Monitor 2009-11-5

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Renegades prepare for playoffs

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Real Rain Man comes to Ohlone




Greek altar drawings on display

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Fremont, California

Vol. XXXVIX No. 10

Three-year plan, put to practice – Page 2

November 5, 2009

Retention program under way

Dia de los Muertos celebration

By Shelby Lacy Staff writer

Photo by Manal Bejaoui

Eva Griffen paints Chris Berania’s face at the Dia de los Muertos event in the Cafeteria Wednesday, which included costumed Aztec dancers. It was part of a two-day celebration of the Mexican holiday that honors the dead. Tuesday’s event was in the Archer Art Gallery, Building 7, first floor. See another photo on Page 3.

Agreements near on pact that would reduce pay President will refuse pay raise during budget cuts By Kathryn Dixon Staff writer Ohlone California School Employee Association (CSEA) President Linda Evers said Wednesday any contract between its 144 members and Ohlone to take a pay cut to offset its share of the college’s 2009-10 budget deficit depends on the college cutting about 100 student employees. CSEA is a union of clerical-type full-time permanent employees. Evers said it is unfair for CSEA employees to take five unpaid furlough days, equivalent to a 4 percent pay cut, when its employees’ work is indispensable as compared to that of student assistants. Student assistants are deployed throughout the college to do jobs such as filing papers, helping

with lab maintenance and tutoring other students. These students are employed by the college “at will” and can be laid off without cause and usually work 10 to 15 hours per week for minimum wage or slightly higher. According to Dean of Business Services Joanne Schultz, Ohlone reduced payments to student assistants from $250,000 to $170,000 and is likely to pay substantially less than $530,000 to student employees next year. The negotiations between the district and the college’s three unions is aimed at resolving a budget deficit of $700,000 which developed when the state announced mid-year cuts in college funding. Ohlone has responded to the reduced state funding by cutting 20 percent of last summer’s classes, plus more than 170 class sections for fall semester. A retirement incentive package for teachers and staff members is expected to save more than $650,000 this year.

In addition, severe cuts are expected in next summer’s class offerings, and there is even a possibility that another round of budget cuts will be necessary in the next fiscal year. The CSEA based its bargaining position on California Education Code Section 88017. According to Section 88017(c), “[a] classified employee may not be laid off if a short-term employee is retained to render a service that the classified employee is qualified to render.” The college has employed attorney Deanne Mouser of Atkinson Andelson Loya Ruud & Romo to negotiate on its behalf with CSEA. Evans questioned the college’s choice of paying expensive attorney’s fees during this budget crisis when administrators are qualified to act as negotiators for the college. Since 2008, the Dean of Human Resources position at Ohlone College was being held on an interim basis. According to Schultz, employing an attorney was necessary

to ensure continuity in negotiations because Ohlone did not have a permanent Dean of Human Resources to act as a negotiator with the unions. Shairon Zingsheim joined Ohlone College as the permanent Dean of Human Resources this month. Alan Kirshner, chief negotiator for the United Faculty Ohlone (UFO), said UFO has reached an agreement with the district, subject to a ratification vote Friday. This agreement would tentatively save the college $400,000 by waiving $130,000 to $140,000 in back pay from the 2007-’08 contract. To save the college an additional $140,000, the faculty will be furloughed for four flex days or 24 hours, equivalent to the faculty losing 1.2 percent of their salaries for the spring semester. Evans, who works as a supervisor and technician in the biology laboratory, has several students working under her supervision. She said she is sad about the prospect that Continued on Page 6

First it was named Umoja meaning “Unity” in Swahili. The program was then renamed Nishiti, meaning “Strength,” also in Swahili. The program has been named by the students. The retention program is for students who would like to study African American history and literature. To be eligible to join the program, you must be registered for ENGL-151B, the Fundamentals of Composition; ENGL-163, techniques of reading; HIST-114A, African American history, and PD-113, Strategies for Succeeding in College. Students must be fulltime, taking 12 or more units. It is a year-long course both fall and spring semesters. According to Yvonka Headley a counselor and teacher of the college success class in the program, the goal of Nishiti is to make it through the challenges, knowing that someone else cares and to help through peer support. The program is described as a learning community, a group of two to four classes linked together so the student may connect in the separate subjects. Headley is the counselor and coordinator of the program. Headley has worked at Ohlone for three years as a full-time counselor. Her dean requested that Headley attend a conference back in 2007. Since that conference for the last two years, the program has been in the making. Fall 2009 is the program’s debut. Nishiti is a very interactive program and the students are required to visit Headley at least two times a semester and talk about their grades and goals. Continued on Page 3

How to tell if it’s swine flu By Gloria franco News editor It seems like many people are not very clear on what the H1N1 symptoms are. There are differences between a cold, seasonal flu, and H1N1. It’s a bit early for seaContinued on Page 6



monitor November 5, 2009

Jeff Weisinger Gloria Franco Manika Casterline Nazia Mastan Jillian Sanchez Sports editor: Nick Zambrano Photo editor: Japneet Kaur Online editors: Max Stephens Kyle Stephens Staff writers: Shantall Prado Miguel Cerda Ankita Chhabra Theresa Gutierrez Anika Dokes Kathryn Dixon Naijia Qadir Kelsey Bloom Lesly Hernandez Hyder Alikhan Tomás Ortega Shelby Lacy Jacob Schabert Ean Taijeron Tolo Dayo Photo staff: Manal Bejaoui Tara Lynn Lanning David Epperson Stuart Dawson Ian MacDonald Jimmy Patten Cheryl West Nelam Rafiq Ad manager: Anna BiaritzRoldan Ad staff: Christy Marovich Editor in chief: News editor: Opinion editor: Features editor:

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Cartoon staff: Adviser: Printer:

The fast track to higher education!

Ibrahim Badawy Bill Parks F-P Press

Three-year plan, nice in theory, not in practice By MANIKA CASTERLINE Opinions editor Now there is a price to pay in acquiring familiarity in any given academic institution. You learn what the fastest way to any given building is, or in our case how to bypass those formidable Ohlone stairs. You discover through experience what teachers to avoid and which to take. You make the mistake by taking classes you enjoy and delay registering for general education courses. But, like with all things, there is a trade off that more often than not means waking up one day to the realization that you are still not progressing any further along in your path to transferring. The initial plan was that you were supposed to be at community college for two years. And now you are on the end of year three. Where is “real” college anyway? And once you get

there did you learn the lesson from community college that the priority ought to be on academics not extracurricular? In the Oct. 26 issue of “Newsweek,” Congressman Lamar Alexander proposes the idea that what higher education needs is a three year solution. That’s right, three years to complete an undergraduate degree instead of four. As it is, the average students are now taking approximately six and a half years in order to complete their B.A or B.S degree. And the three-year plan is being equated as higher education’s version of a hybrid vehicle, not for everyone. The three-year plan operates on the premise that by eliminating one year, students will benefit. Students will save approximately 25 percent off their general tuition and will be taking at least 10 units more per academic year. Currently one out of

five students begins college already having attained some college credit from taking an Advanced Placement course in high school. The three-year plan will hypothetically reinvent the American system of higher education as we know it. The question then becomes how could something that looks so good on newsprint in actuality be so deceiving? I think first we ought to drop the hybrid car metaphor like it’s hot and replace it something considerably more dignified, the Travel Channel show, “Man vs. Food.” Yeah, I just went there. The three-year plan is indeed comparable to competitive eating. In other words, the first sip of that milkshake may be delicious, but the accelerated speed in which you are drinking it will produce an intense brain freeze. It may appear that finishing in three years is a good idea, but it will come at a certain cost.

A school, whether it be a community college or a university, functions through a variety of components. The most vital of course being the faculty. Teachers are arguably overqualified and under paid for the work that they do. Not to mention that professors also have to battle the entrenched system of reaching tenure, which has a way of more often than not leading toward a slippery slope of entitlement to some extent. This policy of tenure produces camaraderie and a stagnant state of intellectualism among those who are teaching us to be free-thinking individuals. The job security that occurs comes attached with the death of youthful enthusiasm and passion for any given subject matter. What the three year plan does to the current model of education is it makes the occupation more difficult. It takes the present pressures of lack of resources and depleting

financial capital and exacerbates the quandaries that already existent within the system. On the surface, the three-year plan promises to reduce costs of tuition for students. However, they will be paying for the accelerated degree in other ways. The cost of tuition is constantly on the rise and by having to take more classes per semester so that one can finish in three years means having to pay for more classes. It will significantly lead to less breathing room in terms of persuing extracurricular, which tend to uphold the principle of team building above self interest. And can teach lessons far reaching the confines of a campus. The three-year plan requires drastically reinventing how we as a society envision the academic year. The school year of fall term to spring term has historically never been amended despite the Industrial Continued on Page 3

Starbucks, and we can’t help but to wonder - “Why would you wear that in public?” Recently I had a moment such as this while I was walking to my Cultural Anthropology class. I caught her with the corner of my eye as she was racing up the stairs, probably arriving late to class, her

body moving up and down in slow motion while her silk shirt flew swiftly with the wind from her panicked movements. The first thought that ran through my head was how that silk shirt would have looked so much better on me and then why would she wear silk in this kind of heat. But after all

those quick thoughts, I thought to myself why do people wear things that are completely unflattering to their body? All of us are capable of looking in the mirror and determining when something makes us look fat, shows too many curves, reveals too much inappropriate cleavage, allows for

a peep show of our rear ends every time we get up. Some items of apparel are just not meant to be for us. And yet time and time again we see a lady or gentleman making complete fools of themselves and becoming the next inspiration of a comedian’s joke. Continued on Page 3

Some things are just not meant to be for us By aNKITA CHHABRA Staff writer Every once in a while, we find ourselves staring at someone walking down the stairs, out of the bathroom, into a classroom or even just standing in front of us at

Campus Comment >>> -

How long should it take to get an undergrad degree?

Andie Morhous

POLITICAL SCIENCE “As long as it takes to feel comfortable.”

Angelica Rodriguez UNDECIDED “Three years.”

Daniel Martinez UNDECIDED “Six years.”

Evelyn Mendoza

MULTIMEDIA “Two years, because I just want to do what I want to do.”

Vincente Hernandez ENGINEERING

“Four years. ”


Retention program Continued from Page 1 One student named Maya Garnes, registered at Ohlone then spoke to her about a new program they were starting. “I think it is a great program,” she said. Garnes’ goal is to attend Gallaudet University in Washington D.C. and study to become an American Sign Language interpreter. The program can help her to succeed in her dream. This program can also help minorities learn their own history. Though all are welcome, the program is geared toward African Americans and MexicanAmericans. According to the State of Black California, in 2007, the percentage of adults of African

American descent with college diplomas rests at 11 percent. That is nearly half of Caucasian adults which is at 21 percent. Also according to the Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, “A nurturing environment can have a positive impact on black student retention and graduation rates. These rates might suffer when students do not feel connected to the campus.” Headley is organizing an outreach mixer to get students to want to join in the spring. The event is set Nov. 17, in the first floor lobby of Building 1 from noon to 1:30 p.m. Nishiti didn’t get the publicity that was planned as Headley took

a maternity leave. In the future, as soon as next spring, some fundraisers will be held to pay for a trip to the African American Museum. Although this program has already helped most of the students, and many students are expected to continue with the program, such as Garnes, this program still gets no funding at all. Headley said she hopes to get some sponsorship for her students and the program, and donations of course are extremely welcome. For more information, you can reach Yvonka Headley at (510) 659-6125. She can be emailed at or visited in Room 7324.

All natural at Saturn’s Cafe Continued from Page 4 eat, as it was the only edible item on the table. I did not talk about my or my cousin’s orders because bringing them up would bring shame to the already poor tasting restaurant. Let me be clear, I have no problem with vegetarians, vegans or the food that they eat. I like vegetables and have no problem with organic food. I love

organic fruits, and a good organic salad. However, this restaurant was not a good representation of vegetarian or vegan eating. It was gross! I think what made it worse was that it wasn’t advertised as vegan or vegetarian restaurant; it simply had signs that said burgers, fries and shakes, in other words, it looked like a normal diner. Jill has a theory, “They’re really

crafty. Their catch is for you to go in, order and then find out its vegan. At that point, you feel so sorry for them, and think it would be rude to just up and leave, so you end up staying and paying for the crap they serve as food.” I will try vegan food again, but hope that it is worthy of a good review. Respecting eating styles is important, so I still have an open mind and an open mouth.

Continued from Page 2 Revolution, which led to the shift away from an agrarian based economy. According to Ohlone’s Vice President of Academic Affairs, Jim Wright, “The whole school year is built around an agricultural society that does not exist anymore.” Let’s apply the concept of the three-year plan to the community college system. Subtract a year from the two years that you are supposed to take here. Imagine how many more classes you will have to take. How the nature of community

college will adapt to speed up not slow down. And how when you apply in the fall you will not have a sufficient record of how well you perform as a college student since you will only have been here for roughly half a semester. Now your prior academic record becomes the more accurate reflection of your intellectual brilliance. “It would be condensed. It would be intensive. It would think only fit the lifestyle and interest of a few students particularly at a community college. And it would be more

costly. Now that does not mean that it couldn’t be done. If you had the money to do it, the students who were interested, and the faculty who wanted to teach that way,” Wright said. The idea of the three-year plan that Congressman Alexander has proposed is a nice idea in theory. But, we need to apply a heavy dose of practically to this Washington quick fix. The allocation of money should rightly be placed in reinventing and repairing the American education system.

The plan will take time

Know your style and flaunt it Continued from Page 2 It wasn’t that the girl in the silk shirt was completely unaware of her impact on my views of her, but it was the simple fact that she choose to get up that Thursday morning and put on that shirt, without even once questioning if she was sending out the right message. No one whose waist size is larger than a 13 (female sizes) and a 38 (males) should be allowed to wear short shirts that will expose your belly from the front or your underwear from the back. It’s completely inappropriate for any one to have to see any of those things because first impressions are lasting ones. I do not want to remember you and judge you for the rest of your life because you wore a white Pink Floyd shirt that was two sizes smaller than what you should be wearing. Ladies, unless you’re working for the strip bar downtown and/or a registered prostitute, there is no excuse for you to have your breasts hanging out of your shirts. V-neck

shirts are desirable clothing items, but if you have rather big breasts than what can fit in the shirt, then wear a tank top underneath. Guys, sagging your jeans is completely the ’90’s thing to do. This is a new century with new definitions of “cool.” No one wants to know what color your boxers are or that you have a receding hair line going

down your butt. The list of what to and what not to do is endless. There are both sides of the argument regarding free will and having self confidence with your body type. At the end of the day you just have to remember one rule, if you don’t want to see someone’s extra stuff then don’t wear it yourself.

November 5, 2009 monitor


Profile Manal Bejaoui got her face painted in the Cafeteria Wednesday for Dia de los Muertos. Photo by Nytasia Calip

Candlelight vigil By Theresa Gutierez Staff writer We have all felt the effects of the state budget cuts and wonder when it is going to change. But what are we willing to do to make our voice heard? Tomorrow students will have an opportunity to stand up for higher education and speak out. According to the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) located in Sacramento, our Student Senate Council for California Community Colleges will be holding a Candlelight Vigil to mourn the loss of hundreds of thousands of Community College students throughout the system due to the 30 percent fee increase this year and budget cuts of approximately $900 million to the California Community College

system. Beginning at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, there will march from the Westin St. Francis to the Yerba Buena Gardens in San Francisco where a rally will be held followed by a stand in solidarity with partners throughout the system as well as all the other systems of higher education as the impending loss of public higher education in California will be mourned. The ASCCC expects to possibly have Mayor Gavin Newsom as well as state and local lawmakers attend this event. The Candlelight Vigil will be the closing event to the first ever, Community College Week hosted by the City of San Francisco which was held all week at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. All students are urged to be present and show their support for higher education.



monitor November 5, 2009

Earthy at Saturn’s Do I have a story for you! On Halloween weekend, I went to Santa Cruz with some friends, rather than in Hayward like I planned. After a very long night, filled with twists, turns and more drama than I could tell you about in one column, my group ended up driving by a restaurant that looked very promising. It was a ’50’s styled diner, with a Saturn theme, appropriately named Saturn’s Café. The place had a cool vibe, and was still crackin’ at 2 a.m., which impressed me. The place was packed with half naked girls and half-baked guys, all of whom were under the influence. The waiters and waitresses were completely in the spirit of Halloween, a guy dressed as Marilyn Monroe, a female Buddy Holly, Mia Wallace and Vincent Vega. The atmosphere of the restaurant really put us in a good mood. As I sat down, all I could think about was ordering a big juicy burger. Looking at the menu, everything seemed delicious, yet we noticed something was off. “Fakin bacon,” “meaty tasting” and “faux chicken,” huh? I turned to the front of the menu. At the bottom in small print was a message. Saturn’s was a vegan restaurant! What? Shocked is an understatement. What to do? All the fast food dives were either closed or had

long lines, we were not going to wait so the only option was to stay. We each came up with an ordering strategy. My best friend Jill decided on the chili cheese fries, my other B.F Lindsay and I figured breakfast was the safest way to go. She ordered the wheat French toast, I ordered the chocolate chip pancakes. My cousin By Ashley decided to Mckenzie show off his Food Columnist man skills, ordering a “meaty tasting” burger. Our ordering strategies failed. To describe Jill’s chili cheese fries as disappointing would be kind of us. She couldn’t stop talking about the organic beans in the chili, “Uncooked and raw. I could literally taste the dirt.” I have never seen her so perturbed. She went on to say, “ I thought I was eating dirt. If I had had a taste for dirt, I would have stayed outside and grazed on grass!” Lindsay’s experience was worse. She knew her French toast would be made with wheat toast, but didn’t understand the degree of earthiness that comes with organic wheat toast. To call her French toast inedible, or repulsing would be completely accurate. I tasted her food, and one could literally feel bits of wheat and nuts in the bread. Lindsay said, “This is not bread, this is nuts! Period.” Needless to say, she sent her food back. She ordered a basket of fries, which everyone else proceeded to Continued on Page 3

The Rabbit Hole is dug at Ohlone A child’s tragic death, women throwing fists in a bar, quantum immortality, girlfight in a Safeway, and a cold marriage bed. What brings these disparate elements together with a splash of black comedy is David Lindsay-Abaire’s Pulitzer Prize winning Broadway hit, Rabbit Hole.

Food Diva

Black, white, beautiful

Showtimes: Friday-Saturday, Nov. 6-7, 2009 at 8 p.m., Thursday-Saturday, Nov. 12-14, 2009 at 8 p.m. Friday, Nov. 13 performance will be ASL interpreted. High School Matinees: Wednesday-Thursday, Nov. 18-19, 2009 at 10 a.m. and ThursdaySaturday, Nov. 19-21, 2009 at 8 p.m. @ The NUMMI Theatre, Jackson Theatre, the Smith Center

Photo courtesy of Kenny Mencher ‘Into Pergamon: the Art of Rob Anderson’ is being featured in the Art Gallery this month through Feb. 6. Above is Anderson's piece entitled ‘Treasure House.’

Pergamon in the gallery By Shantall Prado Staff writer

This is one of the charcoal drawings featured in the president’s office entitled, ‘John’ by Christian Fagerlund, who teaches part time at Ohlone. For more information you can visit

“Just wait until we take you down to see the drawings – you’re going to freak out! They are just amazing drawings!” Ohlone Art Instructor Kenny Mencher giddily exclaimed about taking his students to the Louis-Meager Art Gallery to see the current display. “Into Pergamon: the Art of Rob Anderson” gives Ohlone College as well as the greater community a spectacular look into the ancient altar of the Greek God Pergamon, with beautiful charcoal works and oil paintings to portray first hand views of the Altar. Anderson came to Ohlone from Berlin, Germany to speak about his charcoal drawings and oil works of the Greek God Alter now on display in the Louis-Meager Art Gallery in the Smith Center. Anderson has been an artist for about 45 years now, almost the entirety of his life. He has studied art and graduated from UC Berkeley, and now teaches art at the Atelier School of Classical Realism. The Pergamon Altar that Ander-

son drew from was originally built in Greece but has been relocated to a museum in Berlin. Anderson has been working there for the last two years, critically observing the Altar and creating his pieces, some of which are now on display in the Art Gallery. The altar, which sits below a Third Century building, is nine feet tall, made out of marble that was carved into by many sculptors. The detail on the altar is so fine that one can even see fold lines that were creased into the drapery when it was folded for storage before use. The colossal quantity of detail is minute. Anderson sheepishly admitted that the most difficult drawing was the drawing of Phoebe and Astioria in combat. This drawing had a slit in it that would set the position of the rest of the drawing. He took a week to sketch out an outline. After a week of failed attempts, “I went to Phoebe and said, ‘I give up I’m at your service,’” as he bowed his head. “After that, everything went fine,” Anderson said, and whatever power they [the gods] might still hold, helped.

The slabs tell an enchanting story of Greek gods and goddesses in an epic battle against the giants. The twist in the story is that the gods cannot win against the immortal giants unless they have a mortal on their side, naturally Hurcules, half mortal-half god, is called on to assist in battle. Although the Greeks never finished crafting the marble, Anderson finished his work and had spare time to draw, head of a giant, where Anderson claims “he is actually not part of the project, I just drew him because I had a little time to kill.” Anderson felt bad for a few tourist who panned the room with the camera, “click, click, click they really missed the power of it [the alter] all.” Now the students at Ohlone can soak in a bit of Greek mythology and divine power by visiting Anderson’s remarkable charcoal drawings in the Smith Center. Saturday, Nov. 7 from 7-8 p.m., you can also hear Anderson speak Thursday, Nov. 5, at 2:15 p.m. in Room 2133. Don’t miss out, this exhibit closes Saturday Feb. 6.


November 5, 2009 monitor




November 5, 2009

Meet Kim, the real Rain Man By Kelsey Bloom Staff writer By the time Kim Peek was 3 years old, he could read the entire dictionary. At age 4 1/2, Peek, now a middle-aged man, had memorized a full encyclopedia series that he wasn’t yet strong enough to pick up. However, Peek’s gifts also came with some disabilities. He had very poor motor skills, he had a head more than twice the size of other children, he had great trouble connecting and even socializing with other people. These symptoms, along with the very small amount of information on neurological disorders available in 1951, left Peek being diagnosed as severely retarded as a young child. The doctor’s prognosis, as explained by Peek’s father Fran, was to put Peek in a mental institution for life and forget about him. But upon seeing Peek’s fantastic ability growing before his eyes, he relented, demanding that Peek be raised at home like a normal child. Peek, the subject of the 1988 film “Rain Man,” starring Dustin Hoffman, appeared in the Jackson Theater Friday night, sponsored by Ohlone’s Psychology Club. Now that the science of neurology has grown so much with the help of technology and the study of Peek himself, he can be properly diagnosed with Savant Syndrome. It is not the same for everyone, but in Peek’s case it means that although he does share a lot of the same problems with the mentally retarded, it also means that he was born without a corpus callosum and has an eidetic memory. He can recall over 95 percent of his life. The corpus collusum is the network in the brain that connects the left and right hemispheres. One of the main jobs of the corpus callosum is to filter through our short-term memories and decide which ones are most important and relevant so they can be copied to long-term. Because Peek was born without one, his brain retains everything with almost no discrimination, from his 10th birthday party to how many pages are in the last book he read. Lacking a corpus callosum also allows him to be one of the world’s fastest readers. The average person reads a page with both eyes, disseminating the information as they go. Because Peek’s hemispheres are

separate, he is able to read the left page with his left eye and the right page with his right eye, then simply let his amazing memory take over. The local library is Peek’s favorite place in the world, where he reads up to eight books a day. Peek’s vast differences made it extremely difficult for him to integrate into society growing up, every day was a struggle. Fran wanted his family and others sharing the same problems to have support, but he found that many families were too embarrassed to admit that a child had a similar disability, like mental retardation. Therefore, Peek and his father have dedicated their lives to helping break through the stigma of retardation and mental disorders. An organization of people with mental disabilities and their families was helped founded by Fran in the seventies and was a major player in a 1976 bill that required nationally that states provide special education. Peek was there that day to see President Ford sign that bill into law and had some choice words for him. “Mr. Ford, now that you’re president you may think that you are the most important person in the country,” said Peek, “but you’re not, your wife Betty (Ford) has helped more people with cancer than you will ever help in your life.” A tearyeyed Ford then hugged Peek before signing the bill into law. Things like that are very simple to Peek. Just like the cardinal directions on a compass, his entire life is guided by a very simple principle. As Peek puts it, “treat others like you want to be treated and try to make the world a better place.” It is that simple. It is statements, and more importantly actions, like that that might make Kim Peek the most complicated simple-man on the planet, or is he the simplest complicated-man?

Browning says no to pay raise Continued from Page 1 they could be laid off. She said, “We love students and that’s why we end up working for a college. Consequently we let ourselves be abused by getting caught up in situations where we work for no pay because we want the students to succeed.” Kirshner expects UFO to finish its vote in about two weeks, because part-time teachers must be given time to vote According to President Dr. Gari Browning, Ohlone Service Employees International Union (SEIU), a union of about 100 facility or maintenance workers headed by custodian James Dempsey, has tentatively agreed to a 4 percent pay cut. Dempsey was not available for comment. Browning and all 45 managerial employees have agreed to take five furlough days, which is equivalent to slightly less than a 4 percent pay cut. Browning has waived any increase in salary. Usually, if an Ohlone college president receives a good yearly evaluation, the Board votes to give an increase in salary. Such an increase was in the works for Browning after her passing evaluation in September. At the Faculty Senate Meeting on Tuesday, Jessica Reynolds of the Lew Edwards Group reported a poll of Fremont, Union City, and Newark residents about Ohlone College. She determined that 61 percent of the respondents, who are potential voters, think that Ohlone should pass a bond for $350 million for construction and facilities improvements. A 55 percent majority of votes is required to pass this type of bond. Building facilities for the sciences, medicine, mathematics and technology was particularly attractive to voters. The Board of Trustees plans to vote to place the bond measure on the ballot in July of 2010.

Swine flu symptoms Continued from Page 1 sonal flu but a lot of students are feeling H1N1 symptoms. California colleges are experiencing about a 30 percent increase of cases each week. Sally Bratton, director of the Student Health Center, has provided an accurate chart to show the difference between symptoms of a cold, seasonal flu, and H1N1. This way teachers can determine if your student should be sent home or if they should continue attending class. And students can decide whether they should stay home. The chart will be available in the Ohlone Monitor website: For more detailed health information, consult any of the friendly staff at the Ohlone Health Center, located in Building 7, third floor, or your own health care provider.

Campus Events

November 5 Let’s Play Chess. Cafeteria, Building 5, second floor, 9:30 a.m. 5 Poets Behind Barbed Wire: The Poetry of the Japanese-American Concentration Camps. Library, Building 5, noon. 5 Learning Disabilities Information meetings, Room 7107, Student Services Center, Building 7, 12:10 p.m. 5 Men’s Baseball, home vs. Los Medanos College, 2 p.m. 5 Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) meeting at the Green Room, Smith Center, 4 p.m. 5 Artist Talk: Pergamon exhibit runs through

Saturday, Feb. 6. Large academic drawings of the Pergamon Altar by Rob Anderson, instructor at the Atelier School of Classical Realism. Artist talk at 2:15 p.m., Room 2133, Fremont.

5 Rabbit Hole. A child’s tragic death, women throwing fists in a bar, quantum immortality, girlfight in a Safeway, and a cold marriage bed. It is all in David Lindsay-Abaire’s Pulitzer Prize winning Broadway hit, Rabbit Hole. Preview show for staff and Ohlone retirees, Nov. 5, 8 p.m. Regular shows, Nov. 6-7, 12-14, 19-21 at 8 p.m. ASL interpreted: Friday, Nov. 13. High school matinees: Nov. 18-19 at 10 a.m.(NUMMI Theatre.) or call (510) 659-6031.

November 5, 2009 monitor

6 Men’s Basketball, home, Jon Wallace Tournament, all day. 6 Women’s Water Polo, home. Coast Conference Championships, all day. 6 Men’s Water Polo, Conference Championship, all day. 6 Men’s Soccer, away vs. Foothill College, 3 p.m. 12 Indian music. Partha Bose will give a lecture/ demonstration of Indian music in Room 2133 from 1 to 2 p.m. Bose is a widely acknowledged classical musician of the North Indian genre. He and Tim Roberts will jam together on the final piece. For more information go to http:// music/whatsnew.html.

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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Page 8

Underdog Ohlone looks to shock in tournament

Renegades fall flat

By Jacob Schabert Staff writer

Photo by David Epperson

Brenda Calara, bottom left, lies on the floor after Ohlone gives up another point to Foothill College. The Renegades lost Wednesday in three straight sets.

The Ohlone Men’s Water Polo team will play in the Coast Conference tournament starting Friday, Nov. 6. The Renegades will play as the fourth seed, taking on top-seeded West Valley, who are the defending state champions and are pushing for their twentieth conference title. In order for Ohlone to advance to the Nor Cal Playoffs, Ohlone would have to beat West Valley, a difficult, yet not improbable task considering the Renegades lost to West Valley 17-10. The winner of the Conference Championship Tournament will head to the Nor-Cal Playoffs. This will be the final scheduled tournament of the season for Ohlone, who finished fourth in the Coast Conference overall. At the beginning of the season, Coach Gene Kendall said that he felt Ohlone was among the top three in the Conference ranking with West Valley and Cabrillo. “I wanted to finish third in conference that would allow us to play the number two seed in conference. And if we would have won that game we would have had a chance at the championship,” Kendall said.

This season for The Renegades has been a mixed bag, with many big wins and a couple losses that spelled disaster for Ohlone’s chance to take over the division. The crowning jewel of the season was Ohlone’s trip to the Cuesta College Tournament in San Louis Obispo. The Renegades took down a Merced team, afirst in the 35 years that Ohlone has had a water polo program. Scott Harvey, leading player for the Renegades this season, led the team in scoring, assists, steals, and field blocks. “He’s just a good overall player, and I’ll be nominating him for All American, and hopefully he gets enough votes,” coach Kendall said about Harvey. Starting Left-Hander Joey Declerq was among the top goal scorers on the year as well for Ohlone, and was a leader on defense. One of the bright spots for next season is Austin Fish, a freshman this season and key member of the Renegades this year. “He’s probably the most improved player on our team. He’s showed that he can play in big games and make things happen.” The tournament will be held all day Friday and Saturday at De Anza.

Mayer tips his hat, scores three against Chabot By Tomás Ortega Staff writer A single point is what is keeping the Ohlone Men’s Soccer team from qualifying for the postseason for the first time in a long time. The only archives that keep track of team’s records only has information as far back as 2004, a time when the team didn’t have much of a positive culture. Fast-forward to now, the Renegades have beat up on the teams it’s supposed to beat up on and won tough games against the more competitive teams. Tuesday afternoon when they hosted Chabot College, who is having a down year after a good

run last season, they continued their winning ways, coming away with a 6-2 victory. The win is the first time Ohlone has not lost against their rivals since the 2005 season when they ended in a 1-1 tie. “We realize we have the potential to get to the finals,” Head Coach Jan Eric Nordmo said. “So we set goals higher than just winning a few more games than last season.” The Renegades have struggled at times this season with the possession game. Though they like to line up in a 4-3-3 formation: four defenders, three midfielders and three forwards, as the game goes on the Renegades shift to a more centralized 3-5-2 scheme. There have been games where

Lady Renegades prepare for playoff push By Ankita Chhabra Staff writer The season is almost over for the Ohlone Women’s Soccer team, with two more games left before playoffs begin. The Lady Renegades were on the road all last week as they played two conference teams, Skyline College and San Francisco City College. They are right behind Skyline, whom they lost to last Friday, 0-1. However, defeating CCSF this past Tuesday, 2-1 bumped them to second place. The Skyline contest was a well-matched game between two opponents for the second time this season and the Lady Renegades hoped to get a win. “We didn’t play with that much urgency as we are use to playing, but overall it was a good game,”

said defender Anjuli Papineau. The first half were nil games for both sides, and neither team had any luck coming close to the goal, as the ball stayed at midfield most of the game. The Trojans scored the winning goal in the second half, and though Ohlone saw some great looks at goal, they could not finish. Tuesday’s game against CCSF was a rather lifting victory for the team, as they went in with a little more confidence, knowing that their first match-up was a win. This was a fast-paced and well-organized game on Ohlone’s part, a game plan that has been seen before in their previous games. The Lady Renegades were defensively strong, as well as offensively proactive about the ball. “We dominated the ball very well and kept up the intensity,” said Papineau. Though CCSF scored in

they would transition to that scheme and would run into trouble with some teams because of their lack of ball control in comparison to better teams. Against Chabot, Ohlone kept the possession it relies on in a 3-5-2 formation. The first goal didn’t result from the scheme Ohlone runs, but rather a corner kick. Pierre Bruggeman sent a corner kick to the far post and found George Mayer II for the first goal. Bruggeman set up the Renegades’ next goal in the 39th minute. He received a pass from the defense and one-touched a pass to the middle, finding Jonathan “Cookie” Santillam at the mid-field circle rushing past the Chabot mid-

fielders. Santillam then sent a pass up-field to Mayer, who was on a 1-on-1 breakaway with the keeper and found the back of the net for his second score. Just before the first half finished, Renegade midfielder Brandon Garcia, easily the fastest player on the team, darted past three Chabot defenders through the center of the field. Then, seeing a passing lane, found Mayer for the breakaway score. Daniel Galloway scored two goals in the second half and the final Ohlone goal was scored by Diego Montantes. Ohlone had a few slip-ups late in the second half, allowing Chabot to score two and avoid the shutout.

“Their defense was locking down very good, they had speed,” Chabot forward Andres Ponce said. Ponce played for Chabot last season and was a part of the 8-3 win in last season’s meeting between the teams. Ponce scored one goal against Ohlone Tuesday. “This year’s team is more disciplined. Last year they looked like recreational players,” said Ponce. “We might give up lots of opportunities on defense, but in the end we don’t give up a lot of goals,” Nordmo said. Ohlone’s final three games are against top teams in the region starting with Foothill College this Friday. Tuesday they host City College of San Francisco.

Photo by Nick Zambrano

First-year players such as Cailin Byrnes, left, have played a huge role in the success the Lady Renegades have shared this season. the first half, the Renegades broke the tie in the second half with goals by Summer Winters and Melissa Flores. “We need to really concentrate on these next two games before the

playoffs,” said Papineau. The rest of her team could agree that the next two games, especially Friday’s upcoming game against De Anza College, are essential victories. With an overall record of 8-8-1 and be-

ing second in conference, the Lady Renegades are hoping to head off into the playoffs. Next on the schedule for Ohlone will be a home contest against De Anza College, Nov. 13 at 3 p.m.

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