– Page 5
ponders priority parking. – Page 3
Pottery comes to Ohlone Geography Instructor Ausaf Rahman points to the word ‘Langkawi,’ the Malasian archipelago from which he dug the clay to make this bowl. Rahman, like many other sellers at the campus pottery sale in front of the bookstore yesterday, collects all his own clay and fires the pots in his own kiln. Five ceramics classes will be offered in the Spring.
Photos by Eric Dorman
TechComm okays Tech Master Plan The Tech Committee (TechComm) approved a plan that would mean a variety of technological improvements to the college, including an increased campus wireless network, the purchase of optical scanning equipment and software and the elimination of manual entering of student information by Admissions and Records. President Doug Treadway, Vice President of Instruction Jim Wright and members of TechComm approved the Tech Master Plan after making minor changes at the TechComm meeting Nov. 20. It will be presented to the Faculty Senate on Dec. 5. The Tech Master Plan dictates that for 2007-’08, Ohlone should increase the number of faculty prepared to serve as technology mentors from 8 to 16 and conduct
basketball off to a hot start. – Page 8
Fremont, California
Vol. XXXVI No. 13
By Margarita Kitova Staff writer
workshops in technology; the goal is to train 35 full-and part-time faculty. The plan also aims to continue to pilot test technology-assisted active learning in college level and ESL and Basic Skills courses and increase the number of course sections that incorporate new learning technologies to 35 percent. The goals for Student Services and Planning for 2007-’08 are to eliminate manual entering, retrieving and distributing student records of assessment, counseling, transcripts and work experience. The college will also increase ready access to student educational planning records by counselors by at least 50 percent. Student educational planning data will be available to all counselors via the new information and reporting system through integration of several information transfer electronic databases. Continued on Page 3
college history.
Soda is detrimental to your health. – Page 2
November 29, 2007
Carli named interim Health Sciences dean By Andrew Cavette Staff writer Nursing Director Gale Carli will serve as the Interim Dean of Health Sciences while the college searches nationwide for a new, full-time dean. The College Board of Trustees approved Carli’s appointment on Nov. 15, and she will hold the position until May 2008. “I think this is going to be very challenging and very rewarding at the same time,” said Carli. “It’s a very opportune time since we [Health Sciences] are moving to the new campus . . . I am looking forward to the continuity of the move between here and there.” During her appointment as interim dean, Carli will continue to act as director of Ohlone’s nursing program. Ohlone has had a nursing program for 33 years and Carli said one of her objectives as interim dean will be “to make sure we maintain the excellence we’ve always had.” In the Spring of this year the previous Dean of Health Sciences, Sharlene Limon, retired after working for the college for more than 30 years. According to Carli and Vice President of Instruction Jim Wright, the administration conducted a search for a full-time replacement
last summer. Though some people interviewed for the position, no one was hired. Wright himself has been the acting Dean of Health Sciences for this semester. Wright said of Carli, “She indicated an interest in doing it, so we made the appointment and the board approved it. ” “ I ’ m glad she stepped forward,” said President Doug Treadway. “She’s an excellent Photo by Daniel Yuan choice.” Nursing DirecWhen tor Gale Carli asked whether she would consider becoming the full-time Dean of Health Sciences if the position were offered to her, Carli said it was too soon to know. She added, “This position is something that is new to me. I’m in the best of all worlds right now, because I get to try it out and see if I like it. I’m not going to discount the idea.” Ohlone will reopen the search for a new, full-time dean of Health Sciences in January 2008.
Speaker to explain deaf culture to the hearing at World Forum By Brian Chu Staff writer Renowned deaf culture speaker Dr. Roslyn Rosen will give a presentation on the international perspective of deaf society this Monday, Dec. 3. This will be the second World Forum of the semester. It will take place in the Jackson Theater from noon to 1 p.m., with a question and answer session afterward between 1 and 2 p.m. Rosen is the director of the National Center on Deafness at California State University Northridge. She has also served as an international officer for the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) and was their representative to the United Nations. Rosen will address points such as human and language rights, as well as a global view on deaf culture and issues relating to world deaf culture. Rosen has served for 33 years at Gallaudet University, located in Washington, D.C., a university in which all programs and services are tailored specifically for deaf and hard-of-hearing students. During her career at Gallaudet, she served as a full-tenured professor and retired while holding the title of vice president of academic affairs. She was awarded an International Cross by the WFD.
“Non-deaf people tend to think that American Sign language is a universal language, that it’s the same all over the world,” said ASL instructor Sandra Ammons. However, she explained that this is not the case, as each country has its own form of sign language. The way deaf citizens sign in Russia, the United Kingdom, Italy and China are all different. For example, in Australia one finger spells words with two hands, and in America, you only use one, noted Ammons. Ohlone hosts a large number of deaf students from other countries. Coming to America for schooling, they have to adapt their already developed form of communication even further. “Non-deaf people also tend to think of being deaf as a medical problem. They think that deaf people are socially isolated. This isn’t true; deaf people are actually a whole culture with a full language,” said Ammons. Ammons also noted that America imposes far fewer rights restrictions and educational qualifications. For example, in China, deaf people are not allowed to drive; in America, as long as the person can read the road signs and obey traffic signals, they can qualify for a license even if they are deaf. Also, in many other countries, deaf people are required to be able to learn how to read lips as part of their education, while there is no such requirement in America.
monitor November 29, 2007
Associated Collegiate Press / National Scholastic Press Association All American 1984 1987 1990
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Editor in chief: Anna Nemchuk News editor: Eric Dorman Opinion editor: Michael Aburas Features editor: Emily Burkett Sports editor: Tomas Ortega, Jeff Weisinger Photo editor: Dan Yuan Online editor: Matthew So Staff writers: Vanessa Baumann, Inez Black, Andrew Cavette, Brian Chu, Barry Kearns, Margarita Kitova, Elise Leon, Jerome Nepacena, Lila Salinas, Kathy Sung. Graphics staff: Nick Bakovic Photo staff: Jack Husting Ad manager: Danelle Meyer Adviser: Bill Parks Printer: F-P Press Please recycle the Monitor
Offices are located in Room 5310 on campus, 43600 Mission Blvd., Fremont 945395884. Call (510) 659-6075. Fax: (510) 659-6076. E-mail: monitor@ohlone.cc.ca.us Opinions expressed in the Monitor are those of the respective authors and are not necessarily those of the staff, the college or the Associated Students of Ohlone College. Unsigned editorials reflect the majority view of staff members. Advertising material is printed herein for informational purposes and is not to be construed as an expression of endorsement or verification of such commercial ventures by the staff or college. The Monitor is funded by the district, by the Associated Students of Ohlone College, and through advertising revenue. The Monitor is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press, Journalism Association of Community Colleges, Community College Journalism Association, California Newspaper Publishers Association, College Media Advisers and Society of Newspaper Design.
Soda pop is harmful to your children and health By Insiya ginwala Staff writer Although many people have already discussed this subject, I believe that it is important enough to bring up yet again. You shouldn’t drink soft drinks regularly, as they contain an awful lot of caffeine and sugar, which can actually leave you addicted. Consumption of carbonated drinks is very harmful to your health. It’s hard for me to see the condition of people adversely affected by the regular consumption of soda
while knowing that in order to feel better, all they have to do is substitute soft drinks with more nutritious drinks like fresh juices and broths, water and even tea or coffee which, though generally still full of caffeine, at least cut out the sugar. I think the worst thing of all is to see kids addicted to soft drinks become the victims of obesity and calcium deficiency at such a young age. In India, for example, schools are not allowed to have vending machines. The Indian goverment is very
concerned about the health of young students. And recently, realizing the harmful effects of soda, the U.S. government has announced certain measures intended to limit the consumption of soft drinks in schools. Much research has been done on the harmful effects of soda, which include cancer, dental erosion, increased obesity and osteoporosis in women. Additionally, exposing teeth to sodas for even short amounts of time leads to dental erosion and eventual enamel loss, according to the Janu-
ary/February Academy of General Dentistry’s (AGD) peer-reviewed journal, General Dentistry. Another problem is that people often assume that sugar is the only problem with soft drinks and consume large quanities of diet sodas instead. But those versions contain phosphoric and citric acids, also big contributors to tooth decay. Ohlone College also plans to take measures to limit the consumption of soft drinks. According to Health Educator Sang Trieu, who works for the Student Health Care Development
Center at Ohlone, “I think there are two big things Ohlone can do to increase the awareness of the nutritional content, or lack thereof, of soft drinks: by making it visible, and, second, by offering healthier alternatives.” The latter strategy can bear fruit in many forms, including placing a vending machine that would include water and other beverages with a lower sugar content next to the soda machine. This would help promote a healthier lifestyle for students and, hopefully, keep some of us away from the dentist’s office.
Our society is too consumed with copulation By elise leon Staff writer Why is our society so obsessed with sex? We see it everywhere: from magazine articles in all major magazines to almost every television show. There’s one show that’s particularly atrocious called “A shot at love with Tila Tequila.” First of all, who is Tila Tequila?
Oh yes, a person who is only popular on MySpace due to her raunchy pictures and tacky lyrics about, shall we guess - sex. Some might say that watching her show to see which female or male contestant will have a shot at love with the aforementioned Tila is very entertaining. But we all know that these reality show relationships never work. Two months to fall in love with someone is generally impossible. It’s no wonder the majority of the
male population nowadays only cares about one thing. Even shows that have nothing to do with it always have to involve sex in one way or another. For instance, the show “Boston Legal” is about big-shot, successful attorneys. However, they’re always shown hooking up with random characters and this, unfortunately, keeps ratings up. Or what about the show, “Desperate Housewives”? It seems to be deteriorating at a fast pace.
The show’s beginning premise was unfaithful spouses; now it’s more like musical sex partners. How sad that this is considered entertainment. The days of “I Love Lucy” are long gone, but I still believe that it’s sometimes better to leave some things to the imagination. Yes, the times have changed, but maybe this is also why divorce rates are up. I feel that due to what is shown on television and in magazines, sex
is presented as the most important thing in a relationship, which may be why so many relationships fail these days. Whatever happened to loyalty, commitment and, most importantly, love? By focusing on sex without also showing love, the media today impresses on young people that sex is not a big deal, when it really is. So much so that it should be shared with someone you really care about, instead of just a hook-up.
Campus Comment > > >
What is more valuable, time or money?
billy ho Undeclared “Time, because you need time to make money.”
Rob kossayian English “Money, because I’m turning in my time sheet.”
tatyana hamady Business Marketing “I think time is more valuable than money.”
evan grant
joel kirk
Liberal Arts
“Time, there never seems to be enough.”
“They both kind of go hand and hand.”
November 29, 2007 MONITOR
Treadway spends vacation in Egypt By Andrew Cavette Staff writer President Doug Treadway and his wife Carole vacationed in Egypt, periodically under the protection of armed guards, from Oct. 19 to Nov. 3. During their two-week visit they stayed in a number of places, including the major urban center, Cairo, and the small, southern city of Aswan. They also visited Luxor, often called the world’s largest open-air museum. They spent half of the trip on a bus tour and half on a small cruise floating down the Nile River. Treadway said he loved it. Though he enjoyed the trip overall, Treadway did think Cairo was “too urban and too crazy [in terms of traffic]... and way overpopulated.” Treadway said he was keenly aware that, in today’s Egypt, there are places Americans cannot go. His group did not go
into the central part of the country for safety reasons. American tour groups now often have guards, called Tourist Police, which are provided by the Egyptian government. “There were 16 of us in the group and everywhere we went, we had armed guards,” said Treadway. He learned “there are a lot of refugees from the Sudan, Iraq, Afghanistan and there’s no place for them.” He said some of the refugees were “camped out on the tombs... They don’t have any support [system]. That was kind of disturbing to experience first-hand.” The visit, of course, was not all doom, gloom and guntoting guards. Treadway said he sometimes went out jogging and often talked with the local people. He highly enjoyed the city of Luxor. His group saw the Luxor temple, had breakfast on a farm, visited an orphanage and a school. “We got a lot more sense of the country than just the pyramids and the tombs. It’s lovely.”
Photo courtesy Doug Treadway
President Doug Treadway and wife Carole pose before the Pyramids and Sphinx of Giza during their trip to Egypt.
College to see many technological upgrades Continued from Page 1 Ohlone will also purchase optical scanning equipment and software, and pilot test an optical scanning system for student assessment and educational plans. The college will design and test computerized skills assessments and evaluate an online appointment system, called eSARS, for counseling. For 2008-’09, the Tech Master Plan aims to digitize library resources, VHS videos and audio cassettes with captioning and ex-
plore the possibilities of making digital content available off-campus. The Fremont campus wireless network will expand to include all classrooms. TechComm will also encourage all full time and adjunct faculty to incorporate new learning technologies into their classes by fall 2010. Some of the goals for 2009-’10 include increasing the number of students enrolled for 6.5 or more credits who have electronic Web-based education plans to 100
percent. By 2010, Ohlone should also be able to provide specialized technical support and training for the Innovation and Technology Center, “Experimental Classrooms” and SMART classrooms. 10 to 20 IT student interns will be selected to support the technology needs. Ohlone Web Designer Cheryl Lambert and TechComm Co-chairs Jeff O’Connell and Lesley Buehler met with Vice President of Business Services Mike Calegari on Nov. 1 to express their concerns about the
state of the web servers and the potential for problems in the future. Lambert also spoke concerning the fact that she was hosting parts of the Ohlone page on her own personal server. According to Calegari, the district will pay to have what is currently on her web server hosted somewhere else, but most of the concerns need to be held off until the IT management situation is resolved. Based on faculty feedback, Ohlone will be ordering a mix of
HP Laptops and Tablet PCs for faculty at Newark and Fremont. Additionally, they will also be ordering laptops for the classrooms and labs at Newark. It has been discovered that there are 57 leased Gateway computers in the warehouse and they have been there for almost a year without anyone using them. TechComm members were worried about what is going to happen to these computers and O’Connell said that most likely the issue will come up at the next dean’s meeting.
By Barry Kearns Staff writer
parking committee chair, Shams Mawlavizada, who was chosen for the position the week before. Mawlavizada announced that the committee had gone to Lot N and selected the 20 spaces they wanted. During committee reports, Sen. Stacy Jones said that she was trying to recruit the services of the company Organics to take over the cafeteria. According to Jones, Ohlone would be one of the first campuses in Northern California to use the company. The Life Club also made a money request to the ASOC for the sum of $255 so that they could screen the documentary “The 11th Hour,” a film discussing the current state of the environment. As far as the action items, the ASOC made their decision on the caps and gowns based on the models presented last week. The ASOC chose black caps and gowns for
graduating students to wear. Carpool and efficient car parking privileges were also discussed by the ASOC where there was some
debate about how the veracity of carpools could be enforced. The proposal would give students with efficient cars a discount on parking
passes and carpools preferential parking spots. The ASOC will wait on further information before coming to a decision on the matter.
ASOC discusses priority parking, graduation
The Associated Students of Ohlone College (ASOC) filled open positions and discussed the future of Lot N and environmentally friendly parking incentives at their meeting Tuesday. ASOC President Tatyana Hamady asked for volunteers to fill the role of ASOC secretary, a position that was temporarily filled by Treasurer Kevin Feliciano. Senator Sareeta Patel volunteered for the position and was awarded it. The ASOC appointed Tatyana Hamady and Alexander Samuel Rhone Jr. to join the committee to search for the next college president. After a roll-call vote, Zuhal Bahaduri was selected as the new ASOC Representative at Large, and both Bahaduri and Patel were sworn into their new positions. A report was made by the
Seminar will focus on polar bear plight By Kathy Sung Staff writer Conservation Biologist Juliet Hoffman with speak on the declining health of the world’s polar bear population at this Friday’s Brown Bag Seminar from 1 to 2 p.m. in Room 3201. According to Hoffman’s website, www.icebearnorth.com, “The average condition of adult male and female as well as that of independent cubs has declined significantly in the western Hudson Bay area.” Her lecture will discuss some causes of the decline in the polar bear population. Some ways to save these bears are things we can do every day to save the planet. People can prevent global warming and destruction of the planet just by recycling, carpooling or walking short distances. The talk will include an argument using scientific evidence that global warming issues are real. Hoffman will explain how CO2 traps the world’s heat, raising the global temperature and melting the ice that polar bears depend on.
monitor November 29, 2007
Political Maverick By Emily Burkett Features editor
Dirty, stolen signatures Day after day, you’ll find them lurking in the Quad or along that long stretch of stairs leading up to Building 1. Armed with their clipboards and cheap pens, they hover, circle and pounce. “Will you sign my petition?” they demand, stuffing the clipboard and its sheaf of papers under your nose. No mention of the intent of the petition nor anything pertaining to their reason for so enthusiastically providing you with paper cuts. They’ve heard the no’s and I’m-too-busy’s, but still they persist. And you would, too, for $2 a signature. The initiative and referendum process has been part of the California political system since the early twentieth century and since then an almost innumerable number of constitutional amendments have been passed. While direct democracy has questionable implications (to say the least), the shameless profiteering of these petition holders destroys the democratic ideals that the initiative and referendum process claims to uphold. Instead of empowering the people, direct democracy has empowered the powerful. The process was implemented to bring government back to the people and reimbue the voice of the people with its just power. However, today, the government goes to the highest bidder even under direct democracy. The most persistant signature seekers are the highest paid and because they operate on a per-signature salary, the stakes are only raised higher to get your name on their paper. Don’t let their earnest advocacy of political participation fool you; they’re paid and paid well. Sadly, while the exploitation of the initiative and referendum process does increase participation, the majority of these petitioners have very little working knowledge of the proposition they are advocating. Case law such as Kelo v. New London (2005) have no meaning to these signature seekers as they passionately enlighten you on the terrible consequences of eminent domain. The fact that the Supreme Court ruled eminent domain for the purposes of economic prosperity constitutional is unimportant when you’re after signatures to limit the power of the government. It’s sad to see a system with such good intentions fall prey to the machinations of money moguls as they shamelessly purchase their government. Direct democracy was implemented to give the government back to the people. Today, we see the shameless exploitation of this system to the detriment of our society and our government.
Features Business Club hosts seminar By Inez Black Staff writer What would it take for you to give up your lattes, bottled water and fast food? Would retiring a multi-millionaire tempt you? You don’t have to make a lot of money to become rich. The Nov. 27 seminar of the Ohlone Business Club was based on the best-selling book, The Automatic Millionaire by David Bach. Sasha Josephs, c l u b president, a n d To u calit Benton summarized key points of the book and answered questions. An example presented from the book was a couple with an average annual income of $50,000 who put two children through college, yet was able to retire at 58 with $2 m i l lion in assets. Josephs summarized troubling facts presented by Bach, including that the average person has less than $25,000 in savings and that one person in five has no savings (60 million people). Josephs stated, “Why does this happen? People are living a champagne lifestyle on a minimum wage
budget.” Benton worked in the financial services industry for 15 years, specifically with the San Francisco Federal Reserve, Bear, Stearns & Co., Inc. and Consumer Credit Counseling of San Francisco. Benton stated that most people in their twenties don’t take advantage of their biggest asset – time. He stated, “No matter your age, the biggest asset you have is time – 5
years, 10 years, 20 years and 30 years. This is the key element.” Einstein said that compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. At nine percent, interest compounded annually, $10,000 in 50 years grows to $132,676.78. Guidelines to becoming The Automatic Millionaire were discussed by Benton and Josephs. Some issues seem small, but they are key strategies for success. Look at the small amounts of money you spend daily, Josephs
Ohlone embraces new political clubs By Andrew Cavette Staff writer With an election year fast approaching, Ohlone now has three brand-new, politically minded clubs for students to join. The Ohlone College Republicans, Ohlone College Democrats and the all-inclusive Political Awareness Club were approved earlier this month. In today’s politically tense, partisan world, the formation of these clubs may seem like yet another attempt to isolate people into smaller and smaller niches, but each of the three clubs hopes to accomplish roughly the same goal. They all want to make students conscious of the issues that effect their lives and get them to be more active in the political world around them. According to the club’s application, the Ohlone College Republicans want to enlighten students about the characteristics of the Republican Party and establish an environment on campus where students with similar interests can meet. The club, which was established on Nov. 20, also wants to provide students with more opportunity to become politically active in the community. David Taube is the president of the club and John Kenney is the adviser. For more information e-mail Taube at: davidtaube@gmail.com. Similarly, the Ohlone College Democrats, established on Nov. 13, will promote the ideas of the Democratic Party and encourage students to become more politically
active. The club wants to provide arenas to discuss the current issues in American politics regarding international relations. Some of the activities the club plans to sponsor include: grassroots campaigning, voter registration and as hosting debates. Alex Hilke is the president of the club and Dr. Alan Kirshner is the adviser. For more information email Kirshner at: akirshner@ ohlone.edu. The Political Awareness Club is designed to promote political awareness on campus and provide information on many candidates regardless of political party. The club hopes to host several open forums with candidates from different parties and arrange student meetings with local representatives. Gurlene Kocher is the president of the club and Shirin Maskatia is the adviser. For more information email: smaskatia@ohlone.edu or call Ex. 7437. For information on how to form a new club at Ohlone, contact Renee Gonzales at (510) 659-7311.
urged. One or two bottles of water at a $1-$1.50 each, a latte at $2, $3 or $4, and fast food, including multiple items on the “dollar menu,” can add up. Throw out budgets where you make a decision each month whether or not to save. Pay yourself first. Start by saving three percent of each paycheck. (If you think this is a lot, then consider what percent of your income you are paying for lattes, bottled water, fast food, etc. If you don’t know, then keep track for a month.) Set a goal to increase the percent you save as your wealth increases. The book also encourages readers to start with a basic savings account with a goal of accumulating the equivalent of six months’ salary. Josephs ended stating, “These are the important concepts. You don’t have to make a lot of money to be
rich, but you do have to save a lot of money to be rich. “You don’t have to be your own boss to be rich. By using the Latte Factor, and watching your spending habits, you can build a fortune on a few dollars a day. The rich get rich because they pay themselves first.” Attendee Wing Lam, psychology major, stated, “I don’t know anything about financial matters, so I am here to have a better understanding. I thought that the Latte Factor was important as it saves you a couple bucks each day.” Business Club Secretary and attendee, Jaimee Munson, said, “I personally have never been that financially aware. My mother has taken care of it. I have a savings account, but that is the extent of it. I have definitely heard of retirement plans, but I really didn’t think about it as I’m in college. Ideally, that is when I should start and I have a better understanding now.” “I work at Starbucks,” Munson continued. “And they offer a lot of the different plans discussed today. I have really never taken advantage of their payroll deduction plans and I plan to do that.”
Midnight magazine to be released Dec. 5 The Midnight magazine staff is about to release the Fall semester issue of their magazine on Dec. 5. The staff will distribute magazines from a table in the Quad at noon. There will be no charge for this semester’s issue. And as if that weren’t enough, the magazine release will also include free food and a D.J. The magazine was designed to place an emphasis on culture and the arts, thus the magazine’s authors have filled the latest issue with reviews of food, music, fashion and urban legends such as Sunol’s White Witch. This is the second edition since the magazine was revived last semester.
November 29, 2007 monitor
Features Art exhibit explores Ohlone history
The Louie Meager Art Gallery in the Smith Center has opened a new exhibit which features documents and photographs retrieved from Ohlone archives. The exhibit is meant to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the opening of the Ohlone College.
By Inez Black Staff writer Since January 2006, founding faculty, staff and classified personnel sorted through thousands of documents, news clips, photo albums and negatives to assemble the 40-year chronology of Ohlone. After learning of the project, Walter Halland, the original photography instructor, contributed materials, as did many others. Ohlone opened its doors in September 1967. To commemorate the 40th anniversary of Ohlone, President Doug Treadway wanted the Ohlone Archive Project Committee to have its exhibition earlier, but previous Louie Gallery commitments prevented this. According to the exhibit, classes were initially held at the Serra Campus of Ohlone while the Ohlone campus was being built. The Serra Campus was across Mission Boulevard (then called Vallejo) and down Washington, at the site of the former St. Mary’s of the Palms Girls Orphanage. Recently discovered aerial photos of the Huddleson Ranch, the blue-ribbon Linda Vista winery, vineyard and orphanage were added to the exhibit. A San Francisco Chronicle series describing the turbulent ’60s and the “Summer of Love” was recently added to the exhibit. Former Ohlone art instructor Barbara Hendrickson said, “Those suspended articles are from the May, 2007, San Francisco Chronicle. It was four days of intensive coverage of the ‘Summer of Love’ including pictures of the major characters of the time, the whole hippie stuff. “When I saw it, I thought: this fits into the Ohlone Archive Project because that’s when we started Ohlone…This series gives a feeling of the time.
Photos by Dan Yuan “We suspended them so that people could read both sides and move between them.” Most of the photographs and documents of the historical growth of the Ohlone campus and programs would not exist today if it were not for Simon Barros, director of Building and Grounds. The two previous administrations sent 10-15 large boxes of records to be destroyed without reviewing them for their archival relevance. Realizing this, he stored the boxes, and their existence became known when Shelly Nagel was writing his memoirs.
Hendrickson, curator of the exhibit, used her computer expertise to create posters of loose photos, and digitized most items. There are photo albums, film negatives (with a light box for viewing) and memorabilia for review. Thomas Bryan, videographer, created a video program of pictures and interviews. The Deaf Studies Program made a film of the history of the Ohlone program. A monitor and bench are set up at the back of the gallery for viewing both. The exhibit opened Nov. 27 and will continue until Jan. 29, 2008.
Gallery hours are noon to 3 p.m., Monday to Friday and during most Smith Center events. There will be a special showing for Ohlone faculty, staff, classified employees and retirees at noon on Jan. 24, at the Louie Art Gallery. This will be accompanied by the Bob Bradshaw bi-annual BBQ in the LAM Plaza next to the Louie Art Gallery. The new exhibit largely owes its existence to the following: Barbara Hendrickson, Elaine Nagel (wife of Shelly Nagel), Lois Ulrich, Jim Klent, Karen Rosenbaum, David McLaughlin and Simon Barros.
Docents are grads By Barry Kearns Staff writer Carol Zilli is the executive director of the Music for Minors II organization. Zilli said that she is on the lookout for new volunteers to provide the role of docents and work in classrooms introducing children to music. The organization has just finished with a class of docents on Nov. 14 and those docents will now teach at classrooms in the local area for the remainder of the school year. The next class for docents will be eleven weeks long and will start some time in mid September through mid November, those interested can find out more at the website www.musicforminors2.org. While
support these last twenty years has been great Zilli said, “We always need to recruit.” Zilli mentioned that one of her docents has been teaching music in classes for 17 years. Many of the docents are parents that follow their children as they advance from kindergarten to the sixth grade and most participate for two years. Zilli said that the organization is looking for people that have some experience with children, a love of music and a sense of beat and pitch, but she was quick to add that she doesn’t want to discourage people interested that may not realize their own musical abilities. Aside from the benefits involved with teaching music to children, Zilli added that there had been occasional breakthroughs in the development of children due to the presence of the docents and the influence of music. Zilli said that the organization has just recently branched out to the Castro Valley area and is looking to expand to Hayward as well. The organization is planning a celebration to mark its 20-year anniversary, to be held Feb. 9, 2008 at 7 p.m.
Devil’s Advocate By Anna Nemchuk Editor-in-chief
Me, myself and my ego I pride myself on being such an open-minded person that I keep having to stuff my brains back in. The downside of this is that the only terra firma I have to stand on in an argument is the antithesis of itself - that there are no absolutes. One way or another, everything I write, speak and think comes down to this. This drove my math teacher bonkers. My science teacher just uttered a long-suffering sigh and directed me to the shelf on quantum physics. I’ll confess something; I’m terribly jealous of religious people. Ditto to scientists, politicians, lawyers and Jewish mothers. All of the above believe in something and, from that foundation, radiate like spokes of steel all the other convictions of their lives. Whether it’s a god, the immutable laws of nature, the unshakable belief that you know what’s best for others, “Robert’s Rules of Order” or the life-saving properties of chicken soup with matzoh, to truly place your faith in something is an amazing thing. Alas, it is something I am incapable of doing. The closest I’ve come is the sort of firm, well-matured, pungent kind of arrogance Julius Caesar would have given his left nut for. In other words, above all else, I believe in myself. Now, considering that most metaphysical teachings agree that the ego is the bit of the human soul comparable to an appendix - we don’t quite know what it does or why we have it, we assume it had a purpose at some point, it tends to burst at inopportune moments and the best thing to do about it is exorcise ‘till you drop - I figure I’m pretty much screwed. I blame public television. All those nurturing, reassuringly saccharine cartoons about believing in yourself and the world will be your oyster with extra Tabasco have royally messed with my wiring. My parents didn’t help much, either. So they grew up with communism, did that give them an excuse to deprive their dear little spawn of blind devotion to church, state or at least uncouth business practices? Actually, considering my truly titanic level of pig-headedness (my first word was “Give!” followed closely by “No!”), had my parents been shaven-headed monks from Tibet with devout scripture branded on their arses, I’d still be sitting here trying to figure out which commandment to break this week. As to all you people with your ideals, morals, ethics, rules and principles: have at ‘em. I’ll stay snug as I am; the Devil’s advocate gets the best seat in the house. In the spirit of Voltaire, I may disagree with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it.
November 29, 2007
Campus Events CLASSIFIEDS babysitter or home day care needed -- I am urgently looking for a baby sitter or home day care to take care of my 13month-old daughter. I work par t time as a lecturer on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, and unfortunately my current baby sitter is unable to continue after Thanksgiving. If you know of anyone who can baby sit starting from the week after Thanksgiving, please call (925) 484-1082. NOW HIRING $11$18 -- Do you love working with children? Become a substitute. We need teachers, aides & directors for preschools, daycares and after-school programs all over the Bay Area. Schedules are flexible. You pick your days, hours, region and age group. We will work around your availability. Pls call (866) 994-7823,e-mail at calstaff@sbcglobal.net or visit our website: www. CaliforniaStaffingService.
November 29 Last-Minute Application Workshop -- 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Hyman Hall Room 114. This workshop will help students to finish and submit their applications.
workshop will help students to finish and submit their applications. 30 Priority Deadline to Apply for Transfer -- This is the priority deadline for students who want to apply to transfer to CSU or UC for the fall 2008 semester. 30 Brown Bag Seminar -- Global Warming. Event is from 1 to 2 p.m. in Room 2133. Juliet Hoffman will present compelling scientific evidence of global warming as well as its effect on the polar bears and other threatened species. Free refreshments are available prior to event and the event is free. Check the Ohlone web page for more information on upcoming Brown Bag seminars. 30 Furry Friends -- 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. in Room 8205. This event is free. Furry Friends (http://furryfriends.org/) is a California-based nonprofit organization that provides Pet-Assisted Therapy Services to hospitals, mental wards, detention facilities, schools, etc. Their carefully selected animals and volunteer handlers are trained to facilitate calming, affectionate visitation for those in need of unconditional love and attention. The therapeutic and behavioral benefits of these regular visits shows.
Come meet the animals and their handlers, and participate in a discussion on the psychological and health benefits of Pet-Assisted Therapy. 30-1 Bliss Dance Company -- Performance at 8 p.m. in the NUMMI Theatre. Bliss Dance Company’s premier performance will explore one woman’s shocking journey through the complex maze of women’s stereotypes. Captivating spoken word is united with distinctive, riveting choreography to deliver a visually intelligent and versatile evening of dance. Featuring the Bay Area’s newest all-male ensemble, Illusion Dance Company, led by Director Onel Higgenbotham. Bliss Dance Company strives to support women’s issues through the art of performance dance. Tickets are $10 for studens and $15 for adults. They can be purchased at the box office.
cracker -- Fremont Symphony Orchestra with Yoko’s Dance Academy at 2 p.m. in the Jackson Theatre. Buy tickets at www.fremontsymphony. org or email tickets@fremontsymphony.org. 3 World Forum -- Deaf Culture: An International Perspective from noon to 2 p.m. in the Jackson Theatre. This world forum will feature speaker: Dr. Rosyln Rosen, Director of the National Center on Deafness at California State University Northridge. The presentation is from noon to 1 p.m. and questions and answers is from 1 to 2 p.m. This event is free.
November 29, 2007 monitor
the Ohlone Box Office. 7 Book Club Discussion -The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. in Room 1307. Kick off the opening of our green Newark Center campus by reading a book that expands on the idea that “…the way we eat represents our most profound engagement with the natural world.” This event is free. 7 Brown Bag Science Seminar -- Summer Internships at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories from 1 to 2 p.m. in Room 2133. This seminar will be presented by Laurel Egenberger.
5 Ohlone Community Band -- Performance is at 8 p.m. in the Smith Center. For more information or to buy tickets, please visit the Ohlone Box Office.
7 Jazz/Rock Combos -Student performance at 7 p.m. in the Jackson Theatre. To purchase tickets please visit the Box Office.
6-8 Winter Dance Showcase -- 8 p.m. in the Smith Center. For more information or to purchase tickets to this event, please visit
8 Super Flea Market -- 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. in parking lots E and H. Vendors sell a variety of things . Parking is $2 per vehicle.
1 World AIDS Day -- All day. 1 Ohlone Community Chorale -- 3 p.m. at Centerville Presbyterian Church, Fremont. For more information or to buy tickets, please visit the box office. 1-2 Tchaikovsky’s Nut-
29 New Art Gallery Exhibit -- Up until Dec. 5 in the Art Gallery. This exhibit is Much Ado About Nothing, in cooperation with Ohlone’s theater department. The exhibit is guest-curated by the producer of Much Ado About Nothing, Tom Blank. The gallery is open Monday to Friday from noon to 3 p.m. 29 LIFE Meeting -- The club will meet 2:40 to 3:40 p.m. in the Palm Bosque if the weather is good, or Room 14A if the weather is bad. LIFE stands for “Liberated Individuals For the Environment.” Everyone is welcome. 30 Last-Minute Application Workshop -- 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Hyman Hall, Room 113. This
Read the Monitor Online at http://ohlone.edu/org/monitor
The Monitor invites your comments. Letters should be 250 words or less and include your name and relationship to Ohlone. Letters become property of The Monitor and may be edited for spelling and length. Campus Events listings are free for college-related events. To have your event added or to place an ad, contact Danelle Meyer at (510) 659-6075 or e-mail monitorads@ohlone.edu
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Thursday, November 29, 2007
Women’s Basketball off to hot start By Vanessa Baumann Staff writer After a 26-6 record last season, the women’s basketball team heads into the 2007-’08 season looking to improve and win state. With the return of last year’s Coast Conference Coach of the Year Elizabeth Stanley, all seems possible for the Lady Renegades. After their first two home games, the Lady Renegades traveled down to San Diego to play in the San Diego City College Thanksgiving tournament, which consisted of Ohlone, San Diego City College, Centralia College (Wash.) and Victor Valley. This would be Ohlone’s first appearance in the tournament, and they would not disappoint, as they would take home the championship trophy beating both Victor Valley 79-49 and Centralia (Wash.) 75-68. The ladies continued their strong play last night as they hosted the Las Positas Ladyhawks. Ohlone’s strong play was near non-existent in the beginning of the game as they missed a few opportunities to open up the scoring as their first three shots were blocked. Las Positas would take advantage of the Ohlone miscues and open up the scoring. But not before long, the Renegades’ sophomore point guard, Taylor Lyons, would bring Ohlone its first points of the game. Both teams would begin to exchange scores midway into the first half, yet Ohlone would continue to trail. Sophomore forward Kelly Fisher’s three-pointer would even up the score at 16, only to have Las Positas score a three-pointer to regain the lead. Renegades, down but not out, turn to their defense to regain the lead. Taylor Lyons’ steal late in the first half would kick-start the offense for Ohlone as her steal and score gave the Renegades the lead, and they would never look back.
By JEFF WEISINGER Sports editor
Taylor’s death a shock
Photo by Jeff Weisinger
Tytiana Tobin works the ball upcourt against a tough Las Positas squad. Ohlone capitalized on almost every mistake by the Ladyhawks as they would go into halftime leading Las Positas 54-36. The second half once again started slow. This time, however, the roles somewhat switched as Ohlone began to make mistake after mistake with Las Positas began to capitalize on a few of the Renegades mistakes. The Renegades would step up defensively to prevent any sort of comeback. Ohlone’s Kelly Fisher and Geneaya Rogers continued their stellar games in the second half, with Fisher scoring a team high 19 points and Rogers finishing with complimentary 12 points on the night. Ohlone led by at least 15 points for the rest of the game and would go on to win by a final score of 78-62. The Lady Renegades’ next game is in the Santa Rosa Junior College Tournament in Santa Rosa on Dec. 6-8, followed by an away game at Modesto Junior College the following Wednesday.
Photo by Jeff Weisinger
Tytiana Tobin keeps her eye on the rock, helping her defense stay on high alert.
Tennis returns to Ohlone College By Tomas Ortega Chief-Sports writer For years now, Ohlone College has produced many great athletes and many great teams. Ohlone looks to add to that tradition by resurrecting its tennis program. The last time Ohlone had a tennis team was back in the early ‘90’s. To lead this new team the Renegades welcome the youthful coaching duo of Cliff Awuy and Fu Wong to coach the Men’s and Women’s Tennis teams respectively. Awuy spent a good portion of his life devoted to tennis. Sincehe was 11 years old, Awuy has been seen shuffling and darting across the tennis courts. He played at Mission Santa Barbara then began to work for the Tompkins Tennis Academy here in Fremont. Fu Wong spent his time in the Midwest. He grew up in Chicago and went to school in Wisconsin where he played tennis. Wong later
R.I.P. 21
traveled to California to coach in Fremont at the Tompkins Academy as well. Both Awuy and Wong have extensively worked with many nationally ranked amateur tennis players while at the Tompkins Academy. With the experience they have gained working with high-class athletes, they hope they can build a strong program here at Ohlone. According to Wong, they have very high expectations for the program. “We want to win state within five years,” said Wong. That is quite a bold statement from the young coach considering the fact Ohlone has yet to field a team. However, he does understand that there will be a building process early on. As for this year, they just want to field a competitive team, which is very possible. Yet, in trying to do that, Wong and Awuy are taking an unorthodox approach.
Cliff Awuy, left, and Fu Wong are ready to bring back tennis to Ohlone. Rather than holding a regular open-tryout, Wong and Awuy are putting together an open-tournament on Jan. 15 for anyone who is interested in joining the tennis team. The top four men and top four women will automatically earn a spot on the respective squad. Coach Awuy strongly believes that they can do a lot to contribute to the sports department at Ohlone.
Especially with the courts being upgraded, the coaches are on board and there are plenty of possible athletes that attend Ohlone who could succeed and possibly head to a fouryear university in the future. To contact either one of the coaches, all those interested should call the Mission Hills Tennis Club at 510-656-2250 and leave a message for either of the two You ready for some tennis?
Life is precious and, at times, life can be short. We should all remember that. The sudden death of Washington Redskins safety Sean Taylor on Tuesday is a much-needed reminder of that. Taylor was shot in the leg during a home invasion at Florida home early Monday morning. He was quickly airlifted to Jackson Memorial Hospital where he was treated for a gunshot wound to his leg. However, he lost a lot of blood as the bullet punctured a main artery. Taylor was pronounced dead early Tuesday morning. He was only 24. Taylor was the fifth overall draft pick by the Redskins in 2004. His start in the NFL was very rocky, but he slowly began to mature going into his fourth season in the league. “He was kind of a wild child, like myself,” said New York Giants tight end Jeremy Shockey, a teammate of Taylor’s at the University of Miami. “But life changed for Sean after he had his baby girl. Fatherhood really changed him. He grew up and matured.” The birth of Taylor’s first daughter gave him a new look on life, and his maturity showed on the field a he was selected to his first Pro Bowl last year. Taylor's death has left a “numb” feeling among the team. Some players and even staff members could barely focus on work with memories of Taylor at every turn. From the flowers left for Taylor at the door of the Redskins headquarters, to the number 21 on the grass by the practice field where fans held a candlelight memorial for Taylor last night, nobody was thinking of work, let alone football. The timing of all of this couldn't be any worse also. Washington plays two games in five days. They play Buffalo at home on Sunday then turn around and play the Chicago Bears on a Thursday night game, with the funeral for Taylor being on Monday. Both games are at home, but to have to deal with two games in a five-day span will be a challenge. Every game on Sunday will have a moment of silence before kickoff and every player will wear a number 21 sticker on their helmet in memory of Taylor. He was a star in the making. Now we’ll never know how he could’ve been.