2020 Beacon - Winter

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The Ohio

BEAC N Volume 27, Issue 1, Winter 2020

Reflecting on our Commitment Page 11

Keeping the Secrets… One Mason’s Story Page 5

Grand Master’s Class Called for Spring 2020

Connecting Realities at Western Reserve Masonic Community Page 13

Page 6

News From The Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center Page 8

23rd Annual Grand Master's Florida Receptions Pages 2 & 12

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IN THIS ISSUE Letter from the CEO . . . . 2 Letter from the GM . . . . . 3 Grand Lodge News . . . . 4 The Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center News . . . 8 The Ohio Masonic Home Foundation News . . . . . 10 The Ohio Masonic Home News . . . . . . . . . 12 Western Reserve Masonic Community News . . . . . 13 Browning Masonic Community News . . . . . 14 Springfield Masonic Community News . . . . . 15 Royal Scofield Society. . . 16 The Grand Lodge F.&A.M. of Ohio One Masonic Drive, Springfield, OH 45504 614-885-5318 or 800-292-6092 Douglas Kaylor, PGM Program Coordinator dkaylor@glohio.com Ohio Masonic Home Marketing Department 2655 W. National Road Springfield, OH 45504 937-525-5609 OMHmarketing@ ohiomasonichome.org If you would like to receive the Ohio Beacon electronically, send an email with your request to OMHmarketing@ ohiomasonichome.org The Ohio Beacon is published quarterly. Please update your information via Grandview, or report all changes of address to your Lodge Secretary, who, in turn, will notify the Grand Secretary, who maintains the database that produces the BEACON mailing lists.

Fulfilling the Mission in the New Year Dear Brethren, I hope this message finds you and your family well as we enter the New Year. We are off to a busy start as we continue on our path to be a provider and employer of choice and increase our outreach through the Resource Center. Over the course of the past 3 years, we have continued to see the Resource Center grow and change the lives of our Brethren. Since early 2017, we have fielded over 4,600 cases, served over 2,500 individuals across the state outside the scope of our campus based services, and provided over $10 million in charity. Through the work of our Liaisons, we are now able to provide coverage across the State of Ohio. In addition to our Liaisons, we continue to build our network of Masonic Volunteer Program committees as well as our Ambassadors to help spread the word. In July of 2018, we began a concerted effort in conjunction with MWB Keith Newton to provide assistance to our Masonic widows with our Widows Outreach Program. Since then, we have worked with Lodges across the state to build a database of nearly 1,900 individuals with outreach to over 286 widows and widowers. Working in collaboration with the Grand Lodge Charitable Foundation, The Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center continues to be an integral partner in assisting the Foundation in providing services to those in need. It is our Mission to be the Living Expression of our Masonic Values and our Resource Center is living that every day. In January, Steve Petitjean, Executive Director of The Ohio Masonic Home Foundation and I traveled to Florida with our Grand Master M.W.B. Keith Newton, his Lady Sharon and other members of the Grand Lodge to host the 23rd annual Grand Master Receptions. The receptions are a great way to start off the New Year, and allow us to stay connected with our Brethren, their wives, and friends who reside in Florida full or part-time. The events are currently held in Bradenton, Ft. Meyers, and The Villages and graciously hosted by MWB George Braatz and his Lady Marilyn, MWB Steve Krekus and his Lady Carol, and Brother Jerry Hatton, respectively. We would like to thank each of our hosts for their hospitality and continued support. See page 12 to enjoy a photo collage of the trip. Our beloved home has gone through many changes throughout the years, and will continue to evolve well into the future to serve our Brethren, their families, our residents, our staff, and the community.

Fraternally, Brother Scott Buchanan CEO, The Ohio Masonic Home

Stay true to your resolutions Greetings Brethren and Friends all…This is another Great Day for Freemasonry! By now you have settled in after the holiday season, decorations packed up for another year, cookies and treats are gone and the house is back to normal…well almost. My family has settled in for another winter in Ohio. For us it’s a time for our family to gather for game nights, movie nights, and grandchildren sleepovers with lots of hot cocoa to stay warm. What are your family winter habits? Ohio Freemasonry is always very busy following our Annual Grand Lodge Session. Annual meetings, officer election/installations, Masonic Service awards, all signs of the new year. Lodges often set out with new resolutions or promises each year much like we do for ourselves when the ball drops at midnight. Whether the Master is implementing new programs or scheduling traditional Lodge events, new year goals are established.

account” step by step directions. The increased awareness from all of you is moving the needle in our Grandview membership program. I am proud to report all four communication avenues in our member accounts have realized improvement since the Deputy Grand Master Roll Out presentations in August 2019: • • • •

Email addresses from 36% to 40% or 2875 members. Mobile phones from 23% to 27% or 2875 members. Home phones from 58% to 59% or 718 members. Verified mailing addresses from 88% to 90% or 1436 members.

Stay true to your goals or resolutions. Typical resolutions of exercise and diet start strong but fade over time. They need to be renewed periodically, if not daily, to realize long term results. Stay true to your resolutions just like you do your Masonic obligations. I don’t know about you, but I renew my obligations every day with every choice I make and in everything I do. Stay true to your obligations in every choice you make each day.

Keep up the great effort! Accurate information is the first requirement to good communication. Help our Lodges improve their communication ability by updating your Grandview account.

Thanks to all of our Lodges who “Step Into the Light” for our Masonic Widows. An important charge in our Lodge Charter is to care for our Widows. I have seen where many of you recognize your Widows at special meetings, dinners and receptions. Some Lodges deliver gift baskets during the Holiday Season, and we have some that provide support and services to aid our Widows throughout the year. What does your Lodge do for your Masonic Widows? As you Live your Charter in 2020, do something special for your Masonic Widows.

Live Simply, Love Generously, Care Deeply and Speak Kindly.

Brethren, it’s a time for personal renewal and rejuvenation in our craft. Step into the Light in your Lodge, assume new responsibilities and continue to perfect the ashlar of your Masonic journey.

Keith W. Newton, Grand Master

You are making a difference Brethren! Kudos to our Ohio Masonic Facebook force who are posting the “How to update your Grandview Membership

Find the Bullseye

Congratulations to Bruce Diller of Hope Lodge #214 in Delphos, Ohio, the winner of last edition’s Find the Plane search! There were 4 Planes in the last edition. In this edition, we celebrate 'Fulfilling the Mission' by exploring our Fraternal, professional and personal achievements. As you read through this edition, consider your own goal of giving, and how you are going to achieve success! Search through this entire edition and count how many times you find the Bullseye graphic to the right (do not count the example graphic).

Submit the correct answer along with your contact information (name/address/phone) and Lodge affiliation to Ohio Masonic Home, ATTN: OMH Marketing, 2655 W. National Rd., Springfield, Ohio 45504 or via email at OMHmarketing@ohiomasonichome.org by March 13, 2020, and be entered to win a prize, courtesy of the Ohio Masonic Home Print Shop! (Your participation serves as permission to include your name and Lodge affiliation in the next edition of the Beacon.) WINTER 2020 3

The Grand Lodge of Ohio

Masonic Charity Helps Ohio Youth Masonic Charity is more than money – but sometimes money helps too! For Masons in Ohio, Masonic Charity includes helping distressed Brethren, their widows and orphans; providing scholarships to graduating high school seniors; preserving our history and culture in the Grand Lodge Museum; supporting the Ohio Masonic Home; and helping schools, teachers, and young people through the Masonic Model Student Assistance Program. This year, under the leadership of Right Worshipful Brother Tim Larimore, the Masonic Model Atudent Program is helping schools with teacher training, unity days, and special workshops. Recently, the Grand Lodge Charitable Foundation sponsored an MMSAP training session on Safe Schools for 106 teachers and administrators in the Zanesville area. New this year, the Masonic Model trainers are planning a state-wide training session for Ohio’s youth groups: DeMolay, Job’s Daughters, and Rainbow for Girls. The MMSAP trainers will be meeting with youth group leaders to help them develop skills and strategies to deal with the issues facing young people today. This represents an extension of services in a new direction, and Right Worshipful Brother Larimore is very excited about the possibilities. The training will be held at Aladdin Shrine near Columbus. All MMSAP programs are conducted by professional trainers from the National Masonic Foundation for Children, a program of the Conference of Grand Masters for North America. Funding is provided by the Grand Lodge Charitable Foundation. Please consider a gift to the Foundation to help us continue this outstanding work.

Celebrating Service to the Craft

Each year several hundred Master Masons in Ohio hit milestone service anniversaries such as 25, 50, or 75 years of membership. On a rare occasion, a Brother reaches 80 years of service. This milestone was reached in the new Masonic year by Brother Derrill Arthur Hablitzel of Port Clinton, Ohio; a member of Oak Harbor Lodge, No. 495. Brother Hablitzel is 101 years young. He became a Master Mason in 1940 and has remained a member of the same Lodge for 80 years. On October 27th, Grand Master Keith Newton led a delegation of Grand Lodge Officers to Port Clinton to present Brother Hablitzel his 80 Year Award. The Grand Lodge permits Masters, District Deputies, and Past Grand Masters to present the various service awards from 25 to 75 years of service, but the 80 Year award is reserved exclusively for the Grand Master to present. In these photos, Grand Master Newton presents the award to Brother Hablitzel who received his DDS degree from Ohio State University, and as his sweater shows, remains a proud Buckeye to this day. Across the state, twenty-seven Master Masons qualified for their 75 year service award and another 200 earned their 70 year award. Many of these men can be seen on the Grand Lodge Facebook page as various Grand Lodge Officers make the presentations. In 2020, one Lodge, Scioto No. 6, had three members eligible for their 75 year award and four other lodges had two members reach this milestone. It is a very exclusive honor. In all cases, however, whether it is a first anniversary or an 80 year award, the Grand Lodge of Ohio celebrates all of its members and thanks them for their loyalty and dedication to the Craft. Master Masons such as Brother Hablitzel become inspiring examples to the rest of us, and we acknowledge and honor his service to his family, patients, community, Lodge and Freemasonry.

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The Grand Lodge of Ohio

Keeping the Secrets…

One Mason’s Story Freemasons are famous for their secrets. But what does this mean? What are secrets? Who are we really talking about? What does it mean to keep a secret? There is perhaps no better answer to this question than the story of Brother John Bergmann, 99 years old and a 60-year member of Community Lodge, No. 684, in Columbus, Ohio. Brother Bergmann served as a codebreaker during World War II. Early in the war, he lost an eye to combat in the Burma – China Theater while on a secret mission with Army Rangers. He then served for the rest of the war in Maryland with occasional trips to London to speak with his counterparts. His work put him in contact with General Dwight Eisenhower, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and the famous mathematician – codebreaker, Alan Touring. His unit helped decipher Japanese and German messages and win the war. Today, the public knows about the Enigma Machine, the Colossus Computer, and the Turing Bombe code breaking computers. But for many years, long after the war, these were secrets. Brother Bergmann kept these secrets from everyone – family and friends alike – until 1983. For thirty-eight years, he had a cover story about his military service and his injuries. It was only after the government lifted the restrictions that his story became known, and he began to share his experiences with veteran’s groups, schools, and others. In 2017, he was interviewed for the Veterans History Project of the Cincinnati Hamilton County Public Library. That interview can be seen on YouTube with a simple search for “Veterans History Project John Bergmann.” The secrets of Freemasonry are generally understood to refer to the modes of recognition we inherited from the original medieval stonemasons – the signs, tokens, and words of the three degrees. We also understand that as Masons, we agree to respect and protect the privacy of our Brethren as well as the affairs of the Lodge. When a Brother tells us something in confidence or asks for advice on a personal matter, he does so with the trust and expectation that we will not tell others about his private concerns. Likewise, when the Lodge conducts business matters holds elections, and deals with charity and membership issues, the members of the Lodge will not make this information public. As Masons, we promise to exercise judgment and self-control and practice those truly Masonic Virtues of silence and circumspection. Brother John Bergmann exemplifies these virtues and is an inspiration to all.

Ohio Grandmaster Keith W. Newton presented Brother Eldon Mongold, resident of Springfield Masonic Community, with his 70 year service pin during the annual Xenia Lodge #49 awards ceremony this past November. Brother Mongold was raised a Master Mason in 1950 in Martinsville Lodge #391, Martinsville, Ohio. When Martinsville Lodge merged with Wilmington Lodge in 2001, Brother Mongold then joined Xenia Lodge #49, where his son is also a member. Brother Mongold and wife, Ruthella, have resided at Springfield Masonic Community since 2014.

Join the Grand Lodge F&AM of Ohio on Facebook each Monday to meet a new Ohio Mason. WINTER 2020


The Grand Lodge of Ohio

Grand Master’s Class Called for Spring 2020

Grand Master Keith W. Newton has authorized Ohio’s twenty-five districts to hold Grand Master’s Classes on or near May 9, 2020.

His decision provides a new opportunity for men who are busy with work, travel, and other obligations to experience the three degrees in a single day. Since they began in 2002, Ohio has offered a Grand Master’s Class every few years, and today, roughly one in five active Masons in Ohio completed their degrees in such a class. Grand Master Newton recognizes the value of giving men the chance to join in the manner best suited for their needs. He wants to see every good and true man “Step Into the Light” of Ohio Freemasonry. New for this year: candidates in the 2020 Grand Master’s Classes will also be allowed to join the Scottish Rite or York Rite on the same day.

Where will the classes be held?

The twenty-five districts will be holding classes in locations across the state. Most will be held on May 9th, although a few will be held earlier or later. The chart shows the locations, times, and costs of lunches and refreshments.

Districts 4th & 10th 5th & 11th 2nd 3rd 7th 8th 9th & 15th 12th 13th 14th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th & 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 1st

Grand Masters Class Schedule

Date May 2, 2020 May 2, 2020 May 9, 2020 May 9, 2020 May 9, 2020 May 9, 2020 May 9, 2020 May 9, 2020 May 9, 2020 May 9, 2020 May 9, 2020 May 9, 2020 May 9, 2020 May 9, 2020 May 9, 2020 May 9, 2020 May 9, 2020 May 9, 2020 May 9, 2020 June 6, 2020

Location Kenton Masonic Temple Defiance Masonic Building Dayton Masonic Center Sidney Masonic Temple Lucasville Lodge #465 Fairborn Lodge #764 Ohio Masonic Home Morning Dawn Lodge #7 Lancaster Lodge #57 Northwest Masonic Temple Tiffin Lodge #77 Marietta Masonic Temple La Fayette Lodge #79 Heath Masonic Complex Canton Masonic Temple Lyndhurst Masonic Temple Valley of Cambridge Perry Lodge #185 Unity Lodge #12 Cincinnati Masonic Center

Address 202 N. Main St., Kenton 123 Clinton St., Defiance 525 W Riverview Ave., Dayton 303 E. Poplar St., Sidney 326 Robert Lucas Rd., Lucasville 1267 Yellow Springs Fairfield Rd., Fairborn 2655 W. National Rd., Springfield 307 Third Ave., Gallipolis 224 South High St., Lancaster 2436 W. Dublin Granville Rd., Columbus 181 S Washington St., Tiffin 308 Front St., Marietta 3867 Northpointe Dr., Zanesville 875 Irving Wick Dr. West, Heath 836 Market Ave. N, Canton 5516 Mayfield Rd., Lyndhurst 935 Wheeling Ave., Cambridge 788 E. State St., Salem 4785 Washington Ave., Ravenna 317 East 5th St., Cincinnati

Time 8:45 AM 9:30 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 8:45 AM 9:00 AM 8:30 AM 10:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 8:45 AM 9:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM

Cost $12.00 $10:00 $15.00 $15.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $20.00 $10.00 $12.00 $10.00 $20.00 $15.00 $15.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00

4th Degree of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite

Scottish Rite Freemasonry confers the 4th through the 32nd Degrees. Instead of Lodges, the Scottish Rite is organized into Valleys. There are 12 Valleys in Ohio. To join the Scottish Rite, a Master Mason must receive the 4th Degree, which is titled, “The Builder.” Following this, he can attend degrees over time at his convenience. These degrees do not need to be seen in order, and most valleys only offer all 29 degrees over a period of several years. After he has witnessed the 4th and three other degrees, a Scottish Rite Mason can receive the 32nd Degree.

Mark Master Degree by the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons

The York Rite of Freemasonry consists of the Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, Council of Royal and Select Masons, and Commandery of Knights Templar. In Ohio, there are four degrees in the Chapter, three degrees in Council, and three degrees or orders in Commandery. The first step in this series is the Mark Master Degree, which is based upon the traditions of medieval stonemasons and symbolic Freemasonry. After becoming a Mark Master, the new Mason will return to his local chapter to become a Royal Arch Mason. He can then continue to the Council and Commandery to complete is York Rite experience.

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The Grand Lodge of Ohio

Expect an outstanding Masonic experience

Regardless of whether a candidate chooses to join the Lodge only or to also join the Scottish Rite or York Rite, he is guaranteed to have a complete and outstanding Masonic experience at his Grand Master’s Class. Each District will pull together its best ritualists for the work of the day, and the experience of sitting with men from across the district will be something that he remember forever.

What to say to potential candidates?

So how do you go about talking to your friend, golf buddy, son, nephew, or church member about becoming a Mason? It’s easy. Tell him three things: 1. You believe he would make a good Mason because he is a man of honor and integrity. The men in your Lodge would enjoy getting to know him. 2. He would enjoy getting to know the men in your Lodge and building new friendships with good men who can be trusted to do the right thing. 3. You would be honored to carry his petition to Lodge and sponsor him for membership, but the decision has to be his. As a Mason, you can say all of these things. What you have to do is let him make his own decision. He needs to “knock on the door” of his own free will and accord.

Where can you get a Petition for your candidate?

The best place to find a petition is at your Lodge. If you can’t get to a meeting, call your Lodge secretary and ask him to send you one or two. You can also find a general petition on the Member Portal of Grand View in the Master Mason Resources. This petition does not list the amount for degree fees as that will vary from Lodge to Lodge. Again, the Lodge Secretary can help with that.

When do you have to turn in a Petition?

Ideally, you want to turn in your candidate’s petition in January, February, or March. The Lodge must still have time to receive the petition at a stated meeting, investigate the candidate, and vote on the investigation report. The Lodge then needs time to order supplies such as Aprons and Bibles and turn in the paperwork to Grand Lodge by early to mid-April. Before all this can take place, most Lodges will want to invite a potential candidate to any Lodge activities that are open to the public: breakfasts, awards presentations, and the like. In this way the members get to know the petitioner, and he in turn, gets to know the Lodge. This is also important because two members of the Lodge must be prepared to sign a petition, and those two men should truly believe in the moral qualifications of the petitioner.

How do you get a Scottish Rite or York Rite Petition for your candidate?

The best option is, as with the Lodge, to call the local Valley or Chapter. Generally, the Lodge Secretary will know who you should contact.

What can you tell a potential member about Freemasonry?

The Grand Lodge of Ohio offers excellent information on its website: www.freemason.com and on its Facebook Page, Grand Lodge F&AM of Ohio. There are three important messages to tell someone about Freemasonry: 1. Freemasonry is thriving in Ohio. Each year, we can see several thousand men join the organization. Be Positive. This is a great time to be a Freemason! 2. Freemasonry is a system that unites men from all walks of life who want to improve themselves, and by so doing, make a positive difference and do good in the world. 3. Ohio Freemasonry, though not a charity itself, donates several million dollars a year to charitable works and its members contribute thousands of hours of volunteer service to good causes.

Other sources of Masonic information

In addition to the Grand Lodge website, good information about Freemasonry can be found on the Scottish Rite and York Rite websites as well as that of the Shriners. The Shrine offers a website BeAShrinerNow.org and there is a new website BeAFreemason.org, which will go live in mid-February. Both of these sites offer honest and accurate information.

Is there something for women?

Freemasonry is a fraternal society for men. For those candidates who are looking for opportunities to do something with their spouses, there are other organizations such as the Eastern Star or Order of Amaranth, which are related to Freemasonry but welcome both men and women. Contact information for these organizations can be found on the Grand Lodge website, Freemason.com. WINTER 2020


Resource Center


Greetings from the Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center! We are excited for the New Year and new opportunities to make a difference! We are the living expression of our Masonic values. We serve as the trusted partner to help people age respectfully. One of the ways we do that is through connecting you to resources. Local communities often have assistance available but many people are either unaware of what is available or unsure of how to receive assistance. Your Liaisons from the Resource Center are well-versed in community support across the state and are here to help you access programs in your area. One example is various programs that deliver nutritious meals. Another example would be local transportation programs that operate and are available to our clients. Many times we find that those with whom we work may qualify for specific programs such as Home Health, Hospice, HEAP, and PIPP but were not aware that assistance was available to them. Our Liaisons also offer assistance to caregivers. In life, one of the biggest decisions we are faced with is when loved ones need more help. Many of our clients want to stay at home longer, while others seek senior living communities. That decision is often weighted by how much care is needed and what is appropriate for that individual. If you are caring for a loved one at home, an

The Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center Welcomes our newest Liaison, Bobbi Schickler! Bobbi is now the Liaison for NE Ohio. Prior to coming to The Ohio Masonic Home, Bobbi worked at Ohio Living for over 8 years as a business development liaison. Prior to that she worked at Wayne County Hospice and Palliative Care for 4 years, Omnicare Pharmacy for 7 years, and AAA Ohio for over 10 years. Bobbi is passionate about helping people age in place and is excited to be part of the team! Bobbi lives in Wadsworth with her husband of 32 years, and she has 3 boys who all live out of state. If you would like information on resources in NE Ohio please contact us at 877-881-1623, or you may reach Bobbi on her cell phone at 216-408-8132.

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important thing to remember is to acknowledge the impact caregiving has on you, and get support and help finding available resources and services. We are here to help. One of our Liaisons is currently working with a family whose mom is in an assisted living facility, and they want to bring her home to care for her. In order to do this, they need to make home improvements to make their home accessible. We have connected her to resources to be able to get these things prior to her mom coming home. Our Liaison also referred her to the local Area Agency on Aging to have a long term care assessment done. This will help to see how long her money will last so that they can make a plan as to how they can best help her at home.

Our Liaisons can talk to clients about Palliative Care vs Hospice and other services like having a doctor or nurse practitioner come to the home, when it is difficult to get loved ones out to doctor appointments and for other care needs. There are services available that can help with things like light housekeeping, driving, grocery shopping, and medical care and financial responsibilities. Please don’t hesitate to give us a call for additional support, resources, and assistance, whether you are already a caregiver assisting a loved one, or need assistance for you or someone else.

Masonic Volunteer Program

Does your district have a Masonic Volunteer Program committee? Would you like to enhance communication between the Lodges and Chapters in your district? When you hear of a Brother or Widow in distress, do you know how to help? The Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center has a volunteer program designed to help connect individuals in need with the appropriate level of assistance. That may involve having a Resource Center Liaison come out to meet with a caregiver to coordinate services for their spouse or parent, or, it could also include a visit or a friendly phone call from a member of that person’s Lodge or Eastern Star Chapter. Having a Masonic Volunteer Program committee in your district enables Lodges and Chapters to strengthen their ties with their older or infirmed members, help their widows and widowers feel connected to their husbands’ Lodges and promotes deeper relationships between those who help as a group. The Masonic Volunteer Program has committees in 10 districts at this time, with over 240 volunteers. If you would like more information or wish to schedule a presentation or training, please call DeAnna Kinney at 740-262-1974.

Masonic Youth Outreach Program

The Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center held intergenerational day camps at Browning Masonic Community and Western Reserve Masonic Community over the holidays! The kids and our residents had so much fun. Thirty youth spent the day doing activities, Christmas caroling, and spending time with our residents. Intergenerational youth camps promote socialization not only with our youth, but the residents that we have on campus as well. The smiles on the faces of our residents as the children caroled through the hallways, and delivered handmade blankets and gifts, was priceless. The Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center provides information to families related to resources and services available. In some settings there are grandparents caring for their grandchildren and they may not be aware of options available to them. Our NW Ohio Liaison and Youth Coordinator is constantly working to ensure that information is readily available. The youth are able to communicate with residents, including Masons and Eastern Star members on our campuses which has led to inquiries from young people interested in joining Masonic youth programs, volunteer groups, and is valuable in building important relationships. If you are interested in more information related to the Masonic Youth Outreach Program please contact Raquel Flanigan at 419-260-0855.

The Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center Widows’ Program Lodges, we still need your widows' lists! The Resource Center assists Masonic and Eastern Star widows and widowers through our Widow(ers) Program. Through this program we mail out a Widow’s/Widower’s Packet to any Mason or widow upon the death of their spouse. Included in this packet is information on important documentation to gather and numbers to call. Also included is information on grief and loss, local resources, and contact information for the Resource Center Liaison closest to the surviving spouse. We enclose pamphlets tailored to your specific situation and follow up with a phone call. This is another way to express our Masonic Obligation of caring for our widows. Since we have renewed our efforts, we have reached out to over 286 widows and widowers across the state of Ohio. If you have a recent widow/widower who may need the informational packet, please contact Samantha Loy at 937-504-4407 or 877-881-1623.

If you would like more information on services or programs available through the Ohio Masonic Home, or need more resources in your area, call us at 877881-1623. We are here to help. Check out our new website and like us on Facebook to see more of our success stories!

The Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center wishes a Happy Retirement to Becky Cason, Southwest Ohio Liaison. Becky has been with us for over ten years. Colleagues and clients will miss her very much. Thank you, Becky!



Resource Center

Have you heard about the new Masonic Youth Program recently launched by the Resource Center? We have an update for you related to the amazing experiences from our first year of programming! Our youth outreach stems from the roots of how the Masonic Home originated while enhancing the quality of life for our residents. Children are the future, and it is important to cultivate healthy relationships, and provide them with valuable life skills.

Circle of Roses The Ohio Masonic Home Foundation would like to recognize the following individuals, Masonic bodies, foundations, businesses and organizations for their support between October 1 and December 31, 2019.

The Ohio Masonic Home Foundation

The individuals listed, along with hundreds of other donors at the $100+ level, are now FOUNDING MEMBERS of the CIRCLE OF ROSES.

Thank You! Red Rose Circle $10,000 + Anonymous Charles E. Brister Trust Kenneth O. & Faye R. Buckholtz Trust Robert & Mary Davis Robert R. Kauffman Jeff & Peggy Lovelady Ohio Arts Council Vivian H. Schulze Trust Janet M. & Robert Wm. Smith Webster Sturdivant Trust The William E. Roth Family Trust Pink Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Frank & Marguerite Colburn Trust Bessie V. Hosler Trust Dorothy T. & Myron T. Seifert Trust Valley of Cincinnati, AASR Barbara P. Weaver Lavender Rose Circle $2,500 - $4,999 Anonymous Nancy Bishop Orlando W. Davis Trust William T. & Ruth A. Gilmore Grand Commandery of Ohio, KT Medina Chapter #266, OES Howard M. Sheeler Trust Daisy Short Estate Valley of Dayton, AASR Harry D. Waddell Trust Peach Rose Circle $1,000 - $2,499 Arabic Club Foundation George D. & B.J. Arters Trust David & Gwen Bennett Ross & Linda Black Charles J. Briggs Scott & Katrina Buchanan David & Mary Ann Collins Grace L. Cone Trust Ronald & Elaine Connelly

10 WINTER 2020

Lawrence & Rosa Cornell Anonymous Robert V. DeVore Steven & Toni Duncan East Gate Lodge # 796, F&AM Sam & Shelly Ewing Thomas W. Garcher Grand Council of Ohio, R&SM Martin L. Hall Trust Jack & Charlene Hartzell Paul Haueisen John W. Barkley Lodge #621, F&AM Betty M. Jones Jean L. Lee Donald & Theda Losasso Sherilyn L. Moon Donald & Virginia Muncy Trust Gary & Shirley Nicholson Betty H. Oberle Trust Steve & Lori Petitjean Joan F. Primm Anonymous William & Carolyn Tabor Gary & Pamela Williams Orange Rose Circle $500 - $999 Doug & Nanci Allen Angel Funding Consulting LLC Pauline Baker Richard & Dana Beatty William & JoAnn Bodle Gregory Bowlus Wilbur M. Cohen Lehr & Marcia Dircks Wilbur E. Engle Enoch T Carson Lodge #598, F&AM Franklin Lodge #14, F&AM Golden Gate Lodge #245, F&AM Gene A. Good Steven & Jane Anne Grindle Steven Hardwick Richard & Waltraud Herr Highland Lodge #38, F&AM Michael D. Kalbfleisch David M. Lewis

Oakley Lodge #668, F&AM Terry & Cheryl Posey Donald B. Prather Rubicon Lodge #237, F&AM Sebring Lodge #626, F&AM Harold & Josephine Shank Trust Harold G. Shrive Trust University Lodge #631, F&AM Gary E. Watters JoAnn Whitacre Robert E. White Estate Frank R. Williams Trust Yellow Rose Circle $250 - $499 William G. Windnagel 11th Masonic District Association Matthew Baldwin David & Susan Black Bloomingburg Lodge #449, F&AM Warren & Verna Bulman Camden Lodge #159, F&AM Clinton Lodge #47, F&AM Emmett Conway Jay & Gina Dettorre Englewood Lodge #743, F&AM Fayette Lodge #107, F&AM Forest City Lodge #388, F&AM Guernsey Lodge #66, F&AM H. Mac Harned Homeworth Lodge #499, F&AM Alan W. Jones Leesburg Lodge #78, F&AM Lima Lodge #205, F&AM Mason Lodge #678, F&AM Anonymous Robert E. Olsson Parkside Lodge #736, F&AM Jesse R. Pertee Michael D. Stern David & Joyce Subleski Anonymous Weyer Lodge #541, F&AM Randall A. Wiley Willoughby Lodge #302, F&AM Wilmington Lodge #52, F&AM

Reflecting on our Commitment Reflecting on our Commitment

Greetings from your Ohio Masonic Home Foundation. As we continue transitioning into 2020, it is the perfect time to reflect on the past year and the many blessings bestowed upon the Home and the individuals we serve. We consider you, our supporters, as blessings and we THANK YOU for your ongoing support.

In short, all we can do is strive each day to be the best person we can be. To recognize that we are all children of God here to serve one another. Maybe our legacy will be in the teaching we provide to those we love. Maybe it will be our children we nurtured to be upstanding men and women. Maybe the life of a stranger whom we cared for through our dedication to service. It may even be a monetary gift to our favorite charity so they can continue the work that touches our hearts. We would like to thank those who chose to name The Ohio Masonic Home Foundation as a beneficiary of their estate, trust, retirement account or insurance policy in 2019. Your commitment and future gifts have the potential to change the course of many lives in a positive way. Part of your legacy will most certainly be that you provided hope to those in need. Thanks to you, individuals in our care will continue to receive support after they have exhausted their personal resources. Moms and dads, grandmas and grandpas battling Alzheimer’s disease and dementia may get the spark they need to connect with loved ones. Thanks to you, Ohio seniors will maintain their independence by getting connected to available resources. And men and women who are looking to create their own promising future will receive scholarships toward a post-secondary education. Your continued support allows us to do all that is necessary to continue our 127 year legacy of serving Ohio Freemasons, their wives, and widows.

We thank you for being the best you that you can be. We wish you a safe, healthy and prosperous 2020 with an abundance of opportunities to serve others.

The Ohio Masonic Home Foundation

Reflection is a way for individuals to take stock in what has transpired and consider who has had influence in our lives. Even more so, reflection has a way of transforming our minds from the past to what we want for our future. We start to ask ourselves questions like, “How can I make a difference? How will I be remembered? Will I be proud of the legacies I leave behind?”

BMC residents enjoy a field trip.

C.J. & Ann Moore on day of the SMC Dream Flights.

Home Day Scholarship presentation.

Inspiring statement from Alzheimer’s walk.

SAVE THE DATES! The Ohio Masonic Home Foundation Annual Golf Classic Monday, June 1


2nd Annual Ohio Masonic Home Car Show Hosted by Anthony Lodge #455

Sunday, June 7

Monday, September 7 WINTER 2020


23rd Annual Grand Master Florida Receptions In January, Grand Master Keith W. Newton, visited our Ohio Brethren living in Florida. He, along with other Grand Line Officers and staff members from The Ohio Masonic Home, hosted three luncheons. The Grand Lodge Officers and The Ohio Masonic Home staff thank everyone who was able to attend these luncheons. A big thanks also to our hosts for their assistance; MWB George Braatz and his Lady Marilyn, MWB Steve Krekus and his Lady Carol, and Brother Jerry Hatton.

The Ohio Masonic Home

Please enjoy these photos from the events.

12 WINTER 2020

Connecting Realities at Western Reserve Masonic Community According to the Alzheimer’s Association 5.8 million people in the United States suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. It is projected that by the year 2050 this number will grow to 14 million. Recognizing this trend, and understanding that Alzheimer’s disease impacts all people, The Ohio Masonic Home is committed to being an industry leader in Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia care. Our three campuses have dedicated memory care programming and facilities so that we may best serve our fraternity and surrounding communities.

One component of the strategic plan focuses on staff development through education and technology. One of the technologies is on Sensory Programming that is individualized for each resident. Karra Weil, Director of Nursing at Western Reserve Masonic Community, stated in regards to the staff training, “We started with

When asked about feedback received from families and loved ones about the changes Karra shared, “We have seen an increase in the frequency and longevity of family visits. The programming gives friends and family member tools to engage with their loved one. One daughter said, ‘Thank you for giving me my dad back, even for these few precious moments.’ This is the type of connection we are striving to achieve.” Thanks to the efforts of many, the Connecting Realities programming has launched at the Western Reserve Masonic Community with plans to roll out to the Browning and Springfield Masonic Communities. Proceeds from The Ohio Masonic Home Foundations annual Golf Classic make educational programming and the use of technology possible. Thank you for your support of the Foundation!



Western Reserve Masonic Community

In 2019, we developed our five year Strategic Dementia Programming Plan. This initiative builds on the Connecting Realities principles that were launched in 2013 in coordination with the building of dedicated memory care units at our Western Reserve and Browning Masonic Communities. Cara Schuster, Chief Clinical Officer shared this, "Connecting Realities" is being used to successfully engage residents with dementia. A relatively new approach, there is evidence that when the principles are effectively introduced into the living environment that anxiety levels decrease for the residents. By providing them with rewarding activities we see a spark that connects them to memories of their past enjoyments."

having all of our team members become Certified Dementia Professionals, which is a certification that is overseen by the Alzheimer’s Association. We then educated the staff on the new elements of our Connecting Realities Program. The basis of the programming is an assessment which helps define how to best interact and engage with each individual person. Based on those findings we are able to use sensory items that are spread throughout the common spaces to engage each individual. In addition to the positive interactions, we have seen a favorable increase in mood/behavior and a decrease in the number of physical falls that take place”.

Browning Masonic Community

Browning Masonic Community Honors Veterans Through Historic Recordings It’s not an everyday occurrence to hear a first-hand account of American history’s most recognized battles by the soldiers who participated in them, unless you visit Browning Masonic Community. Browning is proud to serve 15+ veterans and has recently developed a relationship with the Library of Congress to record the oral history of World War II, the Korean War, and Vietnam. Many personal accounts of heroism in Normandy, the front lines of the Battle of the Bulge, and flying in the Pacific Theater over Japan have been shared to benefit the future generations who call America home. Browning Community resident, Richard Blume, shared his story of landing in Normandy in an American tank and pursuing German surrender in the Battle of the Bulge during his time of service in the U.S. Army. Though Richard is a true gentleman and speaks proudly of his service, he mentioned that the winter was extremely cold on the battle lines for the Battle of the Bulge and the servicemen spent time curled under the tanks to keep warm. It’s stories like this one that allow the staff members at Browning Masonic Community to serve each of the community members with more pride than thought possible. If you’re interested in sharing your personal account of history with the Library of Congress, call Molly Good at (419) 878-4055.

14 WINTER 2020

A Life in Color Article Courtesy of Mike Ullery from Miami Valley Today

If one compares life to art, everyone begins with a blank canvas. Life is then a pallet, full of colors, waiting to see what becomes of our own, individual, masterpiece. For Springfield Masonic Community resident, Don Muncy, the layers are many. The colors, brilliant. Muncy, 95, began his journey in Springfield, where he and Virginia, his then-wife-to-be, graduated from Springfield High School as members of the Class of 1940. Like most members of what has become known as “The Greatest Generation,” Muncy chose to serve his country as a member of the United States Navy. He rose to the rank of Chief Aviation Machinist Mate, flying anti-submarine patrols over the Atlantic Ocean in a PBY patrol aircraft. One of Muncy’s commanding officers set the young Chief’s feet on his career path, although Muncy did not realize it at the time, when he offered Muncy the choice of going to the Pacific to continue flying anti-submarine patrols, or staying stateside and becoming an air traffic controller.

Following his retirement, Muncy and his family chose Grass Valley, California as home. It was there that Muncy discovered his passion for painting. As luck, or fate, would have it, a Grass Valley neighbor and friend was a retired Walt Disney illustrator Hal Clouse. “He kind of took a shining to me,” said Muncy, “and he studied with me privately for about a year.” Upon relocating back to their hometown of Springfield, the Muncy’s retired to Springfield Masonic Community. As he continued working on his own pieces, Muncy also

When asked where his talent comes from, Muncy responded, “It’s God-given and I’ve been blessed with a long life and a good time.” The Muncy’s had two children, a son and a daughter. Their son passed away a few years ago and Muncy lost Virginia earlier this year following 78 years of marriage. They also have two grandsons and one great-grandson. With the passing of his wife, Muncy devotes his time to painting, his studio at Springfield Masonic Community and the hallways leading to it, filled with a variety of paintings, some oil, some acrylic. As with the variety in Muncy’s life, his paintings reflect a wide variety of interests, from landscapes to portraits, and everything in between. On a recent excursion to the Dayton Airport, Muncy accompanied Scott Buchanan, CEO of The Ohio Masonic Home, and Director of the Vectren Dayton Air Show, to a pre-season visit by the United States Navy Blue Angels. While the press conference centered on the announcement of the Blue Angels flying at the 2020 Vectren Dayton Air Show, the real star of the day was Muncy. The Blue Angels’ representative pilots were thrilled to meet the World War II veteran and asked to pose for photos with him and learn about life in the Navy during the war. As the press conference was ending, LCDR Adam Herrick and LT Julius Bratton made sure that Muncy intended to come watch them fly over the Vectren Dayton Air Show next summer. Muncy assured them that he would be on hand. In the meantime, he intends to stay busy painting and sharing his passion for art, and life, with everyone that he meets. Don Muncy works on one of his paintings at his studio inside Springfield Masonic Community.

tes Navy veteran Don World War Two United Sta ets LCDR Adam Herrick, Muncy, 95, of Springfield, me Bratton , Blue Angel 7, Blue Angel 8, and LT Julius yton International Airport during a recent visit to the Da p by the Blue Angels. for a pre-season media sto



Springfield Masonic Community

Chief Muncy finished out the war as an ATC then continued in that capacity in civilian life. The young Muncy was married to Virginia by this time and one of his first stations was at the Dayton International Airport where he served for two years in the late 1940s. As Muncy rose through the ranks in the ATC area, his duties took him around the country and around the world. He eventually retired from the Federal Aviation Administration after 38 years of service.

began sharing his passion with other residents, starting classes in a variety of mediums.

The Ohio

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Royal Scofield Society Holds 1st Annual Meeting The Royal Scofield Society was organized and inducted its first members at the Grand Lodge Annual Communication in Marietta, Ohio. MWB Charles R. Murphy was appointed the first Dean of the Society by then Grand Master, MWB Jess N. Raines, who attended the first Society banquet and welcomed the first Masters of the Society. The Royal Scofield Society is considered the premier graduate school of Masonic education in Ohio. It is named after MWB Royal C. Scofield, who was chairman of Masonic education in Ohio for many years and passed away in 2006. He remains an inspiration to this day, and many older masons remember receiving training from MWB Scofield, who was famous for his red pencil corrections and his kind and encouraging words. There are three levels in the Society: Fellows of the Craft, Pillars of the Craft, and Masters of the Craft. Each level presents the Mason with progressively more complex activities and assignments. The Mason who becomes a Master of the Craft has demonstrated his knowledge of Freemasonry, traveled to other Lodges, mentored and helped other Masons learn their work, and conducted in-depth research into Freemasonry. As a Master of the Craft, the Mason becomes a voting member of the Society. He is entitled by Code to write the initials R.S.S. after his name whenever he signs in to Lodge or sends an Masonic letter. He also receives a custom struck medal to wear at all Masonic functions. Any Master Mason in good standing can enroll in the Royal Scofield Society by going to his Member Portal and clicking the purple tile marked Royal Scofield Society. There is a cost for each level, which can be paid online. Visit Freemason.com and select Members from the top menu. Sign in (or sign up) for the Member Portal. The Royal Scofield Society option will appear as a purple tile or square on the portal page.

Congratulations to the first Masters of the Royal Scofield Society!

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