ohlone college Vol. XLIII No. 4 Fremont, California
March 1, 2012
‘February Surprise’ may lead to fiscal Titanic
Ohlone President Gari Browning and Scott Thomason, who serves as the interim chief executive officer, believe that the college is in good financial shape, but reiterated that by all means Ohlone is still on the top of a sinking ship during Monday’s budget forum. Mid-year budget cuts were triggered by Gov. Jerry Brown in January and had been anticipated prior to the governor’s announcement. In February, further adjust-
ments were made to the budget analysis for the 2011-2012 academic year. Last week, California Community Colleges Vice-Chancellor Dan Troy added that the deficit factor would increase by 2.2 percent and total in at 3.4 percent. California Community College League President Scott Lay said the total of $564 million in budget cuts to the entire community college system was the governor’s “February Surprise.” The trigger of $102 million in cuts is tacked on to what was initially projected by
the state, which amounts to a further workload reduction of 2 percent. Workload reduction is ongoing cost-cutting measure that Ohlone has taken as a precaution in a rough fiscal environment and has leading to Ohlone being comparably stable according Thomason. Browning explained what workload reduction and deficit factor tangibly translate into because they are easily confused with one another. “The deficit factor is when we get money from the state they promise at a certain level, but they don’t have any money
because the economy is at a certain level so they give us less money for this year,” Browning said “It is unlike a workload reduction, which is an ongoing reduction in the number of students that we can serve and what is happening is that it is a lot worse than we or any of the other colleges had planned,” she said. According to Thomason, most of the other community colleges had created their budgets for the current year assuming that the deficit factor would be only 1 percent. However, Ohlone used a 2.5
percent deficit factor and took into account mid-year cuts when the budget was created. “There are uncertainties for the current year. We have a deficit factor that includes an impact in loss of enrollment fees with the Board of Governors fee waiver. When more students apply for the BOG waiver, there is less revenue for the state,” Thomason said. While there was discussion that the mid-year cuts would include a tuition increase of $10 more per unit from $36 to $46, negotiations settled that the price hike would not occur in until summer 2012.
Students set to march against budget cuts By MANIKA CASTERLINE Editor-in-Chief
Students will march from Raley Field in Sacramento to the all day March in March event that will take place outside of the state Capitol building.
With budget cuts across the state and impending cuts threatening higher education, students and educators are raising their voices in defense of their interests. In its sixth year, the March in March rally this Monday in Sacramento has become an annual event that joins diverse organizations from across California to spread the dialogue about budget cuts. Ohlone’s Faculty Senate and the United Faculty of Ohlone union have endorsed the event and have encouraged participation in it. The Civic Engagement Club in conjunction with ASOC is planning to send an Ohlone contingent to the event. Heather McCarty, who is the faculty adviser for the Civic Engagement Club, sent a reminder to the Ohlone
community on Monday. McCarty said that there are three things that faculty can do in support of the event. “Don’t penalize students who are participating in the march and announce in your classes that you won’t penalize them if they go,” McCarty said. She said that teachers should consider giving up at least five minutes of their instructional time to have an ASOC representative announce the details of the event. If they are willing to give up their time they can contact ASOC’s Manav Shah by email, ASOC will provide free transportation for anyone who wants to go to Sacramento. The buses will depart from the Palm Bosque area at 7:30 a.m. and return from Sacramento around 4 p.m. For more details please visit