Pharmacy annual report 2014 15

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Annual Report 2014-15

Table of Contents Ø Executive Summary


Ø Mission, Vision and Values


Ø Strategic Plan


Ø Educational Details


Ø Significant Accomplishments


of Faculty

Ø Faculty Distinction


Ø College Goals for 2015-16



Executive Summary This past year has been a very special one for everyone in the Ohio Northern College of Pharmacy community – a year filled with celebrations in honor of the college’s 131st anniversary and the era of a new dean. We continue to build on our historic strengths by providing an outstanding academic experience in a family atmosphere. We also have embarked on new directions – to influence the health of our community and to prepare pharmacists who provide primary care services to their patients. With a new strategic direction, a new mission and vision for the future, and several new faculty and staff, the Raabe College of Pharmacy is launching forward into the next decade. The college has formed a collaborative program to address the health needs of our underserved community here in Hardin County with federal funding from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). The grant supports a multidisciplinary rural mobile clinic that employs pharmacists, nurses, and an interprofessional health care team of faculty and students to execute its mission to improve patient outcomes. At $571,633, it is the largest federal grant that Ohio Northern University has ever received. As this momentous year comes to a close, we want to thank you for your support and for joining us on this exciting and transformative journey. We look forward to the next chapter in our rich history!

Mission, Vision and Values Mission “We prepare pharmacists who improve health, serve others, lead change and advance the profession.” Vision “Lead the nation in the preparation of practice-ready pharmacists who serve as primary care providers and team leaders, to improve the health and wellbeing of the patients and communities we serve.” Values “We value our family members, faculty, staff, students and alumni through collaboration, community, diversity, excellence, faith, integrity and service.”


Strategic Plan Strategic Initiative 1: Academics Lead the region in innovative curriculum, leadership development and integration of students into patient care delivery. To meets its mission, the college trains future pharmacists to be leaders, personally and in our communities. ONU pharmacists are comprehensive care providers who, through extensive patient care experiences, are prepared to practice in a variety of health care settings. Strategic Initiative 2: Practice Deliver positive health outcomes through pharmacy practice advances. Providing access to high-quality health care for our community is at the heart of our mission. We practice pharmacy and provide health care for our community as a result of this mission. We train pharmacists as community leaders and comprehensive care providers to serve in an era of insufficient numbers of health care personnel to provide access to care for all. A unique opportunity for pharmacist training at ONU is in underserved and rural communities, settings in which the pharmacist takes on primary care responsibilities for patients, in a team-based practice model as well as addressing the health needs of the community overall. Strategic Initiative 3: Research/Discovery/Scholarship To meet its mission, the college is engaged in the understanding of and means to improve health in our community and the instructional methods that underpin this effort. Innovative research and knowledge may be translated into practice and broadly applicable across populations. The college will emphasize sharing knowledge learned as widely as possible to impact as many as possible. Strategic Initiative 4: Culture and Quality The college is a student-centered environment in which collaboration among students, faculty, staff and the larger University community is among our core values. The value of each person in our college is recognized, and the development of each person (student, faculty or staff) is championed. The most important asset the college has to execute our mission and vision and achieve our goals is our people. Strategic Initiative 5: Finance Sustainability and Excellence in Operations


In alignment with our values and goals, advance excellence in all that we do, while building and maintaining long-term financial sustainability. Fundraising strategies of the college are aligned with the University’s fundraising priorities and strategic plan. Strategic Initiative 6: Stakeholder Engagement and Communications A continuous process of relationship-building occurs with our family of stakeholders, including current students and families, alumni, corporate stakeholders and other partners. The college demonstrates best practices in communications with our various stakeholders aligned with University communications strategy.

Educational Details


A) B) C) D) E)

Admissions Data | Placement Data Curriculum | Honors Program Experiential Data Outreach Data Continuing Education

A) 2014-15 Admissions Data New Freshmen: 173 • Male: • Female:

67 106

Ethnicity (All Students): African American, Non-Hispanic: Asian and Asian/Pacific Islander: Hispanic: International: Multi-Racial: White, Non-Hispanic: Unknown:

16 35 8 45 25 843 14

Average GPA of Incoming Class: Average ACT of Incoming Class:

28.5 26.9

States Represented by Incoming Class: - CA, CT, IL, IN, MI, MO, NY, OH, PA, TX, WI


Countries Represented by Incoming Class: - USA, Saudi Arabia, and South Korea


A) 2014-15 Graduating Class Placement Data Placement: NAPLEX Licensure Exam Rate: Doctor of Pharmacy Graduates: Career Field Choices: • Community: 60% • Residency/Fellowship: 26% • Hospital-Staff Pharmacist 6% • Graduate School: 2% • Long-Term Care: 2%

99% (six months out) 98% 167

• • • •

Armed Services: Law Enforcement – DEA Specialty Pharmacy No report/seeking emp.

1% 1% 1% 1%

B) Curriculum |Honors Students Curriculum






General Chemistry 1 CHEM 1711


General Chemistry 2 CHEM 1721


Introductory Biology BIOL 1201


Anatomy/Histology BIOL 1351


Calculus MATH 1471 or Gen Ed


Biostatistics (STAT 1761) or Gen Ed


POP-1 PHPR 1011


Gen Ed or Calculus MATH 1471


Gen Ed


POP-2 PHPR 1021


Wellness/ Activity PHPR 1151






Organic Chemistry 1 CHEM 2511


Organic Chemistry 2 CHEM 2521


Organic Chemistry 1 Lab CHEM 2551


Organic Chemistry 2 Lab CHEM 2561


Biostatistics (STAT 1761) or Gen Ed


Applied Sciences of Pharmacy PHBS 2901


POP-3 PHPR 2011


POP-4 PHPR 2021


Med Microbiology BIOL 3131 or Gen Ed


Med Microbiology BIOL 3131 or Gen Ed


Gen Ed


Gen Ed


Gen Ed


Gen Ed/Biosci BIOL 3221/Open Elective

3 Com IPPE





Physiology 1 BIOL 3311


Physiology 2 BIOL 3321


Biochemistry PHBS 3411


Biochemistry PHBS 3421


OTC/Home Diagnostics PHPR 3311


Immunology PHBS 3751


Gen Ed


Pharmaceut. Science Module-1 PHBS 3311


Open Elective(s)


Pharmacy Professional Skills 1 PHPR 3011


POP-5 PHPR 3011


Gen Ed


Bioscience Lab BIOL 3221/Open Elect.

1 Inst IPPE





Pharm Science Module-2 PHBS 4321


Biomed Sciences Module-2 PHBS 4441


Biomed Sciences Module-1 PHBS 4431


BSPC Module-1 PHPR 4411


Pharmacy Professional Skills 2 PHPR 4011


BSPC Module-2 PHPR 4421


Open Elective(s)


Outreach hrs






BSPC Module-3 PHPR 5431


Pharmacy Administration PHPR 5501


BSPC Module-4 PHPR 5441


Capstone PHPR 5461


BSPC Module-5 PHPR 5451


Special Populations PHPR 5531


BSPC Module-6 PHPR 5471


Open Elective(s)






Advanced Practice Rotations PHPR 6501


Advanced Practice Rotations PHPR 6505


Advanced Practice Rotations PHPR 6502


Advanced Practice Rotations PHPR 6506


Advanced Practice Rotations PHPR 6503


Advanced Practice Rotations PHPR 6507


Advanced Practice Rotations PHPR 6504


Advanced Practice Rotations PHPR 6508


Advanced Practice Rotations PHPR 6509


Honors Program University Honors Program experiences are designed to nurture student curiosity, their written and oral communication skills, and their leadership capabilities. The program also provides an opportunity for students to be more actively involved in their educations. The Honors Program’s requirements allow students to fulfill University and College General Education requirements through special seminars, work closely with faculty members as they advance in their majors, and join a community of students who share a commitment to making the most of their college educations. Academic Achievement: To apply for into the ONU Honors Program, applicants must be accepted students to Ohio Northern University, have a minimum 29 ACT composite score or SAT (math + verbal) equivalent, and submit an essay. Once in the program, students must maintain a 3.3 GPA.

Student Data: • Total students in University Honors Program: • Pharmacy students in Honors Program: • Pharmacy students who complete Honors Program:

168 83 51%

C) Experiential Data The Office of Experiential Education (OEE) and a dedicated network of preceptors guide students through direct patient interaction and practice experiences in collaboration with other health care professionals. This is where student knowledge comes to life as


students apply what they have learned over the course of their educational experiences at Ohio Northern. Throughout the professional curriculum, during introductory and advanced pharmacy practice experiences, student-pharmacists have opportunities to gain hands-on experience with patients and interact with other health professionals to enhance their ability to collaborate with interprofessional health care teams.

2014-15 Stats: •

Preceptors and rotation sites in the U.S. and internationally:


States where student rotations are available: o Other locations: Washington, D.C.; Canada; Dominican Republic; Haiti and Costa Rica


Top areas for employment: o Community pharmacy chain: o Hospital pharmacy:

The remainder of job locations for graduating pharmacists include: o Ambulatory care, long-term care, managed care and residencies.

Students employed in the state of Ohio:

Top five employment locations: Ohio, followed by Michigan, Texas, North Carolina and Arizona

Total states of employment:

Top employers: CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, Wal-Mart and Kroger

58% 35%



D) Outreach Report ONU pharmacy students become important parts of the local health care community through service-learning opportunities and community-outreach programs. Working alongside trusted faculty and health professionals, our students bolster their leadership skills and gain the knowledge they need to help strengthen the health of the community.


Along with these educational benefits, students enjoy connecting with the local causes and nonprofit organizations that are important to them. Here is a snapshot of their efforts during the past academic year: Number of events attended: Students involved in outreach: Hours of care provided to patients: Lives (patients) touched: •

193 1,091 5,202 4,217

Activity based on participation in pharmacy student organization outreach efforts.

D) Continuing Education ONU was the continuing pharmacy education (CPE) provider for the following events during the 2014-15 academic year: •

Oct. 25, 2015 University Hospitals Case Medical Center Fall CE Symposium

April 23-24, 2015 Ohio Society Health-System Pharmacists Annual Meeting in Columbus, Ohio

May 9, 2015 University Hospitals Case Medical Center Spring CE Symposium

May 15, 2015 Ohio Pharmacy Residency Conference in Ada, Ohio

June 10, 2015 Veterans Affairs Healthcare System of Ohio (VISN 10) Pharmacy Residency Conference in various Ohio VA sites

July 22-25, 2015 2015 Cardinal Health Retail Business Conference in Las Vegas, Nev.

Throughout the Year Monthly CE programs for HospiScript in Dublin, Ohio

Significant Accomplishments of Faculty Grants | Publications | Presentations Grants Christoff, Jeffrey


Christoff, J. (Principal), "SYNtrac Nuclear Medicine Department Management Systemsoftware," Sponsored by Cardinal Health, Private, $2,500.00, Funded. (December 1, 2009 - December 1, 2014). D'Souza, Manoranjan D'Souza, M., "Kappa opioid receptors and extinction of nicotine seeking," Sponsored by D'Souza, M., "Kappa opioid receptors and nicotine-induced aversion," Sponsored by Other, Other, Private, $100,000.00, Currently Under Review. (January 1, 2015 December 31, 2015). D'Souza, M., "Kappa opioid receptors and aversive effects of nicotine," Sponsored by Other, Private, $10,000.00, Currently Under Review. (January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2015). D'Souza, M., "Kappa opioid receptors and aversive effects of nicotine," Sponsored by Other, Ohio Northern University, $11,000.00, Funded. (May 2015 - September 2015). DiPietro Mager, Natalie DiPietro Mager, N. A., Bright, D. R., "Pharmacist provision of preconception care through medication therapy management," Sponsored by The Community Pharmacy Foundation, $32,442.00, Funded. (February 2015 - Present). Kinder, David Kinder, D. H. (Principal), "Isolation and purification of anticancer compounds found in Cryptantha flava, used by Hopi Indians to treat “the cancer, and tumors of the throat�.," Sponsored by The Herb Society of America, Ohio Northern University, $11,000.00, Not Funded. Kinder, D. H. (Co-Principal), Motz, V. A. (Principal), Young, L. M. (Co-Principal), "Medicinal Properties of Mullein," Sponsored by Bower Bennet and Bennet, Private, $5,000.00, Not Funded. Kroustos, Kelly Sobota, K. N., Kroustos, K. M., "Bower, Bennet, and Bennet Endowed Chair Research Award," Sponsored by Other, Private, $6,000.00, Funded. (May 2015 - Present). Mahfouz, Tarek Mahfouz, T. M. (Co-Principal), Marquart, J. E. (Principal), Vemuru, S. R. (Co-Principal), Youssfi, Z. (Co-Principal), Perrine, T. M. (Co-Principal), "Computational Science Infrastructure at Ohio Northern University," Sponsored by NSF - National Science Foundation, Federal, $298,756.00, Currently Under Review. (September 1, 2014 September 1, 2017). Martin, Steven Martin, S. (Principal), Roecker, A. M. (Co-Principal), Rush, M. (Co-Principal), Musser, M. (Co-Principal), Sobotka, J. (Co-Principal), DiPietro Mager, N. A. (Co-Principal), "Multidisciplinary Rural Mobile Clinic Using Student Health Care Professionals," Sponsored by Other, Federal, $571,633.00, Funded. (May 1, 2015 - April 30, 2018). Musser, Michelle


Musser, M., "SSHP Substance Abuse Education Program," Sponsored by Hardin County Community Foundation, Local, $1,000.00, Funded. (May 2014 - May 2015). Rorabaugh, Boyd Zoladz, P. (Principal), Rorabaugh, B. R. (Co-Principal), "Time-Dependent Effects of Stress on Learning: Physiological and Genetic Associations," Sponsored by NIH National Institutes of Health, Federal, $423,776.00, Funded. (May 2015 - April 2018). Rorabaugh, B. R., "Physiological Functions ofGi/o and Control by Regulators of G Protein Signaling," Sponsored by NIH - National Institutes of Health, Federal, $347,235.00, Funded. (August 1, 2010 - July 31, 2014). Rush, Michael Rush, M., "Expanding Medication Therapy Management (MTM) to Federally Qualified Healthcenters (FQHC) in Ohio," Sponsored by Other, State, $3,000.00, Funded. (April 14, 2014 - June 30, 2016). Sobota, Kristen Sobota, K. N., Kroustos, K. M., "Bower, Bennet, and Bennet Endowed Chair Research Award," Sponsored by Other, Private, $6,000.00, Funded. (May 2015 - Present). Sobota, K. N., Wills, S., "Target Campus Grant," Sponsored by Other, Ohio Northern University, $2,000.00, Funded. (August 2013 - August 2014). Stockert, Amy Stockert, A. L., "Bennet Bower and Bower Endowed Research Chair," Ohio Northern University, $12,000.00, Not Funded.

Publications Books and Book Chapters: 12 Peer-reviewed manuscripts: 28 Non-peer-reviewed manuscripts: 19 Adane, Eyob Journal Article, Academic Journal Tsakalozou, E., Adane, E., Liang, Y., Arnold, S., Leggas, M. (2014). Protracted dosing of the lipophilic camptothecin analogue AR-67 in non-small cell lung cancer xenografts and humans. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 74(1), 45-54. Journal Article, Professional Journal Raymond, E., Michael, L. J., Elie, R. M., Adane, E. D. (2015). Single-dose dexamethasone for the prevention of pemetrexed associated cutaneous adverse reactions. J Oncol Pharm Pract. Adane, E., Herald, M., Koura, F. (2015). Pharmacokinetics of Vancomycin in Extremely Obese Patients with Suspected or Confirmed S. aureus Infections.


Pharmacotherapy/Wiley Blackwell, 35(2), 127-139. Riddle Shepherd, M. R., Thomas, D., Herald, M., Adane, E. (2014). Evaluation of a Pharmacist-Managed Heart Failure Education Project: Empowering Patients to SelfManage Their Disease. Journal of Pharmacy Technology, DOI:10.1177/8755122514563177. xEwXsLZR3bhB&keytype=finite Christoff, Jeffrey Other Christoff, J. J. Innovative Instruction in Nuclear Pharmacy: Evolution of a Nuclear Pharmacy Elective Course. Christoff, J. J. The Evolution of a Nuclear Pharmacy Elective Course and Associated “Hot” Laboratory is. D'Souza, Manoranjan Journal Article, Research Journal Pergadia, M. L., Der-Avakian, A., D'Souza, M., Madden, P., Heath, A., Shiffman, S., Markou, A., Pizzagalli, D. A. (2014). Association between nicotine withdrawal and reward responsiveness in humans and rats. JAMA Psychiatry, A, 10%. DiPietro Mager, Natalie Journal Article, Academic Journal Bykhovsky, M., Meier, M. F. K., DiPietro Mager, N. A. (2014). Impact of an online educational program on pharmacy students' knowledge of folic Acid and neural tube defects. Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 27(5), 513-517. Journal Article, In-House Journal Kellner, Daniels, Moynihan, Stecyk, Bellmann, DiPietro Mager, N. A. (2014). Pharmacists’ role in emergency preparedness and response. Pharmacy and Wellness Review. Journal Article, Professional Journal Boykin, DiPietro Mager, N. A. (2015). Ohio pharmacy students’ knowledge of folic acid and neural tube defects. DiPietro Mager, N. A., Bright, D. R. (2014). Medication therapy management and preconception care: Opportunities for pharmacist intervention. INNOVATIONS in Pharmacy, 5(1), Article 141. Kier, Karen Book Editor Kier, K. L. (2014). Pharmacy Student Survival Guide, 3rd edition. MaGraw Hill. Book, Chapter Kier, K. L. (2014). Home Diagnostic Equipment, Supplies, and Medical Devices. Capstone Pharmacy Review. Jones & Bartlett Learning.


Book, Textbook Kier, K. L. (2014). Drug Information: A Guide for Pharmacists, 5th ed. (5th ed.). New York: MaGraw Hill. Journal Article, Professional Journal Murphy, B. L., Rush, M., Kier, K. L. Design and implementation of a pharmacist-directed preventive care program within a university-based employee health clinic. AJHP 2015. Fanous, A. M., Kier, K. L., Rush, M., Terrell, S. L. (2014). Impact of a 12-week, pharmacist-directed walking program in an established employee preventive care clinic. AJHP. Kinder, David Conference Proceeding Stockert, A. L., Kinder, D. H., Freeh, E., Newstead, S., Aulthouse, A. L. (2015). The effects of cinnamon extract on 3T3L1 pre-adipocyte differentiation and cell size. FASAB Journal. Journal Article, Research Journal Motz, V. A., Bowers, C. P., Kneubehl, A. R., Lendrum, E. C., Young, L. M., Kinder, D. H. (2015). Efficacy of the saponin component of Impatiens capensis preventing urushiol-induced contact dermatitis. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 163-167. Stockert, A. L., Kinder, D. H., Christ, M., Amend, K., Aulthouse, A. L. (2014). Improving the Efficacy of Cisplatin in Colon Cancer HT– 29 Cells via Combination Therapy with Selenium. Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 2(2), 6. Koh, David Journal Article, Research Journal Feng, X., Liu, M., Hopkins, M. M., Koh, D. Enhanced breast cancer cell death after inhibition of the transient receptor potential, melastatin-2 (TRPM2) ion channel. International Journal of Oncology. Kroustos, Kelly Book, Chapter Kroustos, K. M. (2015). Palliative Care Consultant: A Reference Guide for Palliative Care. 4th ed. Hydration Management in the Hospice Patient. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company. Book, Chapter Kroustos, K. M. (2015). Palliative Care Consultant: A Reference Guide for Palliative Care. 4th ed. Anorexia and Cachexia. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company. Book, Textbook Kroustos, K. M. Pharmacotherapy: Principles and Practice 4th ed. Palliative Care (ed.). The McGraw-Hill Companies. Other Kroustos, K. M. Assessment of the Educational Needs of Pharmacists Providing Hospice Care for Patients and Caregivers in the Community.


Mahfouz, Tarek Conference Proceeding Dinsmore, O., Wells, E., Krall, D., Stockert, A. L., Mahfouz, T. M. (2015). Kinetic studies examining the inhibitory potential of compounds selected using a computationally derived active site model of glutamate racemase from S. Pneumoniae. FASAB Journal. Working Paper Stockert, A. L., Mahfouz, T. M. Evaluation of Inhibitory Potential in Compounds Designed Using Computer Modeling to Inhibit Glutamate Racemase. Martin, Steven Book, Chapter Roecker, A. M., Martin, S. Antimicrobial Resistance. Critical Care Pharmacotherapy. American College of Clinical Pharmacy. Musser, Michelle Book, Chapter Musser, M. Acute Coronary Syndromes. Capstone Pharmacy Review. Jones And Bartlett Publishers. Journal Article, Academic Journal Musser, M. (2015). Evaluation of a pharmacist-run antiarrhythmic clinic in an outpatient practice. To appear in The Journal of the American Pharmacist Association. Other Musser, M. Management of Bariatric Surgery Patients: Implications for Pharmacy Practice. The Ampul. Myers, Deirdre Journal Article, Research Journal Rojeab, Y., Hazelet, E., Hassoun, M., Myers, D. L. Efficient, Selective, Rugged and Sensitive Isocratic RP-HPLC Method for Simultaneous Quantification of Vitamins C and K3 in Hard Gelatin Capsules. Journal of Chromatographic Sciences. Rojeab, Y., Hazelet, E., Hassoun, M., Myers, D. L. Efficient, Selective, Rugged and Sensitive Isocratic RP-HPLC Method for Simultaneous Quantification of Vitamins C and K3 in Hard Gelatin Capsules. Journal of Chromatographic Sciences. Olah, Mark Book, Chapter Olah, M. E. Adenosine Receptors and the Cardiovascular System. Adenosine Receptors. Parteleno, Pat Book Review Parteleno, P. A. Boh's Pharmacy Practice Manual. In Stein, Susan M (Ed.), (ed.). New York, New York: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Journal Article, Professional Journal


Taylor, R., Wisneski, S., Parteleno, P. A., Goldman, M. Development of a sequential APPE experience program with three schools of pharmacy. A, 71(2), 140-144. Peters, Lindsey Journal Article, Professional Journal Peters, L., Liu, K., Ciccone, C. Veterinary Medicine in the Community Pharmacy. Pharmacy Careers by Pharmacy Times. Newsletter Albert, L., Peters, L. Movies in the Classroom: The Basketball Diaries. The CPNP Perspective. Roecker, Andrew Book, Chapter Roecker, A. M., Martin, S. Antimicrobial Resistance. Critical Care Pharmacotherapy. American College of Clinical Pharmacy. Journal Article, Orlinski, H., Loughlin, K., Armstrong, H., Blum, E., Roecker, A. M. (2014). Advances in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Pharmacy and Wellness Review, 5(3), 17-21. Ruffner, M., Wilin, K., Hay, C., Crawford, Z., Roecker, A. M. (2014). FDA approves new tuberculosis drug: bedaquiline (Sirturo). Pharmacy and Wellness Review, 4(2), 32-37. Armstrong, H., Suchecki, L., Lipperman, S., Roberson, T., Roecker, A. M. (2014). Whooping cough: a pharmacist's role in an emerging epidemic. Pharmacy and Wellness Review, 5(1), 41-44. Rojeab, Yousif Journal Article, Research Journal Rojeab, Y. B. Enhanced Transdermal Delivery CZ48, Lactone-Stabilized CamptothecinC20-Propionate, from Microemulsion Formulations, Through Excised Rat Skin, in Vitro. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Rojeab, Y. B. Efficient, Selective, Rugged and Sensitive Isocratic RP-HPLC Method for Simultaneous Quantification of Vitamins C and K3 in Hard Gelatin Capsules. Journal of Chromatographic Sciences.

Rorabaugh, Boyd Conference Proceeding Rorabaugh, B. R., Mabe, N., Seeley, S., Bui, A., Yang, J., Neubig, R., Fisher, R. (2015). Regulator of G Protein Signaling 6 (RGS6) Protects the Heart from Ischemic Injury. (1st ed., vol. 29, pp. 1026.8). FASEB Journal. fulltext=Rorabaugh&volume=29&issue=1+Supplement&submit=yes


Journal Article, Academic Journal Rorabaugh, B. R., Seeley, S., Bui, A. D., Krivenko, A., Eisenmann, E. D., Fry, M. E., Lawson, J. D., Stoner, L. E., Johnson, B. L., Zoladz, P. Increased myocardial sensitivity to ischemic injury in an animal model of post-traumatic stress disorder. Biological Psychiatry. Zoladz, P., Kalchik, A. E., Cadle, C. E., Aufdenkampe, R. L., Peters, D. M., Dailey, A. M., Scharf, A. R., Brown, C. M., Rorabaugh, B. R. Post-learning stress facilitates long-term consolidation. Cognition & Emotion. Rorabaugh, B. R., Seeley, S., Bui, A. D., Krivenko, A., Eisenmann, E. D., Fry, M. E., Lawson, J. D., Stoner, L. E., Johnson, B. L., Zoladz, P. Sleep deprivation increases myocardial sensitivity to ischemic injury in female rats. Zoladz, P., Kalchik, A. E., Hoffman, M. M., Aufdenkampe, R. L., Lyle, S. M., Peters, D. M., Brown, C. M., Cadle, C. E., Scharf, A. R., Dailey, A. M., Wolters, N. E., Talbot, J. N., Rorabaugh, B. R. (2014). ADRA2B deletion variant selectively predicts stress-induced enhancement of long-term memory in females. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 48, 111-122. Parra, S., Huang, X., Charbeneau, R., Wade, S., Kaur, K., Rorabaugh, B. R., Neubig, R. (2014). Conditional disruption of interactions between GÎąi2 and regulator of G protein signaling (RGS) proteins protects the heart from ischemic injury. 15, 13. Rush, Michael Journal Article, Professional Journal Murphy, B. L., Rush, M., Kier, K. L. Design and implementation of a pharmacist-directed preventive care program within a university-based employee health clinic. AJHP 2015. Fanous, A. M., Kier, K. L., Rush, M., Terrell, S. L. (2014). Impact of a 12-week, pharmacist-directed walking program in an established employee preventive care clinic. AJHP. Kier, K. (2014). Implementation of a 12-week pharmacist-directed, multidisciplinary walking program into an established employee preventive care clinic. AJHP, 71(14),1219-25. Shields, Kelly Book Editor Wilson, B., Shannon, M., Shields, K. M. Pearson Nurse's Drug Guide 2016. Pearson Publishing. Book, Chapter Shields, K. M. (2014). Drug Information Resources. In Malone PM, Kier KL, Stanovich J, Malone M (Ed.), Drug Information: A Guide for Pharmacists 5th edition. McGraw Hill. Sobota, Kristen Journal Article, Professional Journal Sobota, K. N., Fitzpatrick, A., Barnes, J., Sobota, M. J. Service Learning for Pharmacy Students in the Community. The Consultant Pharmacist 2015.


Sobota, K. N., Sobota, M. (2014). Member Profile: ASCP. The Consultant Pharmacist, 29(12). McAuley, J., Backo, J., Sobota, K. N., Metzger, A., Ulbrich, T. Identifying Motivators and Barriers to Student Completion of Instructor Evaluations: A Multi-faceted, Collaborative Approach from Four Ohio Colleges of Pharmacy. Innovations in Pharmacy. Sobotka, Jenelle Book Review Sobotka, J. (2015). APhA Handbook of Nonprescription Medicines. (vol. 18th). Stockert, Amy Conference Proceeding Dinsmore, O., Wells, E., Krall, D., Stockert, A. L., Mahfouz, T. M. (2015). Kinetic studies examining the inhibitory potential of compounds selected using a computationally derived active site model of glutamate racemase from S. pneumoniae. FASAB Journal. Stockert, A. L., Kinder, D. H., Freeh, E., Newstead, S., Aulthouse, A. L. (2015). The effects of cinnamon extract on 3T3L1 pre-adipocyte differentiation and cell size. FASAB Journal. Journal Article, Research Journal Stockert, A. L., Kinder, D. H., Christ, M., Amend, K., Aulthouse, A. L. (2014). Improving the Efficacy of Cisplatin in Colon Cancer HT– 29 Cells via Combination Therapy with Selenium. Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 2(2), 6. Working Paper Stockert, A. L., Mahfouz, T. M. Evaluation of Inhibitory Potential in Compounds Designed Using Computer Modeling to Inhibit Glutamate Racemase.

Presentations Total: 113 D'Souza, Manoranjan Sprague, L., Norman, H., Bui, A., Seeley, S., Rorabaugh, B. R., D'Souza, M., ONU Undergraduate Research Colloquium, "Effects Of Nicotine On Rewarding And Affective Behaviors In The Rgs4 Knockout And Wildtype Mice," ONU, Ada, OH. (April 2015). Norman, H., Sprague, L., Bui, A., Seeley, S., Rorabaugh, B. R., D'Souza, M., ONU Undergraduate Research Colloquium, "Role Of Rgs2 Proteins In Nicotine-Induced Rewarding And Affective Behaviors In Mice," ONU, Ada, OH. (April 2015).


Ward, M. (Author Only), Undergraduate research colloqium, "Role of kappa opioid receptors in the aversive effects of nicotine," Ohio Northern University, Ada, Ohio. (April 2015). D'Souza, M., Ethics, Professionalism and Substance abuse, "Drug addiction and psychiatric comorbidity," Petite College of law, Ada, Ohio. (October 2014). D'Souza, M., Stark County Law Enforcement Seminar, "Drugs of Abuse-A focus on heroin," Stark County Chief Prosecutors Office. (September 5, 2014). DiPietro Mager, Natalie Musser, M., DiPietro Mager, N. A., American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting, "Overcoming Challenges to Implement Interprofessional Education at a Small, Rural University," American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, National Harbor, MD. (2015). DiPietro Mager, N. A., Ohio Collaborative to Prevent Infant Mortality Quarterly Meeting,"Partnering with pharmacists to provide preconception care," Ohio Collaborative to Prevent Infant Mortality, Columbus, OH. (2015). Bailey, DiPietro Mager, N. A., Ohio Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting, "Assessment of global health education in United States doctor of pharmacy programs," Ohio Pharmacists Association, Columbus, OH. (2015). DiPietro Mager, N. A., Ohio Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting, "Reducing Ohio’s infant mortality rate: Pharmacists call to action," Ohio Pharmacists Association, Columbus, OH. (2015). Bailey, DiPietro Mager, N. A., Midyear Clinical Meeting, "Assessment of global health education in United States doctor of pharmacy programs," American Society of HealthSystems Pharmacists, Anaheim, CA. (2014). DiPietro Mager, N. A., Ohio Infant Mortality Summit, "Partnering with pharmacists to provide preconception care," Ohio Collaborative to Prevent Infant Mortality, Columbus, OH. (2014). DiPietro Mager, N. A., Ohio Public Health Combined Conference, "Improving maternal and infant outcomes in Ohio through preconception care.," Ohio Public Health Association, Columbus, OH. (2014). DiPietro Mager, N. A. (Panelist), Roecker, A. M. (Panelist), Hill, K. D. (Panelist), Kamatali, J.- M. (Panelist), Gbala, K. B. (Panelist), Fenton, H. N. (Moderator), Anderson, B. D. (Coordinator/Organizer), Human Rights in the Time of Ebola, ONU's Center for Democratic Governance and Rule of Law. (September 2014). DiPietro Mager, N. A. (Presenter & Author), American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting, "Globalization and health: An interdisciplinary elective," American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. (July 2014). DiPietro Mager, N. A. (Presenter & Author), Musser, M. (Author Only), Montenery, S. M. (Author Only), Terrell, S. L. (Author Only), Walden, L. (Author Only), American


Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting, "Implementing interprofessional education at a small, rural university: Best practices and lessons learned," American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. (July 2014). DiPietro Mager, N. A. (Presenter & Author), Arya, V. (Presenter & Author), Hogue, G. L. (Presenter & Author), American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting,"Public health, meet pharmacy: Educational activities highlighting opportunities for interprofessional collaboration for students," American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. (July 2014). DiPietro Mager, N. A., Terrell, S. L., Montenery, S. M., Musser, M., Walden, L., All Together Better Health VII, "Preparing a collaboration-ready healthcare workforce: Assessing interprofessional readiness of undergraduate students," World Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice Coordinating Committee, Pittsburgh, PA. (June 2014). DiPietro Mager, N. A. (Presenter Only), Terrell, S. L. (Author Only), Montenery, S. M. (Author Only), Musser, M. (Author Only), (Author Only), All Together Better Heatlh VII, various groups. (June 2014). Kier, Karen Rush, M., Rouch, J., Kier, K. L., American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting, "The impact of prescription flavoring on patient adherence and satisfaction in a community pharmacy," American Pharmacists Association, San Diego CA. (2015). Bradeberry, R., Hays, W., Kier, K. L., Rush, M., Ohio Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting, "An Educational Intervention Study Evaluating a Pharmacy-Directed Skin Screening Program," Ohio Pharmacists Association, Columbus OH. (2015). Rush, M., Pucel, R., Kier, K. L., Ohio Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting, "Development and implementation of a transitions of care service in an ambulatory care setting in collaboration with a primary care physician," Ohio Pharmacists Association, Columbus OH. (2015). Rush, M., Rouch, J., Kier, K. L., Ohio Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting, "The impact of prescription flavoring on patient adherence and satisfaction in a community pharmacy," Ohio Pharmacists Association, Columbus OH. (2015). Pucel, R., Rush, M., Kier, K. L., American Society of Health System Pharmacy Midyear Meeting, "Development and implementation of a transitions of care service in an ambulatory care setting in collaboration with a primary care physician," American Society of Health System Pharmacy, Aneheim CA. (2014). Kier, K. L., Mary Rutan Hospital Nursing CEU, "Pharmacologic Update on New Drugs," Mary Rutan Hospital, Bellefontaine, Ohio. Kier, K. L., Mary Rutan Hospital Nursing CEU, "Women's Health Issues," Mary Rutan Hospital, Bellefontaine, Ohio.


Rush, M., Kier, K. L., Parteleno, P. A., Cardinal Retail Business Conference, "Physical Assessment for the Community Pharmacist," Cardinal Health, Washington DC. (July 26, 2014). Kinder, David Kinder, D. H. (Presenter & Author), Anasazi Cultural Center, "Use of the wild potato by people of Mesa Verde," ACC, Cortez Colorado. Kinder, D. H. (Presenter & Author), Crow Canyon Archeological Foundation Brown bag lunch, "Use of the Potato, Solanum jamesii, by ancestral puebloans.," Crow Canyon Archaeolical Foundation., Cortez Colorado. Bulko, R. (Presenter & Author), Raval, J. (Presenter & Author), Aulthouse, A. L. (Author Only), Kinder, D. H. (Author Only), Stockert, A. L. (Author Only), Butler Undergraduate Research Conference, "Evaluation of Epigenetic Potential of Cinnamon Extract on MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells," Butler University. (2015). Stockert, A. L. (Presenter & Author), Kinder, D. H. (Author Only), Freeh, E. (Author Only), Newstead, S. (Author Only), Aulthouse, A. L. (Author Only), Experimental Biology, "The effects of cinnamon extract on 3T3L1 pre-adipocyte differentiation and cell size.," ASBMB. (2015). Ryan, S. (Author Only), TL, W. (Presenter & Author), Bryce, A. (Author Only), R, D. (Author Only), Kinder, D. H. (Presenter & Author), EB- Experimental bioloby 2015, "Modulation of COX-1 and COX-2 protein levels by selective and non-selective NSAIDS," EB. (March 31, 2015). Kinder, D. H., Herb Society of America, "Use of plants by indigenous American populations," Columbus chapter of the Herb Society of America, Columbus, OH. (January 14, 2015). Kline, Jennifer Kline, J. J. (Presenter & Author), Parteleno, P. (Presenter & Author), "Precepting Basics," Residency Teaching Certificate Program. Kline, J. J., Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International-Chapter Meeting, CPFI. (April 2015). Kline, J. J., Preceptor Development, "Resident and Student Preceptor Development," Lima Memorial Hospital. (December 2014). Kline, J. J. (Presenter & Author), Parteleno, P. (Presenter & Author), Residency Teaching Certificate Program, "Precepting Basics," Residency Teaching Certificate Program. (October 2014). Kline, J. J., Fall Meeting, "Personality Types and Learning Styles," Residency Teaching Certificate Program. (September 2014). Kroustos, Kelly


Fitzpatrick, A., Barnes, J. L., Sobota, K. N., Sobota, M. J., Kroustos, K. M., Ohio Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting, "Service Learning and ASCP in the Community," Ohio Pharmacists Association, Columbus, Ohio. (April 2015). Kroustos, K. R. (Presenter Only), All-In meeting, "Lifelong Learning," Hospiscript, Dublin, Ohio. (February 2015). Mahfouz, Tarek Mahfouz, T. M. (Author Only), Stockert, A. L. (Author Only), Scherer, C. (Presenter & Author), Skidmore, K. (Author Only), Sigma Xi student research conference 2008, "Ligand-Based Drug Design Targeting the Enzyme Glutamate Racemase," Washington, DC. Dinsmore, O. (Presenter & Author), Wells, E. (Presenter & Author), Krall, D. (Author Only), Stockert, A. L. (Author Only), Mahfouz, T. M., Butler Undergraduate Research Conference, "Evaluation of Inhibitory Potential in Compounds Designed Using Computer Modeling to Inhibit Glutamate Racemase," Butler University. (2015). Dinsmore, O. (Presenter & Author), Wells, E. (Presenter & Author), Krall, D. (Author Only), Stockert, A. L., Mahfouz, T. M., Experimental Biology, "Kinetic studies examining the inhibitory potential of compounds selected using a computationally derived active site model of glutamate racemase for S. pneumoniae," ASBMB. (2015). Dinsmore, O. (Presenter & Author), Wells, E. (Presenter & Author), Krall, D. (Author Only), Stockert, A. L. (Author Only), Mahfouz, T. M., Ohio Northern University Undergraduate Research Colloquium, "Evaluation of Inhibitory Potential in Compounds Designed Using Computer Modeling to Inhibit Glutamate Racemase," Ohio Northern University. (2015). Krall, D. (Author Only), Hoq, R. (Author Only), Stockert, A. L. (Presenter & Author), Wells, E. (Author Only), Dinsmore, O. (Author Only), Mahfouz, T. M. (Author Only), Midwest Enzyme Chemistry Conference, "An active site model for the design of inhibitors of S. pneumoniae Glutamate racemase," MECC, Evanston, Il. (September 27, 2014).

Musser, Michelle Musser, M., DiPietro Mager, N. A., American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting, "Overcoming Challenges to Implement Interprofessional Education at a Small, Rural University," American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, National Harbor, MD. (2015). Musser, M., AACP Annual Meeting, "Student-led Teaching in a Capstone Course," AACP. Musser, M., Alpha Delta Epsilon Monthly Meeting, "Introduction to Interprofessional Education," ONU Alpha Delta Epsilon. (April 2015). Musser, M., OPA Annual Meeting, "Organ Donation: Review of Student Knowledge and Perceptions," Ohio Pharmacist Association. (April 2015).


Musser, M., AACP Annual Meeting, "Innovations in Interprofessional Education," AACP. DiPietro Mager, N. A. (Presenter & Author), Musser, M. (Author Only), Montenery, S. M. (Author Only), Terrell, S. L. (Author Only), Walden, L. (Author Only), American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting, "Implementing interprofessional education at a small, rural university: Best practices and lessons learned," American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. (July 2014). DiPietro Mager, N. A., Terrell, S. L., Montenery, S. M., Musser, M., Walden, L., All Together Better Health VII, "Preparing a collaboration-ready healthcare workforce: Assessing interprofessional readiness of undergraduate students," World Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice Coordinating Committee, Pittsburgh, PA. (June 2014). DiPietro Mager, N. A. (Presenter Only), Terrell, S. L. (Author Only), Montenery, S. M. (Author Only), Musser, M. (Author Only), (Author Only), All Together Better Heatlh VII, various groups. (June 2014). Parteleno, Pat Parteleno, P. A., NWOPA, "Preceptor Development," NWOPA, Ada. (March 26, 2015). Hospital, L. M., N/A, "Preceptor Development," Lima Memorial Hospital-Ohio Northern University, Lima, Ohio. (December 10, 2014). Parteleno, P. A. (Presenter Only), Cardinal Health RBC, "Developing a Syllabus for Rotations," Cardinal, Washington, DC. (July 2014). Rush, M., Kier, K. L., Parteleno, P. A., Cardinal Retail Business Conference, "Physical Assessment for the Community Pharmacist," Cardinal Health, Washington DC. (July 26, 2014).

Peters, Lindsey Peters, L., College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists Annual Meeting, "Therapeutic Effects of Intranasal Insulin Aspart on Cognitive Function in Post-Operative Delirium," College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists, Tampa, Florida. (April 2015). Peters, L., West Central Ohio Society of Health System Pharmacists Regional Meeting and Continuing Education Event, "Schizophrenia and a Review of the Atypical Antipsychotics," Ohio Society of Health System Pharmacists, Ada, Ohio. (November 2014). Roecker, Andrew DiPietro Mager, N. A. (Panelist), Roecker, A. M. (Panelist), Hill, K. D. (Panelist), Kamatali, J.-M. (Panelist), Gbala, K. B. (Panelist), Fenton, H. N. (Moderator), Anderson,


B. D. (Coordinator/Organizer), Human Rights in the Time of Ebola, ONU's Center for Democratic Governance and Rule of Law. (September 2014). Roecker, A. M., Cardinal Retail Business Conference 2014, "Updates in HIV/AIDS Treatment for the Community Pharmacist: 2014," Cardinal Health, Washington, D.C. (July 26, 2014). Roecker, A. M., Cardinal Retail Business Conference 2014, "Community-Acquired Infectious Disease Updates for the Pharmacist: 2014," Cardinal Health, Washington, D.C. (July 25, 2014). Rorabaugh, Boyd Rorabaugh, B. R. (Presenter & Author), Bui, A., Seeley, S., Krivenko, A., Eisennmann, E., Fry, M., Lawson, J., Stoner, L., Zoladz, P., American Heart Association BCVS meeting, "Increased Myocardial Sensitivity to Ischemic Injury in an Animal Model of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder," American Heart Association, New Orleans, LA. (July 2015). Eisenmann, E. D. (Presenter & Author), Bui, A. D. (Presenter & Author), Krivenko, A. (Presenter & Author), Fry, M. E. (Presenter & Author), Lawson, J. D. (Presenter & Author), Stoner, L. E. (Presenter & Author), Johnson, B. L. (Presenter & Author), Seeley, S. (Author Only), Rorabaugh, B. R. (Author Only), Zoladz, P. (Author Only), Ohio Northern University Student Research Colloquium, "Increased myocardial sensitivity to ischemic injury in an animal model of post-traumatic stress disorder," Ohio Northern University, Ada, OH. (April 2015). Cadle, C. E. (Presenter & Author), Peters, D. M. (Presenter & Author), Dailey, A. M. (Presenter & Author), Brown, C. M. (Presenter & Author), Scharf, A. R. (Presenter & Author), Earley, M. B. (Presenter & Author), Knippen, C. L. (Presenter & Author), Nagle, H. E. (Presenter & Author), Kalchik, A. E. (Author Only), Aufdenkampe, R. L. (Author Only), Rorabaugh, B. R. (Author Only), Zoladz, P. (Author Only), Ohio Northern University Student Research Colloquium, "Reactivation of a fear memory induces physiological responses that correlate with long-term memory modulation," Ohio Northern University, Ada, OH. (April 2015). Sprague, L., Norman, H., Bui, A., Seeley, S., Rorabaugh, B. R., D'Souza, M., ONU Undergraduate Research Colloquium, "Effects Of Nicotine On Rewarding And Affective Behaviors In The Rgs4 Knockout And Wildtype MicE," ONU, Ada, OH. (April 2015). Norman, H., Sprague, L., Bui, A., Seeley, S., Rorabaugh, B. R., D'Souza, M., ONU Undergraduate Research Colloquium, "Role Of Rgs2 Proteins In Nicotine-Induced Rewarding And Affective Behaviors In Mice," ONU, Ada, OH. (April 2015). Rorabaugh, B. R. (Presenter & Author), Mabe, M., Seeley, S., Bui, A., Yang, J., Neubig, R., Fisher, R., Experimental Biology Meeting, "Regulator of G Protein Signaling Protein 6 (RGS6) Protects the Heart from Ischemic Injury," FASEB, Boston, MA. (April 1, 2015). Kalchik, A. (Author Only), Hoffman, M. (Author Only), Aufdenkampe, R. (Author Only), Lyle, S. (Presenter & Author), Peters, D. (Presenter & Author), Brown, C. (Presenter & Author), Cadle, C. (Presenter & Author), Scharf, A. (Presenter & Author), Dailey, A. (Presenter & Author), Talbot, J. N. (Author Only), Rorabaugh, B. R. (Author Only),


Zoladz, P. (Presenter & Author), Society for Neuroscience, "ADRA2B deletion variant selectively predicts stress-induced enhancement of long-term memory in females," Society for Neuroscience, Washington, D.C. (November 2014). Kalchik, A. (Author Only), Peters, D. (Presenter & Author), Cadle, C. (Presenter & Author), Aufdenkampe, R. (Author Only), Brown, C. (Presenter & Author), Scharf, A. (Presenter & Author), Dailey, A. (Presenter & Author), Earley, M. (Presenter & Author), Knippen, C. (Author Only), Scholl, E. (Author Only), Rorabaugh, B. R. (Author Only), Zoladz, P. (Presenter & Author), Society for Neuroscience, "Post-learning stress facilitates long-term memory consolidation," Society for Neuroscience, Washington, D.C. (November 2014). Rush, Michael Rush, M., Rouch, J., Kier, K. L., American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting, "The impact of prescription flavoring on patient adherence and satisfaction in a community pharmacy," American Pharmacists Association, San Diego CA. (2015). Bradeberry, R., Hays, W., Kier, K. L., Rush, M., Ohio Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting, "An Educational Intervention Study Evaluating a Pharmacy-Directed Skin Screening Program," Ohio Pharmacists Association, Columbus OH. (2015). Rush, M., Pucel, R., Kier, K. L., Ohio Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting, "Development and implementation of a transitions of care service in an ambulatory care setting in collaboration with a primary care physician," Ohio Pharmacists Association, Columbus OH. (2015). Rush, M., Rouch, J., Kier, K. L., Ohio Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting, "The impact of prescription flavoring on patient adherence and satisfaction in a community pharmacy," Ohio Pharmacists Association, Columbus OH. (2015). Pucel, R., Rush, M., Kier, K. L., American Society of Health System Pharmacy Midyear Meeting, "Development and implementation of a transitions of care service in an ambulatory care setting in collaboration with a primary care physician," American Society of Health System Pharmacy, Aneheim CA. (2014). Rush, M., Ohio Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting, "ONU HealthWise: A pharmacist- directed worksite health and wellness program.," Ohio Pharmacists Association. (2014). Rush, M., Cardinal Retail Business Conference, "Integrating Preventive Health Services into the Community Pharmacy," Cardinal Health, Washington DC. (July 26, 2014). Rush, M., Kier, K. L., Parteleno, P. A., Cardinal Retail Business Conference, "Physical Assessment for the Community Pharmacist," Cardinal Health, Washington DC. (July 26, 2014). Rush, M., Cardinal Retail Business Conference, "Updates in Smoking Cessation," Cardinal Health, Washington DC. (July 26, 2014). Sobota, Kristen


Fitzpatrick, A., Barnes, J. L., Sobota, K. N., Sobota, M. J., Kroustos, K. M., Ohio Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting, "Service Learning and ASCP in the Community," Ohio Pharmacists Association, Columbus, Ohio. (April 2015). Sobota, K. N., Sobota, M. J., Belmont/Jefferson County Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting, "The Pharmacists Role in Fall Prevention," Belmont County Pharmacists Association. (March 2015). Sobota, K. N., CPFI Chapter Meeting, "The Secret to Success: Faith and Happiness," ONU CPFI, Ada, Ohio. (March 2015). Sobota, K. N., Kappa Epislon Chapter Meeting, "Professionalism as a Student Pharmacist," Kappa Epsilon, Ada, Ohio. (December 2014). Sobota, K. N., WVU Centennial Continuing Education Program, "Pharmacy Outreach: Home and Away," West Viriginia University, Morgantown, WV. (June 2014). Sobotka, Jenelle Sobotka, J., Graduation Ceremony, "Innovation is your Future!," Presbyterian University College of Pharmacy. (May 2015). Sobotka, J., College Forum, "Pharmacist Provider Status," Ferris University, Big Rapid Mich. (April 2015). Sobotka, J., NCPIE National Webinar, "Where is Self-Care Trending in today's healthcare environment," NCPIE National Council of Patient Information & Education. (April 2015). Sobotka, J., Phi Lambda Sigma Banquest, "Being a Leader on the health Care team," Ohio Northern University College of Pharmacy. (April 2015). Sobotka, J., Phi Lambda Sigma Banquest, "Pharmacist Role on the Health Care Team," Ferris University. (April 2015). Sobotka, J., APhA Annual Meeting, "Landing Your Dream Job," APhA, San Diego. Sobotka, J., APhA Annual Meeting, "Leadership Information Session," American Pharmacists Association. (March 2015). Sobotka, J., Mason High School Career Fair, "Pursuing a Career in Pharmacy," Mason High School, Mason Ohio. (March 2015). Sobotka, J., Grand Rounds, "Pharmacist Provider Status," Univ. of Findlay College of Pharmacy. (February 2015). Sobotka, J., ASP Chapter Meeting, Univ. of Findlay College of Pharmacy. (November 2014). Sobotka, J., 5th Annual Global Drug Safety Conference, "Global Developments in Role of the Pharmacist," Hong Kong Pharmacists Society. (October 2014).


Sobotka, J., Dean's Honor Class - Univ. of Iowa, "Continuing to Learn to Lead," Univ. of Iowa College of Pharmacy. (October 2014). Sobotka, J., Joint Federal Pharmacy Seminar, "Building a Positive Workplace Culture," APhA/Federal Pharmacists, WDC. (October 2014). Sobotka, J. (Presenter Only), Cardinal Health Retail Business Conference, "Building a Positive Workplace Culture," Cardinal Health, WDC. (July 2014). Sobotka, J. (Presenter Only), Cardinal Health Retail Business Conference, "Legislative Update: Capitol Hill and Pharmacy," Cardinal Health, WDC. (July 2014). Sobotka, J. (Presenter Only), Cardinal Health Retail Business Conference, "Strategic Planning and Individual Work Plan Development," Cardinal Health, WDC. (July 2014). Sobotka, J. (Presenter Only), Cardinal Health Retail Business Conference, "Updates in Pharmacist Provider Status," Cardinal Health, WDC. (July 2014). Stockert, Amy Mahfouz, T. M. (Author Only), Stockert, A. L. (Author Only), Scherer, C. (Presenter & Author), Skidmore, K. (Author Only), Sigma Xi student research conference 2008, "Ligand-Based Drug Design Targeting the Enzyme Glutamate Racemase," Washington, DC. Smith, A. (Presenter & Author), Stockert, A. L. (Author Only), Freeh, E. (Author Only), Newstead, S. (Author Only), Aulthouse, A. L. (Author Only), Butler Undergraduate Research Conference, "Effect of aqueous cinnamon extract on 3T3L1 cell morphology and adherence.," Butler University. (2015). Bova, K. (Presenter & Author), Bova, S. (Presenter & Author), Aulthouse, A. L. (Author Only), Stockert, A. L. (Author Only), Butler Undergraduate Research Conference, "Effects of Cinnamonium cassia Aqueous Extract on Activity of FoxO1 in 3T3L1 Pre-Adipocytes," Butler University. (2015). Bulko, R. (Presenter & Author), Raval, J. (Presenter & Author), Aulthouse, A. L. (Author Only), Kinder, D. H. (Author Only), Stockert, A. L. (Author Only), Butler Undergraduate Research Conference, "Evaluation of Epigenetic Potential of Cinnamon Extract on MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells," Butler University. (2015). Dinsmore, O. (Presenter & Author), Wells, E. (Presenter & Author), Krall, D. (Author Only), Stockert, A. L. (Author Only), Mahfouz, T. M., Butler Undergraduate Research Conference, "Evaluation of Inhibitory Potential in Compounds Designed Using Computer Modeling to Inhibit Glutamate Racemase," Butler University. (2015). Donley, J. (Presenter & Author), Zimmerman, J. R. (Author Only), Johntony, O. (Author Only), De Luca, D. J. (Author Only), Stockert, A. L. (Author Only), Butler Undergraduate Research Conference, "Screening of Potential Cell Imaging Fluorescing Compounds for Antimicrobial Activity," Butler University. (2015). Dinsmore, O. (Presenter & Author), Wells, E. (Presenter & Author), Krall, D. (Author Only), Stockert, A. L., Mahfouz, T. M., Experimental Biology, "Kinetic studies examining


the inhibitory potential of compounds selected using a computationally derived active site model of glutamate racemase for S. pneumoniae," ASBMB. (2015). Stockert, A. L. (Presenter & Author), Kinder, D. H. (Author Only), Freeh, E. (Author Only), Newstead, S. (Author Only), Aulthouse, A. L. (Author Only), Experimental Biology, "The effects of cinnamon extract on 3T3L1 pre-adipocyte differentiation and cell size.," ASBMB. (2015). Dinsmore, O. (Presenter & Author), Wells, E. (Presenter & Author), Krall, D. (Author Only), Stockert, A. L. (Author Only), Mahfouz, T. M., Ohio Northern University Undergraduate Research Colloquium, "Evaluation of Inhibitory Potential in Compounds Designed Using Computer Modeling to Inhibit Glutamate Racemase," Ohio Northern University. (2015). Stockert, A. L. (Presenter & Author), PHBS Seminar, "Shrinking Fat Cells? And other fun things to do with cookies. A look at the effects of cinnamon on adipocyte differentiation and further potential health benefits of cinnamon ranging from cancer prevention to blood sugar control.," Pharmacy - ONU. (2014). Krall, D. (Author Only), Hoq, R. (Author Only), Stockert, A. L. (Presenter & Author), Wells, E. (Author Only), Dinsmore, O. (Author Only), Mahfouz, T. M. (Author Only), Midwest Enzyme Chemistry Conference, "An active site model for the design of inhibitors of S. pneumoniae Glutamate racemase," MECC, Evanston, Il. (September 27, 2014).

Faculty Distinction

Faculty Practices | Community Service | Professional Service Faculty Practices Dr. Jeff Allison – Kroger for Community Outreach, Kenton, Ohio Dr. Jeff Christoff – Heart Light, Lima, Ohio Dr. Karen Kier – ONU HealthWise, Ada, Ohio Dr. Michelle Musser - Health Partners of Western Ohio in Lima, Ohio Dr. Kelly Reilly-Kroustos – HospiScript, Dublin, Ohio


Dr. Erin Petersen – OhioHealth Westerville Medical Campus, Westerville, Ohio and OhioHealth Pathways to Wellness in Columbus, Ohio

Community Service Allison, Jeffery Guest Speaker, Kenton Senior Citizens Meal Site. (2015). Christoff, Jeffrey Committee Chair, Elida Board of Education Policy Committee. (May 2014 - Present). Committee Member, Elida Local Schools Superintendent Community Relations Committee. (January 2014 - Present). Committee Member, Elida Local Schools Superintendent Finance Committee. (January 2014 - Present). Volunteer, Sherwood Sharks Swim Team, Elida, Ohio. (2012 - Present). Member, Elida Board of Education. (January 2014 - December 2017). Officer, Vice President, Elida Board of Education. (January 2015 - December 2015). Volunteer, Bulldog Youth Athletic Association, Elida, Ohio. (2014). D’Souza, Manoranjan Judge, Ada science fair, Ada, Ohio. (January 2015 - Present). DiPietro Mager, Natalie Friends of the Ada Public Library. (2013 - Present). Hethcox, Mary Ellen Member, Church choir, Dublin, OH. (September 2010 - Present). Kier, Thomas Ruling Elder, Ada First Presbyterian Church, Ada, Ohio. Member, Kiwanis Club of America, Ada, Ohio. Officer, Treasurer, Pheasants Forever, Inc., Ada, Ohio. Kinder, David Outside professional, Lima Hospital Medical Group, Lima, OH. (March 2008 - Present). Kline, Jennifer Volunteer for monthly Community Meal, Loaves and Fishes, Wapakoneta, OH.


Member, Wapakoneta Area Community Foundation. Wapakoneta Elementary School. (August 2014 - Present). Chairperson, JCK Memorial Grant Fund. (2012 - Present). Committee Member, JCK Memorial Golf Outing Planning Committee. (2011 - Present). Chairperson, Jason Kline Memorial Scholarship. (2010 - Present). Committee Member, First English Lutheran Church, Music and Worship. (May 2009 - Present). Mahfouz, Tarek Member, Humane Society of Allen County, Lima, Ohio. (2010 - Present). Judge, District Science Day, Ada, Ohio. (2009 - Present). Martin, Steven Reading tutor for pre-school and grade school children, Read for Literacy. (2012 - Present). Chairperson, Board of Directors, The Kidney Foundation of Northwest Ohio. (2011 - Present). St. Joseph Church - Evangelization Team. (2011 - Present). Educational Outreach, Influenza Immunization and Health Screening Clinics. (2010-Present). Member, Board of Directors, The Kidney Foundation of Northwest Ohio. (2004 - Present). Eucharistic Minister to hospitals and nursing homes. (2003 - Present). Lector, St. Joseph Church. (2003 - Present). Coach (boys basketball, girls softball, girls volleyball),, St. Joseph Church. (2003 - Present). St. Joseph Church-Christ Renews His Parish Teams 40 and 45. (2003 Present). Board Member, Board of Directors, The Kidney Foundation of Northwest Ohio. (1999-Present). Musser, Michelle Chairperson, Hardin County YMCA Social Responsibility/Community Development Committee. (January 2015 - Present).


Board Member, Hardin County YMCA. (February 2013 - Present). Committee Member, Hardin County YMCA Membership Committee. (February 2013-January 2015). Myers, Deirdre Other Community Service Activities, Eucharistic Minister, Our Lady of Consolation Catholic Parish Eucharistic Minister, Carey, Ohio. (1990 - Present). Other Community Service Activities, NCPA Homecoming Health Screening, Ada, Ohio. (October 2014). Parteleno, Pat Educational Outreach, Outreach Events. (September 1, 2014 - August 30, 2015). Peters, Lindsey Educational Outreach, Lima Rescue Mission Health Screening and Meal Service, Lima, Ohio. (March 2015). Educational Outreach, YMCA Diabetes Health Screening. (January 2015). Educational Outreach, JDFR Walk to Cure Diabetes 5k. (October 2014). Educational Outreach, Ada Harvest and Herb Festival. (September 2014). Petersen, Erin Member, Lifepoint Church 5K, Lewis Center, OH. (October 12, 2013 - Present). Rojeab, Yousif Judge, Science Fair. (2008 - Present).

Shields, Kelly Committee Member, Allentown United Methodist Church. (June 2013 - Present). Committee Member, Allen County Young Life Committee. (January 2011 - Present). Five Loaves Food Pantry. (January 2010 - Present). Committee Member, Summer Honors Institute. (2007 - Present). Sobota, Kristen Educational Outreach, Lima Rescue Mission, Lima, Ohio. (March 2012 - Present).


Allen County Medical Reserve Corp. Unit. (2009 - Present). Program Organizer, OTC Medication Drive for Mission Trips. (2009 - Present). Sobotka, Jenelle Board Member, St Vincent de Paul Charitable Pharmacy, Cincinnati, Ohio. Committee Member, Hardin County Hospital Quality Committee. (January 2015 - Present). Stockert, Amy Officer, President/Elect/Past, Junior Civic League. (2015 - Present). Member, Girl Scouts. (2014 - Present). Member, Junior Civic League. (2013 - Present). Member, Circle K. (2011 - Present). Member, Our Lady of Lourdes, Ada, OH. (2009 - Present).

Professional Service Adane, Eyob Abstract reviewer, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Alexandria, VA. (March 13, 2015 - April 3, 2015). Abstract reviewer, American Pharmacists Association. (October 14, 2014 - November 4, 2014).

Allison, Jeffery Member, AACP, San Antonio, Texas. (July 2011 - Present). Other Professional Service Activities, Ohio Pharmacist Association, Columbus, Ohio. (2007 - Present). Committee Member, Ohio Pharmacist Association Resolutions and Bylaws Committee, Columbus, Ohio. (2004 - Present). Member, APhA. (1980 - Present). Member, Ohio Pharmacist Association. (1980 - Present). Member, NWOPA, Lima Area, Ohio. (1976 - Present).


Christoff, Jeffrey Member, APhA – Nuclear Pharmacy Consulting Workgroup. (April 2015 - Present). D'Souza, Manoranjan Editorial Review Board Member, Journal of pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacology. (September 2014 - Present). Reviewer, Journal Article, Development and Psychopathology. (March 2014 - Present). Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Neuropharmacology. (March 2014 - Present). Reviewer, Journal Article, Neuroscience letters. (April 2012 - Present). Reviewer, Journal Article, Synapse. (February 2012 - Present). Reviewer, Journal Article, Neuroscience and Biobehavioral reviews. (March 2011 - Present). Reviewer, Journal Article, American Journal on Addictions. (January 2011 - Present). Reviewer, Journal Article, Neuropsychopharmacology. (January 2010 - Present). DiPietro Mager, Natalie Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health. (2014 - Present). Reviewer, Journal Article, Pharmacy Practice. (2014 - Present). AACP Public Health Special Interest Group Curriculum Task Force. (2010 - Present). Reviewer, Conference Paper, American Public Health Association, American Pharmacists Association, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. (2008 - Present). Reviewer, Textbook, Clinical epidemiology: Principles, methods, and applications for clinical research; The pharmacist in public health: Education, applications, and opportunities; Patient assessment in pharmacy: A culturally competent approach; Pharmacy management, leadership, marketing and finance (1st and 2nd editions); Professionalism and clinical responsibility in pharmacy. (2008 Present). Reviewer, Journal Article, Annals of Pharmacotherapy, Journal of the American Pharmacists Association, American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. (2007 - Present).


Officer, President/Elect/Past, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Public Health Special Interest Group. (2013 - 2016). Officer, Vice President, Ohio Public Health Association Clinical Health Section. (2013 - 2016). Kinder, David College of Pharmacy, Ada, OH. (December 2008 - Present). Senior faculty Advisor, Phi Delta Chi Professional and Social fraternity, Ada, Ohio. (December 1993 - Present). Kline, Jennifer Board of Advisors of a Company, Lima Area Health Education Center. (July 2006 - Present). Koh, David Reviewer, Journal Article, PeerJ (open access journal), London, England. (August 1, 2014 - August 11, 2014). Kroustos, Kelly Reviewer, Journal Article, US Pharmacist. (August 2014 - Present). Task Force Member, Ohio Pharmacists Association - Disease State Management Task Force, Columbus, Ohio. (April 2010 - Present). Abstract Reviewer, American Pharmacists Association. (August 2008 - Present). Mahfouz, Tarek Reviewer, Journal Article, Combinatorial Chemistry and High Throughput Screening. (2013 - Present). Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modeling. (2013 Present). Reviewer, Journal Article, Medicinal Chemistry Research. (2013 - Present). Member, FIP - AIM. (August 2013 - Present). Delegate - ONU Representative, United States Pharmacopeial Convention. (June 2013 - Present). Committee Member, Ohio Pharmacists Association. (March 2005 - Present). Program Coordinator, AACP Academic Fellows Program - Leadership Facilitator. (January 2015 - July 2016). Committee Chair, APhA Presidents Council. (March 2014 - March 2015). Committee Member, AphA Remington Screening Committee. (March 2014 March 2015).


Committee Chair, American Pharmacists Association Nominations committee, Washington, DC, DC. (July 2014 - December 2014). Officer, Secretary, AACP Leadership Special Interest Group. (July 2011 - July 2014). Committee Member, American Association of College of Pharmacy. (June 2013 June 2014). Stockert, Amy Editorial Review Board Member, Austin Journal of Pharmacology. (2013 Present). Board of Directors of a Company, Sigma Xi Board of Directors. (2013 - Present). Reviewer, Textbook, Oxford. (2012 - Present). Reviewer, Journal Article, Computational Biology and Chemistry. (2009 Present). Reviewer, Journal Article, Ohio Academy of Science, Ada, Ohio. (2009 Present). Reviewer, Textbook, Wiley and Sons, Inc. (2009 - Present). Miscellaneous Activities, Sigma Xi Research Society, Washington DC. (2008 - Present). Other Professional Service Activities, American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Ada, Ohio. (2007 - Present). Officer, President/Elect/Past, Sigma Xi Research Society, Ada, Ohio. (2006 - Present).

College Goals for 2015-16 1. Meet all curricular and programmatic requirements for the 2016 ACPE Standards 2. Fill all seats for the 2016-17 first-, second- and third-year classes through strategic initiatives with Enrollment Management, Communications & Marketing, and other University partners 3. Determine the optimal first-year class size (number to admit) for fall 2017 to meet the mission and sustain financial viability 4. Create an exam-proctoring strategy to make the most efficient use of faculty resources and effective examination practices


5. Establish a college-wide, student-centered policy for course remediation 6. Establish an electronic portfolio system, and polices and procedures for its use 7. Establish a research seed funding/bridging fund, and policies and procedures for its use 8. Expand pharmacy practices in the community through full implementation of the mobile clinic, expansion of the Drug and Health Information Center, integration and expansion of outreach programs, and strategic partnerships in the region 9. Expand interprofessional education activities to include prescribers 10. Identify research themes that will lead to distinction for the college within the academy 11. Begin to create strategies to build the research themes into functional and nationally recognized programs


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