Ampul Spring 2009

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Celebrate 125 years



IN THIS ISSUE Sweetheart Memories Medicinal Plants Milestones in History Continuing Education Insert

THE AMPUL The Ampul is a publication of The Rudolph H. Raabe College of Pharmacy Editors: Josh Alkire Lynn Bedford Laurie Wurth-Pressel Design: Jeni Bible Nancy Burnett Photography: Dr. Kim Broedel-Zaugg, BSPh ’81 Lynn Bedford Ken Colwell

Ampul Contents


Message from the Dean History Highlights

p. 4-7

Milestones in History

Special thanks to Dean Emeritus Tom Gossel, BSPh ’63, for his time and talent in the authorship and assistance with the history of the Raabe College of Pharmacy. Tom and his wife Phyllis (Black) Gossel, BSEd ’63, reside in Ada.

The Ampul is published by Ohio Northern University, 525 S. Main St. Ada, Ohio 45810, 419-772-2000. The R. H. Raabe College of Pharmacy at Ohio Northern University has long been recognized as one of the premier colleges of pharmacy in the nation, continually meeting the high standards of pharmaceutical education. Throughout its prominent history, the college has graduated pharmacists who now have successful pharmacy practices and who are active in local, state and national health related organizations. More than one-fourth of all pharmacists in Ohio are Ohio Northern alumni.


p. 5-8

Sweetheart Memories

Faculty Research

p. 14-17

Medicinal Plants

Continuing Education

p. 18

Student Focus

p. 19

Pharmacy News and Activities

p. 20-21

Where Are They Now?

p. 22

Tom Faulkner

In Memoriam

p. 22

Dave Stuart

Advisory Board

p. 23









Contributors: Dr. Kim Broedel-Zaugg, BSPh ’81 Tom Gossel, BSPh ’63 Scott Wills, BSBA ’87



On The Cover: The Raabe College of Pharmacy celebrates its 125th anniversary by remembering the past and envisioning the future.

IN THIS ISSUE Sweetheart Memories Medicinal Plants Milestones in History Continuing Education Insert


Celebrate 125 Years The Raabe College of Pharmacy has reached the milestone of 125 years of existence. We are planning festivities to celebrate this remarkable anniversary this fall. We hope you’ll join us! Through the years, the college has evolved in ways that would have been unimaginable to the faculty and students 125 years ago. In 1884, tuition was just $15 for a 10-week term, the facilities and curriculum were basic, and only a handful of students were enrolled in the program. Today, the college enrolls more than 1,000 students in a six-year doctorate program. Our facilities are cutting edge, and our rigorous curriculum includes topics, like epidemiology and pharmacogenetics, that didn’t even exist in 1884. Yet through the years, the college has preserved a tradition of excellence. College of Pharmacy alumni, whether they graduated 100 years ago, 50 years ago, 10 years ago, or one year ago, all received a quality and personable education, delivered by dedicated individuals, which prepared them to make a meaningful contribution to society. They all had transformative experiences during their college career in a family-like environment. Their experience included caring professors who shared encouragement and extra time, classmates who became dear friends, a small-town environment that engendered a sense of belonging, and special opportunities that led to personal and professional growth. The Raabe College of Pharmacy’s long tradition of excellence is a testament to the many generous individuals who through the years contributed their passion, energy and financial support to an institution they dearly loved. Thank you!

Dr. Jon Sprague Professor of pharmacology and dean Ohio Northern University College of Pharmacy


Raabe College of Pharmacy Milestones in History 1871-2009

Celebrating 125 years of tradition and excellence The best way to assess an institution’s future is to study its past. During its 125 years, Ohio Northern’s College of Pharmacy has graduated more than 8,200 men and women who have contributed in no small way to improved health care delivery throughout Ohio and the nation. This has been possible because of the college’s zeal for superb teaching and the continued generous support of alumni and friends. So long as that commitment remains at highest priority, the college can well expect to serve its constituency for another 125 years and beyond.


1871 Henry S. Lehr establishes the Northwestern Ohio Normal School in the village of Johnstown, later to be renamed Ada.



In response to recently enacted legislation requiring that persons who wish to work as pharmacists in Ohio must first pass an examination, Lehr announces the opening of a department of pharmacy to help students prepare for their examinations. The exact curriculum is not yet determined, but is expected to extend over a period of 30 weeks. By 1886-87, the term will expand to 40 weeks.

The pharmacy program expands rapidly. The first building to house the department, a modest wood structure, is occupied in August 1894. Pharmacy has exclusive use of the first floor.

1885 The institution’s name is changed from Northwestern Ohio Normal School to Ohio Normal University to reflect that students represent all geographic areas of the state.



The institution’s name is changed from Ohio Normal University to Ohio Northern University since the term “Normal” is descriptive of education of teachers for the public school system. The newer name reflects major academic changes underway. The name change also preserves the designation “ONU.”

Rudolph H. Raabe, Ph.G. 1910, Hon. D. ’64, is appointed dean (1917-50), after having served on the faculty of the college since 1910. Dean Raabe will serve 33 years in this capacity. Following retirement he will be appointed Dean Emeritus and return to teaching through academic year 1954-55, completing 45 years of service to pharmacy at ONU.

1906 By academic year 1906-07, two years of study (termed junior and senior years) are required for the Ph.G. degree, and three years are required for the pharmaceutical chemist (PH.C.) degree. The pharmaceutical doctor (PharmD) degree is also listed in the catalogue. Completion of the degree requires about 20 weeks of additional study.

1932 1909 The pharmacy building is moved approximately one-half block to the southeast corner of Gilbert Street and University Avenue. The structure is remodeled with laboratories in the basement, along with recitation rooms and offices on the first floor.

All first-time students registering for academic year 1932-33, and thereafter, shall require four full years of study. The bachelor of science in pharmacy degree will be awarded at ONU through 1964.



World War II is taking its toll on enrollment, and this year marks a bleak era in ONU’s history, with only 156 students enrolled University-wide. The College of Pharmacy will graduate 18 in 1943, followed by six, five and five, respectively, in 1944, 1945 and 1946.

The pharmacy building has become an eyesore and potential fire trap and is abandoned. The college moves into Dukes Memorial, located on the northwest corner of Main Street and College Avenue, which it shares with departments of mathematics and chemistry. The old pharmacy building will be razed in 1937.


1944 The Serviceman’s Readjustment Act of 1944 (i.e., “GI Bill of Rights”) is enacted, which will pay a government stipend to ex-servicemen to help defray costs of a college education. By 1948, the class size at ONU (including pharmacy) swells to 1,209.

1952 The Ampul, official publication of the College of Pharmacy, is inaugurated in spring 1952 with Volume 1, Issue 1.

1966 The new pharmacy building, the first structure erected in ONU’s westcampus basic science complex, is occupied. The new building is named for two prominent pharmacy graduates, James D. Robertson, Ph.G. 1898, and Thomas J. Evans, BSPh 1894.


1974 The college experiences rapid growth in the number of female students such that, by 1982, more than half of its graduates are female, a trend that continues to this date.



The college initiates two new programs. Students can enroll in a six-year program that leads to the doctor of pharmacy (PharmD) degree or remain in the traditional five-year program. Students can also enroll in a joint pharmacy-law degree program that permits them to complete both pharmacy and law degrees in seven years.

The Pierstorf Annex and Pharmacy Museum is added to the Robertson-Evans Pharmacy Building, named in honor of Dr. Ervin Pierstorf, ‘53, Hon. D. ’78, and his wife, Florence, and Dr. Clarence Pierstorf, Hon. D. ’90.

2000 All students entering the College of Pharmacy beginning in July 2000 are met with a new curriculum requiring six years of study, with the doctor of pharmacy degree awarded for its completion.

2006 The Hakes-Pierstorf Family Pharmacy Education Center is completed. This 17,300-square-foot addition to the pharmacy building, provided by Dr. Vern Hakes, PH.C. ’33, Hon. D. ’76, and Dr. Ervin Pierstorf, ‘53, Hon. D. ’78 and his wife, Florence, brings much needed space and updated facilities to the college program.

Dr. Vern Hakes, PH.C. ’33, Hon. D. ’76 Dr. Ervin Pierstorf, ‘53, Hon. D. ’78



The College of Pharmacy at Ohio Northern University celebrates its 125th anniversary, having graduated more than 8,200 pharmacists during its century and a quarter of service.

A 2,400-square-foot Pharmacy Skills Center is opened, and the Drug Information Center is renovated on the first floor of the Robertson-Evans Pharmacy Building. The Skills Center provides cutting-edge opportunities for students to apply their coursework to pharmacy practice situations. The Drug Information Center provides responses to questions about medications and medical conditions from health care professionals and consumers.



The sweet memories of college days, from favorite professors to special campus hangouts to lifelong friends, never fade. But some lucky Raabe College of Pharmacy alumni have sweeter memories still of finding their one true love on campus. They are grateful to Northern for not only giving them a start in life, but also giving them the love of their life! Many hearts have joined together over the College of Pharmacy’s 125 years, and a few share their stories on the following pages.


Robert and Marian McWhirter

Married for 62 years

Robert, BSPh ’49, and Marian (Kelts) McWhirter, BSPh ’49, have the distinction of being the first married couple to graduate in the same class from the College of Pharmacy. Sixty-two years later, with four children, seven grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren, they are still glad they tied the knot! It was fortuitous that Bob and Marian ended up in the class of 1949 together. Bob started at Northern several years earlier, but his college career was cut short when he was called to duty with the U.S. Army during World War II. For three years, Bob served as a medical corpsman on the Blanche F. Sigmond, a hospital ship that transported wounded soldiers from the European and Pacific Theaters. When he returned to Northern after the war, a romance was ignited when he met Marian in a laboratory. The couple married while still in school and moved into “Presser Village” – house trailers Northern purchased from war surplus to accommodate the influx of married GIs and their wives who had enrolled after the war. “The trailers were painted a drab olive green and were just 8 feet wide and 20 feet long,” recalls Marian. Laundry and restroom facilities were located in two double-wide trailers in the center of the village. “We were all in the same boat,” says Marian, with a laugh. “So we didn’t complain.” Times were lean. Bob and Marian used the same textbooks, and Bob cultivated a small garden off campus. For fun, they would play pinochle with friends, swim and picnic at the Ada park, and attend Northern sporting events. After graduation, the couple moved to Warren, Ohio, then Newton Falls, Ohio, where they owned and operated a retail pharmacy. In 1975, they moved to Florida where they worked as hospital pharmacists until retirement. Bob and Marian have special memories of Ohio Northern and the cramped trailer where they spent the early days of their marriage. “We are so grateful we went to Northern because of all the friends and experiences we had,” says Marian. “It was the basis for everything that happened in our lives after that.”

Graduation invitation circa 1949. Robert, BSPh ’49, and Marian (Kelts) McWhirter, BSPh ’49, celebrate graduation with Bob’s parents, Frank, Ph.G. ’17, and Rhea McWhirter. 9

Robert and Beverly Sandmann Married for 47 years Robert, BSPh ’63, and Beverly (Subler) Sandmann, BSPh ’63, a husbandwife team who made a mark in pharmacy education, met and married when they were pharmacy students at Ohio Northern. “She chased me, and I ran because I already had a girlfriend,” laughs Bob about his first week of college in 1959. Beverly’s charm won out, however, and a courtship began. The couple remembers scruffy sidewalks and long walks to the cemetery on the edge of town. They also recall a lovely college dance that took place on a balmy summer’s eve at the University’s field house. They held hands and walked around the track upstairs where they had a bird’s-eye view of the dance floor below. The band played “Where or When” as the couple gazed into each other’s eyes. “That sealed our fate,” says Beverly. The couple married when they were juniors, on Feb. 3, 1962. After Northern, they attended the University of Wisconsin-Madison for their Ph.D.s in pharmaceutical sciences. For 20 years, they served in faculty and administrative positions in the pharmacy college at the University of Missouri at Kansas City. In 1988, the couple moved to Indiana to assume positions at Butler University. Bob, who served as dean for 11 years, was instrumental in quadrupling enrollment and developing new programs in Butler’s College of Pharmacy and Health Science. As chair of the resolutions committee for the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, he introduced the resolution to require all pharmacy programs to offer the PharmD as the professional degree in pharmacy. Beverly, also a notable figure in pharmacy education, co-authored a textbook, Applied Physical Pharmacy, which was published in 2003. Their Northern experiences were the catalysts for their long and productive careers in higher education. “The personal approach of our Northern professors translated into how we worked with our students, and our outlook on the profession,” says Bob. Today, the Sandmanns are retired and live in a log cabin on an 80-acre farm in Girard, Kan. They enjoy spending time with their two children and four grandchildren and are active in ministry activities in retirement and nursing homes in the area.

Martin and Clarice McNeill Martin, BSPh ’81, and Clarice (Turk) McNeill, BSPh ’80, met at a Greek party and discovered they had mutual friends and interests. Soon, they were flirting with each other in Heterick Memorial Library. Martin, who was a library aide, was impressed that Clarice would bring a brown bag lunch to the library so she could spend the entire day studying. “Anyone that dedicated to school, I had to get to know better,” he laughs. The couple enjoyed simple pastimes together: racquetball games, Friday happy hour at Jerry’s, walks across the Tundra, and double dates with their best friends. (Their friends, Jon, BSPh ’80, and Jone (Hardin) Rauschenbach, BSPh ’80, have been married for 28 years.) Although Clarice was an only child and Martin was one of nine children, they both came from Catholic, blue-collar backgrounds and were determined to work hard and achieve success in their professional careers. They flourished on Northern’s campus, appreciating its quiet setting, family-like atmosphere and Christian values. The couple married on July 3, 1982, and settled in Uniontown, Ohio, where

they had two sons. Today, Martin works in an outpatient pharmacy clinic for the Department of Veterans Affairs, and Clarice works as a consultant for Omnicare, the nation’s leading provider of pharmaceutical care for seniors. The couple maintains strong ties to their alma mater; they mentor ONU pharmacy students, give annual donations and have only missed four Homecomings since graduation. “Northern provided us with a wonderful career and a wonderful marriage,” says Martin. “We could not be happier. We are very blessed.”

Married for 27 years 10

John and Julie Youngblood Married for 12 years John, BSPh ’95, and Julie (Bowe) Youngblood, BSPh ’96, are proof that opposites do attract and find lifelong happiness together. The couple became fast friends during the fall of their freshman year. Julie, friendly and outgoing, helped John overcome his shyness. And John, quiet and studious, tutored and encouraged Julie when she was struggling in Organic Chemistry. “I almost dropped out of pharmacy school,” admits Julie. “He gave me a pep talk. He told me he knew I could do it.” By spring, the two realized their feelings for each other ran deeper. On the couple’s first date, they saw “Dances with Wolves” at the Ada movie theatre. During their courtship, they also enjoyed dining out, studying together at the library and going for walks on campus. On New Year’s Eve 1994, John proposed to Julie on campus. He had worked three jobs over the summer to save enough money for the diamond ring. They were married on Oct. 12, 1996. Today, the Youngbloods live in Hudson, Ohio, with their three children. John is an IV pharmacist with PharMerica, a pharmaceutical services company serving patients and residents in hospitals and long-term care settings, while Julie is a retail pharmacist. “Our different personalities have helped us stay together and overcome many obstacles in life, such as struggling through courses, raising children, battling my malignant cancer in 2005, and the ups and downs that come with being a pharmacist,” says John. The Youngbloods are “very sentimental” about Ohio Northern, which brought them together and set them on the paths to successful careers. “Northern instilled old-fashioned values, like ethics, customer service and compassion,” says Julie. “Northern pharmacists are special. They stand a cut above the rest.”

Timothy and Kathryn Heimann Timothy, PharmD ’08, and Kathryn (Jagiela) Heimann, PharmD ’09, first met at spring training for residence life advisors. She was attracted to his sense of humor; he liked her intelligence, kindness and beauty. The couple kept in touch over the summer and their romance began in earnest in the fall. The hectic pace of pharmacy school, however, meant Tim and Kathryn had few opportunities for “real” dates. Often, they would spend the evening strolling hand and hand down the Green Monster, using the quiet time together to unwind and catch up. “We were going through the same things together and understood one another,” says Kathryn. “He knew when I was having a bad day, and he helped make it less stressful.” Although Tim and Kathryn grew up less than an hour away from one another, they came from different backgrounds. She’s a first-generation American, the daughter of Polish parents who immigrated to the U.S. when they were teenagers. Tim remembers meeting her parents for the first time. “They served all this Polish food but ordered a pizza for me just in case,” he laughs. On a warm, starry night in September 2006, Tim proposed to Kathryn, in Polish, in front of the Dial-Roberson Stadium during one of their walks on the Green Monster. “It was so romantic,” recalls Kathryn. The newlyweds, who were married in June 2008, look forward to a happy future. Tim is a pharmacist at the Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center, and Kathryn, who graduated in May, will engage in a residency at Akron General Medical Center. They’re both grateful to Northern for bringing them together and for developing them into wellrounded individuals. “From start to finish, Northern prepares you for success in your career, and life in general,” says Kathryn.

Married for one year


ONU’s charitable gift annuity: a win-win proposition Receive income for life and leave a legacy for current and future pharmacy students

The charitable gift annuity is an agreement between you and ONU’s Raabe College of Pharmacy that provides an opportunity to receive a guaranteed income stream and possible tax benefits while supporting the college. In simple terms, it is part gift and part annuity. The annuity portion provides a high rate of return on cash or certain assets for as long as you live. And the gift comes into play when, upon your death, the value of the agreement becomes a charitable contribution to an area of your choosing at the College of Pharmacy. At the present time, annuitants earn incomes between 3.3 percent and 10.5 percent, depending on age. In addition to these attractive rates, the agreement carries a number of attractive tax benefits. For example: • Sarah is 67, and Todd is 70. • At their combined age, they qualify to receive a payout of 5.5 percent. • If they gave $25,000, they would receive an immediate income tax deduction of $6,540. • They would receive an annual annuity payment of $1,375, part of which is tax free! Variations on the gift annuity make it extremely attractive as a part of retirement planning. For details on this and other planning options, please contact Scott Wills, BSBA ’87, director of development for the College of Pharmacy, at or 419-772-2705. All communication and correspondence is treated in complete confidence.







Annual Support for The Northern Fund Good things keep getting better. At least that’s how it works at Ohio Northern. Previous generations have always given generously to the next. Your support goes to work immediately through scholarships, research, athletics, cultural opportunities and campus improvements. Whether you’re motivated by gratitude for what you received in the past or because you want to ensure the continued success of students in the future, your support will make a lasting difference here. Support The Northern Fund by sending your check, credit card information or pledge in the enclosed envelope. Or give online at

Celebrate those who contributed to your education by showing your

True Northern Commitment today.

Faculty Research



“They are wonderful plants and gorgeous when they bloom,” Kinder says. “Their beauty comes from their ability to adapt to their harsh climate.” On a typical summer day, Kinder can be found exploring the ancient pit houses, cliff dwellings and farming sites of the ancestral Puebloans to gain insight into their use of plants in everyday life. Or, he may be scouring the canyons for plant specimens to collect and document. The picnic table outside Kinder’s camper is always littered with plants drying in the sun. Ultimately, these dried plants will end up in a Northern laboratory, where Kinder and ONU pharmacy students will test them for their purported healing powers.


amazing versatility and resilience of plants has fascinated David Kinder, Ph.D., professor of medicinal chemistry, since he was young. “Plants can provide nutrition, they can be toxic, or they can treat infection,” he says. “Plants, in an attempt to protect themselves from disease or predators, can give us what we need to treat ourselves.” For the last six years, Kinder has combined his love of plants and history by researching the use of medicinal plants by the ancestral Pueblo people. In late spring, he loads his small house trailer with the bare necessities and treks cross-country from Northwest Ohio to the beautiful, stark area of the American Southwest known as the Four Corners. Here, beneath the burning hot sun, he hikes through the rugged desert terrains of Chaco Canyon and Mesa Verde in search of plants – and cures. The potency of the plants inhabiting the Four Corners region is the attraction, explains Kinder. Many of the plants have persisted in the region for over 1,000 years by developing robust mechanisms to survive intense heat, bitter cold and drought conditions.


The medicinal plants Kinder is most interested in are ones that have been used for generations by the Hopi and Navajo. The Hopi are considered to be descendants of the ancestral Puebloans, and the oral history of the Navajo suggest they had contact with the ancestral Puebloans. But determining which plants and plant parts (leaf, blossom, root or seed) the tribes use to treat which ailments can be difficult, explains Kinder. The medicine traditions of the Hopi and Navajo are cloaked in ritual and ceremony. “They see it as the spirit of the plant imparting healing, not plant chemistry,” he explains. Also, the tribes are wary of outsiders and safeguard their secrets from them. The most reliable information that exists was obtained years ago in careful interviews of shamans (medicine men or women) by researchers who had established a level of trust with the tribes. Kinder uses this anecdotal evidence in his research. In his lab, Kinder puts the anecdotal evidence to a scientific test. He obtains plant extracts, isolates compounds and tests them on a wide variety of diseased cell cultures. In almost all cases, he has found the pharmacological properties of the plants he tests to be “on target” with the reported medicinal uses by the Hopi and Navajo.

New discoveries Kinder literally stumbled upon one of his most promising discoveries, the anti-cancer properties of Cryptantha flava, an herbaceous perennial. “Call it serendipity because I accidentally stepped on this plant and it stunk. It was the first summer I did field research,” he says. “I remembered that if a plant stinks, it is probably bad for you. Most anticancer drugs hurt you before they help.” In his research,

Kinder learned that the Hopi used Cryptantha flava to treat throat cancer. “I’ve tested the plant extract on brain, colon, and breast cancer and found it to have anti-cancer activity against all three,” he says. “This research has generated some interest from a pharmaceutical company.” Oncology is Kinder’s research specialty. He received his bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Purdue University and a Ph.D. in synthetic chemistry from the University of Illinois. During a post-doctorate fellowship at the Mayo Clinic from 1984 to 1988, he engaged in preliminary research that led to the development of the cancer drug Velcade. It’s the first approved cancer therapy in a new class of medicines known as proteasome inhibitors. Kinder then spent five years teaching at Washington State before coming to ONU in 1993. He’s hopeful that his research on the medicinal plants in the Four Corners region also will lead to a new cancer drug, perhaps a drug that would be beneficial in Third World countries where more expensive cancer treatments are less readily available. In addition to Cryptantha flava, Kinder is researching the anti-cancer properties of the four nerve daisy (Tetraneuris ivesiana), a rare wildflower found only in the Four Corners region. While there’s evidence that the Hopi and Navajo used the four nerve daisy for anti-bacterial and decongestion purposes, there’s no evidence it was used to treat cancer. Yet in his lab, Kinder discovered that the four nerve daisy has promising activity against colon cancer. He’s continuing to explore this avenue. Other plants Kinder has researched include the lupine (Lupinus caudatus), the evening primrose (Oenothera caespitosa) and the pale wolfberry (Lycium pallidum). In 2006, he co-authored a paper published in the Journal of Herbal Pharmacotherapy on the antidiabetic properties of the seeds of the lupine found in Mesa Verde. He’s also explored the antifungal properties of the evening primrose, used by the Hopi for wound healing, and the anticholinergic of the pale wolfberry, which contains some of the same compounds found in sacred datura (Datura wrightii), used by the Hopi, Navajo and many other Western tribes to cause “visions” – visual and mental distortions.

This summer, Kinder plans to further explore a hypothesis he developed about the potato. It is generally believed that corn was the food staple for the ancestral Puebloans. But Kinder’s discovery of potatoes growing in great abundance in areas typically ascribed to agriculture (in one field he estimated production of 24 tons of potato in a dry year) has led him to believe that the ancestral Puebloans may have cultivated potatoes. Pale wolfberry, considered an “indicator” plant for habitat sites, was also found growing in the potato fields. Kinder believes the pale wolfberry may also be an indicator plant for cultivation sites. He plans to test his hypothesis through genetic studies of the potato plants. He would also like to study the medicinal properties of the potato.

Drawn to the landscape While Kinder enjoys his days spent in the classrooms and laboratories at Northern, he admits that the Four Corners region has a powerful hold on his imagination. “There’s a spiritual aspect, a beauty that draws you in,” he says. He remembers waking one morning to a strange rustling sound coming from outside his trailer. He discovered a raven trying to sneak off with the plants specimens he had laid out to dry. He shooed the reluctant bird away but later laid out some bread for it. When the raven returned, it eyed Kinder over as he lured it closer and closer with breadcrumbs. “I came to understand why there is so much lore surrounding this intelligent bird,” he said. “The raven exhibited such human-like qualities.” Kinder also talks about the majesty of the ancient ruins. “These dwellings must have been stunning in their day,” he says. “I have seen high palaces that couldn’t match the intricate stone patterns found in these cliff dwellings. The ancestral Puebloans had an amazing aesthetic sensibility that is found in their dwellings, pottery and clothing.” The quiet beauty of the “beige landscape” of the Four Corners region is never far from his mind, says Kinder, even when he’s shoveling the snow from his driveway. “When I am there, I truly feel at one with the earth. Standing on top of a mesa looking out, I just kind of go, ‘Wow, I belong here,’” he says. “I’ll probably forever be drawn to it.”


Continuing Education For more information, please visit

On campus Mark your calendars for the following continuing pharmacy education activities on campus. Flyers will be mailed to Ohio pharmacists in June. Information also will be posted on our Web site. August 27

CE day with infectious disease, new drugs and law CPR training Immunization training

August 30 August 31

On the Web The College of Pharmacy offers several continuing pharmacy education courses online. The Evolving Health Care Delivery System: Retail and Specialty Pharmacies Dr. Franklin Wickham, R.Ph. ’60, previous director of the Pharmacy Law Institute, discusses the changes in health care delivery. More and more corporations that own and operate retail pharmacies throughout the United States are opening “retail clinics” in their stores. Ohio Administrative Code: Physician Assistants and Pharmacy Practice Dr. Franklin Wickham, R.Ph. ’60, previous director of the Pharmacy Law Institute, discusses the new rules adopted by the State Medical Board regarding the prescribing of drugs by physician assistants (PAs). This CE is approved by the Ohio State Board of Pharmacy for Juris Prudence. Overview of Migraines Dr. B. Shane Martin, assistant professor of pharmacy practice, discusses the definition, prevention, pharmacologic therapy and non-pharmacologic therapy for migraine headaches.

® 18

Pneumonia Treatment Dr. Andrew Roecker, PharmD ’00, associate professor of pharmacy practice, discusses the epidemiology, at-risk populations, pathogenesis and treatment of community-acquired pneumonia. Principles and Concepts Regarding Dietary Supplements Dr. Kelly Shields, assistant professor of pharmacy practice and director of the Drug Information Center, discusses the use, epidemiology, product regulation, purity, standardization, information resources and pharmacist role regarding dietary supplements. Review of Enzymology for Pharmacists Dr. Amy Stockert, assistant professor of biochemistry, reviews enzyme catalysis, transition state theory and enzyme kinetics. Topics in Law for Ohio Pharmacists Dr. Donald Sullivan, associate professor and chair of pharmacy practice, has provided continuing education regarding Ohio law for many years. In this article, he discusses the requirement for drugs compounded by pharmacies for direct administration by a prescriber, the requirements of charitable pharmacies in Ohio, requirements for dispensing buprenorphine and requirements for pharmacy interns. The Role of a Pharmacist in Managing Amiodarone Therapy Dr. Mary Ann Tucker, PharmD ’07, developed this CE as part of her ambulatory care residency at Blanchard Valley Medical Associates under the direction of Teresa Hoffman, a shared faculty member at Ohio Northern, and Dr. Kelly Shields, director of the Drug Information Center.

Ohio Northern University is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy. Each program is acceptable for 0.1 CEU’s.

Student Focus

Forty-five ONU students, plus Dr. Jeffrey Allison, BS ’71, PharmD ’95, Dr. B.S. Martin and Bill Kanzig, BS ’92, stand in front of the house they built during their trip to Jackson, Miss.

Building Homes on Spring Break Thirteen pharmacy students joined a large group of Northern students who spent spring break, March 2-6, 2009, building houses and helping rebuild the lives of people in need. The trip was part of Habitat for Humanity’s Collegiate Challenge. Two groups traveled to Jackson, Miss., and Biloxi, Miss., respectively, while the third group traveled to John’s Island, S.C. The trip was an enriching experience for all who participated. “This trip helped put life back in perspective. Throughout the year, school has a tendency to be very stressful, but being in Jackson showed me just how fortunate I am for my opportunity at Ohio Northern,” said third-year pharmacy student Jordan Reinhart. “I also learned that even the smallest amount of work can have a dramatic impact not only on a particular family but on an entire community.” Fifth-year pharmacy student Kelly Hiteshew agreed: “I feel a peace and a freedom when I’m outside, serving God and loving my neighbors, away from the stress of everyday life.”

ASP Holds Annual Auction/Raffle The Academy of Student Pharmacists (ASP) raised more than $3,000 during its annual raffle and auction on March

18, 2009. The money helped send 60 Northern pharmacy students to the American Pharmacists Association’s national convention in San Antonio, Texas, in April. Auction items included dinners with ONU faculty members

Chili Cookoff Heats Things Up It may have been 30 degrees outside, but it was hot inside! The Pharmacy Council held its eighth annual Soup and Chili Cookoff in the McIntosh Activities Room on February 3. There were two judging categories: Judges Choice and Popular Choice. This year’s judges were Dr. Jon Sprague and Lynn Bedford. In the Judges Choice category, fifth-year students Cassi Moser and Abby Cooper took first place with their Cheesy Brat Soup, fourth-year students Lisa Vranekovic and Valerie Cooper took second with their White Chili, and fifth-year student Erin Rishel placed third with her Kickin’ Cheeseburger Potato Soup. In the Popular Choice category, fifth-year student Jeremy Sakel took first place with Sakel’s Spicy Siesta, fifth-year students Megan Riga and Laura Dickman placed second with their White Chicken Chili, and professor Shane Martin placed third with his Gumbo Chili.

Fifth-year pharmacy students A Cooper, C bby assi Mose r, Laura D and Mega ic kman, n Riga pre pare to se their award rve up -winning s oup and c hili.

and a one-night stay at The Inn at Ohio Northern University. Raffle items included gift cards, a DVD player and a digital camera. More than 200 people participated in the raffle and auction.


Pharmacy News and Activities Cleveland-Area Pharmacists Take Bus Trip to Northern Dr. Ervin Pierstorf, ’53, Hon. D. ’78, is always looking for ways to promote the pharmacy profession and the Raabe College of Pharmacy. At a gathering of some Cleveland-area pharmacists, all members of the WestShore Pharmacy Association, Pierstorf discovered that many of them had not visited campus for several years. “Why not put them all on a bus to Ada?” he thought. With the help of Bill Robinson, BSEd ’61, Hon. D. ’05, H of F ’05, executive assistant to the president, the idea was “given wheels,” and more than 20 WestShore members and their spouses arrived in Ada on Oct. 8, 2008, for a University luncheon with

Deirdre (Mozdy) Myers, BSPh ’83, pharmacy and laboratory instructor, put the pharmacists through their paces as they compounded a special humorous product for home use.

Dr. Kendall L. Baker, ONU president, and Dr. Jon Sprague, dean of the College of Pharmacy. Sprague reviewed the status of the college and provided a glimpse into the future. Following lunch, Sprague conducted a tour of the Robertson Evans Building and the Hakes-Pierstorf Family Pharmacy Education Center, ending with a compounding class in the new Pharmacy Skills Center.

Everyone boarded the bus with great memories, several keepsakes and a box dinner for the trip back to Cleveland.

Student Lounge

On March 24, 2009, the Raabe College of Pharmacy dedicated the newly renovated student lounge. During the dedication, Giant Eagle was honored for providing the funding for the lounge. Sixty people attended, including Dr. Kendall L. Baker, ONU president, Dr. Jon Sprague, dean of the College of Pharmacy, faculty, staff and students. The new lounge includes snack machines, tables for study and wireless network access. 20

District IV meeting

Phi Delta Chi Kenny Walkup, BSPh ’92, was named executive director of the Phi Delta Chi Fraternity. Walkup’s management company, Jorwalk Management, was retained to manage the day-to-day operations of the fraternity. Walkup was initiated into the Alpha Upsilon chapter in 1987 when he was a student at ONU. He has served Phi Delta Chi in numerous positions at the chapter, regional and national levels, including grand vice president for alumni and collegiate affairs. After working for eight years as a pharmacist in a regional chain pharmacy, Walkup began a new career in pharmacy ownership. In 1999, he opened South Lyon Family Pharmacy in South Lyon, Mich. In 2002, he opened Specialty Medicine Compounding Pharmacy, which makes customized medications for people and animals. Whether creating prescription popsicles for a child with a strong gag reflex, or a prescription ear gel for a tiny kitten, Walkup enjoys the challenges that each day brings. In 2008, Walkup founded S & P Online, a specialty Web service for compounding pharmacy. Walkup is a member of the International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists, where he serves on the organization’s Foundation Board. He also is a member of the Michigan Pharmacists Association. Locally, he has served as president of the Community Support Team, an organization supporting in-need families, and in various positions at the First United Methodist Church in South Lyon.

Jerry and Maryetta Weisenhahn pose with Dr. Jon Sprague during the 75th annual NABP/AACP District IV meeting hosted by the College of Pharmacy and the Ohio State Board of Pharmacy. More than 100 people attended the three-day conference in November.

Lexi-Comp Tour Sixteen student pharmacists traveled to Hudson, Ohio, on Jan. 19, 2009, to visit Lexi-Comp, the corporate headquarters of an industry-leading provider of drug information and clinical content for the health care industry. Dr. Sekhar Mamidi, assistant professor of pharmacy practice, has used Lexi-Comp’s database since he was a student pharmacist and appreciated the chance to learn more about the company’s background. He says the trip was an eye-opening experience for everyone. “The students discovered that the

database is beneficial not only for those on their sixth-year rotations, but also for those currently in the classroom. It is available online and present in 18 different languages,” he said. “From the faculty perspective, I learned nuances about the database and recognized an opportunity to educate student pharmacists about another avenue they can pursue for their future pharmacy careers. Pharmacy is a very dynamic profession, and this trip opened my own eyes as to how I can further educate the future professionals of tomorrow.”

Waterson receives prestigious awards Fourth-year pharmacy student Rachael Waterson was awarded an American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists/American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education (AAPS/AFPE) Gateway to Research Award. Only three of these prestigious awards are given by AAPS/AFPE each year. Waterson traveled to Atlanta, Ga., to receive the award at the opening session of the AAPS Annual Meeting. Waterson was also one of 12 recipients of an AFPE Gateway to Research Scholarship. She has been working in Dr. Boyd Rorabaugh’s laboratory on a research project to identify the mechanism by which alpha 1 adrenergic receptors protect the heart from ischemic injury.

Join us

for a full day of continuing education, food, golf and fellowship on Aug. 28, 2009, at Colonial Golfers Club in Harrod, Ohio. Watch your mail in June for the invitation or visit for more information.


Where Are They Now?

Where are they Now? Thomas Faulkner, Ph.D. Many of you may remember Dr. Faulkner for his innovative use of computer technology; chaperoning pharmacy field trips to Lilly, Abbott, and Upjohn with Jim Reiselman; serving as advisor for Rho Chi, Kappa Psi, and Phi Kappa Phi; or researching the toxicology of the effects of alcohol. Faulkner retired from ONU in 2005. A native of Sidney, Ohio, he graduated with a bachelor’s degree in pharmacy from Purdue University. He worked as a pharmacist at Union Health Center in Springfield, Ohio, in the 1960s before returning to Purdue to complete the doctor of philosophy degree in pharmacology. He began his teaching career at Texas Southern University in Houston before returning to Ohio in winter 1978 to begin teaching at Ohio Northern University.

While at ONU, Faulkner served as chair of the pharmaceutical and biomedical sciences department for 10 years. He was instrumental in the implementation of the current modular teaching system that incorporates pharmacology, medicinal chemistry, therapeutics and pharmacy practice. Further, Faulkner received multiple teaching awards, including the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy’s Innovations in Teaching Award, the Pharmacy Alumni Chair, Mortar Board’s Favorite Professor and Pharmacy Council’s Outstanding Professor. Faulkner still resides in Lima, Ohio, and regularly plays tennis and bridge. He enjoys traveling the country and has most recently visited Austin, Texas, the Poconos, and St. Martin. He also enjoys visiting his two daughters and welcomed his first grandchild in early April.

In Memoriam David Stuart Longtime ONU pharmacy professor David Marshall Stuart died Jan. 7, 2009, in American Fork, Utah, of complications from mylofibrosis. He was born May 20, 1928, in Ogden, Utah, the son of Oni Douglas and Alice Marie Michalson Stuart. He married Ida Lenore Thornock Aug. 31, 1951, in The Salt Lake Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She died Jan. 15, 2004. He married Judyth Ann Peterson Dec. 11, 2004, in The Mt. Timpanagos Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Stuart served in the U.S. Army Air Corp. He graduated from the University of Utah and received his Ph.D. in pharmacology from the University of Wisconsin. He taught for 28 years at University of Texas, Oregon State University and Ohio Northern University. He was instrumental in developing a state-of-the-art pharmacy education program during his 24 years at ONU. Stuart pioneered groundbreaking programs for cost savings in public health care for the state of Ohio. He was a faithful member of the Latter Day Saints church, serving in many leadership positions. He was a temple ordinance worker and had a special love for family history.

David Stuart in 1983


Stuart is survived by his wife; three sons and a daughter; 12 grandchildren and one greatgrandchild. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Shauna.

Advisory Board Mr. Dominic Bartone BSPh ’77 Owner Hock’s Pharmacy Vandalia, Ohio Dr. Bruce Bouts BSPh ’82 General Internist Blanchard Valley Medical Associates Inc. Findlay, Ohio Mrs. Adrienne (Wood) Donaldson BSPh ’99 Professional Services Consultant McKesson Foundation Inc. Moon Township, Pa. Dr. Shawn Eaton PharmD ’01 Manager, Professional and College Relations CVS Tallmadge, Ohio Mr. George Hill BA ’69, BSPh ’74 Director, Pharmacy Services Catholic Health Initiatives Union, Ky. Miss Kathy Karas BA, BSPh ’75 Pharmacy Manager Buehler’s Pharmacy Canton, Ohio Mr. Phillip Lettrich BSPh ’85 Director of Professional Relations Emdeon Business Services Twinsburg, Ohio Mr. Jay Meyer BSPh ’82 President and COO Remedi Pharmacy Covington, Ohio

Ms. Theresa “Tip” Parker BSPh ’74 Director of Trade Relations & Pharmacy Operations Abbott PPD Abbott Park, Ill. Mr. Robert “Bob” Parsons BSPh ’71 Executive Vice President Ohio Society of Health-System Pharmacists Marietta, Ohio Mrs. Nichole (Pearson) Penny BSPh ’98 District Pharmacy Supervisor Walgreens-Grand Rapids East District Kentwood, Mich. Dr. Ervin Pierstorf ’53, Hon. D. ’78 Chairman of the Board and CEO, Retired Fairview Photo Services Rocky River, Ohio, and Pinellas Park, Fla. Mr. Tom Wiechart BSPh ’81 Pharmacist Rite Aid Lima, Ohio Ms. Suzanne Eastman Wuest BSPh ’74 Executive Director for Clinical Services Catalina Health Resource Cincinnati, Ohio Mr. Michael C. Yount BSPh ’98, JD ’00 VP, Regulatory Law Rite Aid Corporation Harrisburg, Pa.



Continuing Pharmacy Education Offerings from Ohio Northern University * Law & Mortar is a quarterly newsletter filled with on-the-job training information relating to laws and regulations of the practice of pharmacy. This newsletter keeps you up-to-date on the latest regulatory issues of concern to practicing pharmacists. Additionally, each issues features a Continuing Education pharmacy law article, for which you can earn CE credit by completing the quiz in each article. One year subscription of $40 includes 4 issues and no additional cost for Continuing Education credit. Send payment to: Raabe College of Pharmacy Department of External Affairs Ohio Northern University Ada, OH 45810 *Also check our web page for several online continuing education offerings, including law. All online CE is $10.00 per program. Visit



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