Monitor 2009-3-5

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Lady Renegades on to next round.

Republicans played part of robber barons. – Page 2

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Fremont, California

Vol. XXXIX No. 6

Return of Dept. Chairs?

Math, art to mix at talk on Golden Ratio.




Bike down, but radio director O.K.

March 5, 2009

March against budget

Renegades Marching on

By anna biaritz roldan Staff writer

By Devery Sheffer Staff writer

It’s never too late to change: 30 years after abolishing Department Chairs, the Faculty Senate is considering reinstating the system. The system, which is usually present in traditional universities but struck down by Ohlone in 1979, could mean tighter coordination between deans and Ohlone’s approximately 80 departments concerning the development and evaluation of curriculum and programs, explained Speech Professor Brenda Ahntholz at the Senate meeting Wednesday. The proposed role of the Department Chairs would include making recommendations to the division dean about departmental budgets, facilities and equipment and conducting department meetings. The Chairs would also attend departmental chairperson meetings and report regularly to the division dean, as well as assist in recruitment, selection, orientation and evaluation of faculty members. Senate President Bob Bradshaw gave an example of the way the Chairs would be able to aid deans. “[Say] the bookstore call[ed] the dean saying that there are no books available for a ‘this’ class and ‘this’ section. How should the dean know every book for every class? The dean should have someone [he or she] can redirect the call to.” The proposal would need to be approved by 60 percent of the Senate in order to go on to the administration.

The Associated Students of Ohlone College (ASOC) fleshed out plans for their “March in March” budget protest at their meeting Tuesday. The ASOC will fight for California community colleges in Sacramento with the March in March. Students can now sign up to be one of the 230 Ohlone and Chabot students to join the rally in protest of budget cuts to community colleges. According to ASOC President Jackie McCulley, 30 classes will be cut this summer as a result of budget cuts. Ohlone students will meet at 7:30 a.m. on Monday, March 16 on the Fremont campus to load onto the buses and head to the capitol. A bus will be provided for students with disabilities as well as an interpreter for deaf students. For more information or to sign up for this event visit the website, The deadline to register is March 10, and the deadline to cancel is March 12. A $5 deposit is required to hold your spot. The ASOC is urging teachers to offer extra credit for this event. The motion was passed to start a new cafeteria committee. The primary focus of this committee will be to turn the faculty room in the back of the cafeteria in Building 5 into a recreational room for students. “The [Fremont campus] doesn’t Continued on Page 6

Photo by Jeff Weisinger

Tim Bowman leaps for the hoop against Merritt College in Ohlone’s regional semi-final win over the Thunderbirds Saturday. See story, Page 8.

Katona to retire after 34 years of serving Ohlone By Sean nero Staff writer At the end of the spring 2009 semester, Ohlone will no longer have one of its longest tenured and most influential faculty members. Author, photographer and English professor Cynthia Katona is set to retire from Ohlone at the end of this semester after 34 years of service. Katona was one of the original faculty members hired by Ohlone, coming to the college in 1975 as part of the second group of faculty hired by the college. Because she was hired while the Fremont campus was still under construction, she started out teaching in buildings in the surrounding area. Katona taught primarily journalism and English when she first began, because she

had a master’s degree in literature. She later expanded to teach in the fields of photography, women’s studies, desktop publishing and international education. Along with Barbara Hendrickson, Katona helped start the women’s studies program at Ohlone. She has taught Women in the Western World (WS/IS 120) for 30 years. Katona also had a hand in bringing some of the first computers to campus with the help of then-journalism Professor Florence Reynolds and a $40,000 grant from the state. Katona has had many memorable times on the campus. She said, “in 34 years I have never not wanted to come to school.” This dedication to her profession has been evident to her students. One is former student Robin Williams, who took a literature course with Katona and went on to become a successful

author. Katona is an author as well, having published two books (Book Savvy and Modern Ivory Netsuke) with more in the making. Katona said she is especially proud of having worked in international education, as she was able to “see the growth of [her] students as they matured.” Katona also cites her photography as something she is very proud of. She has won numerous awards and recognition for her work, including being a finalist in the 2008 Photographer’s Forum contest. Katona said her hardest moments as a professor occurred when she “couldn’t succeed in helping troubled students.” While she enjoys teaching, Katona said she “accomplished all she had hoped to accomplish while teaching Continued on Page 4

Photo by Nazia Mastan

Cynthia Katona has taught at Ohlone since 1975.

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