Celebrating our 125 year journey of care, compassion and concern
BEACON Volume 24, Issue 3 Summer 2017
Cornerstone Rededication Ceremony See the Home Day Wrap-up article on Page 6
Online Shopping for Charity
SMC Enters New Golf Partnership!
Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center Stories
Celebrating 300 Years of Freemasonry
The Home's Resident Artists
Veterans, Patriots, Masons, Men: Sojourners
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A Year in Review As I write this, my last article as Grand Master, it is late June. I am acutely aware that this is my one public opportunity to say thank you to the many people who have contributed to this year’s program. This is also my best opportunity to welcome all the new Master Masons who were raised this year, whether in their Lodges or in the Grand Master’s Class. Last but by no means least, this is my opportunity to recognize and acknowledge the many contributions and personal sacrifices made by your Lodge Officers and your Grand Lodge Officers as they labor in the quarries of Freemasonry.
I want to acknowledge the generosity of my Brethren, their lodges, and districts for their support of our two charitable projects: the Grand Lodge Museum & Library and the Ohio Masonic Home Stained Glass Windows project. Diana and I spent our lives working in libraries, and we wanted to Douglas N. Kaylor establish a dedicated fund within Grand Master the Grand Lodge Charitable Foundation to support acquisitions and preservation of library and museum materials. That fund is now a reality, and hopefully, we will continue to grow it over the coming years. During the receptions, we also received a number of wonderful gifts, such as clocks, canes, carvings, stained glass, metalwork, and even a custommade doll for Diana.
The 300th Anniversary Celebrations held across the state are now history. They began in each district with a Grand Master’s Class in March or April, continued with the class candidates returning to Lodge, and finally concluded with the official observance on June 24, 2017. Over 1400 men became Master Masons in the Grand Master’s Classes. Congratulations to all. I also thank the district leaders for planning the June programs. We had formal and casual dinners, breakfasts, luncheons, picnics, and who ou cannot buy a knows what else as masons and their ason s friendship families came together to remember and yet it is the and acknowledge the gift of our early English Brethren. Facebook was full of best thing you can pictures from across the state.
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As part of the anniversary, the Grand Lodge received resolutions of congratulations from the Ohio House of Representatives and Ohio Senate. Many of the Grand Lodge Officers traveled with me to Columbus to join with our Prince Hall Brethren when these resolutions were presented at the statehouse. I know we also had a number of local city proclamations and resolutions made as part of the district anniversary events. This show of support and recognition by our fellow citizens and government leaders was certainly gratifying. If you had told me thirty years ago when I became a Mason that I would one day address the Ohio House and Senate, I would never have believed it. Yet, I had that honor.
The Ohio Beacon is published quarterly. Please report all changes of address to your Lodge Secretary, who, in turn, will notify the Grand Secretary, who maintains the database that produces the BEACON mailing lists.
But the greatest gift, and what I really want to acknowledge is the hospitality and friendship we received wherever we traveled in Ohio. You cannot buy a Mason’s friendship, and yet it is the best thing you can receive. When freely given, it is the very cement and support that unites us into one sacred band or society of friends and brothers.
It has been an honor to serve the Grand Lodge. If we had a good year, it is because of the people we met during our journey. Diana and I look forward to continuing and nurturing these relationships for many years to come. Thank you. IN THIS ISSUE: Keep an eye out for photo highlights of Grand Master Kaylor's year in office.
Chad Simpson Director of Program Development The Grand Lodge F.&A.M. of Ohio One Masonic Drive Springfield, OH 45504 614-885-5318 csimpson@freemason.com
Kristen Hirschfeld Manager, Comm. and Mktg. Ohio Masonic Home 2655 W. National Road Springfield, OH 45504 937-525-3025 khirschfeld@ohiomasonichome.org
The Rewards of Service As we stop to reflect on the year thus far, it has been more of the stained glass windows as part rewarding than I or any of us could have imagined. We of the renovation of our auditorium. recently celebrated the 125th Anniversary of the laying of the Along with additional funding from cornerstone of our beloved Bushnell Hall, the first building several other brethren, the first on campus to serve the brethren of this great fraternity. two windows are already in the Today, more than a century later, we continue serving our process of being restored. Look for brethren, their wives, widows and children both on and off our additional information to come as campuses. We are also able to meet we celebrate the needs of the fraternity through the the return of these windows and the e are also able to development of the Ohio Masonic recognition of their respective donors. Home Resource Center, connecting meet the needs of the Masons to services and helping to assist Our beloved home has gone through fraternity through the in keeping them and their families as many changes throughout the years, development of the hio and will continue to evolve well into healthy and independent as ever. For more information on the Resource asonic ome esource the future to serve our brethren, their Center, or to read about our recent families, our residents, our staff, and enter connecting the community. success stories, please be sure to check out page 14. asons to services and
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helping to assist in
Many of you attended the 33rd keeping them and their Annual Home Day in June, helping us celebrate the rich history of our families as healthy and great organization. This day was filled independent as ever with events and included a visit from Congressmen Warren Davidson, Ohio’s 8th Congressional District, and Mayor Warren R. Copeland of the City of Springfield who presented a proclamation declaring June 4, 2017 “Ohio Masonic Home Rededication Day.” I would like to personally thank the Officers of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Ohio for their participation in the day’s events, they truly made this day a success.
Fraternally Yours, Brother Scott Buchanan
I would also like to thank M.W.B Douglas N. Kaylor, and his Lady Diana, for all of the courtesies extended us during this past year, including their philanthropic efforts in the restoration
Find the Smile!
Congratulations to Charles W. Caudy of Tippecanoe Lodge #174 in Tipp City, OH, the winner of last edition’s Find the Strawberry search! There were 6 strawberries in the last edition. In this edition, we announce the launch of our AmazonSmile fundraiser (see page 7)! Search through this entire edition and count how many times you find the Smile graphic to the right (do not count the example graphic or the logo).
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Submit the correct answer along with your contact information and Lodge affiliation to Ohio Masonic Home, ATTN: Kristen Hirschfeld, Beacon Editor, 2655 W. National Rd., Springfield, Ohio 45504 or via email at khirschfeld@ohiomasonichome.org by September 29, 2017, and be entered to win a prize, courtesy of the Ohio Masonic Home Print Shop! (Your participation serves as permission to include your name and Lodge affiliation in the next edition of the Beacon.) SUMMER 2017
Board Member Spotlight: Thomas N. Thinnes Thomas N. Thinnes, a former Sovereign Prince in the Valley of Cincinnati and Past Master of Western Hills Cheviot Lodge No. 140, has been a member of the Ohio Masonic Home Board and the Ohio Masonic Home Foundation Board of Trustees since 2014. He chose to devote his time as a Trustee for the Masons, non-Masons and their families who benefit from Ohio Masonic Home (OMH) services and facilities, and to assist in seeing that the organization continues to provide excellent care in perpetuity. Brother Thinnes will celebrate his 40th anniversary in January 2018 as a Financial Advisor, currently with UBS Financial Services, Inc. As Chairman of the Joint Ohio Masonic Home Investment Committee, his investment and financial planning expertise assists OMH management and Boards in understanding the financial markets and their effect on the OMH Endowment. Brother Thinnes believes the Ohio Masonic Home needs to care for those who use our services and facilities in a manner that best suits the interest of the individual and the Ohio Masonic
Home. By providing home health care alternatives and services through the Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center, the Ohio Masonic Home improves outcomes for the patient and also lowers costs to the Ohio Masonic Home. To those who use our facilities, the OMH Boards and Management are committed to providing the best possible care.
Thomas N. Thinnes OMH Board Trustee Brother Thinnes is married to Ann and has three children: Alex, Lynn and Emily. He is also blessed with a grandson, Hugh. He has lived in Cincinnati all his life and loves the renaissance the city is undergoing. He enjoys listening to all types of music to relax and contemplate our world. He also enjoys studying investment research, reading newspapers and he loves sports, particularly the Cincinnati Reds.
Knitting with Purpose The Western Reserve Masonic Community knitting group is responsible for bringing the twiddle muff to our Medina campus. The twiddle muff is a useful tool given to residents living with Alzheimer’s and dementia to help ease anxiety. The muff is knitted with different donated yarns and ribbons and buttons are attached to the inside. It provides interesting textures and pieces to fiddle with when a person displays signs of disquiet. When an employee of the Ohio Masonic Home visited the Pathways Memory Care Center at Browning Masonic Community, she noticed several residents who might benefit from having a twiddle muff. She passed the word along to Martha Fousek, a member of the knitting group at Western Reserve, who was glad to send two muffs over to Browning in the capable hands of David Subleski, President of Northern Operations. Martha soon received a thank you letter from a Pathways nurse and a request for more twiddle muffs! The Ohio Masonic Home is proud to see its communities working together to further enrich the lives of fellow residents. Tax deductible yarn donations may be made to Western Reserve Masonic Community (4931 Nettleton Rd, Medina, OH 44256) for the knitting group to continue creating these valuable tools for those who could truly benefit.
Last issue, we wrote about four generations of Masons attending Anthony Lodge No. 455. We misreported that Mason Branam was the son of Warren Stiles, when he is, in fact, the nephew.
Four Generations attend Anthony Lodge
On Tuesday, April 4, Anthony Lodge No. 455, in Springfield, Ohio, had the honor of four generations of Masons attending Lodge. From left are Brothers Donald Stiles, great grandfather; Alan Stiles, grandfather; Warren Stiles, uncle; and Mason Branam, nephew - all Master Masons, attending Lodge together.
4 SUMMER 2017
New OMH Foundation President: Steve Petitjean Hello from the Ohio Masonic Home Foundation! First off, it makes sense that I should introduce myself as I am completing my third full week of employment with the Home, and I haven’t yet had the opportunity to meet all of the tens of thousands of Masons, wives, widows and families we serve. Sorry about that. I will try harder. Well to keep it simple, if you remember nothing else about me, please just call me Steve. With that, I can tell you that I grew up in Piqua, Ohio, graduated from the University of Cincinnati, married my high school sweetheart, raised two beautiful teenage daughters and had a rewarding, 24-year career as a banker before I “retired.” Furthermore, I love sports of all sorts, thoroughly enjoy hanging out with family and friends and traveling. That’s it. Just an Average Joe. So fast forward to how this Average Joe made his way to the Home. Frankly, it started with some outreach by Brother Scott Buchanan. We have served together in the community for a number of years on different boards and we knew one another’s capabilities. Beyond that, and maybe most significant, I made a visit to the Springfield Masonic Community. Here I had the opportunity to see the mission in action. I saw firsthand the positive interactions between the staff and residents. They were delivering on their promise to be the trusted partner in helping seniors to age
respectfully, and I wanted to be a part of it! And so it is. I am thrilled for the opportunity to be a part of something with so much significance. In future communications, I look forward to sharing the vision of the Foundation’s future, introducing you to our amazing team members, and communicating Steve Petitjean stories and metrics about the impact OMHF President the Ohio Masonic Home is having on Masons via our three campuses and the Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center. I have been given the honor of serving the Ohio Masonic Home Foundation, the Ohio Masonic Home, you, your wives, widows and families and the communities in which we serve. I do not take those responsibilities lightly. I look forward to the challenge. I am motivated to meet all of you and make new friends; and I ask for your help, both financially and through advocacy, as we all work to fulfill the Ohio Masonic Home mission. Godspeed, Steve Petitjean
The Masonic Roundtable: Relevant Masonic Discussion and Education in a Digital Age Every Tuesday at 10:00 p.m. EST, brethren from across the country assemble to discuss a specific Masonic topic of interest, engage in digitally-enabled fellowship, and learn something new about the Masonic fraternity. Each discussion begins the same way: “Hello, and welcome back to The Masonic Roundtable...” Composed of hosts Jon Ruark and Jason Richards (Virginia), Juan Sepulveda (Florida), Robert Johnson (Illinois), and Mike Hambrecht (Ohio), The Masonic Roundtable is a show that streams live on YouTube, and is also available as an audio-only podcast on iTunes and Stitcher Radio. The singular goal of the program, now well into its third year with over 170 episodes in total, is to spread Masonic light and education by providing balanced discussion on a wide range of educational and socio-cultural topics, and encouraging Masons to bring those discussions back to their home lodges. Since all episodes of the show are open to the public, the hosts refrain from discussing anything that would require a tiled setting; however, they have learned over the past three years that Freemasonry provides seemingly endless opportunities for open
philosophical discussion and debate. As a result, The Masonic Roundtable’s show topics - many of which come directly from listener requests - vary greatly from episode to episode. Past episode topics have included discussions on the Scottish Rite, Clandestine Masonry, the Illuminati, Internet Lodges, the Russian Freemasonry, Prince Hall, social media, the Kabbalah, the Masonic “elevator pitch,” enlightenment philosophy and the Masonic apron. The hosts often augment their own experiences with those of subject matter experts to include notable authors Josef Wages, Charles Harper and John Hairston, or Masonic figures like the 2016 Grand High Priest of Royal Arch Masons in Virginia, Don McAndrews. Freemasonry is just as relevant today as it was 300 years ago. The hosts of The Masonic Roundtable are doing their part to carry forward those time-honored Masonic traditions into the digital age, and invite you to do the same by joining them in their conversations every Tuesday night at 10:00 p.m. EST at www.themasonicroundtable.com. SUMMER 2017
Celebrating 125 Years at Home Day The 33rd Annual Ohio Masonic Home Day took place on the first Sunday in June this year, hosting more than 1,800 attendees! The highlight of the day was the Cornerstone Rededication Ceremony which celebrated the 125th anniversary of the laying of the original cornerstone in 1892. The ceremony was immediately followed by a living square and compass photo on the lawn, taken by a drone. More than 260 people
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participated in the special photo. The rest of the day was enjoyed by all, and featured friendly reunions, toe-tapping music, games by the International Order of Rainbow and Job’s Daughters and plenty of delicious food provided by several Masonic Districts. Thank you to our vendors and to all those who attended! Be sure to mark your calendar for next year’s Home Day festival on Sunday, June 10, 2018!
Golf Classic Success for Memory Care
In its fourth year, the 2017 Ohio Masonic Home Foundation and US Bank Golf Classic was by far the most successful, with a profit in excess of $88,000! 30 teams participated, including three teams comprised of members of the Grand Lodge of Ohio F.&A.M. MWB Doug Kaylor attended and visited with all the
sponsors and teams during the outing, thanking them for their support of the Ohio Masonic Home and Masonry. We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to our naming sponsor, US Bank, our presenting sponsor, SEI, all of our corporate and hole sponsors and everyone else who helped make this day a huge success!
Online Shopping for Charity! Do you like shopping on Amazon? Do you like helping out charitable organizations? Do you also like a little friendly competition? Well, now you can effortlessly do all three at the same time through AmazonSmile! AmazonSmile is a program offered through Amazon.com that donates 5% of the purchase price of eligible items to registered 501(c)3 charities. All you have to do is choose which organization you would like your purchases to benefit and start shopping! Here comes the fun part: the Ohio Masonic Home (OMH) and the Grand Lodge of Ohio Charitable Foundation are both eligible to receive contributions through AmazonSmile! We would like to issue a friendly challenge to see which account receives the most donations over the next few months! Use the links below to choose your “team� and start shopping!
Team OMH: http://bit.ly/OhioMasonicHomeSmile Team Grand Lodge: http://bit.ly/OhioGrandLodgeSmile
Attending GL
Kentucky with
Ohio Freemasons Celebrate 300 Years The 300th anniversary of the formation of the premier Grand Lodge of England was celebrated in all twentyfive Ohio Masonic Districts on Saturday, June 24th, Saint John the Baptist Day. Each District had the opportunity to celebrate the anniversary in a fashion they thought best. Some held picnics or banquets open to the Brethren and families, and others held lodges of table instruction just for members. However they chose to celebrate, there were several common aspects. All members of the Grand Master’s classes, who had visited their lodges at least once, were declared proficient. Toasts were offered to the premier Grand Lodge of England, to the guests and to
all Freemasons wheresoever dispersed. The traditional history of the formation of the premier Grand Lodge included in Andersons’ Constitution of 1738 was read, as was a special message from the United Grand Lodge of England. The last 300 years of Freemasonry offer today’s Freemasons, wheresoever dispersed, a rich feast of traditions from which to choose as each lodge works to craft a meaningful Masonic experience for itself and its Brethren. The Brethren that have gone before call out for nobler deeds, for higher thoughts, and for greater achievements.
Test Driving Technology for Seniors Residents of Browning Masonic Community’s new Water’s Edge Villas are testing technology new to the campus. Breezie, a company dedicated to bringing the benefits of computer use to seniors, has partnered with Samsung to create a tablet with an easy-to-use interface. The goal in introducing Breezie to Browning is to bring information, photos, email, video and more to the user at the touch of a button. Every tablet has been pre-loaded with applications personalized to the user. Not only are Breezie users able to access Facebook, Netflix and Skype, but each tablet can feature favorite games, cooking, travel and sports apps or other special interests. Additionally, Browning has worked with Breezie to create content specific to the campus, allowing residents to view weekly menus, activities, newsletters and even a transportation request form. Life Enrichment Director, Michele Kipplen says the residents at Browning have been very receptive to Breezie. As technology has become more and more integrated into our everyday lives, seniors have started showing the desire to stay connected as well. With a Breezie tablet grandchildren can easily video chat with their grandparents from across the country, seniors can use the Internet to research their next vacation spot and even ordering a pizza is a breeze!
8 SUMMER 2017
Ohio Statehouse Honors 300th Anniversary On June 21st, both the Ohio Senate and the Ohio House of Representatives adopted special resolutions recognizing the 300th anniversary of the premier Grand Lodge of England, the Grand Lodge of Ohio and the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio as its worthy decedents. Senator Troy Balderson, a member of Hubbard Lodge No. 220, and Representative Jim Hughes, a Past Master of Goodale Lodge No. 372, were the primary sponsors. The officers of both Grand Lodges were present to join the Freemason members to accept copies of the resolutions.
Advisory Committee me
Presented 80 Year Award
to Bro. George Sanders
With Prince Hall Grand Master Carl Williams Jr
Visit to Zenobia Shrine
Masonic Reddit Freemasonry has found its way onto Reddit, the aggregate media website. Reddit has individual sections called subreddits or subs where particular communities and topics can be discussed. With nearly 10,000 subscribers, r/freemasonry is one of the larger Masonic forums, outside of Facebook. The community is diverse with Masons from across the globe, interested non-Masons, Masonic spouses, Co-Masons and the occasional conspiracy theorist. The subreddit occasionally scopes Chris Hodapp with breaking news and other luminaries frequently visit. There are other Masonic groups such as r/yorkrite, r/scottishrite, r/shrine, r/demolay, and r/iorg (Rainbow girls). There are even private sections for esoteric talks and a book club. Ohio is well represented on r/freemasonry and there have even been two meet ups with more scheduled. Stop by at reddit.com/r/freemasonry and see for yourself.
Grand Lodge officers and ladies
14th District Masters 100% attendance
OMH Print Shop Announces Commemorative Aprons Just in time for Grand Lodge, the OMH Print Shop is now taking orders for their 2017-2018 Commemorative Apron, a new and exciting annual release. This custom-designed apron features original art printed onto a sturdy, doublelayer, white apron with unique buckle and pocket in the back. This apron would serve as a wonderful decorative piece for your Lodge, a personal gift or a marvelous talking point in your office. Orders placed by September 15, 2017, or while supplies last, will be ready for pickup from the OMH Print Shop booth at the 208th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Ohio in Dayton, Ohio. This particular design will be available until mid-2018, with a new design to be unveiled at Home Day 2018. For more information, or to place your order, contact us today at 937-525-4939 or email info@omhprintshop.com. 10 SUMMER 2017
Springfield Masonic Community Enters New Golf Partnership! Ever since the 15th century the modern game of golf has stayed true to its roots. Move forward in time to 1916 and the formation of the Professional Golfers’ Association (PGA) of America. Since then golf has been considered a game for all ages, as not only young men and women, but those in their eighties and even nineties play the refined sport. Recently Springfield Masonic Community forged a new path in conjunction with Windy Knoll Golf Club to bring free golf memberships to its residents as an exclusive amenity. As of yet unheard of in the state of Ohio, this new relationship between senior living community and golf club will be an innovative experience with an emphasis on celebrating local ties between like-minded organizations wishing to provide active residents with a unique opportunity. Tucked away off the beaten path in Springfield on the grounds of a former horse farm lies the Windy Knoll Golf Club. Brian Huntley ASGCA (formerly of Arthur Hills) designed the links-style course, incorporating characteristics of the original farm. Established in 2001 and updated in 2013 Windy Knoll features beautiful grounds, striking equine sculptures, water hazards and raised bunkers, all while offering a varying degree of difficulty for players. Focused on providing a unique, upscale experience where hospitality, service and superb course conditions are valued, Windy Knoll Golf Club creates the perfect blend of a private club atmosphere where no membership is required. In partnership, Windy Knoll will be providing free golf and the use of a cart to the residents of Springfield Masonic Community any day of the week. Residents are thrilled and have already begun working tee times into their schedules. They also appreciate the mom and pop feel you experience when stepping onto the grounds. Run by a life-long Clark County family, Windy Knoll Golf Club wants visitors to know where they are going and enjoy playing a beautiful course for a reasonable price. While Springfield Masonic Community residents will play for free, the sensible, “no membership required” aspect of the club will allow family members and friends to join them in playing a round of golf when visiting. Springfield Masonic Community and Windy Knoll Golf Club also want to extend an invitation to all Masons in the area, and passing through Springfield, Ohio to consider stopping by to play a reasonably priced round of golf. Not a golfer? The Stables restaurant serves delicious lunches and dinners to the public, and The Derby banquet hall provides a modern, well-appointed space for your next gathering. If you would like to discover more about the exclusive amenities and lifestyle residents of Springfield Masonic Community enjoy, call 937-525-3067 today. For more information about the picturesque Windy Knoll Golf Club, please visit www.windyknollgolfclub.com.
The Home's Resident Artists Virginia (Benedict) Miller of Springfield Masonic Community began painting in 1973. After experimenting with oils and acrylics on her own for a while she began taking classes, eager to learn and continue improving. It’s easy to see why her art has been commissioned by individuals and corporations alike as her paintings leave you wanting to explore the calm, gentle landscapes or speak with the person in the portrait. Currently, Mrs. Miller’s favorite mediums are acrylics and watercolors, but she also dabbles in porcelain, creating beautiful dolls from start to finish. At Springfield Masonic Community, Virginia paints daily and has taken up teaching a class for fellow residents once a week. She teaches each group about the color wheel and then encourages them as they move on to their individual works of art. Springfield Masonic Community and it's resident-led clubs and activity participants are grateful to have Virginia, a certified art instructor, lead this friendly class that enjoys meeting and learning together. Virginia and her husband, Jack, both hail from Marengo, Ohio and have lived at Springfield Masonic Community since April of 2014. Donna Swain, an artist originally from Akron, has lived at Western Reserve Masonic Community (WRMC) with her husband, Paul, for nearly three years. For years before their move to WRMC, Donna and Paul lived in a rural area that was often the subject of Donna’s paintings. Many of Donna’s works are of beautiful landscapes, done in colorful, eye-catching acrylics. She also has a talent for portraits and floral still life, dandelions being one of her favorite things to paint. Donna fondly remembers many seasons of volunteering her time to paint the bridge at Akron Children’s Hospital for Christmas and springtime. Although she used to have a studio and paint on commission, she only paints as a hobby now. Donna has been embracing her artistic talent since she was three years old and doesn’t plan to stop any time soon! Western Reserve Masonic Community offers Donna many opportunities to continue volunteering and to cultivate new hobbies. She enthusiastically says, “I am 91 and still hanging in there. Some days I run better than others, and that's okay!” World-traveler and photographer, Rose Bodette, first picked up a camera in 1966 on a freighter trip to the Amazon River from Brooklyn, N.Y. to Iquitos Peru with her (late) husband, Ed. It was on this trip that Rose discovered her affinity for both photography and adventure and it blossomed into a life-long love. The pair traveled the globe, visiting places such as Alaska, Tanzania, and even Antarctica. Learning from an equipment mishap on a trip to South America, Rose always traveled with multiple cameras, ready to snap a photo or shoot some video at all times. Her favorite picture that she’s taken was a labor of love, as she waited patiently for the right moment to snap a shot of a crane catching a frog in Kenya. A self-taught photographer, Rose has not been disconcerted by technology moving forward, and instead, embraced the changes that brought the digital age. As our residents and seniors begin embracing the possibilities technology has to offer, Browning Masonic Community is also changing to include the latest in technology to provide engaging opportunities for personal independence in an increasingly digital world. Originally from Archbold, Ohio, Rose now lives at Browning Masonic Community and has been a resident since 2014.
If you're interested in learning more about our communities, call the Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center at 877-881-1623. 12 SUMMER 2017
Timeless Wisdom Chapter of the Philalethes Have you been in search of more light in Masonry and wonder where like-minded Brothers gather for discussion? One of the groups that welcome your attendance and opinion is the local Philalethes Chapter, named Timeless Wisdom, based in northeast Ohio. The Greek word Philalethes means "lover of truth". In 1928, the Philalethes Society was founded to promote the publication and discussion of quality Masonic education and research. One of the original founders was the famous author, Rudyard Kipling. Presently, the national Philalethes Society publishes quarterly journals of serious scholarship and encourages
authors to send in their writings for consideration. Recognizing that there is a need for Masonic discussion, Timeless Wisdom Chapter was founded last year as a venue to meet and discuss important topics. Meetings have been very successful from the standpoint of sharing more light and fellowship. Meetings are held on the 5th Tuesday of the month, in a reserved restaurant room in the area around Cuyahoga Falls. The Chapter meets for dinner and then holds a discussion on a topic to be announced prior to the gathering. For more information, contact Wes Webber at 330-904-0722 or rwebber321@yahoo.com.
The Front Porch
Ohio’s own Masonic Podcast The Front Porch Masonic Podcast is a downloadable audio show produced by two brothers from Ohio. The name comes from the Porch of King Solomon’s Temple, because a podcast can’t enter the Sanctum Sanctorum. The show focuses mainly on education and discussions about the state of the Fraternity. Education ranges from reading articles on symbolism and history to book reviews, as well as interviews with topic experts. Discussions are meant to delve into current problems and solutions, and to capture what Masons are talking about for the historical record. Past shows have included book reviews, interviews with Masons and non-Masons, poetry, history, symbolism, and like all grumpy Past Masters, complaining. You can find them on Facebook, Stitcher, iTunes or on https://frontporchpodcast357.libsyn.com/ or you can email them at frontporchpodcast357@gmail.com. SUMMER 2017
One Call Away to Renewed Independence with the Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center One Insurmountable Step Conquered by One Phone Call After suffering from multiple health issues Sue Parker, a Masonic widow, reached out to the Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center for help. Her apartment may have had only one step at the entrance, but to someone like Sue it was becoming harder and harder to lift her walker up that step. Becky Cason, Resource Center Coordinator, was on the other end of Sue’s call that day and was able to find and purchase a portable ramp for her. With her new ramp being portable, Sue can not only bring her groceries in to her apartment, but she can also use it to get into the laundry room at her complex. Conquering a single insurmountable step with one phone call, and opening the door to increased independence and freedom for Masons, their wives, widows and families is the purpose of the Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center. Keep your eyes open for brothers and ladies who may be facing insurmountable steps. You can help!
New Sight for Weary Eyes
Brother Jim Masters was diagnosed with macular degeneration. He could not see to read any of his mail, newspapers, or fliers and stayed in his room on account of not being able to read what was happening and when on campus. Through the Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center, Jim was connected to a support group for individuals with vision loss. The President of this group has donated over 39 closed circuit electronic magnifying machines that can enlarge images up to 40 times, and donated one to Jim. The Resource Center coordinated with the Western Reserve Masonic Community Wood Shop, run by residents, to custom build a table to fit Jim’s height so he can pull up in his power chair to use his new machine. With this, our Brother is able to read his newspapers, invitations and fliers again. “I feel connected to the world again,” he said. Now he spends three hours per day using his machine and says he would be lost without it. Jim’s weary eyes have been given new sight. Pay attention to Brothers and Ladies who have suddenly left your social circle. You could be the reason they reconnect!
The Difference a Month Can Make, in the Life of a Brother
When Edward Arbaugh came to Browning Masonic Community (BMC) he was in a wheelchair and completely reliant on the staff to leave his apartment. Enter the Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center. Worshipful Brother Jesse Pertee, Resource Center Liaison, was brought up to speed regarding the situation by the staff at BMC during an Aging in Place meeting, and quickly went to work. He soon found that Brother Arbaugh was a veteran, and initiated registering him with the V.A. to see if there are any benefits available to help him regain his freedom. As the V.A. process can take some time, Worshipful Brother Pertee
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sought a temporary solution in the form of a mobility scooter. Upon inquiring with Jason Aberegg, Director of Engineering at Western Reserve Masonic Community, he found out that Jason knew of a scooter that could be used until a permanent solution could be found. After that, things moved quickly, Jesse loaded up the scooter and transported it to BMC, where delivery was met by excitement and smiles from Brother Arbaugh. Fifteen minutes and a little training later, Brother Arbaugh was happily scooting down the hallway outside his apartment. When asked what he was going to do first he said, “I’m going to get outside and check out the campus!” While the V.A. is still processing Brother Arbaugh’s paperwork, the Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center was able to open that resource to him and restore his independence in less than one month. What difference will the next month make in the life of a Brother? You have the power to decide.
Available statewide, call 877-881-1623 today to find out how the Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center can help you or someone you know who is in need.
Veterans, Patriots, Masons, Men: Sojourners The Purposes of National Sojourners shall be to organize current and former members of the uniformed forces of the United States, and Honorary Members, who are Master Masons and U.S. citizens into Chapters, for the promotion of good fellowship among its members, for assisting such as may be overtaken by adversity or affliction, for cultivating Masonic ideals, for supporting all patriotic aims and activities in Masonry, for developing true Patriotism and Americanism throughout the Nation, for bringing together representatives of the uniformed forces of the United States (past and present) in a united effort to further the military need of National Defense, and for opposing any influence whatsoever calculated to weaken the National Security. In all of Ohio only one city could lay claim to an active chapter of National Sojourners, Cleveland. While that is still true today, on June 17 in the Burkhart Auditorium at Springfield Masonic Community, Brothers from across the state gathered to begin the journey of resurrecting the Dayton chapter. “As president I have brought in many men from the Dayton
Area and always felt sad that they could not participate in our activities because of the travel distance. With the resurrection of Dayton No.67 they will now be able to become active and stay active in their own community,” said Ron Runion, President, Cleveland No. 23. Worshipful Brother Jesse Pertee, Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center Liaison was elected President, and Right Worshipful Brother Dan Shirk, Ohio Masonic Home Foundation Community Outreach Manager was elected Secretary. Ten applications were accepted and the members initiated with plans to grow that number over the coming months. The new club will meet quarterly on the Springfield Masonic Community campus and anyone interested in joining are encouraged to contact President Jesse Pertee at jpertee@ ohiomasonichome.org or Secretary Dan Shirk at dshirk@ ohiomasonichome.org. “I see this pulling together both residents and nonresidents both on and off campus as a unified group to promote brotherhood and Americanism,” said Jesse Pertee, President, Dayton No. 67. “It’s about esprit de corps and fellowship.”
Quick Facts What: National Sojourners Who can join: Master Masons in good standing, who have served or are serving in the military are eligible. Or if you are deeply patriotic this organization is for you. Our ladies are welcome to attend meetings as well. Community outreach: Creating or participating in patriotic events such as parades, memorial services, flag presentations, Junior ROTC award recognition and more. Meeting Frequency: Quarterly To Join: Dayton No. 67 – Contact Jesse Pertee at jpertee@ohiomasonichome.org or Dan Shirk at dshirk@ohiomasonichome.org Cleveland No. 23 – Contact Ron Runion at rlrunion@gmail.com or 330-618-9553
2655 W. National Rd. Springfield, OH 45504-3698 www.theohiobeacon.com
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journal for the
traveling Brother
Coming Soon: OMH Print Shop Fraternal Essentials Page
The OMH Print Shop is pleased to announce plans for a Fraternal Essentials online shop at www.omhprintshop.com. The Print Shop prides itself on producing one-of-a-kind products to fit every need at a reasonable price. However, a new line of ready-to-go products with standard designs is in the works with the intention of quick turnaround, ease of ordering and similarity/continuity for the lodges. When live, customers will simply select the desired product, and fill in the blanks of needed information such as Lodge name and number. Featured items will include the Chronicles Book, to log your personal Masonic Journey, and the Traveler's Journal, documenting visits to other Lodges. Also available are petitions, certificates, greeting cards, aprons, letterhead, register books, envelopes and much more. Custom design, of course, will also remain available, in addition to our other product lines including name badges, personal gifts, apparel, laser engraving and vinyl cutting. Be on the lookout for future updates!
Installation of W.M. Chris Silvers, Celina Lodge
Reconsecration of Lodge