Beacon fall 2013

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BEACON Changing Times Alembic Lodge Receives Dispensation OMHF Annual Giving Program Installation of new Grand Master

Pg 4 Pg 6

Pg 8-9

Pg 11 Mason elected Commander of DAV Master Mason Pg 12 Raising in Hilliard

Volume 20, Issue 4 Fall 2013


Life’s Only Constant

The only constant in life is change. The changing seasons, the changes in our lives as the years go by and the changes in the world around us are all testaments to the truth of this statement. The Ohio Masonic Home has seen many changes through its long life, from buildings being constructed to others being torn down. However, throughout the changing landscape one constant has remained; the support and fellowship of the Fraternity in harmony with the care and trustworthiness of the Ohio Masonic Home. Now, through the years the faces may have changed, but the values have stayed the same. The Home continues to care for distressed Master Masons, their

wives, widows and orphans, but over the years this care has evolved. It has been molded and shaped, and innovatively wrought with each new generation until it fits the needs of not one, two or a few brothers, but all Masons throughout the state of Ohio. This is important not only to the fiscal health and longevity of the Home, but to those brothers who may have been previously out of reach. One of the many new ways the Ohio Masonic Home is fulfilling this need is through the Life Compass Program. Free to all Masons within the state of Ohio, it extends the reach of the Home to your doorstep. Today all Masons will be able to receive the assistance they need regardless of their location. As fall changes to winter, we must remember to visit our aging brethren. We must visit them in fellowship and bring cheer and light to their homes. It is all too easy to forget those who do not speak up or ask for favors, but this time of year when we are giving

the most, let them know that they too are worthy of the gift of your time. The Ohio Masonic Home Foundation has recently begun an Annual Giving Program to benefit the recipients of its charities, and any person who gives any donation to the Home’s Foundation will receive a calendar with the stories of residents who are currently living at the Home. Your gifts make it possible for the Ohio Masonic Home to continue caring for distressed Master Masons, their wives, widows and orphans, and your support shown through these contributions is why the Foundation continues to be the greatest expression of service and philanthropy for Ohio Freemasons. I wish you and yours the best of health and happiness throughout the holiday season, and would like to express my own personal gratitude to this great Fraternity and to you my brothers. Fraternally, Tom Stofac OMH CEO

The Ohio Beacon is published quarterly. Please report all changes of address to your Lodge secretary, who, in turn, will notify the Grand Secretary, who maintains the database that produces the BEACON mailing labels. Chad Simpson Director of Program Development The Grand Lodge F&AM of Ohio One Masonic Drive Springfield, OH 45504 614-885-5318

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Kristen Hirschfeld Communications Manager The Ohio Masonic Home 2655 W. National Road Springfield, OH 45504-3698 937-525-3025


A Timeless Treasure My Brethren,

onic home mas FOUNDATION


Ohio Grand Master’s

2014 Florida Reunion Trip Sunday, January 19th @ 1:00 p.m. Amara Shrine, West Palm Beach Host: Art Founds 561-627-2100, ext. 204 or 201 Monday, January 20th @ 12:00 p.m. Peridia Golf & Country Club Bradenton/Sarasota Host: Ken Gavins 941-925-4586

Secretary of @the Tuesday, January 21st 12:00Year p.m. Araba Shrine, Ft. Myers Host: Jim Grimmett 239-789-8843

Wednesday, January 22nd @ 11:30 a.m. Lake County Shrine Club, Tavares Host: Jerry Hatton 513-465-0005

You are cordially invited to attend! A portion of the luncheon expense is subsidized by the Ohio Masonic Home Foundation $6 per person

For reservations, please call Cathy Spencer @ 888-248-2664 Press 1 Please make reservations prior to January 9th

As Freemasons we yearn to explore the deepest truths. We believe that violence and crime are an insult to our goodness and intelligence. We are a people who believe that love can triumph over hate and hope over despair. We never find every answer or solve every problem, but we can do a lot when we walk together down that one path that we know provides real hope….that path upon which Freemasonry is built. The morality and values such teachings imply were deeply imbedded in the character of our forefathers, and today we embrace those same principles, for if we abandon them, we do so at our own peril. One of the most sublime pictures in American history is the one of George Washington on his knees in the snow at Valley Forge. This picture personifies a people who knew that it was not enough to depend upon our own goodness and courage….we must also seek the help of God our Father. Over the years, Lois and I have had the opportunity to meet so many wonderful people. Often times

Norman J. M ic

k, Grand Mas


these same people have said that they are praying for us as we travel the roads of Freemasonry. We thank you for all of your support over these years in our journey together. I might add that when you are praying, if you get a busy signal….it is just me in there ahead of you…. for many times I have gone to my knees asking for guidance for our gentle Craft….so keep praying. My experiences in the years that have brought me to this office have only deepened the belief that I have held for many years. It is within the past that we will find our future...for Freemasonry is a TIMELESS TREASURE. I am humbled to serve as your Grand Master and look forward to serving Ohio Freemasonry over the course of the next Masonic year. Fraternally, Norman J. Mick Grand Master

Grand Master’sClass 2014

The Grand Master’s Class will be held April 5, 2014 in every Masonic District. For more information, please visit FALL 2013


Alembic Lodge Receives Dispensation

On October 19, 2013, Most Worshipful Brother Norman J. Mick granted a dispensation to form Alembic Lodge as his first act as Grand Master. The new Lodge’s seventeen founding members came together from eleven lodges and three Masonic districts. Alembic Lodge will meet on the first Monday of the month at the Cincinnati Masonic Center.

In 2012, discussions about forming a new Lodge began in Club 32, the private lounge at the Cincinnati Masonic Center. Numerous evenings were spent in conversations about Freemasonry. These talks eventually involved subjects such as the roots of the fraternity, Lodge culture, and Masonic education, and as more ideas flowed, thoughts became prefaced by, “Wouldn’t it be great if there were a Lodge that …” “Alembic Lodge is focused on

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camaraderie, ceremony, and charity: building meaningful friendships, performing our fraternity’s work as impressively as possible, and caring for each other and the community at large,” explained Ben P. Rosenfield, Alembic Lodge’s first Worshipful Master. “If that sounds like we’re going back to the basics, it’s because we are. These three areas are where Freemasonry truly excels. Concentrating on them will enable us to provide enlightening, engaging, and memorable experiences for members and candidates.”

What’s in a name? The alembic was a scientific apparatus that was used to distill, refine, purify, and transmute materials (turning lead into gold, for example). Symbolically, one could say that as Masons, men are purified through the alembic of Freemasonry and, through it, are given the tools to turn the aspects of themselves that are lead into gold.

Garringer Selected as

Secretary of the Year The Grand Secretary’s Staff has selected Right Worshipful Brother Jeff Garringer, Secretary of New Holland Lodge No. 392, for the prestigious Secretary of the Year Award. Garringer has been secretary of New Holland Lodge since 1992. A Brother must have served as Lodge secretary for at least five years to be eligible for the award.

Ohio Masonic Home Presents... The Masonic Aging Resource Center

Free service to all Ohio Masons! Call 877-881-1623

The Masonic Aging Resource Center powered by the Ohio Masonic Home brings to your doorstep the products and services you want for a healthy aging lifestyle. Aging is no longer a destination, and with the trusted products and services provided through the Masonic Aging Resource Center, you can aspire to live how and where you want. What is your Masonic Aging Resource Center? • 24/7 access to healthy aging resources given by knowledgeable staff • Assistance with your Life Compass products and services including membership programs • Access to over 10,000 trusted products and services • Personal guidance through the ordering process or we can place orders for you • Delivery of products and services to your doorstep • Education about new or different products and services that fit your lifestyle • Connecting you to resource and service experts within your community • Connecting you to the aspired living community or in-home services you want • Reliable assistance for all of your healthy aging needs

The Trusted Resource to Help People Age Respectfully

August 15 & 16, 2014

(SAVE THE DATE) (MASONIC RESTORATION FOUNDATION SYMPOSIUM) The national Masonic Restoration Foundation symposium will be held at the Cincinnati Masonic Center on Friday, August 15 and Saturday, August 16, 2014. This annual symposium brings together Masonic authors and presenters from across the United States. Its goal is to assist active Freemasons in making their lodge experience as meaningful as possible. The 2014 symposium with be cohosted by Lodge Ad Lucem No. 812 (PA), Arts & Sciences Lodge #792 (OH), Caliburn Lodge #785 (OH), and Lodge Vitruvian #767 (IN) with the support of the Grand Lodge of Ohio. The symposium workshops will address three broad areas, i.e. Individual Development, Lodge Formation, and Lodge Advancement. The first will be for the individual Freemason who is seeking more from his Masonic experience. The second will be for Masons interested in improving an existing lodge or forming a new one, and the third category will be for “best practice lodges” that are interested in avenues for further development. If you would like to receive more information about the symposium, please email Chad Simpson at

FALL 2013


The Ohio Masonic Home Foundation is the largest expression of service and philanthropy of Ohio Freemasons.

OMHF Introduces

Annual Giving Program

The OMH Annual Giving Program is designed to run between October 2013 and October 2017. On OMH Home Day in 2017, when the organization celebrates its 125th Anniversary, donors will be acknowledged for contributions accumulated between October 2013 and Home Day 2017. Donations which were made prior to October 2013 will not be applied toward this program. After June of 2017, donor recognition gifts will likely be refreshed for future years. INDIVIDUAL DONOR RECOGNITION LEVELS OMH Annual Giving CalendarEach year starting in October 2013 and continuing at least through 2017, donors receive an OMH Annual Giving Calendar when they give a donation in any dollar amount. $100 – Donors giving $100 over the course of a year will receive an OMH Foundation Lapel Pin with a Hanger Bar for that calendar year. Any donor who meets this level

each year from 2014 through 2017 will be recognized at the OMH 125th Anniversary Celebration at Home Day in June 2017 and receive an OMH 125th Anniversary Men’s Tie & Ladies’ Scarf Set. The following levels represent total gifts accumulated between October 2013 and Home Day in June of 2017: $500 – Donors will receive a pair of cufflinks (men) or a purse hanger (women) embossed with the OMH Care, Compassion and Concern emblem. $750 - Donors will receive an Ohio Masonic Home Service and Philanthropy Zinc Engraved Metal Gold Plated License Plate Frame $1000 - Donors will receive a Limited Edition Framed Picture of the Ohio Masonic Home Bushnell Building (“The Castle”). $5000 and over - Donors will be recognized on a donor recognition wall at the OMH Corporate Office in Springfield, Ohio.

BLUE LODGE DONOR RECOGNITION When a Blue Lodge, and its membership, contribute an accumulated total of $1000 to the Ohio Masonic Home, a Limited Edition Framed Picture of the Ohio Masonic Home Bushnell Building (“The Castle”) will be presented to the Worshipful Master for display at the Masonic Temple. With each consecutive $1000 level in gifts to OMH, an engraved plate will be presented to add to it. FOUNDATION STAFF PRESENTATIONS Please invite us to visit your Masonic meetings and events. We are eager to present short programs on the current events at the Ohio Masonic Home, stories of the good work and charitable needs, and further explanation on the OMH Annual Giving Program. Call toll-free 888-248-2664.

Chuch Karth is living a life of service.

Ray and Jan Bubsey are living a social life.

Helen Hornbeck is living a life of excitement.

See his story in the OMHF 2014 Annual Giving Calendar!

See their story in the OMHF 2014 Annual Giving Calendar!

See her story in the OMHF 2014 Annual Giving Calendar!

Ohio Masonic Home Scholarship

The application deadline for the Ohio Masonic Home Scholarship Program for the 2014-2015 school year is April 1, 2014. Applicants must meet the following eligibility criteria to qualify for consideration: • Have a Masonic membership or affiliation by establishing that the applicant or the applicant’s father, step-father, grandfather or step-grandfather is a Mason in good standing verified by a copy of current dues card or, good standing at the time of death verified by Lodge Secretary or the Grand Lodge of F.&A.M. • Have graduated from a high school (or will graduate May/ June 2014) or passed the GED. • Have made satisfactory academic progress in the

preceding academic year (if applicable) as indicated by completion of required credit hours and a grade point average of at least 2.5 on a 4.0 scale. • Be at least 16 but not more than 25 years of age at the time of application. • Be accepted to or currently enrolled in undergraduate studies at a college or university on a full-time basis. • Must be an Ohio resident (even if attending an out-of-state college).

*Masons who are students may also apply with proper documentation. Upon meeting the above criteria, applicants must complete an application form. Students may access the scholarship forms at the Ohio Masonic Home’s website at under the Resources tab on the left side or by the link at the bottom of the page. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered. For more information or questions, contact Vicki Slaughter at 800-5649016 or

*While several documents needed for the application process might not be available yet, such as college acceptance letters, applicants may download and print the application form at

The Ohio Masonic Home Scholarship Program is an endowment established by the Ohio Masonic Home to provide tuition assistance for eligible full time students working toward a bachelor’s, associate’s or other undergraduate degree program at a qualifying institution. The Ohio Masonic Home Foundation gratefully accepts contributions to support the continuance and growth of the Ohio Masonic Home Scholarship Program. Since its inception the program has awarded over 130 scholarships. Additional funds from contributions and donations will be used for additional scholarships. To give a gift, please make your check payable to the OMH Scholarship Program, 2655 West National Road, Springfield, Ohio 45504. You will receive written acknowledgment of your tax deductible gift. Thank you for supporting the success of scholars.

FALL 2013


Norman J. Mick Installed Most Worshipful Brother Norman J. Mick was elected and regularly installed as the Grand Master on October 18 and 19, respectively. Grand Master Mick appointed three new Grand Lodge Officers – Right Worshipful Brother Robert Coster as Grand Chaplain, Right Worshipful Brother Doug Sunnenberg as Junior Grand Deacon and Right Worshipful Brother Robert Hons as Grand Tyler.

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Not surprisingly, Grand Master Mick’s biography reveals a very active family, social and Masonic life. The following is a synopsis of his biography. A complete version can be found on www.freemason. com. Grand Master Mick was born in Hamilton, Ohio on December 23, 1945. He received a strong religious family upbringing from

his parents, Elmer N. and Anna Mick and attended St. Ann’s parochial school in his formative years. He later graduated from Hamilton Catholic High School. His family’s strong religious background led him to attend St. Gregory Seminary to search out his vocational calling. Later he went on to study Business Administration and Accounting at Xavier University.

as Grand Master Norman met Lois G. Miller through mutual friends, and they married in November of 1966. They have three children and six grandchildren. Norman and Lois currently attend St. John the Baptist Church in Harrison, Ohio. He spent several years in the Taylor Creek Youth Organization coaching soccer and softball for his children and served five years as the Boys Soccer Coordinator. His vocational path encompassed business and financial ventures for several years. He is currently winding down his career after spending over thirty-five years with Dubois Chemicals of Cincinnati, Ohio. It was while working at Dubois Chemicals that he became associated with several Masons, which led to his joining Hoffner Lodge No. 253 in the fall of 1982. He became involved immediately with the Lodge and served as Worshipful Master in 1986, Lodge Trustee, Lodge Education Officer and then Secretary from 2001-2005. His thirst for Masonic knowledge led him to join the York Rite and Scottish Rite in 1983. He served Cumminsville Chapter No. 158 R.A.M. as High Priest in 1987 and 1994. He was appointed to serve as District Deputy Grand High Priest in 1991, 1992 and 1993. Then Grand High

Priest Terry Meyers appointed him as Grand Guard for Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons in 1998. He was Illustrious Master of Cincinnati Council No. 1 in 1994 and served one year on the Education Committee for Grand Council of Royal & Select Masons. He then served as Eminent Commander of Cincinnati Commandery No. 3 in 1996. This service culminated in his receiving the Knight York Cross of Honour in Ohio Priory No. 18 in November, 1996. Most Worshipful Brother Mick served as Most Wise Master of Cincinnati Chapter Rose Croix, Valley of Cincinnati, from 2002-2004. He was coroneted an honorary Thirty-Third Degree Mason by the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction in September, 2003. Most Worshipful Brother Mick also served as President of the Fourth Capitular District in 1990 and President of the First Masonic District in 1992, as well as President of the Society of Past Masters of Cincinnati and Vicinity. He is a past Sovereign Master of Seven Hills Council, Allied Masonic Degrees, a current officer in Miami Valley York Rite College and member of St. Columba Conclave, Red Cross of Constantine. He and Lois served

the Order of the Eastern Star as Worthy Patron and Worthy Matron of Marion Chapter No. 318 in 1991 and are current members of Marvin Chapter No. 376. He served the Grand Lodge of Ohio as District Deputy Grand Master 2005-2006. Most Worshipful Brother Michael A. Himes appointed him as Junior Grand Deacon in October, 2006. He was subsequently appointed Senior Grand Deacon, Grand Marshall, and Grand Orator and was sequentially elected Junior Grand Warden, Senior Grand Warden and Deputy Grand Master. The Brethren of the Grand Jurisdiction of Ohio elected him as their Grand Master on October 18, 2013, and he was regularly installed in that office on October 19, 2013. Most Worshipful Brother Mick considers the opportunities that he has experienced in his life to be true Treasures. His sincere wish for his Brethren is that they realize in their lives the significance of his theme – “Freemasonry…A Timeless Treasure.”

Freemasonry...a Timeless Treasure

FALL 2013


Miracle Miles for Memory Care

Road Rally

The Ohio Masonic Home Foundation would like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all the individuals, teams and sponsors for your generous support of the Second Annual Miracle Miles for Memory Care Road Rally. From the men who grew inches of beard and drove miles to participate, to the individuals with their own personal stories of how Alzheimer’s or dementia touched their lives, all joined together in support of

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this cause. Your contributions made it possible to surpass the initial goal of $100,000 to reach a total of $106,000 raised for memory care. Thank you for helping us to increase awareness and support for memory care within the communities that we serve throughout Ohio. These funds will go directly to memory care initiatives to enhance the lives of those living with dementia and Alzheimer’s. From starting points across the state of Ohio, cars, trucks, RVs and motorcycles of all shapes and varieties travelled together to make a difference. As we continue to receive donations, they will be applied toward the Third Annual Miracle Miles for Memory Care

which will be held on Saturday, August 23, 2014. We look forward to an even larger number of supporters who will join us as we rally to raise funds for memory care. Mark your calendars now for Saturday, August 23, 2014 and invite friends and family to join in the cause or to support you as you drive. Or review the sponsorship opportunities available to individuals and businesses who wish to express their support for this growing need within their communities. Get involved today and make a difference in the life of an individual living with Alzheimer’s or dementia by going to www. or by contacting Dan Shirk at 937-5254973.

Ohio Mason elected National Commander

of Disabled American Veterans

ORLANDO – Vietnam and Persian Gulf War veteran Joseph W. Johnston of Williamsburg, Ohio, was unanimously elected National Commander of the 1.2 million-member DAV (Disabled American Veterans) today at the organization’s 92nd National Convention. “We need to ensure the integrity of the Department of Veterans Affairs health care infrastructure,” Johnston told more than 3,000 DAV delegates after the election. “What good is it to have the best health care system in the world housed in facilities that are becoming increasingly old and run down? It is scary to imagine what lies ahead for the next generation of veterans when we literally are not building a future for them today.” Johnston is a life member of DAV Chapter 63 in Williamsburg and served in nearly all DAV’s elected and appointed offices.

“We must maintain DAV’s superb reputation for integrity and good management of the funds the American people donate to our cause,” Johnston said. “We must expand our outreach to the public in general so people keep veterans forever in their thoughts.” He started his military career in 1966 as an enlisted man before becoming a commissioned officer, serving as an Army ranger and paratrooper. He retired from the Army in 1992 and was inducted in the Ohio Veterans Hall of Fame in 2007. Johnston brings 20 years of experience in management and finance. Holding master’s degrees in business and executive management from Central Michigan University and the Army’s Command and General Staff College, Johnston has worked for nonprofit organizations since military retirement. During the past 15 years, he has served as a member of Greater Cincinnati Behavioral Health Services, the largest social service organization in the tri-state metropolitan area. He currently serves as the Chief Operations Officer of the organization. In 20092010, he was recognized as a Cincinnati CFO of the year and subsequently, in 2011, as a recipient of the Greater Cincinnati Second Act Award.

high-quality lives with respect and dignity. It is dedicated to a single purpose: fulfilling our promises to the men and women who served. DAV does this by ensuring that veterans and their families can access the full range of benefits available to them; fighting for the interests of America’s injured heroes on Capitol Hill; and educating the public about the great sacrifices and needs of veterans transitioning back to civilian life. DAV, a nonprofit organization with 1.2 million members, was founded in 1920 and chartered by the U. S. Congress in 1932. Learn more at This article is reprinted from the DAV webpage. Johnston is a Past District Deputy Grand Master from the 6th Masonic District and a member of Hamer Lodge No. 228.

DAV empowers veterans to lead FALL 2013


Joint Master Mason

Raising in Hilliard

Since it was chartered in 2010, the members of Arts & Sciences Lodge No. 792 have had a close fraternal relationship with members of Samaritan Lodge No. 117, Prince Hall Affiliated. The two lodges brought that relationship to a whole new level on August 29, 2013 by jointly raising a new Master Mason.

The evening began with a delicious potluck dinner in the dining room of Avery Masonic Hall in Hilliard, Ohio. The degree was hosted by Arts & Sciences Lodge, which was responsible for opening lodge, conferring the second section, and giving the lecture and charge. The

members of Samaritan Lodge conferred the first section and closed the lodge. The candidate’s father is a Past Master of Rising Sun Lodge No. 90, Prince Hall Affiliated, and was proud to raise his son as a new Master Mason and member of Arts & Sciences Lodge. Forty four Brothers attended the joint raising. Five lodges under the Grand Lodge of Ohio were represented as were five lodges under the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio.

Little Known Fact: The Grand Lodge of Ohio and the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio use the same cipher ritual. However, the two Grand Lodges use different monitors. Consequently, the “plain English” portions of the ritual vary greatly between the two Grand Lodges. 12 FALL 2013

Ohio Creates Civil War Reenactment Lodge The delegates of the 204th annual session of the Grand Lodge of Ohio voted to create Pioneer Lodges as a special Civil War reenactment lodge. The new lodge is named after Pioneer Lodge UD, which was the first traveling military lodge formed by the Grand Lodge of Ohio during the Civil War. Five more would be formed during the course of the war. The American Civil War brought a resurgence of interest in Freemasonry and membership numbers grew for the first time since the Morgan Affair. Military lodges provided fraternal comfort to men at the front - many of whom were away from home for the first time. The officers and members of the new Pioneer Lodge are excited to have the opportunity to make Freemasonry a part of their historical reenactment experience.

Changing the Way

Seniors Live

Doris Bihn was only one credit short of graduating high school when she left to support her family in 1956. Going back and earning her diploma was always one of her aspirations. Recently, Western Reserve Masonic Community (WRMC) made that dream a reality. With the help of the administration from Buckeye High School, the WRMC Life Enrichment department planned a surprise graduation for Doris, including cap and gown. Doris’ sisters, as well as many residents and employees, attended the ceremony, which left tears in Doris’ eyes. This example is just one of the ways aspired living at WRMC is changing the way people view their retirement years. At WRMC, the aspired living mindset means pursuing your dreams—great or small—every day. This can be as simple as a memory

care resident choosing an outfit for the day, or as involved as bringing the talents of your family to the campus, as in the case of WRMC resident Neal Beck. Neal Beck’s daughter, Janet Lutkus, is a hot air balloonist. She has been flying since 1992 and received her commercial license in October 1997. Neal aspired to bring Janet and her balloon to the WRMC campus to provide tethered rides. Several residents turned out for the event, which was held during the week celebrating assisted living, which is for those residents who may need a little extra help to get through the day. Janet arrived with her beautiful, colorful hot air balloon and the rides began! Still more residents recently experienced their own aspired moment in the form of Uncle David’s Traveling Farm. The farm visited WRMC from Brunswick

Doris Bihn

and family

Hills, Ohio, near Cleveland, bringing sheep, goats, a calf, rabbits, and many geese, ducks, turkeys, and roosters, giving residents with limited mobility the opportunity to interact with animals. The residents all gathered around petting them and reminiscing about their pasts,“This reminds me of growing up,” said resident Arrie Madden. “I used to milk the cows.” The residents were tickled and had a great time sharing stories as the animals enjoyed the company and being petted. It is these types of changes in asking residents how they want to live and to what they aspire that allow WRMC to pursue an aspired living approach for life during retirement. No aspiration is too small, when the resulting enjoyment is priceless.

FALL 2013


New Lodge on the Springfield Campus of the Ohio Masonic Home A new Masonic Club has been formed at the Ohio Masonic Home’s Springfield Campus by brethren representing lodges in the Ninth Masonic District, with the intent of forming a new lodge that will meet there. The new lodge will be a daytime lodge that will meet on the first Monday of each month at 10:00 a.m. in Rickly Auditorium. The new lodge will be known as Morning Star Lodge and is named for the first Masonic Lodge to be established in Clark County in 1818. It later went dark in 1829. The lodge will give the residents of the Ohio Masonic Home the ability to attend lodge regularly and will

be an advantage to those Masons who work the night shift and cannot attend evening meetings. It will also be an opportunity for night shift workers, who are non-Masons, to join the Masonic Order. The club is looking for brethren who might be interested in being a plural member and retain their primary membership in their home lodge. Any brother who might be interested in joining in this effort may call Robert J. Weller, PDDGM, at 937-390-0895 or John Maxwell, PM, at 937-342-8626 for further information.

Rufus Putnam Award presented to Brother William Batchelder

The 2014 Rufus Putnam award was presented to Brother William Batchelder, Speaker of the Ohio House of Representative, in recognition of his distinguished public service. Brother Batchelder is a forty five year member of Medina Lodge No. 58, to which his father had also belonged and his son currently does.

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Oklahoma Indian Degree

Team Visits Dayton

On September 14, 2013, the famous Oklahoma Masonic Indian Degree Team visited the Dayton Masonic Center and raised one Master Mason according to their unique style and Oklahoma ritual. Over one thousand Master Masons witnessed the raising in the beautiful Scottish Rite auditorium.

Please Invite Us

to Join You...

Invite a member of the OMH Foundation staff to visit and speak at your Masonic events and meetings!

masonic home

We are honored to be invited and look forward to sharing news FOUNDA and updates on the Home and our charitable work. Below you TION will find the name and contact information of the Foundation representative for your district. Looking for a special presentation or speaker to engage your members? Call us today and find out more about the services we provide to the Fraternity, one of which is free secretary supplies. Regardless of your district or location we have a staff member who is ready and waiting to travel to your lodge meeting or event!

Cathy Toth, Fund Developer Cell Phone: 330-410-3279 Districts: 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25

Cathy Wigton, President Cell Phone: 937-631-4821

Mark Harris, Fund Developer Cell Phone: 419-410-2086 Districts: 4, 5, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 19

Cathy Spencer, Executive Assistant Toll Free: 888-248-2664

Dan Shirk, Fund Developer Cell Phone: 937-926-4305 Districts: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13

The Ohio Beacon Online Yes that is right! In order to better serve the Freemasons of Ohio we have expanded the Ohio Beacon from merely a print magazine to an online website capable of showcasing additional stories to and for the Fraternity. The Ohio Masonic Home views this as a unique opportunity to allow a strengthening of the bond already existing between the Home and Ohio Freemasonry. In addition to providing frequent updates and stories, the website for the Ohio

Beacon will allow Masons the option of signing up for an electronic version as opposed to the print publication. By signing up to receive the Ohio Beacon electronically, each Mason is helping the Ohio Masonic Home Foundation by freeing up the postage and print savings from that magazine to be used toward one of its charitable causes. Finally in an effort to give back to the Fraternity, the website will include a business directory where Mason owned

entities will be able to advertise for a nominal fee. This directory is a place where Masons can connect with businesses run by like minded individuals who share the same values prevalent within the Fraternity. If you are interested in advertising your business, would like to sign up to receive the Beacon electronically, or just want to read the latest news happening in the Fraternity please visit FALL 2013





2655 W National Rd Springfield, OH 45504-3698

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A glimpse from

the Past...

In remembrance of Veterans Day and to share part of the Ohio Masonic Home’s memorable past, we have included another excerpt from one of the recently uncovered OMH Hillman Bulletins. As we work through preserving them and making them available to the public we wish to share them first with you, our readers. With any hope they may spark your interest in times gone by or bring forth your own family memories. At the very least we hope they are as amusing and engaging to you as they are to us. The men, and sometimes women, who shared these stories each and every one, called the Ohio Masonic Home their home. In preserving our Country they preserved the values and integrity they learned while growing up at the Home. Please enjoy the excerpt below.

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