Ohio Northern University Claude W. Pettit College of Law Viewbook

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Ohio Northern University

College of Law






here are as many reasons for becoming a lawyer as there are specialties to pursue. Do you want to speak out against oppression? Develop case law that lives on for decades to come? Become the voice of your generation, trumpeting the social issues that define our day? No matter what your reason is, here you’ll be able to achieve great heights.

skills to make a difference, regardless of where you want to go with your law degree.

Your days here will be filled with incredible opportunities to build experience with working legal professionals. Once you graduate, you’ll find an international network of tight-knit alumni ready to help you advance. From your first day onward, you’ll discover a community At The ONU College of Law, we have created that will take the passions you have and help a unique program where you can develop the you develop into the lawyer that you want to be.


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“ 2011 was not the ideal time to be looking for a job. But with the help of professors and ONU’s Office of Career Services, I was able to receive my dream job offer.” Amanda Stacy, JD ’11





ith the legal field constantly growing and adapting to meet new challenges, the role of lawyers is still vitally important. Here, you’ll define who you want to be as a lawyer – and build toward it. By the time you graduate, you’ll find that you are more prepared to enter the legal field than your peers because you’ll not only know the law but you’ll have the real-world experience to back it up.

difference – everywhere from the courtroom to the boardroom. That means continually increasing the value of an ONU legal education through things like engaging speakers who shed light on current issues, clinical programs guaranteeing extensive live-client and courtroom hours, and advisors and mentors who, from day one, will continue to advocate for you long after you graduate.

We do this because we’re not just teachers but lawyers ourselves. We give you an experi- A degree from ONU Law is more than just a ence-based legal education that provides piece of paper. It’s a launchpad into a successful the tools to go out into the world and make a legal career. ONU Law

Here are some other ways we take a unique approach to your legal education:

A smaller campus also produces a healthy level of competition without overtaking your studies.

Average scholarship awarded for incoming students:*

$12,500 *Class of 2014

24 STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS — You’ll have plenty of opportunities for involvement.
















What does Best Value mean? A “Best Value Law School” is determined by the cost of tuition, student debt accumulation, employment success, bar passage rates, and the cost of living.




e have spent more than a century building the perfect combination of

learning and doing to make you ready for a

successful law career. We regularly update a 6»

diverse curriculum to prepare you for real-world success and to reflect a law landscape that is constantly in flux – adapting to the latest legislative and technological needs.

CURRICULUM LEGEND * – Upper division required courses CP – Required course to receive certificate in corporate law CM – Required course to receive certificate in commercial law CR – Required course to receive certificate in criminal law IL – Required course to receive certificate in international law PP – Required course to receive certificate in public law and policy CL – Required course to receive certificate in civil litigation T – Required course to receive certificate in taxation SF – Required course to receive certificate in small firm general practice RP – Required course to receive certificate in real property law JD/LLM – Required course to complete the concurrent JD/LLM Program

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Administrative Law (PP) Advanced Legal Research Alternative Dispute Resolution (CL) American Legal System Antitrust Law (CP) Arbitration (CP) Bankruptcy and Creditors’ Rights (CM) Bankruptcy: Practice and Procedure (CM) Business Organizations I/II *(CP) Business Planning (CP)(T) Capital Punishment Seminar Church and State Seminar Civil Practice: An Introduction (CL) Civil Procedure I/II (CL) Civil Rights (PP) Commercial Code: Negotiable Instruments and Check Collection (CM) Commercial Code: Secured Transactions (CM) Commercial Law: Payments (CM) Commercial Law: Sales and Secured Transactions (CM) Commercial Transactions (CM) Comparative Administrative Law (IL)(PP)(JD/LLM) Comparative Constitutional Law (IL)(PP)(JD/LLM) Competitiveness and Corruption (IL)(PP)(JD/LLM) Complex Litigation (CL) Conflict of Laws (CL) Constitutional Interpretation Seminar Constitutional Law I/II * (PP) Constitutional Law: Mass Media Seminar Constitutional Origins Seminar Corporate Finance (CP)(CM) Criminal Law (CR) Criminal Practice: Advanced (CR) Criminal Practice: An Introduction (CR) Criminal Procedure (CR) Domestic Relations (CL) Elder Law Electronic Discovery Employment Discrimination Law (PP) Entertainment Law


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Public Law & Legal Practice (PP) Real Estate: Commercial Development Real Estate: Residential Conveyances (RP) Real Estate Finance and Mortgage Law (RP) Remedies (CL) Rule of Law Seminar Scientific Evidence and Opinion (CR)(CL) Securities Regulation (CP) Selected Topics in Democratic Governance and Rule of Law Sports Law Taxation: Federal Income Tax (T) Taxation: Research Methods (T) Taxation of Corporations and Shareholders (CP)(T) Taxation of Estates, Gifts and Trusts (T)(RP) Taxation of Partnerships and Partners (T)(CP) Terrorism and Criminal Law (CR)(IL) Torts Transition to Ohio Practice Transition to Practice: Multi-Jurisdictions Women and the Law Seminar

SKILLS COURSES Skills courses help you develop beyond the regular curriculum. All students are required to take 10 credit hours of skills courses prior to graduation. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Advanced Legal Research Alternative Dispute Resolution Bankruptcy Clinic Bankruptcy: Practice and Procedure Business Planning Civil Practice: An Introduction Complex Litigation Corporate Finance Corporate Transactional Clinic Criminal Practice: Advanced Criminal Practice: An Introduction Electronic Discovery Environmental Clinic Estate Planning Governmental Clinic Guardian ad Litem Law and Practice International Commercial Arbitration Law J.D./LL.M Domestic Externship Judicial Externship Law Office Economics & Management Legislative Process and Drafting Litigation Clinic Moot Court I/II Transition to Multijurisdictional Practice Transition to Ohio Practice Trial Advocacy/Advanced Trial Advocacy


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Environment Law Environmental Law Seminar Estate Planning (T)(RP) Estates, Wills and Trusts (RP) Evaluation and Proof of Personal Injury Damages (CL) Evidence* (CL)(CR) Federal Courts (PP)(CL) Federal Income Taxation (CM)(T) Financial Literacy* Guardian ad Litem Law and Practice (CL) Health Law Icelandic International Law Thesis Immigration and Nationality Law (IL)(PP) Independent Study Intellectual Property and Unfair Competition (CP) Intellectual Property Seminar International and Comparative Law: Non-Governmental Organizations International Business Transactions (CP)(IL) International Commercial Arbitration Law (CP)(CM)(IL) International Comparative Law (IL) International and Comparative Law of NGO’s (IL) International Criminal Law (CR)(IL)(JD/LLM) International Law (IL)(JD/LLM) International NGO Law (JD/LLM) International Protection of Human Rights (IL)(JD/LLM) International Tax (T)(IL) Internet Law Interviewing-Counseling-Negotiation Judicial Decision Making (SF) Jurisprudence Seminar Juvenile Law (CR)(SF) Labor Law (PP) Land Use Planning Seminar Law and Economics Seminar Law and Literature Seminar Law of War Seminar Law Office Economics and Management (SF) Law Review Legal History Seminar (American) Legal Issues in Transitional Democracies (IL)(JD/LLM) Legal Profession* Legislative Process and Drafting (PP) Moot Court I/II Municipal Corporations (PP) Negotiation Workshops Negotiation: Dealing in Emotions Seminar Nonprofit Organizations (T) Oil and Gas Law (RP) Patent Law and Practice Personal Financial Literacy Poverty Law Products Liability (CL) Property I/II (RP)

The National Jurist listed ONU Law as one of the most innovative law schools in the country.



apart is the close relationships you will develop with your professors and advisors, who become your advocates from day one and mentors long after you graduate. Add to that a rural location, which means you don’t have to compete with as many other schools and scores of students as you would in a larger metropolitan area, and All law schools have programs like Moot Court – you find a program that puts you on a unique which hones oral advocacy skills that help you in path to success. law as much as in life – and certificate tracks that allow you to declare a specialty, gain certification, We have provided students with an and shape your direction as a lawyer. And while unparalleled legal education for more than we have these programs too, what sets ONU 130 years. And we’re just getting started. t ONU, we believe that learning outside the classroom is just as important as learning inside it. Our unique location combined with small class sizes provides you with continuous opportunities to combine study with real-world practice.







2015-16 TUITION

Consistently above the statewide average Averaged over 3.5 years

“ What most stands out about ONU Law is the individualized attention that each student receives. My law professors knew not only my name, but also my goals and aspirations. They focused on preparing me for the legal world. Without a doubt, they are some of my strongest mentors in the field.” Emily Simmons, JD ’07

“ I’m not sure I can put words on paper



that would do ONU Law justice. ONU Law, the professors, the administration, the alumni, and the students are more


than I could have asked for from any

— You get individualized attention and don’t have to compete for quality classes.

school; they’re just family. And this family has paved the way for a very successful law school career.” Renee Drollette, JD ’15


Guaranteed clinic placement thanks to small class sizes and a wide network of community partners means that if you want to take a clinic, you’ve got a spot. No signing up and no waitlists.




egal clinics and externships are opportunities for you to enrich your education and add value to your degree. In addition to gaining client face time and courtroom experience, what sets our programs apart are availability, flexibility, and student-centric guidance.

AVAILABILITY means 100 percent placement – plain and simple. If you want to enroll in a program, we take every step possible to find you a spot. Thanks to our small size, you don’t have to complete a lengthy application or go on a waiting list. You simply meet directly with the clinic director to come up with a plan of action that works with your career aspirations. And thanks to our community connections, you’ll enjoy placement at a facility that does work that you’re interested in – not in an intern pool where you’re just another unknown.

Through Clinical Programs, you can apply for an Ohio Legal Intern Certificate – which allows you to try cases in a courtroom under the supervision of an attorney.

FLEXIBILITY means we work with you directly to shape an experience that perfectly suits your needs. We think we’ve constructed a program that checks a lot of boxes, but we are always open to new ideas, new constructions, and new ways of doing things. STUDENT-CENTRIC guidance means that you’ll develop a close working relationship with a seasoned attorney throughout your program. These faculty relationships help you make the most of your time in the program by active guidance and by challenging you to defend your choices and understand how they fit into the greater legal context.

CLINICS AND EXTERNSHIPS BANKRUPTCY CLINIC You may be placed with bankruptcy attorneys in the Lima and Toledo areas, as well as a judicial externship with a federal bankruptcy judge. These specialties allow you to actively research, draft pleadings, and make court appearances, giving you real-world experience. CORPORATE TRANSACTIONAL CLINIC Gain experience providing legal assistance to nonprofit organizations such as the West Ohio Conference of the United Methodist Church (comprising roughly 1,300 churches), as well as other local nonprofit organizations. You will be able to assist in a variety of issues, including real estate transfers, incorporations, and risk management. ENVIRONMENTAL CLINIC We have developed this program through a relationship with the Ohio Environmental Council, a nonprofit advocacy group located in Columbus, Ohio. You will engage in research, draft pleadings, and participate in other activities pertaining to environmental law. This program regularly results in placements with the Ohio Environmental Council.

JUDICIAL EXTERNSHIP I/II Here, you’ll get involved in a variety of placements with judges in areas such as municipal court, juvenile court, probate court, common pleas court, Ohio Supreme Court, federal district court, or federal bankruptcy court. You will perform court-related duties assigned by a judge, including research, writing, and more.

“During my third year, I worked at an internship with the Ohio EPA. It didn’t take long before I realized the true value of my ONU legal education. I was the only intern who had prior experience drafting complaints and writing briefs and other legal documents, thanks to the skills courses I was required to take.” James Barker, JD ’13

LITIGATION CLINIC This clinic prepares you to represent clients in civil litigation matters such as family law, landlord/ tenant disputes, and other general civil litigation matters at a local legal aid organization, supervised by practicing attorneys. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT CLINIC This will prepare you to work with municipal government solicitors or city law directors on civil litigation and criminal litigation issues arising within local governments. NONPROFIT LITIGATION CLINIC Through this program, you will work with practicing attorneys and administrators to actively assist nonprofit organizations on a variety of legal issues. ONU LEGAL CLINIC The ONU Legal Clinic functions as a traditional “legalaid” clinic providing services to members of the surrounding communities. Here, you will face a variety of issues, including family law, social security disability, and general civil litigation. The yearly caseload for this program is between 200 and 250 cases, and you will be supervised by a licensed staff attorney. PROSECUTION CLINIC This program places you in a prosecutor’s office under the supervision of a licensed practicing attorney representing the state in criminal misdemeanors. PUBLIC DEFENDER CLINIC The role of public defender is vastly important in the legal field. Through this clinic, you will gain experience in a local public defender’s office representing defendants who cannot provide their own counsel.



GOVERNMENTAL CLINIC You will be able to explore law in government settings with placement in facilities such as the Ohio Attorney General’s Office, the Ohio Secretary of State’s Office, and the Ohio Pharmacy Board. You will be supervised by attorneys within the organizations to conduct research, draft memos, and engage in other legal activities.

LABOR & EMPLOYMENT LAW CLINIC In this program, you’ll be supervised by a licensed attorney at either a union or a law firm that specializes in labor and employment law. Here, you’ll draft memoranda and briefs, participate in arbitration proceedings, and gain experience in a variety of other legal concerns relating to the field.





ou’re looking for more than just a JD. At ONU Law, we work with you to find your interests and personalize your education. Through specialty programs that let you gain a certificate on your degree and tailor your education based on your interests, clinical tracks that provide real courtroom and clientfacing time, and academic support programs that prepare you to pass the bar and enter the workforce, we provide countless opportunities for you to build real-world skills that set you apart from the competition. Certificate tracks let you tailor your experience at ONU Law and develop a legal education that’s based on your interests. And internship/ externship programs prepare you for success by giving you experience with working legal professionals.

CERTIFICATE TRACKS BANKRUPTCY AND COMMERCIAL LAW You’ll focus and specialize in bankruptcy issues as well as larger challenges affecting commercial entities. You’ll gain an understanding of commercial codes, commercial laws, corporate finance, international commercial arbitration, and more. CIVIL LITIGATION While learning about the world of civil disputes and non-criminal cases, you’ll build skills in alternative dispute resolution, settling law conflict issues, navigating federal court systems, and more. CORPORATE LAW This specialty gives you experience in the competitive field of corporate law, specializing in business planning and corporate finance, international business transactions and commercial arbitration, and securities regulation – helping you build a comprehensive understanding of the corporate landscape.

CRIMINAL LAW The criminal courts can be a huge component of your trajectory as a lawyer, and this certificate program gives a complete overview of the criminal system, with everything from juvenile law to terrorism and criminal law. INTERNATIONAL LAW Whether you’re interested in helping multinational corporations or understanding human rights issues and how non-governmental organizations bring aid to people across the world, this specialty prepares you to settle international legal issues. PUBLIC LAW AND POLICY In this program, you will learn to make a difference in shaping public law and policy. You will be immersed in constitutional law, including areas such as climate change law, marriage and adoption issues, civil rights, employment and environmental law, and immigration law. REAL PROPERTY LAW Whether you’re interested in aiding in commercial developments and acquisitions or something more personal like estate planning and constructing trusts, this program will help you understand issues surrounding real estate transactions and land planning in all manners. SMALL FIRM GENERAL PRACTICE The Small Firm program is a broad overview of practical matters facing the small firm, from office management all the way to navigating criminal courts – perfect if you are looking to develop a wide set of skills and open your own practice. TAXATION The tax specialty can give you skills in everything from personal taxes and estate planning to international taxation and corporate structures.




ACADEMIC SUPPORT PROGRAMS Academic support programs are designed to help you go the extra mile and prepare yourself to make an impact in the world of law. THE SUCCEED PROGRAM A program that sets ONU apart from the competition, The Succeed Program consists of structured workshops or study groups for each first-year course and for selected upper-level courses that cover subjects typically tested on bar exams. The course is taught by professors as well as teaching assistants who have excelled in the courses they’re instructing. ADVISING SYSTEM At the beginning of your first year, you will be assigned faculty advisors who meet with you at least once a semester for advice and counseling. They will help chart your trajectory and shape your education so that you enter the workforce ready to make an impact.

SPECIALTY PROGRAMS JD/LLM IN INTERNATIONAL LAW – Earn your Juris Doctor and Master of Laws concurrently in just three years. JD/MPPA IN TAXATION – Receive your Juris Doctor and Master of Professional Practice in Accounting in three years. SUMMER STARTER PROGRAM – If you have a lower LSAT score and a higher GPA, this program gives you a head start on first-year courses. Completion of the program guarantees placement in the fall class, and is built on personal attention designed to ensure success. PRO BONO CERTIFICATE – Law can be an especially powerful tool for those who can’t afford it. So if you complete 30 or more hours of pro bono work, you will receive a Pro Bono notation on your transcript.



ONU BAR REVIEW This program, the first of its kind in the nation, offers third-year students an opportunity to work with faculty covering difficult material on the bar review, whether you want to take the bar in Ohio or elsewhere in the country. Since the bar is constantly evolving, the course is constantly evolving. Every class features practice essay exams and multiple-choice questions from actual bar exams, which provides extensive bar exam preparation.

“Since 2002, we have hired numerous ONU Law students. I have always been impressed with the dedication, hard work, and professionalism that ONU students have brought to public defender work.” Russell S. Cook, JD ’89 West Virginia Public Defender Services






• IN O






3 Year Average (Consistently Above National Average)


ore than 2/3 of our students come from outside of Ohio. And from here, they go on to all 50 states and around the world. We may be a small school – but we have a big network of loyal alumni who stay engaged long after they graduate. They turn into career resources for our current students, becoming advisors, donors, speakers, and recruiters. If you come here, you’ll understand what it means to be part of a tight-knit family that takes care of its own.



WHAT IS ADA LIKE? Ada is a place that is completely unique. Removed from the clutter and noise of the outside world so you can focus on your studies and develop as a lawyer free of distraction – yet close enough to major cities that you’re never far from the action.

WHAT SETS ONU LAW APART? The biggest factors that set ONU Law apart are the size and the location. At most law schools, the competition for everything from a professor’s attention to internships is intense. Here, you will be part of a community of learners that will support you while also challenging you to be the best version of yourself. And since we’re near major cities, as well as a host of other areas with the need for quality legal advice, internships and externships are readily available for anyone who wants one.


“ There’s never a dumb question with our faculty – you can ask them anything. This makes the college more appealing. Faculty views you as an equal.”

Some students choose to live on campus and some live off campus. Either way, the cost of living in Ada is extremely low. The average price for a student in a two-bedroom apartment is around $550 a month. So when your friends in other law programs are dreading the debt they’re accruing, you can be assured that you’re graduating with a degree that provides an excellent return on investment – from the tuition to the cost of living.

WHAT DO ONU LAW STUDENTS DO FOR FUN? It’s Saturday night. You’ve had an intense week of classes and it’s time to unwind. Maybe you’ll head over to a friend’s house for dinner and then go check out a movie. Maybe you’ll pile into a car and head to Columbus to check out a new club. Whatever you’re doing, you know you won’t be bored. We pride ourselves on a familial atmosphere, and it’s something that runs through classes and off time alike.

WHAT ARE THE ADDITIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR INVOLVEMENT? The beauty of ONU Law is that there are as many additional opportunities for involvement as there are interests. Maybe you want to study abroad – we have programs in Europe and Asia. Maybe you’re interested in working for a baseball team one day, so you want to join the Sports Law Society. If what you’re interested in doesn’t have an organization yet, you can start your own. We are a malleable campus, ready to help you pursue your interests. So when it comes to additional opportunities for involvement, what are you looking for?

Cameron Rode, L-3

“ The epitome of small-town life. Close knit, conducive to studying – it’s a home-away-from home.” Claire Witlach, L-3



There may come a day, some years after you graduate, when you realize the true strength of ONU Law. It might be an ordinary Tuesday. You might run into a former professor at a conference and talk with them as a colleague. You’ll realize that, from your first day here, our faculty really gets to know you. That they care about your success as much as their own. This is an attitude that stems from the dean all the way down to the professors and staff, and it’s something that you will learn to value as much as we do.







IFE NS “It’s not where you are; it’s who you are with. You’ll get close with your classmates and make some good friends. There’s good shopping only 20 minutes away, some good restaurants and places to hang out in Ada, and the movie theater is only $4!” Kate Hoop, L-3




he ONU College of Law is more than just a place to get a degree. It’s an incubator for success. A place where you’ll be able to discover not only the type of lawyer you want to be but also a family of like-minded individuals that you’ll carry with you for the rest of your life. We are small but filled with big opportunities. We have a legacy of excellence with an eye to the future. You bring the promise and dedication – we’ll bring everything else you need for a lifetime of success.

Important dates:

Sept. 8

Nov. 15

Application available for submission

Acceptance packets sent on a rolling basis

Dec. 1

Apr. 15

Invitations to interview for the Summer Starter Program sent

First seat deposit deadline


Opportunities to join student organizations that deepen your studies and build relationships outside of class. Can’t find one you like? Create your own.

Study abroad opportunities in London, Germany, Iceland, and Southeast Asia.

Our small size means you’ll be able to work closely throughout law school with academic advisors and professors. Here, no one studies alone.

May 20

June 13

June 15

Deadline to interview for the Summer Starter Program

June 2016 LSAT (scholarships available for June LSAT test takers)

Second seat deposit deadline

Aug. 15

Deadline to apply for fall 2016 entry


In other programs, you are beholden to the curriculum and you compete with other students for placement. Here, you can craft a learning experience that is tailor-made to your interests and find yourself in an environment that is supportive

For more information, including a complete list of the steps to apply, visit: law.onu.edu/admissions/prospective_ students/applying_law_school Want to learn more?

while having a healthy element of competition.

Closing Arguments


Office of Law Admissions Ohio Northern University 525 S. Main Street Ada, Ohio 45810 419-772-2211 / 877-452-9668 lawadmissions@onu.edu

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