Jason Tweedy heading to play at Long Beach
Ex-Monitor staffers in new lives
Artist discusses her work at Louie Gallery – Page 4
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Vol. XXXXI No. 14
Fremont, California
Quad speakers denounce ‘imperialism’
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Disaster ‘victim’
By ERICK SANCHEZ Staff writer Western imperialism as the determining cause of global terrorism was the subject tackled by guest speakers Wednesday in the Quad. Three speakers explained with different approaches why historical practices of imperial-economic policies have led to worldwide discontent today. The three spoke of the “problems” of imperialism and their versions of the solutions. The “True Patriots” event was sponsored by the Muslim Students Association and other groups. Anthony Choice Diaz, an indigenous peoples activist, said 500 plus years of native subjugation by colonialism created a world indigenous movement, which finds its roots in response to imperial globalization. Choice said the indig-
Photo by Krista Martinez
Photo by Devina Deo
Noel Amherst speaks. enous movement was growing because the indigenous “represent 500 years of survival and that it [indig Continued on Page 3
Ohlone student Paul Cheng illustrates the faux effects of fractures, abrasions, and inhalation of VX nerve gas during a disaster drill in Oakland Tuesday. See story on Page 3.
NASA comet show dazzles audience By DANELLE MEYER Staff writer
Photo by Aman Mehrzai
A universal symbol of hope brings a ray of light to the protest at DeAnza.
Ohlone students battered during protests at DeAnza By ERICK SANCHEZ Staff writer Three Ohlone students were assaulted by riot police during last Friday’s protest at De Anza College against former Secretary of State Colin Powell. Ohlone student Ken Steadman 27, said he was hit several times in the back while trying to get away from the officers who advanced against the crowd without warning. Steadman, who said he was present for the demonstration only as an observer, decided not to ac-
tively participate as part of the protests. Although Steadman said he didn’t participate in the rally, he said that he found himself drawn in and attacked by the police. “Despite my neutrality, I found my rights violated by police as I was struck in the back several times by the riot squad as they tried to sweep the campus of protesters,” said Steadman. “They [police] put on an aura of authoritarianism and superiority that reminded me of a Roman legion.” Two other Ohlone students were
also assaulted at the event. The Monitor’s Editor-in-Chief, Aman Mehrzai, was hit in the ribs by a baton and pushed through bushes by riot police around the same time Steadman was assaulted. “They came without warning,” said Mehrzai. “The police made a formation blocking off all students in one area, then swept through. There was a lot of confusion. I saw students get attacked by police with batons and stepped on. They wouldn’t slow down, even though I told them that I was press and Continued on Page 3
People crowded in the hallway of the Smith Center to admire the chosen artwork on display that was submitted into the Art of the Comet Contest. They also awaited the STARDUST Comet Sample Return Mission presentation by Astrophysicist Dr. Scott Sandford on Tuesday night. The chosen art ranged from wa-
tercolors and pastels, to digital graphics and drawings. Each piece had its own unique flair, and a different interpretation of the comet. Not only Ohlone students were featured, but also work from various high schools and other college campuses that were submitted. “I came here to see the art contest. It’s pretty interesting. I want to know how they did a lot of it,” said Ankita Shah, Ohlone student. Continued on Page 3
Short semester snag? By OMER AHMED Staff writer The shorter semester plan that met wide approval throughout the campus is likely to hit a delay from the Community College Chancellor’s office. The plan would switch Ohlone’s semester from 18 weeks to 16 weeks. The proposed change was planned to possibly as occur soon as Fall ‘06. Following the templates and instructions of the Chancellor’s office, Ohlone preceded down the path toward getting approval and enacting the change. Many other colleges in California are also working on shorter semester plans. The problem now is that the Chancellor’s office has scaled back and slowed down the approval process. There is also the possibility of a moratorium being called to investigate the Continued on Page 3
MONITOR November 17, 2005
Associated Collegiate Press / National Scholastic Press Association All American 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Regional Pacemaker 1988 Journalism Association of Community Colleges First in General Excellence, Northern California Fall 1994 General Excellence Fall 2000 General Excellence Fall 2004
Editor in chief: Aman Mehrzai News editor: Anna Nemchuk Opinion editor: Jerome Engelberts Features editor: Krista Martinez, Joyce Leung Sports editor: Nick Zambrano Photo editor: Devina Deo Staff writers: Omer Ahmed, Steven Chavez, Carlos Cisneros,Sara Kwan, Jessica Losee, Krista Martinez, Danelle Meyer, Erick Sanchez, Morgan Brinlee, Huda Shreim Ad Staff: Altanette Ford, Sarah Noori Photographers: Daniel Kwan, Mark Blockinger, Rostislav Tsvetanov Ad manager: Corie Howell Adviser: Bill Parks Printer: F-P Press
Offices are located in Room 5310 on campus, 43600 Mission Blvd., Fremont 945395884. Call (510) 659-6075. Fax: (510) 659-6076. E-mail: monitor@ohlone.cc.ca.us Opinions expressed in the MONITOR are those of the respective authors and are not necessarily those of the staff, the college or the Associated Students of Ohlone College. Unsigned editorials reflect the majority view of staff members. Advertising material is printed herein for informational purposes and is not to be construed as an expression of endorsement or verification of such commercial ventures by the staff or college. The MONITOR is funded by the district, by the Associated Students of Ohlone College, and through advertising revenue. The MONITOR is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press, Journalism Association of Community Colleges, Community College Journalism Association, California Newspaper Publishers Association, College Media Advisers and Society of Newspaper Design.
The two faces of the hot button of patriotism By MORGAN BRINLEE Staff writer What defines a patriotic American? It seems as if recently the definition of patriotic is becoming more and more twisted. Last Friday was one of the more patriotic American holidays, though from the speech President Bush gave that day at Tobyhanna Army Depot in Tobyhanna, Pennsylvania and the back and forth mudslinging between politicians that followed it felt like another day on the campaign trail. How did what began as a simple disagreement on policies and tac-
tics suddenly turn into political mudslinging? In his speech Bush undoubtedly made a stab at his old opponent in the 2004 elections, Senator John F. Kerry. He then went on to chide other Democrats for their behavior during the war. “It is deeply irresponsible to rewrite the history of how that war began,” Bush stated in his speech. Bush went on to say that what American troops need is the support of all political officials through times of thick and thin, hinting strongly at Democrats being the unsupportive and unpatriotic politicians. Immediately following the
speech Democrat and liberal interest groups began retaliating. Sen. Kerry accused the President of “playing the politics of fear and smear on Veterans Day.” Senate Minority Leader Harry M. Reid claimed Bush is resorting to old tactics of “attacking those patriotic Americans who have raised serious questions about the case the Bush administration made to take our country to war.” While it’s no secret the Bush administration doesn’t want the American people to know the truth, or even the facts about the war in Iraq, it is suspect how far Bush is going to stop those with questions. His decision to com-
pletely ignore Cindy Sheehan and her questions about her son's death and the Iraq war, aside from simply being a bad decision, showed a lack of patriotism, in my opinion. Isn’t patriotism about truth? Wouldn’t supporting our troops mean supporting our troops' families in this time of need? It seems as if Bush has his own agenda about what patriotism is. For Bush an all trusting, submissive, American with no mind or voice of his own is a shining example of a patriotic American. While I doubt many of our Forefathers, given their own feelings on government are rolling around in
their graves in protest I know that many more currently living Americans should be. What do we have if we don’t have our voices, what do we have if we can’t question our government? But most importantly, what kind of society are we living in when people choose not to use that power? I can’t stress involvement in politics enough. Get out there, take to the streets, let your voices be heard, sadly we are passed writing letters to senators and congressmen now we need action. So whatever you opinions are, get them out there, get them heard, and act on them. That is what a true patriotic American does.
Riots in France - is this a sign of things to come? By OMER AHMED Staff writer Looking at headlines like “France in Flames” or “The French Fry” and watching the footage of the riots outside Paris during the past few weeks make me wonder: what would it take to get Americans to riot against the government like that?
It’s one thing for the French to riot. It’s the land of the French Revolution. Violent upheaval is nothing new for them. Valid social reasons (a 50 % unemployment rate in certain demographics and widespread racism) plus shocking event (the tragic death of two youths from said demographic) expectedly equals riot fun. It shows that change was necessary and the people took it into their own hands to act. I also like to believe the song “I Predict a
Riot” by the European band the Kaiser Chiefs had a little bit to do with it but that’s just because I think it’s catchy. Could this happen in the U.S.? Is there any issue that could enrage people enough to act out? We are quite dissatisfied with our government. President Bush’s approval rating has fallen to an all time low of 39% and shows no signs of miraculously climbing any time soon. Even on a state level, voters turned
down every single proposition in Governor Schwarzenegger's special election, sending the message that the politicians should do their job and not ask the voters to bail them out. As Ohlone political science instructor Matthew Freeman put it, “No, no kiddies. Go back to Sacramento.” For better or for worse, this lack of confidence in the government doesn’t seem to be enough to get people to riot. It hardly gets them
to even vote. The message of no confidence I mentioned before was given by only a fraction of the California population. The last time a riot occurred, it was civilians against civilians in Toledo, Ohio and was sparked by a planned KKK rally. Do the KKK have to take over the country before anything happens in mass? The most obvious reson to protest and possibly riot is the war Continued on page 3
How will last week’s vote influence the next elections?
NASEEM SHARIF Health Science
TONY HOAN Sociology
“ It will have a negative impact – it just shows that Californians don’t favor him anymore”
“Yes, it will influence the elections – but I’m not sure it will tip the scale”
“The people have spoken.Unless he dramatically changes his ways he won’t be reelected”
ALEJANDRA MYERS Physical Therapy “Aagh! - what did we do voting for him at all?”
KYLE BASELTON Undeclared “I don't think (reelection) is going to happen; all propositions were turned down”
November 17, 2005 MONITOR
Short semester plan hits a snag Continued from Page 1 merits of various colleges, including Ohlone’s, compressed calendar plans. According to Ron Tranvenick, the director of Admissions and Records, this delay is due to the Chancellor’s “nervousness” in regarding compressed calenendars. Travenick explained in a Faculty Senate meeting that there many reason for the apprehension. First and foremost is the possibility for abuses by colleges to receive extra funds by manipulating the calendar to show Full Time Equivalent Student (FTES) enrollment. The record of FTES are what govern how much money the colleges receive. Apparently some colleges submitted proposals that where blatantly engineered to manipulate FTES and this is what set the Chancellor’s office on edge. The Chancellor’s office is also concerned about its ability to ensure that no abuse will take place. After budget and staff cuts, the office’s ability to monitor
colleges has suffered. As a result of this, the chancellor is hesitant to approve plans that contain the possibility for abuse. Travenick told the Faculty Senate, “The thing that I wanted to impress on you is that we have not given up” but also expressed reservation regarding extreme efforts to affect the chancellor’s office. He warned the senate by telling them, “It’s not prudent to spend more time across the campus if the yellow caution flag is up.” The chancellor’s office hasn’t cut off all negation with Ohlone. Faculty Senate president Barbara Tull said, “The good news is that they are still in conversation with us while they are not with others.” Ohlone staff plans to work with President Doug Treadway and directly with the Chancellor’s office in the coming weeks to work on the issue. The College Council and Faculty Senate will hold a joint meeting on Dec. 7 to discuss the issue.
Students play roles in disaster drills By KRISTA MARTINEZ Features editor At least 74 Ohlone students were injured or died horrible deaths in a terrorist attack Tuesday, but it was all pretend. It was a planned, statewide terrorism exercise and the only real danger was the possibility of sunburn. There were at least 10 emergency events, including bomb attacks and biological warfare. At the Oakland Coliseum, Ohlone students were “exposed” to O-EthylS-[2(diisopropylamino)ethyl] methylphosphonothioate, or VX, a deadly chemical mass produced in the ‘50’s. The exercises were organized by Citizen Corps, part of the USA Freedom Corps initiated by George W. Bush in January 2002 in response to the 9/11 attacks. There were exercises across California, including the one in Oakland. Golden Guardian 2005, the official title of the exercise, focused on the Sacramento Valley Region and the Bay Area. Everyone on site was given a role to play during the exercise, from “Controllers,” those who manage and set up the event and play response people of agencies not actually playing in the exercise, to
“Actors,” volunteers who role-play during the event. Realism was facilitated by make-up artists on site who used stage blood and skin-wax as well as prosthetics to simulate the injuries assigned to actors, from blunt object injury to exposed fractures. The elaborate trial included the activation of law enforcement and fire departments to Hazardous Materials Control (HAZMAT) and Special Weapons And Tactics (SWAT). However, due to the nature of the chemicals released at the Oakland location, where most of the Ohlone students involved participated, a large number of actors were wheeled into the morgue set up for the exercise by the time antidotes for VX became available. The “Player Hot Wash” is the official term used by Citizen Corps for the time, up to one hour, after the exercise has been terminated and any player can ask questions about what happened. The four hours between the activation of the exercise and the arrival of HAZMAT was brought up more than once in conjunction with the number of people whose triage tag, a badge of sorts explaining what is wrong with a person, was marked “MORGUE.” Ohlone is planning a small-scale “tabletop” drill on Friday.
Riots possible in U.S.? Continued from Page 2 effort, which has been getting progressively more unpopular with the general public. The entire situation has been looking more and more like the 1960s and 70s with the Vietnam War. A recent USA Today poll shows that more then half of Americans want to withdraw from Iraq within the next year. In 1970, about half wanted to pull out of Vietnam. Could this tread create thhe needed anger and pathos necessary for something like the Kent State Riot? And even if it could, do we want it to? The Kent State Riot is more often referred to as the Kent State Massacre. France is not in an enviable position right now. The price of peace seems be apatho y and we should be happy were still at a point where apathy is possible.
Audience members put on their 3-D glasses for a film during the NASA presentation in the Jackson Theater Tuesday.
NASA show all about comets Continued from Page 1 People were given glow bracelets, 3-D glasses and cookies as they mingled about during the reception before the show. “I like NASA. I owe them one because I wanted to be an astronaut when I was a little girl, and I hear there are 3-D glasses,” said MaryAnne Silva, Ohlone student. Not just students came to enjoy the event. “I’m interested in science, the sky and the universe, and comets are a really interesting part of our solar system. I can’t wait to see what they teach us today, and I really love 3-D technology,” stated Jon Degallier, instructor of Computer Studies. Around 200 people piled into the theater. Jim Wright, Vice President of Instruction, introduced Dr. Sandford, whose work has been acknowledged through many different awards. “Feel free to wear these through my whole talk as a fashion statement, but I recommend you don’t,” joked Sandford as he explained to the audience that only some parts of his presentation would be in 3-D. Sanford began his discussion by talking about what comets are and then went into the Stardust mission. “Comets are small objects that spend most of their time way out in the solar system,” said Sanford. The type of comets that we send missions to are the ones that become “short period” comets because we will know when they will fly nearby, where other comets just appear and leave without the preconceived knowledge of it coming.
He then explained that comets are useful for collecting the raw materials that planets are made of since it is impossible to find the real rocks that first made earth because they have all long since been changed. According to Sandford, “comets are small bodies that preserve primitive materials.” But comets aren’t always good because they “have an annoying habit of running into things occasionally. If one of these hit the earth, you would have a very bad day,” said Sandford. On Jan. 2, 2004 NASA launched Stardust to collect pictures and raw samples of Comet Wild 2 (“Vilt” 2) to bring back to earth. It is scheduled to land Jan. 15, 2006, at the Utah Test and Training Ranges. Sanford explained that Stardust is not much bigger than a table, and while not the greatest looking piece of technology, holds many intricate details to gather information from outer space while traveling at the velocity of 6.1 kilometers per second. The camera is able to take pictures of the comet as it passes through streams of particles, by switching to various mirrors and facing the opposite way. By taking pictures backwards, the camera is able to grab details rather then be disintegrated in the storm of comet dust. The night concluded with the presenting of awards for the Art of the Comet contest that had two categories, one for high school and one for college. The high school first place winner was Chauncey Bateman. The second place college winner was Valerie Severn, and first place was MaryAnne Silva, both Ohlone students.
Students battered Continued from Page 1 The writer of this article was also assaulted by police on two occasions while attempting to cover the story for the Monitor. While observing a San Jose student being arrested, the reporter was hit in the head with a baton and pushed back to lose his balance. On another occasion, while riot police were pushing back the crowd, this reporter was attacked,
thrown to the ground, and assaulted with the officer’s baton. Eight students in total were arrested that night. All were minorites, who are alleging racial profiling by the San Jose Police, who are already facing allegation of profiling by the NAACP. Powell, who was paid $50,000 to speak as part of the college’s Celebrity Forum at De Anza’s Flint Theater, left early for security reasons.
Thanksgiving feast planned The ASOC will host a Thanksgiving feast Tuesday, Nov. 22, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Building 1. There will be free food for students and staff. The ASOC is also collecting canned food for the Tri-City Homeless Shelter. Call (510) 659-6063.
Speakers denounce ‘imperialism’ Continued from Page 1 enous movement] is a positive alternative to present global conditions.” When asked what extent the indigenous movement has on American soil, Choice responded, “It completely re-writes our understanding of history by returning it to the truth and enforces us to address injustices.” Noel Amherd, an Ohlone Anthropology instructor, spoke about how the Bush administration used laws and force to mold their version of terrorism onto the Ameri-
can public. Amherd sees this as a problem because law does not equal justice. “The law can never encompass justice, because law can always be reduced to its violent enforceability,” said Amherd. “American citizens share responsibility [of the causes of terrorism], due to our enforced consent, in our taxes used, the products we buy, the gas we put in our car; we cannot escape fully from [responsibility].” African American and Islamic activist, Amir Abdul-Malik said that a number of topics molded and
distorted the people’s perception of American politics. Abdul-Malik described the institution of western imperialism as a form of enslavement. Abdul-Malik said that Muslims would eventually win against western imperialism in the Middle East and domestically, even though the Muslims are out gunned and out-resourced. Two of the speakers, Choice and Abdul-Malik, also spoke at De Anza College before riots broke out resulting in the arrest of eight people, mostly students.
MONITOR November 17, 2005
A Point of View
Artist, Magi Amma, talks about sculpture
By Danelle Meyer Staff writer
How to be a journalist In my opinion being a journalist is unlike anything else It requires you to not be afraid of approaching people. It means that any prior phone phobias you may have had, you must get over. Being a journalist means that you can’t be intimidated by anyone, no matter how important or “hard to to handle” they may be. It means you must take the wrath of any wrong detail, and spend tons of time writing and rewriting your pieces. It means you can’t be afraid of the delete button, even if whole paragraphs have to be chopped out. In my opinion, being a journalist means you have to pretend to be interested in subjects that you don’t actually find interesting, and wear a smile no matter how difficult it may be. Being a journalist means that being nervous has to become a thing of the past. You have to be able to quickly bat down your shakes and do your thing. It also means that you have to not be afraid to keep going, and have the perseverance of a cat that wants attention. To be a journalist means that you can’t be afraid of hurting one party’s feelings if there’s negative feedback from somewhere else. It’s your duty to state the all the facts without saying what you want to say. You also have to be willing to attend an entire event and then some, no matter what else you could be doing, like homework. Being a journalist means that you can’t be afraid to carry a pen and notebook in public and write feverishly with people watching you nervously as they speak. Nor can you be discouraged by any odd looks you receive, or worry about the silence that trails while you write. A journalist requires that you can’t be worried about being alone. You can’t be afraid to be the only person sitting alone in a crowded area, or the only person standing oddly off to the side with a camera. In my opinion a journalist has all the opposites tugging at their personality, and is one of a kind: patient yet fast, calm yet crazy, outgoing yet shy, social yet not. A journalist has each intricate detail that may be needed from one moment to the next, and the ability to switch at the drop of a dime from kind to pushy. But hey, I’m a journalist. And that’s only my opinion.
Photo by Joyce Leung
Magi with one of the scuptures in her 'Chair' series By JESSICA LOSEE Staff writer The Louie Meager Art Gallery is now filled with warm and dark
browns, contrasting the bleachwhite walls of the plain art gallery are the works of Magi Amma, who spoke Wednesday in the Jackson Theater about her pieces for a
small group of art students and fans. When one enters the gallery, there is a sense of rust, antiquity and a semblance of nature coming from the pieces. Amma, who favors using mixed media in her sculptures, uses bones, dead frogs, old boxes and chairs, faded wood pieces and driftwood. Four spiders hang passively from Mary, looking like dainty little additions to the wood sculpture in the corner of the gallery. Amma presented a slideshow of photos of her works, beginning with a simple ceramic piece. “My first cup,” said Amma who began making pottery in college. “Once you make your own bowl, you’re reticent to use anyone else’s.” From her work in ceramics, Amma moved into sculpture and bronze casting, working with ball shapes and 3-D modeling. “I went through a lot of different phases,” admitted Amma, who has also worked with video, plaster and marble. Amma reuses many of her pieces to make new ones. One bronze piece is now used in her piece The Tower. “I very rarely buy stuff,” said Amma. “Most of it I find on the side of the road.” This is reflected in her piece, The Birdcage of Love, which features a birdcage with tiny white birds up in ribbons, pictures of a
wedding, a small white television and her own divorce papers. The television once played a three-hour long video of women talking about divorce. The artist has also worked with others to create a gallery of “twigs and plastic” for the stage of a dance performance, as well as a show with a conglomerate of female artists. Magi Amma is more than just an artist. She is an inspiration to single mothers who wish to contiue their lives after motherhood. She took care of her two daughters while in school, using welfare checks to pay tuition at times. Much of Amma’s work reflects her strong feelings about women. “I’m a feminist, that’s where all the goddesses come from,” said Amma, whose work feature women behind screens of fabric, hidden by dead butterflies and frogs, and caged. Amma feels she is now moving into making art that also has a message. Magi Amma's messages are not hidden and one can see its presence in the works featured at Ohlone’s art gallery. Magi Amma’s work from her “Chair Series” will be in the Louie Meager Art Gallery, located in the Smith Center until Nov. 22.
Monitor editors from yonder days of yore By MORGAN BRINLEE Staff writer Laura Casey, 28, wrote for the Monitor through the fall of 1995 to the fall of 1998. Currently Casey works as a writer for the Oakland Tribune covering the Oakland Hills. Casey has been with the Oakland Tribune for four years but due to decreasing circulation feels that it may be time for a change. While Casey feels she will always be a journalist she is currently studying law at St. Mary’s and is looking to transfer into the legal field. “I’ll be a writer for my entire life, whether it be for newspapers, internet blogs, or family Christmas letters,” Casey said. After leaving Ohlone in 1998 Casey went on to earn her B.A. in journalism at San Francisco State University. “I felt that Ohlone was a more valuable experience for me. Ohlone was a springboard to my career as a journalist. If I hadn’t gone to Ohlone I might not be a journalist,” Casey said. Her first experience in the newspaper industry came when she
interned at The Argus before moving on to work as a writer for the Hayward Daily Review while in school at S.F. State. A more recent journalist to leave the Monitor staff is Linda Stone, 50, who left the Monitor in the middle of the fall 2004 semester. Stone is currently working at the Tri-City Voice as Assistant Editor, though a promotion to Managing Editor is rumored to be in the works. 20 years ago while Stone was living in New Hampshire she wrote a column titled “As I See It” for The Northern Light. Although Stone left her column after only a year, she continued to hold a soft spot for writing. “I always recall writing with great fondness’ ... but I had to get over my fear of being in the public eye,” said Stone. Barry Shatzman, 47, used to work in the tech industry but decided in early December 2002 that he wanted a job with more opportunity. Shatzman enrolled for the spring 2003 semester at Ohlone and began to write for the Monitor in the fall 2003. Within weeks
Shatzman became news editor and the following semester took on the position of Editor in Chief. In February 2003 Shatzman began to do freelance work for The Argus and was soon hired full time. In September 2005, Shatzman left The Argus to start up his own local news service. “Writing for newspapers is great, but I began to see its limitation,” said Shatzman. The current city editor of The Argus, Rob Dennis, 38, wrote for The Monitor in the spring of 1998. After leaving Ohlone Dennis interned at The Argus before moving on to attend Berkeley University. While at Berkeley Dennis did various freelance articles for The Argus and after graduating in 2002 took the position of night city editor at The Argus. Dennis then went on to work for the Hayward Daily Review in May 2003. In September 2003 Dennis returned to The Argus and was promoted earlier in 2005 to city editor. The Argus is currently holding steady in their circulation numbers, though Dennis says he could never see himself leaving the industry even
if the numbers were to drop. “There is a lot going on right now in the industry that is worrisome for journalists. Newspapers are trying to react and find out what do readers want,” Dennis said. Working alongside Dennis is another Monitor editor, Steve Waterhouse. While at Ohlone from 1998-1999, Waterhouse worked as the sports editor of The Monitor, as well as doing correspondent work for The Argus. At the end of 2000 Waterhouse quit his job at a Sprint Distribution Center and began to work full time for The Argus. “I got fed up with the grunt work; I didn’t want to do it anymore. [Journalism] was more fun, more gratifying,” said Waterhouse. Currently, Waterhouse has been working as a sports writer at The Argus for 5 years. Although the newspaper industry is currently facing some scary scenarios it remains the old standby for information on current events. In the end the industry will undoubtedly get back up and through it all the Monitors editors and writers will be there.
FEATURES Two nights of fun By GABRIEL VILA Staff Writer
By JOYCE LEUNG Features Editor
Get your dancing shoes on boys and girls, because the Chops Big Band is coming to town! Showcasing the greatest songs of the swing and jazz era, this 18-piece big band will be playing at the Smith Center this Saturday. Nov. 19 at 8 p.m. The Chops Big Band plays a mix of classic big band music, in both old and new arrangements along with a vocalist who performs works from well-known performers, such as Frank Sinatra, Natalie Cole, and Harry Connick Jr. The band also plays a variety of songs from the ’60s, ’70s and ’80s in a variety of dance arrangements. “The band has a lot of fun out there,” said Director Ken Crowell. “And I think that’s part of the reason why the audience likes us, because they can see we’re having a good time.” The band started back in 1987 and was first led by the Music Department head Phil Zahorsky, who in turn turned it over to Crowell in 1991. Since then the band has played publicly and privately all over the Bay Area. The band has performed for Fremont and Newark, along with shows for Oracle and Johnson & Johnson, along with private family parties. The band has been a presence at Ohlone for years. It is now a tradition for the band to play twice a year, once in the fall and once in the spring. This year however, after their performance at the Smith Center’s 10th Anniversary Gala, they were asked back to play for a dance. Some of you may remember it, the long hours spent in the darkened room listening to classic hits and swinging with your dance partners. Hopefully, this event will capture that same feel. “It’s great to see people dancing out there,” said Crowell. “Swing is getting more and more popular, and it’s nice to have a dance instead of a show.” The band has always loved the Smith Center. “We started the band back before the Smith Center was around,” said Crowell. “And now that we have it, it really feels like it’s our home.”
Born out of village inns nearly two centuries ago, a fiery dance swept across Europe. Contrasting heavily with the genteel dances in fashion at the time, such as the waltz, the common people embraced these “dances of the tavern.” Now reinvented and infused with contemporary choreography, Csárdás storms into the Smith Center on Friday, Nov. 18 at 8 p.m. The “Tango of the East” is rooted in Hungary and spread to Austria, Croatia, Poland and Ukraine. As the dance traveled from province to province, it was adapted to regional tastes creating variants that would seem worlds apart. There is however one rather astonishing characteristic that ties these numerous variations together: improvisation. Improvisation is the foremost characteristic in performing the Csárdás. Dancers are encouraged to show off their individual style and ability. Performers improvise their furious dance steps to lighthearted Gypsy violins, culminating in a truly authentic and natural experience. Csárdás incorporates individual and couples dancing, with the male role dominating both parts. Partners often separate, teasing each other in solo performances that mimic mating rituals. During his solo, the male makes use of various rhythmic accompaniments such as finger snapping, clapping, stomping, heel clicking, and boot slapping. The women who are generally in circle or group formations. Intermingling an internationally renowned pianist and Hungarian tavern dancers, the Smith Center strives to commission performances that represent all areas of the fine arts: dance, music and theatre. “We want to offer a balance of performances that are entertaining and broadening,” said Walter Birkedahl, Dean of Division of Fine & Performing Arts. On explaining his choice to include Csárdás this season, Birkedahl explained, “We want people to be exposed to things people not be necessarily exposed to. We want them to be culturally enriching.”
Procrastinate much? By GABRIEL VILA Staff writer It’s official. You’re panicking. There’s no shame in the idea. You just put it off, didn’t you? You figured you had today, you had tomorrow, so what? You had forever to get your transfer applications in, why rush? Well now, with a scant two weeks left, is the time to rush. Nov. 30 is right around the corner, and to that end Diane Berkeland of the Counseling Department has teamed up with the Transfer and Career Services Department for their annual event: The Last Minute Transfer Application Workshop. The event will be held on the first floor of Hyman Hall Nov. 28-30. The counselors will be available Monday noon to 3 p.m., Tuesday 10 a.m. till 2 p.m. and Wednesday 1 to 4 p.m. After that, the curtain falls on UC and CSU applications. While some schools, some mind you, will keep the door open for a few more days, the majority will not. “It’s a good idea to get your application done as soon as possible,” said Berkeland. “If you wait for the last minute, the system will get clogged- it does every year.” There will be no timed lecture at the workshop. Rather, students are invited to come in at any time available, ask whatever questions they need to ask, and then fill out and turn in their applications online. “Just, you know, don’t come in five minutes before the end on Wednesday,” Berkeland said with a smile. Counselors, along with a representative from each the CSU and UC systems will be present to answer any questions or comments students have at the event. For any additional information, please see the Transfer and Career Services Department, or the Counseling Department on the first floor of Building 1.
November 17, 2005 MONITOR
Jessica Losee Staff writer
iPod Nation The iPod has become the new black for the fashion industry. Better than any other accessory, the sleekly styled iPod manages to play your favorite music, photos and video as well as make anyone who has one look “cool.” Already one can tell a person has an iPod just by looking at their headphones. If you have those spiffy little white Star Trek Enterprise-looking things in your ears, you’ve got the best status symbol of the day. Not only do people recognize it but brand names do too. Girls can now buy Coach and Gucci cases for your iPod. And guys you can buy the printable “tattoos” for your iPod and put anything from your favorite video game character to 50 Cent to Angelina Jolie in a bikini on your iPod. The iPod has even shrunk to Nano and the tinier Shuffle sizes, allowing a cheaper, smaller iPod experience. I must also add, these are tiny enough to be worn as necklaces, as advertised on their cool, black and white highlighter ads, or even as earrings! Hell, I know I’ve seen bigger and heavier hoops on JLo than the iPod Nano. With the iPod, gold and platinum jewelry seem to be obsolete now, when you can wear all your bling-bling on your mP3 player. In 2004, P. Diddy was showing off his Hewlett Packard iPod after the MTV Music Awards, it was encrusted with 120 diamonds. And some might think that the iPod Video is expensive, I’d like to see that jewelry appraisal. Now there is even clothing made specifically for iPod. Kenpo, a clothing company is now advertising their iPod Controllable Jacket, which comes in silver or black features a control panel with volume, play, pause, skip forward and backward fabric buttons. The jacket requires no batteries and is even machine washable and can be dry-cleaned. Compatible with both iPod and iPod minis, this stylish jacket retails for $275, but will not be shipped out until Nov. 28. Another retailer, Burton, makes a similar jacket, which costs approximately $375, but to wash, the iPod controller unit must be removed first. When purchasing one of these units, just remember not to leave your iPod in your pocket, and do not let your mom wash it without your knowing. I don’t think the warranty covers “accidental drowning.” However you use your iPod, or if you refuse to purchase one, just make sure to draw a line on the amount of money spent on accessorizing your music player because the fashion industry won’t. It is all too obvious that the iPod has become the 21st Century’s equivalent of the gogo boot and we should all be wary of its power.
November 17, 2005
November 17, 2005 MONITOR
Csárdás -- 8 p.m in The Smith Center. Lavish and emotional, Csárdás presents traditional and contemporary works of Hungarian Tango originating from the folk dance heritage of Hungary. Csárdás, /chär-däsh/ comes from the Hungarian word for a village inn or tavern where villagers gather to sing and dance. These “dances of the tavern” personify the passions and traditions of this colorful cultural heritage fused with modern dance innovations. Tickets are $25 for adults and $15 for students, and can be purchased at the box office or online at www.ohlone.edu.
29Campus Tour -- 2:30 to 3:30 p.m starting in the Lobby, Building 1.
able in the Bookstore. Smith Center Box Office is open Tuesday to Thursday from noon to 7 p.m. and Friday and Saturday from noon to 4 p.m.
Center. Bring your children and grandchildren to this wonderful holiday classic! And following the Sunday matinee, bring them to the Sugar Plum Party for refreshments, special holiday treats, and a chance to meet and have their pictures taken with the costumed dancers. Shows on the 2nd and 3rd will be held at 8 p.m. and the Sunday showing on the 4th will be at 2 p.m. Buy your tickets online at www.fremontsymphony.org.
You must contact the Testing Center at (510) 659-6126 for more information, or log onto Ohlone.edu. November 17, Thursday 1:00pm English / 2:30pm Math November 21, Monday 9:00am English / 10:30am Math November 28, Monday 6:00pm English / 7:30pm Math December 1, Thursday 9:00am English / 10:30am Math
19 Chops Big Band Fall 3 Community Chorale -Jazz Concert -- 8 p.m in The
December 2, Friday 1:00pm English / 2:30pm Math
Smith Center. Come dance to the great tunes of big band jazz. General seating is $10 for adults and $5 for children and seniors.
December 5, Monday 1:00pm English / 2:30pm Math
22Free and Anonymous
HIV Testing -- 11 a.m. to 2 p.m in The Student Health Center, Building 16. No appointments are necessary. We welcome all students, staff, and faculty. It is a completely free test done on a first come, first served basis. Results are ready in two weeks and can only be given to the tested individual in person (no phone calls). It is an anonymous testing, meaning we do not take your name down and nothing will be written in your medical chart. Testing is performed by a State of California Certified HIV/ AIDS Test Counselor.
22 Campus Tour -- 2:30 to 3:30 p.m starting in the Lobby, Building 1. The Ohlone College Student Ambassadors conduct campus tours every Tuesday. Tours will begin promptly and will last approximately one hour. Please make sure to wear comfortable shoes, as you will be doing quite a bit of walking!
24-27 No Classes --
At 8 p.m. in The Centerville Presbyterian Church in Fremont. The Community Chorale, directed by Darry Guzman, with special guests The Philippine Saringhimig Choir from San Francisco under the direction of George Hernandez will present a combined concert of “Holiday Delights” at Centerville Presbyterian Church in Fremont, located at 4360 Central Avenue. Buy tickets online or at the Smith Center Box Office.
CSU Applicatioin Workshops -Ohlone College students who plan on transferring Fall 2006 and are currently completing the CSU and UC applications, the deadline is quickly approaching! If you have questions or want to come and continue working on your applications, counselors and university representatives are available to help. Bring a copy of your academic history, UC personal statements on a disk or internet-based email account, and a print card with some extra cash. Workshops will be held Nov. 28 from noon to 3 p.m., Nov. 29 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and Nov. 30 from 1 to 4 p.m.
Free and Anonymous HIV Testing -- 11 a.m. to 2 p.m in The Student Health Center, Building 16. No appointments are necessary.
December 7, Wednesday 6:00pm English / 7:30pm Math December 8, Thursday 9:00am English / 10:30am Math December 12, Monday 1:00pm English / 2:30pm Math
College and Job Recruitment Days -- All Day. If the weather is nice, the recruiters will be outside in the Quad (between Buildings 1 and 5). Otherwise, the recruiters will be in the Cafeteria lobby (Building 5, Second Floor).
December 14, Wednesday 6:00pm English / 7:30pm Math
6 Ohlone Community
December 19, Monday 1:00pm English / 2:30pm Math
Center. Buy tickets online or at the Smith Center Box Office.
8-10 Winter Dance
Showcase -- At 8 p.m. in The Smith Center, NUMMI Theatre. Show on the 10th also runs at 2 p.m.
9-15Final Exams -- Fall 2005 Final Exam schedule can now be found online at www.Ohlone.edu.
Thanksgiving weekend.
28-30 Last-Minute UC/
December 6, Tuesday 9:00am English / 10:30am Math
December 13, Tuesday 9:00am English / 10:30am Math
Band -- At 8 p.m. in The Smith
ONGOING Ohlone College Bookstore November Sale. Discounts on supplies, accessories, apparel, books, and more. Library display cases available for students and staff. This week: Ohlone Students C.J. Jones and Corie Howell display art work including photographs and paintings. Flu shots: $15 for students, $20 for staff. Available until supply runs out in Building 16. Call for an appointment: (510) 659-6258. Gay Straight Alliance will meet every Tuesday in SC116 at 3 - 4 p.m. The Louie-Meager Art Gallery exhibits a show each month. From October 21 until November 22, Magi Amma's Chair Series will be on display. Spring 2006 schedules are avail-
The Monitor invites your comments. Letters should be 250 words or less, include your name and relationship to Ohlone. Letters become property of The Monitor and may be edited for spelling and length.
Students are Welcome to visit. Transfer & Career Services, Building 1 Room 1405A. Open Monday thru Thursday 9 to 12 a.m. & 1 to 3 p.m. Closed Fridays.
Spring 2006 Placement Tests Schedule
Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Ballet -- In The Smith
December 15, Thursday 1:00pm English / 2:30pm Math
December 20, Tuesday 9:00am English / 10:30am Math
$20-$24 per hour Fremont Tutors/ T e a c h e r s Part-time. All subjects. Certification or prior tutoring exp required. Flexible hours. Most tutoring sessions occur after school/ early evenings. Interviewing applicants who can tutor exclusively in Fremont area. Must speak fluent English. Call Amanda or Cari. ( 8 0 0 ) 4 3 4 - 2 5 8 2
IRRESISTIBLE One-bedroom apartments, some with yards, A/E, kitchen, ceiling fans, AC. With 12-month lease, we pay deposit. One-bedroom, $1,050, ground floor, with small yard. One-bedroom, $1,100, first floor, with large yard. One-bedroom, $895, second floor, with balcony. Pennsylvania Apartments 3600 Pennsylvania Ave. Fremont (510) 792-2328 pennsylvania@horizonnow.com
ASSISTANT/CLERK - Part-time, $10 per hour, in Fremont, CA. Mondays: 2 to 6:30 p.m.; Tuesday and Thursdays: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Wednesdays: 12:30 - 5 p.m. Good communication skills a must; takes initiative; eager to learn; good team player, reliable. Job description includes filing, typing, computer entry, sterilizing instruments, limited lab work, answering phones. #1566374 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR - Full-time, Experienced, in Fremont, CA. Candidates have proven success in managing long-term care/assisted living communities, or a background in hospitality management. A minimum of three years operations management experience, demonstrated success in census building, revenue generation, staff retention, customer satisfaction and fiscal management. We offer a competitive salary, great bonus program, and comprehensive benefits program including health, dental, life and vision insurance, short/long term disability, and 401k plan. Come join the best in the industry. #1566181 BARISTA/CASHIER - Part-time, $8 - $9 per hour + tips, in Fremont, CA. Both a.m. and p.m. shifts available. You must be outgoing, a people person, a team player, and reliable. The right candidates will have a blast & learn everything about the cool espresso business while earning good PT income. Job description includes making espresso based gourmet coffees, i.e. latte’s, mocha’s, cappuccino’s. Interact with clients at drive-thru; collect funds; keep location stocked and clean. #1567381 INSIDE SALES - Part-time, $10 per hour and above + incentives, in Fremont, CA. 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. You must have knowledge of computer operations. Candidates need to have ability to use Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel. Good communication skills in person and on phone a must. Prior experience in telesales is a plus. Excellent command over written and oral English is a must. Students Welcome. We are looking to hire aggressive Inside Sales people on a Full Time / Part Time basis. Job involves calling companies nationwide offering our services, timely follow ups, contact management, and reporting to Vice President. Incentives will be offered over and above the wages. Excellent position for people in Business Management area. Good potential for growth with a fast growing company. #1568483 ASSISTANT - Part-time, $8 - 12 per hour, in Fremont, CA. One - 3 hours per day, weekdays. You must be a responsible person, able to speak and understand English with computer skills such as Internet, emailing, word and excel. We are looking for a smart, intelligent person to work at this entrylevel position. This position requires making packages and mail labels, picking and dropping mail at post office. Office work includes checking phone messages, returning calls, faxing, photocopying, tracking packages on Internet and entering data into excel spreadsheet. If you have computer skills and are detail oriented, we are willing to train the right person. We are flexible about working hours and can work around your school schedule. Salary will go up once you learn what is needed. #1539380 SALES ENGINEER - Full-time, Entry level, $9 + commission, in Pleasanton, CA. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. You must have sales experience, customer service experience, phone sales. Musical instrument experience a plus. If you are someone who loves talking about the latest technology with people that share your passion, but are caught in what seems to be a dead end job where your skills and knowledge are seriously undervalued. Now might be the perfect time to change. Customer service and sales representative for musical instruments. Field incoming phone calls. Assist customer in placing orders for musical instruments field technical questions. #1569567 CUSTOMER SERVICE REP - Full-time, Entry level Training: $9 per hour, Starting: $10 - $12 per hour, in Fremont, CA. Saturday: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sunday: 9 a.m. - Noon. Must be computer literate and have excellent communication skills. Job tasks include setting up, servicing customers, answering questions, data entry, web site data entry and management, taking digital pictures of vehicles, and handling administrative tasks. #785393
Read the Monitor Online: http://ohlone.edu/org/monitor
Campus Events listings are free for collegerelated events. To have your event added or to place an ad, contact Corie Howell at (510) 396-4209 or email c.howell@comcast.net
Yankees rivalry could get any worse, but surprise, it just did. This past Monday, Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez was selected as this year’s American League MVP over Red Sox slugger David Ortiz. But if you ask me it should have been the other way around. Most of this past season, chants of, “MVP, MVP, MVP...” could be heard from Fenway Park and for good reasons. Ortiz had a .300 batting average with 47 home runs and 148 runs batted in. Yes, ARod did have better numbers in the departments of home runs (48) and batting average (.321), so what? Ortiz was perhaps the most clutch hitter all year long, while the A-Rod choked in crucial moments and had to be picked up by the rest of the pin-stripers. How could anyone stand out on a team with Jason Giambi, Randy Johnson, Hideki Matsui and Gary Sheffield, or as I like to refer to them as “store-bought” players? Ortiz does have a supporting cast, but they all aren’t superstars. With the exception of Manny Ramirez and Curt Schilling, the Sox have no other big superstar, making Ortiz’s work more valuable. Now the argument can be made that Ortiz is just a designated hitter, and that the MVP award should honor a player that excelled not only at the plate, but also on the field. Need I remind everyone that some of the best players in Major League Baseball were strictly men who could put the bat to the ball. Example number one, Paul Molitor. Throughout his career, Molitor often switch between third base and first base. However, towards the end of his stint in the Majors, Molitor was primarily a designated hitter. Now when it was time to call it quits, it was no doubt
Sacramento City College, who had just suffered a loss at the hands of Modesto Junior College. Sacramento dominated Ohlone, due in part of Ohlone’s lack of height on the court. Even though defeat was in the cold near future, Ohlone had two very noticeable faces in the crowd that tried to brighten up Epler Gym. Reverend Michael Wallace and wife Velma gave a warm reception to fans in the stands welcoming them to honor their son, Jonathan. An even more touching moment was during halftime when Velma Wallace shared a hug with Ohlone guard Sam Kim. Although they lost 71-54, Ohlone had three players that scored
dation for his teachings on and off the court. Ohlone was then moved down into the loser’s bracket where they faced Feather River Community College. The game was close all the way through but Ohlone pulled it out 59-57. The win pitted the Renegades against the College of Alameda, Sunday morning. Mistakes made in their previous games were lessons learned as Ohlone dominated in every aspect of the game. “ We learned to take care of the ball,” said Peterson. Rebounding was also a big improvement. Ohlone attacked the boards and without remorse for the
Photo by Nick Zambrano
Sam Kim defends against the Sacramento attack. Alameda defenders. Ohlone also visited the free-throw line 14 times, hitting 12 out of those 14 attempts. The Renegades opened up the second half with a 16-2 run and never looked back. Ohlone won 64-40. Stepping up once again in the leader role was Sam Kim. Kim, along with Renardo Bass had 14 points a piece.
Kim, Ohlone’s only returning player was hesitant at first to accept his new role as team leader. “It is a lot of responsibility, and I didn’t want to do it,” said the sophomore, “but now I don’t regret doing it.” The performance of Kim and the rest of the Ohlone squad is something that definitely had Jonathan smiling from up above.
Men’s Soccer looking to next year By SARA KWAN Staff writer When Ohlone Men’s Head Soccer coach Harold Whitmore was asked about improvements for Ohlone’s men’s soccer team in preparation for next season, Whitmore was quick to take the blame himself and said the coaching staff needed work as much as the players did. “They [the players] had a lot of heart,” said Whitmore. “We [the coaching staff] need to dis-
cuss how we can coach better for next season.” However, their 4-15 record didn’t reflect the real game situations. Many of the Renegades’ games have been close, and they even ended up with six ties. In particular, the Renegades had to play a game at Fresno, who was ranked third in the state. Ohlone was also at a disadvantage because of the shortage of players due to injuries. Fresno jumped out early on Ohlone and scored three goals,
but the Renegades never gave up. They fought back and scored one goal. They never quit and towards the end of the game, Fresno started getting frustrated at how the Renegades never gave up. After the game, Fresno’s coach went up to Coach Whitmore at the end of the game and complimented the Renegades for their performance. Many times, the Renegades would play without any subs, or in some cases, a few players would play while they had minor injuries.
Ohlone had a group of real team players, and after every game, no matter win or lose, they would hold their heads up high and be proud that they played through all 90 minutes. For next season, Coach Whitmore hopes to start recruiting more players and getting them ready to compete and play soccer at a college level. Anyone interested in trying out for next year's team can contact Coach Whitmore at (510) 659-6500 ext. 5120.
Alexander’s clock is ticking away in Seattle The final score By STEVEN CHAVEZ Correspondent
Shaun Alexander has been seeking a lucrative, long-term contract from the Seattle Seahawks for more than two years now, but his patience will soon be rewarded. On Sunday, Alexander became the first player in NFL history to score at least 15 touchdowns in five consecutive seasons. Collective Bargaining Agreement as it is says that the Seahawks are in their “last chance” season with
Alexander; after this year they will not be able to put the “franchise tag” on him, making him an outright free agent not under their control. They will not be able to give him “the average of the top five running backs in the league” and they will not get a first-round draft pick from any team successful in signing Alexander. In other words, Alexander will finally get what he deserves.