Monitor 2008-3-6

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E-tattoos are worth the risk. – Page 2

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Men’s b-ball makes playoffs.


No layoffs ahead for college.




SSB receives crowning beam.

Fremont, California

Vol. XXXVII No. 6

March 6, 2008

Accreditation team visits Ohlone CSEA pickets before team

Team meets in open forum

By Brian Chu Staff writer

By Maxwell Stephens Staff writer

The California School Employees Association (CSEA) at Ohlone College has initiated a protest against the administration. According to Linda Evers, the head of the CSEA chapter on campus, the administration refuses to meet their end of the current employment contract. The CSEA showed their displeasure by addressing the College Board of Trustees at their meeting Wednesday. Also at attendence at the meeting were members of the accredidation team, who were there for a workshop that took place before the meeting. After hearing Evers’s presentation, Political Science Instructor Alan Kirshner expressed disappointment at the fact that the administration was refusing to honor their contract. “Contracts should be honored,” said Kirshner. “No question about it.” The CSEA is a workers union that includes the school’s white collar workers and support staff (minus teachers). Tutors, lab workers, Information Technology officers, office and desk staff members are all included. Ohlone’s CSEA chapter has approximately 146 members. The average salary of a CSEA member at Ohlone is roughly $38,000.

Students, staff and other Ohlone community members were able to voice their thoughts about the college during the accreditation team open forum, held Wednesday morning in Jackson Theatre. Many of the speakers in the forum had only good things to say about Ohlone. “Such a friendly campus,” said Janice Fonteno, of the Early Childhood Studies Program. “[Driving] to work is a pleasure every morning.” The accreditation team, whose job it is to determine whether the school receives state funding, has been at Ohlone all week, talking with the administration, visiting classrooms and walking the campus. The team will present its findings today at 1 p.m. in the Jackson Theatre. Along with praise for the school and general appreciation for the college, many attendees expressed their gratitude for the improvements made to help students succeed in school. At the open forum itself, there was a sign language translator and a typist for the hearing impaired, in part to show the improvements being made around campus. One man expressed his gratitude of the wheelchair accessibility that has been improved around campus since his time here.

Photo by Pei Ju Chen

CSEA Chapter Head Linda Evers holds a candle with her fellow CSEA members during a protest at the College Board of Trustees meeting Wednesday. The contract in dispute was signed in 2005 by both the administration and the CSEA at Ohlone. It stated that the CSEA would receive a pay increase in the 2007-’08 school year that would be equal to the largest pay increase of any other workers’ union in the school. The teachers workers’ union received the largest

pay increase and the CSEA expected that the school would increase their pay percentage accordingly. However, the school administration is stating that the language used in the contract is “confusing and open to dispute and interpretation.” Continued on Page 3

ASOC finds itself in the midst of a money drain By Barry Kearns Staff writer While weighing the benefits of a new constitution, the Associated Students of Ohlone College (ASOC) learned that their resources for the rest of the semester had shrunk more than they had expected. ASOC, in a contract with Fresh and Natural, is responsible for equipment and will have to pay

$1,500 to replace the food steamer, another blow to their already reduced finances. With current expenses for the semester and some unexpected costs, most notably buying the new ID Card Machine for the Newark Ohlone Campus which cost the ASOC $6,728.31, the ASOC now has $9,498.42 for the rest of the Spring Semester. Board of Trustees Student

Member Ken Steadman announced that he was drafting a new ASOC constitution. The constitution is currently held on a USB flash drive on a lanyard carried by Steadman. He encouraged members of the ASOC to meet with him Friday to discuss the new constitution. Steadman also requested two consecutive workshops to be held during ASOC meetings so that the constitution could be explained and

Three bands share Hill during music festival By Tseten Dolkar Staff writer Three minutes before the first Rock the Hill concert of the year was scheduled to begin Thursday, only 10 students were in attendance, scattered around the outdoor amphitheater. It wasn’t until 30 minutes into the show that more students began to arrive, perhaps lured by the wellloaded Associated Students of Ohlone College (ASOC) tables sporting Subway sandwiches and Little Caesar’s pizza. One student who stayed for the entire show, from 1 to 4 p.m., was Liesse Gomez. Gomez and her friends, Adrien Sutton and Chris Clifton, sang and rocked to the songs with the type of enthusiasm that artists feed on.

Jokes for Feelings, the first band to perform, described themselves as “straight-up punk rock.” Vocals singer Amy Aimless added comical and self-deprecating comments between their songs. After Jokes for Feelings, the sound from the stage changed from punk rock to hip-hop. BigRich Records’ artists Armando Diaz (aka 510), Caprice and the label’s producer Richard Bishop (aka RichKidd) performed songs embodying the Bay Area’s highly publicized Hyphy Movement. Midway through their third song, Caprice tried to liven up the thinning crowd by changing songs. At one point in their performance, he asked, “When does school let out? Where the people at?” Around 2 p.m., Drunken Public began playing, starting out with a very short and energetic song. Clad Continued on Page 5

any problems ironed out. The staff of the Ohlone College Midnight Magazine, led by Journalism Instructor Bill Parks, appeared before the ASOC to make a money request for the printing costs. Producing 2,000 copies of the 40-page magazine will run up about $4,500 in printing costs. The ASOC also discussed a bonding trip for the end of the semester with the Niles train trip. The date

of the event, which was scheduled for May 11, was changed as it was brought to the ASOC’s attention that the Sunday it was planned for was in fact Mother’s Day. The $100 request to fund the trip brought feelings of apprehension among the ASOC as they considered their current financial state. The ASOC decided they could pay their own way for the train trip.

Photo by Japneet Kaur Johar

Dustin Carpenter of the band Anthem plays in the ASOC’s Rock the Hill concert Thursday. Anthem was one of three featured bands.

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Monitor 2008-3-6 by Ohlone Monitor - Issuu