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Project Kindness: Your Problem Is Mine Too An editorial expressing our duty to help homeless people By: Stephanie Quero and Tatyana Sharpe
The idea of having homeless people out in the streets may spark sympathy in some -however, it may cause others to identify homeless people as lazy individuals who simply do not want to work. According to the Gale Encyclopedia of American Law, an individual “who lacks housing, including one whose primary residence during the night is a supervised public or private facility that provides temporary living accommodations; an individual who is a resident in transitional housing; or an individual who has as a primary residence a public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings,” is considered ‘homeless.’ The homeless population was estimated to be 42 percent African American; just under 40 percent, white; 13 percent Hispanic; four percent Native American; and two percent Asian, these figures varying widely according to the area of the country reports the U.S. Conference of Mayors Report for 2008 (as reported in the September 2009 updated statistics kept by the NCH). Having an increasing amount of homeless people in communities, one contemplates as to whether or not homeless people should be our problem. “It becomes difficult to want to help a homeless person that sits on the same park bench day after day asking for money,” said writer Lauren Villanueva from The Bottom Line:
When Laziness Seizes the Life of a Homeless Person.
Even though the idea of a panhandler can cause an internal conflict for some, there are those who may try to understand how an individual can end up in such conditions.
Photo by Stephanie Quero
The issue of homelessness extends to different parts of the world.
“I care about the homeless,” said Dalton Marshall, a resident from Avondale, Arizona. “Certain people are homeless because they’re veterans, or they’ve been through a lot.” With Christmas approaching, people tend to be more helpful to others. “Helping someone out shouldn’t be a matter of when you want to-it should be when you can and not just during the holidays because you just have to imagine everyone as a person dear to your heart,” said a Ventura County resident Ana Torres.
Euthanasia- Killing or Caring? An inside look at the controversial topic of euthanization By: Jamie Tadiaman
According to Medical News Today, euthanasia is “the inten-
but technically not the same because a doctor will only facilitate the dying process of a terminally ill patient by providing them with a means to end their own life. Euthanasia can be considered voluntary, involuntary, or nonvoluntary. Voluntary euthanasia is conducted with request and
Volume 9 Issue 2
mas said, “I am for euthanization because it’s [the patient’s] choice. If they want to die or live, who am I to stop them?“ On the other hand, people like Mr. Creech, a teacher at OHS, disagree. He said, “I’d probably have to say no [to euthanasia]. It’s just too much power for any person or group to have. When you end up in that situation
tional putting to death of a person with an incurable or painful disease intended as an act of mercy.” Euthanasia has become an increasingly controversial topic because some believe it conflicts with their moral or religious preferences, while others think that it should be a viable option for patients who need it. Ms. Eva D’Ambrosio, an Oxnard High School biology teacher who has experience in the medical field, said that she has “mixed feelings” about the subject. “I think that to a certain extent we do have a role in society to help people die in a dignified manner,” said Ms. D’Ambrosio, “But at the same time, having been involved with the research in medicine, I feel that there could be some potential Photo by Jamie Tadiaman treatment that we haven’t This diagram explains the definition and various types come across yet, and we of euthanasia. need to explore all possibilities before we take that step.” consent from the patient. To be where you’re giving that kind of There are two general classi- euthanized, a patient needs to power to a group of people or an fications of euthanization proce- meet certain requirements. individual, I don’t like that idea.” dures: passive and active. According the New York Additionally, junior Sama Passive euthanasia, as de- Times, patients “would have to Kalaj said, “I know that people fined by Medical Dictionary.com, make two oral requests for the can be put in really tough situais “a mode of ending life in which prescription, two weeks apart, tions, but in my religion, one of a physician is given an option to and one in writing. Two doctors the teachings is not to kill others not prescribe futile treatments would have to certify that the and not to kill yourself. I know a for the hopelessly ill patient.” In patient is likely to die within six lot of religions have a similar law, other words, the patient will be months. The written request which is another reason why I’m denied necessary treatments must be made in front of wit- against it.” such as food, water, antibiotics, nesses who are asked to certify Although Dimas expressed etc. that the patient is of sound mind that he is religious, he still supThe same source defines and is not being coerced.” ports euthanization. He said, active euthanasia as “a mode of Involuntary euthanasia is “Why not [legalize euthanaending life in which the intent is done without request or con- sia]? We already legalized other to cause the patient’s death in a sent from the patient. In certain things that are against religious single act.” cases, it can be considered ho- beliefs. Gay marriage is against An example of active euth- micide. Christianity, but we still legalized anization would be if a doctor Nonvoluntary euthanasia is it.” administered a lethal dose of administered when the patient “I also feel humanity has medication to a patient. is incapable of making their own not reached the point where Some people support this decisions. This would be an op- we have progressed and mapractice and believe that it is a tion if the patient is in a coma, tured fully enough to be using helpful force. “I don’t really have has severe brain damage, or has this technology in the right way,” a problem with [euthanization],” some other similar situation. added Kalaj, “When you don’t said senior Kiana Hernandez, On October 5, 2015, Gover- use something in the right way, “My uncle passed away because nor Jerry Brown signed the “End it can do more harm than good.” he had very severe lung cancer of Life Option Act”, which legalIn either case, euthanasia is and they pulled the plug on him.” ized physician-assisted suicide in a serious matter and should not “Just seeing him in this state California. be taken lightly. of literally nothing, I don’t think Hernandez said, “I think [eu“I think anytime you’re he wanted to go on living like thanization] should be [legal- talking about ending a person’s that, so I saw his death justified,” ized]. I’d rather have some peo- life,” said Mr. Creech, “you really Hernandez added. ple benefit from it than have no have to make sure that it’s being Physician-assisted suicide is one benefit from it at all.” done with the best respect to a similar practice to euthanasia, Likewise, junior Charley Di- the life of that individual.”
The Buzz Staff
School Safety
Recent school attacks impact student safety at Oxnard High School By: Janine Tadiaman
Between 1995 and 2013, the percentages of students who reported being afraid of attack or harm at school decreased overall from 12 to 3 percent as stated by the National Center for Education Statistics. As far as the issue of outsiders invading school grounds, there has been an increase in awareness and security in school districts all across the United States. Recent school shootings and threats have concerned not only schools in the affected areas. There have been different occasions in which schools have been attacked. According to Cable News Network (CNN), on December 14, 2012, twenty-year-old Adam Lanza shot and killed 20 children and six faculty members at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. And recently, on October 1, 2015, a gunman killed nine people at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon. “I’m more familiar with the Sandy Hook [tragedy] personally,” said senior Sabreena Loshbough, “because my family lives up there.” “It’s devastating. Human lives can never be taken back,” said junior Chris Pascua, recounting his reaction upon hearing the Sandy
The Deep Web
Hook Elementary tragedy, “That was somebody’s daughter, son, mother, or father.” Disasters similar to those at Sandy Hook Elementary and Umpqua Community College have raised concern for student safety and impacted Oxnard High School. “Right after the Sandy Hook incident, we locked the yellow gates in front Photo by Jamie Tadiaman of the school during A police car is parked outside of the school hours,” said OHS campus. Loshbough, “You man, and pretty good security could only go in one way and out one way. We added here.” “I notice teachers and guards a lot more gates and locks. Everygoing around on golf carts,” said one just became more aware.” sophomore Ellie Cheng, “so there’s Assistant Principal Ms. Lisa always someone looking out.” Venable said, “I definitely feel Although Oxnard High School that we have systems in place to has many precautions in place, assure the safety of our students. a school can never really be preAs soon as the tardy bell rings, all the entrances to the school, oth- pared. “I feel like I am safe, to an exer than the front gate, are locked. tent,” said Loshbough. She addVisitors have to have a name tag ed, “If someone was determined, noting that they are a visitor.” Advanced Placement Biolo- they would [attack the school].” Pascua said, “I don’t think any gy teacher Mr. Preston Lanning school is prepared. It’s unexpectsaid, “We’re pretty safe. We have a closed campus, campus police- ed. There’s only so much we can do.”
Learn about what is on the other side of the internet By: Jaime Barron
rorist activities, sex trafficking and the spread of diseases.” Moreover, the Deep Web is five hundred times larger than the Internet that people browse every day, said Popular Science. The scale of the Deep Web makes it difficult for the governAeronautics and Space Adminis- ment to shut it down. tration (NASA), “The Internet conRuben Carrillo, a senior at tains a vast trove of information -- Oxnard High School said, “It’s a sometimes called the “Deep Web” bad way for people to get money, -- that isn’t indexed by search en- by selling prescription drugs and gines: information that would be trafficking other items to people.” useful for tracking criminals, ter- He adds, “There’s a lot of scams out there. It’s not worth it.” Oxnard High School senior Matthew Escareno was uninformed about the Deep Web. Once he became familiar with it, he said, “It shouldn’t exist, and the U.S. should do something to stop it right away.” However, others see an advantage to the Deep Web. “‘We’re developing next-generation search technologies that understand people, placPhoto by Jaime Barron es, things and the An individual browsing the deep connections between them,’” said Chris Mattweb anonymously. mann from NASA. In a place where an abundance of personal information is at your disposal, the Deep Web is home to anonymous Internet browsing. People all over the world find their way here on a daily basis. According to the National
Although it is hard to trace the users of the Deep Web due to the software, there have been some people and websites that have been caught by the police. In 2013, Ross Ulbricht, the founder of the very famous drug site Silk Road, was arrested, and the site was shut down by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for selling narcotics. Earlier this year, he was sentenced to life in prison, according to USA Today. Even though Silk Road was taken down, a handful of other drug sites took its place, making it harder for the FBI to get rid of all drug sales on the deep web. According to Understanding the Deep Web, “Web page creators who do not want their page shown in search results can insert special meta tags to keep the page from being indexed.” This goes to show how easily the Deep Web can hide secrets. With stolen credit cards, human trafficking, hitman for hire, and guns for sale, the FBI is trying to shut down as many of these sites as possible. Due to the dangerous consequences the Deep Web may cause, keeping away from it decreases the chances of being arrested or being caught doing something illegal.
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Editors-In-Chief Stephanie Quero Tatyana Sharpe Managing Editor Mark Ramos Copy Editor Jamie Tadiaman Quality Control Editor Janine Tadiaman Layout Editors Victor Galicia Mateo Juarez Online Editor Edith Gallardo Entertainment Editor Kim Valerio Sports Editor Nicholas Robles Business Manager Jazmine Toledo Reporters Sarah Anaya Jaime Barron Lisandro Elizondo Rhiannon Enriquez Leslie Espinosa Carlos Gonzalez Ileana Gonzalez Kaylie Hollub Jordan Kimbrough Aaron Lee Cedric Lim Devin Lohse Ruby Lyn Lucin Adriana Mandujano Luz Martinez Alexis Negrete Claudia Melgar Rena Okayama Peyton Quintana Mark Henry Salupen Cienna Saucedo Jonathan Viveros Jesus Zapien Faculty Advisor Mr. David Page
School Calendar December
21-1/1 Winter Break
4-School Resumes 5-09:10 Late start 12-9:10 Late Start 18-Martin Luther King Jr Day- School holiday 19-9:10 Late Start 23-SAT 26-Semester Finals (0,1,2) 27-Semester Finals (0,3,4) 28-Semester Finals(5,6) 29-No School-Semester Prep Day
Race-Based Scholarships
Decisions, Decisions...
“Skill should be held in a higher regard than your ethnicity,” said Oxnard High School junior George Galvan. Some students have an advantage of winning scholarships primarily because of their racial background instead of their excelling performance in a particular area. College scholar-
As college application season arrives at high schools all across the country, students begin to decide where to go next for their education. Those decisions might lead them out of California and into campuses across the country. The website UniGo said there are benefits to leaving Photo by Mateo Juarez home and going out of their comfort zone, Two pennants from schools located but most students do outside of California. not know about them. legeboard.com, the erage of $7,700 a A staff member average tuition for year. with knowledge of a The sixteen states four-year pubthe benefits of going lic school is about participating in the out of state is Oxnard $22,958, a huge dif- program are Alaska, High School teacher ference from in-state Arizona, California, David Svieven said, “I students who benefit Colorado, Hawai‘i, went to Liberty Uni- from a $9,139 cost. Idaho, Montana, Neversity in central VirThere is hope, vada, New Mexico, ginia, actually it’s in though, for those North Dakota, Orea town called Lynch- students who wish gon, South Dakota, burg, and my experi- to start their lives far Utah, Washington, ence was fantastic, I from home. Wyoming, and the got to develop friends There is a pro- U.S. Pacific territories. from a different cul- gram called the WestNot all students ture. ern Undergraduate are worried about the According to Fox- Exchange designed to homesickness or exBusiness.com, the help out-of-state ap- tra cost. main decision factor plicants. Senior Michael Safor students is the inAccording to the tumba is planning to state tuition versus program’s website, apply to the Universiout-of-state tuition. it consists of sixteen ty of Hawai’i and ArWhen asked if he states whose col- izona State University would apply to an lege campuses have because he said,“Exout-of-state college agreed to set their tu- ploring is a big part of this fall,OHS senior ition at no more than life.” Daniel Cortez said, 150% of their in-state The options are “No, because I think it tuition. there for students as would be too far and Their goal is to they begin the college too much money.” save students an av- selection process. According to col-
Oxnard High School students discuss race based scholarships By: Jazmine Toledo
Students can find loarships online. ships are also accessible to students who are not financially stable or do not have the advantages other students have. Due to financial issues, certain students may never be given the oppor-
tunity to demonstrate their hidden talent. As colleges attempt to be diverse, they provide scholarships based on race. There is a broad range of schools that award scholarships to students from a minority. However, there are pupils who are not from a minority but are worthy of receiving an award.
with different backgrounds are set side by side, a distinct race will clearly stand out. Minorities who were not given the opportunity are now receiving support from scholarships and grants. “Although statistics may say that the majority of a particular race may go to college, that does not necessarily mean their desire to learn is g r e a t e r, ” said Oxnard High School junior Jackie Aldrete. The motivation of an individual may vary and could d i ffe re n t i ate whether a person is driven to become successful. WhethPhoto by Victor Galicia er or not a variety of race based scho- s c h o l a r ships should be based on “ R a c e - b a s e d race, all scholarships scholarships should depend on the indibe competitive when viduals what matters being compared to an is qualified individuindividual of the same als who were able to race, ” said OHS junior demonstrate their talKameko Sasaki. ent and skill are comWhen the accom- pared those who were plishments of students less fortunate.
SeaWorld -“Blackfish”
How a documentary changed people’s aspects on SeaWorld By: Rena Okayama
After 50 years of showing the theatrical Shamu show “One Ocean” at SeaWorld, it will be coming to an end. Instead, it will be replaced with an all new Orca experiment “focusing on the animal’s natural setting and behaviors, starting in 2017” said Chief Executive Officer, Joel Manby. Oxnard High School senior, Alexis Palomares is “pleased to hear that the show well is ending, but how will it be focused on the natural setting if they don’t live in it?” After the documentary, “Blackfish”, was released in 2013, “it became the second-highest grossing, earning a respectable $2 million in theaters, and might have been the most-- watched a documentary of the year,” stated Mark Hemingway, a senior writer at The Weekly
Standard. On watching the documentary, Camarillo High senior, Lauren Pasaraba said it “exposes the true nature of animal captivity based corporations and how activities as the aforementioned is often ignorant to the public, overseen by businesses and neglected by the owners.” The documentary examined how the whales responded to living in captivity after the death of Dawn Brancheau, a trainer for the killer whale named Tilikum. In the autopsy from Medical Examiner District Nine in Orlando, Florida released, “Tilikum broke it’s trainer’s jaw, fractured part of her vertebra and dislocated one of her elbows and knees while thrashing her around its pool.” Although the documentary changed some people’s
Students explore the option of attending an out-of-state schhol. By: Mateo Juarez
minds on SeaWorld, there are still ones that stand with them. For example, Savana Thomas says, “I trust [their] tactics and care of their animals to be the best it can be.” The documentary didn’t include the positive side of SeaWorld, who has taken care of thousands of ill, orphaned and injured animals or the millions of dollars dedicated to supporting the conservation and research. “I think Blackfish made Photo by Rena Okayama people look deeper on one side of what is now a Picture taken by Rena Okayama in 2012 of a controversial issue,” said killer whale performing at SeaWorld. Thomas. but where will the animals standards needed for the One way to grant peo- go after? whales to live a healthy life. ple’s wish is to just shut They can’t possibly surTo answer that, Seadown the park, Watts vive by themselves after World has pledged to nearly agrees strongly, “absolutely being treated for years. double the size of the tanks an anti-SeaWorld, they misPeople first always and ensure a panel to make treat intelligent animals to question the size of the sure it meets the needs of live in a space held captive” tank whether it meets the the large whales.
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Don’t Crack
Oxnard High School students remain optimistic for their future By: Mark Salupen
According to the study by the Ameri-
can Community Survey (ACS) from the
Pew Research Center, more than half of kids come from a broken home, the outcome of tension leading to the separation of a family. The impact behind closed doors can contribute to the buildup of emotions. However, some use their unfortunate circumstances to pursue a better lifestyle. According to The
London Evening Standard, “Unless we can
look back and analyze what went wrong, we are doomed to repeat the cycle.” OHS junior Juana Gonzalez’s life was nothing from what she had expected to be after her parents divorced. Gonzalez said, “At first, I thought I was doing well with it but my grades suffered a lot. I began to realize [that the divorce hurt me.]” Despite her unfortunate circumstance, she learned to cope with the situation. Gonzalez said, “It pushed me to work
harder. [I’m in] a much better living situation as opposed to when they were together.” Likewise, OHS junior Keonah Summers’s parents are in the middle of a divorce. “My step-dad has been gone since basically seventh grade, but the divorce started at the beginning of 2015.” She felt a sense of betrayal on behalf of her step-dad. She said, “He did cheat [and] before the court date, he took a bunch of pictures, so I felt he was just using [them] to prove that he saw us before the court. It hurt, but I act like I don’t care because I never had a close relationship with him [in the first place].” “He made me feel like I wasn’t good enough, so I felt the need to work harder to prove myself to him, but I am also doing it for myself.” OHS senior, Leslie Ramos, won’t be able to spend the holidays with her parents. Her father is currently on death row, and her mother has been re-
Not-So-Happiest Place on Earth
cently jailed for about a month and left without consensus or peace of mind. “My mom went to jail for six years because of child abuse [on] my baby sister, [who] almost died, and she sold drugs.” “I see what [has] happened to me as a strength. It [has] made me stronger, wiser, and it [has] shaped me [into] the young lady I am today,” said Ramos. Her experience made her look at the positive side of the issue and realize that she is anything but broken. Before her mother’s arrest, Ramos joined the Future Leaders of America and volunteers to give back to the less fortunate and act as a mentor for kids in similar situations. As Ramos said, “Don’t let yourself fall through the cracks because nothing is impossible. Everybody has different situations; we all go through different things, but we all experience the same pain.”
The community comments on Disneyland’s rules By: Sarah Anaya
Some know Disneyland as the place where dreams come true, but is it? With all the rules implemented for the guest safety, some of them may be seen as too extreme. According to the
Disney Resort Park Rules, “Proper attire,
including shoes and shirts, must be worn at all times.” If the park officials feel the attire is inappropriate, they reserve the right to deny entrance to the park. “It depends on what you are wearing, and if it’s overly offensive, or if people are complaining,” said Oxnard resident Manuel Zavala. According to Towerland.com, a guest named Anthony Gilet attended Disneyland during one of the unofficial gay days. He entered the park wearing a large jersey covering a pair of short, shorts underneath. As stated in the Towerland website, “Within minutes of entering the park,
a park employee approached Gilet and questioned him.” After the park employee confirmed that he was wearing shorts, she asked Gilet if he had a change of clothes. The employee warned him that if he did not, then security had the right to remove him from the park. The Disney Resort Park Rules also state that a guest can be denied access for “posing as or portraying any character in costume.” Children under ten years of age are allowed into the park with their costume, but adults are not. However, during the Halloween season the park may make exceptions with adult costumes. “It is all about reputation,” said Oxnard resident Eric Rose Jr. He said that a guest may have been drinking too much, and if another guest witnesses their behavior while dressed as a Disney character,
it would look bad for the corporation. While clothing may be controversial while entering the park, some items are prohibited when entering. Disney Resort Park Rules said, “Alcoholic beverages or any illegal substance,” are not allowed into the park. Also, “Weapons of any kind are not allowed.” Once passing the park’s security, smokers need to be aware where to light a cigarette. Disneyland provides specific smoking areas for the park guest and smoking outside the reserved areas can lead the guest to be escorted out of the park. Emily Anaya said, “There are people around that could have asthma or some disability.” Though some may see these rules as too much, they are there “to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all the park guests.”
Crossword “Buzzle”
1. Who wrote about out of state schools? 2. Who is the adviser of “The Buzz”? 3. Who is the business manager? 5. What is our school newspaper called?
4. Who wrote about school safety? 6. Who wrote about euthanasia? 7. Who is the Sports Editor of “The Buzz”? 8. Who is the Entertainment Editor of “The Buzz” 9. Project ______? 10. Who wrote about the deep web? Page 4
“Bee” A-”Mazed”
Coming of Age Traditions Rites of passage in different cultures By Adriana Mandujano and Janine Tadiaman
Cultures around the globe have unique comingof- age ceremonies for their youth, each holding special meaning. The traditions might differ, but the idea of celebrating milestones in the honoree’s life is the same. In Jewish culture, the coming- of- age ceremonies are called Bat and Bar Mitzvahs. They hold these ceremonies in order to demonstrate their commitment to their faith and recognize that they are now responsible for following Jewish law according to Globalcitizen. org. “In Judaism, boys become adults at the age of 13 in the eyes of God and girls at the age of 12,” said Oxnard High School senior Megan Richter, “You have to study for about 3 years
the celebrant a rose with the rabbi. and a speech about You study pashow she impacted sages of the their lives.” Torah because ‘La Fiesta de when you’re Quince Años’ refers up there on the to the transition into podium during adulthood at the age the ceremony, of 15, and it is usually you have this a celebration for girls. massive scroll “It belongs to in front of you the traditional Mexand in Hebrew ican culture, and it you usualsignifies a woman’s ly have these coming- of- age,” glyphs and you said Solymar Ortiz have to read from Southwest High them.” Photo by Stephanie Quero School in Texas. In the Fil- A traditional dress for a Quincenera . “There are differipino culture, when a girl ent dances performed adulthood. turns 18 she can celebrate Junior Elainne Limon in the quinceanera,” said a ‘debut’.This celebration, from Hueneme High School Santiago High School junior like many other traditions said, “It basically means Tomasa Figueroa, “There’s in other cultures, involves becoming an adult. There a Baile Sorpresa [surprise the entire family coming are a lot of food and gifts. dance] where the girl danctogether and honoring There’s an 18 Rose Court of es to a song of her choice, the girl’s introduction into 9 guys and 9 girls who give a Vals [waltz] where the girl
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dances with her court of honor, and a Baile con Los Familiares [dance with the family] where the girl being celebrated dances with her relatives. There’s also a brindis [toast] where the padrinos [godfathers/godmothers] and parents give their thanks to the people that made it (the quinceanera) happen.” The age difference within these traditions makes cultures unique. Figueroa said, “If all cultures believed in [the same] age, then the culture wouldn’t be unique.” Special occasions such as these are only a few of the one-of-a-kind events where maturity is honored. These coming-of-age ceremonies and celebrations are milestones for those who celebrate them.
Support your school newspaper by placing an ad in The Buzz print issue. Reach over 3,000 students and 200 adults for a fraction of a cost of advertising in a city newspaper. Please contact Mr. Page at david.page@ouhsd. k12.ca.us.
Dissociative Identity Disorder
Information on an uncommon but serious psychological disorder By Claudia Melgar
Some people often experience mild dissociation, such as daydreaming, in which they are not consciously aware of what is happening around them. However, others experience severe dissociation as a means to avoid stressful events or feelings, to the point that they think they are a different person. This phenomenon has come to be known as dissociative identity disorder (DID), formerly known as, and still commonly called, multiple personality disorder (MPD). According to the Diag-
nostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), DID is classified
as a dissociative disorder. A person must have “two or more distinct identities or personality states” and “amnesia must occur, defined as gaps in the recall of everyday events, important personal information and/or traumatic events”, not due to drug use or a medical condition. Once considered rare, DID may be more common than people assume. Dr.
Berta Heredia, a psychol- Heredia, “It can be very in- even aware of how many ogist and psychiatrist at teresting to see somebody personalities they have.” Most DID patients, if Ventura County Behavioral with this disorder.” The personalities may not all, have suffered seHealth (VCBH), said, “It’s not as common. I think it’s or may not be aware of vere and persistent physi0.1--1% of the population each other. “I am [not sure] cal, sexual, or psychologi[that] has this. [But] re- if the personalities can be cal abuse in childhood. “It search also says that up to aware of each other. [How- could also be neglect.” said 7% of the population may ever] there have been cas- Dr. Heredia. “[But] research does say be undiagthat it nosed.” stems from E a c h childhood “personalitrauma ty” is unique [usually] in its ways before the of thinkage of 9.” ing, speakT h i s ing, writing, does not and also in mean that its self-perall abused c e i v e d children name, age, will develrace, and op DID, memories. Photo by Peyton Quintana but disThey may even have DID is difficult to treat and often requires hospi- s o c i a t i o n appears to significant talization. However, it can be helped. be a copbiological differences such as differ- es that do report that...one ing mechanism for people ent blood pressure. personality might not like who feel helpless in their “That personality takes another personality or talks situation. “In this way they over and their dress, their of another personality,” ‘safely’ and ‘securely’ are [mood], their behavior, said Dr. Heredia, “But you able to deal with the [trautheir allergies, their accent have to remember that the ma] but not necessarily in and the way they speak person suffering from this their real life,” said Ruby [is very different],” said Dr. disorder is sometimes not Avila, also a psychologist
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from VCBH. “The ‘actual’ person does not want to accept what happened to them.” Therefore, dissociating from reality may not be the best way to deal with problems. According to WebMD. com, DID patients may also suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, suicidal tendencies, and other psychological problems. Although there is no cure for DID, there are some effective treatments for it. “There’s insight-oriented therapy. There’s art therapy. There’s music therapy that is offered but I would also encourage psychiatric services for medication [to treat] underlying depression or anxiety.” said Dr. Heredia. Like other psychological disorders, it does not have to control the person’s life. The person’s participation in their own treatment is a major step towards recovery for people who have been diagnosed with this uncommon but serious disorder.
Members of the community give their opinion on the validity of a first world problem. By Ileana Gonzalez
because I am guilty of not being thankful and taking things for granted. Usually, people like me do not think about how others have it because of the endeavors of life,” said OHS Junior Chris Pascua. People come to realize that they are ungrateful for what they have considered that there are other people in the world with nothing. Others have a different viewpoint on this video and the classification of a real problem. “If I think that I have a problem, that problem is real to me, but comparatively can be described as first world problems,” said the author of String Deborah Vidal. Complaining about the little things people encounter is normal in the eyes of some. “I think it’s
natural, we get comfortable in our everyday lives, and we expect certain things,” said Estrada. Although first world countries have an advantage over third world countries, that indicates that first worlds can assist third worlds. “Awareness is always the first step and then a willingness to do something. There are many charitable organizations that strive to help - shed light to desperate situations,” says Vidal. The popular ‘First World problems’ demonstrate the unawareness for a real problem. Pascua said, “All we can do now is love and pray for each other and also spread awareness because we need to be aware.”
The crime rate Guide, other in Oxnard has crimes that inrisen to 26.6% crease during this since 2013. time are drunk Senior driving, vehicle Juan Rodritheft, rape and guez said, “It sexual assault, goes up becounterfeiting, cause people and domestic viothat are deslence. perate for their “ I children and rarely expect to have no money hear about crimes feel that they with such a violent Photo by Nicholas Robles background have no other to option.” them. Most think Police prescence rises around town as “ S h o p - the holiday burgalries increase. that the holidays lifting and are such a happy ble pleas are some of the home invasions are some of and family filled time of the popular crimes committed the top crimes,” said senior year, but for others that are during the holiday season, Antonio Vasquez. Internet certainly not the case,” said according to South Source. shop scams, identity theft, Borges. As stated by the and ridiculously charita Ways to reduce the Criminal Justice Degrees
risk of crimes happening include parking in a welllit area and as close to the desired destination and not throwing away any ATM receipts in the trash right after using the machine. Also, avoid carrying large amounts of cash and always stay alert of the surroundings, as reported by the Los Angeles Police Department. Holiday season is a time to celebrate with family, but one also can fall victim of preventable crimes. Borges said, “The holidays are a time to have fun but be more cautious because you never know what’s going to happen.”
School, Ms. Estrada. According to the Merri-
a m - We b s t e r Dictionary,
First World countries are countries that have industries and few poor people, and the Third World countries are the underdevelPhoto by Stephanie Quero oped nations An overhead view of a First of the world. “[First World World Country. countries] The popular hashtag have every‘#FirstWorldproblems’ has thing ready for us, we imprinted the minds of have everything within our many residing in first world reach,” said Oxnard citizen countries. “I have heard Maribel Lemus. students talk about that The organization hashtag,” said social science WaterIsLife presented a teacher at Oxnard High video of people in the pov-
erty-stricken country Haiti, where some of the First World problems originated. Their goal, as said at the end of the video, is to “donate to help bring clean water to those in need.” According to WaterIsLife, water-borne diseases kill 6,500 people a day around the world. Jada Johnson, an OHS sophomore said, “They are grateful for getting a little bit of water, whereas we waste water.” After witnessing the video, some people came to realize that First World problems are not problems. OHS sophomore Mayra Gonzalez said, “I feel like it was telling us that we complain about little things that don’t matter, and there are people out there starving and suffering.” “Of course I feel bad
‘Tis the Season to be Cautious
What crimes increase during the holidays and how to prevent them. By Kim Valerio
Retail crimes increase by 30% during the holiday season due to the crowding of shopping centers and malls, according to the Washington Post. “I think [crime] increases because most people do not have the money to buy their kids or family the gifts they want, or they just do not want to pay and think they can get away with it,” said Oxnard High School senior Nataly Borges. In 2014 alone there were 1,172 burglary cases and 1,824 accounts of shoplifting in Oxnard, California, according to statistics released by the Oxnard Police Department.
President Barack Obama’s Terms Obama’s flaws and contributions. By Lisandro Elizondo
Barack Obama is president of The United States of America who took office on January 20, 2009, and will be ending his term on January 20, 2016. The Washington Post ranked Obama’s presidency as the number 18 spot for the best presidential terms. However, according to The Gazette, his presidency ranks amongst the worst. Just what has Obama done during his two terms to earn his reputation? During Obama’s first few months in office, he set out to undo the recession which was brought on by previous presidents.
Obama created what he called the Stimulus Package. The Stimulus Package is for “Americans [who] are suffering from a decline in income,” said Cato.org. According to The Washington Post, “weeks after Stimulus went into effect, unemployment claims began to subside.” Others such as The Washington Journal said that “every dollar poured into the economy via government spending must eventually be taken out of the productive economy in the form of taxes.” According to CNS News, Obama managed to remove soldiers from Iraq, something that previous
U.S President George W. Bush had failed to do. Obama was also able to send U.S troops to find and eradicate the leader of the Al Qaeda Osama Bin Laden. Some, in whatever way, have deemed Obama’s actions last year in Syria as despicable. “Hundreds of civilians have died during airstrikes by the U.S. and other nations fighting the Islamic state,” said TheIntercept.com Within the last few years, Obama has created several reform programs. Although there are other programs, NationalReview. com labels ObamaCare as one of the most criticized
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program in history. The MotleyFool. com states that the majority of people who have purchased health insurance through Obamacare are happy with their coverage. A survey from the same source showed that 86 percent of respondents who had purchased health insurance through Obamacare were very satisfied. Nonetheless, other sources like TheBankers. com said that “breaking up the continuity of care. Out-of-network care creates financial hardships for many patients.” This in turn can lead to more of a compli-
“I still believe we are one people. I still believe that together, we can do great things, even when the odds are long.” - Barack Obama cated medical program. Others have built Obama’s reputation on his performance of his presidency. However through it, all like Obama said, “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”
High School Sports Injuries
Oxnard High School coaches and players discuss how they deal with injuries By Nicholas Robles
The level of safety in sports has increased over time. Although new technology in sports equipment have made games safer, the reality is that sports injuries will never be completely eliminated. The sport that some would say is most commonly associated with injuries is football. Although it does have its fair share of injuries, OHS Head Football Coach Jon Mack said that there is a risk of injury in anything that you do. “First of all there’s more car accidents [than football accidents]. So the question is, what is the danger of anything you do extracurricular?” Acknowledging that there are “acceptable risks” associated with football, Coach Mack also said, “It’s about proper equipment,
Sport Signings
proper preparation and cent again.” ‘Next person up, take that The injury of one player [injured] person’s spot and proper coaching that lower our risk [of injury] to an ac- can affect the entire team. see how well you can overOHS Head Volleyball Coach come’,” said Coach Casey. ceptable level.” Coach Mack knows how OHS varsity soccer Patrick Casey has his methplayer Joel Sanchez is a od of dealing with the in- to keep his team motivatvictim of a concussion and jury of one of his players. ed through a tough injury. a pulled hamstring that he “It always depends on how He said, “It’s important to is still recovering from. He good the team is. You say, stress the commitment of the team and that said, ”It can be pretty dangerwe’re all in this together. It’s a ous. We don’t mentality that the really wear any coach builds.” protective gear [in soccer], and Coaching for over 20 years has made you can get inhim very accusjured from anytomed to dealing thing. It just takes a second.” with injuries. He Despite the wants his players to know that they risk of injury, can still come back Sanchez said, “I’m still pasand be successsionate about ful. “[One player] the sport. I can’t Photo by Nicholas Robles had a broken arm one time. It was wait to get back Two football players lie on the ground really bad, broken to playing and to after a rough collision. being 100 perin 3 spots. But he
came back five weeks later, caught 35 balls, made all CIF, and played at UCSB,” said Coach Mack. Sanchez also knows that he can come back to the sport successfully. He said, ”Even with the injuries, my mindset still hasn’t changed. I’m still really excited to come back and play.” Sports injuries seem to be a problem that will always be present despite the effort to make them completely safe. Coach Mack said that he is in favor of a safer game, but he does not want the sport to be changed. He said,”I just think that we have to be careful when we talk about the risk of sports. Safety is of vital importance, but let’s not change the game because [football] is a great game.”
Oxnard High School athletes sign to their future colleges. By Jonathan Viveros
The school year is halfway done, and four students from OHS who have presented their athletic ability to college recruiters have been offered the opportunity to proceed with their sport as they signed to their future colleges. “It just felt like home,” said Rena Carranco, an OHS senior and varsity softball player, after signing to the University of Arizona on a full ride scholarship to play softball. She was recruited during the summer of 2014 after she was contacted by the coach at the University of Arizona. “I had loved the campus the minute I had seen it,” said Carranco. “I had thought it was only the sport tying me into the school, but after seeing the campus, I had changed my mind because I felt as if I was at home.” OHS senior Mason Glinski signed to Loyola Marymount University
to play Division I golf after playing tournaments around the world and was noticed by some of the coaches. He was indecisive on where to go, but one school stood out. “I had visited oth-
Dominguez Hills to play baseball. After going through the recruiting process, he decided signing early was the best choice. “When you sign for a school you mainly go for the sport, but in this case, knowing Dominguez Hills has a good “It just felt like business program, and home, I had loved that was a plus,” said the campus the min- Kish. ute I had seen it. I Genesis Ramirez, a senior at OHS, has been had thought it was only the sport tying recruited to play softball at the University of me into the school, but after seeing the California, Santa Barcampus [...] I felt as bara and has received scholarships since her if I were home.” sophomore year. -Reyna Carranco “I decided to go because I got a full ride er schools, and Loyola and they had a really was the prettiest one good science program,” out of all of them,” said said Ramirez, “They Glinski. are literally paying me He decided he to play a sport I love, would sign with the and it’s close to home, school after the coach so I think it was a good from Loyola had con- deal.” tacted him and had With the outcomes stayed in touch for of the athletes work about a year. they are now able to Senior Steven Kish continue their road to also signed to Califor- success at the school nia State University, they enjoy.
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Photo special by The Buzz
Reyna Carranco, Genesis Ramirez, Steven Kish, and Mason Glinski signing their letters of committment.
Date Time Opponent BOYS BASKETBALL 1/8 7:00 pm Ventura 1/20 7:00pm Rio Mesa 1/22 7:00pm Pacifica 1/29 7:00pm Hueneme GIRLS BASKETBALL 1/7 7:00pm Santa Paula 1/12 7:00pm Hueneme 1/14 7:00pm Channel Islands BOYS SOCCER 1/7 5:00pm Channels Islands 1/14 5:00pm Hueneme 1/21 5:00pm Pacifica 1/26 4:30pm Channel Islands