2020 Beacon-Fall

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The Ohio

BEAC N Volume 27, Issue 4, Fall 2020

Grand Lodge Officers Installed for 2021 Page 5

A Life of Service Why are men signing up to become Masons? Page 7

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The Ohio Masonic Home has been Great Place to Work Certified! Page 12

OMHF Golf Classic Benefits Memory Care Centers Page 9 Page XX



Letter from the CEO . . 2 Letter from the GM . . . 3 Grand Lodge News . . .4 The Ohio Masonic Home Foundation News. . . . . . 8 The Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center News . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 The Ohio Masonic Home News . . . . . . . 12 Springfield Masonic Community News . . . 13 Browning Masonic Community News . . . 14 Western Reserve Masonic Community News. . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 The Grand Lodge F.&A.M. of Ohio One Masonic Drive, Springfield, OH 45504 614-885-5318 or 800-292-6092 Douglas Kaylor, PGM Program Coordinator dkaylor@glohio.com The Ohio Masonic Home Marketing Department 2655 W. National Road Springfield, OH 45504 937-525-5609 OMHmarketing@ ohiomasonichome.org If you would like to receive the Ohio Beacon electronically, send an email with your request to OMHmarketing@ ohiomasonichome.org The Ohio Beacon is published quarterly. Please update your information via Grandview, or report all changes of address to your Lodge Secretary, who, in turn, will notify the Grand Secretary, who maintains the database that produces the BEACON mailing lists.

A Message from the CEO Dear Brethren, I hope this message finds you and your families healthy, safe, and enjoying the cooler weather! As we enter into the Holiday Season, our organization, like many others, continues to navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic while working to deliver on our mission. Now, more than ever, resilience, strength, and human connection have become paramount. During this challenging time, our staff has worked diligently to care for those we serve while staying true to our values. We have functioned as one team with one goal; ensure the health and well-being of our families, friends, and community members. Not unlike our lives before the pandemic will continue to adapt, reinvent, and create new beginnings. We at the Ohio Masonic Home understand the importance of adaptability and the need for change while still honoring our commitment to those we serve. As we begin the process of evaluating our current state and repositioning for the future, rest assured that our focus on foresight, commitment to dedication, and mission of generosity will be the foundation that we build upon. The pandemic will not slow our effort to become more efficient, improve our campuses, or expand the services we provide throughout our reach. We continue the assessment of our master plan for each campus, while at the same time, we evaluate the needs of our Brethren and their families' through the Resource Center. You can be proud of the work of your Ohio Masonic Home. Even in the most challenging of times, we have worked diligently to find innovative ways to keep our staff, residents, and families connected, happy, and safe. Resident satisfaction has remained strong during the pandemic, and the feedback we have received has been positive. We recently received the Great Place to Work certification for outstanding employee satisfaction. Great Place to Work is a global firm that works with companies around the world to assess employee satisfaction and allow the organization the ability to build a high-trust, high-performance culture. I am proud of our results and the feedback from our employees. Ninety-one percent of our employees feel good about how we contribute to the community, and over eightytwo percent have said that we are a great place to work. Thank you for your continued support of our Ohio Masonic Home. Please take care of yourself and stay safe. Fraternally, Brother Scott Buchanan CEO, The Ohio Masonic Home

2021 Florida Grand Masters Receptions

After consulting with Grand Master Richard A. Dickerscheid regarding the health and safety of our friends and members in Florida, our staff, and the Grand Line Officers, we have made the difficult decision to cancel our 2021 Grand Masters Receptions. While we know this is disappointing, your health and safety is our utmost concern. We will miss the friendship, hospitality, and comradery but look forward to when we can be together again. In the meantime, if you are in need of assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Resource Center at 1-877-881-1623. Please be sure to mark your calendars for January 17-19, 2022. We look forward to seeing you there!

A Message from the Grand Master It is my honor to serve you, the Brethren of this Great State of Ohio, and I thank you for the confidence you have reposed in me by electing me to be your Grand Master. Looking back at my raising by my Fatherin-Law in January of 2003, my journey has been a whirlwind and holding this office is one you never dream of. We have a super team of Grand Lodge Officers, and we are looking forward to a great year. I first would like to thank our immediate Past Grand Master, MWB Keith Newton, for his leadership through what was a very difficult year. This pandemic has forced us all to consider our place in leadership positions, by making those hard decisions to protect our membership and our good name. As the pandemic continues into this new year, we will continue to make those “hard decisions” in the best interest of our membership. I would also be remiss if I did not recognize our friend and brother, MWB C. Michael Watson, for his service to our craft. He may have retired as our Grand Secretary, but he will still be a valuable asset to our Grand Lodge. My theme this year is “Use the Tools”. We are provided a rich heritage and history provided by our forefathers. There are many lessons to be learned by studying the past, viewing their successes and failures, all of which are to be used as tools in your plans for the future. These lessons should be used in the growth of your Masonic as well as your personal life. Let us endeavor to not repeat the mistakes of the past by working diligently on our temple, and our contribution of making the world a better place.

very positive. My rollout was done as a series of videos which can be used as reference throughout this year. They can be found in Grand View under Resources > Deputy Grand Master's Rollout. Although this is a new way of presenting plans for the next year while respecting the pandemic, I did miss the brotherhood that these meetings bring and the direct feedback on your ideas. I do see a value in the in-person rollouts and the instant feedback received so you can tweak your message as you travel the state. My Brethren, please keep up the good work we do as Masons. Support your Lodge and its officers. We all enjoy this thing called Freemasonry, and we should all endeavor to live by the tenants of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. If we do that, the world WILL be a better place. Fraternally, Richard A. Dickerscheid, Grand Master

Our charity for the year will be to support our Veterans and First Responders by raising funds under the umbrella of our Grand Lodge Charitable Foundation for Veteran/First Responder Issues. To all of those who serve, have served, and continue to serve, I thank you for your service. I was delighted to hear many comments about my Deputy Grand Master rollouts, all of which were

Find the Leaf

Congratulations to Robert Biddle, of Oakley Lodge #668 in Cincinnati, Ohio, the winner of last edition’s Find the Mask search! There were 4 Masks in the last edition. In this edition, let us simply enjoy the season. As the leaves change into beautiful shades of color, we see ourselves change and adapting to any challenge. Search through this entire edition and count how many times you find the Leaf graphic to the right (do not count the example graphic).

Submit the correct answer along with your contact information (name/address/phone) and Lodge affiliation to Ohio Masonic Home, ATTN: OMH Marketing, 2655 W. National Rd., Springfield, Ohio 45504 or via email at OMHmarketing@ohiomasonichome.org by Friday, December 11, 2020, and be entered to win a prize, courtesy of the Ohio Masonic Home Print Shop! (Your participation serves as permission to include your name and Lodge affiliation in the next edition of the Beacon.) FALL 2020 3

The Grand Lodge of Ohio

Grand Master’s Classes Have Profound Impact Until COVID-19 forced all Lodge work to stop, Grand Master Keith Newton planned to allow districts to hold a Grand Master’s Class in May. When Lodges were allowed to begin meeting again in June, he changed his order to allow Lodges and groups of Lodges to meet and conduct a Grand Master’s Class at a time of their own choosing. Since this new ruling, Ohio Lodges have raised 638 new Master Masons. The Grand Master’s Class is a tool Lodges can use to raise more than one Master Mason at a time, accommodate good men who might not otherwise invest the time for individual initiations, and in the present public health emergency, begin to catch up on the backlog of men waiting to become members. Ohio voted to allow Grand Master’s Classes beginning in 2002 and gave the Grand Master the power to authorize a Class whenever and wherever he chooses, to set educational proficiency standards for the Class, and to have as many classes as he chooses during the year.

The West Lafayette Story (Pictured Below)

West Lafayette Lodge, No. 602, in the 19th Masonic District is a good example of impact and value of a Grand Master’s Class. This Lodge joined with New Home Lodge, Lone Star Lodge, and Three Rivers Lodge to hold a class on September 26th. The Class was distinguished by the family connections or legacy found in Masonry. In the Class, there was a set of triplets whose father and grandfather signed their petitions. Altogether, seven fathers signed their son’s petitions. One son signed his father’s petition. Also, the brother of a District Deputy Grand Master was a class member. Of the eleven new Master Masons in West Lafayette Lodge about half were 23 or younger and half were forty or older. The Lodge went from a membership of 78 to a total of 89 Master Masons.

Looking Ahead to 2021

In the Deputy Grand Master’s Rollout, MWB Dickerscheid announced that he will authorize the continued use of Grand Master’s Classes at the discretion of the Lodges. There are rules that must be followed and the work must be excellent. The candidates must meet our high standards for character and reputation. But with the continued COVID emergency and with over 800 men to submit a petition plus the hundreds of Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts waiting for degree work (sometimes for most of a year), the Grand Master’s Class will continue to be a tool for Lodges to use in 2021.

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The Grand Lodge of Ohio

Grand Lodge Officers Installed for 2021 The Grand Lodge officers for the 2020-2021 year were elected, appointed, and installed at the Annual Communication in Wilmington, Ohio, on Friday, October 23, 2020. They are listed here with their Lodge and home district listed. All Grand Lodge officers are recognized as Right Worshipful Brothers except for the Grand Master and Past Grand Masters. Grand Master - Richard A. Dickerscheid College Hill – Harry S. Johnson Lodge, No. 641 • 1st District

Grand Chaplain - L. John Lasonczyk Montgomery Lodge, No. 94 • 1st District

Deputy Grand Master - Timothy S. Wheeland University Lodge, No. 631 • 14th District

Grand Orator - William M. Carter, III Dover Lodge, No. 489 • 22nd District

Senior Grand Warden - Steven M. Grindle Toledo – Fort Industry Lodge, No. 144 • 11th District

Grand Marshal - Shawn A. Johnson Fielding Lodge, No. 192 • 9th District

Junior Grand Warden - Paul A. Weglage Millennium Lodge, No. 779 • 2nd District

Senior Grand Deacon - Michael L. McCandlish Lancaster Lodge, No. 57 • 13th District

Grand Treasurer - Steven E. Cokonougher, PGM Linden Lodge, No. 637 • 14th District

Junior Grand Deacon - Wayne A. Fischer Kilwinning Lodge, No. 356 • 1st District

Grand Secretary - Keith W. Newton, PGM Wilmington Lodge, No. 52 • 8th District

Grand Tyler - Robert C. Welch Milford Lodge, No. 54 • 6th District

FALL 2020


The Grand Lodge of Ohio

A Retirement Message from

MWB C. Michael Watson

Eleven short years ago I was eagerly looking forward to the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Ohio. Maybe, I was even just a little giddy. The Grand Lodge Search Committee had asked if I would be interested in becoming Grand Secretary. After prayerful consideration, I eagerly accepted and accepted the vote of the delegates. How swiftly those sands flow through the hour-glass.

And, now some eleven years later, seemingly a blink of the eye, my term is coming to a close. Beginnings and endings are both special in their own way and each to their appointed time. The writer of Ecclesiastes reminds us “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” And, so now it comes my time to say farewell and goodbye to this marvelous experience and to the kind people who have made it possible. The staff members at the office of the Grand Lodge are simply phenomenal. They work tirelessly to support the goals and direction of the Grand Lodge and in support of our Lodge Secretaries and membership. I thank the

staff members for their friendship, their dedication and in the professionalism they exhibit every day. Many thanks to Gayle, Darlene, Julia and Doug. How lucky I am to have had something that makes saying goodbye so hard. I have a lot of memories acquired over the years which shall remain with me till my dying day. My sincere thanks to each of you for your support and encouragement. For the warm handshakes and friendly greetings and slaps on the back as I visited your lodges and at your events. For the outpouring of Brotherly Love and Affection, thank you. Your continued support has meant a lot to me. I owe you a debt of thanks. And, lastly, to my wife, Brenda, words cannot express my gratitude for your undying love and support. What an outlandish proposition it was that I resign from a nice paying job and professional career to become of all things, a Grand Secretary! But, you were so supportive of this unknown venture and have been a source of encouragement and inspiration every step of the way.

I now end this with the closing words I have used to conclude each of my talks over the years. Until we meet again, God Bless.

Having Fun During Grand Lod ge Trave ls The progressive Grand Lodge officers and their ladies travel the state for eight years while in office, and over time, traditions have developed while on the road. One of these “traditions” is a visit to Taggert’s Ice Cream Parlor and Restaurant in Canton, Ohio, for the “Kitchen Sink Degree.” The Kitchen Sink is an ice cream concoction, billed as “everything you always wanted. Two scoops of vanilla, chocolate and strawberry ice creams; hot fudge, marshmallow, strawberry and caramel toppings; covered with pecans, whipped cream, ground nuts and a cherry.”

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Anyone who can eat their entire kitchen sink earns a special lapel pin from the 21st Masonic District and MWB Jim Easterling. This year, the Grand Lodge officers and their ladies visited Taggert’s in August once the COVID-19 restrictions eased. Several new pins were earned, but RWB Steve Grindle (pictured below) remains the Kitchen Sink Champion for another year, finishing his kitchen sink in less than four minutes. A fun time was had by all… and yes, it is a lot of ice cream!

The Grand Lodge of Ohio

Why are men signing up to become Masons?

Ohio has received hundreds of inquiries this year about becoming a Freemason. They come through the Grand Lodge of Ohio website, Freemason.com, and the Scottish Rite website, BeAFreemason.org. They are by men from all walks of life, various ages, and diverse ethnic, social and economic backgrounds. While each man joins for his own reasons, there are also common themes: self-improvement, family legacy, becoming part of something greater, serving the community, or finding camaraderie like in the military. Do you know a man who would be a good Mason? If so, suggest he visit us at our website to learn more.

Quotes from recent inquiries: I would love to be included in the rich history and sense of community brought forth by the fraternity. I would also like to make connections to become more active in my community giving myself a higher sense of purpose.

My goals for my future align with the principles that Masons promote in membership. Continuous personal development by all strengthens the community.

My grandfather was a 32nd degree Mason and while he never gave much detail, I know it was an influential part of his life and something bigger than any one person.

I believe I have a lot I can give back to my community, as well as the need to belong to something bigger than myself. Having previously served in the USAF I feel a sense of missing camaraderie.

I am an Eagle Scout and see a lot of similarities between scouting and Masonic ideals. I wish to continue my journey to becoming a better and brighter man.

I wish to grow in wisdom and understanding around likeminded individuals, dedicated, as I am, to the advancement and bettering of my fellow man.

Would love to be a part of the Freemasons brotherhood who strive to live by the values of honor, integrity, equality, and helping each brother be the best man he can be.

I was in a fraternity in college and it helped me develop skills and network with others who have become life-long friends. I would like to be involved in a similar organization.

Had a spiritual awakening and need help finding like-minded individuals. The individuals around me now I feel are taking advantage and it’s leaving me feeling lonely. I am a righteous man looking for community.

I am looking to broaden my social circle with fellow like-minded individuals, all the while learning more about my local community and learning about ways to positively impact my community. FALL 2020


The Ohio Masonic Home Foundation

Circle of Roses

The Ohio Masonic Home Foundation would like to recognize the following individuals, Masonic bodies, foundations, businesses and organizations for their support between July 1 and September 30, 2020. The individuals listed, along with many other donors at the $100+ level, are members of the CIRCLE OF ROSES. You too can join the Circle of Roses by making a minimum gift of $100 before December 31, 2020. Red Rose $10,000+ Walter Frank Trust George K. Moss Trust Opal Dancey Memorial Foundation Rubicon Lodge #237, F&AM Pink Rose $5,000-$9,999 Dallas W. & Helen B. Bowyer Trust C & N Industrial Contractors, Inc. CHW Mechanical Services Frank & Marguerite Colburn Trust Ronald & Elaine Connelly Ohio Arts Council Vivian H. Schulze Trust Harry D. Waddell Trust Lavender Rose $2,500-$4,999 Adriatic Solutions & Processes, Ltd. Arbor Rehabilitation & Healthcare Services, Inc. Orlando W. Davis Trust Grand Chapter of Ohio, OES Martin L. Hall Trust Mechanical Systems of Dayton Anonymous Dorothy T. & Myron T. Seifert Trust Estate of Mary Katherine Shrider Valley of Cleveland, AASR Robert L. Vogel Peach Rose $1,000-$2,499 Scott & Katrina Buchanan Dayton Lodge #147, F&AM Dayton Masonic Foundation Anonymous Estate of Charles R. Graham Grand Chapter of Ohio OES Charitable Foundation The Hamilton Beck Trust O. Harold Kelley Trust Jeremy R. Mcquown

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Betty H. Oberle Trust Parr Insurance Agency, Inc. Sharonville Calvary Lodge #204, F&AM Anna L. Sine Trust Tippecanoe Lodge #174, F&AM USI Insurance Services, LLC Valley of Cambridge, AASR Valley of Youngstown, AASR Orange Rose $500-$999 Ameriprise Financial George D & BJ Arters Trust Pauline Baker Bill & Zoe Carter Timothy & Judy Eames Facebook Fundraisers Bessie V. Hosler Trust Huber Heights Lodge #777, F&AM Luminita Ispas Jacobs Telephone Contractors David & Virginia Lewis Trust Mason Lodge #678, F&AM Paul & Janice Morris Norwood Lodge #576, F&AM Steve & Lori Petitjean Philips Senior Living Terry & Cheryl Posey Quarry Lodge #382, F&AM Robert Rhoades Robinson Locke Lodge #659, F&AM Patricia Rothhaar Rick & Linda Schau Scioto Lodge #6, F&AM Star Lodge #187, F&AM David & Joyce Subleski Temple Lodge #28, F&AM Ed & Lane Trego University Heights Lodge #738, F&AM Robert E. White Estate Xenia Lodge #49, F&AM

Yellow Rose $250-$499 20th Masonic District Association Ryan W. Adams William N. Arnold Anonymous Edward Bentley David & Susan Black Ronald & Nancy Chapman Delhi Hills Lodge #775, F&AM Jay & Gina Dettorre Lehr & Marcia Dircks Ebenezer Lodge #33, F&AM Emery Lodge #258, F&AM Euclid's Problem Chapter Farmersville Lodge #482, F&AM Gettysburg Lodge #477, F&AM Goodale Lodge #372, F&AM Keith & Debbie Green Ron & Deb Hart Barbara Henz Hoffner Lodge #253, F&AM Israel Putnam Lodge #797, F&AM Thomas & Shirley Jacobs Margaret & Norman LoBell Magnolia Lodge #20, F&AM Milford Lodge #54, F&AM Moriah Lodge #105, F&AM Morning Star Lodge #795, F&AM New Philadelphia Lodge #177, F&AM Oakley Lodge #668, F&AM Ohio Living Harold & Josephine Shank Trust John & Jean Sipe St. Andrews Lodge #619, F&AM Martin & Bonita Trent Wadsworth Lodge #385, F&AM Weyer Lodge #541, F&AM Widows Sons MRA Sublime Principles Frank R. Williams Trust John & Amy Young

Thank You!

Foresight - Dedication Generosity: A Legacy of Caring

Legacy is both things you leave behind and things you want to bring into the future. Lives are shaped by lessons learned from those who have gone before. You have memories and values that you carry with you now, and hope to pass on to future generations. The Ohio Masonic Home Foundation is listening to the voices from our past – learning from their lessons of Foresight, Dedication and Generosity. These words have guided the Home through the years, and they guide us still today. This year has certainly been a difficult one. Such times allow you to stretch and see how you will meet challenges. The Ohio Masonic Home Foundation is committed to meeting the needs of those we serve across the state, regardless of what else is going on in the world. Our Life Enrichment teams are in overdrive, bringing creative genius, and delivering special moments and events to our community members on a regular basis. Your generosity has provided tablets to our community members and given them the opportunity to connect with their loved ones on a regular basis. And you gave a grieving family, living in multiple states, the ultimate gift – the opportunity to say goodbye virtually to a loved one as he took his last breath. Through Foresight, Dedication and Generosity we bring a legacy of caring, and you are at the heart of it. For this we say, thank you! If you’d like to help continue this legacy, please visit www.justgiving.com/campaign/ Foresight-DedicationGenerosity-2020

On October 12, more than 130 golfers participated in the seventh annual Ohio Masonic Home Foundation Golf Classic at Wedgewood Golf & Country Club in Powell, Ohio. Hosted by US Bank and The Ohio Masonic Home Foundation, the golf outing raised $127,000 to enhance services and programs to residents, family members and caregivers battling Alzheimer’s, dementia, and other brain related diseases at our campuses in Springfield, Medina, and Waterville. There was not a drop of rain; however, golfers watched as 500 golf balls fell from the sky. New this year, a drone released pre-purchased, numbered golf balls. Prizes were given to the three closest to the pin and the one furthest from the pin. We are very touched by the generosity displayed for this event and are very thankful for the support we have received. We wish to thank all sponsors, especially our naming sponsor - US Bank; and presenting sponsors - Manning & Napier, and SEI. A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: Naming Sponsor US Bank Presenting Sponsors Manning and Napier SEI Primary Sponsors Baile Senior Development BrandMETTLE C & N Contractors, Inc. CHW Mechanical Services CNA Insurance Dinsmore & Shohl, LLP Greystone Remedi Senior Care Sponsors Absolute Rehabilitation & Consulting Services, Inc. Adriactic Solutions & Processes Arbor Rehabilitation & Healthcare Services, Inc. BB&T Capital Markets DataServ HealthPro-Heritage JMM Architects, Inc. Marsh & McLennan Agency Mechanical Services of Dayton Point to Point Systems RCS Construction Ridge Stone General Contractors, Inc. Golf Genius Sponsor RDL Architects Drone Golf Ball Drop Angel Funding Consulting

Lunch Sponsor USI Insurance Services, LLC Dinner & Awards Sponsor MVD Connect Driving Range Sponsor Friends of the Foundation Parr Insurance Agency, Inc. Putting Green Sponsor Ohio and Indiana Roofing Philips Senior Living Hole Sponsors 1st Masonic District 3rd Masonic District 6th Masonic District 9th Masonic District 11th Masonic District 18th Masonic District 19th Masonic District 20th Masonic District 24th Masonic District A-1 Able Pest Doctors Alto Health Care Staffing Ameriprise Financial - Todd G. Lucius Jacobs Telephone Contractors, Inc. Ohio Living Sublime Principles – Widows Sons MRA Wadsworth Masonic Lodge #385 Donations Friends of the Foundation GLO2026 Mystic Tie Lodge #194

FALL 2020


The Ohio Masonic Home Foundation

We recently received a Legacy Gift that will positively benefit the lives of our community members. It made us take a moment and reflect on the word – legacy. What does it mean?

OMHF Golf Classic Benefits Memory Care Centers

Resource Center

A Life of Service

If Rodger Baughman lives a life of service, it is most certainly due to the influence of his late father, Loren “Sam” Baughman (pictured below), a firefighter and a Mason from Peerless Lodge #591 in Crooksville. Sam instilled in his son a desire to give: to his family, his Lodge and his community. With a career in law enforcement, firefighting and years as an investigator with Children’s Services, Rodger is no stranger to tough situations. Facing his own crisis of a cancer diagnosis this year, he took what he learned from his professional training and the tenacity he inherited from his father and, along with his loving wife, Crystal, made some difficult decisions. They cut expenses, changed their lifestyle and adapted to Rodger’s inability to continue in a job he held for 20 years. With the help of their Liaison, DeAnna Kinney, who coordinated assistance from local agencies, the Resource Center, Peerless Lodge and the Grand Lodge Charitable Foundation, the Baughmans were able to make it through surgeries, cancer treatments and the stress that comes with such an intense ordeal. When DeAnna first met Rodger, he spoke at length about his love and admiration for his father and gathered strength from the memories he shared. He joined Peerless Lodge in 1983 and was able to share in that fraternal bond with his father until he passed in February of 2000. Both were also active in the Valley of Cambridge AASR. Both placed high importance on helping others and living a life of service. Rodger is doing well now and hopes to be medically cleared to seek a part time job later this month. After receiving services from the Resource Center, and building a professional relationship with their Liaison, Rodger and Crystal decided they wanted to give back by joining the Masonic Volunteer Program Committee in the 13th District. A volunteer training was done in their home, and the couple will now be working with Liaison, Melissa Hirn-Pulliam, to connect by phone with clients who may need a bit of support or some friendly conversation. Rodger and Crystal plan to become more active as Rodger gets back to full health. With his new lease on life and a positive attitude, he is walking daily and even going back to a few breakfasts at his Lodge in Crooksville. Rodger will be a welcome addition to the 13th District MVP Committee. The Masonic Volunteer Program now has active Committees in 15 of the 25 Masonic districts with close to 300 volunteers. If you are interested in joining one of the existing MVP Committees or in starting a Committee in your district, please call DeAnna Kinney at 740-262-1974. A small group training can be arranged or a training can be done via phone. The Resource Center welcomes your support.

Raising the Roof in NW Ohio

Our Liaisons have the opportunity to promote healthy lifestyles and provide comfort through the Emergency Assistance Program. In Northwest Ohio through a lead from the Masonic Volunteer Program there was a referral received for an emergency roof repair. Our NW Ohio Liaison Raquel Brown sprang into action.

Following locating a provider to complete the repairs we would soon discover that the actual roof repair was only the beginning of what was to come. Mold was soon discovered within the home related to the damage caused from the leaking roof and accumulation of water. The mold that developed was determined to potentially be a health risk. As a result, through the Resource Center the repairs were initiated and resources were combined through our Emergency Assistance Program and the Grand Lodge Charitable Foundation, to not only repair the roof, but the wall and insulation was replaced inside the home as well.

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In Memoriam

The Ohio Masonic Home and the Resource Center staff sadly extend our condolences to the friends and family of MVP Keith Semones from the 13th District Committee. Keith passed away on 10-10-20. Keith was a strong advocate of our Resource Center clients and will truly be missed.

Staying Safe Right at Home

The Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center Liaisons walk along-side our Masons, their wives and widows, and members of Ohio Eastern Star to make sure our folks have their health and safety needs met where they live, whether on one of our campuses or in their own homes. A Liaison builds relationships within the fraternity, oftentimes providing services over the course of months or years. Sometimes a need can be easily met with a quick phone call or a referral to the Masonic Volunteer Committee or to a local community resource. Other times the Liaison keeps in touch, managing new needs as they arise. Such is the case with our friend, David (Tony) Staats from Harrisonville Lodge #411 in Southern Ohio.

Resource Center

Tony first became acquainted with the Liaison in Southern Ohio, Melissa Pictured from left from Harrisonville Hirn-Pulliam, following medical issues related to his diabetes over a Lodge #411: Glenn Brown, Junior year ago. He initially received assistance through the Resource Center Warden and Trustee; Charles David Emergency Assistance Program to modify his bath and rebuild the steps Wilson, Worshipful Master and Trustee; into his home due to safety concerns. One of the MVP volunteers also Melissa Hirn-Pulliam, OMHRC Liaison; helped with transportation when needed for special appointments out of Ronnie Casto, Tyler; Harry Roush, town. This summer, Tony began to experience issues with the electrical Secretary; Tony Staats, Junior Deacon; wiring in his home, eventually losing power to half of his house. The and Charles Edwin Wilson. help of a local electrician was requested as the project was too great for volunteers from the Lodge to address. After the scope of the project was determined, Charles Wilson (Worshipful Master of the Lodge), Harry Roush (Lodge Secretary), and District Deputy for Masonic District 12, James Mann, submitted an application to the Grand Lodge Charitable Foundation to request assistance in safely keeping Tony in his home. The Liaison ruled out other avenues of assistance and provided an assessment of Tony’s needs to the Grand Lodge committee. The request for assistance through the GLCF was approved. The work was completed within a week with Tony and his family safely remaining in their own home. The Liaison will continue to walk along with Tony, providing assistance and guidance when needed to help him to maintain his independence and remain at home.

Caring for our Widows during the Holidays As the holidays approach, this season will be unlike any other we have experienced. We’ve heard from clients and volunteers alike, that they are feeling isolated, anxious, and even lonely. Lodges and Chapters that have had holiday events in the past, may not be doing them this year. And this is especially difficult for those who have recently lost a loved one. Please take time to reach out to those on your Widows’ Lists with a phone call or a cheerful card, to let them know they are not alone. You will brighten their day, and yours also. “To ease another’s heartache is to forget one’s own.” -Abraham Lincoln Any updated Widows Lists, or requests for Bereavement Packets, can be sent to DeAnna Kinney at dkinney@ohiomasonichome.org or you may call 740-262-1974. Some of our MVP Committees will be dropping off holiday bags for their widows and elderly Lodge and chapter members. The Resource Center has items such as masks, mini hand sanitizers and tissues which can be included in those bags! You may contact your local Liaison for information on how to get those items. Resource Center brochures and magnets can also be included in your holiday deliveries. If you or someone you know needs assistance with a health or safety need, or, if you simply need help during the holidays, contact us at 877-881-1623. We have programs that can help!

Samantha Loy

Director, OMH Resource Center & NE Ohio Liaison (937) 504-4407

Raquel Brown NW Ohio Resource Center Liaison MYOP Coordinator (419) 260-0855

Bobbi Schickler SW Ohio Resource Center Liaison (513) 567-1100

DeAnna Kinney Melissa Hirn-Pulliam SE Ohio Resource Center Liaison & MVP Program Coordinator (740) 262-1974

Millie McNeal

South Central Ohio Resource Financial Assistance Center Liaison & Community Coordinator Outreach Manager (937) 525-3005 (740) 970-7903

Call toll-free 1-877-881-1623 or visit www.omhresourcecenter.org

The Ohio Masonic Home has been GREAT PLACE TO WORK CERTIFIED! The Ohio Masonic Home (OMH) has been Great Place to Work Certified. The certification covers all three communities, Browning Masonic Community, Springfield Masonic Community and Western Reserve Masonic Community.

The Ohio Masonic Home

Great Place to Work, an independent research and consulting firm, evaluated more than 60 elements of team members’ experiences on the job. These included employee pride in the organization’s community impact, belief that their work makes a difference, and feeling their work has special meaning. Rankings are based on employees’ experiences, no matter who they are or what they do. Employees across all three campuses and the corporate office completed the survey. The Ohio Masonic Home is a 128 year young, not-for-profit whose goal is to be the trusted resource to help people age respectfully wherever they call home. The three campuses have over 600 employees. The employee demographics range from Gen Z, up to age 24, all the way to Baby Boomers and everything in between. The largest group, Gen X with ages ranging from 35-55, is 31% of the employees. Across those demographics were employees that have worked less than two years to some employees that have worked for The Ohio Masonic Home for more than 20 years. When you compare The Ohio Masonic Home to the “typical U.S. based company” the percentages are overwhelming. In a typical company, 59% of the employees would tell you that they work in a great place. The percentage, 82%, at The Ohio Masonic Home is the reason for the Great Place to Work Certified designation. Let’s look at a few of the comments stated by OMH employees. “I feel good about the ways we contribute to the community,” was shared by 91% of those that completed the survey. “My work has special meaning, this is not just a job,” said, 90% of the employees. “When you join the company, you are made to feel welcome.” That is high praise from 90% of those surveyed. There are many companies that would like to hear that 87% of their employees say, “I’m proud to tell others I work here.” The Great Place to Work survey, looked for words that were used repeatedly to describe The Ohio Masonic Home. Here are just a few words that the employees wanted you to hear: helping, amazing, wonderful and family. There were words like “tuition” that described the outstanding tuition assistance program offered by OMH. Knowing that your employer supports furthering your education is a benefit that you don’t find everywhere. If you or a family member were considering moving to one of the OMH campuses, hearing the words “love, great care and pandemic assistance activities” would help you know what a great place you are choosing.

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Hearing these heartfelt words, it’s no wonder Scott Buchanan, CEO, The Ohio Masonic Home shared, “I am so very proud to be on the team with this amazing group of people.”

Take a Look at Springfield Masonic Community’s

New Beginnings! Springfield Masonic Community

At the Springfield Masonic Community we pride ourselves on the sense of new beginnings that will enable you to either learn a new skill or grant the opportunity to share your wisdom with new friends. Our community offers an abundance of Lifelong learning classes that will captivate you with its stimulating topics. We offer a wide variety of classes that range from subjects such as tips and tricks on improving your golf game, technology, art, holistic health and wellness, aging in place, and much more! All of our classes are unique and created to fit all audiences that desire to tune in to learn and have some fun. Now with our world being so much different than years past, we have taken our Lifelong learning classes and created a way to offer them virtually! We are proud to share that our New Beginnings Academy is a great way to stay connected and engaged. The Springfield Masonic Community has taken a virtual approach to better serve the public and community members in effort to provide premium programming in a safe environment. Please come take a look at our New Beginnings Academy at www.omhacademy.org. We are looking forward to learning something new with you!

FALL 2020


New Traditions at Browning Masonic Community Provide New Opportunities for Connection

Browning Masonic Community

This time of year is one full of beauty! The trees lining the streets of Browning have transitioned from a forest green to a vibrant, fiery red, and with changes in the weather come changes in activity. While we all continue to face the COVID-19 pandemic, new beginnings have allowed the staff and community members the opportunity to create new traditions. The parades down the Browning Boulevard, Luau’s, and Margarita deliveries, while all maintaining a social distance have brought smiles to everyone who has participated, and in the words of Tara Lloyd, Executive Director, “we’re just getting started!” “In a time where involuntary isolation has been thrust upon us for the benefit of our health, Browning has raised the bar yet again in ensuring each community member has access to opportunities for connection. Connection to each other is the opposite of isolation, and though we are limited with what we can offer, our creative juices from the team seem to keep getting stronger” states Lloyd. In the fall, Browning offered two farmer’s markets featuring local orchards, produce stands, and flower carts. As community members poured out of the building and into the fresh air, staff members served MacQueen’s famous apple cider chilled or hot. As they strolled with their cider to acoustic music played by Mark Harris of the Ohio Masonic Home Foundation, they visited a homemade pickles and baked goods stand, a produce stand featuring Sadowski’s Orchard sweet corn, freshly assembled floral arrangements, and a vintage candy stand.

As Halloween approached, the staff stepped out of their comfort zone and into their costumes for a safe, contactless trick or treat experience for everyone who calls Assisted Living home. Staff knocked on apartment doors with arms full of candy to make community members smile in delight. The Trick or Treat fun did not stop there as the campus opened their doors to children again in a trick or treat parade. Many children walked down the streets of campus to stop at contactless stations for prizes and treats! Though the times of today call for a different approach, it has far from put a damper on the warm, family atmosphere Browning has offered for nearly 40 years. As we continue to move forward, it is incredible to see how far we have come and marvel at the resilience of the community members at Browning. As we count our blessings this beautiful Thanksgiving, we count those who we have the opportunity to serve now more than ever. It is their disposition that has defined a warm culture of home, gratitude, and excellence in mind, body and spirit. For more information on upcoming opportunities to get involved, call Molly Good at 419.878.4055.

14 FALL 2020

s g in n in eg B ew N es it v In Creativity

As we enter this Thanksgiving season, families and friends come together usually for dinner, or to watch a football game or two. I believe that most would ask what we are thankful for?

Western Reserve Masonic Community

At Western Reserve Masonic Community, let’s look back on this crazy and unforgettable year. The campus has begun the journey of New Beginnings from what we used to do, to how we do things differently. Seeing the creativity that has blossomed along the way, we cannot forget the smiles left on our community members’ faces. We start to let go of the past, and the way we did things. We can only embrace a new fresh look into our creativities and all the wonderful possibilities. We will reminisce and revel in all the good we managed to accomplish.

FALL 2020


The Ohio

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Local Patriot Award for 2021 Submit your recommendation to your District Deputy Grand Master

Grand Master Rich Dickerscheid has retired the Community Service Award for this year and replaced it with the Local Patriot Award. This Award will be given in each of Ohio’s 25 districts during their Grand Master’s Reception. The Grand Master wrote: I have always enjoyed studying history and the way it impacts our lives today. Historical events include the sacrifices made by those who have and those who continue to serve. This would include our Military and First Responders. This year I have chosen to recognize these great men and women during our Grand Master Receptions by bringing back an award called the “Local Patriot Award”. When MWB Eric R. “Rick” Schau instituted this in the 2018 receptions, I was inspired by the awardees and their stories. Let their story and history not be forgotten. It is not necessary that the recipient of the Local Patriot Award be a Mason, and it is expected that the recipients may be any person, male or female, regardless of race, creed or color, who have distinguished themselves through their Military Service (or Safety/First Responder Service). Preference should be given to persons who have received a military or civil government award. For example: Medal of Honor, Military Cross, Silver Star, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, former POW, etc. The District Deputies are charged with the responsibility of selecting the recipient for their district. If you know of a worthy local patriot, please submit his or her name to your District Deputies with enough information that they can make a selection.

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