Monitor 2009-10-22

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Vol. XXXVIX No. 8

Volleyball streak ends at 19

– Page 6


ASOC opens rec room at Newark campus




Harpist strikes a chord

– Page 8

Hillary Clinton: So much for ‘girl power’ – Page 2

Fremont, California

October 22, 2009

Ohlone has first two cases of Swine Flu By GLORIA FRANCO Staff writer Ohlone has recorded its first two cases of H1N1 Swine Flu, and with widespread reports of a possible wider epidemic, it is time for students and faculty to start taking it more seriously. Sally Bratton, head of Student Health Services said, despite a publicity campaign, students seem unaware of how to keep themselves from getting the flu. And faculty members are not taking it seriously enough. They are supposed to tell students how to keep from catching the flu, and send them home when they show signs of having it. She said the cases of H1N1 might have been prevented if they had done so. If you hear a student or faculty member coughing or otherwise

think they have a bug, suggest they go home immediately, even if is just a regular cold or if it’s a case of H1N1. By not coming to school they are preventing their illness from spreading. They also should be quarantined, especially children under the age of 5 and adults older than 60 because they are more vulnerable to the flu; it will be harder for them to recover and they may die. Few know as of September, 9 percent of the reported cases of H1N1 were 100 pregnant women who had to be hospitalized in intensive care. Twenty-eight of those women died. Nationwide, 27 states have reported 60 child deaths since April. As of today, the nation is higher in the usual rate of illnesses for this time of year. Seasonal flu shots will be given at the Student Health Center at the

Fremont campus starting Monday and continuing through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and again from 4 to 6 p.m., in Room 7302 of the Fremont campus. At the Newark campus, the vaccine will be available Monday 1 to 6 p.m., and Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. It will cost $10 for students, who must be over 18, and $20 for staff. The Swine Flu vaccine is not presently available on campus. It will probably be available around the first weekend of November. Check the Ohlone website for updates. The vaccine uses dead viruses, and has very little risk of serious side effects. Forty-six people in the 298-person study reported discomfort at the injection site as the worst side effect. There has not been any reports of any other serious adverse effects.

Drastic cuts are announced in Ohlone summer program By Kyle Stephens Staff writer Drastic cuts to Ohlone summer classes were announced by Vice President of Academic Affairs Jim Wright, in an email that was sent out to the Ohlone community Wednesday, This is in addition to current budget shortfalls to the sum of some $700,000, which will be addressed by salary cuts, furloughs and layoffs. The state of California has designated community college enrollment caps for 2009-’10, which dictate both the maximum student population and the amount of funds a school gets, on a number-of-students basis. Wright has asked Ohlone department deans to reduce summer enrollment from 920 students to 450, a reduction of 51 percent, on top of a 20 percent reduction from last summer already. Changes include: • Most credit classes will be offered at the Newark Campus or online. • Those courses at the Fremont main campus will be in Building 9 (the gym), the radio station, Hyman

Hall, and the Early Childhood Center (in the Kidango building). • No basic skills courses will be offered. • Tutoring services in biology, chemistry, English and math will be limited at Newark. • The Ohlone library will be closed, but services offered there will be available at the Newark campus library. • Summerfest will not be available for credit. • Relative to the cut, as many general education (GE) and critical career/technical classes as possible will still be offered. Wright said, “We hope this reduction will allow us to stabilize the course offerings for the fall and spring of 2010-’11,” and that this is a strategy being used by many other state colleges. Some are eliminating summer school altogether. Wright said these changes assume the 2009-’10 enrollment caps will be the same for 2010-’11. Close attention will be paid to this spring semester’s enrollment, which could affect the cap this year and next, resulting in more possible cuts in 2010.

A fair for job-seekers By Hyder Alikhan Staff writer

Tuesday was the 20th anniversary of the 7.1 Loma Prieta earthquake, which left nearly 70 people dead, collapsed part of Interstate 880 in Oakland, and knocked houses off their foundations in San Francisco. Is Ohlone ready for the next big quake? See story on Page 4.

Students looking for employment have an opportunity today to attend a job fair put on by the Tri-Cities One-Stop Career Centers in Newark and Fremont. The centers are a publicly-funded resource for jobs, employment, education, training, and business development in the Newark , Union

City and Fremont communities. It’s a one-time chance if you are looking for a job this fall. The job fair is scheduled to be hosted today at the Ohlone Newark Center from 1 to 4 p.m. More than 20 employers are scheduled to participate. They will be offering universal resources available to the general public for the purpose of seeking jobs, training, or education.

In addition, they will also offer resources specifically for job seekers and more focused support for special populations in the community. They will also be offering business resources and services specifically for employers. There is no charge for any of their services. It’s a one-time chance if you are interesting in looking for a job this fall.



monitor October 22, 2009

Jeff Weisinger Gloria Franco Manika Casterline Nazia Mastan Jillian Sanchez Sports editor: Jeff Weisinger Photo editor: Japneet Kaur Online editors: Max Stephens Kyle Stephens Staff writers: Miguel Cerda Ankita Chhabra Theresa Gutierrez Anika Dokes Kathryn Dixon Naijia Qadir Kelsey Bloom Lesly Hernandez Hyder Alikhan Tomás Ortega Shelby Lacy Jacob Schabert Ean Taijeron Tolo Dayo Photo staff: Manal Bejaoui Tara Lynn Lanning David Epperson Stuart Dawson Ian MacDonald Jimmy Patten Cheryl West Nelam Rafiq Ad manager: Anna BiaritzRoldan Ad staff: Christy Marovich Editor in chief: News editor: Opinion editor: Features editor:

Associated Collegiate Press / National Scholastic Press Association All American 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Regional Pacemaker 1988 Journalism Association of Community Colleges General Excellence Fall 1994 General Excellence Fall 2000 General Excellence Fall 2004 General Excellence Fall 2005 Offices are located in Room 5310 on campus, 43600 Mission Blvd., Fremont 94539-5884. Call (510) 659-6075. Fax: (510) 659-6076. E-mail: Opinions expressed in the Monitor are those of the respective authors and are not necessarily those of the staff, the college or the Associated Students of Ohlone College. Unsigned editorials reflect the majority view of staff members. Advertising material is printed herein for informational purposes and is not to be construed as an expression of endorsement or verification of such commercial ventures by the staff or college. The Monitor is funded by the district by the Associated Students of Ohlone College, and through advertising revenue. The Monitor is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press, Journalism Association of Community Colleges, Community College Journalism Association, California Newspaper Publishers Association, College Media Advisers and Society of Newspaper Design.


Cartoon staff: Adviser: Printer:

Change doesn’t happen overnight

Ibrahim Badawy Bill Parks F-P Press

Kelsey Bloom

Hillary Rodham Clinton, so much for girl power By MANIKA CASTERLINE Opinions editor Hillary Rodham Clinton has been the gold standard of a woman in politics for the majority of my 22 years. Clinton is a role model in many respects because of her tenacity, but, also has her fair share of critics. In fact, you either love her or hate her, according to a Time piece done in 2006 that speculated whether or not the junior senator from New York would run for the highest office in all the land. Sen. Clinton put that question to rest when she officially kicked off her candidacy on Jan. 20, 2007. During the election of 2008, Hillary was the early favorite to win the presidency of the United States. But, instead the candidacy of Barack Obama electrified the electorate of the Democratic party. This, of course, led to the implo-

sion of the “Clintonian” political machine that was erected during her husband, Bill Clinton’s presidency. On the campaign trail in New Hampshire, a tearful Clinton said, “Some people think elections are a game. They think it’s like who’s up and who’s down. It’s about our country. It’s about our kid’s futures. And it’s really about all of us. Some of us put ourselves out there and do this against some pretty difficult odds.” Now Hillary Clinton’s life has been marked with extremely public battles from taking an active role in shaping health care policy as First Lady, to standing by her man despite his infidelity. Clinton has always faced stereotypical challenges in a vast amount of narratives and vanquished that which she was up against and she is used to being a trailblazer. Clinton was the first student commence-

ment speaker at her graduation from Wellesley College, and was the first female partner at the Rose law firm, including being named as one of the 100 most influential lawyers in America twice. Clinton is the only former first lady go on to become a U.S senator and in total there are currently only 14 female senators in Congress. Clinton’s run for executive office aside, the only other woman to run was Geraldine Ferraro in 1984 for Vice President on the Walter Mondale ticket. The presidency has been the occupation that has evaded Clinton though and she has stated that she has no intention of running in 2016, which means that she has not broken the ultimate glass ceiling for women. Clinton, who currently serves as Secretary of State, which is the highest ranking position in the Obama cabinet, has come under fire from columnists for being a political

By Jim Wright VP of Academic Affairs and Ron Travenick VP of Student Services

thinking skills and become more self-directed in their learning and in life. The current budget crisis in California is providing you with an unwelcome, but real-world situation that is giving you the opportunity to practice your critical thinking skills. The task is to get your classes for the spring 2010 se-

adversary, not an advocate. Unlike her Bosnian sniper fire incident, this seismic shift of personality is a real tangible point of contention. As the most powerful woman in the free world, Hillary’s voice has been silenced, not utilized. Clinton said, “I believe in delegating power. I’m not one of these people that feels like I have to have my face in the front of the newspaper or on the T.V every moment of the day. I would be irresponsible and negligent were I to say ‘no’ to everything must come to me. Maybe that is a woman’s thing. Maybe I’m totally secure and feel absolutely no need to go running around for people to know what I’m doing. It’s just the way I am.” Clinton has largely been marginalized to take a back seat rather than the spotlight that she is so accustomed to. Perhaps muzzling her message accounts for her favorability being at 62 percent while the

President’s is at 56 percent, according to a recent Gallup poll. The new found popularity however does not necessarily equate to political capital for a woman who now spends the majority of her time in the enclave of the situation room. “My goal is to be a very positive force to implement the kind of changes that the President and I believe are in the best interest of our country. But, that doesn’t mean it all has to be me, me me all the time. I like lifting people up,” Clinton said. Hillary has always been the champion for women everywhere even famously declaring that women's rights are human rights. If anything, what the evolution of Hillary Rodham Clinton has taught us as women is contrary to what we have made her to be the figurehead of. That she as a woman found her refuge in shadows of powerful men, first with Bill, now with Barack. It Continued on Page 3

You have to be quick to get the classes you want EDITOR’S NOTE – This is a letter from the Ohlone administration advising students to act quickly to get the classes you want, now that budget problems have forced a reduction in class offerings.

In all our courses and programs at Ohlone College, our faculty helps students build their critical

mester and eventually achieve your longer-term education goals. Community colleges receive state funding based on student enrollment. Because of the budget crisis, the state is cutting the number of students they will pay us for. Thus, colleges are being forced to serve fewer students, principally

by reducing the number of class sections offered. In the spring 2010 semester, we will have 10 percent less classes than spring 2009. We also know that we will have a much higher demand for classes because of the higher unemployment rate and the Continued on Page 3

Campus Comment >>> -

What is your favorite thing about autumn?

Derek Ryan


“The snow up in Tahoe.”

Ty Trung

BUSINESS “Chilling by the fire with girls.”

Brittany Fargo INTERIOR DESIGN “The rain.”

Crystal Lopez

EDUCATION “The color of of the leaves.”

Sarah Liu

UNDECIDED “It rains more.”


Move quickly to get classes Continued from Page 2 reductions in enrollment and acceptance within the CSU and UC systems. This coming summer 2010 semester, we anticipate a 50 percent reduction in class offerings. As a current, continuing student at Ohlone, you have a leg up on new and former students when you register for spring 2010. Continuing students are allowed to begin registering in mid to late Nov, whereas new and former students will not be able to register until Jan 4. To maximize your chances of getting into the courses you need, the following steps are strongly recommended: • Meet with an Ohlone counselor NOW to help you with your planning • Make sure all your financial obligations to the college are paid or you will not be able to register • As a continuing student you will receive a registration appointment email for spring term. Make sure your email address is accurate NOW by updating your profile on Web Advisor and look for this appointment time. • New student registration is going to be delayed until Jan. 4 to provide continuing students more time to register, but you still need

to act fast to get the classes you want and need. • Plan exactly which courses you want to take. Use the ‘my preferred sections’ in Web Advisor to pre-select your classes, and also monitor other classes for availability. • Register as soon as you are eligible. Try to register for your whole schedule, do not delay, do not procrastinate. If you have friends who are new or former students, let them know they need to be ready to register on Jan. 4. Tell them they need to apply to Ohlone on-line NOW. If they need to take the placement test, they should do that this fall. Give them the same advice we have shared with you about making sure your contact information is accurate. Plan ahead, see a counselor, clear any outstanding debt and register as soon as possible. And speaking of Ohlone counselors, they are invaluable guides as you navigate these tough waters in planning to define and meet your educational goals. Please take advantage of this important service provided by the college. The counseling office is located on the third floor of Building 7. Be proactive. Be self-directed. Be prepared and act quickly.

Blood drive in Newark By Theresa Gutierez Staff writer The American Red Cross set up at the Newark campus Monday, in hopes of reaching their goal of 35 donors equaling 17,500ml of blood. According to Ed Faso, account manager for the American Red Cross, there was a steady flow of people showing up to donate blood. He said their goal would be reached since students are eager to help and have reached the goals in past blood drives held at both the Ohlone campuses. The Red Cross will hold another drive at the main campus Wednesday, Oct. 28 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Every one who donates will receive a hat and the opportunity to enter a drawing for a $60 gift certificate to La Piñata. Anyone who would like to donate at the next drive must be over 16 (with parental consent) or over the age of 17 (no parental consent) and must pass basic requirements of height and weight according to age.

Hillary won’t run Continued from Page 2 leaves us questioning who do we have that speaks for us, now that she is speechless. It also sets a negative precedent that given time we biologically are worn down. And we can only be tested so many times before we fail to take up the causes that we are most vocal about. The only change I see is in what the rhetoric of Clinton has become. Seriously, where did the polarizing Hillary go? Where is the liberal sisterhood of the traveling pantsuit? And have we really lost Hillary the “woman” in our campaign to achieve girl power?

October 22, 2009 monitor




monitor October 22, 2009

Food Diva

Ohlone not imagining opportunities

By Ashley Mckenzie

By anika dokes Staff writer

Food Columnist

I have to confess, when I was told there is a newly opened Café in Newark that I should go check out, I was very skeptical. It was in a weird location, and I thought the name sounded strange: Cyclo Café. But, true to my word, I went to the Café and found myself pleasantly surprised Cyclo Café houses plush, inviting couches and shays. The walls are adorned with faux bamboo, to give the customer feelings of being outside; even the tables and chairs are parts of outdoor furniture. Cyclo offers free wi-fi to its customers, as well as a flat screen with surround sound to keep their customers entertained. They’re even set up for an open mic night, which happens every Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m. My favorite part of the Café, of course, is the cuisine. Cyclo Café offers regular drinks like macchiattos, cappuccinos and mochas, but they also serve a variety of hot, delicious beverages that are uncommon and unexpected, but in a good way. There are two drinks that stood out to me at Cyclo, and consequently have become my favorites: the Dark Voodoo and the Valentine Rose. The Dark Voodoo completely lives up to his name it is dark and complex. The drink consists of dark chocolate, espresso, and three different kinds of milk. It adds a little sweetness and a new layer of flavor. My favorite drink however, I love not only for its flavor, but its presentation. I believe that food should look as good as it tastes, and presentation is vital because it builds up the eater’s anticipation of their first bite, or in this case, first sip. The presentation of the Valentine Rose tea is absolutely incredible. You are served a small tray holding a tiny glass cup and saucer, a wooden stirrer that has sugar crystals on the end and a small pitcher with what looks like a ball of leaves floating in hot water. As you watch your leafy ball, you come to find it expanding and blooming into a gorgeous, fragrant flower that makes your tea look and smell amazing. The tea itself is light and pleasing, the rose flavor isn’t overpowering at all and it tantalizes you with its whisper of flavor. I found Cyclo at 6063 Stevenson Blvd. to be an inviting place, perfect for hanging out, studying or just for a cup of coffee. I can see Cyclo attracting a large audience in the near future.

“NBC Bay Area is putting on a massive food drive on Nov. 21 at all CVS Pharmacy locations. Students can participate and get involved in the food drive,” said Joe Nicolls, Associated Students of Ohlone College Senator. Nicolls was part of the Project Imagine Community Service Fair on Tuesday and Wednesday. This week the Campus Activities Department at the Fremont campus hosted the Annual Project Imagine

Community Service Fair, Oct. 2021 in Hyman Hall. The fair had an outstanding turnout of students who wanted to be part of a community outreach and get involved in the world around them, having a direct influence on their surroundings. The Campus Activities Department partnered with NBC Bay Area and Civic Engagement Club to sponsor the event. NBC offers community projects for students to get involved and to become a part of a larger cause. Sulaiman, who has been working for the NBC Bay Area News Station is a part of their Volunteering and Community

Service Department. “I came out to the event on campus because I was looking for students to signup for community service, and to help them make their resumes and applications look good for when they transfer to CSUs and UCs." And, "Inform students know about upcoming events that are happening and how they can participate in their community.” The purpose of the Community Fair was to inform students about activities that are being offered and get them involved as well as learn about community service projects and how they can develop leadership

skills and share their experiences with other students who are also interested in civic engagement. Campus Activities provides educational, cultural and social activities. In addition, they offer practical skills to use in the real world. Development training, leadership activities, interaction with diverse ideas and populations all worked to stimulate critical thinking and problem solving. The Department is led by Director of Campus Activities and EOPS Debbie Trigg, ASOC and ICC Advisor and Renee Wong Gonzales who is also the Campus Activities Coordinator.

and acts as a fluid.” The foundations on which most buildings in San Francisco were built were unstable and easily surrendered to the great shakes of the earthquake. Though the earthquake only lasted six or seven seconds, the damage was great and widespread. This earthquake occurred at a very unique time, for it coincided with the '89 World Series and police believe that the high-traffic areas would have had a higher death toll, had the Series not been running. Relief groups like the Red Cross and approximately 31,000 volunteers helped the relief effort. Fortyfive shelters were established. The question that persisted after the quake was how safe are we if another earthquake hits. Some

schools, especially in S.F., have been deemed unfit to stand up to an earthquake. Some are still awaiting rennovation. There has been extensive freeway and bridge reconstruction in the 20 years since this earthquake. However, there is still much to be done. Californians should count themselves lucky that the last 20 years have been practically untouched by any major shake. If another earthquake does strike California, which is highly likely according to scientists, Ohlone has a preparedness plan that is available on the its website. It is important that students and staff alike go over the steps to ensuring a safe, post-earthquake environment here at Ohlone.

The website explains that if one is inside, they should duck under a table or in a corner with one’s head pointing downwards, eyes closed with hands cushioning the back of your head to avoid major brain damage and avoid being near heavy equipment. If outside, stay away from electricity poles, buildings and other structures. Aim to turn off gas and electric appliances and if necessary turn on the building alarm systems. Because there are students with various needs, assist those who need aid in case of a major earthquake. Notes can be used to communicate with Ohlone’s deaf students. We are all members of a community and must work together to prevent extensive damage to our structures and student body.

Anniversary of Loma Prieta By Najia qadir Staff writer All earthquakes are caused by a sudden shift of rock along a fracture in the earth called the fault line. The nearest fault line in the Bay Area is the San Andreas Fault. In 1989 the Loma Prieta Earthquake, also known as the Quake of ’89, was an earthquake that caused severe damage in the San Francisco Bay Area on Oct. 17, 1989. Loma Prieta recorded as 6.9 on the Richter scale. The quake caused 63 deaths, injured over 3,000 and left around 10,000 homeless. The high number of homes that were damaged as a result of liquefaction. Liquefaction is defined as, “A process by which water-saturated sediment temporarily loses strength

Atelier School of Classical Realism By KATE DIXON Staff writer My first impression of these 31 works of art is that they are precise renditions of objects and human beings. They seem too precise to be real–-they invite the viewer to reach out and pick up what they depict-the lemons, the boot or books. Yet they are just paint and graphite on canvas or paper, not living or real or even sculptures in three dimensions. Slices of reality that are perfect and beautiful. No matter what one’s philosophy of art or interests, the pure gorgeousness of the works overwhelms at times. The Atelier exhibit at the LouieMeager Art Gallery features drawings and paintings in the tradition of classical realism. This is an exhibit of works by the faculty and students of the Atelier School of Classical Realism of Oakland. “Atelier” means a school of a master artist. At the Atelier, David Hardy, Director and Rob Anderson, Instructor, teach the art and techniques of “Classical Realism.” Their extension of this school which began in the Renaissance and was

Photos courtesy of Kenney Mencher Right, Colette Clark’s “Still Life with Coffee” Left, Desry Miller’s “Still Life Studies.” revived in the 19th Century. Notably, Carlos Duran taught John Singer Sargent, the great American portrait painter, at his French Atelier. At an Atelier a student learns one on one with the master artist by drawing and painting objects and live figures, set before the class. The goal is to depict reality with exactitude on two dimensional canvas and paper using techniques to capture volumes, edges and atmosphere. 19th century realism gave way

to modernism and impressionism and many other schools of art. The current exhibit at the Louie Meager Gallery, a journey into the 19Th century, or is this a new version of “realism?” “Moby Dick Ensemble” by Rachel Bridges is a 12” x 18” painting of the Moby Dick laying on its side, spine and title, on top of a book without a title all set on a table. Next to them are six children’s blocks spelling F–I-S-H-Y, two plastic goldfish, and a conch shell.

A toy plastic motor boat with a tiny Mickey Mouse piloting it sits atop the books as though sailing them along the table. Although each grain of the wooden table surface, the pages of the book and the slick surface of the shell are depicted accurately, I took a visual double-take when realizing that the blocks and book are too large to be real. The background is a blue mist. The lettered blocks make a comment, “fishy?” Does it make sense? Moby Dick is an old book, yet Mickey Mouse in a motor boat is riding it like it is an ocean wave. Is this classical realism? The symbolism of this Moby Dick painting and its witty air can be seen in surreal works such as some of those by Salvador Dali, who also used extremely realistic drawing and painting techniques to depict subject matter which is wildly dreamlike. Continued on Page 6


October 22, 2009 monitor


Bits of Girl By Ivy mondragon

EDITOR'S NOTE--This is part of a series about hurtful issues and how to overcome them. It is writen by a student who has chosen to remain annonymous.

Photos by David Epperson Left, O‘Connell interacts with students during his RSA Encryption Brown Bag Seminar on Monday. Ohlone students learned how to keep their passwords safe using public and private keys. Right, O'Connell after the seminar.

O‘Connell offers password safety tips By Katheryn Dixon Staff writer Jeff O’Connell, Associate Professor of Mathmatics, insisted throughout his Science Brown Bag Seminar on Friday that sixth-grade math was sufficient to grasp RSA encryption so as to enable someone to keep their Facebook password safe. O’Connell must know genius sixth-graders. His one hour Power Point presentation at the Jackson Theatre was organized, effective and did reach out to the mathematically challenged at times, but ultimately, algorithms do not suffer fools kindly. RSA is an algorithm for publickey cryptography which is used widely in electronic commerce. An algorithm is a method of solving a

problem using a finite sequence of instructions. O’Connell explained that RSA involves a public key and a private key. Anyone can encrypt a message using the public key. However, only a private key can decrypt a message. RSA is part of everyday life on the internet. O’Connell said, “The small letter padlock in the corner of a web browser uses RSA encryption to keep passwords and credit card numbers from being viewed while in transit to their destinations.” First, he showed the audience how to generate the encryption key by first selecting two random prime numbers–“p” and “q.” He then defined “n” which is the modulus for both the public and private keys and is computed

as “n = pq.” He explained that the public key consists of modulus “n” and the public or encryption exponent “ e.” The private key consists of the modulus “n” and the private decryption exponent “d” which is kept secret. Using quick multiplication and division requiring a calculator, O’Connell showed how to generate the key, encrypt a message and then decrypt it. As a grand finale, he asked, “Can this encryption method be cracked? His answer: “Yes. Yes, but virtually impossible.” He showed how to crack it by using factoring very large numbers, but did not do so. He said, “Factoring humongous numbers is hard....It would take 70 years to break one cipher with all

the computers in the world.” RSA was developed in 1978 by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman at MIT. MIT obtained a U.S. patent for RSA but released it into the public domain in 2002. Finally, O’Connell showed the packed audience of about 300 students an excerpt of an Abbott and Costello film, “In the Navy” in which Lou Costello playing a Navy chef, explains his nonsensical mathematics formula on a blackboard over and over until it seems to make hilarious sense. O’Connell said his next Brown Bag will be entitled “Math in the Movies and TV, Part 2, a Sequel.” For review, O’Connell has provided a copy of the presentation online @ http://www2.ohlone. edu/people2/joconnell/

to the harpist and discovered that she taught lessons. She began her lessons a month later. Wilson has an Aoyama Orpheus 47 that she got when she was about 14 all the way from L.A. The most common and easiest to obtain brands in the U.S., include, Lyon and Healy, Camac, Salvi, and Aoyama. “Most people stick with one of the four since they are the most famous” said Wilson. It is a $13,500 student harp. The number after the model number indicates the number of strings on the harp. A lever harp usually has from 38-44 strings because it can only

raise half a pitch and doesn't go flat, but 46-48 strings is normal for a pedal harp. On the average harp, the strings are separated into three pieces, the top third is nylon, the middle piece is nylon or sheep gut, and the lower third is made up of coiled wires. She has a special wheeled case to place her harp in as it weighs a good solid 40 pounds. “Its pretty heavy.” Wilson’s favorite song to play is “The Little Fountain” composed by Samuel O. Pratt. She loves the harp and is her absolute favorite instrument, but she loves the harp best when it is blended with other instruments. Although Wilson plays for the

love of the harp, she doesn’t plan to turn it in to any type of career. She has played at a few weddings “I just think that's really flattering,” she said, “and the harp goes with weddings, something just feels right about it.” If she would not be playing the harp, she would still be playing the saxophone, yet another complicated Continued on Page 6

Madeline Wilson, the harpist By shelby lacy Staff writer The magnificent instrument began with limestone, gut and bone. It was the first instrument, and makes a classically beautiful sound. Madeline Wilson is an Ohlone College student and has played the harp since the age of 10, and seven years later, she is still a student of the instrument. She began to play her first instrument, the clarinet, at the age of 8. Wilson said “I saw a harpist at the county fair...she was sitting in the art column and I thought it was the most beautiful sound.” Wilson then proceeded to speak

Photo by Nytasia Calip

Photo by Accalia Calip

‘Maddy,’ practices every day and still has time for school.

I died that day, and it was all my fault. I broke up with him. I had jumped off a sky scraper and hit rock bottom. I couldn’t go home, I couldn’t stand facing my mom. I didn’t want to deal with the questions or my room. I couldn’t get away from him and I couldn’t get away from myself. I was a prisoner of my own thoughts and needed deliverance. I called my friend and he came. If it was not for him then I don’t know what I would have done. He picked me up in his beloved shiny blue car. I crawled into his car and he didn’t say a word. He just knew. I had just met him and he knew something had gone terribly wrong. But we clicked over crazy circumstances. I thanked him and he drove me around until I felt better. I cried and explained the situation to him. He was everything I needed, a friend that knew how to listen. He was perfect and all he had to do was drive. The twists and turns and the sound of his car were all so comforting, he was comforting. I don’t remember what was said that day, or how I got into that situation, everything is hazy. But what I do remember is how it all made me feel, and what my friend did for me. I guess that is the beauty of life, the situation escapes me and the feeling is indescribable so the only way to understand this is if you have lived through it. I think I saw the carpenter while driving once but I never spoke to him, and my friend and I never got together. I knew it would have been under the worst of situations. To be continued.



October 22, 2009

Transfer Day in the rain By Hyder Alikhan Staff writer

Photo by Jimmy Patten

Foosball table and flat-screen TV highlight equipment in new recreation room sponsored by ASOC that opened in Newark.

Recreation room opens in Newark By Ean Tijeron Staff writer Upbeat music was played, snacks were handed out and a large Grand Opening sign hung outside of the room as ASOC made their presence known to the students of the Newark Campus with the grand opening of the Recreation Room last week. As curious students passed by the room, senators Jessica Hsu and Joe Nichols welcomed them into the room, and offer them snacks and drinks. Students were asked if they would like to play pool with the senators or even a game of Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Some students immediately went to play Jenga. The senators were excited to have fun with the students they represent and the room was busy for the rest of the afternoon. Senator Akash Patel and ASOC

Activities Coordinator Renee Gonzales, invited students to play a friendly game of pool and even foosball. A mixture of good music, good snacks, and lots of positive energy from the senators made this grand opening a big success for the ASOC. During the ASOC meeting this week, the ASOC discussed events to come. The prizes for the Halloween costume contest will be altered, so look for the flyers, which ASOC will post around the school, for more information. Executive Board Representative Lauren Baca also warned senators that if they are sick, to stay at home, and to spread the word. Also that if you are sick, you should avoid hospitals and call a doctor to get diagnosed at home. Later in the meeting, the senators had a visit by members of the ICC. Director of Campus Activities and EOPS Debbie Trigg showed

a presentation to the ICC as well as the senators about Leading by Influence. She used examples from Dr. Seuss’s Green Eggs and Ham and gave examples of a person leading via their influence such as: Sam’s persistence, having resources, and offering different perspectives. In the end, Sam convinced the other character to eat the green eggs and ham, and Debbie said that by following these examples, they could lead by influence as well. She finished her presentation with a talk about Darius Jones, a teen who died at 15 and left a remarkable influence on a whole school in only 40 days. She said “Look what he could do in only 40 days, thank of what can you guys do in one semester?” The senators and ICC applauded Debbie. The meeting was adjourned with even greater anticipations for this semester.

Continued from Page 5 instrument that she plays. Madeline also stated she would like to play the trumpet, but she thinks she doesn’t have the “chops.” In school, she was in every band there was. It was not unusual for her to have a 14-hour day during season, the rest of the time it was cut down to 10. She enjoys going to concerts and has done much research and enjoys learning about the history of the harp. The harp, according to

Wilson, is like the piano, just played on a vertical plane. The harp is definitely not an instrument you see every day. Wilson is the Youth Ambassador for the Bay Area Chapter of the American Harp Society, that is “For people who want to get into playing the harp.” They tell you when there are concerts in the Bay Area and master classes. Wilson’s teacher is the co-Vice President by the name of Dominique Piana. “She is very kind

and a very good teacher,” Wilson said, “You just have to find one you can get along with because you spend an hour or two a week with them and you want to have fun.” It is a small community and close knit, “We all know who everyone else is.” If interested, you can go to when the website is up and running, or The Harp Society can be reached at for any questions or information.

Madeline finds time for harp and school

Even though it rained – and rained – last Tuesday’s Transfer Day gave students a rare opportunity to meet with representatives from more than 40 colleges and universities from around the country, all in one room. If nothing else, it is more convenient to talk to people from 40 schools in one afternoon rather than writing 40 letters and waiting for 40 responses, which may or may not ever come. Offered was information about academic programs, admission requirements, and student life. It was a great time to “shop around” for people who are undecided on a transfer college. All CSUs, UCs and most private schools from Northern California gave a visit. The information fair lasted from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m.

A twist on realism Continued from Page 4 In “Two Satyrs,” a drawing by Kara Vassily, a traditional horned satyr looks down menacingly yet ecstatically from the paper. He holds grapes fresh from the vine. Behind him, instead of another satyr, one sees the face of a woman. She is not satyr-like, but ordinary looking. She calmly drinks from a wooden bowl, eyes closed, concentrating. The drawing, in browns, black and sepia, is so real it appears to be real life, although the satyr is a mythological figure. Ms. Vassily explained that the assignment at the Atelier in Oakland was to “draw yourself into a master painting, the ‘Two Satyrs’ by Peter Paul Rubens. I am a shadow of the wild, forest dwelling, goat-like spirits who are associated with vegetation, wine and ecstasy.” The fact that this drawing looks exactly like the famous Rubens painting yet depicts a real woman, explodes any notion of reality, especially when it is understood that the painter’s self-portrait has replaced one of the satyrs in the original Rubens painting. Where is the lost satyr? Is this traditional realism? A female artist enters into a classical painting as a portrait placed within it, replaces a figure with herself, a 21st century woman, thus altering the famous classical painting and changing its meaning and Rubens concept. To top off the irony, this drawing is one of a mythological figure. However, it also a drawing of a human being who is not a mythological figure yet they share a work of art, reworked to allow them to coexist. Is the modern artist a satyr too, in drawing or in reality? “Mother” by Rob Anderson, instructor of the Atelier school, is a

drawing of a stone sculpture of the head of a small child. It is set on a table. The child’s light curly hair appears to be real hair, whereas the face appears to be a stone sculpture. This contrast makes a statement. One of the child’s eyes peers down at a hand outstretched before it. The other eye is obscured in shadow. The hand appears to be made of stone, a sculpture, the proof of stone material being that it is cracked on one finger. However the fingernails seem real. Why is the child of stone staring at the hand of stone, while they both seem also to be alive? Careful examination of the hand indicates a horror, the hand is hung by the wrist from a rope. The fingers hold a small realistic honeysuckle flower with delicate petals turned upside down. Through this drawing, a stunning, shocking scene emerges – a child’s head and a mother’s hand of stone do not seem to connect, yet coexist. In “Headed for a Ride” by Betsy Tamblyn, one cowboy boot, a lasso, a white cowboy hat and a horse brush sit on a plain surface. The drawing of them is so real and beautiful that the smell of the leather, the feel of the twine of the rope and bristles of the brush are evoked. Creepily, there is a feeling that the rider is just off the side of the paper ready to walk into the room, pick up his hat and boot, put them on, mount his horse, brush its tail and ride away. This drawing makes no specific symbolic statement, yet it seems like a vivid recollection of ones own memory. The Atelier exhibit continues until Oct. 30 at the Louie-Meager Art Gallery located at the Smith Center. Call for viewing times: (510) 659-6176.

Sports/Campus Events Getting Renegades continue redemption October 22, 2009 monitor

TV time

Continued from page 8 Friday’s show will differ from the long-standing Ohlone Network News broadcast that goes on air every Wednesday because the Ohlone Network Sports will focus more on sports. “I’m excited,” said producer Neil Liwanag. “I can’t wait for basketball season.” The class itself teaches the students the basics behind sports broadcasting. From producing live games, to putting highlight packages together for a weekly sports highlight show. “It gives people an opportunity to get your foot in the door,” said Nico Aguilar, another student in the class. Ohlone Network Sports will debut on channel 28 at 3 p.m. on Friday, and will air every Friday at 3 p.m.

Sweeter than 16 Continued from Page 8 for a collaboration of emotions and skills to be let out on the court that resulted in wins. They didn’t always ride on cloud nine throughout the season, losing tough games against rival teams Chabot College and CCSF. However the Renegades came back and fought hard and won in rematches against the Gladiators and the Rams. With last season as a memory and a new one coming up, the team is looking forward to picking up the ball again, and just as Jamal Blalock said, “be better”. J.P. and company will open season in two weeks when they host the annual Jon Wallace tournament at Ohlone on the weekend of November 6 to 8.


Men’s soccer wins 2-1 over Cabrillo for third straight By Tomás ortega Sports writer It’s been a few weeks since the Ohlone Men’s Soccer team has strung together consecutive wins, losing back to back games to Evergreen Valley and Las Positas. But recently, a positive streak has shaped up for them. After a stunning 9-1 victory over Mission College Friday afternoon gave them back-to-back wins, Tuesday’s close 2-1 win against Cabrillo gets them back on a winning streak. However, the win over Cabrillo wasn’t a comforting win. Though the squad is off to one of the best starts in school history, there are still noticeable flaws that need to be addressed. Cabrillo’s style of play mirrored that of Las Positas, a style where they rely entirely on controlling the ball by sending quick passes around the field. With this type of play, Cabrillo kept the possession to their side of the field and gave themselves some good looks at the goal. Lucky for Ohlone though, most of the shots either went wide of the frame or were stopped by goalkeeper Iman Aghel. Ohlone struggled in the opening ten minutes of the match. Cabrillo kept moving the ball up the sidelines via left striker Diego Gonzalez. Ohlone compensated the attack by dropping all of its midfielders to help out the defense. This limited Ohlone’s ability to counterattack effectively. Dustin Richards’ opened the scoring with an 18th-minute strike from the right side of the 18. Ohlone forward Marc Wilson dribbled up the right seam, closing the space between him and the left center back. Wilson didn’t notice Richards making a run down the right side toward the 18 yard box and cut back to the middle.

Photo by Tara Lynn Lanning Dustin Richards, above, scores the first of two goals for Ohlone. Below, goalkeeper Iman Aghel prevents Cabrillo’s attempt at an equalizer. Wilson was met by a midfielder who came back to help with the attack and knocked the ball away from him, directly to Richards who took a first touch shot, giving Ohlone the 1-0 lead. Cabrillo’s best chance to score in the first half was halted by Aghel in the closing minutes of the first half. Cabrillo forward Jose Espinoza got himself free from the Ohlone defenders and attacked the 6-yard box. The Ohlone keeper dove at Espinoza’s feet, maintaining the single goal advantage. On the ensuing counterattack, Ohlone’s George Mayer II created his own space just outside the top of the 18 with a foot drag and took a clear shot on goal for the 2-0 lead. Cabrillo came out the second half greeted by a more attack-oriented Ohlone team. They must have seen something they liked of Mayer’s play. More specifically, Cabrillo forward Edgar Bedolla, who took

advantage of a lax Ohlone defense nearly the same way Mayer did for his goal, dropping the score to a single goal deficit. There were no great opportunities by either team to score the rest of the match except for a last-minute chance by Cabrillo. Nigel Ramnauth had plenty of room to run down the right side and took a shot from 25 yards out. The ball sailed high and wide right

of the upper 90 just before the final whistle. “The hallmark of a good team is that they can close out a game even if it’s ugly,” Ohlone Head Coach Jan Eric Nordmo said. “Now I wouldn’t call this game completely ugly, but I wouldn’t kiss it.” Ohlone will look for their 10th win of the season when they take on DeAnza on Friday at 4 p.m.

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The Monitor invites your comments. Letters should be 250 words or less and include your name and relationship to Ohlone. Letters become property of The Monitor and may be edited for spelling and length. Campus Events listings are free for college-related events. To have your event added or to place an ad, contact Jacque Orvis at (510) 659-6075 or e-mail

October 22 Let’s Play Chess! Game boards available to anyone who wants to play. Hosted by Professor Alan Kirshner. Cafeteria, second floor of Building 5, 9:30 to 11 a.m. 22 GSA meeting at the Smith Center, Green Room, 4 p.m. 22 Learning Disabilities Informational meeting. Room 7107, Student Services Center, Building 7, first floor, 12:10 to 1:30 p.m. 22 Ohlone College / TriCities One-Stop Fall Job Fair at the Ohlone Newark Center, 1 to 4 p.m.

College, 3:30 p.m. 23 Brown Bag Speaker Seminar: “The Woman Warrior” by Julia Salvador, Room 2133, noon, free. 23 Reminder: Apply for Foundation Scholarships deadline to apply: Tuesday, Oct. 27 at 5 p.m. 23 Poetry Slam, 7-9 p.m., Jackson Theater, admission free. Two rounds; sign up at the door. Prizes totalling $225. Featured poets: David Dow and Cody Breidt.

23 Women’s Soccer, home vs. Hartnell College, 4 p.m.

Instructional Leagues Camp Fall 2009, Little Renegades - 3rd and 4th Graders - 10:45 a.m.

23 Men’s Soccer, away vs. DeAnza College, Cupertino, 4 p.m.

25 Ohlone Wind Orchestra, Jackson Theatre, Smith Center, 2 p.m.

23 Women’s Volleyball, home vs. Skyline College, 6:30 p.m. 23 Battleground: Ohlone College Poetry Slam, Jackson Theater, Smith Center, 7 to 9 p.m.

26 College Council, Room 7101, Fremont campus; Video conference from Room NC-1219, Newark campus, 3 to 4 p.m.

23 Men’s Baseball, home vs. Monterey Peninsula College, 2 p.m.

25 Youth Basketball Instructional Leagues Camp Fall 2009, Mini Renegades - 1st & 2nd Graders 9:30 a.m.

23 Women’s Water Polo, away vs. West Valley

25 Youth Basketball

27 HIV Testing Clinic Student Health Center, Room 7302, Building 7, 11 a.m. 27 How-To Clinic: How to Roll Sushi. Learn how to roll sushi with Sushi Connoisseur Marilou Alejo. Eat what you make. Cafeteria, Building 5,

second floor, noon. 27 Women’s Soccer, home vs. Los Positas College, 1:30 p.m. 27 Inter Club Council (ICC) meeting, Student Activity Room 6105, Building 6, 2:30 p.m. 27 Inter Club Council (ICC) meets every Tuesday during fall and spring semesters from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m., except during holidays. 27 ASOC meets every Tuesday during fall and spring semesters from 4 to 5 p.m., except during holidays and breaks.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Fast Break

Page 8

Streak comes to end in San Jose

By Ankita Chharbra

Sports writer

Ready to go past 16 “We still got the that feeling in the back of our head about losing in the Sweet Sixteen, so we’re hungry”, said returning sophomore Quaran Johnson as he took a deep breath remembering how the team ended the season last year. The Ohlone Men’s Basketball team under the coaching guidance of John Peterson was taken to great heights last season as he put together a team that not only reflected his ability to coach the inexperience into being professionals, but also a family that put their hearts out on the court to play ball. The team itself varied in range, size, height and even personalities, but it was all those elements that worked perfectly to make a team that showed results on the court. The season concluded with them holding the shared number one spot in conference with San Francisco City College, with a record of10-2, and a season record of 25-9. They opened with their first game against Feather River College in the Jon Wallace Tournament and it was then that they set the standards for themselves and the rest of the teams in the league that they were the team to watch out for. A.J. Flournoy averaged 15 points every game along with James Hancock who followed right behind. Alpha N’Diaye as a guard not only put on the extra points, but his dunks stole the show. Tim Bowman and Eric Pitts leadership skills always allowed Continued on Page 7

Photo by Jeff Weisinger

Ohlone Volleyball Head Coach Jeremy Peñaflor celebrates his first conference win. Below, Jayme Leftridge came through big with each of her clutch kills against the Lady Jaguars.

Lady Renegades end 19-conference game losing streak By Jeff Weisinger Editor-in-Chief “I feel as if something had been lifted off me.” After a nail-biting five-set win over San Jose City College Wednesday night, Ohlone Volleyball Head Coach Jeremy Peñaflor will no longer have to answer the question if, or when his team will win a conference game. “It feels great,” Peñaflor mentioned. “I didn’t think about it too much, but now that it’s here and with the way it happened, it feels really good.” “It’s really big,” said freshman outside hitter Jayme Leftridge. Ohlone was a heavy favorite

going into Wednesday’s match with the Lady Jaguars only winning one game on the season, however San Jose made things difficult for the Lady Renegades on the night. “I think that they were surprised with what we had,” Peñaflor added. After Ohlone won the first set 25-21, the Lady Renegades found themselves in a deep hole in the second set as San Jose pulled out to an early 6-1 lead to start the set. The Lady Jags took advantage of the numerous miscues by Ohlone to take the early lead. Down, but not out, the Lady Renegades fought back to 15-10, fighting back and forth for each point. Ohlone would continue to fight back to take a 24-23 lead off a huge block by Idle. Ohlone would win the second set 26-24. Although Ohlone was thinking sweep, the Lady Jags had other

plans, fighting past Ohlone 25-22 in the third and fourth set. “We had slow starts,” Leftridge added. Once Ohlone took a 7-6 lead in the fifth and final, they never looked back, winning the final

match 15-10. “This is just a stepping stone,” said sophomore middle blocker Kelly Idle. “We’re going to keep pushing it and we’re going to keep wanting it.”

Merced pitchforks Ohlone Water Ohlone Sports Polo in Renegades home finale ready to go live

By Jacob Schabert Sports writer

The Ohlone Men’s and Women’s Water Polo teams each took the pool Wednesday hoping to start new winning streaks. The Men’s team lost a heartbreaker to Modesto Junior college on Saturday by the score of 8-7, and the Lady Renegades came off an 8-4 loss to the De Anza Dons last Wednesday. Wednesday’s action didn’t fare well for either team. The Merced College Blue Devils arrived Wednesday with two teams headed in opposite directions. The Men’s team came into the game with a 3-9 overall record, while the Lady Blue Devils came into Wednesdays game with a 15-3

overall record and sit atop the Coast Conference standings. The first game of the day featured a dominant defensive effort by the Lady Blue Devils over Ohlone, as Merced won 15-2. Ohlone was forced to take many difficult shots in the game with inside positioning being eliminated early by Merced and Ohlone’s slashing lanes were simply taken away. The third quarter was one to forget for Ohlone. The Lady Renegades turned the ball over on all but one possession and allowed Merced to make eight of nine shots all off turnovers. Evelyn Choy had a goal and an assist for Ohlone, while Kayleigh Torres led the defense in steals for the Lady Renegades with two.

The men’s game featured two teams that have met twice already in the year. Ohlone and Merced’s water polo teams split games between each other this year heading into Wednesday’s game. The Blue Devils came out of the game winners of the season series, defeating Ohlone 14-5. Saturday’s tough loss to Modesto Junior College on Saturday, in which Ohlone blew a two-goal lead in the fourth period, all but crushed any chance the Renegades had of making the playoffs this season, and Wednesday’s loss to the Blue Devils didn’t help their cause. Scott Harvey had two goals for the Renegades on the day and Nick Raimondi led the defense with three steals.

By Jeff Weisinger Editor-in-Chief

It won’t be SportsCenter, let alone be even on, or close to any of the ESPN channels, however the Ohlone TV Network will launch something on Friday that very few junior colleges, if any, have. Ohlone Network Sports, produced by the Sports Broadcasting class (BRDC-213) will go live for the first time on channel 28 in Fremont on Friday at 3 p.m., highlighting and discussing just about everything related to the Ohlone Renegades. The Sports Broadcasting class was introduced to Ohlone College last Spring by former Columbia and Fordham professor Paul Ham-

mons. Hammons also worked for both NBC and ABC for nearly 30 years. “The idea came from a buddy of mine from Major League Baseball who said that they are having trouble getting qualified entry-level interns to do sports production,” Hammons mentioned. The Sports Broadcasting class was in its experimental stages last Spring with the class producing and releasing an End-of-Year review for all the Ohlone sports. The class also covered and shot live games, including the Men’s Basketball one-point playoff loss to Reedley College and Ian Hoff’s one-hitter for the Ohlone Baseball team against Sacramento City College. Continued on Page 7

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