OHSAS 18001 Occupational, Health and Safety Management System

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OHSAS 18001 Occupational, Health and Safety Management System

What is OHSAS 18001?

 A way to measure management systems that control OH&S risks and improve performance  It does not state specific performance criteria

 It does not specify the exact design of the management system  Based around elimination / minimisation of risk, to ‘mitigate’ risk  Requires continual improvement; prioritize

 Requires conformance with an organisation’s own safety policy

What is OH&S Management System?

 Voluntary management system  Integrates OH&S hazards into business process  Identify, assess and control hazards relating to business  Anticipates and meets OH&S performance expectations  Applicable to any organization, regardless of size, type, or level of maturity.

Occupational, Health and Safety Policy

 Clearly states overall OH&S objectives  Authorised by top management  Appropriate to nature & scale of OH&S risks

 Documented, implemented, and maintained  Communicated to all employees  Available to interested parties

 Reviewed periodically

Occupational, Health and Safety Planning

 Hazard identification, risk assessment, and risk control  Legal and other requirements  Objectives  OH&S management program Results of hazard/ risk analysis

Legal & other requirements

Accident/ injury history

Results from previous investigations

Previous audit results Internal Organizational requirements

Measurable objectives Managements programs

Implementation & Operation

 Structure and responsibilities  Training awareness and competence  Consultation and communication

 Documentation  Document and data control  Operational control

 Emergency preparedness and response

Checking and Corrective Action

Performance measurement & monitoring  Procedures should be in place to monitor how well H&S objectives are met

 Quantitative and Qualitative  Proactive  Reactive

 Equipment required for monitoring should be maintained and calibrated T his document is a partial preview.

Checking and Corrective Action

Audit Internal Auditors should determine:  If the H&S system conforms to planned arrangements & the std.  If it has been implemented and maintained properly  If it is effective in meeting policy and objectives  It should review the results of previous audits  It should provide information to management  It should be based on previous audit and risk assessment results  If possible, the auditor should be independent of the audited activity This document is a partial preview.

What Does OHSAS Require?

 A Health & Safety Management System must be established and maintained  Instructions and procedures to ensure the health and safety of all personnel in compliance with relevant national and international regulations This document is a partial preview.  Management commitment  Management review

 Continual improvement This document is a partial preview.

PDCA in OH&S Management System

Plan - Assess risk, identify applicable regulations Do - Identify responsibility and accountability, training, communicate, control and prepare for emergencies. Check - Monitor, Record, Audit Act - to improve

Thanks for visit my presentation, you may like to get more information about OHSAS 18001 certification, auditor training and Occupation, health and safety system implementation visit @ www.ohsas18001-occupational-health-safety.com

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