When Dining Out

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A Low-Fat Diet for Fatigue in MS Session 4: Dining Out

The Plan: • Choosing a convenient snack or meal-on-the-go • Navigating parties, celebrations, & holidays • Navigating dining out at restaurants • Activity: practice choosing meals from local restaurants


Objectives: By the end of the session, you should… • Know how to find diet-compliant convenience items. • Learn strategies to adhere to study guidelines when at a party or holiday meal • Feel confident reviewing restaurant menus and making requests to accommodate your diet.


Situations in which it will likely be hard to follow the diet • Convenient meals and snacks (Grab & Go items) • Parties, holidays…. • Eating at a restaurant


1. Convenient Meals & Snacks The Situation: You are running late for work (or on a cross-country road trip) and need to grab a quick lunch. Your only option is a 7-Eleven. What do you buy?


The problem: • Many premade sandwiches and hot meals (hot dogs, pizza) are not diet study compliant! What to buy?!?!


The strategy: • Look for individual options and build a meal out of what you can find • Hard-boiled eggs • Hummus and crackers • Bagged salad • fruit and vegetables, small cereal boxes, and juice boxes. Oranges and bananas come “prepackaged.”

• Focus on what will be filling. Protein options, etc.


Don’t forget… Log it – Keep track of fat grams. One advantage of packaged foods is that they will come with a nutrition label. This makes it easier to track serving sizes and get an accurate fat measurement.

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2. Parties and Holidays The Situation:

You are having a potluck at work to celebrate your favorite co-worker’s birthday. Not only do you need to bring a dish to share, but you know that the standard offerings at these events are not diet study compliant. (THERE WILL BE CAKE. WHAT TO DO?)


The problem: • The dishes your colleagues bring from home won’t come with ingredients lists or nutrition information. It’s likely they will be high-fat or contain dairy. • It will be tempting to “indulge” in honor of the special occasion • What can you contribute that isn’t a vegetable plate??


The strategy:


If you feel comfortable, make your dietary needs known to your coworkers (or party hosts) and ask for help. Suggest recipes that are festive and diet-compliant (we have some such recipes in our cookbook)

Eat regular meals during the day so you aren’t famished when you arrive to the party.

See (WHEREVER WE END UP PUTTING THESE) for low-fat, dairyfree holiday recipes to get ideas for what to bring

Make substitutions to make your holiday favorites diet study compliant.

Suggested substitutions • Substitute steamed vegetables or fruit, instead of fried potatoes.

• Use salsa or marinara to moisten your baked potato, pasta, or rice, instead of butter or cream.

• Have coffee, tea, or an espresso drink after dinner instead of a dessert.

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Don’t forget… Log it – Keep track of fat grams. (You likely won’t be able to measure exactly, round up when estimating!)

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3. Dining Out The Situation: You’re at a restaurant.


The Problem: • Often unaware of the ingredients of a dish • No nutrition information available (and most restaurants serve high fat sauces, soups, marinades & dressings)

• Dishes aren’t made to comply to the diet of our study

• Not sure how things are cooked • Limited offerings


The Strategy: Plan ahead • Choose restaurants ahead of time • Call a restaurant to make requests ahead of time and talk to the chef.

• If you find a restaurant you like that serves (or can accommodate) low-fat dishes, go back! Building a relationship with the staff may make

• Choose a “theme”: fish, pasta night, taco night.


The Strategy: Advocate for yourself • Make your diet needs known. (NO red meat. NO dairy.)

• Ask for accommodations: “Can you make this for me without any oil?”

• Ask about ingredients • Ask for dressings or sauces on the side, or no dressing (or, bring your own sauces & dressings)


The strategy: what to order • Focus on vegetarian items • Look for things that are steamed, grilled, boiled, or braised rather than fried

• Look for dressings which are vinegar or lemon juice-based rather than oil-based

• Explore side dishes (not just salads).


Mexican Food: What to Order, What to Avoid


Instead of‌.



Burrito bowl (no tortilla)

Taco shells or tostadas

Plain corn or flour tortilla

Refried beans

Whole black beans

Veggies grilled in oil

Raw veggies or veggies grilled over an open flame

Cheese or sour cream

Pico de gallo, cilantro & onions, tomatillo sauce, pepperoncinis, escabeche (Mexican spicy pickled vegetables), radishes, or salsa

Chinese Food: What to Order, What to Avoid


Instead of….


Chicken or tofu stir-fried in oil

Ask for option to be sautéed in soy sauce or vegetable both (no oil). Low fat a la carte or steamed options.

Fried tofu

Ask for braised, boiled, or raw.

Fried rice or noodles

Congee (rice porridge), noodles in soup.

Fried potstickers

Steamed potstickers.

Veggies stir-fried in oil

Side of steamed vegetables.

Thai Food: What to Order, What to Avoid


Instead of‌.


Peanut sauce

Sweet chili sauce, Sweet & sour sauce

Coconut curry

Clear soups (Tom Yum)

Fried rice

Brown rice

Noodles stir-fried in oil

Salad entrees, wraps, Spring rolls

Oil dressings

Lemon, balsamic, or other vinegar dressing available.

Italian Food: What to Order, What to Avoid


Instead of….


High fat dressings

“Dry” salad and soup

Garlic bread with butter & cheese



Pizza with no cheese

Butter or Cream Sauce

Marinara Sauce


No cheese (extra marinara)

Stuffed pasta (ravioli, manicotti)

Angel hair pasta, no cheese

Fast Food: What to Order, What to Avoid


Instead of….


Burger and French fries

Veggie sandwich and Salad with light vinaigrette (leave out cheese or fried strips) or Side salad


Fruit smoothie

Crispy chicken sandwich

Grilled chicken or fish sandwich or bowl (no bacon, cheese, mayo or tartar sauces)



Café Latte

Plain coffee or coffee with soy milk

Don’t forget… • Log it – Keep track of fat grams. (You likely won’t be able to measure exactly, round up when estimating!)

• Try not to eat out more than once or twice per week

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Activity: Ordering meals at a restaurant



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