Monitor 2010-4-8

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Transfer to U.C. is 11 years old

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Vol. XLI No. 9


Health scams debunked




Where the wild things are at Ohlone

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Fremont, California

April 8, 2010

Ohlone grants to go up

Morhous quits ASOC By EAN TAJERON Staff writer

By KATHRYN DIXON Staff writer Pell Grants for eligible Ohlone College students will go up to $5,500 (up from $5,350) for the 2010-2011 school year. By 2017, the amount will increase to $5,975. These changes are part of the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act (SAFRA) which Congress passed and President Barack Obama signed into law on March 30. Starting in 2013, the Pell Grant amount will be indexed to the Consumer Price Index to adjust it to increasing costs of living. After 2014, new borrowers will be allowed to cap their monthly loan payments, at 10 percent of Continued on Page 3

Photo by David Epperson

The night sections of Ohlone’s Jazz-Rock Combo class presented their end-of-semeseter concert Wednesday at Mission Pizza on Washington Boulevard.

Combo passes test at Mission Pizza By Manika Casterline News editor Music has been widely recognized for its innate and extraordinary ability to bridge the gap between ethnicities and generations. On Wednesday night, Tim Roberts’ jazz/rock combo and his songwriting classes came together at a local venue, Mission Pizza, for a night of music played to a packed house. It served as a showcase of the talent that Roberts has cultivated

Softball team wins over break

in his classes. Jazz/rock combo student and first-time performer Anh Huyh sang a rendition of Nina Simone’s “Sea Lion Woman,” which recieved a wave of thunderous applause. Huyh said, “I don’t care too much about the reaction. I just do what I do in my car.” Huyh grew up in Vietnam and moved to the United States when he was 12, and hopes to major in sociology. He said he believes that the greater the oppression the greater the inspiration. And he uses this

premise to drive his creative interests in music and in poetry. “Roberts’ class is great because it exposes you to all types of music you might not have been exposed to, like jazz standards,” Huyh said. Classmate Melody Stedman said while the event was not mandatory, most of the students in the class wanted to participate in it or attend anyway. One of the singer-songwriters who performed was Von von Lindenburg, who said he plans to release an album of original music

this summer. According to von Lindenburg, his debut CD is a mix of genres including jazz, country, pop and rock. It will also feature contributions by Roberts and Associate Professor James McManus. The music selections also included Tina Turner’s “What’s Love Got To Do With It,” “Sweet Dreams” by The Eurythmics, and “This Kiss” by Faith Hill. Roberts teaches several other music-oriented classes in addition to jazz/rock combo, and can be reached at

ASOC Legislative Representative Andie Morhous has resigned from her duties as the Legislative Representative for ASOC and as a senator. She is transferring next semester and she needs time to be able to make money to afford all that implies with a transfer. Morhous has a departing message for the ASOC, “I appreciate them for having me, and I learned a lot of leadership skills, and have had many great opportunities. It has been pleasure to serve our student body.” The ASOC has voted to keep this position open until next semester. The duties of being the Legislative Representative include being the one voting voice for Ohlone at the Regional Meetings, and General Assembly, which includes student bodies from around the state. In other business, ASOC has commenced their removal proceedings. These proceedings activate when a member of the council violate the constituion or bylaws. Thirty-seven senators and executives have been flagged for violations of the ASOC bylaws. Only Article 1 has been violated. The sections of Article 1, which have been violated are: Section 9.2, which states all members shall hold a minimum of three scheduled office hours per week. Continued on Page 3

Speaker to discuss ‘20 top censored stories of 2009’ Is American news media censored? What about freedom of speech? Are we getting the unbiased news reports that we need to perform our duties as citizens of a democracy? Peter Phillips, president of the Media Freedom Foundation/Project Censored, will speak on “The 20 Top Censored News Stories in 2009” today, April 8, starting at 3 p.m. in Room 3201. Phillips is a professor of sociology at Sonoma State University. Project Censored uses student interns to research news stories that appear only in small-circulation media outlets. If the stories are

judged to be important, but ignored by the major media outlets, then the stories are eligible to be included in Project Censored’s yearbooks. Project Censored promotes the idea that instead of the usual censorship exerted by authoritarian governments when journalists are threatened or arrested, censorship in our culture is more subtle, motivated more by corporate entanglements and profit motives. Examples of the stories examined by Project Censored include: • U.S. electromagnetic weapons and human rights. • Inside the military industrial

media empire. • Lying about the war: deliberate propaganda and spin by the Pentagon • The Pentagon’s child recruiting strategy. Phillips will talk about the list of under-reported stories from 2009, which includes: • Over one million Iraqi deaths caused by war • The FBI deputizes business • Seizing war protesters’ assets • Bush profiteers collect billions from No Child Left Behind • Worldwide slavery. Founded in 1976, Project Censored has ltrained more than 1,500

students in investigative research over the years. Students can earn credit for their research work with Project Censored. In addition to the yearbook, Project Censored maintains a website, publishes a newsletter, offers a series of lectures, and produces films. Between 700 and 1,000 stories are submitted to Project Censored every year by journalists and interested community members. The Censorship Project is funded by Sonoma State, the Media Freedom Foundation Inc., and supporters who make contributions and buy the projects publications.

Peter Phillips Ph.D

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