Monitor 2006-1-26

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Ohlone beats Chabot

Back from the war

Art teacher honored

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Fremont, California

Vol. XXXVI No. 2

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Ohlone to gain third China sister college By MORGAN BRINLEE Staff writer A delegation from the Shanghai College of Arts met with President Treadway on Monday for a tour of the Ohlone College campus. The college, which is located in the Shanghai region of China, is interested in creating an exchange program with Ohlone for multimedia, graphic arts, interior design, TV, radio, as well as computer arts. The Shanghai College of the Arts would be the third college from China that Ohlone would be linked with for an exchange program. “In China, it’s changing, but they organize their higher education system like the Soviet Union so there are colleges for each specific subject,” Treadway said.

Monday was Treadway’s first meeting with the delegation, though they were scheduled for a two day visit and returned to campus on Tuesday for another meeting with both Treadway Newark Center Dean Leta Stagnaro. The delegation was made up of three businessmen who are investors and coordinators of exchange relations for the Shanghai College. No agreement has been signed with the Shanghai College of the Arts, though Treadway anticipates sending an agreement back with the delegation for the college’s dean to sign. Stagnaro estimates the exchange program to be up and running by spring of 2007, though “fall of 2006 may be a possibility,” she said.

Yu Yi Jun, Leta Stagnaro, Dr. Douglas Treadway, Weimin Song, Derek Y. Xu, Dr. Nancy Mangold

ASOC hunts for capable senators with passable GPAs By GABRIEL VILA Staff writer

Jumoke Hill serenades the Ohlone campus.

Staff Photo

Jumoke voted off American Idol By JOYCE LEUNG Features editor The beauty of Fox’s American Idol is that contestants don’t necessarily have to win to become famous. William Hung’s infamous rendition of Ricky Martin’s “She Bangs” greatly prolonged his 15 minutes of fame and garnered a record deal. Even tone-deaf Idol hopefuls who are utterly in denial about their lack of talent get their moment in the spotlight. Imagine what could happen to a contestant who’s halfway decent? Ohlone student Jumoke Hill auditioned for Idol in San Francisco last August. Though he bested thousands of contestants during the first and second round of competition, Hill was not given the thumbs up to move onto Hollywood by Idol judges

Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul and Randy Jackson. “They said I had a nice tone but I was just ok,” said Hill who, in retrospect, wished he had shown more personality. Technically an Idol reject, Ohlone’s resident soloist considers his recent audition his personal best. An avid Idol watcher, Hill began auditioning for the show since its second season. Every year he would shake his head at trying again but as the competition date inched closer he ultimately gave in, “I can’t pass it up.” For those who disagree with the Idol judges’ verdict, fans can order Hill’s demo tape by sending him an email at Hill is also currently working on a CD and performs occasionally at Ohlone College and other Bay Area spots.

The ASOC has opened up the New Year in a flurry of activity and fresh appointments. In the end of the last semester, nearly the entirety of the Student Council, ranging in office from the President to the Legislative Representative all abandoned ship, in the face of personal problems and academic issues. With a fresh new Council, perhaps this semester can get to a better start. Regardless of good intention, there were minor problems regarding requirements for the Student Senate and Council.Namely, most of the members of the ASOC simply did not have high enough GPAs to hold office.

“It’s a shock we had to even go this route,” said Debbie Trigg, advisor to the council on the meeting this Tuesday. “The rest of campus views the ASOC as the ‘crème de la crème’ of Ohlone, but I’ve had a look at you - and you’re not.” With a flurry of emergency appointments, recommended by Trigg and fellow advisor Renee Gonzales, order was restored. Tristin Tilma will fill the post of President, with Bryan Roy as Vice President, Aisha Wahab as Secretary, Candice Kirk as Representative at Large, and Erick Sanchez as the new Legislative Representative. The council is searching for new Senators to bolster the ranks as well as replace those who were voted into office.

The requirements for such a position are minimal; students must maintain enrollment in at least six units worth of classes, maintain a minimum of a 2.25 GPA, possess a current Student ID card, and obtain at least 50 signatures on their petitions. For additional information, please contact Renee Gonzales, Campus Activities Student Services Assistant at rgonzales@ohlone. edu. Upcoming ASOC events at Ohlone include Club Days, one on Tuesday Jan. 31, another on Wednesday Feb. 1. They will be held in the Cafeteria from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wild 94.9 will be on campus Tuesday to provide music for the event.

Google upholds privacy By Frankie Addiego Staff writer Recently, the Justice Department has asked a number of Internet service providers and online search engines to hand over records on online queries from an undisclosed period of one week. According to, this is part of an effort to build a case that online pornography is too easy for minors to obtain. Privacy rights advocates argue that the government’s request is too intrusive. According to www., John Battelle, a technology expert, argues, “This

time, they’re not asking for personally identifying information. But this is just the first time we’ve heard of it...this is what’s known as the slippery slope.” So far, Microsoft, AOL, and Yahoo have all complied, handing over said queries and records of some one million internet sites. According to the Justice Department, the query information had no “additional personal identifying information.” Only Google, the industry leader, refused to hand over requested material. The government has filed a motion to compel Google to comply in a Federal District Court in San Jose.

The Mountain View based company has argued that “Google’s assenting to the request would suggest that it is willing to reveal information about those who use its services... this is not a perception Google can accept.” The national concern has flowed into the halls of Ohlone College. Some students and faculty are concerned over what the Justice Department’s acquisition of records will mean to them. Some have expressed concern over what would happen if, for example, a student were to type “Osama bin Laden” into a search engine. Continued on Page 3



monitor January 26, 2006

Associated Collegiate Press / National Scholastic Press Association All American 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Regional Pacemaker 1988 Journalism Association of Community Colleges First in General Excellence, Northern California Fall 1994 General Excellence Fall 2000 General Excellence Fall 2004

Editor in chief: News editor: Opinion editor: Features editors: Sports editor: Photo editor:

Jerome Engelberts Anna Nemchuk Omer Ahmed Krista Martinez, Joyce Leung Nick Zambrano Corie Howell

Investigative editor: Sean G. Crawford Staff writers: Maria Adame, Frank Addiego, Naomi Balagot, Rahul Batra, Morgan Brinlee, Wayne Chow, Sean Crawford, Thomas Hsu, Sheraz Khan, Tae Kim, Ira Lazo, Jessica Losee, Chris Marshall, Danele Meyer, Jason Montalvo, Chirag Patel, Erick Sanchez, Jenny Scholes, Ying Yam Ad Staff: Frank Addiego Photographers: Jerome Engelberts, Jessica Losee, Mo Mohtashimi, Rostislav Tsvetanov Ad manager: Corie Howell

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Hollywood's Gay Agenda Offends Conservatives By MORGAN BRINLEE Staff writer "Last night, Hollywood exposed its own corrupt agenda. [It] is no doubt out on a mission to homosexualise America," said Stephen Bennett, host of the right-wing radio show, Straight Talk Radio, referring to the controversial winners of the Golden Globes. This year's Golden Globe Awards have stirred up quite the controversy. Frankly, I don't get it. For those of you who had better things to do last Monday night, let me fill you in on why certain

religious groups feel Hollywood is out to turn you and me into raging homosexuals. One of the bigger winners of the night was Ang Lee's Brokeback Mountain. The controversial film explores the romantic relationship between two cowboys and took home awards for best dramatic picture, best director and best screenplay. Other controversial winners included Philip Seymour Hoffman, who was awarded best dramatic actor for his role as homosexual writer Truman Capote, and Felicity Huffman, who took home best dramatic actress for her role in Transamerica as a trans-

sexual father. From my point of view, it seemed as if Hollywood had finally decided to combat its falling admissions this year by producing quality movies. Movies that might make the audience think, rather than numbing them into a stupor. In the past Hollywood has loved pumping up gruesome horror flicks, gory action movies, films that degrade women. Now we are told films that inspires thought and challenge viewers to rethink their morals and thought patterns, such as Brokeback Mountain, are obviously complete trash. After witnessing this year's Golden Globes, I thought I

saw a light at the end of a tunnel. Apparently that light is still pretty far off and, for many Christian activists, representational of ethe fires of Hell soon to consume America once the film industry has its way. It seems that Hollywood may be open to expanding its mind. Unfortunately, Middle America may not be. While Christian groups are throwing the good book at Hollywood, Middle America is concerned that Hollywood's recent "anti-family" movies will make the wholesome and traditional family unit extinct. This is ironic because one of the best examples of a health family that I

have ever seen is my high school friend Eden and her lesbian mother. Families look different now; it's the twenty-first century and time that America's heartland accepted that. Whether Hollywood has a homosexual agenda is irrelevant, though I highly doubt they do. The real truth of the matter is that Hollywood is beginning to favor substance and content over profit. I for one tip my hat to the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, the organization that runs the Golden Globes, for recognizing movies with substance rather than typical Hollywood blockbusters filled with breasts and brawn.

Thanks From Organic Chemistry 112B's Students Anu Ganguly, Doug Treadway and Sarah Zenter: Thank you Dr. Doug Treadway and thank you Sarah Zentner, for showing your concern and commitment to us, the students of Organic Chemistry 112B. You have shown us that students do come first here at Ohlone. After a frustrating situation

regarding the cancellation of the afternoon laboratory section of Organic Chemistry 112B, a class some of us depended on and could not take elsewhere without great difficulty given the timeline of events and nature of the course, we were left with one choice only: to go to the President’s office, voice our concerns and plead our case. Six of us went to Dr. Treadway’s office Monday morning at 11:30 a.m. Several of us were apprehensive and nervous. What would hap-

pen? Would Dr. Treadway refuse to reopen the lab section for us? The most pressing question was: would he even listen to us? Would he let us tell our story so that a just decision could be made? Dr. Treadway did listen to us. He was very attentive, took notes on what the six of us said, and assured us that we would get an answer by 4 p.m. that day. He was kind, supportive and obviously trying to do the best he could to be fair and show the staff and students

his support. Sarah Zentner, the Executive Assistant to the President, was also extremely supportive. She treated us with a lot of respect and dignity. She helped us secure a time to meet with the President and offered her assurance that she would relay any messages we had for him swiftly and in a thorough manner. Without her support and goodwill, we would not have even got our foot in the door. We also want to express our

deepest gratitude to Anu Ganguly, our organic chemistry instructor, for supporting us and for trying hard to keep our class together. She worked with us to find a time where we could all make it, so an alternate timetable could be provided to the school administration. For her to go through such trouble, she obviously must have cared a great deal about each of us as her continuing students from last semester. The kindness, support and Continued on Page 3

Campus Comment > > > Brokeback Mountain winning a Golden Globe Award?

VANESSA ROGERS Communications “I heard it really wasn't that great. Even a little overrated.”

GAVIN KLUTT Undeclared “It's cool for those guys to win doing a movie like that.”

AMBER ARMSTRONG Communications “I wonder how it's affecting the South.”

LASITE LUKE Film “I think there are other worthy films that could have won.”

WILSON TRUONG Biotechnology “It's the same as any winning love story but with two guys.”


January 26, 2006 MONITOR


Ohlone hires Newark Mayor David Smith

By OMER AHMED Opinion editor

The major of Newark, David W. Smith, has started working as Ohlone’s new Executive Director of Asset and Enterprise Management Services. President Doug Treadway announced Smith’s hiring during the final fall semester board of trustees meeting on Dec 14, 2005. Address-

ing the board, Treadway said, “Dave Smith will be a strong leader for Ohlone in building our partnerships with business and industry in the Bay Area and attracting external funding resources to support continued excellence in our academic programs and facilities.” At a Learning College Task Force Meeting last Thursday, Smith explained, “My job is to secure major capital for the new Newark Center,

Google refuses to surrender records Continued from Page 1 For a few semesters now, Ohlone College has started requiring students to register and log in before using the Internet. This measure has helped insure that students, whether or not they’re 18 or over, do not use the facilities for pornography. It is probably not the case at this juncture that Ohlone has turned whatever records it may have over to the Justice Department or that it even keeps them on file. However, what students of this campus use the Internet and what they use it for is possibly a matter of record.

Be My Valentine art contest From Friday, Feb. 10 to Thursday, Feb. 28, the Valentine Art Show will return to the Louie Meager Art Gallery. Artworks from students, faculty and visitors are solicited and may be submitted until Feb. 7 to the Gallery by mail or drop-off. Works must be of a consistency to hang on the exhibit wall and cannot be larger than 18" by 24". Three "Best of Show" prizes will be awarded: for an artist under 18 years of age, one for over 18 years, and one for the most creative entry. There is no fee to enter. The juror will be Gallery Director Margaret Stainer.

work on the frontage development and anything else that Treadway tells me to”. The Newark Center for Health Sciences and Technology and the mixed-use frontage development that Smith will be working on are two of Ohlone’s largest construction projects. The Newark Center project’s budget has recently been raised due to increasing prices for construction materials and its date of completion has fallen a semester behind schedule. The frontage property development is still in the planning and negotiation stages but will eventually house commercial and retail space along Ohlone’s border with Mission Blvd.

Smith will concurrently oversee his duties as mayor of Newark and as an Ohlone executive. He holds the record in California for second longest time as a mayor, serving for more then 27 years and having been elected thirteen times in the enclave city. As mayor, Smith made a concerted effort to attract business to his city and has been answered by major corporations such as Sun Microsystems and Cargill Inc. Smith’s position has only recently been created due to Ohlone’s current construction plans and increased involvement with local businesses. He started at his new post on January 16, the day before spring semester instruction began.

Photo by Mo Mohtashimi Newark Mayor David Smith


monitor January 26, 2006

Technically Speaking By Chris Marshall Staff writer Technology has given us a lot in the past century, especially in terms of communication media. Prior to the twentieth century, the only two major media inventions were Johann Gutenberg's movable-type print and Guglielmo Marconi's radio. In the 100 or so years since the advent of radio, we have seen two other revolutionary media emerge into the mainstream -- television in the ‘40s and the Internet in the ‘80s. Now I believe we are about to see yet another revolutionary medium enter the public eye: video games. I would describe video games as an amalgam of many other major forms of media. Video games can have the character depth of a great novel, the musical score of a classic symphony, the artistic form of a famous painting and the visual splendor of modern movies, all on top of a unique attribute -- interactivity. There are two main reasons why I believe video games are emerging as a new major medium: people have begun to experiment with them and the always-present advertisements have started to penetrate the medium. Like the great surrealists of film, Buñuel, Cocteau and the more modern Lynch, people have begun to utilize video games to create truly artistic experiences. Recent games such as Rez, ICO and Shadow of the Colossus for the Playstation 2 lend themselves to awe-inspiring experiences which have to be seen to be believed. The experience I had playing Bad Milk for the computer -- a surreal adventure game -- was comparable to watching The Phantom of Liberty or Un Chien Andalou for the first time. One aspect of major media which seems to be unavoidable is advertising. Lately, especially in sports and racing games, players can notice subtle product placements all over the virtual playing fields and race tracks. For example, in the multiplatform Need for Speed Underground 2, players can notice Best Buy stores and billboards for Cingular Wireless dotting the environment. An even better example is the multi-platform game America’s Army, which is a game developed by the Army and is one giant recruitment ad wrapped in an interactive game. The trend of advertising affects all major forms of media, and for many is the primary source of funding, a group which I believe video games will soon join. Video games entering the realm of popular culture is a double-edged sword; on one hand they are becoming more accepted and therefore becoming a valid medium, however video games will now suffer the same problems as other major media. There will be an enormous amount of sub-par video games produced for every awe-inspiring one released.

Features Alternative to fast food coffee By Ira Lazo Staff writer It is a lazy Sunday afternoon. Norah Jones has been on repeat on your Ipod for the past hour as you drive helplessly in your car, searching for a comfortable equivalent of home...away from home. Like every other caffeine-addicted college student we strive to find the perfect cup of coffee. Though there has been an epidemic of Starbucks coffee shops appearing all over the Bay Area, and the plethora of macchiatos and frappuccinos do, in fact, jumpstart your engine in the morning, many feel that the franchise has instead become the fast food version of your morning coffee. Do you ever really stop to think about what you’re drinking? It was through a friend that I had first heard of Coupa Café, a little coffee shop squeezed between an art gallery and the old Cardinal Hotel in Palo Alto. However, don’t let the exterior fool you. Once you enter the café the crowd will take you aback, having jargons in inaudible conversations whilst hiding amongst the café’s nooks and crannies or burrowing themselves into their laptop. Seating is first come first serve of course, yet the best seats in the house are the ones closest to the only wood-burning fireplace in Palo Alto. There is a glistening glass case showcasing an array of delicacies prepared by the Coupa staff. I bet you’re honestly wondering

what kind of a name Coupa is. It was actually brilliantly concocted by the owner and creator of the café, Mrs. Nancy Coupal, who cleverly found a way to integrate an old French saying “coupe de vin” and her family’s last name into a hip and catchy title. After a brief interview, Coupal revealed that all the coffee products served are brewed from 100% pure Arabica beans, grown and harvested in Venezuela. Coffea Arabica, according to Wikipedia, is native to the country of Ethiopia and the best among the widely shipped selection of coffee beans and also contains less caffeine. Coupa Café is dedicated to the quality of their coffee and to their customers, which is evident as Coupal explained that there are many different subspecies of Arabica beans, and the climate and terrain in which the beans grow actually affect the flavor of the beans. She and her husband started creating their own blends of the Arabica coffee beans taking beans for example: from a coffee farm next to the ocean and possibly one from the mountains, they would combine the flavors together to create a blend that is distinctively bold, dark and only for Coupa. The Coupa serves all the familar café essentials, espresso, macchiato and hot chocolate, but also produces their own kind of drink such as the Café Milan, a cappuccino with hazelnut and caramel syrup. My favorite is the Coupa Frappe, which is iced cappuccino with Oreo cook-

Photo by Ira Lazo Patrons of the Coupa Cafe enjoying their various refreshments and the friendly atmosphere. ies and whipped cream. lege students as a quick-pick snack They also serve Italian sodas, that is both healthy and beautiful orangina and fruit smoothies for to look at. the non-caffeine population of the Yet when it all boils down to world. To go along with their cof- two choices: Starbucks or a famfee they also have delicious French ily owned café, it’s not always the pastries and desserts. coffee that draws us toward that When ordering desserts I would special place, it’s the atmosphere, personally suggest ordering the the environment and the general Chocolatine. It is made of chocolate home-like feel to the establishment. truffle torte with dark chocolate, The Coupa Café oozes with these biscuit and rum. If you’re not so feelings of warmth, not only because much of a dark chocolate fan, they of the fireplace, but also because of also have another dessert called the the people who work there who can Evasion, which has the same ingre- always be seen laughing or talking dients as the Chocolatine with milk to each other or the regulars whom chocolate instead. They have even they know so well. This is the main taken into consideration the many of reason why students are drawn to us who are trying to keep our New the café, because what is a home Year’s resolution of losing weight without good people, good food and by offering Granola bars with coffee good times. And sometimes being and white yogurt or fruit. The café thousands of miles away from home even serves crepes, which is very we can all use a good reminder every popular with the local Stanford col- once in a while.

James Keogh; back home safe By Danelle Meyer Staff writer After three months of training and twelve months in Afghanistan Ohlone’s Safety Officer II, James Keogh, safely returned home to California. Sent to bear the weather extremes, Keogh was deployed with the National Guard to help with Operation Enduring Freedom in Ghazni, Afghanistan. “Where I was based in Ghazni, it was about 8,000 feet in elevation on a flat plain and surrounded by gigantic mountains. During the summer it was dry and barren and during the winter we had about 8 feet of snow with temperatures at about -42 degrees,” said Keogh. During Keogh’s 12 months there he learned a great deal about what is really happening in Afghanistan and all that the United States has done to help. “I learned that despite what you see on the news, the majority of people there are grateful and happy to have us over there,” explained Keogh. “We have done a lot more than just look for the Taliban. We put up medical facilities, got running water into the villages, provided school supplies...all the local people I met from Afghanistan welcomed me with open arms.” Being stationed in Ghazni, Keogh partook in a variety of jobs. “I participated in routine combat patrols. I was on a security

Photo provided by James Keogh Keogh on one of his patrols through the deserts of Afghanistan during his deployment with the National Gaurd for Operation Enduring Freedom in Ghazni. the police academy Monday through team required to respond to un- Gulf,” said Keogh. To help keep Keogh’s spirit high Friday until March. I’m also back to usual incidents in our area. I also conducted site security for two while he was away for so long, working weekends at Ohlone.” “Although it was not fun being separate downed US choppers and many Ohlone staff members sent I helped supervise the local people him things to keep him reminded of away from home for 15 months, the people who cared back home. the experience was definitely worth that worked on our base.” But despite all the work Keogh “There were so many people that while. I was glad to do my part for had to do he was able to take in helped like Gwen Murphy, Safety our country. I also learned that we two tourist opportunities. “The Officer II, who gathered care pack- have it really good in the United first was when we were flying to ages from the Department,” said States and we should strive, as Americans, to not take that for Keogh. Afghanistan. “Also Sarah Zentner, Assistant granted,” said Keogh. “I just want We stopped in Germany to refuel and ended up having plane to the President, organized care to say that it is great to be back trouble. We were there for about packages from staff members to home pursuing my dream of being a week so we got to check out send to me. I kept semi-regular a peace officer and working back at email contact with Gwen and Sarah Ohlone...I appreciate all the support Germany.” “The second was, I believe, in and I know they both forwarded the entire Ohlone Community has August. I had a three-day pass to my emails to the campus com- shown me during my deployment. I could never forget all the wonderful Qatar, which is just off of Saudia munity.” Now that Keogh is back home he people who work here and the all Arabia and I rented a wave runner and took it out into the Persian has a full schedule ahead. “I’m in the students that attend.”

Features In honored memory of Sgt. Willey By Danelle Meyer Staff writer Born in Red Wing, MI on the Fourth of July, former Ohlone student Sgt. Cheyenne Willey showed strength and courage while fighting overseas. He served in the army from 1995 to 1999 and reenlisted after U.S troops began invading Iraq in 2004 to be part of the help to prevent future terrorist attacks. On Dec. 23, 2005, he died when an explosive device hit his vehicle in Baghdad, and was the third Fremont resident to give their life in the war. He was 36, leaving behind a loving family. Willey moved to Fremont when he was 18 with dreams of being a police officer, but chose to enlist in the army like many of his other

relatives before him. When news hit that Willey was killed the family delayed the funeral service and announcement in an attempt to keep picketers from the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka from attending and protesting the funeral. The funeral was held on Saturday, Jan. 7 at the Berge-Pappas-Smith Chapel of the Angels. Forunately,the Westboro protesters did not attend the funeral. Willey served in the military for ten years and volunteered to fight in Iraq for 6 months. “Willey went to Desert Storm, the first conflict and had been in the military for ten years with 5 months of service. He then went back for the current conflict in Iraq because he felt that he could help. That was the type of person he was,” said

Sergeant 1SG Rose Kirk who Willey worked for and who was the liaison of his funeral. Many people attended the service to pay tribute to Willey. “There were probably a good 250 people that attended including a lot of family and friends. A lot of military also came like Generals, Captains and Majors,” said Dan Smith, funeral director of Berge-Pappas-Smith Chapel. The funeral included speakers such as sister, Stacy Willey and friends Willey grew up with at home. There was a flag ceremony presentation to Willey’s mother and the presentation of military awards such including the Purple Heart. “His sister spoke of life lessons he always taught her. All the speakers were very heartfelt. What I gathered from the services is that he was a really special guy because of how

everyone spoke about him,” said Smith. “We made sure that everyone got seated and everything ran smoothly and stayed organized. I wanted to make sure the service went as smoothly as possible for the family and the military.” Everyone had a good outlook on Sgt. Willey and he will be missed. “He had a big heart, was very kind, loved children and loved what he was doing for the military,” explained Kirk. “He felt that with what he was doing he could make a difference. He also loved his family and his nieces. He volunteered to go, it was something he wanted to do because he felt it was something he could help with.” Sgt. Cheyenne Willey is survived by his sister Stacy Willey, stepfather Charles Miller and mother Patsy Miller.

Ex-editor ends Asian odyssey By Frankie Addiego Staff writer Last summer, Ohlone student and former Monitor opinion editor Olivia Speranza, 20, visited South Korea to study the Korean language and culture. There the Media Communications major tutored Korean students in English. “It was interesting to say the least,” she said. During the educational journey in South Korea, which lasted from Aug. 16 to Dec. 23 last year, Speranza said, “Korea introduced me to a new culture that I hadn’t yet been exposed to.” She said, “I was able to adapt to another was easier than I thought.” The trip had its ups and downs for Speranza. Tutoring Korean students and sharing a room with seven girls was at times trying. On the subject she said she had to “Just kind of making the best of everything just kind of overshadowed whatever disappointments I had.”

Photo by Aman Mehrzai Olivia Speranza (right) with fellow Monitor editor, Alisha Francisco, last summer before they both set out for South Korea. Her eating habits also changed drastically. “I put on six kilos,” said Speranza. As for whether she would ever return, Speranza said, “If I had the choice...I’d probably go to another country and just teach English.” She attributed this to the prospect of an English teacher earning

money and having better living conditions. After her stint at South Korea was over, Speranza went on an excursion to explore other parts of Asia, including Vietnam, China and Japan. The Ohlone student said she enjoyed these other nations. “Japan is just so advanced,” said

Speranza. “In Japan, my family was there.” Speranza compared this recent trip to Japan to a trip she took to the island nation years earlier. “This trip was different for me... it wasn’t like, ‘Oh, this is Tokyo. Let’s go shopping’”. “It was funny because even though Korea was the main reason I left the United States,” said Speranza. “My favorite was a toss up between Japan and Vietnam.” Speranza’s trip outside of Korea after her tutoring stretch was an impromptu decision. “While I was in Korea, I knew I wanted to travel anyway.” The Ohlone student said that there was a marathon that offered a computer as a prize, “so I entered the marathon and I won,” said Speranza. She then sold the computer for money she used to travel to other Oriental nations. “It was like a six-month excursion for me that changed the way I see myself,” said Speranza. “It’s kind of motivated me to travel more.”

Ohlone based band releases new album By Jessica Lossee Staff writer Issue Ten, a local band from Fremont, released their first album late last year. The band, all seven members, has been around for a while and by listening to their music you can tell how they established their own fan base. “In The Grey,” has the potential to make them more

than just “local band.” Guitarist, Daniel Murray and trumpet-player, Joshua Bellah who both attend Ohlone, describe their music as “rock with horns,” yet there is much more to it. The first thing to make an impression is the strong beat, with piercing vocals, carried on a wave of entrancing music. Once you start listening to the songs it’s hard to stop.

At first it is a struggle to understand lead singer and sax player, Jordan McMurray' words. Thankfully, lyrics to all 14 songs are listed. Looking at the back cover, the titles of the songs are a bit curious, but creative genius has no boundaries. The song “STD With Me” is quite catchy. Issue Ten is a unique band. They have a sound like nothing out there

right now, yet they manage to incorporate classically good rock music and blend it with a number of musical genres. This CD is highly likely to please anyone with a strong taste in rock, ska, alternative and perhaps even emo music. Information about the band and upcoming shows can be found at: or www.

January 26, 2006 monitor


Ferreting Around By Krista Martinez Features and Online Editor Not being the first paper of the semester, I don’t have much of a reason to welcome anyone to the new semester. Despite this failure of logic, I’m going to do it anyway. Welcome to the second issue of the Monitor for the spring semester of 2006. This is actually our first paper with our whole staff, the first being made with a very limited number of people who were involved in the paper last semester as well as this one. I could use this to make a great analogy about life in general only getting better, but, in the name of failed logic from the previous paragraph, I will refrain. A lot of changes are being made here at the Monitor. Hell, a lot of changes are going on all over the campus, a fact made obvious to anyone who walks through the quad on any sort of regular basis, which is, of course, everyone. Or should be everyone, if we, and by "we" I do not mean me, didn't walk on around campus looking at everything but not seeing anything. We, being the student body and staff as a whole, even have people coming into our campus to tell us how bad our interior decorating is. Well spent dollars from our tuition, I am sure. I, my self, am very fond of our campus. I tell myself each semester that I am here that it’s not that I’m too lazy to finish up my IGETC, I just like the campus here too much. Not all that farfetched, considering the view from up here in the Monitor in the top tower of building five. Olive groves, towering trees with outstretched branches and, of all things, a dominating clock tower. Give yourself a look around at the campus and learn to appreciate how picturesque it really is. Enough from me about the appearance of our school, which, we are pretty lucky to have. A new year, a new semester, a new age of . . . well, apathy, I suppose. How often do any of us, by “us” I mean anyone ages 17-32 (too old to be innocent and too young to want to change our ways), become honestly emoted about anything outside our little media immersed worlds? We watch, we play, we eat and we sleep without thought or care about anyone or anything outside of our direct influence. Whatever happened to helping out your fellow man? Or the idea that people are meant to live together in peace and harmony? A selfish and conceited generation we are, squandering our lives, our votes and our opinions on things such as who played a transexual in what movie or what B-rate movie actress is dating a pop star this week. We have better things to be doing; like reading community college newspaper columns written by angry, middle class, teenage girls who wish for something more from life than mediocrity and compromised morals


January 26, 2006


Instructor wins prizes for paintings By Inez Black Correspondent

In 2005, Jian “James” Wu, an adjunct professor in the Art Department of Ohlone College and the Academy of Art University San Francisco, won awards in five competitions and a contract with the County of Alameda. Wu’s oil painting “Summer at Niles” won the Best in Lighting and Color for the Best of America 2005 award in the National Oil and Acrylic Painters Society competition. Wu’s “The Dance” was awarded the Top 50 award for oil painting in the Salon International competition in San Antonio, Texas. In pastels, Wu’s portrait “Antony” won second place in the Pastel USA competition and will appear on the January 2006 cover of Pastel Journal along with a feature article on Wu. His portrait “Cow Boy” won the Clark Mitchell Award in the Pastel USA 2005 competition. His portrait, “The Old Man,” won the West Coast Award in the Pastel Journal’s 7th Annual Pastel 100 Competition. Each competition had approximately 1,000 entries. Wu was one of four Alameda County residents awarded contracts in the Competition Contract of the Alameda County Arts Program. Wu submitted 10 slides of contemporary landscape oil paintings, then, along with nine other artists made presentations with three original paintings. He will produce three or four paintings or murals of Alameda County, which will be temporarily displayed at the new detention center in San Leandro then placed on permanent display in County buildings. Wu is a graduate of Qing Hua University in Beijing, China where admission is limited to one applicant in 100,000. There were additional screenings for its College of Art, where the top 200 prospective art students took a four-day test, for four hours each day. Applicants were required to create a finished art project daily. The first day required drawing the image depicted on a plaster cast, the next a life model drawing, the third day a still life oil painting and, finally, a concept painting. Following graduation, Wu worked for the Art Institute in Beijing, China creating commissioned art for public buildings, including China’s 5 star hotels. Wu was initially an artist but was promoted to the Art Director of Mural Paintings and Sculpture. He also had shows at China’s National Art Exhibitions. Wu obtained his Master's of Fine Art at the Academy of Art University, where his primary emphasis was to learn the open western style of art and gain concept training. Neither was emphasized in China, as the government dictated the message. In his second semester of graduate school, he joined the Illustration and Fine Art Department as an instructor and was subsequently sponsored for U.S. citizenship. Wu cherishes what we frequently take for granted, stating proudly, “Artists [in the U.S.] can do freedom paintings. I can do painting any way I want to. They call this FREEDOM.” Wu indicated that although China has opened up in recent years, nothing that is controversial or opposing government policy is allowed in art. Wu’s work is displayed at Parkside Gallery in Carmel, Fairhouse Gallery in Sausalito, Gallery Color in San Francisco and on the Internet at

'Summer at Niles'

'The Dancer'

'Cow Boy'

Wu in a gallery

Campus Events JANUARY 26-28 Literally Dancing Auditions -- All interested students will have an opportunity to perform. The auditions are held to place each dancer in an appropriate dance(s) that best displays the student’s ability. Co-enrollment in a dance technique class is highly recommended. Tap: January 26 at 11 a.m. Modern: January 26 at 6 p.m. Hip Hop: January 27 at 2 p.m. Jazz: January 28 at 9 a.m. 27 Women’s Basketball -- 7 p.m. Versus Mission College at Ohlone. 28 Men’s Basketball -- 5 p.m. Versus Canada College at Ohlone. 30 Last Day to Drop and be Eligible for a Refund. 31 Anonymous and Free HIV Testing. In the Health Center, Building 16, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. every Tuesday. No appointment needed. 3 1 G a y /S t r a ig ht Alliance Club Meeting -- In the Smith Center, Room SC-116, from 3 to 4 p.m. A student club for gay/ straight/bi/or curious students who meet to talk, make friends and meet like-minded people. Meetings every Tuesday.

FEBRUARY 3 Last Day to Add a Semester Length Class. Requires instructor signature. 3 Woman in Love By Bliss Dance Company. In the Smith Center at 8 p.m. Ohlone’s resident contemporary modern dance company, debuts Woman In Love on the main stage in the Jackson Theatre. This show includes three acts, each of which, represents a different woman, in different circumstances, finding her way through the different stages of love. Buy tickets online or at the Smith Center Box Office. 5 Last Day to Drop a Semester-length Class Without a W Grade. 5 Fremont Symphony Orchestra Family Concert: Chinese New Year Celebration -- In the Smith Center at 2 p.m. Featuring the Firebird Youth Chinese Orchestra.Designed to introduce young concertgoers (ages 5 and up) to world music and dance, the three Family Concerts feature superb local artists in Sunday matinees for the whole family to enjoy. Buy tickets at http://www. 6 Instruction Begins for 15-week Classes. 6 Be My Valentine Art Competition -- Anyone can enter for free. There will be 3 prizes. The theme is Your Original Valentine.

Entries can be any media that is 2-D and can not be larger than 18 by 24". You must attach an entry form to the backside of the art. Forms are available at the gallery in the Smith Center or on posters around campus. 6 Applications Due for ASOC. Applications being accepted for the Spring 2006 semester. Pick up an application at the EOPS/ Campus Activities Office in Building 1. Due before p.m. Contact Renee Gonzales at (510) 659-7311 for more information. 7 Gay/Straight Alliance Club Meeting -- In the Smith Center, Room SC116, from 3 to 4 p.m. 7 Women's Softball -- 3 p.m. Versus Diablo Valley College at Ohlone. 8 Men’s Basketball -- 5 p.m. Versus Skyline College at Ohlone. 8 Women’s Basketball -- 7 p.m. Versus Monterey Peninsula College at Ohlone.

January 26, 2006 monitor

Irresistible! One bedroom apartments, some with yards, A/E, kitchen, ceiling fans, AC. With 12month lease we pay deposit. One-bedroom, $1050, ground floor with small yard. One-bedroom, $1000, first floor with large yard. Onebedroom, $895, second floor, with balcony. Pennsylvania Apartments. 3600 Pennsylvania Ave. Fremont. (510) 792-2328. Need an extra $36,000 a year in your spare time? Complete Vending Business for sale. Snickers, Hershey and Mars chocolate bars. 100 high traffic locations and displays. Total investment $5000. Hurry, limited territories. 1-800-853-7155 or S mith C enter is looking for a student enrolled in 6 or more units who is open Tue. to Fri. from 1 to 5 p.m. and available to work weekendnights. Contact Julie at 510-552-7148. Compensation is $7 per hour.

8 Literally Dancing Auditions -- All interested students will have an opportunity to perform. The auditions are held to place each dancer in an appropriate dance(s) that best displays the student’s ability. Co-enrollment in a dance technique class is highly recommended. Jazz: 6 p.m. Hip Hop: 8 p.m. 10 Women’s Basketball -- 7 p.m. Versus San Jose City College at Ohlone. 10-28 Be My Valentine Art Show -- The ever-popular Valentine show returns this year in the Louie-Meager Art Gallery. 11 Ohlone College Super Flea Market. Free admission, $2 per car for parking. Vendor spaces are $30. All

CLASSIFIEDS AIM FOR SUCCESS THIS SEMESTER! Credentialed teacher w/ 8 years’ experience (ESL, English, social studies) can help. ESL-type errors a specialty! Reasonable rates. Anu 510-796-6446. Certified driving instructor Special rates for students. Call or email me @ driving_instructor_june@ or (510) 290 4358 Be aware of all the NEW laws set forth for Teens. Make your appt. today! In search of bassist and lead guiarist to jam, perform, and write music with drummer and rhythm guitarist/vocalist. Experience a must. Located in San jose. Listen to samples at or Contact (408) 3915427. Int. design equip. kit for sale. Includes all items needed for an interior design class. All supplies were bought new and taken the best care of. For more information call (510) 770-8991.

Read the Monitor Online at

The Monitor invites your comments. Letters should be 250 words or less and include your name and relationship to Ohlone. Letters become property of The Monitor and may be edited for spelling and length. Campus Events listings are free for college-related events. To have your event added or to place an ad, contact Corie Howell at (510) 396-4209 or email


Thursday, January 26, 2006

Page 8

Renegades dominate rival Chabot at home By Rahul Batra Staff writer In college football, each game is very crucial. One loss can cost a team a shot at the national championship and lose ground in their conference standings. Much like Coast Conference North basketball, each game is also very crucial. One loss can even cost a team the season. It never really started off right for Chabot. While Ohlone was taking pregame warm-ups around 4:30 p.m., Chabot was nowhere to be found. Chabot, including myself, had thought the game was scheduled

for 7 p.m.. It showed it on their schedule, as well. Chabot didn’t arrive until after 5pm.When the game finally started at 5:30pm, Ohlone’s Sam Kim opened the game up with two free throw shots as part of technical foul penalty on Chabot for their late arrival. He made 1 of 2. The game was very intense. Both sides initiated full-court presses in the first half. Chabot looked good very early jumping to a 9-2 lead. However, strong offensive tactics shifted the momentum towards Ohlone, who orchestrated an impressive 26-7 run with just under four minutes remaining in the first half. At halftime, Ohlone had a

commanding lead of 36-28. Irvington alum Jermaine Smith was unstoppable underneath the hoop. He was also the team leader with 18 points. “We wanted to take care of the ball, and establish ball control,” said Ohlone Head Coach John Peterson. Ohlone established an impressive 14-0 run with three and a half minutes left in the game. With Chabot already at their foul limit, the game was pretty much in the hands of Ohlone. The final score was 78-59. Ohlone posts a record of 17-8, with a 2-1 conference record, with Chabot currently at 14-10 and a 1-2 conference record.

Women beat Hartnell, 96-38 By NAOMI BALAGOT Staff writer The Ohlone women’s basketball team started things off right last Thursday defeating Hartnell College in their conference season opener. The final score was 96-38. Overall, the Lady Renegades committed to an unforgiving defense, costing Hartnell many turnovers. During the first half, Ohlone demonstrated aggressive movement on the court and crashed the boards. Leading scorers within

the first half include Annika Biard, Jenna Nicholson and Alcha Strane all of Ohlone. At the end of the first half, the score was 55-19, in favor of Ohlone. Strane had 17 points, 10 rebounds, and 13 assists. Other outstanding performances included Nicholson scoring a game high of 18 points, with Laura Elliot adding 14 points, and Biard putting in 10. “Once you start getting to a certain point, you start getting excited,” Ohlone Head Coach Elizabeth Stanley said. “We were being real complacent on defense and picked

up the intensity and worked on defensive fundamentals.” Defeating Hartnell in the conference opener was important to Stanley and her squad, as they pursue the hopes of winning the conference title. “It’s important to establish the mindset and to focus on what we’re working towards,” said Stanley. “One play at a time, one game at a time. We have to really focus and be diligent in order to enjoy success. We have to handle our business.” The Lady Renegades take on Mission College Friday at 7 p.m.,

at Ohlone.

Photo by Mo Mohtashimi Ohlone guard Renardo Bass rolls past three Chabot defenders for the lay-up. Bass had 10 points in the victory.

Renegades softball ready to roll on 2006 season 2005 was a rather impressive year for head softball coach Donna Runyon and her elite softball squad. Last year, Runyon led her team to victory winning Coast Conference Championships and finishing the 2005 season with a record of 33-5-1 respectively. The success doesn’t stop here. Last year also meant winning the annual March Madness Tournament for the first time in 13 years and ending last year’s season with a career of 600 wins. Runyon was then inducted into the 600 Win Milestone Victory Club by the National Fast-

pitch Coaches Association. Other accomplishments include last year’s sophomore standouts Kristine Beristianos and Keri Macinsky attending Abilene Christian University and Eastern Kentucky University on athletic scholarships, while starting first baseman Missy Cross earned the Easton All-American award as a freshman last year. In 2006, things are sure to be looking better. This year, Runyon’s team is mainly comprised of freshman talent. They include Meredith Ang of Washington High School, Valerie Briones of San Leandro High School, Tiffany Chan of Castro Valley High School, Kristina DaSilva of San Ramon Valley High School, Ashley Gibbs of

Okay, before we get down to business, I’d like to say welcome to the second round of Swing Away, the sports column where no subject is taboo. Well except for things other than sports. A lot has happened over the break. We’ve got players other than Ron Artest jumping into the stands and football coaches getting fired minutes after a game. Then there was a certain center fielder going over to the dark side that pissed everyone off. And what about teams losing games on purpose for the rights to a certain USC running back? Drama, drama, drama, that is all that’s needed to be said. But lets stay close to home shall we? The biggest void the Oakland

Raiders have to fill this off-season is not how to get rid of Kerry Collins (I will explain how to do that later), but to fill the very desired (yeah right) position of head coach. The Raiders are the last team without a head coach and that could prove costly in the long run. How so, you ask? By waiting this long, the number of “willing” candidates has plummeted down to practically nobody. Eliminating all possible candidates will mean the Raiders could get a less-than-stellar coach. They had their shot at Al Saunders, but Al Davis thought it would be smart to keep him waiting so he would take a smaller paycheck. Now I’ll be blunt, I think the reason the Raiders have been like

By NAOMI BALAGOT Staff writer

Newark Memorial High School, Isabel Ramos of American High School, Jennifer Rapp who transferred from Chabot College, Jessica Soderholm and Raquel Torres both of James Logan High School, and Liz Wagner of Washington (S.F.) High School. With only five sophomores on the squad this year, Runyon believes that every sophomore is going to make an impact on the team. Primarily based on the experience they’ve gained from last year. Returning sophomores are: Maria Benavides, Missy Cross, Angelina Franceshini, Kendyl Lemp, Ashley Marra and Jackie Pappalardo. According to Runyon, freshmen

pitchers Tiffany Chan and Isabel Ramos will dominate the pitcher’s mound. “As they go, we go. I feel confident that they’ll step up within the level of play, and they’ve worked really hard.” Runyon said. “Pitching is motion. Not emotion.” This year, Runyon has selected three team captains who she believes will incorporate commitment and leadership skills, as Marra, Cross and Pappalardo will help Runyon lead her team to victory. “Missy’s (Cross) commitment to the game and her competitive leadership is why I chose her. I think Ashley is a committed student athlete, and she leads in the classroom, and on the field. Jackie

is my inspirational leader, and leads by example,” said Runyon. With a squad of 16 players, Runyon has her work cut out for her. Runyon predicts that the competition will come from San Mateo College and DeAnza College in the North Conference, and West Valley College and San Jose City College in the South Conference. As the season slowly approaches, Runyon and her team are ready to faces the challenges of the 45 game-season. The ultimate goal for Runyon and the Lady Renegades will be to go the Final Four State Championships. Ohlone’s first home game will be against Diablo Valley College on Thursday Feb. 7 at 3 p.m.

not want to be a puppet. Gruden was the best shot the Raiders had at winning a Super Bowl, and what does he do first season in Tampa? You don’t need me to tell you that answer. The Raiders will once again see a winning season as soon as they accomplish two simple tasks. Number 1: Get Al Davis to stay in the owner’s box and loosen his kung-fu grip on the coaching staff. If he does that, games will NOT be blacked out and fans won't hate him with so much passion. How do you do that? Refer to number 2. Number 2: Get a hard-nose head coach that will not be afraid to take the bull (in this case, Davis) by the horns and run this team the way it should be run. A name that has not

been tossed out there yet has been Mike Tice. Tice would be a perfect fit for the silver and black. While he was with Minnesota, he helped set many offensive team records with Randy Moss as his “go-to” guy. There’s another plus, he already knows how Moss works. He would have no problem getting him the ball again, something Turner couldn’t do. And most importantly, he is not afraid to get in your face, something the Raiders have not had in a head coach since Gruden was at the helm And as far as the Collins problem goes, I got two words that would solve this fiasco. Daunte Culpepper. Think about it.

Davis hurting Raiders in head coach hunt Swing Away By Nick Zambrano Sports editor a fish out of water the last couple of seasons is because of Davis himself. He has a bad reputation around the NFL for not letting his coaches have any say in such things as drafting players and play calling. Lets face it, he is looking for another puppet he can manipulate. That’s why Jon Gruden was shipped off to Tampa Bay, he did

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