2012 Business Exchange

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Fall 2012

BusinessExchange A Magazine for the James F. Dicke College of Business administration

Business Exchange Fall 2012

EDITORS/WRITERS Josh Alkire Amy (Rettig) Prigge, BSBA ’94 Laurie Wurth Pressel DESIGNER Jeni Bible PHOTOGRAPHY Kenneth Colwell

Fall 2012

Business Exchange is produced by the Ohio Northern University Office of Communications and Marketing and published by The James F. Dicke College of Business Administration at Ohio Northern University 525 S. Main St. Ada, Ohio 45810 419-772-2000 www.onu.edu

The James F. Dicke College of Business Administration prepares students to become successful business and community leaders in a changing world. The college offers nationally accredited academic programs in six majors and five related areas of study. The integration of theory and practice and ongoing mentoring opportunities are hallmarks of this outstanding academic program.

Message from the Dean The lead article in this issue focuses on creativity and innovation – two subjects fundamentally important to any organization, regardless of whether it’s a profit, not-for-profit or a governmental entity. Creativity and innovation aren’t synonymous terms, but they are clearly related. Creativity refers to the process of generating unique ideas; innovation refers to the process of turning ideas into something of value to a customer in the marketplace. Through our entrepreneurship program, we’re teaching students across campus how to be creative and innovative. For more than eight years, experiential learning, or “learning by doing,” has evolved within the business college. One unique experiential opportunity featured in this issue is Polar Merchandise, a for-profit company completely managed and operated by business students. The company shares its profits with ONU. The business college deposits its share of the profits in a no-interest loan fund for senior students in need. Paul Carbetta, BSBA ’90, an entrepreneur in financial advising, is the featured alumnus in this issue. Headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, Carbetta has built one of the most successful Ameriprise Financial Services franchises in the country since graduating from ONU. Next to students, professors are the most important people to any college or university. Read about how Randy Ewing and David Savino – two professors who have amassed more than 30 years of service to ONU – have evolved in their respective careers. For them, as the saying goes, “how things change, yet in many instances, how they stay the same.” I hope you enjoy this issue. Once again, thank you for your continued support of the business college and the University. Sincerely,

James W. Fenton Jr., Ph.D. Dean and professor of management j-fenton.1@onu.edu

FALL 2012

contents A Message from the Dean


Innovation in Business


Community Economic Development 10-11 Rising Star


Polar Merchandise


Congratulations Graduates


College News and Events


Faculty Profile


Advisory Board


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ABSOLUTELY! The James F. Dicke College of Business Administration is teaching students across campus how to generate new ideas and turn those ideas into moneymaking ventures.

“Creativity means using your imagination to come up with new ideas,” explains Dr. Jim Fenton, dean of the College of Business Administration. “Innovation means successfully implementing those ideas and profiting from them.” Innovation turns ideas into earnings, adds Dr. Rob Kleine III, associate dean and associate professor of marketing. “You may come up with a cool, offthe-wall idea, but is there a market for it?” he asks. “Innovation doesn’t stifle creativity; it just makes it commercially viable.” The term “entrepreneur” embodies both concepts. Entrepreneurs generate fresh ideas and remain open to the ideas of others. They possess learnable skills – such as problemsolving, critical thinking, risk-taking and team-building – that enable them to bring their ideas to fruition.

CAMPUS-WIDE INITIATIVE The College of Business Administration is transforming ONU students into entrepreneurs through a campuswide initiative. Launched in 2006, the entrepreneurship program gains momentum every year. “Our goal is to cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset in every student on campus,” says Kleine. The entrepreneurship program started when Kleine and Dr. J.D. Yoder, professor and chair of mechanical engineering, envisioned opportunities for business and engineering students to team up to design products. They applied for and received a grant from the Kern Entrepreneurship Education Network (KEEN) from the Kern Family Foundation. ONU’s KEEN grants have now totaled more than $600,000 for the past six years. The entrepreneurship programs at most universities focus solely on starting new businesses, but ONU’s program targets broader principles, says Dr. Tammy Schakett, assistant professor of entrepreneurship. Not every student will become a business owner, but every student can be taught to act like an

Maegan Teets

I’m the CEO of Polar Merchandise, ONU’s first student-run business. We’re ONU’s version of shop local, offering branded merchandise and apparel. Last year, our team implemented marketing strategies that increased sales by 61 percent, and we’re projecting continued growth this year. Twenty percent of our profits go back to ONU to fund scholarships and future student-run businesses. I can’t begin to express how much I’ve learned from Polar Merchandise. I’m gaining experience running an actual business – with real customers, problems, failures and successes. I’m not only learning theories from a textbook, but also applying them to real life. I plan to work in health care someday, and I know the entrepreneurial mindset I’m now developing will take me a long way.

Senior pharmaceutical business major Jackson Center, Ohio entrepreneur in their career, whether they become a teacher, musician, pharmacist or engineer. “We teach students to problem solve, think outside the box and be opportunity-aware,” she explains. “Students who develop an entrepreneurial mindset stand out from the rest and become valuable employees.” “It’s good for students to know about entrepreneurship so they can at least consider the possibility of starting a company someday,” Yoder adds. “But all students benefit from an entrepreneurial mindset, which includes some basic business and legal acumen. I always tell my engineering seniors that the equation for profit is the most important equation to remember as they design products.”

PROGRAMS AND OUTCOMES The entrepreneurship program outlines seven key learning outcomes for an entrepreneurial mindset. Students learn to think creatively and critically to solve problems, construct and communicate

a customer-value proposition, persist through and learn from failure, manage projects to final delivery, demonstrate voluntary social responsibility, and relate personal liberties and free enterprise to entrepreneurship. Every ONU business student masters these learning concepts because every course in the college’s curriculum – even accounting courses – incorporates the entrepreneurial mindset, says Schakett. Non-business majors at ONU also have the chance to develop an entrepreneurial mindset. ONU’s entrepreneurship program is a true interdisciplinary effort, connecting with students in every college – Arts & Sciences, Business, Engineering, Law and Pharmacy. “Not many universities can do what we’ve done, and that makes our program special,” says Kleine. “It evolved as a partnership with the other colleges, and, as a result, we can offer students some uncommon opportunities.”



I turned my passion for hip-hop music into profit. At ONU, I operate a recording studio that provides creative inspiration to hip-hop artists across the country looking for lyrics, beats or songs to rap on. I love the diversity of hip-hop music; it represents youth and not being afraid to be yourself. When the creative bug bites me, it’s like an obsession. After graduation, I plan to move to L.A. or Atlanta and open a bigger recording studio. ONU’s entrepreneurship program is showing me how to rely on my creative sixth sense and be confident in my ideas. I’ve learned a lot in the classroom but even more outside the classroom through Polar Merchandise, pitch competitions and the Collegiate Entrepreneurs’ Organization (CEO). I am building a solid base that will allow me to take my music business to the next level.

According to Yoder, engineering students benefit from the synergy between the business and engineering colleges. “I’ve lectured in business classes, and entrepreneurship professors have lectured in engineering courses,” he says. “More and more engineering students are involved in teams that include business students, either in competitions (on and off campus) or in student projects.” The opportunities for ONU students include entrepreneurship workshops and camps, a speaker series, entrepreneurship courses, an entrepreneurship minor, e-Teams (product development projects that team up business and engineering students), and an idea-pitch competition. The entrepreneurship minor targets any student who dreams of launching his or her own business or who simply wants to prepare for the fast-paced, global marketplace. Every year, enrollment in the minor program increases, says Schakett. Principles of Entrepreneurship – an introductory course open to students in all the colleges as a general business elective – grows in popularity every year. This fall, business professors are teaching seven sections of Principles of Entrepreneurship, with around 30 students in each section.

Dave Sentongo

Junior accounting major with a marketing minor Chicago, Ill.

As part of the course, students team up with classmates to come up with a product or business idea. They are encouraged to create solutions that reach beyond their hometown or college campus. For inspiration, they watch the popular television show Shark Tank, where inventors pitch product ideas to a panel of investors called sharks. The teams must then participate in ONU’s own version of Shark Tank called the Polar Idea Exchange.

Can you list 100 things that bug you? This assignment for my Product Development class kick-started my imagination and prompted me to design a multi-piece bra for women with asymmetrical breasts. My team presented the idea and won third place in the Polar Idea Exchange in spring 2012. We are passionate about our product and will develop a business plan for our senior capstone project. Through this process, I’ve realized I can create and problem solve. I now see myself working in product development or even running my own business someday.

Senior marketing and organizational communication major Garrettsville, Ohio

Caroline Mangan

“Most students initially hate the idea of doing this,” says Schakett. “But they end up becoming so impassioned about their idea that they surprise themselves with their confidence.”

POLAR IDEA EXCHANGE The Polar Idea Exchange serves as the keystone of ONU’s entrepreneurship program. The pitch competition not only cultivates a culture of creativity and collaboration on campus, but also uncovers promising ideas that can be taken to the next level by becoming student-run businesses, senior capstone projects or e-Teams. Polar Idea Exchange gets bigger, livelier and more competitive every semester, says Schakett. Any ONU student with an idea can sign up, and many business professors now make participation a class requirement. A record number of students – 264 – participated in the spring 2012 Polar Idea Exchange competition. The pitch competition features four categories: ideas that improve society, high-tech commercialized product ideas, as-seen-on-TV product ideas, and new businesses that create jobs. Many business courses require students to engage in extensive market research and business planning for their product idea, but the pitch competition judges focus more on idea uniqueness and

presentation skills versus feasibility, says Schakett. “We keep it fun and exciting because we want to encourage creativity,” she explains. “We always get some phenomenal ideas that leave the judges wondering, ‘Where did that come from?’” A panel of three judges gives each individual or team two minutes to present an idea, two minutes to respond to questions, and two minutes of feedback. Videos and PowerPoint presentations aren’t allowed. Judges award cash prizes to the top three ONU individuals or teams.

Who could’ve imagined a psychology major getting excited about designing a high-tech lawnmower? In my Principles of Entrepreneurship class, I teamed up with students from other colleges to develop an idea for an automated, GPS lawnmower that creates patterns in the lawn. We put in extra hours, going above and beyond the assignment to pitch our novel idea. We didn’t win the Polar Idea Exchange, but our idea was selected as an e-Team project. We are thrilled to consult with the business and engineering students on the e-Team this year and watch our idea move forward. Putting your heart and soul into an idea can be exhausting, but it is also extremely rewarding. ONU’s entrepreneurship program has started me thinking about opening my own dance studio someday.

CHANGING FUTURES The full impact of ONU’s entrepreneurship program may not be realized until today’s students graduate and bring their entrepreneurial mindset to their workplace. But the business college already has anecdotal evidence that the entrepreneurship program is changing students’ lives.

Elizabeth “Liz” Coulston Junior psychology major with minors in entrepreneurship and dance Niles, Mich.

I’m known as the “Cupcake Girl” on campus. I love concocting delicious new flavors, like strawberry cheesecake, root beer float, baklava and key lime pie. I started baking in high school to raise funds for the Ronald McDonald House. At ONU, I earn extra money baking cupcakes for campus events, professors and Ada community members. I came to ONU because I knew the entrepreneurship program would prepare me to open my own bakery someday. This year, I’m president of three student organizations: the Collegiate Entrepreneurs’ Organization (CEO); the American Marketing Association; and Sigma Iota Epsilon, a management honorary society. I’m meeting entrepreneurs, networking, brainstorming with other students, participating in pitch competitions and gaining confidence. ONU and the entrepreneurship program opened so many doors for me. I’m looking forward to being my own boss someday!

Senior marketing and management major with an entrepreneurship minor Parma Heights, Ohio

Megan Siwik

“After every Polar Idea Exchange, we have students who never before thought of becoming an entrepreneur who are now giving it serious consideration,” says Schakett. Caroline Mangan, a senior marketing major from Garrettsville, Ohio, is one of those students. She never knew she could be creative and innovative until she brainstormed, researched and pitched a unique lingerie product in her Product Development class. “I can now see myself working in product development or even running my own business someday,” she says. “I have a new entrepreneurial skill set that I can use my entire life.”




Sean Forde, BSBA ’93

Sportswear Sales Manager, Central and Eastern Europe Nike Inc. Nike European Headquarters, Amsterdam, Netherlands Industry: sports and fitness

Photo Credit: Raif Fluker

ONU alumni share their perspectives on creativity and innovation in business. Bethany D. Rogers, BSBA ’04 Market Development Sales Executive FedEx Services Tampa, Fla. Industry: logistics and transportation services



“In sports, fractions of a second determine gold and silver. Weight slows performance, and sustainability matters. The athletes are bigger, faster and stronger. Our industry needs to be creative and innovative to continue to give athletes all the tools they need to be successful at whatever they do.”

“Creativity and innovation are paramount to the transportation and logistics industry. In my specific role, creativity plays an integral part in gaining new business and creating additional value for my existing customers. The ability to create an innovative solution for my clients can empower them to grow their business worldwide. It is the collaboration among FedEx team members that allows the sales team to tailor a solution for our clients and maintain a competitive edge in the marketplace.”

HOW DOES YOUR COMPANY FOSTER A CREATIVE AND INNOVATIVE CULTURE? “Nike was co-founded by Bill Bowerman. He was an innovative track and field coach who spent countless time and effort creating and developing ways for his athletes to reach their full potential and become better runners. He created many shoes in his garage and kitchen with the goal of making lighter track shoes for his athletes because he believed weight slows you down. That same desire for innovation still exists at Nike today. This year for the Olympics, we created a series of cutting-edge, lightweight performance innovations designed for the track, the basketball court and beyond. Multiple products have been designed to help athletes achieve their full potential; one of those is Nike Flyknit footwear, which is lightweight and seamless. Since it’s a one-piece upper, it reduces waste in manufacturing. At our Beaverton, Ore., headquarters, we have a research and development facility known as the NSRL [Nike Sport Research Lab]. There, we envision, design and test new footwear for all types of sports, looking to bring inspiration and innovation in product that will make every athlete the best they can be.”


“As a FedEx Services employee, I am tasked with innovation every day in structuring transportation and logistics to meet my clients’ specific needs. The company was developed on creating a new market for providing customers access to next-business-day delivery service. In order to maintain that culture, FedEx created a group solely tasked with identifying emerging customer needs and technologies and creating new solutions for an ever-changing marketplace. The corporate culture is one that fosters constant collaboration among operating companies to develop the most efficient and effective transportation and logistics solutions for customers.”

Nora Molter, BSBA ’09

Dan Schifer, BSBA ’09

Senior Accountant in International Financial Reporting Limited Brands, Columbus, Ohio Industry: retail

Account Manager Dyson, Inc. Chicago, Ill. Industry: home appliances



“The most important element of Dyson’s success is rooted in the technology behind our products and ensuring that we are always several steps in front of the competition. James Dyson founded the company on a simple principle: ‘Solve the problems that others seem to ignore.’ Creativity and innovation are at the core of this process. Without them, Dyson could never revolutionize an industry of traditional products like vacuums and fans.”

“The retail industry requires constant change to keep up with the current fashion. We face intense competition, and, to be the best at what we do, we must create the next big thing with an eye toward the latest trends. With continual uncertainty in the market, we must also be creative in finding ways to reduce costs, whether it means using a new vendor or getting more efficient with our current staff. Because the international market is new to Limited Brands, my team has the chance to be creative in our normal activities with hopes of finding efficiencies in preparation for continued international growth and expansion.”

HOW DOES YOUR COMPANY FOSTER A CREATIVE AND INNOVATIVE CULTURE? “We make an enormous investment in engineering, research and development of new products. Failure is a welcomed and expected part of the testing process that occurs each and every day. Moreover, the James Dyson Foundation hosts workshops for young people to solve engineering challenges in a hands-on way, including an annual award competition for aspiring student inventors with a generous prize to jumpstart their project and a trip to the research facility in the U.K.”

Companies need to innovate to survive, says Dr. Jim Fenton, dean of the College of Business Administration. The world’s best companies (top 22 percent) derive 49 percent of their sales and profits from new products that have been on the market for five years or less. The best companies also achieve one winner for every 3.5 ideas, compared to one winner for every 8.4 ideas for the rest, according to Robert G. Cooper’s book, Winning at New Products. Fenton offers the following tips for firms that want to cultivate an innovationfriendly environment.

HOW DOES YOUR COMPANY FOSTER A CREATIVE AND INNOVATIVE CULTURE? “Limited Brands creates a unique working environment where everything is hands-on. Associates are expected to ask questions and are encouraged to attend meetings to expand their knowledge and keep abreast of various areas of the enterprise. Associates are given ample opportunity to take classes offered through the company, including Retail 101, Team Building and Career Paths. Limited Brands also appreciates associate feedback on customer products, and we are often given the chance to test out potential new products and share opinions on likes and dislikes.”

1. Management needs to “walk the talk” about being an innovative entity. Encourage individuals to use their imagination to develop ideas that can potentially result in innovations. 2. Control or eliminate fear of failure so employees become willing to take some reasonable risk. Success often comes through failure, and failure is only a moment in time. 3. Be willing to give new ideas bona fide consideration. Don’t be automatically dismissive of an idea that goes against a prevailing view or trend. Be objective and truly listen to the new idea. 4. Hire employees with varied and different skills and experience to enhance innovation productivity.

5. Encourage idea-sharing within the organization. 6. Reward and reinforce employees whose creativity leads to innovation. Reinforcement can include public recognition, increased compensation or additional paid time off, promotional opportunities within the firm, and improved working conditions. 7. Streamline the process of getting an innovation to market with resulting profitability. True innovation is when the market positively responds to a new idea by being willing to pay for it.




A PLACE FOR CREATIVE COMMUNITIES At the intersection of the University’s recent push for community engagement and the College of Business Administration’s focus on entrepreneurship, you’ll find the Community Economic Development Center (CEDC) at Ohio Northern University. Created after the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) awarded the entrepreneurship program at ONU’s College of Business Administration a Rural Business Enterprise Grant (RBEG) in June, the CEDC supports small business growth and development in the four-county area surrounding ONU.

“The overall goal is to strengthen communities by bringing forth resources that would encourage small business growth and job creation and enhance the downtown shopping experience,” says Kevin Ernst, the CEDC’s director. As director, Ernst oversees the CEDC, which will operate under the slogan “Supporting and enriching emerging and growing businesses.” Ernst’s responsibilities will include community outreach, marketing, technology transfer issues, and program development. The $92,000 grant provides ONU with the funds to create outreach programs to help develop the growth and expansion of microenterprise development (small businesses with less than 50 employees and gross

sales less than $1 million) and growth in Allen, Hancock, Hardin and Wyandot counties. These outreach programs are focused on serving the needs of any individual who has an interest in starting or expanding a small business. “We’re essentially here to help any small businesses starting out or businesses that are expanding,” Ernst says. Through Ohio Northern University’s entrepreneurship program, the grant funds will provide technical support in the form of one-on-one counseling and non-credit certificate classes, which will be one to six weeks in duration. Clients can choose one or a selection of classes that can be combined into a non-credit certificate

in entrepreneurship. These classes are open to the public but are not offered as traditional for-credit coursework at ONU. The CEDC also will offer monthly workshops, which will provide educational opportunities on a variety of startup or small business management topics, and a business plan competition. “Basically, we’ll offer business training – computer literacy, bookkeeping, those type of topics,” says Dr. Tammy Schakett, assistant professor of entrepreneurship and program director for the RPEG. “We plan to serve 20 customers through the center, whether that be through classes or one-on-one counseling, and to create two new businesses by June 2013,” she continues.

ONU STUDENT INVOLVEMENT Many of the counseling sessions will be conducted by ONU student interns, either senior business majors or graduate students in the college’s Master of Professional Practice in Accounting program. “ONU was chosen to participate in this opportunity because student interns with experience will be utilized to support the objectives,” Ernst says. As interns, these students will provide one-on-one counseling as well as develop and lead some of the classes and workshops under the direction of Schakett and Ernst. Faculty and local business owners who are acknowledged experts in their fields will supplement the workshops and certification classes in specialized areas, as needed. Despite the involvement of student interns, the CEDC is a separate operating entity from Ohio Northern and the College of Business Administration. “People coming in through the center can’t use ONU facilities, and students can’t come over and take the certification classes,” Schakett explains.

SETTING THE FOUNDATION The first steps in getting the fledging program off the ground will be to establish internal connections and structure for the center – hiring the student interns and administrative assistants. An executive board, with members representing ONU and each of the affected counties, also will be established. “We’ll develop branding and marketing materials and the curricula that we need,” Ernst says. “Then we’ll begin community outreach, aggressively going in to the community to promote the program.” At this time, the grant funds the CEDC for only 20 hours a week, although Ernst and Schakett are seeking external funding to take the center full time as soon as possible. As a full-time entity, it is hoped that the center will be able to offer a micro-lending program and incubator spaces.

THE FOUNDATION OF THE CEDC The grant process to create the CEDC began in January 2012, although the idea of such a community resource has been simmering for some time. “The goal of having the entrepreneurship center was here from day one when I started,” Schakett says. The college originally sought a $3,500 grant to cover the costs associated with last year’s entrepreneurship workshop series. “The USDA came back to us and said, ‘We don’t want to do anything this small,’” Schakett remembers. Around this same time, Schakett discovered the RPEG application on her own. “The USDA met with us and asked us to apply for the RPEG instead, which was a coincidence. We were all very excited.” “They thought that ONU was perfect,” she continues. “We’re perfectly located because we’re at the center of the area, we’re a private University, and we’re small, which met all their criteria.”

A CASE FOR SMALL BUSINESSES Right now is the right time, Ernst contends, for individuals to start small businesses. “It’s the perfect opportunity for small businesses owners, who have an idea, to get started,” he explains. “We have reduced legal requirements. We have populations that are more accepting than they ever were before of the ‘ma and pop’ stores. The culture is there.” Ernst believes that a small business can be more specific and have a niche that a big-box store can’t support, things like customer service, unique products, etc. “Look at the farmers markets and the ‘buy locals.’ As that trend continues, consumers will be looking to more of the throwback stores,” he says. Schakett explains that Ohio Northern’s students and alumni may contribute to the success of the CEDC in some unexpected ways of their own. There’s an assumption, she says, that young people from smaller communities who attend Ohio Northern move on to the “big city” after graduation. But research tells us that isn’t always true. “What I found out is that this is not the case with our students. Our students are returning to their communities, they’re going back to the family businesses, they’re going back to give back and support their communities,” she says. It’s this culture of giving, this community-first mindset of the entire campus, that will contribute to the success of the ONU’s Community Economic Development Center. And with its success comes that of small businesses all over the region, a truly special partnership for everyone involved. www.onu.edu/cedc





ONU business alumnus builds a leading financial services franchise


aul Carbetta II, BSBA ’90, is driven to succeed. In just four years, he’s built one of the largest Ameriprise Financial Services franchises in the country and become one of the company’s highest ranking financial advisors. He and his team continually rank among the top 10 – no small feat considering there are more than 10,000 Ameriprise financial advisors in the U.S. Carbetta is president of Comprehensive Wealth Partners, a financial advisory

practice with Ameriprise Financial Services, based in Worthington, Ohio. The firm consists of 11 financial advisors and 11 support staff and continues to grow. They offer a wide range of financial planning and wealth management services to people from all economic backgrounds and at all stages of life, managing more than $800 million for their financial planning clients, researching more than 350,000 investments, and providing advice to more than 1,600 clients.

According to Carbetta, his firm’s success comes from a carefully crafted team and a horizontal model of leadership. Team members possess a mix of competencies that complement one another, and each lends a voice in the firm’s day-to-day operations. “Our clients appreciate the fact that we work together to meet their needs,” says Carbetta. “Each team member offers specialized expertise. This approach is what makes our firm stand out in the industry.” For his part, Carbetta excels at relationship building, and it’s the aspect of his job he loves the most. He maintains a small list of around 150 clients in order to provide each with personalized care and attention. He gets to know his clients’ families, attending graduation and retirement parties, weddings, and funerals. He’s available to assist with all financial matters, even helping some clients negotiate a fair deal on the purchase of a home or vehicle. In this volatile market and political climate, Carbetta believes it’s more important than ever to maintain regular contact with clients. “You have to be on top of your game and keep yourself and your clients educated,” he says. “They need to know you are looking out for their best interests and are in the boat with them.” Every time he helps a client achieve their financial goals – such as putting their children through college or retiring when they want – it’s gratifying and emotional, says Carbetta. “With more than 20 years in the business, it has been rewarding to see clients start out with a dream and see their goals met,” he explains. “The best part is to deliver the message: ‘Congratulations, you can officially retire!’” Carbetta, who originally hails from Mansfield, Ohio, attended ONU in the late ’80s. He switched majors several times before finally settling on finance and marketing. He says a trip to an American Marketing Association conference in Chicago served as a

turning point in his college career. He became better acquainted with his professors, and they encouraged him to break out of his shell, speak up in class and get involved on campus. He took their advice to heart. While at ONU, Carbetta served as a student spokesperson for the financial aid office and a bear ambassador for the admissions office. In fact, he and a fellow student coined the term “bear ambassador.” He also took several public speaking courses and helped his speech professor develop and teach the “Dine for Success” program that shows students how to mix and mingle in a public setting and conduct a successful interview over dinner. Today, Carbetta continues to give back to his alma mater. He serves as chairman of the business college’s advisory board, and he founded and chairs the college’s annual golf and fishing outing. “I’ve come back to campus every year since graduation, and I’ve given back either through time or financially every year since graduation,” he says. “I credit ONU for many wonderful relationships in my life and an incredible education.”

franchise owner, he’s found his passion. In the past three years, his firm has grown significantly by attracting advisors looking for a team approach to provide for their clients. “We’ve become an appealing place for financial advisors to plug into and find success,” he says. In 2011, Carbetta’s financial services firm was recognized by Barron’s Winner’s Circle as a top advisor. “It is gratifying to know that others within the industry recognize what you are doing,” he says. While Carbetta appreciates the recognition, his focus continues to be on delivering value and meeting client expectations. “We want our clients to refer their family and friends to us,” he says. “Our goal has always been to be the most respected and recognized financial services firm in the Columbus area, and we’re on our way toward achieving that.” Carbetta and his wife, Leah, have three girls, Kaylee, Olivia and Gianna, and two dogs. Carbetta enjoys coaching his daughter’s soccer and T-ball teams, golfing, and playing the drums.

When he graduated from ONU, Carbetta taught at a community college for a couple of years before becoming a financial advisor with Ameriprise. As a



Polar Merchandise heats up


“My first year here was all about operations and procedures,” she says. “Last year, I worked with the students, getting policies and procedures in place, training them on how to take orders, making sure communications between the customer and Polar, and between Polar and the vendor, were solid.” After spending that first year “crossing all the T’s and dotting all the I’s,” Schakett moved on to marketing and getting the word out about Polar Merchandise.

any students in the College of Business Administration dream about running their own businesses after graduation.

But only a few get to do this as students. Alyssa Merrick, BSBA ’12, was one of them.

“Believe it or not, there were people on campus who didn’t know about Polar Merchandise,” she says. “So we worked on doing displays, teaching the students how to do a retail display, and how to attract people’s attention with a variety of marketing pieces.”

After serving as CEO of Polar Merchandise – ONU’s first student-run business – as a senior in the College of Business Administration, Merrick used her experiences to land her first job out of college: management development trainee at Hartzell Air Movement in Piqua, Ohio.

Looking forward, Polar Merchandise has set its sights on developing off-campus clients. “Now that they’ve got procedures and policies, now that the students understand the importance of customer service and communications, we can get off campus and do some business in the local community.”

“Polar Merchandise made me more confident in myself and my abilities, so when it came time to meet people at career fairs or interviews, I was very confident in what I could do to help other companies,” she says.

While students involved with Polar Merchandise do take home a commission at the end of each semester, the more valuable payoff comes in the form of experience.

Polar Merchandise began in spring 2010, offering brand merchandise and creative solutions for sports teams, organizations, departments and the surrounding communities. Polar Merchandise can put a logo on more than a million products, including pens, T-shirts, golf balls, coasters, sweatpants and window decals. Design work is completed on campus to bring customers faster service and results, working with them one on one to get the design they desire. The students involved with Polar Merchandise handle the day-to-day functions of the business, which gives real-life job experiences that can’t always be taught in class. In developing and executing every aspect of the company, including sales, marketing, budget management, legal issues and financial reporting, students gain valuable project management skills, too. Unfortunately, while the company formed with the best intentions, Polar Merchandise got off to a rocky start. Joining the team in fall 2010, the group’s advisor, Dr. Tammy Schakett, ONU assistant professor of entrepreneurship, spent her first year working to get the group back on track.

“People in the ‘real world’ are so impressed that at the age 22 I had already been a CEO of a company,” Merrick says. “It gave me a different type of handson experience that I wasn’t necessarily getting in the classroom.”

Preserving the ONU experience Marc Woodard, BSBA ’88, works in an industry that captures special moments in time so that they are preserved for the future. That’s why Marc and his wife, Leslie, recently made a planned gift by designating a portion of their estate to help ONU. They want to help preserve the ONU experience – with its personalized approach to education – for the next generation.

Marc Woodard, BSBA ’88, turned his family’s business, Woodard Photographic, into a market leader and innovator in the photographic industry in northern Ohio. Under his leadership, the business expanded from one to eight locations and from 15 to 65 full-time employees and grew revenues in excess of $5 million. This past spring, he and his business partner sold the business to Lifetouch National School Studios. Marc is now the northern Ohio territory manager for Lifetouch. He serves on the Lifetouch Advisory Council and is one of nine managers across the country charged with driving communication, change and initiatives within the organization.

From textbook learning to life lessons, I received a great overall education at ONU. My wife and I both believe it’s important to give back to institutions like ONU. No matter what stage of life you are in, there is always room to make a difference in this world with your gifting and, most importantly, with your time.

Where to give

Ways to give

Like Marc’s desire to help future students, giving to Northern is an ideal way to support the projects, programs and people that matter the most to you. For more information about how you can give, contact Dacy Wilcox, director of development, at 419-772-4022 or d-wilcox.1@onu.edu

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The James F. Dicke College of Business Administration

Class of 2012 Marc Akam

Lakeville, Ohio – Accounting

Adam Alexander

Alyxia Caragiu

Ada – International business and economics

Kimberly Chase

Dover, Ohio – Accounting

Jordan Chopp

Chapel Hill. N.C. – Marketing

Zackery Click

Westfield, Ohio – Management

Jasmine Coleman

Canton, Ohio – International business and economics

Emily Conrad

Brent Donley

Southfield, Mich. – Marketing

Jacob Drerup

Findlay, Ohio – Finance

Steven Dulisse

Matthew Dutro

Ottawa, Ohio – Marketing

Danbury, Conn. – Marketing

Dayton, Ohio – Management

Kaitlyn Early

Syvetlana Enos-Edu

Courtney Hartline

Pickerington, Ohio – Finance

Kyla Fargo

Matthew Annan

Vincent Continenza

Adam Fahncke

Salathiel Baker

M. Adelaide Cummings

Elisa Beltran

Olmsted Falls, Ohio – International business and economics

Robert Bourdette

Powell, Ohio – Marketing

Caitlyn Brown Homer, N.Y.– Marketing and management

Jeffrey Butler

Columbus, Ohio – Management

Phillip Caffee

Gahanna, Ohio – Finance

Reynoldsburg, Ohio – Marketing

Aericka Current

Urbana, Ohio – Accounting

Alessandra Dahms Kittanning, Pa. – International business and economics

Douglas DeVol

Chelsea, Mich. – Management

Cory Dobkins

Dublin, Ohio – Accounting

Patrick Dochenetz Ada – Marketing

Joseph Gutter

Mayfield Heights, Ohio – Pharmaceutical business

Chagrin Falls, Ohio – Management

Shelby, Ohio – Management

Kelsey Griffith

Upper Arlington, Ohio – Accounting

Castalia, Ohio – Pharmaceutical business Wickliffe, Ohio – Management

Kaitlyn Graber

Dalton, Ohio – Pharmaceutical business

Constantine, Michigan – Marketing Marysville, Ohio – Finance

Justin Good

Miamisburg, Ohio – Pharmaceutical business

Wapakoneta, Ohio – Management

Cody Fisher

Helena, Ohio – Finance

Peter Fitch

Cleveland – Management

Carson Foust

Plain City, Ohio – Finance

Andrew Gault

Pataskala, Ohio – Pharmaceutical business

Rita George

Galion, Ohio – Pharmaceutical business

Justin Henck

Tontogany, Ohio – Management

Ericka Holcomb

Bloomington, Ind. – Management

Matthew Holstein Indianapolis – Finance

Steven Hunter

Hamilton, Ohio – Finance

Andrew Jacoby

Columbus, Ohio – Management

Lucy Jarvis

Bellefontaine, Ohio – Accounting

Matthew Keating

Columbia Station, Ohio – Pharmaceutical business

Canfield, Ohio – Accounting

Gene Goering III

Lucas, Ohio – Accounting

Archbold, Ohio – Pharmaceutical business

Jill Leiendecker

Congratulations graduates! Lauren Lightcap

West Milton, Ohio – Accounting

Anthony Luchansky

Christopher Nawa

Yorkville, Ill. – Finance

Antoine Noameshie

Canfield, Ohio – Pharmaceutical business

Lima, Ohio – International business and economics

Benjamin Maas

Kyle Norman

Lexington, Ohio – Accounting

Indianapolis – Finance

Chelsea Mack

Jared Oehler

South Euclid, Ohio – International business and economics

Aaron Madison

Alliance, Ohio – Finance

Meghan Mahoney

Lewis Center, Ohio – Marketing

Kristine Marquart Dunkirk, Ohio – Marketing

Daniel Martone

Lakewood, Ohio – Accounting

Britney Melcher

Trenton, Ohio – Accounting

Mary Paraskos

Orrville, Ohio – Marketing

Scott Pavlechko

Columbus, Ohio – Management

Sarah Pine

Cleveland – Accounting

Therese Scalzitti

Hilary Yinger

Jeremy Smith

Holland, Ohio – Management

Brecksville, Ohio – Pharmaceutical business Findlay, Ohio – Marketing

Matthew Stuczynski Jr. Strongsville, Ohio – Pharmaceutical business

Jaime Swartz

Findlay, Ohio – Management

Nicholas Swinford

Sheffield Lake, Ohio – Pharmaceutical business

Chelsie Timmons Defiance, Ohio – Marketing

Brandi Thompson

Jessica Potesta

Richmond, Va. – Management

Joseph Previte

Perrysburg, Ohio – International business and economics

Ada – Finance

Fort Wayne, Ind. – Marketing

Ada – International business and economics

Alyssa Merrick

Jay Priest

Colin Tsolis

Joshua Vormelker

New Palestine, Ind. – Management

Payne, Ohio – Accounting

Richmond Heights, Ohio – Accounting

Anthony Meyer

Mikhail Prokopovich

Alexander Warren

Eric Miller

Kyle Quimby

David Myers

Robert Rudary

New Knoxville, Ohio – Pharmaceutical business

Negley, Ohio – Marketing Columbus, Ohio – Management

Broadview Heights, Ohio – International business and economics Cincinnati – Accounting

Independence, Ohio – Accounting

Chagrin Falls, Ohio – Accounting

Mike Webb Ada – Accounting

Jordaan Williams

Grayslake, Ill. – Marketing

Brandy Wilson

Bellbrook, Ohio – Marketing

Glenford, Ohio – Accounting

Eric Yunker

Samantha Zalesak

Rossford, Ohio – Pharmaceutical business

Kendra Zedaker

Findlay, Ohio – Accounting


When making personnel decisions for professional internship and job opportunities, please consider the outstanding students in The James F. Dicke College of Business Administration. Our highperforming students are ready to make an immediate impact in the professional world. For more information, contact Matt Lambdin, director of experiential learning, at m-lambdin@onu.edu or 419-772-2609.

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this graduation list.



College News & Events Three professors join faculty Melissa Hickman Associate professor of accounting Dr. Melissa Hickman joined the business college as an associate professor of accounting and director of the graduate program in accounting. Hickman received a Bachelor of Business Administration in accounting from Shorter University, an MBA with an accounting emphasis from Kennesaw State University, and a doctorate in business administration with an emphasis in accounting from NOVA Southeastern University. She taught for more than 10 years at Shorter University in Georgia before coming to ONU. Her research interests and publications focus on audit failure, ethical reasoning of auditors and fraudulent financial reporting. She will primarily teach in ONU’s graduate program in accounting.

Omar Malik

Visiting professor of international business

Dr. Omar Malik, visiting assistant professor of international business, will teach the general course in international business, international finance and international marketing this year. He received a bachelor’s degree from the University of the Punjab, an MBA from Lahore University of Management Sciences, and a doctorate from the Fox School of

Business and Management of Temple University. He has more than 10 years of prior teaching experience at Philadelphia University in Pennsylvania, SUNYGenesco, and Oakland University in Michigan. His research interests focus on firms’ dynamic capabilities. His research has been published in peer-reviewed, refereed journal publications with an international business focus.

Jingyun “Kay” Zhang Assistant professor of marketing Dr. Jingyun “Kay” Zhang joined the business college as an assistant professor of marketing. Zhang received a bachelor’s degree in Japanese language and literature and a Master of Arts in sociology from Beijing Foreign Studies University in China. In addition, she received two master’s degrees, one in marketing and the other in statistics, from the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. She also received a doctorate in marketing from the University of Alabama. Her teaching and research interests include services marketing, retailing, crosscultural consumer services and family decision-making. She has more than 10 refereed, peerreviewed publications and prior teaching experience at Bowling Green State University. She will teach several courses at ONU, including Principles of Marketing, Consumer Behavior, New Product Development and Marketing Research.

Event raises more than $15,000 for scholarships The business college’s fourth annual scholarship event took place on July 30, 2012, at the Catawba Island Club in Port Clinton, Ohio. Nearly 70 alumni and friends participated in the multifaceted event, which included golfing, fishing and wine tasting. The event is designed to raise scholarship money for business students. Each year, the net amount has grown, with this year’s total for scholarships exceeding $15,000. A special thanks to the event hosts, Paul Carbetta II, BSBA ’90, and his wife, Leah, along with Jay, BSBA ’81, and Terri (Henby) Molter, BSPh ’81, for hosting the group to the Mon Ami Winery. Next year’s event will take place July 28-29, 2013. For more information about how to help support next year’s event, please contact Dacy Wilcox, director of development, at 419-772-4022 or d-wilcox.1@onu.edu

Homecoming Queen Meshayla Moyer, a senior business management major from New Washington, Ohio, was named the 2012 Homecoming Queen.

ONU’s AMA chapter wins national competition SABRE is a market simulation program used at leading business schools. During the AMA competition, teams of between three to six students used the computer program to add and withdraw products from the market and advertise, price, distribute and design products to fit into the market segments.

ONU’s American Marketing Association (AMA) won the Strategic Allocation of Business Resources (SABRE) national competition at the AMA International Collegiate Conference in New Orleans in March. ONU business students jumped to their feet and cheered at the awards ceremony upon hearing the news that their team beat out 35 other universities. “Our team competed against marketing students from some of the largest and most prestigious business schools in the country,” says Randall Ewing, associate professor of marketing. “This speaks volumes for our students and the quality of our academic program.”

ONU’s team, however, remained focused and cooperative. “I couldn’t have asked for two better teammates,” says Mahoney. “We built on each other’s ideas and were able to reach a consensus on the best ways to proceed. If we made a mistake, we learned from it and changed direction.” Mahoney says she and her teammates knew they performed well but were surprised to take top honors. “We jumped up and down and were beyond excited,” she says. “We showed everyone what ONU can do. Being able to represent my school was the greatest experience ever.”

ONU’s team consisted of Jordaan Williams, BSBA ’12, Megan Siwik, a senior majoring in marketing and management with an entrepreneurship minor, and Meghan Mahoney, BSBA ’12. According to Mahoney, the eight-hour competition was intense and grueling. “The simulation program tests your knowledge of how to run a business,” she explains. “Looking around the room, I could see some teams arguing and getting frustrated.”

Students engage in academic research Andrew Jacoby, BSBA ’12, and Matt Dutro, BSBA ’12, presented a paper written by a student team at the North American Management Society Conference in Chicago in March. They also presented the same paper at the Student Research Consortium at ONU. The paper, “Accuracy of the Automatic Revocation of Exemption List for the State of Ohio,” was completed as part of the Nonprofit Management Course in the fall semester. The paper explored questions surrounding the Internal Revenue Service revoking the tax exemptions of 275,000 nonprofit organizations after they failed to meet the legal requirements to file annual tax forms in 2011. In addition to Jacoby and Dutro, the student authors were Frank Thien, a senior management major from Fort Recovery, Ohio, Yoji Sera, BSBA ’12, Sean Whitney, a senior management major from Copley, Ohio, and Maria Evangelista, a senior communication arts major from Cleveland Heights, Ohio.




David Savino and Randall Ewing began teaching in The James F. Dicke College of Business Administration in 1979 – the second year of the college’s existence. Close friends and colleagues, the two professors are icons at the college, where they’ve filled the halls with learning and laughter for more than three decades.



I’m thankful I’ve had him for a friend all these years, says Ewing

Professor David Savino wasn’t to be outdone when two students in his Human Resource Management class this past spring began to high five and shout “Pow! Pow!” after one of them correctly answered a question. So, after making a point in class one day, Savino spiced it up with an enthusiastic ending of his own: “Swick! Swack!” All eyes glanced up at a smirking Savino for a moment before the entire class burst out laughing. The corny phrase stuck. For the rest of the semester, students added a cheery “Swick! Swack!” when answering a question in class or greeting Savino in the hallway. Savino loves moments like these when he connects with his students on a personal level. But he wasn’t always so relaxed in the classroom. When he started teaching at ONU 34 years ago, his inherent shyness resulted in a more rigid approach. His classes tended to be highly structured with an emphasis on lectures and note taking, he said. But like all great teachers, Savino evolved his teaching style over time. He found support from his colleagues in the family-like atmosphere at the college. As Savino’s comfort level expanded, so did his teaching methods. He now keeps students engaged through a variety of interactive techniques for presenting and reviewing material. “I’m never totally satisfied and always strive to make things better,” he says. Savino works hard at teaching because he sincerely wants his students to succeed. Over the past three decades, he’s followed the careers of many former students who’ve risen to the top of the HR field. He compiles their names on a list he proudly calls the “Hall of Fame” and invites many of them back to speak to his classes. Meshayla Moyer, a senior management major from New Washington, Ohio, attests to Savino’s dedication. Thanks to connections she made in his class, she

obtained a summer internship at a Fortune 500 company. She also is gaining new skills through a research project she’s working on with Savino. “He’s a wonderful teacher,” she says. “He has positively influenced my educational experience in a huge way.” Calling himself a “jack of all trades,” Savino says he’s taught every business subject at ONU with the exception of accounting. His passion lies with management and human resources, however. In fact, he played an instrumental role in developing new courses to revamp the business college’s management major. “Management impacts every aspect of a company’s operation,” he says. “And I like the idea that companies can build success through their employment practices.” Savino stays active in several professional organizations, serving in leadership roles and presenting papers at annual conferences. He’s been a member of the Society for Human Resource Management for the past 35 years and will serve as president of the North American Management Society this coming year. Sometimes Savino can’t believe he’s taught at ONU for 34 years and witnessed so much growth on campus. He now has the pleasure of teaching the children of some of his former students. He jokes he’s one of the “old guys” at the business college, but he remains young at heart. “I still look forward to the first day of school each year,” he says. “I get older, but my students stay the same age and keep me young.” Savino and his wife, Lee, have two children. He serves as a leader in the local Boy Scout troop as the assistant scoutmaster. He’s a Pittsburgh Steelers and Pittsburgh Pirates fan and enjoys camping and attending his children’s school activities, including band, varsity singers and the swim team.




He’s one of the nicest guys you’re ever going to meet says Savino

If professor Randy Ewing had a slogan, it would be: “Work Hard. Have Fun.” The beloved marketing professor spent the past 34 years following this philosophy and teaching his students to do the same.

“He is hilarious and likes to joke around and tell stories,” says Meghan Mahoney, BSBA ’12, an assistant manager at Sherwin Williams in Hilliard, Ohio. “Students relate to him really well.”

In his formative years, Ewing encountered many teachers who helped him to come out of his shell and become a better person. Now, he tries to bring out the best in each and every student he teaches through a combination of kind encouragement, challenging coursework and good-natured fun. “As I prepare each lecture, I keep this in the back of my mind,” he says. “I ask myself, ‘What can I give them today that will be of some value?’”

After three decades of teaching, Ewing has accumulated quite a number of amusing stories. Like the time a table and chair module broke and flipped, leaving six students flat on their backs and staring at the ceiling in the middle of a lecture. And the sultry spring day when a student sitting near an open second-story window fell asleep and Ewing sprinted across the room and grabbed her legs just as she started to fall out. And the time a class prankster had the tables turned on him during an exam when he reached into his backpack for his calculator and discovered he’d accidently brought his TV remote instead. “I told him I knew where he had studied for the exam,” says Ewing, with a laugh. “I teased him about it until the day he graduated.”

Ewing works hard to prepare each lesson, and he requires his students to work hard, too. After all, he says, they are paying to attend a top-notch university and should expect rigorous academics. He assigns them involved “real-world” projects and never spoon feeds notes or study sheets. “Will their future boss give them cheat sheets in a crisis situation? I don’t think so!” he exclaims. By teaching his students to problem solve, communicate and think critically, Ewing grooms them for future success. “I teach them how to learn and how to continue learning,” he says. “I want them to step out of here and be successful.” “In a world where companies and institutions are constantly changing, professor Ewing’s wisdom is one thing that has remained constant in ONU’s business school,” says Craig Bailey, BSBA ’08, executive team leader for Target. “He has the special ability to relate classroom topics to real-life situations. He helped me to understand the full realm of the marketing field.” Although he harbors high expectations for his students, Ewing is not hardnosed and serious. His students describe him as one of the most approachable and witty teachers they’ve ever had.

In addition to teaching and research, Ewing has advised ONU’s student chapter of the American Marketing Association for the past 19 years. The chapter engages in numerous activities throughout the year and often garners top honors when competing against business colleges from across the country at the AMA annual conference in New Orleans. “I look forward to the conference every year,” says Ewing. “We always have a great time and the students learn a lot.” Ewing says it’s “amazing” to look back and think about all the relationships he’s built with students over the years. “It’s my biggest joy to see them graduate, get jobs and do well,” he says. Ewing and his wife, Melanie, have three children, all of whom attended ONU. He lives in the farmhouse his Scottish ancestors built in the 1850s, farming nearly 500 acres near McComb, Ohio. He enjoys collecting antique farm equipment and restoring old furniture.

Business College advisory Board George Atkinson BSBA ’72, BSBA ’06 Senior Vice President and Managing Director TriVista Business Group 1208 Archer Dr. Troy, OH 45373 Lawrence C. Barrett, CLU, ChFC BA ’71, DAA ’97, H of F ’04, BSBA’06 President Independent Pharmacy Consulting Group LLC/ Sagemark Consulting 28601 Chagrin Blvd. Suite 300 Cleveland, OH 44122 Deeann Beatty BSBA ’91 Bank Examiner Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland East 6th St. & Superior Ave. Cleveland, OH 44144 Shawn Bogenrief BSBA ’82 Partner/Director Gardner & White 5925 Wilcox Place, Suite D Dublin, OH 43016 Larry Boord BA ’71, JD ’75, BSBA ’06 Principal Jacob, Haxton & Boord, LLC 100 W. Old Wilson Bridge Rd. Worthington, OH 43085

Paul Carbetta II BSBA ’90 Financial Advisor Ameriprise Financial Services Inc. 150 E. Wilson Bridge Road Suite 100 Worthington, OH 43085

Mark Henschen BA ’77 President Minster Bank 95 W. 4th St. Minster, OH 45865 Julie Kasper BSBA ’84 Chief Financial Officer Hull & Associates Inc. 6397 Emerald Parkway Suite 200 Dublin, OH 43016

Phillip Caris BSBA ’82 Vice President of Sales Cooper Tire & Rubber Co. P. O. Box 550 Findlay, OH 45840 Jeff Gillson, CLU, CFP BSBA ’92 Financial Services Professional New York Life 1336 Woodman Drive Suite 100 Dayton, OH 45432 Patricia Maslen-Goeke BSBA ’82 President and CEO Nomadic Display 5617 Industrial Drive Suite E Springfield, VA 22151 Darren Hart BSBA ’99 Vice-President of Financial Planning & Analysis Fossil Inc. 901 S. Central Expressway Richardson, TX 75080

Betty Kemper President The Kemper Company 10307 Detroit Ave. Cleveland, OH 44102 Carol (Applegate) Kline BSBA ’86 751 International Isle Dr. Castle Rock, CO 80108 Anmarie Gladieux-Kolinski BA ’94, BSBA ’94 Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Harbor Capital Advisors Inc. 111 S. Wacker Dr., Suite 3400 Chicago, IL 60606 Rob Lydic BS ’97 President Layer 1 Design 903 S. Latson Rd. #228 Howell, MI 48843

Jay Molter BSBA ’81 Senior Vice President Marketing and Sales Glasstech Inc. Ampoint Industrial Park 995 Fourth St. Perrysburg, OH 43551 Deann (Fishpaw) Newman BSBA ’83 Partner Deloitte Tax LLP 200 Renaissance Center Detroit, MI 48243 Sheri L. (Schweitzer) Stoltenberg BA ’81 President and CEO Stoltenberg Consulting 1013 Christine Place Bethel, PA 15102 Dennis Stripe BA ’79, BSBA '06 President and CEO OrthoHelix Surgical Designs Inc. 1065 Medina Rd., Suite 500 Medina, OH 07401 Mark White BSBA ’85 President Vancrest 120 W. Main St., Suite 200 Van Wert, OH 45891

The Inn at Ohio Northern University 419-772-2500 or www.innatonu.com

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