THURSDAY OCTOBER 16, 2014 Vol. XLVIII No. 5 What’s the fastest way to get to Ohlone? Find out on Page 4.
Imam to address Islamic extremism ALIZAIB LODHI Online editor In response to the violent acts committed by ISIS and others in the name of Islam, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has organized a multimedia presentation about the religion’s teachings on Sunday at Ohlone College. “The event is to educate the public in response to whatever that is happening in the Middle East, from what is wrong and what is right,” said Idrees Munir, a member of the local chapter of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. The keynote speaker will be Imam Azhar Haneef, the national vice president of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. He also serves as the regional imam for the Central East Region, which includes New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware. Continued on Page 3
Voice actor shares insights with students
Above: Gary Williams speaks to Ohlone students in Professor Bill Parks’ mass media class about his career as a voice actor. Below: Willaims explains that he is still receiving residual pay from his part as a voice actor in a single Christmas episode of “Married With Children.”
ALBERT REBOSURA Sports editor “Touchdown Raiders!” or “Coming up tonight on eyewitness news at five” are a few recognizable phrases in the Bay Area that came from the voice of Gary Williams, who spoke at Bill Parks’ mass media class on Friday. The Fremont native’s voice has been everywhere – stadiums, television, radio, video games, corporate recordings and instructional videos. Williams didn’t always want to be a voice actor. He initially aspired to be in radio after graduating from the University of California, Los Angeles. He worked on radio as a news writer and director, on Continued on Page 7
Board candidates speak at forum RYAN PARCHER Editor-in-chief Two of the three candidates for the Ohlone College Board of Trustees debated the planned development of the college’s frontage property, Measure G bond expenditures and other topics during a forum Wednesday afternoon hosted by the Faculty Senate. Retired business executive Joseph Lonsdale is challenging incumbents Garrett Yee and Jan Giovannini-Hill in November for one of the two seats on the board allotted for Area 2, representing Fremont and Union City east of Interstate 880. Yee, who is currently on a leave of absence Continued on Page 3
Solar eclipse will be visible from Fremont
RYAN PARCHER Editor-in-chief It was easy to miss the total lunar eclipse last week, as the total eclipse did not occur until 3:21 a.m. Oct. 8. According to the Ohlone Astrophysics club, however, you still have an opportunity to see another one of the coolest and closest cosmic phenomena. A partial solar eclipse will be visible from the Fremont/ Newark area beginning about 2 p.m., and reaching its maximum eclipse about 3:15 p.m. The moon will blot out a little more than 50 per-
cent of the sun at the point of maximum eclipse. Alyssa Proudfoot, president of the club, said it is hosting a free viewing party at both campuses. Students and members of the public are invited to come to the Fremont campus quad or the Newark campus courtyard to learn about the eclipse. The tables will be set up from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. The astrophysics club will provide solar glasses and professional telescopes with solar filters, allowing attendees to directly observe the eclipse, Proudfoot said. Continued on Page 3
This photo shows a partial solar eclipse, in which the moon blocks a portion of the sun.