12th & Neil Magazine - Summer 2015

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12 & NEIL magazine TH

Summer 2015

Getting to Know Dr. gabriela weiss

a look beyond her love for teaching oral anatomy

LEGISLATIVE LOWDOWN Dentistry & Capitol Hill


what being an asda member means for you

dentistry detective dentistry as a way to identify systemic disease

brunching spots of columbus The Palatal Expander guacomole for your next summer cookout

the best locations for enjoying your first meal of the day



12th & Neil Magazine Summer 2015


LEGISLATIVE LOWDOWN: DENTISTRY & CAPITOL HILL A concise article on important bills and acts at our nation’s Capitol that affect our profession currently and could continue to in the future.


A LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT A touch on the ways you can get involved in ASDA, its benefits and how being involved has impacted him.



Some types of head & neck exam findings and corresponding pathologic diagnoses possibilities

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BRUNCHING SPOTS OF COLUMBUS Our favorite stops for weekend brunching all over town



The guacamole recipe that will never leave you empty-handed for a potluck ever again


GETTING TO KNOW: DR. WEISS Find out what else is awesome about our most fashionable professor, Dr. Weiss

12 & NEIL M A G A Z I N E

................................... ing a publication of The Ohio State University American Student Dental Association

................................... MAGAZINE CONTRIBUTORS Editor-In-Chief Lindsay Runyan (D3) Contributing Editors Mattie Stowell (D2) Contributing Writers Lindsey Butterfield (D2) Mattie Stowell (D2) Ashli Holland (D3) Kyle Keller (D3) Matt Kotapish (D3) Contributing Photographers Shawn Rajendrawm (D3) Layout & Design Lindsay Runyan (D3)

................................... EXECUTIVE COUNCIL President Matt Kotapish (D3) President-Elect Jimmy Zimmerman (D2) Vice President David Gorenz (D3) Treasurer Nicole Gottenmoeller (D3) Secretary Urvi Shukla (D3) Legislative Liason Spencer Tepe (D3) Associate Legislative Liason Lindsey Butterfield (D2)

................................... Email inquiries & submissions to: runyan.47@osu.edu www.asda.org.ohio-state.edu





A Whole New World: The Transition from Didactic to Clinic

When describing the turnpoint that every dental student encounters between their second and third year, there is no better phrase but, “a whole new world.” Now to some of you with kids or an everlasting love for Disney movies, this line may instantly spark you into singing the Aladdin classic, but for me this phrase is the epitome of the summer of a D3 dental student. If you think about it, after two years of dental school, each and every one of us qualifies as a professional student. We spend countless hours in lecture halls, studying, and completing labwork to train ourselves to be the best dentists we can be. However, most of us plan to continue on and become practicing dentists, a profession in which you are always learning but is dominated by the handson care you give to your patients. And eventually, that day you say goodbye to your professional-student career arrives... June 18th, 2015, the day The Class of of 2017 ventured out in the this new territory we call Clinic. After having Orientation for two days prior, nothing could ever prepare us for that day. It was a day of excitement, confusion, and motivation all in one package and tied up with floss. Between students starting in Emergency and Pedo rotations, practicing endodontic treatment on teeth, treating actual patients in their practice, assisting friends and collegues, or just scheduling all of their practice and family to fill up their summer, there was a whirlwind of activities occuring. For the first time in our dental school lives, we all had our own individal agendas to complete. With clinic comes a whole new set of responsibilities. There

are new rules to be learned, new locations of paperwork and supplies, new staff members to get to know, new tecniques to try, and new relationships to form with your colleagues and instructors. But if there’s anything I’ve learned during my five weeks in the clinic, it is that showing up with an open mind, work ethic, and full heart will cause you to find yourself making the most of your time regardless of what you’re doing. The D3 summer is the chance you have to learn as much as possible about this “new world,” and by simply being there you can gain a wealth of knowledge. “A whole new world, a new fantastic point of view,” vocalized beautifully by Aladdin himself is the outlook each and every one of us needs to keep in focus day-in and day-out. Yes, clinic is mainly about treating your patients while fulfilling requirements for graduation, but it is good to keep in perspective that each person you encounter has a different point of view. The dispensing staff, clinic, desks, instructors, insurance/billing, lab technicians, patients, and classmates all work together to make this clinic world successfully go-round. By making an effort with each and every person, it is certain that the transition to clinic can indeed be truly fantastic.

Lindsay - Lindsay Runyan Editor-In-Cheif Class of 2017




Provided, prepared, and served pasta dinners for families staying at the Ronald McDonald House. It was a wonderful opportunity to step outside Postle Hall and provide a home-cooked meal during challenging times for these famililes.


Events assembly of clinic binders

Each year our ASDA education commitee puts together a binder for the 3rd year ASDA members entering the clinic. The contents of the binder are renowned for being a useful resource.

community outreach making dinner at the ronald mcdonald house APR








ASDA annual golf outing golf club of dublin Ohio State ASDA members and non-members enjoyed a lunch on the patio followed by 18 holes of golf. A few sponsored holes made it possible to win prizes.

apdac trivia night

Sponsored by ASDA, this trivia night was hosted at World of Beer in the Brewery District. Members had a blast while showing their knowledge of random trivia facts.

community outreach special smiles This event was in conjunction with Special Olympics State Summer Games. Students provided dental screening, OHI and gave out dental hygiene tools such as floss and toothbrushes.

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D1s in teams of 4 will travel around Columbus, learning about the city and ASDA while competing in activities and contests at each stop. As this is not a race, teams will be judged on how well they finish each activity as well as the creativity of photos the team takes throughout the day! Everyone will meet back at Postle Hall to announce the winners, grab some food, and officially welcome the D1s to ASDA.

annual volleyball tournament

Kick off your shoes and celebrate completing the first week of fall semester at the Annual Beach Volleyball Tournament at Woodlands Backyard. Free for all ASDA members. Drink specials provided.

Come out for Ohio State ASDA’s Welcome Back Bar Crawl to meet your future dental colleagues and have fun. JULY



involvement fair

Once a year the schools throughout District 6 & 7 can get together in a formal setting to discuss the issues specifically impacting the regional chapters. Speakers give presentations on chapter improvement, and breakout sessions allow the other chapters to learn from one another.

disctrict 6 & 7 meeting 28


vendor fair

A great way to introduce incoming dental students about not only the benefits of membership, but the different ways they can get involved. Each position has a booth and helps to explain their role in the organization.


asda scavenger hunt & welcome back bar crawl


Gives students exposure to some of what the field of dentistry has to offer. From loupes vendors to financial advisors, it offers an insight into many of the products and companies that might interest our members. In addition, there is a always a raffle giveaway at the conclusion of the fair.





Upcoming Events representative stivers fundraiser A private fundraiser for Congressman Steve Stivers in the home of Dr. Henry Fields, The Ohio State University College of Dentistry department of orthodontics chair. This is the first event of its kind for Ohio State ASDA. We are excited to expand upon our political function




Dentistry & Capitol Hill By: Lindsey Butterfield (‘18) A

Associate Legislative Liason

s dental students, we don’t value the provide dental services and education to importance of “a bill” unless it comes underserved populations. This directly with a late fee. In truth, some bills defend affects us here at The Ohio State University our industry and its professionals, all while College of Dentistry because our improving the health and bi-annual Give Kids a Smile event could well-being of apply for these grants. H.R. Bill1 millions. Currently, 649 would allow us, as there are issues being [bil/] students or professionals discussed and bills with federal student loan noun being presented in debt, to refinance our loans Washington, D.C. at any time during the life 1. A feared word by debt ridden, that will directly of the loan, if the interest dental students impact us as dental rate decreases. Through 2. Money flying out the window to pay dropping our interest rate, students. restrictions on where, how, for utilities, insurance, phone, etc. and to whom we would 3. The draft that is passed into law to H.R. 539, provide care would be less protect patients, underserved Action for burdened by monetary populations, dental students, restrictions. Dental Health

dentists, and the profession of Act and H.R. Licensure dentistry 649, Student Loan Currently, each state Refinancing Act sets its own licensure requirements. This During the National Dental Student Lobby day, it was the duty of those present to lobby these issues. What are they? H.R. 539 would allow local, non-profit organizations to apply and qualify for oral health grants administered by the Center for Disease Control. Ultimately, these organizations will be able to more readily Page 5

means thathere is no universal licensure exam. Why is this important? Well, without a universal licensure, getting licensed in your home state does not guarantee you can practice throughout the country. The clinical examination portion is where the variance exists. Five regional testing agencies are able to administer this exam.


to perform these tasks. It is an insult to every Individual states decide which testing agency dental student and practicing dentist that a to accept. What do we, as ASDA members, solution such as this is being considered, after believe? Any clinical licensing examination the countless years of schooling we have intended to measure technical skill via a sequence of independent clinical tasks should excelled in. However, it must be noted that access to care is an issue. The ADA has come meet certain requirements. One of the most up with a solution: The important requirements is to be universalCommunity Dental Health ly accepted by all state Irreversible1 Coordinator (CDHC). This boards of [ir-i-vur-suh-buh l] proposed project breaks dentistry. Another option down barriers to care by to satisfy clinical licensure adjective using principles such as examination would be to increased education and complete a one-year 1. A type of dental procedure to disease prevention. This postgraduate be completed by a licensed CDHC prevents patients residency that would, again, be accepted dentist on human oral tissues from enduring irreversible procedures performed by throughout the country. 2. The grade you earned in non-dentists. How? As a anatomy servant to the community, Midlevel Providers the CDHC will “fulfill the A midlevel provider is able to complete community’s need for oral health educators providing limited, preventive clinical service” irreversible procedures. What exactly is a by “assisting patients in navigating a sometimes midlevel provider? An under-educated complicated health care system and providing individual who can provide potentially critical logistical support.” harmful solutions to resolve the barriers to access to care that are faced by our most For every problem, we must find a soluvulnerable populations. With the above title, a tion. The solution must always include patient person can perform tooth preparations, safety and protection. So I ask for each one of pulpotomies, ‘uncomplicated’ oral surgery, tooth extraction, and other procedures. This is us to advocate for the bills that we as ASDA a problem because no matter the circumstance believe in. Also, to keep educated so that we, of the individual, they have the right to quality as the future of this profession, understand the care by a licensed dentist. Two-year programs importance of issues affecting our industry and do not qualify as sufficient training/education the well-being of our patients. 6


A Letter From the

President tapish

o K t t a M

ASDA Involvement A s I sat down to write an article for the summer edition of our newsletter, I questioned what I should write. It’s hard to believe already two years have passed, and the third is moving just as quickly. I thought back to my orientation as a first year, and tried to remember my thoughts and anxieties about embarking on the unknown journey ahead of me. There are so many memories I’ve made the past two years, but it is my ASDA experience that defines my time in dental school thus far. There are so many benefits of joining an organization like ASDA, and I hope it is evident the impact it could have on your four years of becoming a dentist. Page 7

“Get involved”

is an inescapable phrase during virtually any orientation at Ohio State. However repetitive it may seem, getting involved has made my two years as a dental student more meaningful and fulfilling. It’s easy to get caught up in the heavy course load and lab work that accompanies dental school, but it is ASDA that has allowed me to maintain connections to dentistry outside the walls of Postle. Dental school is hard enough. Going through it without the guidance from upperclassmen would have made it even more difficult. The connections I have made throughout my ASDA

Nothing accomplished in ASDA comes without the hard work of all of its members. There are almost limitless 8


ways you can get involved with ASDA. Whether you would like to become president, take part in our special events, our social events, or go on to take a national position, there is always a place for you. Getting involved is something you will not regret. You truly get out of ASDA what you put into it. If you decide to take advantage of the benefits it has to offer, you will Getting involved early has understand why so many students allowed me to attend a multitude of conferences throughout the country. I dedicate so much of their time to this organization. have gained valuable leadership experience in Chicago at the National I could go on and on about the Leadership Conference; I have been to intangible benefits of my membership Capitol Hill to discuss current issues face to face with congressmen; I but hope you will reach out to others have been to Boston to ASDA Annual and listen to what they have to say. This has been my experience, and I Session to see the governance of the organization first hand. None of these hope it encourages some of you to get experiences would have been possible involved and seize the amazing had I not been involved with ASDA. opportunities you have in front of you. It’s an exciting time to get involved with chapter, and I look forward to Networking. I have made the seeing the improvements that future countless connections with alumni, faculty, and now know students from leaders will surely bring. across the country. Being involved with ASDA also means that you have the opportunity to work hand in hand with many of the faculty, and are a part of running one of the most influential organizations in the school. You will meet leaders in the field of dentistry from all over the state, and will be involved with the ODA and learning more about the political systems that could affect the way we someday practice. experiences have been invaluable. Helping with lab work, answering questions about classes and lending advice have made my first two years much more manageable. Getting into clinic will always be slightly intimidating, but having friends throughout the school makes it less so.


Fall 2015 Speaker Series RSVP: tammie@zbco.net e

“Leadership Styles” Links to Success September, 24th 6– 8 pm. Mark Fixari DDS

Eddie George’s Grille

“How to Survive” In the New PPO World October, 14th 6– 8 pm. Eddie George’s Grille

Linda Marek

“Leadership Styles” Links to Success November, 11th 8 am. - 4 pm. Jim Boltz

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New Albany CC—Club Lane


By: Ashli Holland (Class of 2017)

Many systemic diseases may show up in the head and oral regions early in progression so you as the Student Dentist may be the first line of defense. You must act as an oral detective to locate any abnormalities and refer your patients to our friends up in Oral Pathology. IF YOU NOTE SORES IN THE MOUTH It could be... Crohn’s Disease

•What is it: a lymphoma of Reed-Sternberg cells •Look for: young adult with painless lymphadenopathy in cervical or supraclavicular region

•What is it: a highly contagious viral infection •Look for: koplik spots, which indicate measles inside the mouth. Also look for atypical gingivitis with pustules and necrosis, and operculitis.

•What is it: a type of inflammatory bowel disease •Look for: linear ulcers, oral mucosa that has “cobblestone” appearance & gingival enlargement

Gardner’s Syndrome

Hodgkin Lymphoma


Sjogrens Syndrome

•What is it: autoimmune disease that may develop lymphoma •Look for: xerostomia, bilateral parotid enlargement, angular cheilitis

It could be...

Acute Myelogenous Leukemia


•What is it: a variant of familial adenomatous It could be... polyposis that gives a person increased risk for osteomas •Look for: jaw Osteosarcoma osteomas (bony growth that may •What is it: Mesenchymal cause swelling or malignancy that produces osteoid and bone prevent tooth •Look for: pain and eruption), swelling, poorly circumodontomas supernumerary or scribed mixed radiolucent unerupted teeth radiopaque appearance on radiograph, may see large mass intra-orally


•What is it: clonal proliferation of primitive myeloid cell causing an increase in abnormal white blood cell •Look for: diffusely swollen gums due to infiltration by leukemic cells; bleeding may be noted

Aplastic Anemia

•What is it: acquired stem cell defect with decreased production of all types of blood cells •Look for: spontaneously bleeding gums from thrombocytopenia (low platelet counts) leading to increased risk of hemorrhage

IF YOU NOTE SWOLLEN OR BLEEDING GUMS It could be... Wegener Granulomatosis

•What is it: a type of vasculitis featuring granulomatosis with polyangiitis. •Look for: “strawberry gingiva” which is hemorrhagic friable gingivae with a dark red surface, non-specific oral ulcerations

Fast Footnotes “for those underclassmen who have yet to grace the seats of Dr. Kalmar’s pathology course” •Angular chelitis: inflammation of the labial commissures •Koplik spots: clustered white lesions on buccal mucosa opposite mandibular molars •Friable: easily crumbled

•Gingivitis: inflammation of the gum tissue

•Operculitis: inflammation surrounding a tooth crown •Thrombocytopenia: low platelet counts 10 •Xerostomia: dry mouth


brunching spots matt the millers tavern

Although known for their large draft beer selection and wine lists, MTM tavern has a Sunday brunch buffet that has an all-American taste with a slightly more upscale feel right around the corner in Grandview.


Do world famous Nutella stuffed pancake balls or sweet and spicy bacon sound good to you? Or maybe breakfast tacos and Mexican street corn? Katalina’s is a cute and quaint cafe located in the Harrison West area and provides great adorable patio seating and absolutely delicious food.

powell dublin



worthington upper arlington


Marble Cliff grandview heights


Broad St.

Cozy and located between German Village and hilltop downtown, skillet offers an urban feel with a rustic farm flavor that is always fresh. Their brunch menu is always grove city changing so check out their current brunch menu online before you go! Page 11

Italian Short Village North

Downtown german village

High St.


of columbus hangover easy

Although it’s likely that you’ve been to HOE post-first-anatomy-exam for a cold one, this quirky hipster breakfast is a must try. Located across the street from the beloved Postle Hall, HOE seems to cater to dental students with their early bird special 7-9am($2.50 bfast!). Between their seasonal pancakes, hoe fries, savory breakfast sandwiches, and bloody Mary’s, this brunch joint is a definite cure-all.



new albany


The creative flavor in Tasi Cafe is hard to come by. It is located in a back alley within the short north and is definitely a local favorite. The communal and comfy atmosphere along with artisan food and fresh pastries will have you coming again and again.

you’re looking to take a taste of belgium Ifwalk around the upbeat

bexley whitehall


pickerington groveport

Columbus North Market, make sure you stop by TOB where the “waffle comes first”. This market-inspired brunch option takes traditional Belgian recipes and puts a twist of them. Try a savory Belgian waffle with fried chicken and hot sauce or the sweeter side with a waffle topped with fruit and cream. 12


The Palatal Expander Better than chipotle guacamole Ingredients

-2 ripe avocados -2 tsp lime juice -2 tbsp cilantro (chopped) -1/4 cup red onion (finely chopped) -1/2 jalape単o, remove seeds (finely chopped) -1/4 tsp kosher salt


-Choose the right avocado. It should feel squishy yet firm and be a dark green color on the inside. -Cut the avocados in half and remove the pits. -Scoop the avocados and place in a medium bowl. -Toss and coat with lime juice. -Add the salt and using a fork or potato masher, mash until a smooth consistency is achieved. -Add in the remaining ingredients and mix well. Page 13

Dr. Gabriela

Weiss Interviewed by Kyle Keller (‘17)

• Where were you born and raised? “Born: Buenos Aires, Argentina Raised: Tucuman, Argentina” • What is your favorite childhood memory? “Reading Mafalda comics with my little sister. I also loved to read Agatha Christie novels, I could never put them down.”

also a Buckeye, a heart surgeon at the Ross Heart Hospital.” •Pancakes, Waffles, or Other? “Pancakes or crepes: either, as long as they have dulce de leche on top! I also love to eat empanadas” •Best concert you have been to? “Joan Manuel Serrat”

• Where did you go to college and dental school? “In Argentina there is no separation between college •What is your favorite movie? and graduate school. I attended Universidad Nacional “Cinema Paradiso” de Tucuman.” •Who is your celebrity crush? • How long have you been at OSU? “Johnny Depp” “I have been at OSU for 15 years.” We all know how much Dr. Weiss loves oral anatomy, • What is your favorite tooth prep? teaching, and Argentina! All those early morning Oral “Tooth #30 CVC” Anatomy lectures with pictures of Argentina and Lionel Messi were proof enough for that! Hopefully this • What do you like to do for fun on the weekends? helps all of us get to know her a little better! If you are “I love to go grocery shopping at the North Market interested in knowing more, I am sure she would be and cooking something new! I love to bake!” more than happy to share with you! •What is your family like? “I have two kids, a son in college and a daughter who begins her career as a lawyer this fall! My husband is 14


Getting to Know...

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