2018 Beacon Spring

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BEACON Volume 25, Issue 2 Spring 2018

Everybody Knows Rose Page 6

A Brother Paints for His Lodge Page 6

Spring Fashion Show at Browning Page 7

An Obligation Fulfilled Page 8

There's no place like HOME DAY! Sunday, June 10 See Page 5 for details

Three Distinct Knocks Page 10

US Bank and the Ohio Masonic Home Foundation Support Memory Care Page 12

...and more!


A Focus


With only half of the District Receptions behind us at the time of this writing, Linda and I are in awe of your support and want to thank the many Districts, Lodges, Widows Sons Chapters and individuals who have donated to the Grand Lodge Charitable Foundation in support of our Veteran’s projects. In the near future, I will announce the dates for dedicating the four Veteran Memorial Monuments via the Grand Lodge Communicator. The ceremonies will be public at the Browning and Western Reserve Masonic Communities as well as the National Cemeteries in Dayton and Rittman. It is my hope that many will come in support of the dedications. The donated funds will also help sponsor veterans on Honor Flights to Washington D.C. This is a wonderful program and deserving of our support. I continue to be concerned about our declining membership numbers. Each year our number of members is dropping at an alarming rate. In an attempt to turn this trend around, I have implemented the Replace Yourself Program which is aimed at attracting new members. This program is being embraced by most Lodges and I am hearing of positive results across the state. I requested the Grand Secretary's office send an Amnesty letter to men who have been suspended for nonpayment of dues over the past five years offering them reinstatement into our Fraternity. As of this writing, we have reinstated 295 members and my hope is that there are many more that will be coming. I encourage every Lodge to form a committee that is committed to preventing the loss of current members. There are software programs available, at a very small cost, that can assist in finding individuals. I am not particularly talented in technology, so I turn to our younger men to help. If your Lodge has a committee to contact members or if you form such a committee, I recommend that you have a member who is familiar with technology and can assist with finding those members who are lost to your Lodge. We can not afford to lose even one member. I would like to see us have an email address on every member who uses email so that we have an

Preservation easy method of staying in contact with all of our members. I ask every Secretary to make that a priority. There again, find a member of your Lodge and make them an Assistant Secretary whose main task is to find lost members and update your database on every member. There are also hundreds of men on our rolls that have received their Entered Apprentice or Fellowcraft degree but have never gotten their Master Mason degree. I encourage every Lodge to contact these men and encourage them to finish their journey. If you receive an “I’m not interested” from them then contact the Grand Secretary's office to see how to purge them from your database. I would hope that most of these men are interested in completing their Master Mason degree and continuing. Be sure to let them know that there is an alternative proficiency available to them if they prefer. Linda and I want to thank everyone for the warm reception we receive everywhere we go. It’s such an honor for us to represent Ohio Masonry throughout our great state as well as other jurisdictions we visit. I know that everyone is working to make Masonry strong in Ohio and I appreciate all you are doing to accomplish that goal.

Embrace Our Heritage . . . Preserve Our Traditions. Fraternally, Eric “Rick” Schau Grand Master

The Ohio Beacon is published quarterly. Please report all changes of address to your Lodge Secretary, who, in turn, will notify the Grand Secretary, who maintains the database that produces the BEACON mailing lists. Douglas Kaylor, PGM | Program Coordinator | The Grand Lodge F.&A.M. of Ohio One Masonic Drive, Springfield, OH 45504 | 614-885-5318 or 800-292-6092 | dkaylor@glohio.com Ohio Masonic Home | Marketing Department 2655 W. National Road, Springfield, OH 45504 | 937-525-5609 | OMHmarketing@ohiomasonichome.org

Growing Hope Through Volunteers Dear Brethren, The Ohio Masonic Home is committed to serving members of our Fraternity and their families across the state of Ohio. To that end, we have in place our three campuses located in the Southwest, Northeast and Northwestern parts of the state serving over 800 people. In addition, we maintain a statewide presence through the Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center which has staff located in all areas of the state supported by a network of volunteer ACE Ambassadors and Masonic Volunteer committees in our Masonic Volunteer Program. Through ongoing collaboration with the Grand Lodge, we have been successful in charting out, and have a very good understanding of, the demographics and location of our Masonic family across the state. Our network of support is being built based on the information gleaned from this ongoing work. This includes two dedicated staff resources in northeast Ohio, one in northwest Ohio, one in southeast Ohio and one in the western part of the state. In addition to our paid staff, we have in place over 100 ACE Ambassadors and Masonic Volunteers combined. As it relates to the southern part of the state, we’ve noted that while the Masonic population in this part of the state is not as large as other areas, the needs identified appear to be proportionally greater. To that end, in addition to the current staff in southeast Ohio, we are in the process of hiring another staff person who will be dedicated to identifying resources and services across the southern part of the state which will assist us in delivering our mission successfully. We are excited about this new position as we believe it will enhance our ability to provide better service statewide through internal staff, volunteers and collaboration with existing organizations and support services.

Find the Carnival Tent! Congratulations to James Gatts of Argus Lodge No. 545 in Canfield, Ohio, the winner of last edition’s Find the Heart search! There were 4 Hearts in the last edition. In this edition, we look forward to all the great food and fellowship of Home Day with a Carnival Tent graphic! Search through this entire edition and count how many times you find the Carnival Tent graphic to the right (do not count the example graphic or the logo).

We have learned a great deal over the past two years in how we meet our mission. Collaboration and sharing ideas is pivotal to the successes we’ve seen and to our ongoing success. We’ve learned that growing organically is the right course of action as it helps us to be more agile in how we meet the needs across the state. We are blessed with a very large and diverse population and understand that there are distinct regional differences across Ohio which requires us to pursue different strategies. Our Masonic Volunteer program is growing steadily but in a controlled manner. The exciting part of this program is that we are connecting Brethren who have a desire to serve with the ability to serve at their own pace. We are keeping it very informal and have seen great success in this program thus far, particularly in southern Ohio. The Ambassadors are doing a phenomenal job in spreading the message of the good work of OMH in a concise and consistent manner. Moving ahead, we are encouraged by the outpouring of support and collaboration from all the Masonic bodies that we’ve seen thus far. We are excited about where we are going with a solid but flexible structure in place to get there. By understanding the needs of those we serve, tracking data and adjusting as we go, we will continue to be successful in achieving our mission in a sustainable manner which will allow us to continue to serve for generations to come. Fraternally Yours, Brother Scott Buchanan CEO, The Ohio Masonic Home Submit the correct answer along with your contact information and Lodge affiliation to Ohio Masonic Home, ATTN: OMH Marketing, 2655 W. National Rd., Springfield, Ohio 45504 or via email at OMHmarketing@ohiomasonichome.org by June 22, 2018, and be entered to win a prize, courtesy of the Ohio Masonic Home Print Shop! (Your participation serves as permission to include your name and Lodge affiliation in the next edition of the Beacon.) SPRING 2018


Board Member Spotlight: Ron Connelly Right Worshipful Brother Ron Connelly, 33°, (Millennium Lodge #779, Dayton) is a third generation Freemason. He and his wife, Elaine, have been married since 1972 and live in Centerville, a suburb of Dayton. They have three children; Chris, Jennifer and Rebecca and five grandchildren. Their son Chris joined the fraternity in 2000 making him a fourth generation Freemason. With their kids grown, Ron spends most of his time on Masonic activities when he's not busy with his work as Chief Financial Officer of First Tool Corporation. "Most of our friends and their families are Masons," he said. "Elaine and I enjoy the camaraderie of people with the same moral values." Ron joined the fraternity shortly after completing his college career. "It seemed that all the people I respected were Masons," he said. "I wanted to surround myself with good people. Freemasonry recognizes people for who they are, not what they are."

Ron Connelly OMH Board Chairman Ron was Master of the lodge in which he was raised (Stillwater #616) and was the first master of his current lodge, Millennium #779. He is a member of Unity Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, Scottish Rite in the Valleys of Dayton and Cincinnati, Antioch Shrine and is a Past Thrice Potent Master of Gabriel Lodge of Perfection, Valley of Dayton. Ron currently serves as the Treasurer for the Valley of Dayton and the Ohio Council of Deliberation. In 2006, Ron joined The Ohio Masonic Home Board of Trustees where he served as Treasurer until January of this year. With the retirement of Most Worshipful Brother Terry Posey, Ron was elected to serve as the Chairman of The Ohio Masonic Home Board. Ron has been a part of many organizations but feels that his service on the Ohio Masonic Home Board of Trustees has allowed him to play an integral role in the growth and success of our mission. He is confident the Ohio Masonic Home has the right people aboard to build on its legacy. “The Ohio Masonic Home is committed to serving the members of the fraternity. I respect the people on the Ohio Masonic Home boards, they’re outstanding professionals and outstanding Masons. We look forward to continuing the mission of the Home.”

Deputy Grand Master Plans Summer Roll-outs

The Deputy Grand Master, RWB Jess Raines, has announced that he will be holding thirteen roll-outs around the state to introduce his plans and programs for the 2018-2019 Masonic Year. He is still finalizing dates and locations, but the sessions will be held in July and August as has become customary in Ohio. With thirteen opportunities, there should be a roll-out within easy reach of every Lodge. The Deputy Grand Master's roll-outs have become a key strategy to help Lodge officers plan for the coming year. Typically, the roll-out will cover new programs, requirements for inspections, criteria for various awards, and Question and Answer time. Any Mason is invited to attend, but elected Lodge officers will find it especially helpful. When the schedule of dates, locations, and times is complete, the Grand Lodge will report the complete list on its web site and Facebook page. Also, Lodge Worshipful Masters, Wardens, and Secretaries can expect an email notification, which they are encouraged to share with their members. RWB Raines has an exciting year planned, and the roll-outs will be everyone's opportunity to hear about it in person.

Changes in the Grand Secretary’s Staff Announced

Most Worshipful Brother Douglas N. Kaylor, Past Grand Master, has joined the Grand Secretary’s staff as the new Grand Lodge Program Coordinator. His duties will encompass much of what was performed by Worshipful Brother Chad Simpson, who after 17 years of service to the Grand Lodge, has taken a new job close to his home in Columbus. Brother Kaylor is a retired librarian and brings much fraternal and professional experience to the position. He was raised in Alpha Lodge No. 729 on June 2, 1987. He served as Worshipful Master in 1996. He later served three years as a District Education Officer and two years as District Deputy Grand Master for the Second Masonic District. In 2009, he was appointed Junior Grand Deacon of the Grand Lodge of Ohio by Most Worshipful Brother Terry W. Posey. He progressed through the line until elected Grand Master in 2016.

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There’s No Place Like Home Day On behalf of the Ohio Masonic Home, our staff and residents, we would like to invite you to attend the 34th Annual Ohio Masonic Home Day, June 10, 2018. Whether you are a new visitor, or a frequent attender, we encourage you to come. Spend some time with a resident while you are here and discover a wealth of exciting stories. Meet some of our staff, make some new friends or catch up with old acquaintances you haven’t seen for a while. Enjoy a variety of food, prepared by the Brethren from many Masonic Districts. We guarantee you will not go away hungry, but make sure you leave room for dessert and enjoy our “world famous strawberry shortcake.” Relax under the entertainment tent while listening to some great entertainers playing a wide variety of music. Play a round of miniature golf, visit the petting zoo, try bungee jumping or stroll through the merchant tent and enjoy a little shopping. You can also visit the corporate booths and learn more about the services and programs offered through the Ohio Masonic Home and our Resource Center. When you are done with your adventurous day, pull up a chair or find a spot in the grass and enjoy the parade. No matter what you decide to do, there are many pleasant experiences awaiting your arrival. Mark June 10, 2018 on your calendar and we will look forward to seeing you, your families and friends at Home Day.


We are always in need of volunteers for Home Day. Typical duties are helping with parking, guiding people, set-up, clean-up and tear-down. Volunteers are also needed for tasks prior to Home Day, such as spreading mulch and planting flowers. If you are interested in volunteering, contact Dan Shirk at (937) 926-4305 or dshirk@ohiomasonichome.org

2018 Commemorative Apron to Unveil at Home Day The OMH Print Shop is excited to unveil the 2018 Commemorative Apron at this year’s Home Day celebration on June 10. The handmade apron will feature custom-design art on a sturdy, double-layer, white apron with a royal blue backing, pocket and unique buckle. This collectible piece would serve as a great conversation topic in your Lodge and office, and also serves as an excellent gift for your Brothers. OMH Print Shop staff will be taking orders for the new 2018 Commemorative Apron at their shop, located on the Springfield campus. Stop by to see the new aprons and place your order to ensure delivery at the 209th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Ohio in Sandusky, Ohio. Once unveiled at Home Day on June 10, orders may also be taken by phone, email, and on our website. See below for details. This is also your last chance to order the 2017 Commemorative Apron, first of the series, which will be available until Home Day. Be sure to place your order as soon as possible to ensure that you do not miss out on a single year of these unique aprons.

For more information, or to place your order, contact the OMH Print Shop at 937-525-4939, email info@omhprintshop.com, or visit www.omhprintshop.com. SPRING 2018


Everybody Knows Rose By Barbara Heckart A 95-pound package of dynamite, Rose Bass has lived at the Springfield Masonic Community Home for 10 years now. She's been involved with nearly everything here and is known as the community's dog-sitter. Always willing to help out wherever needed, she is easily mistaken for the Energizer Bunny. Rose is currently running the Home's Boutique, which she proudly keeps neat and tidy. Many patrons have complimented her on the orderly selections of not only clothing, but also books, shoes, hats, utensils and other items one might find in a very nice thrift shop. But our Boutique is missing one thing: price tags. All items are free. Rose keeps them well-organized and takes personal interest in what the customer might be looking for. She had an aunt who owned a ladies' shop in which Rose worked with her and learned about merchandising during that experience. She was born in Barboursville, Knox County, Kentucky. Despite Kentucky's charms and her five brothers, Rose realized very young that there was a much bigger and more interesting world out there. She knew she wanted that. Full of ambition, she moved to Cincinnati and later to Columbus where she lived for 41 years. She found a career in Bank Ohio Corporation's Investments department. She met her husband, Frank, a member of the West Gate Lodge No. 623 and a 21-year Mason. It didn't take them long to realize they were meant for each other. He adored her and it was vice versa. He brought her roses and candy and at least 14 times a day he told her he loved her. Her apartment is filled with family photos and each brings back a special memory. When asked to describe Frank, she didn't have to think long to remember his virtues. He was kind, a gentleman, had a good attitude, and his children respected him. He didn't worry about things. His children accepted her as their own. He was a baker in the Army and made great potato soup. She baked his children's birthday cakes and he decorated them. Rose is quite interested in genealogy. Her great-great-great-grandfather David Chadwell migrated to America from England, settling in Chadwell Station, Tennessee. His family can be traced back to 1545. The family has a reunion every three years somewhere in Tennessee. They make a pilgrimage to visit their forebears' graves and decorate them. One of her ancestors was given 2,000 acres as payment for his military service. Pride in her family is quite apparent. There has always been a boy named David, after the original David Chadwell. Everybody knows Rose and Rose knows she's found a home here. You can find her helping in many ways around our campus. She loves to help beautify the grounds, decorating Iredell Gardens' hallways and delivering papers. Just look around until you see a tiny little lady with a big smile on her face. She's helping and she knows she is valued.

A Brother Paints for His Lodge By Chad Kopenski, DDGM

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The following paintings were done by Michael Wootton, KYCH, for Paramuthia No. 25 in Athens, Ohio. The Brethren were talking after a meeting about the Lodge experience and wishing that they had older trestle boards to use for the lectures or in the preparation room. Worshipful Brother Wootton mentioned that he was a painter and that he loved the images and colors of the older boards. The Brethren asked and he graciously created these original trestle boards for the Lodge to use. They hang proudly in the Lodge room right above Worshipful Brother Wootton’s station as Treasurer. He is currently working on a similar series for the York Rite Bodies that meet at the Lodge hall.

Spring Fashion Show at Browning Residents from the Browning Masonic Community approached Michele Kipplen, Director of Life Enrichment, and asked her about the fashion show they had a few years back. They expressed how much they had enjoyed it and that it was something different.They wanted to do it again! Their hope was to use the same company but with the opportunity to pick their own fashions. With that, Michele contacted Chico’s Store Manager, Sue, from Levis Commons. Sue was excited to hear that the ladies wanted to do another fashion show. Arrangements were made for transportation and the ladies visited Chico’s to pick out spring fashions that the everyday woman would wear. With Sue’s guidance and expert suggestion they were able to jazz up their outfits. Dorothy, who would have never picked some of the items on her own, ventured to try new colors and styles and found the outfits to be quite comfortable. She looked magnificent! Becky found a pair of stylish jeans that were quite pleasing and very hip. Shirley, who enjoys wearing walking shorts, found a pair she can easily dress up or dress down for any occasion. JoAnn was torn on whether to choose a very pink skirt or to go with a conservative black, flowing one. She chose to go with the pink which seemed to add a spring to her step with such a bright, bold color. She stated, “This is about to be my new church outfit!” We can’t forget Rose, who is a faithful customer of Chico's and has been for quite some time. Rose participated in the first style show and she did not give a second thought about modeling this time too. She chose a traveler’s outfit that is perfect for her next travel adventure. Last but not least, Kathleen found a terrific, dark colored pair of jeans and a beautifully embroidered top that is perfect for the many activities she attends and is involved in. After their fitting, the ladies chose to have lunch at Biaggis and made the day an official ladies day out! On the day of the fashion show, Sue brought all of the items that had been selected to Browning for the ladies to showcase. Sue introduced each model and what they were wearing, along with offering up additional styling tips like rolling up the sleeves of a jacket to give oneself a longer, leaner look. Each of the ladies walked the runway with grace and style, answering questions their guests had, encouraging them to touch the fabric and try on the jewelry. The day following the fashion show, the ladies all visited Chico’s to purchase their items and do some more shopping! The field trip was so inviting that other residents chose to hop on the fully loaded bus and come too. It was so full that some residents chose to drive themselves. Needless to say, Chico’s was quite busy, and to show their appreciation, our Resident models received a very nice discount on their purchases.

Grove City Lodge Holds Successful More Light – Friendship Night On April 6, the members of Grove City Lodge No. 689 in Grove City, Ohio gathered with friends and family to share some light on Freemasonry and membership in the Masonic fraternity. After a great dinner, the Officers and several Past Masters shared short presentations about various aspects of Grove City Lodge. Eight of the twelve invited guests turned in petitions for initiation that night.

Brother Hamlin Recognized for 75 years Brother Bill Hamlin was recently recognized for 75 years of membership in Freemasonry. He is a member of Conrad Lodge No. 271 and 96 years old. (Front row - L-R): Karen Conner and Bill Hamlin; (Back row - L-R): Past Grand Master Jim Easterling, Brennan Wallick - DDGM of the 21st District, Joseph Grabiel – Worshipful Master of Conrad Lodge No. 271.

“I was very pleased with the turn out and am glad that we took the opportunity to show our friends why our fraternity is alive and thriving,” explained Worshipful Master Stacy McClain.



An Obligation Fulfilled It all began in 1965 when Brother Bill Woodbridge was raised a Master Mason in a Lodge in Cincinnati, Ohio. At the time, he took an oath and made a promise to aid and assist his fellow Masons, their widows and orphans. Little did he know that promise would be fulfilled some 53 years later for his widow, Kathy, and his orphan, Katy and her sweet son Georgie. Bill’s widow, Kathy Woodbridge, provides support for her daughter and grandson, Georgie Glaros. Georgie Glaros is an exceptional little boy. He is intelligent, intuitive, creative and the most courageous little guy in the world. When he was only a few days old baby Georgie suffered a pediatric stroke. His condition left this sweet little baby with a traumatic brain injury and minimal use of the left side of his body. This young fellow has spent his entire life confined to a wheel chair. Surprisingly, the chair has not discouraged little Georgie or his family. Georgie’s mother works with unwavering diligence and dedication turning every new challenge into an opportunity to help Georgie and her family grow stronger. Mom and his big sister, Hope, are dedicated to protecting little Georgie and helping him to grow by stimulating him physically, mentally, and emotionally. Georgie’s family has remained steadfast through several hospital stays, surgeries, treatments and therapies. Just this year, Georgie has spent over 60 days in the hospital and over 120 days house bound with his mother while he suffered through halo traction. In spite of these painful obstacles, Georgie found the strength to keep up with his peers and successfully complete all his school work in order to be promoted with his classmates. While Georgie’s mother has always been a creative problem solver she found herself facing a huge obstacle; she needed reliable transportation for her brave little guy who cannot be transported without a mobility van. In February, a friend of Mr. Woodbridge and member of the Valley of Cleveland learned of this urgent situation requiring immediate action. He immediately reached out to several members of the Fraternity across the state and country in addition to the Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center. The call to action was established and many people got to work within hours. A call was made to the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction AASR Supreme Council Office who jumped into action. Contacts were made with Brother Woodbridge’s Cincinnati Brethren, including the Valley of Cincinnati Almoner’s Fund and local Lodges. Local Masonic organizations in the Cleveland area were also contacted. A private fundraiser was set up with Huntington Bank for the family. The Ohio Grand Lodge Charitable Foundation was made aware of this urgent situation.

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Staff of The Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center began to connect with existing resources to locate a mobility van for Georgie and took the lead on coordinating resources. In addition to those efforts, we dispatched a Resource Center Liaison to begin working with the family on addressing all possible other needs. Over the next few days, a vehicle was located with MobilityWorks in Akron, Ohio who was an amazing partner in working with our Resource Center to recognize the situation and price the vehicle accordingly. MobilityWorks immediately got to work on a brand new vehicle customized to meet Georgie and his family’s needs, right down to Georgie’s favorite color, red. Our Resource Center Liaison began communications with the family by opening connections to future benefits for Georgie and providing a calming force through a challenging few weeks. Over a short period of time, the family raised over $10,000 in their private fundraiser which is truly amazing, however about $35,000 short of their goal. At the same time, unbeknownst to Georgie and his family, the network of Brethren put together commitments and successfully raised over $35,000 in less than a week with the possibility of more to come for Georgie’s family. On Friday, March 9, staff of the Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center had the honor to represent the Home as well as many branches of Freemasonry in presenting a check for $35,000, combined with private funds raised, which gave Georgie a brand new red mobility van. Sixty-five years after Brother Woodbridge took that solemn obligation, his widow, his daughter and grandson received a life changing gift from those who did the same. It was an honor to meet little Georgie, his smile is his best trait for sure. He loves to eat berries, he loves playing Pokemon and likes the Cincinnati Bengals. When we asked him why the Bengals? His response was because of the uniforms, but mostly the cheerleaders. Little Georgie is a charmer for sure. Georgie loves his big sister, Hope, who has an amazing and loving spirit of care for her little brother, is patient and kind. Georgie loves to learn and fix things. He wants to be a scientist and inventor when he grows up and he’s got the mind and grit to accomplish that goal. The fascinating, exceptionally intelligent, resilient young man will change the world some day and our beloved Fraternity working together with the Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center has made a difference in helping him along the way.

Get to Know the Foundation Staff Greetings from the Ohio Masonic Home Foundation. In a previous issue of the Beacon it was promised that I would share with all of you a little bit about the amazing employees within the Foundation. The time has come and here is a short vignette of the employees serving you. Cathy Spencer has been a part of the Ohio Masonic Home Foundation for almost 7 years. As Donor Relations Manager, she is guardian of the data, processor of gifts and correspondence, and provider of reports to assist the Foundation team. She tells inquirers that the favorite thing about her job is seeing the results of the gifts as they are used to benefit those in our care across the OMH campuses and through the Resource Center. Cathy has been married to her best friend, Mark, for 36 years. They have three grown children: Scott, Cheryl and Anna, and have added one son-in-law, Garrett. She enjoys creating small handcrafts such as felt items, wreaths and cards. And as a member of the Springfield Symphony Chorale, she gets to sing with the Symphony, which is great fun. She finds pleasure in supporting the Fraternity via responding to inquiries from Lodges and individuals, and by preparing Lodge giving statements for their annual inspections. Brother Jay Dettorre has had the privilege of serving the Ohio Masonic Home for the past 16 years. As the Community Development Director for Northeast Ohio his goal is to ensure long-term sustainability for our Ohio Masonic Home. He states, “I truly enjoy the opportunity to share the success stories of our organization with so many individuals and business leaders throughout my region. Working together we can continue to meet the changing needs of the residents and families we serve across the state.” Jay is blessed with a beautiful family, his wife Gina and daughters Meredith, Madeline and Emma. His favorite pastime is spending time with these 4 lovely ladies. Recreationally, he enjoys golfing, kayaking, biking and hiking as well as quiet time to sit and read a good mystery. Jay is a member of Victory Lodge F&AM #649 as well as a member of Scottish Rite Valley of Akron and Canton York Rite. Jay tells people that he is proud to be a Mason and to be a part of the Ohio Masonic Home team. Worshipful Brother Mark Harris is the Community Development Director for Northwest/ Central Ohio and has been with the Ohio Masonic Home Foundation for 6 years. Working with Masons, community leaders and organizations, he increases awareness of, and support for services and programs provided by the OMH. He says, “I love to visit Lodges and meet Brethren throughout the state, letting them know just how their support and caring makes a difference in the lives of Ohio Masons and their families.” Fraternally, Mark is Worshipful Master of Rubicon Lodge #237, and an active member of Fort Meigs Chapter #29 RAM, Grafton Acklin Council #127 R&SM, Toledo Commandery #7 KT., Valley of Toledo AASR, O-Ton-Ta-La Grotto, and Zenobia Shrine. Mark and his wife, Ann, live in Waterville, Ohio where they have raised two Children, Jordan and Brittany, both who are married and have also bought homes in Waterville. Mark’s passion is music. As a professional guitarist and vocalist for more than 50 years, he has performed across the Midwest and appeared on both national and regional television. Mark has four albums of original music to his credit. There you have it! You have just a little more insight into the individuals that make up the Ohio Masonic Home Foundation. We hope that you are compelled to call on us at any time. Oh, and answer a call from us from time to time. Blessings, Brother Steve Petitjean, Executive Director SPRING 2018


Three Distinct Knocks By WB Martin O’Brien Envision if you will a young man, a man who has grown something important and his excitement grows but still up in relative financial and material comfort but in moral there is a shroud around the place he wishes to be and he and spiritual ambiguity. Understand, that this man I am is filled with uncertainty and trepidation. Yet that spark, describing is not me but I can tell his story. You may flickering weakly in his chest, draws him onwards and even know him or another person like him. This man, at soon the veil parts slightly revealing a gate guarded by least he believes himself a man, no event in his life apart stern faced sentinels that bar his way. They examine from the tearing of pages from a calendar has marked this traveler, their probing eyes, experienced from long his transition from adolescence to manhood, comes from years of labor in the quarries beyond, search for any good stock. Salt of the earth people who were faithful to sign of dishonesty or impure motive. Their examination their creed and mindful of harder times, struggles that is thorough and they can see that feint lights inside our they have strived to shelter their son from. This young supplicant and it is this that assures them of his sincerity. man is popular and has surrounded himself with friends They step aside allowing him to advance through the of like mind and opinion. Perhaps this man has had the West gate. Once through the portico he is met by gentle benefit of formal education beyond hands welcoming him in friendship, high school and so feels that he knows guiding his steps lest he should much and because life has been gentle falter. He is reassured and told to on him he has faced no adversity to fear no evil, for evil cannot take inform him otherwise. He believes root in this place. He is prepared for that he doesn't need superstitious what is about to transpire, taking religion because he has reason. He off the trappings of the world he is comfortable. More passive than is beginning to leave behind and purposeful in his decision making, he pass a threshold into a new way of goes easily where the tides of life take being. He is given some time, a few him. He does what his job requires moments, in which to gather himself of him, no more, no less, because and prepare his mind to receive the he invests his time and energy more priceless gift that awaits him. fully in leisure pursuits marking time through the week to get to the He is in darkness by design, his weekend and when he arrives he vision taken away the better to imbibes too much and makes morally align his other senses. He is guided questionable decisions. Perhaps he forward until his outstretched hands treats the fairer sex disrespectfully, meet with obstruction. A door. He allowing his passions to hold sway is told to reach for the heavy brass over that reason that he values over religion. Perhaps he knocker that adorns it and taking it firmly strike the door has no male role model to show him there is another and with it three distinct times. His hand is shaking with better way. nervous anticipation as it reaches for it. His fingers can trace a shape, the same symbol he found on the side of He lives his life in a repetitious cycle, monotonous the building. The square and compasses. The knocker week to intemperate weekend over and over again. This rises and falls, One! farewell to apathy. Farewell to pattern is reinforced by his circle of friends all of whom the chaos of selfish and disordered thinking. He lifts are equally adrift. Until one day he sees something, a it again. More forcefully this time the knocker hits the sign on an old brick building, an ancient sign that hints strike plate. Two! As the sound of it fades away so too at a different way, a different path the wanderer can take. does the man he was, he is already changed. A third time This sign pulls at something in his mind, perhaps the his hand rises, this is perhaps the first purposeful act he prick of conscience. As this feeling comes to the fore a has undertaken, the first real movement towards taking feint spark flickers in his chest and draws him towards responsibility for himself and his place in this world. that symbol. Walking forward he begins to leave behind Three! The door opens. Though blindfolded he is aware the chaos and apathy that have marked his life to this that a light is shining on him from within and that spark point and he moves Eastwards, towards something in his chest that was once so weak flairs brightly. better. He gets the sense that he is drawing closer to

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The Origin of the Mortarboard Hat A Symbol of Graduation By Russell Herner, PDDGM There are many old customs and traditions that people participate in today without ever really knowing the original purpose for doing so. In some instances, the initial meaning of these traditions has been lost over time, and no one ever questions their beginnings. The meaning behind millions of students wearing the mortarboard hat at graduation is a case in point that I believe slipped through the cracks. After much research, I am convinced that the centuries-old tradition of wearing these funny-looking hats at graduation originated in the Middle Age stonemason apprenticeship schools of Europe. I believe this old tradition occurred when the stonemason apprentice graduated to the degree level of ‘Master Mason.’

Figure 1: graduation mortarboard hat, as a symbol of graduation, looks exactly like a flat stonemason mortarboard.

A stonemason's mortarboard is a flat piece of wood measuring about twenty-four inches square. It is usually placed on a stand on the scaffolding near the wall being built. The mortarboard held the wet mortar until the stone setter applied it to the stones with the Mason’s trowel. The setter then placed the mortared stone into the wall. After the mortar dried around the stone, a strong solid wall was formed. A skullcap was a brimless cloth cap typically worn in the ancient stonemason's day. Taken together, the mortarboard and skull cap look exactly like a modern graduation cap. Today’s graduation caps are even called ‘mortarboard hats.’ See Figure 1.

Words from the Resource Center Coordinator

Becky Cason Named as New Ohio Masonic Home Liaison for Western Ohio I was very excited to take the position of Resource Center Liaison for Western Ohio. I have been with the Ohio Masonic Home for over 8 years starting with the OMH Foundation in 2009. In 2011, I accepted a position with the newly developed Resource Center and helped to grow the department from the ground up. I functioned as the Resource Center Coordinator until being recently promoted to Liaison. Going forward I want to develop relationships with the Districts and Lodges in my area, introduce the Masonic Volunteer Program and build a network of resources for our clients. I look forward to coming out to share information on the Resource Center with a booth or a presentation at your Lodge or Masonic event.

Raquel Flanigan, Resource Center Coordinator is excited about all the opportunities and services provided by the Resource Center. With continued growth within the department this will allow assistance to even more families and individuals. In fulfilling this role Raquel states, “I’m looking forward to utilizing my diverse background in nursing, case management, discharge planning, and education to add to the Resource Center team. Today we find that healthcare is constantly changing, and with those changes causes confusion in terms of what resources are available, and what benefits you may qualify for. I make it a priority to stay knowledgeable in this specific area of healthcare. I am available to assist our Liaisons, all of our Ohio Masonic Home campuses, and the community.” With Liaisons located in all regions of Ohio contacting assistance is only a phone call away.

If you have questions about aging and/or available resources please contact the Resource Center Toll-Free at 877-881-1623. SPRING 2018


US Bank and the Ohio Masonic Home Foundation Support Memory Care The Fifth Annual Ohio Masonic Home Foundation Golf Classic, sponsored by US Bank, will take place this year on Monday, June 4 at Wedgewood Golf and Country Club in Powell, Ohio. All proceeds benefit programming at our state-of-the-art memory care centers located in Springfield, Waterville and Medina. The growing demand for quality care for those families living with Alzheimer’s and dementia related diseases is on the rise. At these centers, we provide the best programming possible which not only supports the resident, but also gives the family tools and support. We extend a heartfelt thank you to our sponsors whose support continues to make this event a great success!

For more information on the golf classic contact Mark Harris at maharris@ohiomasonichome.org or call (888) 248-2664.

Thanks to our major sponsors:

Area Masonic Lodges Donate Shoes To Chillicothe VA Lodges in the Seventh Masonic District donated more than $5,700 worth of shoes, more than 300 pairs, for Veterans in need and presented them Saturday, April 7, 2018 at the Chillicothe Campus of the Veterans Administration Hospital in Building #9. Veterans' Administration Hospital personnel that were on hand were Gerardo Navarro, Director of Volunteer Services and Jamie Russell Volunteer Services Assistant. The Seventh Masonic District includes Ross, Pike, Highland, Scioto and Brown Counties. William Bennett, Seventh Masonic District Veterans' Administration Hospital Representative is leading this campaign with the valuable assistance of Right Worshipful Brother R. Joseph Shilling, District Advisor. “The veterans being served by the Chillicothe VA Hospital are very much on the minds of the Masonic Brethren of the Seventh District, many of whom are themselves veterans,” said Bennett.

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“This effort got underway when Ms. Jamie Russell Staff of Volunteer Services at the VA related the urgent need of veterans coming in looking for shoes,” he said. “One veteran was wearing shoes that were being held together with duct tape. That’s when members of our district Lodges decided to do something to help those who served but may need help now.” The district also sponsors Sunday bingo games at the Chillicothe VA hospital four times a year and holds an annual picnic there in September. Other state Masonic officers attended the presentation.

The Masonic Volunteer Program: A New Beginning In the Fall of 2017, Resource Center Liaison, DeAnna Kinney met with Dave Williams (Lowell Lodge), John Lovejoy (Flushing Lodge) and Jeff Gallaher (Monroe Lodge) at a little diner off I-70 in Morristown, Ohio to discuss the possibility of reforming a grass roots, hands-on type of volunteer program designed to help Masons, their wives, widows and Eastern Star members in need. With the support of the Ohio Masonic Home administration and the fraternity in South East Ohio, the Masonic Volunteer Program has grown like wild fire. We formed our first MVP Committee in the 23rd District (Pictured from left to right are Dave Williams, Lowell Lodge; John Lovejoy, Flushing Lodge; DeAnna Kinney, Masonic Volunteer under the Chairmanship of John Lovejoy with 17 volunteers Program Coordinator; and Jeff Gallaher, Monroe Lodge) packing Christmas baskets at Flushing Lodge. Our second MVP Committee was formed in the 17th District under Dave Williams, and our third was formed in the 18th District under Jeff Gallaher. As news spread and the good works of the volunteers fanned the flames, the Masonic Volunteer Program added a fourth committee in the 19th District under the Chairmanship of Mike Brock, Aerospace Lodge. The volunteers are Masons and Eastern Stars, as well as friends and spouses of Masons, who are helping our Resource Center clients by making calls and visits, sending cards, assisting with transportation, completing minor home repairs and other activities. The volunteers are also one of our most important means of communication with those in need and have been making referrals to the Resource Center for more formal services and assistance. Volunteers work hand in hand with the Liaison in their local area to provide assistance to clients in the community. On April 15, the fifth MVP Committee was trained in the 20th District under the Chairmanship of Jane Edgington, Medina OES, on our Western Reserve Masonic Community campus. We now have 84 volunteers and continue to grow. A sixth committee training is planned in the 13th District at Lancaster Lodge on May 15th at 6pm and we welcome anyone with a desire to serve. DeAnna Kinney, Masonic Volunteer Program Coordinator, is available to come to your district to talk about the program or set up a committee in your area. A brief training is required to discuss such issues as client confidentiality and making appropriate referrals. For further details, you may call the Resource Center at 1-877-881-1623.

Good Ole Days at Western Reserve Have you ever wanted to step back into the “GOOD OLE DAYS?!" On February 28, the residents of WRMC did just that! There were HIPPIES, POODLE SKIRTS, and even CAR HOPS! This event was the result of 3 months of creative planning, recruiting, and then executing by some terrific people. A small group of residents wanted to create an event that would bring our community together.

Attendees enjoyed cheeseburgers, hot dogs, French fries, and onion rings delivered by Car Hops while the juke box played. There was face painting, fishing, and a Grand Parade, kicked off with a balloon drop from our three-story rotunda. There was an Armed Forces Color Guard and even President Abraham Lincoln, our Grand Marshal! The day ended with good ole fashioned root beer floats.

In spite of the advice to scrap the idea, residents marched on with their plans and began to recruit, or “hoodwink,” other community members to join the centralized planning committee. Before long there were over 75 residents organizing the event and a role was found for everyone. Residents volunteered to sew, cook, design props, design costumes, and to work the event.

In addition to the 75 volunteers, over 150 community members participated in the “Good Ole Days!" It’s important to note that the staff of Western Reserve served only in a support capacity, which truly allowed for an engaged experience for the volunteers. It was truly an amazing day at WRMC to see the talent and skill of the residents culminate in such away. We can’t wait to see what will come next!



The Stonemason's Apprenticeship Program By Russell Herner, PDDGM The Journeyman’s tour was also called Wanderyears For centuries, during the Middle Ages of Europe, the or Wanderjahrs in German. On this tour he would Master Masons conducted apprenticeship schools to visit cathedrals in his own country, as well as foreign teach the young apprentices the craft of stonemasonry countries, to observe the most up-to-date design and ‘The Art of Geometry’. The apprenticeship training techniques being used. These visits greatly broadened program was very intense and completed over several his knowledge base and provided him with new ideas years of hard work and study. It was a combination for future projects. After fourteen years of intense of both practical (hands-on stonemasonry), as well as apprenticeship training, coupled with experience and theoretical (architectural and engineering) training. The observation from other major cathedral structures, the training included educating young men in the craft of Master Mason was then well equipped to take on a stonemasonry, liberal arts, sciences, communication building commission of his own. After a Master Mason skills, and especially geometry. received a commission to design and build his first Geometry and Masonry were synonymous terms in the major project such as a cathedral, he essentially became stonemason's training program. Geometry and building a “Master Builder”. Not surprisingly, the graduate craft secrets were passed down through the generations Master Masons from the apprenticeship schools by word of mouth in the program. The stonemason were some of the most highly educated people in the schools were certainly the top-notch schools of community at that time. The Master Builder’s the day. brilliance is reflected in the magnificent European Cathedrals! Bright young men in their early A cathedral is a work of art, and teens, who showed potential for the Master Builder, in an amazing learning and demonstrated good display of talent, designed and manual skills, were selected constructed the cathedrals with to enroll in the apprenticeship a mission to replicate heaven program. The Master Mason on earth, and to please God in and apprentice’s parent signed every small detail. He was the an official document called an architect, general contractor, indenture (contract) that confirmed engineer, artist, sculptor, surveyor, the Master Mason would train the draftsman, teacher of the apprentices, apprentice in the stonemason's craft. and supervisor of the craftsman. He It specified the number of years of the was generally literate in English, French, agreement and bound both parties to a set of and Latin, which allowed him to travel from disciplined work rules and conduct. country to country to different building sites and Note, not all of the stonemason apprentice students that properly communicate architectural and stonemasonry were selected continued in the program, but rather stopped construction techniques with other masters, craftsman, when the requirements of the program exceeded the skill bishops, and patrons. He was a highly educated level of each Mason. The Masons then continued working professional architect, influential in the community, and on the project at their own skill levels. enjoyed the respect and esteem of his peers. The Master Builders were brilliant and were the cream of the craft. The operative stonemason apprenticeship program was a system of three degrees. The plain Apprentice degree required one year of training, the Entered Apprentice three years of training, and the traditional Fellow of the Craft/Master Mason degree seven years of training. Upon completion of his demanding eleven- year apprenticeship training program, the Master Mason could take on stonemasonry projects of his own, or it was customary for him to go on a Journeyman’s tour for an additional three years of training to other cathedral or major construction sites.

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The Master Masons and Master Builders were essentially the early school teachers and professors of the stonemason students in the apprenticeship schools during the Middle Ages. I maintain the stonemason apprenticeship schools played a very big role in the early formal educational systems in Europe.

Summer Lawn Concert Series at WRMC Western Reserve Masonic Community will once again host free Summer Lawn Concerts, which means it’s time to dig those lawn chairs out from the depths of the garage, shake out the picnic blankets, and mark your calendar for a packed season of outdoor live music. Tear out this page and pin it to your family bulletin board, mark your calendars and get ready to enjoy a summer of free concerts in the sun. New this year, Western Reserve Masonic Community will be donating all proceeds from the sale of hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, pop and sundaes to one of Medina County non-profit organizations. In addition, we will be selling raffle tickets for a chance to win a basket full of goodies!

Introducing 2018 Summer Lawn Concert lineup!

Swing Machine


Wednesday, June 6

from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Enjoy folk and contemporary Celtic songs, played with vitality, passion and a touch of humor. Sponsoring:

Wednesday, July 11

from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Enjoy the authentic sound and experience of an Elvis Presley performance. You’ll really believe Elvis is in the building (or on the lawn)! Sponsoring:

This organization raises funds to help families, both locally and around the world, whose children suffer through a variety of blinding diseases. Help includes: eye surgery, travel to distant specialists, visual aides, service dogs, summer camps to name a few.

This organization (formerly Medina Health Ministry) is a free medical clinic serving the residents of Medina County; they provide free basic medical care to the working residents of Medina County who meet income qualifications. Free Clinic of Medina County is staffed by dedicated physicians, nurses, and support staff who volunteer their time to provide care and assistance.

Wednesday, August 15

from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Enjoy jazz band music of the 30s and 40s such as Louis Armstrong, Count Basie, Glenn Miller and more! Sponsoring:

They offer transportation for adults 60 and older, or disabled, to doctor’s appointments, grocery & shopping, and will do light housekeeping and laundry... FREE of charge.

Please be sure to stop by before or after the concert and see one of our maintenance–free patio homes, located near the concert area. Look for the brightly colored balloons in front of the patio home.

For more information, call Kimberly Valco at (330) 721-3264.






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Water’s Edge Villas at Browning Masonic Community Dive in to luxury living with your new villa at Water’s Edge. Relax on your deck overlooking our private lake and surround yourself with the comforts and conveniences of a new home – without the mortgage! Your new two or three bedroom villa includes a spacious kitchen with all appliances, great room, master bedroom with bathroom, guest bedroom(s) with bathroom(s), walk-in closets, foyer, laundry room and two-car plus attached garage. Utilities, monthly housekeeping, landscaping maintenance, access to fitness center and many more amenities are also included! We are proud to offer personalized housing and tailored amenities within a vibrant community that celebrates independence and wellness for all individuals we serve. Lady Jennifer Rill has served the Browning Masonic Community for 20 years, she is knowledgeable about the new homes and looking forward to talking to you about calling Browning’s Water’s Edge Villas home. Informational meetings on living at a Water’s Edge Villa will be held Thursday, May 23 at 12:30 p.m. and Wednesday, June 13 at 6 p.m. A meal will be provided. Please R.S.V.P. to Jennifer Rill at jrill@ohiomasonichome.org or call 419-878-4055.

The Ohio Masonic Home recently approved building 8 more Water’s Edge Villas at the Browning Campus!

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