ohlone college
Vol. XLIII No. 12
Fremont, California
May 3, 2012
Change of course course
CSUs alter requirements for new applicants PHOTO ILLUSTRATION/ MANIKA CASTERLINE and MANAL BEJAOUI
CSU East Bay in Hayward is one of the eight CSUs that will be affected by the new policies for students that are applying for a transfer.
“We see a red flag and help you fix it.”
CSU GE Plan B, complete a minimum of 18 units of major and maintain a minimum 2.0 grade-point average. The associate degree for transfer is a guarantee through the Senate Bill 1440. “Students who successfully earn an AA-T/AS-T will be admitted to the CSU system in a major previously identified at similar, not a particular campus or major,” said Berkland. According to the Ohlone College’s Transfer Center website, eligible students who complete one of the degrees are “provided priority consideration for programs deemed similar to the associate degree.” “For some university lower division major requirements, the AA-T/AS-T could be viewed as easier in the overall scope of the baccalaureate degree,” said Berkland. “The benefit is that for students pursuing the CSU,
it provides them a common set of lower division major requirements and no more than 60 units after transfer.” Students with the associate’s degree for transfer will be prepared in the area of emphasis, such as sociology. “The availability of future AA-T/AS-T degrees depend on successfully going through statewide development and approval processes,” said Berkland. When degrees are approved, the community college proposes the addition to the district and is approved by a governing board. Despite this guarantee into the CSU system, on March 20, the CSUs announced that Fall 2013 applicants would be
waitlisted until the results are know of Gov. Jerry Brown’s tax initiative. According to the DailyCal. org, “Students will be notified of their acceptance after the outcome of the election is known.” “State support for the CSU has been cut by almost $1 billion or 33 percent during the past four years and could be reduced by an additional $200 million,” according to “If the CSU budget is cut further, the system plans to reduce enrollment for 20132014 by 20,000 to 25,000 students.” “It is critical that students plan for more than one campus and diversify their prospec-
card and the Pepsi and Toyota logos all use the golden ratio in their proportions. Buy a Pepsi with a credit Ohlone math professor Jeff card and drive home in a O’Connell gave a both enerToyota. getic and engaging presentaConsumers have seemingly tion about the golden ratio been touched by the golden April 27. ratio, maybe even unconDressed casually in jeans sciously. and a blue buttoned-up shirt, The proportions of a credit O’Connell revealed that he
gives a talk about the golden ratio every year. It is one of his most popular and most eagerly awaited presentations. Mark Gosen, who is a former Ohlone student, took O’Connell’s class in back in 2005. Six years later, Gosen came back revisit Ohlone by invita-
tion of one of his friends. “I came here to further my knowledge about the golden ratio. One of the reasons that everyone at Ohlone recommends O’Connell is because he is one of those teachers that you ‘must take,” said Gosen. O’Connell begins his golden ratio presentation with a general overview.
Recent California State University admission changes have affected transfer students for the year 2013. According to the Transfer Center Director Diane Berkland via email, eight CSU campuses, including Channel Islands, Chico, East Bay, Fullerton, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Bernardino and Sonoma, are open for Spring 2013 admission but only to students with an associate degree for transfer (AA-T/AS-T). In Fall 2011, Ohlone College approved four associate degrees for transfer: communication studies (AA-T), sociology (AA-T), psychology (AA-T) and mathematics (AS-T). Students must complete 60 CSU transferable units, fulfill
tive options by size, location, system (i.e. CSU, UC, private and out-of-state), etc. and begin this planning process sooner rather than later,” Berkland said. Ohlone College Counselor Mike DeUnamuno said, “It is best for students to make a 30-minute appointment with a counselor when applying for a transfer degree.” Many students have taken classes at other community colleges and those transcripts are necessary and important when transferring. “When students meet with a counselor, we can find is something is missing,” said DeUnamuno. “We see a red flag and help you fix it.” Beside from the associate degree for transfer, the transfer admissions guarantee will help students get into their desired school. “The TAG is a great inContinued on Page 7
Golden ratio talk examines how math influences us
By ASHLEY LAM Features editor
The golden ratio dates back as far as 300 BC, said O’Connell. “Elements,” written by this ancient Greek mathematician Euclid, was essentially the first math textbook that explored geometry and number theory. “At the time, only the Bible
Continued on Page 7