Monitor 2014-3-6

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Leasing land not unusual

MARCH 6, 2014 Vol. XLVII No. 3

Renegades baseball wins again. See story on page 7


Student strives for balance



LOUIS LAVENTURE Editor-in-chief If Ohlone goes ahead with the development of its frontage property along Mission Boulevard, it won’t be an unusual move. The Education Code allows a community college board to lease surplus property for a term of no more than 99 years, and many California community colleges have taken advantage of the opportunity. Among those who have leased land or tried to do so are theWestValley-Mission Community College District, the Santa Clarita Valley Community College District and the Long Beach Community College District. “Other colleges have done this,” Ohlone board President Garrett Yee said. “If the terms are right, the development of the frontage property is good for Ohlone College.” The process can take some time, however. College officials have been working on a potential frontage property deal for more than a decade, and twice decided not to go forward with projects because they were not satisfied with the bids offered. “Developing land is a process that inherently takes a lot of time since it involves a lot of stakeholders,” Yee said. The Board of Trustees last month voted to solicit competitive bids to develop about 15 acres of surplus property along Mission Boulevard on the Fremont campus for rental housing and retail space.The deadline to submit bids is April 9.


Math team ready for second round ALIZAIB LODHI Staff writer


Ohlone student and entrepreneur Cassandra Manansala discusses how she balances going to school full time and working in an interview Friday at the Fremont campus.

17 units, photography business require organization, hard work LOUIS LAVENTURE Editor-in-chief Have you ever watched a tightrope walker and marveled at how they are able to keep their balance and not fall while walking on a rope or cable? Being a college student and working simultaneously is the more mundane equivalent of this death-defying


act, and Cassandra Manansala knows all about it. A full-time student currently enrolled in 17 units can be a large enough workload for anybody, but then you add your own photography business to the mix and there you have it: a tightrope act. Getting into the business proved to come as natural as taking photos for Manansala. “My last year of high school

I got an internship at a highend wedding photography company,” she said. “I got a lot of great experience there and it led to a senior photographer position at Lifetouch portraits, where I got most of my studio training.” Manansala has been walking that rope since graduating from James Logan High School in 2012 and launchContinued on Page 3

Ohlone will compete Friday in the second round of The Student Math League, a challenging national competitive math exam. The exam will be administered from 11 a.m. to noon and from noon to 1 p.m. in Hyman Hall, Room HH-218. Ohlone’s math team, which has finished in the top 10 nationally three of the previous four years, scored No. 24 in the country in the first round last semester, tying Irvine Valley College in Southern California. From 180 to 200 community colleges compete in the nationwide math competition, in which students figure out difficult math problems to place nationally and win cash prizes. Friday’s exam will be administered by the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC). The highest level of math on the exam will be Continued on Page 3


Smith Center gearing up for spring performance schedule LOUIS LAVENTURE Editor-in-chief The Ohlone College Smith Center has its calendar full this month with a packed slate of entertainment. First off, the Mission Peak Brass Band will perform at 8 p.m. Friday in the Jackson Theatre. Tickets cost $15 for general admission and $10 for students, children younger than 12 and seniors age 65 and older. Next, the Nummi Theatre will be alive with drama at 8 p.m. March 12-14 when the Student Repertory Theatre One Act Plays, Bill 1, will be presented by the Ohlone Col-

lege Department of Theatre and Dance. The Ohlone Wind Orchestra will perform at 7 p.m. March 16 in the Jackson Theatre. Tickets will be the same prices as those for the Mission Peak Brass Band performance. At 7:30 p.m. March 19, the Jackson Theatre will welcome the Ohlone Community Band for a night of musical stylings. Tickets for this event are $10 for general admission and $5 for students, children younger than 12 and seniors age 65 and older. At 7 p.m. March 30, in the Jackson Theatre, the Fremont Symphony Orchestra

will perform a “Celebration of Fremont” with guest performances by Diablo Ballet and silent film pianist Jon Mirsalis. Also featured in the celebration will be the winner of the symphony’s 2012 Young Artist Competition, Connor Kim. The symphony will present the history of the Fremont community and emphasize the energy of its citizens. For more information or to buy tickets for this event, go to www.fremontsymphony. org. For more information about all performances, go to the Smith Center website at


The Fremont Symphony Orchestra will be performing in the Jackson Theatre of the Smith Center at 7 p.m. on March 30.

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