Monitor 2007-3-8

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March Madness weekend. – Page 8

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Fremont, California

Vol. XXXVI No. 6

Photo by Jack Husting

Ohlone forward Bert Whittington sets up to shoot the final, winning point in the Renegades’ home game against San Joaquin Delta College Saturday night. The final score, after Whittington’s shot went in, was 63-60. Ohlone now advances to the final-eight tournament starting today in Fresno. If Ohlone beats Antelope Valley today, the team advances to a Saturday game. The final game will be played Sunday. For full story, see Page 8.

Trustee’s seat opens up after Archer’s retirement In the wake of Dan Archer’s recent retirement from the Ohlone Board of Trustees, the former board member’s seat is now open. President Doug Treadway said that a new member will be appointed and, as of Archer’s leaving, the Board has 60 days fill the void, according to Board Policies (www. “Within 60 days of the vacancy or filing of a deferred resignation, the Board shall … make a provisional

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Thursday, March 8, 2007

By Brian Chu Staff writer

appointment to fill the vacancy. “The person appointed to the position shall hold office only until the next regularly scheduled election for district governing board members, when the election shall be held to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the unexpired term. “Prior to making a provisional appointment, the Board shall invite applications from the general public for the vacancy, setting a time by which applications shall be received, and publicizing the procedure by which the appointment shall be made…The provisional appointment will be made by a

U.S. losing leadership position.

The beginning of the end for old Building 7

Men’s basketball in finals

By Kyle Stephens Staff writer


‘Mathletes’ ready for contest.




Nurses use human simulator.

majority public vote of the Board members at a public meeting.” Applicants need to be U.S. citizens, registered voters and meet other requirements. The appointee will be chosen by the Board and will require a two-thirds or better majority vote. More details will be available next week when the Board releases information. Archer would have retired at an earlier date, though this would have meant his replacement would have served for only six months, compared to the full four-year term until the next elections.

Within the next few weeks, Building 7 will be demolished to make way for a new student services building. Building 7 was fenced off on Monday and the first phase in the demolition project is the removal of asbestos from within the building and the prepping of the building for dismantling. The workers hired to abate the asbestos are reportedly experts in the procedure. Currently, workers are clearing the building, removing furniture and fixtures. Later, during the actual asbestos removal, Building 7 will be covered with a tarp to ensure that no asbestos is diffused into the air. Asbestos was used as a flame retardant and insulation material in building components. It is often found in “pop-corn ceilings” where the substance was sprayed on. Asbestos was banned in the U.S. in 1978 after studies discovered that the fibers in the asbestos, if breathed into the lungs, could cause asbestosis and mesothelioma. The safest way to ensure public safety during asbestos removal is to seal off the building and area from the outside to prevent contamination. Construction manager Gastelvo, who declined to give his full name, said that they are currently getting ready to remove the ceiling and to tear down the entire building once the machinery arrives. He also stated that workers would be onsite for weeks. Many construction workers at the scene were wearing ventilation masks. The time estimated to completely tear down and renovate the site for construction of the new building is two months. However, his is not an

absolute deadline. Currently, the bridge area between Building 8 and Building 7 is closed. A new walkway has been paved to ensure accessibility. It is adjacent to Building 1 on the south side. The bridge area from Building 7 to 8 will not accessible until the new building is built. This semester, parking will not be affected. In the summer, some of the upper levels of parking may be closed. At a recent meeting of the Associated Students of Ohlone College, Vice President of Business Service Deanna Walston mentioned the cost of daily parking permits may rise due to the lot closures. The construction of the new building is estimated to begin in May 2007 after graduation. The structure that will replace Building 7 will be a new three-story high Student Support Services Center. The building will house the new offices of admissions and records, counseling, disabled students programs and services, financial aid, extended opportunity programs and services, and the student health center. Classes that were held in Building 7 will be relocated predominantly to Building 18, Building 1 and Hyman Hall. The new Student Support Services Center will be funded by the Measure A bond project. It will be 76,000 square feet and cost approximately $36 million. Diana Garza, the capital bonds coordinator overseeing the project, wrote in an update on the project: “We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience and understanding as we improve the Ohlone Fremont campus for all. Please feel free to send any comments and or concerns to the Bond Office.”

Native American museum finds home at Ohlone By Sandeep Abraham Staff writer

Ohlone College will be the new home of a Native American museum as soon as next fall. For the past 10 years, Irvington High School has held a small exhibit of Native American artifacts, maps, books and photos in its former metal shop. Due to low publicity and the fact that the exhibit is only open for a few hours each week, the

Fremont Unified School District is planning to move this exhibit to Ohlone College. Although the new museum will not be open to the public for at least another two years, the ambition behind it definitely makes it something worth looking forward to. Irvington High School administrators have approved the move. One reason was because the move will reopen a classroom that the school can use for other purposes.

As Irvington librarian, Cathy Ash, puts it, “We never get to go there because it’s [almost] never open. The Native American exhibit holds all books on Native American history. Students come by looking for books on the subject all the time and it’s really frustrating because we have no access to them.” The museum is currently located deep in the heart of Irvington High Schools and is hardly ever seen. It is open to the public, but due to

high staffing costs and low funds, it isn’t open very long each week. If it weren’t for this move, much of Fremont’s Native American history would be unknown to the public, especially to children and high school students. George Rodgers, an anthropology instructor at Ohlone, said that the community college already maintains a small local history museum, but, like Irvington, it is attached to a classroom. Once the

museum has moved to Ohlone, it will be open seven days a week, will have a lot more space and will even feature a Native American resource center. There are concerns that the tutoring program that has been a part of Irvington’s museum program will be abolished once the move takes place. For 10 years, Irvington’s Native American room has provided tutoring and cultural classes for the Continued on Page 6



monitor March 8, 2007

Associated Collegiate Press / National Scholastic Press Association All American 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Regional Pacemaker 1988 Journalism Association of Community Colleges General Excellence Fall 1994 General Excellence Fall 2000 General Excellence Fall 2004 General Excellence Fall 2005

Editor in chief: Anna Nemchuk News editor: Omer Ahmed Opinion editor: Matthew So Features editor: Eric Dorman Sports editors: Jeff Weisinger Nick Zambrano Photo editor: Jack Husting Online editor: TBA Staff writers: Sandeep Abraham, Michael Aburas, Manika Casterline, Brian Chu, Kanya Goldman, Destiny Harrison, Krista Imus, Margarita Kitova, Noah Levin, Cheyenne Martin, Tomas Ortega, Kevin Protz, Kyle Stephens Ad manager: Danelle Meyer Adviser: Bill Parks Printer: F-P Press

Offices are located in Room 5310 on campus, 43600 Mission Blvd., Fremont 945395884. Call (510) 659-6075. Fax: (510) 659-6076. E-mail: Opinions expressed in the Monitor are those of the respective authors and are not necessarily those of the staff, the college or the Associated Students of Ohlone College. Unsigned editorials reflect the majority view of staff members. Advertising material is printed herein for informational purposes and is not to be construed as an expression of endorsement or verification of such commercial ventures by the staff or college. The Monitor is funded by the district, by the Associated Students of Ohlone College, and through advertising revenue. The Monitor is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press, Journalism Association of Community Colleges, Community College Journalism Association, California Newspaper Publishers Association, College Media Advisers and Society of Newspaper Design.


Opportunity for change after Archer’s departure By ANNA NEMCHUK Editor-in-chief There is no period in human history during which good leadership has not been in demand. To say that the same is more true today than at any other time is justifiable perhaps only by the heights humanity has reached and the impact we command on this earth. Education is by far the most far-reaching of these accomplishments. In schools and universities we see and build


our future - there is nothing more important than that. In light of the retirement of longtime Ohlone College Board Trustee Dan Archer, the Monitor would like to take this chance to thank him for his years of dedication and wish him the best of luck in other endeavors as well as express hopes that this change will bring about a period of activity in the Board befitting current situations. Community colleges serve a purpose no other arena can offer; they give students of all

ages, backgrounds and financial abilities a chance to improve the most precious thing they possess, their minds. Ohlone has been a proud bearer of that tradition for 42 years and its board of directors is an integral part of the college’s and the students’ success. The environmentally friendly Newark campus, the remodeling of the Fremont campus and the planned development of the Fremont frontage property to include businesses benefitting students and

local residents alike are changes that have been sorely needed to support both a city expanding by the hour and a booming student body. Ohlone’s enrollment has consistently grown, even when other colleges have not been so lucky and it is hard to imagine that the upsurge is unconnected with the foresight, imagination and courage Ohlone’s administration and board have shown in the recent improvements. But a teacher’s job is never done

and anyone connected with the college carries at least an honorary title to facilitate learning in any way, shape or form is to teach - the highest calling there is. Ohlone’s Board is at the very heart of the college and in a position to midwife the school, the students and the community to accomplish even greater things. Change is inevitable but great leadership will steer that change between chaos and progress. Great leadership - from the Board, we expect nothing less.

Is America slipping as a dominant world power? By Eric Dorman Features editor Empty shipping crates leave the Port of Oakland, heading west to China. An American tech support call is picked up by someone with an Indian accent. GM and Ford both post record losses and cut jobs. The United States budget deficit hits eight trillion dollars, and counting. As Americans, it’s easiest for us to ignore these facts and bury our heads in the sand, saying that it won’t affect us in the long term.

However, nothing could be further from the truth. We must accept these indicators for what they are, and understand that as long as problems such as outsourcing and trade deficits increase, the United States may soon be faced with the prospect of conceding the spot of number one in terms of world power. It’s no secret that America’s global power has been weakening for the past several years. The U.S. trade deficit—the difference between what the nation sells globally and what it imports—hit a record high of $763.3 billion in 2006, according to the International Herald Tribune. This was not just a

one-year anomaly, either; 2006 was the fifth consecutive year of trade deficit increases. While the trade deficit by itself may not appear to be overwhelming proof of America’s slipping power, the deficit is actually a bigger economic indicator than it looks. A large trade deficit means that the nation on a whole is spending more than it’s receiving, which any debt-ridden college student knows is a recipe for financial disaster. Should the U.S. lose wealth, a loss of power is sure to follow. Job outsourcing, while a different issue than the trade deficit, contributes to the problem. Outsourcing is

not caused by any sort of Chinese or Indian conspiracy, but rather a concept known as a free market economy. This type of economy, employed in the United States, encourages low prices by letting the vendor set the price of an item. The lower the vendor prices the item, the more likely someone is to buy it. Few consumers have the foresight or the money needed to turn down a product made in India that’s $50 cheaper than the same thing made by Americans. The reason for this is not necessarily overwhelmingly better manufacturing by the Indians, but rather the fact that the

makers of the product from India were being paid less than 10 times less than the Americans. Few buyers take into account that while buying the Indian manufactured product means saving money, buying the American product means saving a quality of life. By no means am I trying to demonize buying products that were made overseas. It is entirely possible the worker who made them was able to make ends meet only because he was getting paid that wage, however small. I am merely noting that the outsourcing of jobs has contributed significantly to the Continued on Page 3

Ginl No Tommy Jernigan Nursing Physics

Salvador Political Science

Nabil Husseini Undeclared

Campus Comment > > How would you take down Building 7?

Li zhou Accounting “Just drop a bomb; it saves time and energy.”

“Wrecking ball.”

“From the top down; just take a crowbar and sledgehammer to it.”

“Termites. I’d infest it with termites.”

“I’d blow the heck out of it. Debris flyin’ everywhere. That works for me.”

March 8, 2007 MONITOR



Speaker scrutinizes food safety in state By Eric Dorman Features editor

occurs naturally in soil, could be added to a milk processing plant and sicken almost half a million A mere four grams of a toxic Americans. Park said that of all substance called botulinum toxin the food borne poisons he could is all it would take to cause seri- think of, he felt botulinum posed ous illness and death to 400,000 the biggest bioterrorism concern Americans, research microbiolo- to the United States. gist Paul K. Park revealed before a “Anyone with any sort of biotersparse crowd at the first Brown Bag rorism background could isolate Science Seminar of the semester [botulinum] from the soil and enter last Friday. it into the milk supply,” said Park. Park, who works for the Food & “It’s very easy to do, and the results Drug Laboratory Branch (FDLB) are catastrophic.” of the California Department of Park noted that whenever a Health Services and also teaches natural outbreak or bioterrorism microbiology part-time at Ohlone, act occurs, the severity of the event outlined the susceptibilities of is compounded not only because of America’s food system to this form the substance used, but also because of bioterrorism as well as many of the nation's centralized and farothers. He also spoke on reaching food distribution the role of California, and ‘Anyone with system. For example, Park the FDLB, in preventing any sort of cited the spinach outbreak, them. in which the first case was bioterrorism Park underscored the background reported in Wisconsin. susceptibility of the food could isolate Cases were reported all system to bioterrorism [botulinum] over both coasts before with several examples from the soil the culprit, E. coli 157, from the past. These was traced to the Salinas and enter it included the Rajneesh valley. into the milk cult's 1984 spiking of As California leads supply’ salad bars with salmoUnited States in export, nella in Oregon in an agriculture production --Paul K. Park and milk production, said attempt to influence an election, in which there Park, the state's role, and were 751 reported cases, a 1989 the FDLB’s role as well, are espeincident where Chilean grapes were cially important to the health of laced with cyanide, and the 2004 the nation’s food supply. The first scare when it was reported that step, said Park, is preventing an ricin, a deadly poison, had been outbreak in the first place, which added to baby food. The rumors is accomplished through education. later proved to be false, but the However, the biggest step happens concern persisted. after the case has been reported and Park’s information about botu- the source needs to be traced. linum came from a Stanford study There are numerous hurdles that released in 2005, which the FBI must be cleared along the way. The unsuccessfully tried to suppress first is that even though people may because of national security con- get sick after eating something, they cerns. The study explained how a may not realize what it is caused by small amount of botulinum, which and report it. Thus, by the time the

U.S. fading in power Continued from Page 2 United States’ overall loss of money. How, then, does an overall loss of money contribute to a loss of power? The answer lies in the fact that while money itself does not create power, the things that money can buy - a larger and more powerful military, an education system that can create leaders who can make better informed decisions and the ability to provide and cut off funding to other countries - can easily lead a country to power. The war in Iraq also plays a part in America’s loss of global power. Before Iraq, the U.S. was seen as invincible in terms of military ability; we could invade anywhere Vietnam being a possible exception - and be sure to have our way. But after almost four years of fighting a losing battle in an increasingly unstable country, America’s formidable military image could be beginning to fade. The stakes of the U.S. losing another war would be enormous on a global scale. America’s military image is not the only image changing. While numbers of students graduating in science and technology, what many would call the building blocks of American power, continue to slip, the U.S. is fast being viewed as the “sports and armchair capital

of the world.” This is not entirely without reason; MSNBC reports that more people graduated in 2006 with sports-exercise degrees than electrical-engineering degrees. While it is true that America has endured highs and lows in the past, including an Arab oil embargo in the 1970s that sent gas prices and American concerns skyrocketing, never before have there been nations so eager to capitalize. China and India, which already make many of the products America buys, are both eager to become a larger part of the world market. As long as China and India combined graduate 950,000 engineers every year to America’s 70,000 and those 950,000 engineers work for 11 times less pay than Americans, China and India stand to gain a huge part of the world market in the near future. History has proven that no nation can lead the world forever. The Roman Empire rose and fell, as did the British Empire, despite the fact that throughout both the citizens were certain that no nation could ever rise above theirs. America is no exception. As long as we let the world’s science and technology jobs slip away to other nations, we must accept the fact that the United States will not lead the world forever.

outbreak is confirmed many people might already be sick. The next hurdle, said Park, is tracing the substance that caused the outbreak. Since people generally eat many things between the time they eat the tainted substance and the time they become sick, it can be difficult to know the food that caused the problem. In the case of the E. coli spinach outbreak, the only way they were able to find out that spinach was the cause was because one of the victims who had to be hospitalized was discovered with an open bag of spinach. But even after discovering the food—in this case, the spinach—and recalling it, said Park, an additional step was necessary: finding the contaminant behind the outbreak. This is where technology came into play. The FLDB used sophisticated technology that employed magnets and amino acid beads, among other things, to trap and isolate the E. coli bacterial DNA, which was then traced to a specific region in the United States, the Salinas valley. It is then that measures could be taken by the FDA and the owners of the fields in question to prevent further outbreaks. Park noted that while threats of bioterrorism were very real, of the 76 million annual foodborne gastrointestinal illnesses in the U.S. the vast majority come not from bioterrorist acts but from natural causes. As examples, Park pointed to the 1985 salmonella outbreak, with 200,000 cases nationwide, 1993’s E. coli. 157 outbreak, caused by 157 undercooked Jack-In-TheBox hamburgers, the recent spinach E. coli 157 outbreak, and the even more recent cases of salmonella resulting from eating Peter Pan peanut butter.

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Microbiologist Paul Park speaks on the inherent dangers of America’s food system at Friday’s Brown Bag Science Seminar. Still, despite the relative scarcity of bioterrorist attacks so far, the FDA is still on the watch, said Park, aided by the Bioterrorism Act of 2002, which tightens control on food coming into the country and enhances controls on toxic agents coming into the country. Park also said not to underestimate the power of a hoax on America. If someone, terrorist or

otherwise, started a rumor that a poison had been added to the food system, the panic that would result would be disastrous, said Park. The Brown Bag Science Seminars are talks on science-related issues. They are free and open to the public. The next Brown Bag will be Friday, March 9 about dark matter and cosmological expansion.

Red Cross blood drive next week The American Red Cross will hold a blood drive next Tuesday, March 13 in the cafeteria from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Appointments may be scheduled online at n&hlc=ohlone. You must be at least 17 years old, weigh at least 110 pounds and be in good health to give blood.


Features Students fine-tune skills on simulator monitor March 8, 2007

By Krista Imus Staff writer “You learn more when you’re actively engaged,” said Kathy Dewan, an associate professor of the Ohlone nursing program, concerning the new human simulation in the college’s nursing program. Ohlone’s human simulation is an authentic reenactment of a human with medical problem, which requires students to perform the role of a registered nurse. The human simulation is the virtual use of a computer in an anatomical model. The human simulation is basically an advanced mannequin, of which there are two different types: low-fidelity and high-fidelity. Ohlone currently owns three low fidelity simulations and are working on getting funding and money to buy the high-fidelity simulations. The low-fidelity simulations help with skill development, capable of heart sounds, lung sounds, limited responses, and can be infused with liquids and medications. The

Photos by Jack Husting

Students work on Ohlone’s human simulation Tuesday. Above, nursing student Ferd Rosales looks up from the mannequin while other students look on. At right, Erica Dieker checks the simulation's breathing. Below, the simulation lies in bed with a blood pressure cuff. high-fidelity simulations, however, also record sounds and sentences, program physiologic trends and responses, and can be programed to correspond responses to correct and incorrect student interventions. They also simulate real psychological functions and include realistic properties like a rising chest, detectable pulses and pupil changes. The simulation is useful because “it allows students to practice communication, safety, delegation and an understanding of the disease process,” said Dewan. “A realistic situation can be created and the students treat the situation as they would in real life.” The scenario development makes sure students know curriculum, conceptualize active learning, and obtain peer input.

A recent practice on the simulation occurred on campus. During the demonstration, five students were given different roles: a charge nurse, bedside nurse, support nurse, respiratory therapist and the wife of the patient. Each were given role cards and prepared to begin. As the teacher read off the situation and status to the students, they began their procedure. They treated the mannequin just like a real human, listening for its heart rate and taking its blood pressure. Dewan, on the side, controlled the mannequin with a remote. As they tended to the needs of the mannequin’s current status, the now resonant sound of its breathing filled the air. The teacher mentioned that something was going on and the

students now had to tend to the wheezing mannequin. As the wheezing grew louder and the wife began to get nervous, the nurses were forced to multitask, both treating the mannequin and calming the wife. At this point, the peak of the simulation, a student acting as the respiratory therapist came in, and one of the nurses began preparing to administer an injection. As everything calmed down, the nurses explained to the wife what happened and asked how the “patient” was doing. The simulation ended with a deep, slightly inaudible “yub” from the mannequin, which was greeted by relieved laughter by the students. At the end of the simulation, Dewan played back a recording and did a recap. The students watched and every once in a while paused it to give their feedback, answering to questions like “What’s wrong with this situation? What would you do? What’s missing?” while the teacher also voiced her opinions. The value in the simulation is that it that helps the students practice their skills and work in panic situations, said Dewan. With the simulation, errors could be made without consequence to a mechanical patient which, while not a real

human, looked and acted like one. As Erica Dierkir, who played the charge nurse in the first group, said “It allows us to make mistakes.” After watching the first group’s performance, a second group was assigned and repeated the simulation, concluding with another recap and discussion afterward. While the simulation provides a great experience, it should be noted that it is still just a teaching tool; it does not replace the real thing. It complements clinical experiences, but does not duplicate them. Still, as the nurse educator said, it remains a valuble resource, “[engages] students at an emotional level which integrates cognition at a deeper level.”

2007: Two Citizens of the Year honored

Fremont Bank vice president

Trustee returned from Iraq

By Kanya Goldman Staff writer

By ANNA NEMCHUK Editor-in-chief

Just a job…at least it started off that way. Gloria Villasana Fuerniss, now vice chair of the Ohlone College Foundation Board of Directors, and vice president of Fremont Bank, had no plans to start classes here at Ohlone back in 1967—especially since the college didn’t exist yet. Who knew this once would-be accountant would eventually be nominated 2007 “Citizen of the Year” by the Ohlone College Foundation? Fuerniss dispelled all doubts after being named the 19th “Citizen of the Year” to be chosen by the foundation, which aims to honor individuals who have contributed exceptionally to their communities. Fuerniss will be formally presented the title at a luncheon at the Fremont Marriott on March 9. Fuerniss began taking classes at Ohlone only by chance. Fuerniss never intended to take classes at Ohlone, but given an ultimatum after the school opened: no classes, no job. Not wanting to give up her job as an operator at Ohlone, she started classes. Fuerniss eventually earned a business degree at the college. Gloria said she learned quickly the value of asking questions and being interactive in her classes after

She said that working hard, but not planning too far ahead has gotten her having teachers who encouraged where she is today. Fuerniss said that her curiosity. This in turn built having a supportive partnership with confidence in a young, internally her husband, of 27 years, has made ambitious future power player of the road a lot less stressful. the community. When asked if she faced any “Giving back to your community major obstacles or criticisms on her is a practice that starts early on. road to success, she replied, “Not My parents would really. I just made volunteer and I saw sure to be prepared that,” said Fuerniss. and factual. You do “When you start off what you gotta do to getting involved in get the job done.” school groups, clubs Fuerniss sees her and volunteering with future self as “still organizations, these involved in the comactions create good munity and at the future practices.” bank.” Fuerniss addHer inspirations Photo by Kevin Protz ed that she managed it also include Morris by prioritizing. “I’m Gloria Fuerniss Hyman, whom Hysolution oriented, man Hall is named is the foundaI’m not one of those after and who until a tion's ‘Citizen of people who likes to year ago was chair- the Year.’ do the same thing man of the board at twice,” she said. Fremont Bank, and before that, Fremont Bank has been and president. continues to be a leading sponsor “When I first started,” said of the Ohlone College Foundation, Fuerniss, “[Hyman] would tell me thanks in part to Fuerniss’s efforts what he needed done and if I didn’t to secure funding. understand I would ask questions Fuerniss will be honored as and he would explain it to me instead “Citizen of the Year’ at an annual of saying, ‘I’ll just have someone luncheon titiled, “ Back to the Fuelse do it.’ ” She went on to explain ture, A View of Our Journey” taking how his patience has made her a place at the Fremont Marriott Hotel better boss. at 11:30 a.m. At 21, Fuerniss became secretary For ticket information, contact to the president of Fremont Bank Thomas Hsu of the Ohlone College and by 26 she was vice president. Foundation at (510) 659-6020.

and in work. I have a wonderful wife and kids. You have to learn some things over again - my employer The Indo-American Community has been very supportive.” He’s Federation has named Ohlone Board been employed by the Workers’ Trustee Garrett Yee Citizen of the Compensation Insurance Rating Year and will honor him at their Bureau of California since 1989. Sixth Annual Unity Dinner. The dinner will be held March “I was surprised and 23 in the Hilton quite honored to be Newark/Fremont recognized by such an at 39900 Balentine association,” said Yee. Drive, Newark from The award is unique 6:30 p.m. to midin that it involves an night. Indian-American orgaThe main speaker nization acknowledging will be Garamendi an Asian-American. with Ohlone PresiYee believed he dent Doug Treadway was selected due to his and Jeevan Zutshi, service on Ohlone’s the organization’s Photo courtesty of Board and his recent president, also preGarrett Yee 18- month-long sojourn senting, along with as lieutenant colonel Garrett Yee Fremont, Union served in Iraq in Iraq. City, Newark, Mil“I hope I don’t have during his time pitas and Hayward to make a speech,” on the board. mayors as well as laughed Yee. “[It’ll be] San Leandro Sen. a long night and an honor [to be Ellen Corbett and Assemblyman presented the award by] Lt. Gov. of Alberto Torrico from Newark, both California John Garamendi.” Democrats. After a year and a half in the Tickets are available at a cost of Middle East, Yee is most of all glad $70 per person, $130 for couples and to be back with his family. While tables of 10 run at $650. There is no he was able to see them occasion- registration at the door, but checks ally the first year, “it got harder and can be mailed to IACF, P.O. Box harder the longer I was away.” 14902, Fremont, CA 94539. Addi“I’ve been busy, busy in a good tional information can be obtained way, making adjustments at home by calling (510) 589-3702.

Features Ohlone alum samples life in Dubai By Omer Ahmed News editor The United Arab Emirates is not the place most students think Ohlone will lead them to, but one former Monitor staff member has found a job in the busiest emirate on earth - Dubai. Scott Shuey, an Ohlone alumni and former editorin-chief of the Monitor, has been working as the chief business reporter at the Dubai Gulf News for eight months now. It is an opportunity he is thankful for. “If you’re going to be a business journalist, Dubai is the place to be,” said Shuey. Dubai is not only the capital of the eponymous emirate/sheikhdom within the United Arab Emirates, it is a booming hub of development in the Middle East. Shuey explained that Dubai is currently seeing an influx of commercial, industrial and financial development from outside the country, while still maintaining development from within. The opportunity to experience a different culture also attracted Shuey to Dubai. “Being around a new culture really opens your eyes, plus I really like being in the Arab world,” said Shuey. On his off time, Shuey has taken the opportunity to relax at hookah parlors where visitors can smoke flavored tobacco out of a water pipe; however, he noted the difficulty of finding a parlor that had beer at the same time, due to alcohol

Photo by Jack Husting

Scott Shuey went from editing the Monitor to editing the Dubai Gulf News. being forbidden by Islam. He was also pleased by the cost of gas in the gulf. A gallon of gas in Dubai costs 6 dirham, about $1.60. “Things are different,” said Shuey. “Sometimes for the worst but mostly for the better.” Working for a western-style newspaper in the Middle East has also made Shuey’s career “interesting.” The Gulf News is a daily English language paper; one of seven English language papers in the Dubai emirate. It has been published since 1978 and draws its staff members from all over the globe. “People talk about how diverse California is; they should come to the Middle East,” said

Shuey. Covering business stories, Shuey has directly come in contact with the differences between press relations of the West and the Middle East, “It’s crazy at times; they aren’t used to western press,” said Shuey. “A lot of the time the company won’t even want to talk to us even if it would be good publicity for them. It doesn’t occur to them sometimes.” One story of Shuey’s that illustrates the difference in conventions took place on the day after New Year’s. It was the early morning, most of the staff members had only had a couple of hours of sleep and quite a few were a bit hung over. In the west, it’d be a few days before any major news would come from the government, as they would also have been celebrating. However, the government of Dubai announced that morning that a rent cap would be put in place to ensure fair housing prices. This was a major story that came as a major surprise. Shuey didn’t start out wanting to be a journalist. After graduating from Washington High School in Fremont, he went to San Jose State University but dropped out after two semesters with “an accomplished 0.0 grade point average.” He joined the National Guard in

1992. During his service he was dispatched to L.A. during the Rodney King riots. Afterward, he came back to Fremont and Ohlone. While taking general education courses, not knowing what he wanted to major in, Shuey was recruited by the Monitor. Over three semesters, from 1993 to 1994, he went from being a staff writer to editor-inchief. “Bill [the Monitor advisor] really got me on the right track for journalism. Taught me how to make money writing,” said Shuey. Upon transferring back to San Jose State, Shuey worked for the Spartan Daily newspaper. He eventually “burnt out on journalism” and ended up graduating with his juris doctor. However, he never took the bar exam. “Law is definitely an interest of mine but it is not something I want to do for the rest of my life,” said Shuey. Instead, Shuey went to work as an editor for a paper in the Chicago suburbs. Last year, he got in contact with an old friend of his from San Jose State, Leah Bower and told her that he “was looking to get out of Chicago.” She got him out of Chicago, to Dubai where she was the Gulf News’ business editor. Summing it all up, Shuey paraphrased the Grateful Dead, “It’s been a long, strange trip.”

Youths, orchestra perform together By Noah Levin Staff writer The familiar yet otherworldly sound of an orchestra tuning its instruments is an enchanting thing. Having settled myself in my seat in the Jackson Theater, the lights slowly dimming, I felt relaxed and comfortable, anticipating an exciting performance from the coupling of the Ohlone Chamber Orchestra and the Fremont Youth Symphony (FYS). The two groups were evenly intermixed in their seating, amicably conversing with one another. The young, well-dressed musicians of the FYS showed few signs of performance anxiety, displaying a level of professionalism that is always impressive to see in ones so young. Needless to say, I was far from disappointed. Sharing the conducting duties were Ohlone Chamber Orchestra Music Director and Fremont Youth Symphony founder Larry Osborne and the FYS Music Director Eugene Sor. This was Sor’s second year conducting with the FYS. Three pieces were performed, all of which hailed from the Romantic and early Contemporary periods. “Hoe-Down,” from Aaron Copland’s “Rodeo,” was followed by two movements from “Symphony Espagnol” by Edouard Lalo, with Gustav Holst’s celestial piece, “Jupiter,” from “The Planets” bringing the performance to a triumphant close. Thirteen-year-old Maya Ramchandran, guest soloist, played violin solos in “Symphony Espagnol.” Maya won her solo position as part of a contest held during the fall, the winner of which received the

privilege of playing with the combined forces of the Ohlone Chamber Orchestra and the FYS. Once the musicians were in tune, Sor took the reins of the combined orchestras. Opening with the grandiosely Western “Hoe-Down,” Sor launched a volley of bounding violins and bouncy, rolling percussion. Snare drums crackled in the background amidst clean, bright, strutting horns and brass. The skill and discipline of the FYS was evident early, the young musicians easily keeping pace with their skilled elders. With the conclusion of the first piece, Maya took the stage, quieting the crowd with her violin solo. French-born Lalo’s “Symphony Espagnol” was the next piece to be played, with its fourth movement, “Andante,” at the leadingin. Dominated by long, luxuriant musical phrases, and bright, languishing horns, “Andante” was a dark, brooding piece at times. Low, rumbling cello and woodwinds cried out mournfully and dramatically. Maya’s solos were full of sweet, nostalgic notes with forlorn tones. “Intermezzo,” the third movement, was faster than the one before, and also proud and thunderous. Flighty woodwinds danced opposite thrashing strings Maya’s distinctly flamencoesque solos were intriguing; with both high and low notes alternating like two people in an argument. The brass and percussion sections made for wonderfully lush and rich textures to back up Maya’s leads. The elements of performance all came together in a grand and epic finale. And when the dust cleared, an ecstatic audience rose and applauded uproariously.

March 8, 2007 monitor


Culture Pirate By OMER AHMED News editor

Learn with open mind College is supposed to be a formative time in a young person’s life. As students taking a broad array of general education courses, we are supposed to absorb knowledge, actively mull over the ideas and, at the end of the experience, form our beliefs by applying rational thought to our newly acquired knowledge. Unfortunately, not all students are willing to consider new ideas. Maybe it is a hold-over from high school, the leftovers of that sophomoric mind-set that one knows more than one’s parents, teachers and government and thus does not have to listen to authorities. The idea that the purpose of college is not education but career advancement may also be contributing to this post-primary school closemindedness. Whatever the cause, many students seem to think they already have all the answers before they’ve even finished English 101A. A recent conversation of mine highlighted this tendency in some students. Typical water cooler fare; we were discussing the merger between the only satellite radio companies in the U.S., XM and Sirius. My stance was that the merger was okay because it would be a desperate attempt by both companies to stay afloat in the face of slow growth and possible bankruptcy. My classmate argued that the merger would create a satellite radio monopoly that could stifle the industry and hold too much control over content. While I was open to new ideas on the issue, especially because I usually don’t approve of media mergers, I did not find his argument compelling and he felt similarly toward my own stance. Thus we came to a stalemate. In closing, he said he needed to take some economics courses so he could show me why I was wrong. It is that last comment that got me. Why did he assume that an economics course would back up his opinion? I’m not saying that it wouldn’t, I’m not an econ major after all, but you shouldn’t go into a search for knowledge with your mind already made up. What is the point of being exposed to new ideas if you aren’t even going to consider them? I’m not saying that students should absorb absolutely everything and adopt their instructor’s ideals or assume the ideas in their texts are incontrovertible truth. Being brainwashed is a no-no. I took Introduction to Western Religion but there is little chance that I am going to convert to Judaism, Christianity or Islam. However, I do have a much more positive view of those faiths due to the classes I have taken. College is a place to learn and better yourself, not a place to mentally masturbate. Open-mindedness is a virtue and essential to the academic experience.


March 8, 2007

News Competion draws mathletes By Cheyenne Martin Staff writer and Kevin Protz Staff writer

Photo by Kevin Protz

Jan Fang helps potential ‘mathlete’ while Math Club adviser Geoffrey Hirsh looks on.

Local museum comes to Ohlone Continued from Page 1 school’s Native American students. However, the Fremont District’s 213 Native American students will still be able participate in the program. Rodgers said that the tutoring program and cultural classes will continue and will be accessible to more students. There are also plans in place to recreate a Native American village outside the center that will contain buildings and structures from various cultures around the United States. In addition to buildings of the

Ohlone, there may also be Navajo kivas and Plains Indian teepees. Rodgers said the cost of the move and expansion of the program will be relatively small since the land for it is already there. Staffing costs will also be relatively small as the center will be run and maintained by student interns. While still in the planning stages, the museum will most likely be moved by the end of the next fall. However, building the new village and putting together the exhibits will take at least two years.

The Ohlone College Student Math League met March 2 at 4:44 p.m. Why 4:44? “It’s easier to remember,” said Vice President Jun Fang. Every year, Ohlone hosts a national examination competition. The exam is given with the help of the Math League and Mathematics Instructor Geoffrey Hirsch, the adviser. The Student Math League was established in 2005 by students who participated in the competition and sought more participation and excitement over the exam. There are approximately 12 to 15 active

members, but the club grows every year. Many of the members have taken the exam more than once. Some might wonder why anyone would subject themselves to an unassigned math exam. “There are two reasons why someone would compete,” said Fang. “Each student is included in a national rank and of course, the cash prize.” The five best scoring students in the competition will form a team and represent Ohlone in a national competition. In previous years, Ohlone ranked ninth in the Western Region as well as 13th in the nation. The Student Math League has also received many Top 10 Awards. During the meeting, Hirsch and Math League members reviewed the previous year’s test to inform

students of what to expect as well as prepare techniques for taking the exam. The test examines all levels of math up to pre-calculus. For the club’s vice president and even Hirsch, the problems were not an easy task. Throughout the meeting, everyone present struggled through the previous year’s problems. However, each test is different and last year’s test is used only to give an idea of what might be on this year’s test. Anyone is interested in participating in the competition can visit the website at mathclub or contact Hirsch at (510) 659-6247. The one-hour national exam will be held March 9 at 4:44 p.m. in Room 3201.

Questions from the last SML test The following are questions from last year’s Student Math League test to give you an idea of what the competition is like. The answers and more questions are available at The Mu Alpha Theta website states that the exam lasts for one hour and has 20 multiple-choice questions.


Campus Events March 8 Men’s Baseball -- 2 p.m. vs. Gavilan College here at Ohlone. 9 Last Day To Apply For Graduation -- Last day to apply for Spring 2007 graduation or certificate of achievement. 9 Men and Women Swimming -- 2 p.m. vs. Foothill College here at Ohlone. 9 Men’s Baseball -- 2 p.m. vs. San Jose City College here at Ohlone. 9 Brown Bag Seminar -- Dark Energy and the Runaway Universe. 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. in Room 3201. UC Berkeley Astronomer and Professor of the Year, Alex Filippenko will give a fascinating “AstroTalk” about his discoveries on various types of super novae (exploding stars). A world-renowned expert on super novae, black holes, galaxies and cosmology, Filippenko has taught thousands about these dark mysteries. 9 New Art Display -Fine art and Design Fac-

CLASSIFIEDS Earn Money -Earn $2500+monthly and more to type simple ads online. NOW HIRING $11$18 -- Do you love working with children? Become a substitute!! We need teachers, aides & directors for preschools, daycares and after school programs all over the Bay Area. Schedules are flexible. You pick your days, hours, region and age group! We will work around your availability. Pls call (866) 994-7823, email at calstaff@sbcglobal. net or visit our website: Hiring receptionist -- Fremont Professional Massage and Bodyworks is looking for a daytime receptionist to work Mondays,Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and every other Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Job includes answering the phone, taking care of the register, checking in

ulty Show. In the Louie Meager Art Gallery. Can be seen through April 7. Each of the art, design, photography and graphic arts professors will exhibit some of their works. Will show the varied talents of the while introducing the students and community to the faculty’s fine art works. Gallery is open Monday through Friday, noon to 3 p.m. 9 Citizen of the Year Luncheon -- 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Will be honoring Gloria Villasana Fuerniss and held at the Fremont Marriot Hotel. 10-11 Women’s Softball -- March Madness (6) all day here at Ohlone. 12 LIFE Hike Meeting - 1 to 2 p.m. Meet by 1:10 p.m. at tables by the pond behind cafeteria. Wear sturdy shoes. If it’s raining, hike will be cancelled and meeting will be in Room 14B. LIFE is a new club that will be meeting on Mondays. Come join the fun and take part in “Liberated Individuals for the Environment.”

M.E.Ch.A club, meets every Monday and everyone is welcome. 12 Study Abroad: Exploratory Meeting -- 6 p.m. in Room 5209 for Sydney Australia, fall 2007. Anyone interested in exploring and studying in Australia should attend this meeting. Explore, meet new people and study abroad. For more information, contact Christine Bolt at or (510) 659-6233. 13 Blood Drive -- 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the cafeteria. Mark your calendars for the Student Health Center Spring Semester Blood Drive sponsored by the American Red Cross. You may call Health Center for an appointment at (510) 659-6258. 14 Transfer Event: Alliant International -10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Smith Center. Come meet with representative Angela

Jemmott to talk about Alliant International. To get more information call the Transfer Center at (510) 659-6241. 14 Transfer Event: Cal State East Bay Liberal Arts -- 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Come meet with representative Donna Strobel to talk about transferring. To make an appointment or get more information, call the Transfer Center at (510) 659-6241. 14 Reception: Fine Art and Design Faculty Show -- 6:30 to 9 p.m. in the Louie Meager Art Gallery. Come and join the artists in a reception. This event is free.

March 8, 2007 monitor


15 Men’s Baseball -- 2 p.m. vs. Cañada College here at Ohlone. 15 Women’s Softball -- 3 p.m. vs. Diablo Valley College here at Ohlone. 16 Brown Bag Seminar -- Prehistoric Life and Global Climate Change 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. in Room 3201. Presented by Paul Belasky, Ohlone associate professor of geology. Brown Bag Science Seminars are designed to stimulate interest in and awareness of topics, trends and careers in science. This series is sponsored by the Math, Science and Engineering Division and ASOC. The event is free.

Travel Opportunity Ohlone College Professor Mark Nelson is taking another tour to New York City. This tour (under the heading of TD-102-02) is a three unit course, It is also UC and CSU transferable. We visit NYC for nine nights, starting on May 24th, and see Broadway Shows, Ground Zero and many other tourist sites. The cost is about $1,400 based on four to a room. Please contact for more information.

12 M.E.Ch.A Meeting -- 1 to 2 p.m. in Room 14A. Come check out the clients etc, will also be able to work on homework while at the job. For more information visit www. apply call Tina Kemline at (510) 304-1526. Sharks Ice is Hiring -- Sharks Ice in Fremont is looking for energetic and motivated Ohlone Students! We are hiring for the following positions: Bartenders, Snack Bar Attendants, Skate Guards, Pro Shop and Cashiers. Apply online at www.sharksice. com or call (510) 6237200 for more information. Part time job opening -- Part time job in Fremont based media company. India knowledge a plus. 10$/ hour plus commissions. Send resume to harvi@ or call (510) 364-9181. Seeking piano instructor -Looking for a person to take piano lessons from. Must be affordable and in the Fremont area. Must already teach lessons to others. Please call (510) 304-2538.

Read the Monitor Online at

The Monitor invites your comments. Letters should be 250 words or less and include your name and relationship to Ohlone. Letters become property of The Monitor and may be edited for spelling and length. Campus Events listings are free for college-related events. To have your event added or to place an ad, contact Danelle Meyer at (510) 659-6075 or e-mail

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Page 8

Fresno or bust: Renegades in Elite Eight By Tomas Ortega Sports writer If you consider yourself a sports fan and you didn’t attend the men’s basketball playoff win against San Joaquin Delta last Saturday night, then you missed what some would consider a classic. In the first half, Ohlone was able to play good defense, which would lead up to their total of 17 turnovers for the game. However their 14 turnovers wouldn’t help their cause either. Their defense also played well to guard Delta’s star Michael Nunnally, who came into the game averaging 19 points and 12 rebounds a game. This time around, Ohlone held him to two points in the first half, but he did catch fire in the second half. “[Our defense] did a great job keeping a body on him and staying in front. We doubled him every time he had the ball and tried to make somebody else beat us,” Coach John Peterson said about his defense on Nunnally. Unfortunately, nobody thought about guarding Delta’s Roman Van Allen, who looked as if he would have a big game with his 12 first half points. Van Allen looked like he would put Delta on his shoulders and steal the show.

Thurs., 3/8/07: vs. Gavilan College, at 2 p.m. Fri., 3/9/07: vs. San Jose City College, at 2.p.m. Tues., 3/13/07: at West Valley College (Saratoga), at 2 p.m. Thurs., 3/15/07: vs. Canada College, at 2 p.m. Sat., 3/17/07: vs. Monterey Peninsula College, at noon.


Thurs., 3/8/07: State Finals (Fresno): vs. Antelope Valley, at 1 p.m.

only worth two points, making it a one-point Ohlone lead. Ohlone would then inbound the ball to half court, where Delta’s Roman Allen immediately fouled Ohlone’s Bert Whittington. Whittington drained both free throws with just over nine seconds left to play and put the game nearly out of range.

By Jeff Weisinger Sports Editor After they play Chabot College today at Chabot at 3 p.m., there is no doubt that the one thing on the minds of the softball team will be winning the March Madness tournament. Thus far this season, the softball team has done well. Sophomore pitcher Isabel Ramos has pitched incredibly well for the past couple of weeks. Offensively, freshman catcher Cassandra Ortega has hit very well and defensively shortstop Jessica Soderholm has done well for the Lady Renegades.

But now we come to that part of the season: March Madness. The tournament has come to Fremont this year as Ohlone will be hosting it at the Central Park Softball Complex off of Stevenson Blvd. The tournament consists of 16 teams divided into four pools. Ohlone will be in Pool B and play all their games on field 4 as they will take on Porterville Saturday at 9.a.m., then play Yuba at 1 p.m., and finish off pool play against Feather River College at 3 p.m. The teams will be split into a gold (championship) bracket, and a silver (consolation) bracket. The top two teams from each pool will play in

the gold bracket, with the third and fourth place teams from each pool playing in the silver bracket. The quarterfinal games for the silver bracket will be on Sunday, March 11 beginning at 9 a.m., while the quarterfinals of the gold bracket will be at 11 a.m. Then both brackets semi-final games will take place at 1 p.m. and the championship games for both brackets will take place at 3 p.m. with the gold bracket final on field 3 and the silver bracket final on field 4. Tickets to attend the tournament are $5 for adults and $3 for children 12 and under and senior citizens.

The NFL, especially nowadays, is becoming too much about the money. Players in the NFL hold out because their contract is too small, or too short. Pretty much, the NFL is slowly killing the game of football, because soon enough all of its players will be complaining about not making enough money. I hate when I can’t watch some of my favorite players because their contracts are too small. Some players lag on the field, and some just don’t care because they get paid anyway. Then comes the Arena Football League. The indoor game is much faster than the NFL, much more confined with much higher scoring and its

players play in the league not for the money, but for the game itself. A team can be down by 21 points with one minute left in the game and still have a chance to win it. It’s the one league that proves the famous quote “It ain’t over till it’s over.” Plus, as much as I like the NFL, I always enjoy watching the Arena Football games. I, personally, would rather watch my team score five or six touchdowns a game rather than watching my team punt the ball away four or five times a game. The AFL is the only game where anything can happen, which makes it that much more fun to watch. When you think the game’s over, it’s only just begun.

Can the AFL’s players succeed in the NFL though? My answer is as simple as a name. Kurt Warner. The former Super Bowl MVP played a few years with the Iowa Barnstormers of the AFL before signing with the NFL’s St. Louis Rams, and the rest is history. What about now? Chicago Bears wide reciever Rashied Davis played with the San Jose Sabercats of the AFL before joining the Bears in 2006. So, to say that the AFL is nothing close to the NFL is both true, yet unfair. The AFL is not the NFL. It’s more fun than the multi-million dollar league.

Photo by Jack Husting

Jermaine Smith, center, and his teammates celebrate their win over San Joaquin Delta. Ohlone now moves on to the Elite Eight in Fresno. But, once again, Ohlone would step up to another challenge as they iced him in the second half allowing him to score only once. And then the classic began. With 30 seconds left in the second half and Ohlone leading San Joaquin Delta 59-58, Ohlone’s Allen Hester stepped up to the free

Coming up in Ohlone Sports:


throw line and nailed both of his free throws to extend the lead to 61-58. On the following possession Delta’s leading scorer of the game, Mike Kirby, hits what could have been a game tying three. However, his foot was just over the threepoint line, thus making his shot

But Delta would try and answer back as they would bring the ball up court and get it to Mike Kirby, who had succeeded once before in crunch time. But this time Kirby’s effort would be just short as his shot would fall short and be swatted away by the Renegades. “Game, set, match,” as Ohlone won 63-60 to move on to the Elite-Eight bracket of the playoffs, which will be held in Fresno starting today. Those final points off Whittington’s free throws are what put the pressure on Delta who may have certainly tied the game, or won it had he not scored. “We do it every day at practice. So I just stepped up to the line and knocked them down,” Whittington said after the game about his clutch free throws. Whittington, along with Allen Hester, both led the Renegades with 12 points and five rebounds each. Coach Peterson mentioned that they hadn’t been shooting free throws all that well. It was their “Achilles heel all season long and for [Whittington and Hester] to step up and make those shots was big.” Ohlone (28-3) will now head down to Fresno to face Antelope Valley, the number three seed in the South bracket, today at 1 p.m.


Thurs., 3/8/07: at Chabot College (Hayward), at 3 p.m. Sat., 3/10- Sun., 3/11/07: March Madness tournament (Fremont) Tues., 3/13/07: at College of San Mateo, at 3 p.m. Thurs., 3/15/07: vs. Diablo Valley College, at 3 p.m.


Fri., 3/9/07: vs. Foothill College, at 2 p.m. Fri., 3/16- Sat., 3/17/07: Cuesta Invitational (San Luis Obispo), at noon.

A ‘mad’ weekend coming up for the Lady Renegades

Difference between NFL and the AFL? Football is by far becoming one of the most popular sports in America. More people watch the Super Bowl than they do the World Series. Technically, some could call football “America’s pastime,” if you look at the history of it. However, when people think football, they only think of the beloved NFL. Yet, that is not the only pro football league around. Anyone ever hear of the Arena Football League (AFL)? Also known as the “All-fun league”, by its fans, the AFL is the only other pro football league to survive along with the NFL. Entering its 21st season, the AFL is continuing to see a rise in

First and 10 By JEFF WEISINGER Sports editor attendance, ticket sales and TV ratings. However, the AFL is still compared to the NFL. Here’s a word of advice… the AFL is NOT the NFL, nor is it the NFL’s version of minor league football. Now don’t get me wrong, the AFL is still the game of football. Just… more fun.

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