six Must-Sees Numerous hiking trails and a 4-mile auto tour (with handy parking spots for vehicles) make it easy to explore the arboretum. Look for these special places along the way: 1. Daweswood House Museum and Gardens — Tours of the Daweses’ antique-filled home provide insights into their lives. Every room has a view of Bertie’s re-created garden, and the Rathskeller displays more than 100 shovels used for the tree dedications that Beman initiated. 2. Dawes Memorial — The arboretum was so dear to Beman and Bertie that they made it their final resting place. They’re entombed in a neoclassic mausoleum inscribed with a quotation that starts with the words, “He that planteth a tree is the servant of God ...” 3. Maple Collection — The collection boasts striking species like Asia’s trident and yellow-paint maples, and in autumn, the colorful sugar maples near the Daweswood house are stunning. 4. Japanese Garden — Planned by landscape architect Makoto Nakamura, it’s a visitor favorite that features a picturesque pond and bridges. 5. Lettered Hedge — Originally designed by Beman, the massive hedge spells out DAWES ARBORETUM in letters formed by American arborvitae. It’s best viewed from the observation tower at the corner of State Route 13 and Ridgley Tract Road. 6. Cypress Swamp — The southern bald cypress trees Beman planted in the late 1920s have yielded one of the nation’s northernmost (and alligator-free!) cypress swamps.





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admission. Antiques, collectibles, furniture, crafts, produce, tools, glass, and more. 419-447-9613 or www.tiffinfleamarket.com. OCT. 6–7 – Harvest Happenings, Osborn MetroPark, 3910 Perkins Ave., Huron, 11 a.m.–5 p.m. Free. Antique tractor and engine display, pony rides, nature tent, hay rides, and more. 419-625-7783 or http:// eriemetroparks.org/program. OCT. 6–7, 13–14, 20–21, 27–28 – Mums and Pumpkin Festival, Lincoln Ridge Farms, 6588 Pollock Rd., Convoy. Fall fun at the farm for the entire family. $10, under 3 free. 419-749-4224. OCT. 6, 13 – The Great Sidney Farmer’s Market, 109 S. Ohio Ave., Sidney, 8 a.m.–noon. 937-658-6945 or www.sidneyalive.org.

THROUGH DECEMBER – Lima Civil Air Patrol: Youth Program, Allen Co. Airport, 700 Airport Dr., Lima, every Sat., 1–3 p.m. Free. Geared toward boys and girls ages 12–18. 419-222-6639. THROUGH DECEMBER – Lima Writers’ Community, Meeting Place on Market, 220 W. Market St., Lima, every Wed., 6 p.m. $1 donation. Connect with other writers in a friendly, supportive environment. www.meetup.com/Lima-Writers-Community.

OCT. 7 – Farm Toy Show, Van Wert Co. Fgds., 1055 S. Washington St. (U.S. 127), Van Wert, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. $2, under 12 free. Food and drink available. Parts dealer present. 937-826-4201. OCT. 13 – Apple Butter Fest Craft and Quilt Show, Van Buren High School, 217 S. Main St., Van Buren, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Free. Craft and quilt show, farmers market, popcorn and nuts, and Buttons the Clown. 419-299-3628 or vanburenapplebutter@yahoo.com.

OCT. 13 – CMP Monthly Air Rifle and Air Pistol Matches, 1000 Lawrence Dr., Port Clinton. Free admission and parking. OCT. 5 – Annual Downtown Chocolate Walk, 109 S. Ohio Ave., Competitions feature a Junior Air Rifle 3x20, 60 Shots Air Rifle Sidney, 7–9 p.m. $15. A 21-and-over event. Tour downtown businesses Standing, 60 Shots Air Pistol, and a beginner 3x10. Rental equipment and enjoy delicious treats. 937-658-6945 or www.sidneyalive.org. available. 419-635-2141 ext. 707, lsherman@thecmp.org (Lue Sherman), or www.thecmp.org. OCT. 5 – First Friday, downtown Sidney. Participating shops and restaurants stay open later, with many offering a discount. 937-658OCT. 13 – Fall Festival, 109 S. Ohio Ave., Sidney, 10 a.m.–1 p.m. 6945 or www.sidneyalive.org. Free. Ghosts, goblins, superheroes, and princesses gather on the court square for a costume contest and activities. Trick-or-treat at OCT. 6–7 – The Fantastic Tiffin Flea Market, Seneca Co. Fgds., 100 Hopewell Ave., Tiffin, Sat. 9 a.m.–4 p.m., Sun. 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Free businesses downtown. 937-658-6945 or www.sidneyalive.org.


old trains to buy, sell, or trade. 440-785-9907, showmanager@ thegreatbereatrainshow.org, or www.thegreatbereatrainshow.org. OCT. 6–7 – Holmes County Antique Festival, downtown Millersburg. Antique markets and auctions, parades, lumberjack show. http://holmescountyantiquefestival.org. OCT. 6–7, 13–14 – Hale Harvest Festival, Hale Farm and Village, 2686 Oak Hill Rd., Bath, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. 5K run on Oct. 6 at 9:15 a.m. www.wrhs.org/events/harvest-festival-3-2-2. OCT. 8–20 – “Riverboats on the Ohio,” Historic Fort Steuben, 120 S. 3rd St., Steubenville, Mon.–Sat. 10 a.m.–4 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m.–4 p.m. Exhibit and programs. 740-283-1787 or www.oldfortsteuben.com.

OCT. 1–31 – Corn Maze, Beriswill Farms, 2200 Station Rd., Valley City, Tues.–Fri. and Sun. 11 a.m.–6 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.–10 p.m. Test your sense of direction in this 5-acre maze. 330-350-2486 or http:// beriswillfarms.com. OCT. 5–7, 12–14 – Zoar Fall Foliage Golf Cart Tours, 198 Main St., Zoar, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $15 for adults. See Historic Zoar Village buildings not normally included on the walking tour. Each tour limited to six guests. Reservations required. 800-262-6195 or www. historiczoarvillage.com. OCT. 6–7 – The Great Berea Train Show, Cuyahoga Co. Fgds., 19201 E. Bagley Rd., Middleburg Heights, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $8, under 16 free; $10 for 2-day pass. All-gauge show. New and


OCT. 13 – Oktoberfest, Painesville Depot, 475 Railroad St., Painesville. $5, C. (3–12) $3, Family $12 (max. 2 adults, 3 children). Authentic German and other food and beverages. Polka band 7–10 p.m. 216-470-5780 or www.painesvillerailroadmuseum.org. OCT. 13 – Olde Stark Antique Faire, Stark Co. Fgds., Exhibition Bldg., 305 Wertz Ave. NW, Canton, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Antiques and collectibles. Free appraisals. 330-794-9100 or find us on Facebook. OCT. 13–14 – Annual Apple Stirrin’ Festival, Unionport Grange, Co. Rd. 39, Unionport. Enjoy everything apples — apple butter, cider, fritters — and live entertainment each day. 740-944-1533. OCT. 13–14 – Wayne County Farm Tour, various locations, Sat. 11 a.m.–6 p.m., Sun. 1–6 p.m. Self-drive tour of area farms and agribusinesses. 330-263-7456 or www.ofbf.org/counties/wayne.

OCT. 13–14 – Oak Harbor Apple Festival, downtown Oak Harbor. $5. Contests, parade, kiddie tractor pull, classic car show, 5K Apple Run, and other fun activities. 419-898-0479 or www.oakharborohio.net. OCT. 19–20 – Van Wert County Apple Festival, Van Wert Co. Fgds., 1055 S. Washington St. (Rte. 127), Van Wert, 11 a.m.–5 p.m. Free. A festival featuring all things apple, including cider, dumplings, fritters, and more. www.visitvanwert.org. OCT. 20 – Folklore and Funfest, Wood Co. Historical Ctr. and Museum, 13660 County Home Rd., Bowling Green, 4–9 p.m. Free. Horse-drawn wagon rides, apple cider press, plus tricks and treats for all ages. 419-352-0967 or www.woodcountyhistory.org. OCT. 20–21 – Oak Ridge Festival, 15498 E. Twp. Rd. 104, Attica, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. $6, Srs. $5, C. (8–12) $4, under 8 free. Antique farm equipment, military vehicles, handmade crafts, kids’ activities, and entertainment. 419-426-0611 or www.oakridgefestival.com. OCT. 27 – Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre: “Murder in Margaritaland,” Bruno’s, 110 E. Poplar St., Sidney, 7 p.m. A night of fun, mayhem, and food. 937-658-6945 or www.sidneyalive.org. OCT. 27–28 – Woodcarver’s Show and Sale, Sauder Village, 22611 St. Rte. 2, Archbold, Sat. 10 a.m.–5 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m.–4 p.m. Skilled woodcarvers showcase handcrafted wildlife, fish, birds, bowls, ornaments, pens, and more. 800-590-9755 or www.saudervillage.org. OCT. 30 – War of the Worlds, Wood Co. Historical Museum, 13660 County Home Rd., Bowling Green, 8–9 p.m. Doors open at 7 p.m. $10. Live presentation by the Vintage Radio Players. Self-guided museum tours included with ticket price. Light refreshments served. 419-352-0967 or www.woodcountyhistory.org.

light tours every 15 minutes between 6:30 and 7:45 p.m. Golf cart tours are $30 and include a visit to the cemetery. Reservations required. 800-262-6195 or www.historiczoarvillage.com. OCT. 20 – Kidron Red Beet Festival, Sonnenberg Village, 13515 Hackett Rd., Kidron, 10 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Beet contest, food vendors, live music. 330-857-9111 or www.kidronhistoricalsociety.org. OCT. 20–21 – Colonial Trade Faire, Schoenbrunn Village, 1984 E. High Ave., New Philadelphia, Sat. 10 a.m.–5 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.–4 p.m. 330-663-6610 or www.schoenbrunnvillagefaire.org. OCT. 20–21 – Country Crossroads Education of Yesterday Farm Show, 3685 Cass Irish Ridge Rd. (intersection of St. Rtes. 16 and 60), Dresden. Free. Working antique farm and construction machinery, trucks, cars. 740-754-6248, educationofyesterday@ gmail.com, or www.facebook.com/EducationofYesterday. OCT. 26–27 – Fort Laurens Ghost Tours, 11067 Fort Laurens Rd. NW, Bolivar, 7:30–8:30 p.m. $10, C. (5–12 ) $5, under 5 free. Tours depart every 15 minutes. Reservations required. 330-874-2059 or fortlaurens@gmail.com. OCT. 26–27 – The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Schoenbrunn Village, 1984 E. High Ave., New Philadelphia, 7 and 9 p.m. Reservations required. 740-922-6776 or www.facebook.com/ HistoricSchoenbrunnVillage.

OCT. 19–20, 26–27 – Ghost Tours of Zoar, 198 Main St., Zoar, Ohio, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Adults $15, children $10. Zoar Village lantern

OCT. 27 – TCA Great Lakes Division Train Meet, UAW Hall, 5615 Chevrolet Blvd., Parma, 10 a.m.–3 p.m. Adult $6, Family $8, kids admitted free. Free parking. All-gauge show with over 175 tables. New and old trains to buy, sell, or trade. 440-665-0882 (Ed Mularz), emularz1124@aol.com, or www.greatlakestca.org.

competitions, demonstrations and clinics, wood crafts, and more. 888-388-7337 or www.ohioforest.org.

OCT. 19–21 – Muskingum Valley Trade Days, 6602 St. Rte. 78, Reinersville. 740-558-2740.

OCT. 6 – Fall Festival Day, National Road/Zane Grey Museum, OCT. 21 – The Ohio State University Marching Band, 421 New Concord, 11 a.m.–2 p.m. 740-872-3143 or www.ohiohistory.org. Yoctangee Parkway, Chillicothe, 4 p.m. Gates open at 2:30 p.m. OCT. 6 – E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, Majestic Theatre, 45 E. Second $25, Stds. $10. Live auction for 2018 Ohio State game tickets. www. adenamansion.com. St., Chillicothe, 7 p.m. $5. www.majesticchillicothe.net. OCT. 27 – Chillicothe Halloween Parade, downtown Chillicothe, OCT. 6–7 – Lucasville Trade Days, Scioto Co. Fgds., 1193 Fairground Rd., Lucasville. $3, under 13 free. 937-728-6643 or www. 7–8:30 p.m. http://visitchillicotheohio.com. lucasvilletradedays.com. OCT. 27 – Forgotten Places and Spaces Walking Tour, historic downtown Cambridge, 3–4:30 p.m. 740-705-1873 or www. OCT. 12–14 – Bob Evans Farm Festival, Bob Evans Farm and Homestead Museum, 10854 St. Rte. 588, Rio Grande, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. $5, ohiomadegetaways.com. under 6 free. 740-245-5305 or www.bobevans.com/aboutus/the-farm/ OCT. 27 – McGuffey Lane, Majestic Theatre, 45 E. Second St., farmfestival. Chillicothe, 8 p.m. $15–$20. www.majesticchillicothe.net.

OCT. 4–5, 11–12, 18–19, 25 – Weekday Fall Foliage Trains, Hocking Valley Scenic Railway, Nelsonville Depot, 33 W. Canal St., Nelsonville, 1 p.m. $15–17, under 3 free. 740-249-1452 or www. hvsry.org. OCT. 4–31 – The Sleepy Hollow Experience at Haunted Mountain, Sugarloaf Mountain Amphitheatre, 5968 Marietta Rd., Chillicothe, Thur.–Sat. 7 p.m., Sun. 3 p.m. $15–$40. www. tecumsehdrama.com. OCT. 5–7 – Paul Bunyan Show, Guernsey Co. Fgds., 335 Old National Rd., Old Washington (Cambridge), Fri./Sat. 8 a.m.–5 p.m., Sun. 8 a.m.–3 p.m. $10, Srs./C. (7–12) $5, under 7 free. Lumberjack

OCT. 12–14 – Chillicothe Halloween Festival, Yoctangee Park, downtown Chillicothe. Features Halloween- and paranormalthemed merchandise, celebrity appearances, haunted house, mechanical rides, inflatables, costume contest, coffin races, and festival foods. www.chillicothehalloweenfestival.com. OCT. 13–14 – Townsquare Quilt Guild Quilt Show, Floral Hall, Noble Co. Fgds., Caldwell, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. $5 admission. “Poppies” theme commemorates the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I. 740-679-3342. OCT. 19 – Fall Festival of Leaves, downtown Bainbridge. Arts and crafts, entertainment, parades, contests, and self-guided Paint Valley Skyline Drive tours. www.fallfestivalofleaves.com.


OCT. 27 – Trail of Treats, Deerassic Park Education Ctr., 14250 Cadiz Rd., Cambridge, 2–3 p.m. Local businesses pass out goodies on our kid-friendly trail, geared for those under 14. 740-435-3335 or www.deerassic.com. OCT. 27 – Un-haunted Forest, Shawnee State Park, 4404 St. Rte. 125, Portsmouth, 6–9 p.m. A guided, lantern-lit walk on an easy halfmile loop trail. 740-858-6652 or http://parks.ohiodnr.gov/Shawnee. OCT. 28 – Annual Toy and Craft Show, Pritchard Laughlin Civic Ctr., 7033 Glenn Highway, Cambridge, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Free admission. 740-439-7009 or www.pritchardlaughlin.com.


sale. Demonstrations, food trucks, and fun for the entire family. www.facebook.com/ohiomakesfestival.


OCT. 19–20 – Historic Ghost Tour, Frances Steube Community Ctr., 22 S. Trine St., Canal Winchester, 6:30–7:30 p.m. Six tours of Canal Winchester’s past. 614-833-1846 or www.cwhistory.org.

OCT. 6–7, 13–14, 20–21 – Lorena Sternwheeler Fall Foliage Rides, Zane’s Landing Park, West Market St., Zanesville, 2–3 p.m. $8, Srs. $7, C. (2–12) $4. Enjoy a one-hour scenic cruise on the Muskingum River. 800-743-2303 or www.visitzanesville.com.

OCT. 19–21 – Apple Butter Stirrin’ Festival, Historic Roscoe Village, 600 N. Whitewoman St., Coshocton, Fri./Sat. 10 a.m.–6 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.–5 p.m. $5, under 12 free. Fresh apple butter cooked over an open fire. Living history tours, canal boat rides, and children’s activities. 740-622-7664 or www.roscoevillage.com.

OCT. 6–28 – Rock Mill Weekends, Rock Mill Park, 1429 Rockmill Place NW, Lancaster, every Sat. and Sun., 12–4 p.m. Free. Tour the 1824 mill, walk on the covered bridge, and enjoy Hocking River Falls. 740-681-7249 or www.fairfieldcountyparks.org/events.

OCT. 19–21 – Do Black Patent Leather Shoes Really Reflect Up?, Marion Palace Theatre May Pavilion, 276 W. Center St., Marion, Fri./Sat. 7:30 p.m., Sun. 2 p.m. Adults $18, children $12. 740-383-2101 or www.marionpalace.org.

OCT. 11 – First Drafts Book Club, Combustion Brewery & Taproom, 80 W. Church St. #101, Pickerington, 7–8 p.m. Featured book is Gilded Cage by Vic James. Age 21 and over. 614-837-4104 ext. 233 or www.pickeringtonlibrary.org/sycamore-plaza-library. OCT. 4 – Yoga at Your Library, Sycamore Plaza Library, 7861 Refugee Rd., Pickerington, 11 a.m.–noon. Free. No registration required. www.pickeringtonlibrary.org/sycamore-plaza-library.

OCT. 13 – Grandma Gatewood’s Fall Colors Hike, Hocking Hills State Park, 19852 St. Rte. 664 S., Logan, 9 a.m. A strenuous hike that spans 6 miles, from Old Man’s Cave to Cedar Falls and back. 740-385-6841 or www.thehockinghills.org/Events.htm.

OCT. 5–7 – Columbus Italian Festival, St. John the Baptist Italian Catholic Church, 720 Hamlet St., Columbus, Fri. 5–11 p.m., Sat. noon–11 p.m., Sun. noon–7 p.m. $5, under 12 free. 614-2948259 or www.columbusitalianfestival.com.

OCT. 13 – Lorena Sternwheeler Dinner Cruise, Zane’s Landing Park, West Market St., Zanesville, 5–7 p.m. $35. Reservations required at least 48 hours in advance. 800-743-2303 www. visitzanesville.com.

OCT. 5–7 – Junie B. Jones Jr.: The Musical, Marion Palace Theatre, 276 W. Center St., Marion, Fri./Sat. 7:30 p.m., Sun. 2 p.m. Adults $18, children $12. 740-383-2101 or www.marionpalace.org.

OCT. 14 – 87th Annual Scout Pilgrimage, Harding Memorial, corner of Delaware Ave. (St. Rte. 423) and Vernon Heights Blvd.., Marion, parade at 3 p.m., ceremony at 3:30 p.m. Free. 740-3879630 or www.hardinghome.org.

OCT. 5–7 – Ohio Gourd Show, Delaware Co. Fgds., 236 Pennsylvania Ave., Delaware, Fri. noon–5 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m.–5 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $5 per day, $7 for weekend, under 13 free. Features gourd arts and crafts, competitions, workshops, and even gourd music! www.americangourdsociety.org/ohiochapter or www.facebook.com/OhioGourdShow. OCT. 6–7 – 1st Annual Ohio Makes Festival, Zane State College, 1555 Newark Rd., Zanesville, 10 a.m.–6 p.m. Free. Makers and manufacturers of all sizes will be offering their products for

OCT. 20–21 – The Great Pumpkin Glow, Kingwood Center Gardens, 50 Trimble Rd., Mansfield, Sat. 5–10 p.m., Sun. 5–9 p.m. $6 online, $8 at the door; under 7 free. Free community carving days on Oct. 17–19, 11 a.m.–8 p.m. 419-522-0211 ext. 108 or http:// kingwoodcenter.org/events/2018-pumpkin-glow. OCT. 22 – Easy Holiday Arrangements, Pickerington Public Library, 201 Opportunity Way, Pickerington, 6:30–7:30 p.m. Free. Learn how to create easy, elegant floral arrangements. Presented by the Pickerington Garden Club. Registration recommended: in person; by calling 614-837-4104 ext. 226; or online at https:// pickeringtonlibrary.org/event/easy-holiday-arrangements. OCT. 27 – Applebutter Stir and Horseradish Day, Lawrence Orchards, 2634 Smeltzer Rd., Marion, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Free. 740389-3019 or www.lawrenceorchards.com. OCT. 27 – Chili Dinner, Canal Winchester Community Center, 22 S. Trine St., Canal Winchester, 4–8 p.m. Includes silent auction, raffle, and bake sale. Proceeds benefit Friends for Life Animal Haven. 614-837-8276.

OCT. 17–20 – Circleville Pumpkin Show, downtown Circleville. Free admission. Ohio’s oldest and largest pumpkin celebration. Seven different parades. 740-474-7000 or www.pumpkinshow.com. OCT. 18–31 – Scarecrows on the Lawn, 221 E. Broadway, Granville. Free. Themed scarecrows, designed and created by Welsh Hills H.S. students, invade the museum lawn. 740-5870430 or www.robbinshunter.org.

OCT. 27 – Teen Book Fest, Pickerington Public Library, 201 Opportunity Way, Pickerington, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Free. A one-day event with 13 authors, discussion panels, book signings, and food trucks. www.pickeringtonlibrary.org.

OCT. 6–7, 14, 20–21, 27–28 – Pumpkin Blow, Neusole Glassworks, 11925 Kemper Springs Dr., Cincinnati, between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. $40 per person per 30-min. session. Children must be 5 years or older. Blow your own pumpkin from hot molten glass. Reservations required: 513-751-3292 or neusoleglassworks@ hotmail.com.


OCT. 12 – Mainstreet Piqua Chocolate Walk, downtown Piqua, 5:30–8 p.m. $20. Visit over 20 businesses and get a chocolate treat at each stop. 937-773-9355 or www.mainstreetpiqua.com.

OCT. 6–28 – Fall Farm Days, Bonnybrook Farm, 3779 St. Rte. 132, Clarksville, Sat. 12–7 p.m., Sun. 12–6 p.m. $15. Pumpkin picking, wagon rides, corn maze, petting zoo, games, and food. 937-2892500 or http://bonnybrookfarms.com. OCT. 7 – Artist-in-Residence Gallery Show and Art Sale, Highlands Nature Sanctuary, 7660 Cave Rd., Bainbridge. A gala showcase and sale of works produced by the artists-in-residence during their stay. http://arcofappalachia.org/artist-in-residence. OCT. 5–6 – Champaign County Balloon Fest: A Hot Air Affair, Grimes Field, 1631 N. Main St., Urbana, 4–9 p.m. Weekend pass $2 adults, $1 children. Family fun activities, music, food, and don’t forget “Airport Pie”! Balloons rise at 6 p.m. Bring your lawn chair. 937-652-4319 or www.balloonfestohio.com. OCT. 5–7 – Fall Women’s Retreat, Highlands Nature Sanctuary, 7660 Cave Rd., Bainbridge. Enjoy the company of like-minded women and get back to nature. Space is limited. Register at 937-3651935 or http://arcofappalachia.org/womens-retreat. OCT. 6 – Celebrate Fall at the Johnston Farm, 9845 N. Hardin Rd., Piqua, 12–5:30 p.m. Tour the Johnston home, visit the Historic Indian and Canal Museum, and take a ride on the General Harrison of Piqua. 800-752-2619 or www.johnstonfarmohio.com.

OCT. 7 – Wilmington Doll Show and Sale, Roberts Ctr., 123 Gano Rd., Wilmington, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $6, under 13 free. Early-bird admission 8:30 a.m. ($20). Dolls, bears, and toys from antique to modern. Appraisals and ID/valuation, workshops, on-site restringing. Handicap accessible. www.wilmingtondollshow.com. OCT. 9–13 – Bradford Pumpkin Show, downtown Bradford. Free admission. Parades, rides, and contests. Car show and craft show on Saturday. Pumpkin pie and bread baking contest on Wednesday. 937-448-0630 or www.bradfordpumpkinshow.org. OCT. 12 – Bluegrass Night at Fibonacci Brewing Company, 1445 Compton Rd., Cincinnati, 7–9 p.m. Free admission. Enjoy music by Vernon McIntyre’s Appalachian Grass. Food available. 513-832-1422, events@fibbrew.com, or www.fibbrew.com.

OCT. 13 – Hodgesville Lions Club “Eat a Bite for Sight” Pancake and Sausage Breakfast, Warren District Community Ctr., Hodgesville, 7 a.m.–1 p.m. Pancakes, regular and buckwheat, with sausage, sausage gravy and biscuit, and drinks. Please bring your old eyeglasses for recycling. Brooms for sale. 304-472-3455. OCT. 21 – Bridge Day, New River Gorge Bridge, Fayette County. West Virginia’s largest single-day festival. Spectators can walk across the famed span and watch as rappellers and base jumpers leap into the gorge. Food and craft vendors. https://officialbridgeday.com or 800-927-0263.

OCT. 13–14 – Fall Farm Fest, Lost Creek Reserve and Knoop Agricultural Learning Center, 2385 E. St. Rte. 41, Troy, Sat. 12–7 p.m., Sun. 12–5 p.m. Free admission. Corn maze, pumpkin patch, scarecrow contest, wagon rides, kids’ activities, and more. 937-3356273 or www.miamicountyparks.com. OCT. 13–14 – Ohio Sauerkraut Festival, 10B N. Wayne St., Waynesville, Sat. 9 a.m.–8 p.m., Sun. 9 a.m.–6 p.m. Sample homemade sauerkraut and kraut-containing foods. Over 450 craft booths from vendors across the nation. 513-897-8855 or https:// sauerkrautfestival.waynesvilleohio.com.

OCT. 7 – West Virginia Chestnut Festival, Rowlesburg, 10:30 a.m.–7:30 p.m. Roasted chestnuts for sampling or purchase, chestnut saplings for planting, chestnut crafts and wares, and guest speakers/researchers. www.wvchestnutfestival.com.


OCT. 12–14 – Operation Pumpkin, downtown Hamilton, Fri./ Sat. 11 a.m.–10 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Free admission. Pumpkin weigh-off, pumpkin sculpting, pet parade, live entertainment, and more. 513-844-8080 or www.operation-pumpkin.org.

OCT. 19 – Vernon McIntyre’s Appalachian Grass, Butler County Bluegrass Assoc., 200 Warwick Rd., Hamilton, 7–9 p.m. Donation requested. An evening of lively bluegrass. 513-607-1874 or www.fotmc.com. OCT. 20 – “Sinkholes, Seeps, Stone Arches: The Splendid Karst Landscape of Fort Hill,” Fort Hill, 13614 Fort Hill Rd., Hillsboro. Guided hike to learn about the preserve. Register at 937-365-1935 or http://arcofappalachia.org/arc-events. OCT. 21 – Music at the Mound with Steve Free, Serpent Mound, 3850 OH-73, Peebles, 1 p.m. Free admission; $8 parking. http:// arcofappalachia.org/steve-free.

PLEASE NOTE: Ohio Cooperative Living strives for accuracy but urges readers to confirm dates and times before traveling long distances to events. Submit listings AT LEAST 90 DAYS prior to the event to Ohio Cooperative Living, 6677 Busch Blvd., Columbus, OH 43229 or events@ohioec.org. Ohio Cooperative Living will not publish listings that don’t include a complete address or a number/ website for more information.







4 6





New River

Train ®

1. and 2. My son, Clay, wanted me to make him a bat costume, while my owl-loving daughter, Meara, asked for a snowy owl. Dawn Rice South Central Power Company member

3. Brutus, my favorite clown! Nedra Hall Tricounty Rural Electric Cooperative member

4. My granddaughter, the cutest little fawn I have ever seen. Andie Eschbaugh Washington Electric Cooperative member

5. Our grandchildren, Trevor, Jeffrey, T.J., Jaime, and Tori, ready to go to the Good Zoo Halloween event. Patty Quaglia South Central Power Company member

6. Max, our 13-year-old rat terrier, loves to dress up for fun. Here he is in his leather bike outfit. Rick and Theresa Turner Midwest Electric members

7. My daughter, Josi, aka Dorothy, with her best friend Aliah, a cute hippie, at the New Vienna Elementary School Fall Carnival. Leah Balon South Central Power Company member


8. Our children: Jaime, Crazy Cat Lady; Jeffrey as Elliot from E.T.; and Ethan as Beetlejuice. Sarah and Jimmy Bolon

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South Central Power Company members

9. This is Dobie and Chance, two alpacas from Our Little World Alpacas, LLC in Grafton, Ohio. They go to weddings for photo shoots. Brian Turner Lorain-Medina Rural Electric Cooperative member

10. Our son, Ryan, was the Energizer Bunny for Halloween. This fits his personality perfectly! Scott and Anita Aldrich Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative member

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Send us your picture! For January, send “New Year’s cheers!” by Oct. 15; for February, send “Snowmen” by Nov. 15. Upload your photos at ohioec.org/ memberinteractive and remember to include your co-op name and to identify everyone in your photos.


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13. Bosco, a three-legged cancer survivor, is a pirate for Halloween. Nancy Painter

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11. Our son, Oliver Scott Lindemer, on his first Halloween, dressed as a bunch of grapes! Kimberly Lindemer Harrison Rural Electrification Association member

12. Our kids, Ridge, as the Grinch, and Macy, as Cindy Lou Who, are all ready for trick-or-treating! Molly Bernard Firelands Electric Cooperative member



South Central Power Company member

14. My daughter, Jodi, dressing to the nines in her 1920s costume. Debra Malusky Carroll Electric Cooperative member

15. Ben Wolfe of Cambridge, then 8 years old, in front of the John and Annie Glenn Museum in New Concord during trick-or-treat night. Niki Wolfe Guernsey-Muskingum Electric Cooperative member

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