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!"#$%&' ()*'$++&,' +$-,.*&),' /&0,&&1 RYAN PARCHER Editor-in-chief Some community colleges in California will be offering bachelor’s degrees in highdemand fields by the 2017-18 academic year. Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill on Sunday that will allow four-year degree programs to be offered in 15 community college districts. Each district will be allowed to offer only one program and the program cannot be offered by a public university in the area. “This law will help us meet California’s workforce needs, does not duplicate CSU or UC degree programs, and gives more Californians Continued on Page 3 !"#$"%&'()"!*+),%-'(./'$
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!"#$%&""'()*+"$,)$-"$-*./,$.'$!"#0&1 ABIGAIL MONEDA Staff writer Ground was broken on Sept. 22 on the south end of the Ohlone Newark campus, where a new greenhouse is now under construction. Assistant Professor Narinder Bansal, an environmental studies teacher at the Newark campus, is spearheading the project. The greenhouse is a joint venture between the Environmental Studies de-
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partment and the Biology/ Biotech department, Bansal said. The project was prompted in large part by the ongoing construction at the Fremont campus. “It is a replacement for the one at the Fremont campus that is coming down per the new construction,” Bansal said. “The goal for the greenhouse is to … [have] a way to do research on sustainable agricultural Continued on Page 2
MONITOR STAFF Polling will conclude today in a special election held by the President’s Office to select the student member of the college’s Board of Trustees. The three candidates are Alex Elabed, Aditya Nekkanti and Daniel O’Donnell. !"#$"%&'()"!*+)%,%-'(./'$
Continued on Page 2
Transfer Day fills the halls of Newark campus ALIZIAB LODHI Online editor Dozensofstudentslearned more about transferring to four-year universities during Transfer Day on Tuesday on the Newark campus. The annual event gives students an opportunity to gather information about academic programs, admission requirements, and student life. It is the only time some universities will be at Ohlone to help students with programs and transfer options.
6)=9&7&(+%7)&>7?&)!&9)7?& !$&)!;&!@&)"6$(94 A&B716%+&!+)6C An information fair was held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the lobby. Then, about 1:30 p.m., UC San Diego, UC Santa Barbara, and UC Irvine held advising and information sessions. Tri-Cities One-Stop Career
Center also helped students optimize their job search. Psychology major Javier Ortiz came to the event to learn more about his transfer. “I think it’s a great way to Continued on Page 3
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NEWS BITES Governor signs consent law Gov. Jerry Brown on Sunday signed into law a bill that would require Ohlone College and other colleges that receive state funds to modify their policies regarding sexual assault. The bill requires colleges to adopt a policy defining consent as â&#x20AC;&#x153;an affirmative, conscious and voluntary agreement to engage in sexual activity.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Lack of protest or resistance does not mean consent, nor does silence mean consent,â&#x20AC;? according to the law. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Affirmative consent must be ongoing throughout a sexual activity and can be revoked at any time.â&#x20AC;?
Screening at health center The Ohlone Student Health Center will screen people for depression next week as part of National Depression Screening Day. The event, sponsored by STEP Up Ohlone and the Associated Students of Ohlone College, will be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 4 to 6 p.m. Oct. 9 in the health center on the third floor of Building 7 on the Fremont campus.
Forensics team wins awards Ohloneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s forensics team brought home some trophies last weekend from the Golden Gate Opener at San Francisco State. The team took home a third-place tournament sweepstakes award in the junior college division, along with a slew of individual awards. Kivraj Singh won four first-place awards, as well as one second-place and one fifth-place finish. Manveer Singh won first place in novice impromptu speaking, and Jose Pelcastre finished seventh.
New coordinator for Newark Jacqlyn Vetter has been named the Newark campus site coordinator. Vetter joined the Ohlone College district in July 2010 as scheduling coordinator. A few months later, she began teaching English as an adjunct instructor. She will start her new job Oct. 1. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Compiled by Monitor staff
Greenhouse construction begins in Newark
7+( *2$/ )25 7+( *5((1+286( ,6 5(6($5&+ 1$5,1'(5 %$16$/ Continued from Page 1 practices, research alternative growing practices [such as] aquaponics, hydroponics, dry farming and caveponics.â&#x20AC;? Student volunteers already have contributed their time to begin prepping the Newark campus for this additional resource. The greenhouse will begin providing learning opportunities for students across multiple departments at Ohlone upon its completion in the spring of 2015.
Student board member needed 7+5(( &$1','$7(6 9,( )25 927(6 ,1 63(&,$/ (/(&7,21 Continued from Page 1 Polling opened Wednesday, and voting will continue online at https://balloteer.com/Ohlone until 11:59 tonight. Students also may vote at the Fremont and Newark campuses from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 3 to 5 p.m. today. Polling locations are in the Cafeteria lobby on the Fremont campus and in the lobby of the Newark campus. Ohlone students in the Spring Semester elected all but one of the Associated Students of Ohlone College representatives for this school year. The student member of the board of trustees had several write-in candidates in those elections, but none received the 50 required votes to obtain the position.
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NEWS "01"#)*'"11)2)
MONITOR STAFF: Editor-in-Chief: Ryan Parcher Features editor: Mitchell Walther Sports editor: Albert Rebosura Online editor: Alizaib Lodhi Staff writer: Abigail Moneda Graphic designers: Emily Burkhardt Payal Gupta Photographer: Laura Gonsalves Adviser: Rob Dennis
California Newspaper Publishers Association
General Excellence 1971
Journalism Association of Community Colleges
General Excellence 1987 1991 1994 1998 2002 2003 2014
Transfer advice on offer at fair Continued from Page 1 stay on top of things, being my last year here at Ohlone,” he said. “It’s also a good way to get tips on transferring.” Ortiz plans to attend either UC Davis or UC Santa Cruz. Tanzeem Khan, a freshman, stopped by for a few minutes before his class started. “I didn’t even know about this event up until now,” he said. “I just had couple of questions about my major and my plans to transfer in the near future.” Khan, a business major, said he wants to become an operations manager, and is hoping to transfer to Cal State East Bay.
Printer: FP Press
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CONTACT US: Offices: Room 5310 Call: 510.659.6075 E-mail: monitor@ohlone. edu Website: www.ohlonemonitor.com Facebook: www.facebook. com/OhloneCollegeMonitor Twitter: @OhloneMonitor Opinions expressed in the Monitor are those of the respective authors and are not necessarily those of the staff, the college or the Associated Students of Ohlone College.
Continued from Page 1 access to affordable higher education that can enable them to obtain well-paying jobs,” California Community Colleges Chancellor Brice W. Harris said in a statement Monday. The bill “had bipartisan support and was backed by both the CSU and the Community College Chancellor’s offices, along with several community colleges and chambers of commerce,” said Jeff Barbosa, a spokesmen for the office of Assemblyman Bob Wieckowski, who voted for the bill. “The goal is to help target training to local workforce needs, not to turn all of our community colleges into baccalaureatedegree-granting institutions.” In addition to dental hygiene, radiological imaging, veterinary technology, public safety administration, and automotive technology management, one of the programs to be offered is respiratory therapy. By 2020, the respiratory therapy accreditation agency, the Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC) will require a respiratory therapy student to have a Bachelor of Science degree in order to take the licensing exam, said Gale Carli, dean of Ohlone’s Health Science and Environmental Studies department. “I believe Ohlone College is well positioned to be a candidate to offer a B.S. degree in respiratory therapy,” Carli said. “Our respiratory therapy program for the past five years has been recognized as one of the top five programs in the Unites States. (Ohlone) respiratory therapy students have a 100 percent pass rate on their national certification licensing examination.
Local health care agencies actively seek out Ohlone College respiratory therapy graduates.” This will be a great opportunity for community college students who wish to earn a four-year degree, Carli said. The state chancellor’s office will consult with representatives from UC and CSU in selecting which districts will host these programs. Any choice then will need to be
approved by the California Community Colleges Board of Governors. In addition to achieving a more geographic balance in high-demand degrees, allowing community colleges to offer four-year degree programs also would save students money compared to other local four-year schools. Community colleges selected for the program will
charge $84 more per unit for upper-division courses than they currently charge for lower-division courses. An Ohlone full-time student taking 24 upper-division semester units a year would pay about $3,120. An equivalent workload at nearby California State University East Bay would cost more than twice as much, an estimated $6,564, according to CSU East Bay’s website.
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!"#$%&'()*%+,,%*-)'.%+#)'/%0),'/%1+-' MITCHELL WALTHER Features editor Oyez, oyez, oyez: The Renaissance Faire is back in Northern California. Once a year, knights, queens and pirates don their cloaks and boots to walk the Casa De Fruta in Gilroy. It’s the nearest Renaissance Faire around, and when I attended last weekend, the number of Ohlone alumni working there was quite surprising, from the nursing major who sold me my ticket, to the knight who tipped his helmet to me as he rode. I recognized many faces at this year’s Renaissance Faire. The fun part is, when you meet someone you know, it will always take a second to recognize someone dressed in full pirate regalia or a princess’ gown. Every weekend from Sept. 13 through Oct. 12, the gates open for all passers-by and peasants to look around the marketplace. It is rated one of the best Renaissance festivals in the United States by the Travel Channel, and there is no shortage of fun to be had. Attractions include every-
thing from comedic magicians to belly dancers from the Far East. The streets are filled with the sounds of lutes and coarse ruffians sure to jest and prod at every newcomer. The jousting contest plays twice a day and is always a fun fight to watch. Whether you root for Spain, England, France or Scotland, you’re sure to have action to cheer about. The marketplaces are filled with handmade jewelry and assorted clothing appropriate for those attending. The food circle has authentic food of the time. Meat pies, turkey legs and mead are in abundance here, as well as pizza and gyros for those with more specific tastes. There’s a sense of magic here and it is definitely worth checking out. With only two weekends left in this year’s run, it’s a good time to buy your tickets. A fun time with family or friends, the Northern California Renaissance Faire runs from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. every weekend. The medieval ages are calling your name.
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‘The Maze Runner’ stands out as dystopian thriller MITCHELL WALTHER Features editor The past few years have seen many young adult dystopian stories. “The Hunger Games,” “Divergent,” “The Giver” – we’ve seen them all. The theatres have been saturated with over-emotional teenagers stuck in gray-toned, vaguely futuristic epics. Each glassy-eyed hero has become more and more bland in the name of being “stoic.” And now comes along ‘The Maze Runner,” seemingly one more tale of young people trapped in a devious game. Surprisingly, though, ‘The Maze Runner” has something new to offer us. I was fully prepared to be bored out of my mind, but the movie’s greatness comes in the ways it deviates from its brother and sister films. Gone are the shoehornedin romances, gone are unemotional heroes who will only shed a single tear at death, and gone are the dangers that kill side characters but can’t scratch a main character. This is not to say ‘The Maze Runner” is perfect.The young boys trapped in the maze still look like they got kidnapped
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from an H&M clothing store. The plot also still uses the occasional catchphrase or pandering exposition to communicate its twist. When the movie shines though, it terrifies. The atmosphere both in the maze and in the glade is tense. Dark shadows and real sets covered in ivy are creepy and eerie.When the beasts hiding within called“Grievers” show their faces, the audience I saw
it with couldn’t help but jump. The claustrophobic setting and scared children gave off a strong sense of‘The Goonies,” albeit with a significant dash of ‘The Hunger Games” and “Lord of the Flies.” Directed by Wes Ball and starring Dylan O’Brien as Thomas andThomas BrodieSangster as Newt, “The Maze Runner” isn’t perfect. There have been far too many dystopias, and the
genre is drowning. Genuine effort, spotless effects and practical sets go a long way, though. This solid group of child actors pulls out a fantastic performance and really makes this one young-adult fiction worth seeing. How the already planned sequel will work out though, may leave the audience trapped in a never-ending maze of its own.
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Students to elect board representative CANDIDATE STATEMENTS ALEX ELABED Majoring in Speech and Communication Studies has given me the necessary tools to effectively listen to and understand the needs of Ohlone College’s diverse student body. Last semester, I earned CRLA certification for tutoring in the Maggie Morrison Speech and Communications Lab. Over the past three semesters, I mentored hundreds of speech and communication students who required assistance. With over a decade of experience supervising and leading teams in customer service I offer my skills in team building and creating positive, collaborative communities to the Ohlone College student body.
Ohlone has provided me with so much and it’s important for me to give back. I have attained academic achievements here that I never dreamed possible: - Accounting Student of the Year (2012-2013) - Graduating with Honors with a degree in Business While here, I have served as a tutor in the Accounting Lab and have enjoyed both participating in and helping develop our diverse community. I have benefited from the efforts of the administration, faculty and staff. !"#$%&'()%*"++'$,%-./0%.12310%4/%5//67,889422./00:;<.=8 Representing the student community as a board '52.10%>1/32%??,@A%/.13B5/C%.:%31%60:7.1%D:.=%?E%4;=;%/.%F%6;=;% member would be a privilege. I respectfully seek your support. Thank you. 41G%H%/.%@%6;=;%.1%/50%I:0=.1/%41G%J0K4:L%<4=6>707; To be truly involved one has to understand the way a system works. By becoming a student member for the Board of Trustees, I hope to gain insight into the decisions that influence the changes that take place at Ohlone. And in turn, by participating in board meetings I hope to provide the transparency needed for students to feel represented at their school.
!"#$%&'$(%)$*+",-%($&..)/()*$0",1 CLAUDIA CASTILLO Nursing
“I have to take a shorter shower and our lawn is not as nice as it used to be.” CHRISTIAN GOYOS Anthropology
“Now I have to be very careful with how much water I am using ” LEA CARRANZA Dance
“We don’t have enough water, so we take shorter showers” WEN ZANG Medical technician
“It has not directly affected me, but I can see lawns are dead”
“Everything is plain now; nothing is pretty anymore. I have to wash my hair in the sink”
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!"#$%&%'((") RN TO BSN PROGRAM
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Continued from Page 8 Doser played admirably, fighting off 26 of the 29 shots. In the 59th minute, Monterey earned a questionable free kick just outside the goalie box. The free kick attempt blazed past the first line of defense. Doser stopped the shot off his chest and the thump of the impact resonated throughout Tak Fudena Memorial Stadium. The last goal came in the 70th minute when Monterey’s players executed a brilliant tic-tac-toe score sealing the victory 3-0. Defender Eduardo Hernandez bailed out the goalkeeper, Doser, three separate times, by blocking shots himself and preventing the Lobos from scoring. Ohlone’s record is now 1-6 and they’re currently on a four game losing streak. It has been a frustrating
season for the Renegades and the injuries make it difficult to turn the season around. “We’ve had players being held off under the athletic trainer’s directions so we can’t get them into training,” Nordmo said. “That participation in the training is very critical. When we don’t have that component, it makes it challenging for us.” Captain Jacob Reist is one of the many injured players. He missed his first game and will require surgery, after breaking his finger on Friday. “It’s probably one of the most frustrating things in my life - watching and not being able to help” Reist said in response to missing his first game. The Renegades will try to end their losing streak on Friday against Gavilan College.
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er player in the back who isn’t used to playing in the back.” Overcoming injuries wasn’t the only obstacle the Renegades faced. The Monterey Lobos haven’t lost a game this season, and are potent offensively averaging 11.7 shots on goal. “This (Monterey) team is much improved from when we first saw them,” Nordmo said. “They have some good, quality players. They kind of shocked us a bit.” In the 28th minute, Monterey found the back of the net from a kick 18 yards out. They connected again in the 37th minute when the striker flipped the ball over the head of goalkeeper Kyle Doser. Continued on Page 7
Upcoming Renegades games MEN’S SOCCER
Friday, 4 p.m. vs. Gavilan College, Central Park, Fremont
Oct. 15, 6:30 p.m. vs. Canada College, Epler Gymnasium, Fremont campus
Oct. 10, 4 p.m. vs. Canada College, Central Park, Fremont Oct. 14, 4:30 p.m. vs. Las Positas College, Tak Stadium, Fremont
WOMEN’S SOCCER Friday, 1:30 p.m. vs. City College of San Francisco, Central Park, Fremont Oct. 10, 1:30 p.m. vs. Skyline College, Central Park, Fremont Oct. 14, 6:30 p.m. vs. Evergreen Valley College, Tak Stadium, Fremont
Oct. 17, 6:30 p.m. vs. Gavilan College, Epler Gymnasium, Fremont campus Nov. 12, 6:30 p.m. vs. Skyline College, Epler Gymnasium, Fremont campus
MEN’S WATER POLO Oct. 10, 3 p.m. vs. West Valley College, Swimming Pool, Fremont campus Oct. 22, 3 p.m. vs. De Anza College, Swimming Pool, Fremont campus
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Derek Jeter’s illustrious career came to an end Sunday. To be honest, I was annoyed by all the media hype, and I especially found it hard to believe how perfect his last few at-bats were. But then I realized my annoyance came from the media – not Jeter himself. As a player, Jeter deserves all the “RE2PECT” and attention he has been receiving all season. Jeter built an impressive resume during his 20 years donning New York Yankee pinstripes: 1996 Rookie of the Year, five Silver Sluggers, five Gold Gloves and 14 AllStar game appearances. He’s also been team captain since 2003, a five-time World Series Champion and one of only 28 players in the 3,000 hit club. Jeter wasn’t only winning on the baseball diamond – he has dated an All-Star cast of celebrities led by Scarlett Johansson, Jessica Alba, Jessica Biel and Mariah Carey – just to name a few. His farewell season has gathered plenty of attention by the media, with commercials like Nike’s “RE2PECT” and Gatorade’s “Made in NewYork.” His last games were nothing short of a fairy tale – his last home at-bat was a walk-off single and his last at-bat ever was for an RBI. He truly is a unique player and the reasons why fans love him go beyond his looks. Much of his career was spent during the steroid era, when the popular players of the time were players who hit a ton of home runs. Jeter wasn’t even close to being a power hitter. He only had three seasons with 20 or more home runs.What Jeter did have was a knack for always contributing when theYankees needed him the most: whether it was stealing a base, getting a key hit or sacrificing his body fielding a ball. I’m sure Oakland A’s fans remember “the flip” from the 2002 ALDS when Jeter made an amazing play that helped eliminate them from the playoffs. I’m definitely not a Yankees fan, and I am tired of all the media coverage about one player when there are teams fighting to get in the playoffs. But I respect – I mean “RE2PECT” Jeter for all of his accomplishments.