2018 Annual Report

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Engaging Ohio’s Communities

Annual Report FISCAL YEAR 2018



Executive Director & CEO

Board President

Our mission is to spark discovery of Ohio’s stories. Embrace the present, share the past and transform the future. While we look to how we can build a better future in Ohio we are, first and foremost, committed to bringing history to life for Ohio students. We know that a strong history education turns students into readers, researchers and thinkers, setting the stage for them to become the leaders of tomorrow. As the public history organization for the state of Ohio, we’re increasingly aware that our greatest impact on the future begins with our youngest citizens. When I volunteer at Ohio History Day each year, I see the positive impact that the study of history has on every student, and I witness the incredible abilities we hope all children have when they graduate from high school: critical thinking skills, a wide-ranging social awareness, confidence and public speaking skills. In our reflection on this past year, it’s a fitting time to look back at all we’ve accomplished together. While this list doesn’t encompass everything, we’re proud to share these selected highlights with you. •W e’re one step closer to our goal to make the Hopewell Ceremonial Earthworks the first World Heritage Site in Ohio. The U.S. Department of the Interior invited Ohio’s Hopewell Ceremonial Earthworks to be the United States’ next nomination to be prepared for the World Heritage List. •W e hosted the second annual Tribal Nations Conference last fall at the Ohio History Center. Bringing together 18 representatives from 12 federally-recognized tribes, the conference is designed to build and nurture relationships between Ohio and Tribal Nations and to address important regulatory topics related to preserving and sharing American Indian history.

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•3 0 years ago the National Afro-American Museum & Cultural Center opened its doors. This year the museum opened African Americans Fighting for a Double Victory and Behind the Mask: Black Power in Comics. •W e acquired the two remaining Poindexter Village buildings in Columbus, advancing our commitment to preserving and sharing the stories of the first public housing project in Columbus and one of the first in the nation. We also opened the exhibit Poindexter Village: A Portrait in Stories in partnership with the James Preston Poindexter Foundation. •O ur organization received the largest capital budget allocation in our long history this fiscal year, which helps us continue our work to preserve and share Ohio’s stories all over the state. On behalf of everyone who has contributed to these successes, thank you. A special thanks to Gov. John R. Kasich, the Ohio General Assembly, our Board of Trustees, members, donors and volunteers across the state who make our work possible. We look forward to the beginning of a new and exciting year for Ohio history. We hope you’ll join us in continuing to preserve and share Ohio’s stories. Sincerely,

As Ohio History Connection Board President, I work to forward our mission to spark the discovery of Ohio’s stories. This past year, I’ve visited each of our more than 50 historic sites across our state. I was honored and humbled to receive recognition for this milestone from my Ohio History Connection colleagues at our most recent annual meeting. During my travels I’ve explored Zoar Village and experienced life in a 19th century utopian community, learned about the formative years of Ulysses S. Grant at his boyhood home and schoolhouse in Georgetown, and gained a greater understanding of the groundbreaking work of African American poet Paul Laurence Dunbar at his home in Dayton. Local history thrives in Ohio—from our small communities to our large metropolitan areas, there’s incredible pride and passion in the shared stories of our hometown heroes, historic places and important events. Getting an understanding of our past is vital to a successful future, and it’s paramount that our young people have the opportunity to study history today. Our historic sites like the Paul Laurence Dunbar home allow students to experience life in a different time—by learning about the struggles and triumphs Dunbar faced in late 1800s America, they can make connections across history, developing a greater understanding of what was going on in our country then, and how it relates to our modern day. These experiences help foster

critical thinking skills and create an environment for evidence-based learning among our students. These skills lay the foundation for higher education and set the stage for them to become the leaders of tomorrow. As I reflect on my year in service as Ohio History Connection’s Board President, I think about all that we’ve accomplished together to inspire a new generation of history ambassadors. I look forward to serving as an active board member to build on these accomplishments, and I welcome Thomas Chema as our newest Board President. With him at the helm, we are certain to continue to achieve big things on behalf of Ohio history. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you and all Ohioans in this important role. Sincerely,

Robert W. Lucas

Burt Logan

Robert W. Lucas receives recognition for visiting all of Ohio History Connection's historic sites

FY2018 Annual Report • 3


Photo credit: Phil Myers

Embrace the present, share the past and transform the future. CORE VALUES RELEVANCE Addressing and communicating the significance of history with Ohio’s diverse people AUTHENTICITY Valuing artifacts and true stories of history INCLUSIVITY Appealing to all Ohioans, especially underserved audiences STEWARDSHIP Protecting the evidence of Ohio history WORKING TOGETHER Pursuing teamwork and sharing authority and responsibility 4 • Ohio History Connection

Your public history organization dedicated to preserving and sharing Ohio’s stories WHAT WE DO •M anage more than 50 historic sites and museums across Ohio. • Care for our state’s collections and archives and share the stories of Ohio and Ohioans. • Administer the state historic preservation office that helps preserve historic places in Ohio. • Provide education and outreach services that support students, teachers, local history groups and communities in Ohio.

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Reita Smith, James Preston Poindexter Foundation historian


Poindexter Village Poindexter Village is our 59th historic site!

This year we acquired our 59th historic site, Poindexter Village. Dedicated on October 12, 1940, this community was one of our nation’s first public housing projects. Two buildings remain of the original 35 in the complex, and we’re excited to transform them into a public history museum dedicated to the preservation and sharing of this important community story. Poindexter Village was named in honor of the Rev. James Poindexter, a minister, civil rights activist and community leader who became the first black member of Columbus’s City Council and Board of Education in the late 1800s. It’s a special place with residents that exemplified the values of Rev. James P. Poindexter–community connectedness, civic duty, collaboration and support for one another. Poindexter Village is often described as the heart of the African American community in central Ohio. It was home to renowned artist Aminah Robinson, jazz percussionist Steve “Paco” Grier, several Tuskegee Airmen and 10TV broadcast journalist Angela Pace.


Brad Lepper, Ohio History Connection curator of archaeology, conducts a tour of Newark Earthworks with tribal partners


World Heritage List This spring, the U.S. Department of the Interior invited Ohio’s Hopewell Ceremonial Earthworks to be our country’s next nomination for World Heritage List consideration! These sites would join other destinations on the list recognized for their cultural and natural significance such as the Taj Mahal, the Great Wall of China and Yellowstone National Park. The Hopewell Ceremonial Earthworks nomination includes the Newark Earthworks in Licking County and Fort Ancient in Warren County, both Ohio History Connection sites. Five National Park Service sites at Hopewell Culture National Historical Park in Ross County are also included in the nomination. These 2,000 year-old American Indian earthworks are the most outstanding examples of ancient monumental earthen landscape architecture in the world. Collectively, this would be the first World Heritage site in Ohio, which would bring tremendous benefit to our state, American Indian Tribes and history and heritage travelers worldwide.

Listing ensures their ongoing protection and preservation for future generations. It also encourages tourism. A recent study by Ohio University’s Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs projected a likely doubling of visitors to the earthworks, along with 181 new jobs and a $12.5 million annual economic impact. A decision on inscription could come from the World Heritage Committee within the next few years.

EXPLORE THESE AMAZING SITES TODAY! Plan your visit at ohiohistory.org/worldheritage

This new historic site will be operated with our partners the James Preston Poindexter Foundation, a passionate group that works tirelessly to keep Rev. Poindexter’s history alive. This year, we also collaborated with the foundation on the exhibit Poindexter Village: A Portrait in Stories. Planning is underway to open the museum tentatively in 2022. Stay tuned for the next chapter in this exciting story. 6 • Ohio History Connection

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A C-119 Flying Boxcar was the aircraft involved in the exercise on April 18, 1964.

OHIO HISTORICAL MARKERS SHOWCASE “ This marker serves as a permanent reminder of the sacrifice of these men. They are long remembered and never to be forgotten.” – KATHY KELLY SNAPP –

History Across Ohio For over 60 years, the Ohio Historical Marker program has championed our state’s history. In partnership with local community sponsors, more than 1600 markers have been placed and dedicated all over Ohio. These unique* landmarks showcase the important people, places and events in our shared history. This past spring the Wilmington, Ohio community came together for a marker dedication to honor 17 heroic U.S. Army and Air Force service members who lost their lives in an April 18, 1964 military air disaster. That day, the 907th Tactical Group of the 302nd Troop Carrier Wing along with the 2nd Special Forces Group of the Army’s 20th Corps were conducting a run through of a routine paratroop drop. Poor weather conditions forced the mission to be canceled. Returning to base, two aircraft collided in midair and crashed, killing 17 of the 19 personnel onboard. It was important to Kathy Kelly Snapp to honor her brother’s legacy with this marker, and she contacted our organization about this important community story. Staff/Sgt. Joseph T. “Tim” Kelly was one of the casualties from that mission. The Ohio Historical Marker was placed in partnership with the Clinton County Historical Society, the Buckeye Wing Association and Special Forces Association Chapter 45. *Made in Ohio!

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Cincinnati Music Hall today. Photo courtesy of Matthew Zory.


Returns for an Encore

Our State Historic Preservation Office works in partnership with the National Park Service on the Federal Historic Tax Credit program and alongside the Ohio Development Services Agency on the Ohio Historic Preservation Tax Credit program. Often used hand-in-hand, both of these beneficial programs preserve the buildings and neighborhoods that give our communities their unique historic character. They also generate substantial economic growth for the state of Ohio. With combined federal and state credits, each completed project creates on average 190 new permanent jobs and 98 construction jobs.

Photo courtesy of Matthew Zory.

A local coalition of developers and preservationists in Cincinnati recently leveraged these historic tax credits, alongside private donations and grants, for an extraordinary renovation of Cincinnati Music Hall. The High Victorian Gothic Revival hall in the city’s Over-the-Rhine historic district was an iconic fixture with complex needs. When it was completed in 1879, the venue served as a central location for musical performances, exhibitions and sporting events. Rehabilitation work was necessary to sustain the historic structure and to provide the modern amenities that audiences expect. On October 7 after a years-long partnership with members of our State Historic Preservation Office, the Cincinnati Music Hall Revitalization Corporation, 3CDC and the Society for the Preservation of Music Hall revealed the remarkable historic renovations. Thanks to this important work, Music Hall will continue to be a must-see landmark in Over-the-Rhine for generations to come. FY2018 Annual Report • 9



This F5D Skylancer image courtesy of NASA was used for historic reference in the restoration.


History Education in Ohio Schools Thousands of students compete in Ohio History Day competitions across the state each year. An affiliate of National History Day and coordinated by Ohio History Connection, these competitions support history education in Ohio schools and give students in 4-12 grades the chance to become historians. Each year students perform in-depth research and create papers, documentaries, performances, exhibits or websites that align with a given theme. This year’s theme was Conflict and Compromise. Top performers go on to compete in the national competition. 59 Ohio History Day students took part in National History Day in College Park, Maryland along with 3,000 students from around the world. The Ohio delegation represented all corners of our state and were recognized at the national level. Students Sylvie Devore and Haley Rutan from Dresden Elementary School won second place in the Junior Division for their group website, The Indian Removal Act: Conflict, Compromise, and Displacement of the Five Civilized Tribes.

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Samantha Molin from Gahanna Middle School South placed fourth in the Junior Paper category and was named Outstanding in State for her paper, The Assumption Bill: A Compromise at the Dinner Table, which detailed the debt resolution between Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison after the Revolutionary War. Often an Ohio History Day project inspires students to dig deeper into history. Samantha says, “I was really interested in my topic this year, and it made me want to keep learning more.”


Airplane Restored We welcomed back an iconic and rare aircraft to the Armstrong Air & Space Museum, our historic site in Wapakoneta. The F5D Skylancer was flown by Neil Armstrong and just received an extensive restoration. The plane left the museum in September for this work, which was completed by Thomarios based in Copley, Ohio under the direction of Cleveland’s Intermuseum Conservation Association (ICA). The Skylancer was restored to its condition when Armstrong flew the plane for NASA. This rare experimental aircraft was built for the Dyna-Soar (Dynamic Soarer) program, which was NASA’s short-lived project to build manned, reusable space planes. The biggest change is the number on the aircraft, which formerly read “802.” The number 213 is now prominently featured on the Skylancer, which was the number on the craft when Neil Armstrong flew it for NASA. The aircraft has been a fixture at the museum since it opened on July 20, 1972. In 2017, NASA transferred ownership of the Skylancer to the Ohio History Connection, which ensures that the Skylancer will be a permanent part of the Armstrong Air & Space Museum. With only two of the initial F5D Skylancers intact, this is one of the world’s rarest planes. The restoration comes at a great time—next year we’ll celebrate the 50th anniversary of Neil Armstrong’s famous walk on the moon. The Skylancer is a remarkable example of Ohio’s contribution to our nation’s aeronautical history.

FY2018 Annual Report • 11

The Ohio History Connection oversees 59 historic sites and museums in communities all over Ohio, managed locally by our site partners.

Our Historic Sites and Museums Glacial Grooves Geological Preserve TOLEDO


Inscription Rock Petroglyphs

Fort Meigs

Fallen Timbers Battlefield Memorial Park




Shaker Historical Museum


Cooke-Dorn House Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Library & Museums







80 271

Tallmadge Church 76 76


Youngstown Historical Center YOUNGSTOWN



71 77

Indian Mill

30 30



LIMA Fort Amanda Memorial Park

Fort Laurens


Armstrong Air & Space Museum

Zoar Village

Warren G. Harding Home & Memorial



Fort Recovery Museum & Monument

Cedar Bog Nature Preserve

Fort Jefferson Memorial Park 70 35

Miamisburg Mound



Quaker Yearly John & Annie Meeting House Newark Glenn Museum Ohio History Center Earthworks & Ohio Village NEWARK 270 National Road & Poindexter Village 70 Zane Grey Museum Shrum Flint Ridge C O L U M B U S Mound Ancient Quarries 77 & Nature Preserve 33 23

L AN C ASTER Logan Elm

68 35

71 Fort Ancient Earthworks & William 275 Nature Preserve Henry 68 Harrison CINCINNATI 50 Tomb Fort Hill Earthworks & Harriet Beecher Stowe House Nature Preserve

U.S. Grant Birthplace 52



Hanby House

Paul Laurence 71 Dunbar House DAY TON National Afro-American Museum & Cultural Center


McCook House

Custer Monument


Lockington Locks

Museum of Ceramics

Schoenbrunn Village

71 23

Johnston Farm & Indian Agency


Big Bottom Memorial Park

Wahkeena Nature Preserve

Adena Mansion & Gardens

Campus Martius MAR I ET TA Museum Ohio River Museum

Story Mound


50 35 23


Leo Petroglyphs & Nature Preserve


Serpent Mound

Buckeye Furnace


U.S. Grant Davis Memorial Boyhood Home Nature Preserve & Schoolhouse P OR TSMOUTH John Rankin House

Our House Tavern 7





Buffington Island Battlefield Memorial Park





Adena Mansion & Gardens................................................. Armstrong Air & Space Museum....................................... Big Bottom Memorial Park................................................ Buckeye Furnace................................................................. Buffington Island Battlefield Memorial Park.................. Campus Martius Museum.................................................. Cedar Bog Nature Preserve............................................... Cooke-Dorn House............................................................. Custer Monument............................................................... Davis Memorial Nature Preserve......................................

Adena Mansion and Gardens Society Armstrong Air & Space Museum Association Village of Stockport Friends of Buckeye Furnace, Inc. Ohio History Connection Friends of the Museums Cedar Bog Association The Old House Guild of Sandusky Custer Memorial Association Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Natural Areas & Preserves Metropolitan Park District of the Toledo Area Licking Valley Heritage Society Johnny Appleseed Metropolitan Park District Dayton Society of Natural History The Arc of Appalachia Preserve System Darke County Commissioners Zoar Community Association Fort Meigs Association Fort Recovery Historical Society Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Kelleys Island State Park Westerville Historical Society Friends of Harriet Beecher Stowe House, Inc. Hayes Presidential Center, Inc. Wyandot County Archeological & Historical Society Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Kelleys Island State Park Ripley Heritage, Inc. Johnston Farm Friends Council Museum Association of East Muskingum Friends of Buckeye Furnace, Inc. Johnston Farm Friends Council Pickaway County Park District Carroll County Historical Society City of Miamisburg Museum of Ceramics Foundation Ohio History Connection Museum Association of East Muskingum Ohio History Connection Ohio History Connection Friends of the Museums The Friends of Our House Committee Dayton History The James Preston Poindexter Foundation Historical Society of Mount Pleasant Dennison Railroad Depot Museum The Arc of Appalachia Preserve System The Shaker Historical Society Ohio History Connection Adena Mansion and Gardens Society City of Tallmadge Historic New Richmond, Inc. U.S. Grant Homestead Association Fairfield County Park District Marion Technical College Harrison Symmes Memorial Foundation Youngstown State University Zoar Community Association

Fallen Timbers Battlefield Memorial Park....................... Flint Ridge Ancient Quarries & Nature Preserve............ Fort Amanda Memorial Park.............................................. Fort Ancient Earthworks & Nature Preserve................... Fort Hill Earthworks & Nature Preserve.......................... Fort Jefferson Memorial Park........................................... Fort Laurens.......................................................................... Fort Meigs............................................................................. Fort Recovery Museum & Monument.............................. Glacial Grooves Geological Preserve.............................. Hanby House........................................................................ Harriet Beecher Stowe House........................................... Hayes Presidential Library & Museums........................... Indian Mill............................................................................. Inscription Rock Petroglyphs............................................ John Rankin House............................................................. Johnston Farm & Indian Agency...................................... John & Annie Glenn Museum ........................................... Leo Petroglyphs & Nature Preserve................................. Lockington Locks................................................................ Logan Elm............................................................................. McCook House..................................................................... Miamisburg Mound............................................................. Museum of Ceramics.......................................................... National Afro-American Museum & Cultural Center.... National Road & Zane Grey Museum............................... Newark Earthworks............................................................. Ohio History Center & Ohio Village................................. Ohio River Museum............................................................. Our House Tavern................................................................ Paul Laurence Dunbar House............................................ Poindexter Village*............................................................. Quaker Yearly Meeting House........................................... Schoenbrunn Village........................................................... Serpent Mound.................................................................... Shaker Historical Museum................................................. Shrum Mound....................................................................... Story Mound......................................................................... Tallmadge Church............................................................... U.S. Grant Birthplace........................................................... U.S. Grant Boyhood Home & Schoolhouse.................... Wahkeena Nature Preserve............................................... Warren G. Harding Home & Memorial............................. William Henry Harrison Tomb........................................... Youngstown Historical Center of Industry & Labor...... Zoar Village........................................................................... *Opens 2022

12 • Ohio History Connection

FY2018 Annual Report • 13





Annual Revenue + Expenses







Burt Logan Executive Director & CEO


John R. Kasich Governor, State of Ohio

Jen Aultman World Heritage Project Coordinator

Thomas V. Chema Vice President, Westlake

Jackie Barton Director, Historic Sites & Facilities

Ronald J. Ungvarsky Vice President, Bexley


Stephen George Senior Advisor to the CEO

Suhas Kakde Treasurer, Spring Valley


Stacey Halfmoon Director, American Indian Relations

James A. Wilson Secretary, Bexley

Kimberlee Kiehl Director, Museum of Ohio Project




1% 0


FY08 Capital


FY09 GRF †











Earned Revenue

† General Revenue Fund


40% Site Operations, Education and Interpretive Programs State Archives and Library

14% 16%


Historic Preservation Office

Stacia Kuceyeski Director, Outreach

Capital Projects

Jerri Letcavits Executive Assistant to the CEO


Management and General State Capital Projects

Jamison Pack Chief Marketing Officer


State General Revenue Fund


Contracts and Grants


Contributions (Financial, Materials and Services) Earned Revenue


Amanda Terrell Director, State Historic Preservation Office

Jeff Ward Chief Financial Officer

Total: $27,114,000



Todd Topper Collections Expansion Project Manager



volunteers donated 87,516 hours of their time, providing a value of $1,801,421 in support.

Todd Kleismit Director, Community & Government Relations

Robert W. Lucas President, Pemberville

C. Ellen Connally, Cleveland Loann W. Crane, Columbus James F. Dicke II, New Bremen Jon T. Elsasser, Zoar Richard F. Hillis, Powell George M. lronstrack, Oxford Charles R. Moses, Dublin Joseph M. Patchen, Worthington Michael G. Rapp, Blue Ash Robert M. Roach, Columbus Elizabeth A. Weibel, Chagrin Falls

Larry Obhof President, Ohio Senate Kenny Yuko Minority Leader, Ohio Senate Ryan Smith Speaker of the Ohio House Fred Strahorn Minority Leader, Ohio House of Representatives Todd McCormick President, Ohio Local History Alliance Janet Bednarek President, Ohio Academy of History John Carey Chancellor, Ohio Board of Regents Michael Woytek President, Ohio Academy of Science Paolo DeMaria Superintendent of Public Instruction David Goodman Director, Ohio Development Services Agency Laura P. Battocletti Director, Capitol Square Review and Advisory Board Suhas Kakde Chair, Ohio History Connection Foundation Board

Charles Wash Director, National Afro-American Museum & Cultural Center

From FY 2010 to FY 2018, the Ohio History Connection has seen the following results:

Megan Wood Director, Museum & Library Services


Members Contributions Earned Revenue


Number of Visitors Across Site System



* FY 2018 data is preliminary and not final. For audited FY18 information, contact 800.686.1537.

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FY2018 Annual Report • 15



1,115 artifacts were loaned to 41 organizations in Ohio and across the country. This includes manuscripts, natural history specimens, works of art, archaeology collections and more.

21,098 school children visited Ohio Village and the Ohio History Center.

10,000 students participated in Ohio History Day.


$76,000 granted from the Ohio History Fund to nine organizations throughout Ohio. Since the Ohio History Fund began in 2012, it has made a total of $598,000 in grants to 63 organizations across Ohio.

students use Ohio as America, our online textbook for fourth graders.

33 new nominations on the National Register of Historic Places for a total of 4,073 Ohio properties.


$920.2 million

was invested in historic buildings in 2018 through the Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Program, which brings the total to $5.4 billion invested in Ohio.

16 • Ohio History Connection

development projects were reviewed, ranging from new housing to road construction, with the goal of minimizing adverse effects to historic properties.


new markers were proposed, written and installed by Ohio communities. To date, there are 1,700 markers located all across the state.

FY2018 Annual Report • 17


Annual Supporters Thank you to the generous Ohioans and friends who support the mission of the Ohio History Connection. We are grateful to all those who have shown their commitment to Ohio History, and we take this opportunity to recognize those who have made a gift of $150 or more during the period of July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Although space does not permit us to list the many individuals who contributed less than $150, we wish to thank them for their support.

DIRECTOR’S CIRCLE This extraordinary group of leaders and visionaries embraces the mission and strategic initiatives of the Ohio History Connection. We are honored to partner with them and are grateful for their investment of $1,200 or more to support innovation and excellence. 1885 COUNCIL $50,000 & above Individuals The Chester Family The James Dicke Family Donald E. & Dawn Easley Estate of Nancy A. McGary Priscilla R. Steele Charles C. Wright Businesses, Foundations & Organizations Adena Health System Ray & Charlotte Baldauf Charitable Trust Warren Brown Family Foundation Emil Buehler Perpetual Trust John Hauck Foundation David A. & Helen P. Horn Charitable Trust ICF Foundation Jeffris Family Foundation The Mennel Milling Company OhioHealth Corporation Douglas C. & Lynn M. Roberts Family Foundation Cloene Samuels Fund of The Columbus Foundation Louise Taft Semple Foundation Sims Brothers Recycling The Dennis & Sara Trachsel Foundation The Waddell Foundation Wyandot Inc.


BENEFACTOR $25,000–$49,999 Individuals Estate of Parker B. Brown Loann W. Crane Bob & Liz Fox Dr. Richard Kent Harding & Dr. Sally A. Harding Donna Laidlaw Mr. & Mrs. H.C. "Buck" Niehoff Businesses, Foundations & Organizations Charitable Trust Consortium Conestoga Fahey Bank Honda of America Mfg., Inc. The Austin E. Knowlton Foundation CollegeAdvantage, Ohio's 529 Plan PACESETTER $10,000–$24,999 Individuals Anonymous Judge Deborah Alspach Estate of Raymond L. & Janice M. Bland Roger D. Braun Jerome J. & Margaret A. Cunningham Ted Graham Mr. & Mrs. Norman E. Haessly Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George M. Jones Kraig Noble Tom Ratterman Susannah Ross & Kevin Barney Lee & Linda Sisler Estate of John W. Taylor Businesses, Foundations & Organizations Anonymous William H. Davis, Dorothy M. Davis & William C. Davis Foundation Erie County Community Foundation Heinrich Family Foundation Marion County Commissioners

Harry C. Moores Foundation POET Biorefining G. Whitney Snyder Charitable Fund Henry A. True Trust United Bank SUSTAINER $5,000–$9,999 Individuals Anonymous Robert C. Beck Scott Gordon Sherry & Kevin Hall Barbara & Warren Harding Richard F. Hillis Kim Leggett Burt & Bonnie Logan Carolyn & Dan Owens Richard & Jude Parke Mark & Susan Parker Fred D. Pfening Jeffrey & Christine Rodek Robert B. Smith Ronald J. Ungvarsky & Susan Tomasky Businesses, Foundations & Organizations Anonymous Ametek Westchester Plastics Gordon Chandler Memorial Fund of The Columbus Foundation The Columbus Foundation Betty de Vries Trust Randolph J. & Estelle M. Dorn Charitable Impact Fund The Randolph J. & Estelle M. Dorn Foundation The Grand Lodge of Ohio Free & Accepted Masons Johnston Supply, Inc Nancy Wolfe Lane Family Fund Lyrasis The Mylander Foundation Ross County Convention Facility Authority

Shearer & Assoc., Inc Mary Jo Stafford Charitable Trust Michelle Wightman-Karrie Wieber Charitable Foundation PATRON $2,500–$4,999 Individuals Anonymous Ryan & Sarah Campbell Paul & Jane Davis Garrett & Sidney Dill Cindy & Larry Hilsheimer Linda Busken Jergens Steven & Brenda Johnston Suhas & Patty Kakde Philip Kuceyeski Bob & Karen Lucas Mr. & Mrs. John C. Matesich III Ted & Kathy McKinniss John H. Morris Vernon Pack Joe & Sara Patchen Ted Prasse Virginia M. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Taft II Mr. & Mrs. Ralph W. Talmage Roselia C. Deters Verhoff Susan K. Woerner Businesses, Foundations & Organizations Anonymous Erika Bourguignon Charitable Trust John & Annie Glenn Museum Foundation Kenwel Printers Mary Miller Patton Fund of The Columbus Foundation Settlers Bank Foundation Fund of the Marietta Community Foundation

SPONSOR $1,200–$2,499 Individuals Elizabeth A. Aino John C. & Jana L. Bartram Ann C. Bigelow Phyllis S. Butterworth Emmett Conway Joel & Sally Davenport Patty Donnally Jon & Cindy Elsasser John D. & Francille M. Firebaugh John E. Hancock Abigail Harding & David Goldberger Mr. & Mrs. William C. Heer III Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Herr George & Phyllis Knepper David & Judith Lanning Randall A. Mason The Honorable Adam Miller Gary & Heather Ness George W. & Ruth B. Paulson Mr. & Mrs. James G. Ryan Thomas R. Schiff Priscilla & Fred Schwier Erik R. Stoddard Ron & Janet Stolle Elizabeth Stone Dr. & Mrs. James A. Vaughan Jeff & Sandy Ward Jane M. Werum Dave & Nanci Westrick Jim, Kim, Kate & Meg Wilson Kathy Wyatt Donald & Ellen Yerks Businesses, Foundations & Organizations Bailey Cavalieri, LLC Thomas R. Gross Family Foundation Carole Rogel Fund of The Columbus Foundation DONOR HONOR ROLL PARTNER $500–$1,199 Individuals Bill & Diana Arthur Beth Benko & James Atkinson George & Nancy Bain David B. & Suzanne S. Baker John & Carol Boblenz John & Susan Boylan The Honorable Clarence J. & Mrs. Joyce Eldridge Brown Robert D. Burns, MD Chris Burton Martha M. Callihan David & Diane Campbell Karen E. Campbell Jennifer & Robert Cassidy Thomas V. Chema Mr. & Mrs. Frank L. Christy C. Ellen Connally Ida Copenhaver & James Ginter Beth Crane & Richard McKee Thelda E. Davies

Mr. & Mrs. P. Michael DeAngelo Jeffrey R. Eadie Mr. & Mrs. William B. Eldredge Kathleen M. Fernandez Judy Fox Judge Richard A. Frye Richard Furnstahl & Teresa Stankiewicz Dareth Gerlach Irene Golis Donna Grube Court Hall Jr. Bob & Beth Hamilton Richard & Jeanne Hannan Drew & Barbara Hansen William A. & Linda S. Herrnstein Kiehner Johnson Tom & Joyce Johnson Beverly Kiehl Laura Klein Todd Kleismit & Lisa Defendiefer Maryline & John Kulewicz Mary Kupiec Cayton Susan & Robert Leggett Jerri Letcavits John Lewis & Judy Huang Allan J. Libbe Robert D. Lindner Jr. Dr. Bernard F. Losekamp Thomas & Nancy Lurie Frederick W. Martin Brandon & Tracie McCall Stephanie McManus & Gregory Renda Sally McNamee Terry M. & Martha J. Miller Sara & Terry Miller Betty D. Montgomery Stephen P. Munro Mr. & Mrs. William J. Muthig Ann Newsom Marilyn Paulsen Nancy Jo Pifer Colonel & Mrs. Wayne Pittman Robert A. & Bonnie M. Prots Michael G. & Andrea Rapp Yolita Rausche Sally Rogers Jodi & Stanley Ross Katharine & Robert C. Ruhl Patricia J. Sawvel Todd & Becky Stephenson Estate of Kay Barnhouse Stout Tom & Liz Sturges David H. Timmons Dana Tyler Jeff T. Vawter John & Rebekah Vogel Ray A. Waldren The Weibel Family Frank & Rosemary Welsh Richard K. Wendt Dr. Alexander Westerfelt David Wilhelm Brian L. & Erin Holmes Wingfield

Businesses, Foundations & Organizations 5 Star Staffing The Fenton Foundation Fireline, Inc Foundation for Appalachian Ohio Franklin Heating Cooling & Refrigeration, Inc. Ohio Magazine Hieronymus Family Fund, Inc. Kegler Brown Hill & Ritter, LPA Medical Mutual of Ohio Montei Foundation Ohio Valley Archaeology, Inc. The Roberta L. Ewing Marks Charitable Lead Trust The Vaughan Family Charitable Gift Fund The Ross County Banking Center CONTRIBUTOR $350–$499 Individuals Anonymous (3) The Akins Family Andrew T. Alderman Mr. & Mrs. D. M. Blank Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Brandt Richard P. Bryan & Regina M. Amidon Lois Chandler Elaine & Victor Goodman Arthur & Molly Greenberg Roger & Sheila Hollenbaugh Rosemary Joyce Kimberly A. & Pete Koloski Charles & Anita Mitchell Annegreth T. Nill & Bruce C. Posey Marilyn O'Brien & Margaret Nix Jamison Pack & Jason Moore John & Norine Prim Beth Ann & Michael L. Prince Marilyn Pritchett Betty Rutter Jennifer & Rob Scheehle Truda & Chris Shinker Doug & Suzanne Sweeney Paulene & Mark Wilson Cameron & Megan Wood Businesses, Foundations & Organizations Botkins Area Community Club The Kroger Company SUPPORTER $150–$349 Individuals Anonymous (3) Mr. Joseph A. Alutto & Mrs. Carol L. Newcomb Kyle Andrews Dale & Roberta Angerman Mr. & Mrs. James Appold Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Bailey Paula Baker Owen Barr

Jackie Barton Arthur J. Beach Donald & Jean Beckett Jennifer Bellville-Marrion Jennifer Beverly Andrew & Eugenia Brodey Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Browne Jacqueline A. Brown Charles Brunner Mr. & Mrs. Randall L. Buchman Anthony G. Chila Renee Coll Joseph & Peg Conway Jessi Crim Weithman David & Adelaide Davies William & Pam Davis Linda Deitz & Bryan Wooden Edward & Lois Del Grosso Samuel & Judith Dodson Tom & Lynn Dotson Trent Dougherty & Vanessa Rodriguez Debra Duncan & Steve Hankison Mr. & Mrs. Douglas R. Eakins C. John & Flo Ann Easton Mr. & Mrs. Daryl A. Edwards Patricia Eiben Dr. & Mrs. Lynn E. Elfner Mary L. Fawcett Senator & Mrs. Richard H. Finan Dr. & Dr. John E. Fleming Fred & Veronica Frost John & Maryann Gall James R. & Mary Ann Gardner George & Michelle Geissbuhler Robert Gerker Deliaan Gettler Anthony Gibbs Tom & Linda Grey Beth Grimes-Flood & Tom Flood Melissa Hackett Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Halpin Dr. Edward L. Hamblin Don Harrod Karen L. Hassel John Heinz Robert & Patricia Henley Dr. Michael S. Herschler Lee Hieronymus Gerard Hilferty Joshua & Brandy Hill June & Dave Hinkle Thomas Ernst Huenefeld Fern E. Hunt Caroline Ibbotson Lise Jacobson Joyce Kaufmann Jack & Nancy Kelly Bobbie-Jo Kennedy Norman Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Byron L. Kentner Dan & Carole Kerber William Q. Kirkwood Beverly Michele Koenig William G. Kofron Chris & Kristine Konik


Gordon L. & Dolores B. Koscher Howard P. Krisher & Carol Statkus Robert Leonhard Laura Lujan Keith Manecke & Kristina Emick Maggie Marconi Shari Mason Barbara B. Massie & Ryan Jaroncyk Beverly I. McDonald Jamie McGann Dr. & Mrs. Thomas C. McLaughlin Karen Miley Fred B. & Ruth Miller Marcus J. Molea Craig Mosier Scott & Sharon Mueller Elizabeth Nelson Nancy Newton James & Catherine Oda Brad Ostroff Harry Parsons Dr. Jerry L. Pearson Scott Pendleton DVM Ken & Judy Pierce Elizabeth L. Plummer Mark & Denise Ramser Emily Rebmann Larry & Janet Robertson Ann Royer Jessica Sells The Honorable Henry E. Shaw Jr. Marvin Shrimplin Donald Siegla Jane A. Simmons Jason & Kathleen Skestos Carolyn M. Sommerich Hughes Sparks Effie Spillman Mr. & Mrs. David H. Stammen Greg Stewart & Susan Ernst Dr. Mac A. Stewart Neil E. Stutz Mark Sundlov Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon A. Taft John Teichmoeller Amanda S. Terrell Terry Thackery Marcia Thompson Alan Tonetti Dr. & Mrs. Charles Townley Mark & Sharon Tranovich Daniel R. Turnbull M. Tuxford-Hawkins Doreen N. Uhas-Sauer & John Sauer Meta von Rabenau Mary Wash Hugh N. Westwater Chris Wilden Thomas & Mary Williams Stuart Wilms & Rebecca Owen Dr. Gregory Wilson & Dr. Laura Hilton Jay & Barbara Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Manfred Winnewisser Jeanette L. Wojcik Creighton & Carolyn Wright Ray Wylam John W. Zimmerly


Businesses, Foundations & Organizations Bebout Family Fund at the Marion Community Foundation Blendon Township Blennerhassett Historical Foundation Carroll Area Historical Society CSI Construction Systems Inc. DesignGroup Architecture Friends of Ohio History Fund of The Columbus Foundation Geary Family YMCA of Fostoria City of Grove City Dean & Sue Jacob Family Fund at the Marion Community Foundation Johnson Welded Products, Inc. Mechanical Systems of Dayton Miami Valley Steam Threshers Assn., Inc. Monroeville Sesquicentennial North Columbus Sports Inc. Our Towne Mechanicsburg Saint Johns Lutheran Church Seniors St. James Lutheran Church Inc. Union County Convention & Visitors Bureau Willard Area Historical Society Worthington Hills Women's Club Wynford Elementary School MATCHING GIFTS The following organizations generously matched their employees' contributions. Discover Financial Services Matching Gift Program ExxonMobil Foundation Matching Gift Programs Wolfe Associates, Inc. ELEANOR C. MABRY LEGACY SOCIET Y The Legacy Society honors and recognizes a distinguished group of supporters who have made a provision for the Ohio History Connection in their estate plan or have committed to another form of planned gift. We are grateful for their generosity and dedication to protecting Ohio’s history for future generations. Anonymous (5) Helen Jane Alexander* Gahanna Owen G.* & Marion L. Barr Grand Ledge, MI Ann C. Bigelow Somerset Raymond L. Bland* & Janice M. Bland* Warren Betty J. Bock* Bowling Green Elizabeth Boyer* Chesterland Karen S. Brown Rochester, NY Parker B. Brown* Rochester, NY

Georgia Bruce Upper Arlington Richard P. Bryan & Regina M. Amidon Holland John B. Calfee* Cleveland Marilyn I. Campbell* Gahanna Thomas N. & Patricia H. Canfield Pittsburgh, PA Cynthia J. Chester* Columbus Christine H. Crone* Euclid Noel Cutright* & Kathleen Redmond West Bend, WI Neva Deemer* Columbus Yenema V. Fernandez Trust Bellbrook Walter T. Frank* Columbus Bernice S. Gay* Westerville Mary Eloise Green* Columbus Phyllis Greene Granville Arthur R. Haire* Powell Court Hall, Jr. Columbus Mary C. Hanes* Euclid Lawrence L. Heyder* Sunbury Sheila Hodgson* Columbus Margaret A. Hukill* Lancaster Hugh Huntington* Columbus Dorothy M. Jacobs* Columbus Frank & Julie Jungers Portland, OR Louise Kaercher* Hilliard Michael D. Lehman* Greenville Robert W. & Karen Lucas Pemberville Eleanor C. Mabry* Newport News, VA Theodore Magnuson* Longwood, FL Susan Marsch* Marietta Maj. Gen. Raymond E. Mason, Jr.* & Margaret Mason* Osprey, FL Rebecca Maykowski Columbus Nancy A. & Harry McGary* Harrison Dixie S. Miller* Gahanna Pauline B. Miller* Tiffin William H. Nolan* Columbus Edgar Northrup* Marietta Rosalie E. Palius* Columbus

Richard & Jude Parke Shaker Heights Charles M. Patterson* Dayton Mary Miller Patton* Gahanna Dr. E. Jane Porter* Columbus Frank R. Porter* Columbus Jane Reamer* Worthington Richard J. Rinebolt* Findlay Lucinda Reynolds Bexley Perle Riley* Lebanon Karlon Roop Gahanna Katherine L. Rowland* Lebanon Cloene S. Samuels* Columbus Dr. A. Jeanette Sexton Columbus Kathryn A. Sheedy* Westerville Isabel H. Simmons* Columbus Lillian Skeele* Columbus Robert Burns Smith Worthington Hills David J. Snyder Andover Mary H. Staats* Zanesville Kay Barnhouse Stout* Cambridge Lillian Bimeler Sturm* Zoar John W. Taylor* Cambridge Robert Waters Sr.* Georgetown Jane Werum Columbus Randall Worthington* Washington Court House Fred J. Zint* Wapakoneta *Deceased

NAMED ENDOWMENTS Thank you to our friends who have established an endowment to provide support in perpetuity for Ohio History or for specific sites and projects. Adena Garden Endowment in Memory of Judge & Mrs. Howard Goldsberry J.D. Britton Endowment for Local History Conestoga Endowment Mabel & Harvey Cutright Endowment for Fort Hill Neva Deemer Endowment for Social Studies Teacher Education Friends of Ohio History Endowment Frohman Endowment Fund The Gay Ohio History Initiative Endowment

William J. Gesling Endowment Mary Eloise Green Endowment Fund Charles A. Jones Memorial Endowment Dr. David N. Kinsman & Daniel Hatton Memorial Endowment William K. Laidlaw, Jr. Memorial Fund Nancy R. & Harry E. McGary Endowment Gary & Heather Ness Endowment William H. Nolan Endowment for Adena Ohio Association of Garden Clubs Endowment for Wahkeena Nature Preserve Ohio Gun Collectors Association Permanent Endowment Fund Ohio History Connection Legacy Endowment Ohio History Connection Membership Operations Endowment Patterson Family Endowment for the Piqua Historical Area Randall Worthington Endowment for Adena The Towboat W.P. Snyder, Jr. Endowment The Worthington Family Endowment for Adena IN-KIND DONATIONS Thank you to the following individuals and organizations that have made generous contributions to support the Ohio History Connection. Richard W. Burry Clinton County Port Authority Creative Cuisine The Kroger Company Mr. & Mrs. D. W. Newhouse Ohio Wesleyan University Park Enterprise Construction Co., Inc. Jim & Linda Potts Carol Stivers HONORIALS & MEMORIALS A tribute gift is a meaningful way to remember or honor a loved one or an occasion. The Ohio History Connection appreciates every tribute gift this year, all of which have made a significant impact on Ohio History. Honorials Jackie Brown from Keidan Cares Fund of The Columbus Foundation Teresa C. Carstensen from Ann C. Bigelow Connie Conner from Ann C. Bigelow Missy Dorsten from Ann C. Bigelow Patrice R. Fatig from Jennifer Pratt Diana Green from Thomas A. Green Sr. Court Hall Jr. from Brian & Stacey Hall

Court Hall Jr. from Timothy & Christina Hall Dr. Warren G. Harding III from W. J. Dehner from Richard & Jeanne Hannan Travis Kokas from Ann C. Bigelow William M. Mahon from Kimberly A. Koloski David W. Newell from Kimberly A. Koloski Dr. George Paulson from Jerome J. & Margaret A. Cunningham from Harry Parsons Elizabeth Plummer from Ann C. Bigelow Salesa Richards from Ann C. Bigelow Andrew Verhoff from Betsy Hedler Jim Wilson & Family from Andrew Brodey & Eugenia Erlij Elizabeth J. Woods from Ann C. Bigelow Memorials Celia Baker from Celia Whitehead William Billingsley from Belinda Tate Sandra L. Davies from Thelda E. Davies from Barbara Powers Joseph R. Fawcett from Mary L. Fawcett Frank P. Hall from Kyle Andrews from Betsy & Brian Becker from Martha E. Boyce from John & Anne Clifford from Concord Village Condominium Association from Conestoga from Andrew Conner from Court Hall Jr. from Katherine Macewan from Jo Ann & Edward Merkle from Dr. & Mrs. Carson Reider from Mr. & Mrs. George F. Renkert from David & Nancy Rummel from the Ohio Delta Company, Phi Kappa Psi at the Ohio State University from Douglas & Carrie Warmolts Geraldine Hall from Mark & Susan Parker Philip L. Hall from Conestoga from Harry Parsons Megan Jones from Cynthia Violet Esther I. Leggett from Susan W. Akins from The Akins Family from Donald Bingle & Cynthia Hartman from Lynn A. Bird from Georgia Bruce from Carl & Mary Chandler from Patty Donnally from Norman & Emily Hobson from Lise Jacobson from Kim Leggett from Susan & Robert Leggett from Sally McNamee from John & Grace Meeth from Cheryl & William Schott from Robert R. & Debra S. Wilson

James F. Leonard from Ramona Leonard Thurman Mathews from Sherry & Kevin Hall from Mark & Susan Parker Nancy Ault Parsons from Harry Parsons Julie A. Quinlan from Barbara Powers Mike Schoonover from Joseph Born from Kevin Cahill from Patrick Corlette from Andrew & Mary Gantzer from Hamilton Capital Management Inc. from Bill Hutter from Jacqueline & Mitchell Kon from Indreny Leliawati from John Preklas from Michelle Quillin from Bernadette Tady Christopher Shaw from the Office of Dr. Megan Shiga, DDS Rachel Timmons from Conestoga Jim Washburn from Gene K. Baumgardner from Karl Elder from Bob & Elisa Mains from Kim Yee from Priscilla & Henry Ziegler Richard A. Way from Janet Pierson Preston Wolfe from Nancy Wolfe Lane Family Fund of The Columbus Foundation

Jerry & Joan Riseling Sally Rogers Tom & Liz Sturges Doug & Suzanne Sweeney Rebecca Taft Jeffrey Thomas Dave Timmons Dick Wendt Jane Werum Howard & Betty Zimmer


Greater Columbus Arts Council

For the past 32 years, the passionate and dedicated members of the Conestoga support group have shared their time, talent, and resources for the benefit of the Ohio History Connection. We are especially grateful for the loyal friendship of all Conestoga members. Listed below are individual and community partners who graciously contributed to Conestoga's fundraising success with gifts of $150 or more.

Institute of Museum and Library Services

Businesses, Foundations & Organizations

Columbus Museum of Art Columbus Zoo & Aquarium Granville Inn Hamilton Capital Management Knitting Temptations NAPA Kitchen & Bar ProMusica Chamber Orchestra The Thurber House Top20education.com The Wine Bistro GOVERNMENT GRANTS The Ohio History Connection is proud to provide services to the people of Ohio that are funded through local, state and federal government grants.

City of Columbus, Department of Development

National Archives and Records Administration National Endowment for the Humanities National Park Service Ohio Arts Council ServeOhio

Individuals Bill & Lexie Bickell Robert Bruce Pat & Laura Ecklar Joanne & Chris Figge John & Bebe Finn Lois Fulmer Marilyn Goodman Cindy Hilsheimer Nancy Jeffrey Judy Krasnoff Gary & Heather Ness Christine & John Olsen Dan & Carolyn Owens Marilyn Paulsen Chris Paulson George & Ruth Paulson Keith & Nadine Pierce James & Leslie Plahuta



The Future

Rendering of Harding Presidential Center as viewed from Church Street

Thanks to a generous challenge grant from the Jeffris Family Foundation and the support of numerous individuals, businesses and foundations, funding has been fully secured for the restoration work at the Harding Home in Marion. This restoration will bring to life the story of Warren G. Harding’s 1920 presidential campaign just in time for the 100th anniversary of his election.

The Ohio History Connection has been a part of Ann Bigelow’s life for as long as she can remember.

“ I thought: which charity means most to me? Where could my gift make a difference?” – ANN BIGELOW –

“When I was little, our family used to go to ‘the Museum’ at 15th and High in Columbus,” she recalls. “Then as a grown-up I would take visitors to Ohio Village.” But it was when Ann discovered the Ohio History Connection’s Archives & Library in the mid-1990s that she found her true passion in a connection to her family story. “While looking at the estate inventory of my great-great-great-grandfather from 1833 on microfilm, I came upon ‘Estate Inventory of John M. Edmiston, adjudged insane,’” Ann says. “It piqued my interest because my own brother had been mentally ill.” Through research within these collections, she gained knowledge about the history of mental health care in early Ohio, and has almost finished a book on the subject. Ann travels to the Ohio History Center in Columbus from her home in Somerset to visit the Archives & Library about once a week to work on her book. “The Archives & Library has no end of fascinating material to read,” she says. “And every staff member is both knowledgeable and personable.” Ann’s passion led her to make a provision for the Ohio History Connection in her estate plans. “I thought: which charity means most to me? Where could my gift make a difference? It was an easy choice: the Archives & Library,” Ann says. “This arrangement has injected new meaning into my life.” We are grateful for Ann’s generosity, which allows us to continue to preserve and share the important stories from our collections for years to come. Through her planned gift, Ann is now a member of our Mabry Legacy Society, named after Eleanor C. Mabry, a lifetime member and supporter. You can find out more about planned giving at ohiohistory.org/yourlegacy.

22 • Ohio History Connection

FY2018 Annual Report • 23

800 E. 17th Ave. Columbus, OH 43211-2474

" A strong history education turns students into readers, researchers and thinkers, setting the stage for them to become the leaders of tomorrow."


– BURT LOGAN, Executive Director & CEO, Ohio History Connection


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