Zhiwei Xu Portfolio 2020

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PORTFOLIO XU2016-2020ZHIWEI Collection of Undergraduate Works B.Arch , Shenzhen University , China




5 01CONTENTSBOOKSTORE Translation from Chinese Character for Space Design 02 RIVERSIDE CENTER Intergrate Resources and Create Common Space 03 BEYOND AGE Create A New Community Center for Everyone 04 FOLDING LIFE STREET Public Street Systems above The High-rise Buildings 05 FROM SIDEWALL TO SIDEWALK Border's Riverside Park Walking System 06 CATALYST 07 OTHER WORKS 08 RESUME A Place for Art and Recreation P6-11 P12-21 P22-31 P32-43 P44-47 P48-67 P68-70 P71


7 01 BOOKSTORE Translation from Chinese Character for Space Design The First Project of The Sophomore Semester Design: Individual Work One month in September 2017 Location: Self-made Instructor: Xi Chen , Hang Cheng SITE 书屋建筑的体量和立面,塑造一个富有文化精神的场所。其形态和要素以及叙事的概念,进一步提取书写时的平面动态,抽象成为条、匀称的结构等独特的审美价值。设计尝试着从汉语言文字出发,提取坚定了传承者对于自身文化的认同感。而且汉字本身具有富有表现力的线无论是圣贤的微言大义,抑或墨客的遣兴抒怀,都能从中得以观览。阅读也汉字作为中华民族思想文化的载体,承续历史的脉络,传递悠久的文明。AsthecarrieroftheChinesenation'sideologyandculture,

Chinese characters continue the historical vein and convey a long civilization. Whether it is the sage's words, or the ink guest's sentimental expressions, you can read it. Reading also helps strengthens the cutural identity. Moreover, Chinese characters have unique aesthetic values such as expressive lines and wellproportioned structure. The design attempts to start from the Chinese language, extract its form and elements and the concept of narration, and further extract the plane dynamics of writing, abstracting into the volume and facade of the bookstore building, creating a place full of cultural spirit.


The site comes from the results of the previous stage. The contrast between nature and city is used to shape the space settlement and form a community space. The bookstore serves as the focal point.

8 概念生成 / Concept Generation Design Start From The Stacking Relationship of Chinese Character 原型 / Prototype 整体 / Overall 局部 / Part 提取1 / Extract 1 提取2 / Extract 2 堆叠 / Stacking 图示化 / Graphical 堆叠 / Stacking Sort将不同堆叠关系的笔画进行梳理,提取形成概念墙体,空间也就自然地被墙体所塑造。outthestrokesofdifferentstackingrelationships,extractandformthewalls, and the space is naturally shaped by the wall.

9 Function功能&空间/&Space 建筑元素 / Elements of Building 盒 / Box 堆叠的墙 / Stacking Wall 楼梯 / Stairs 景观 / Landscape 内墙 / Inside Wall 内墙 / Inside Wall 立面 / Facade 立面 / Facade 了基础设施。更小尺度的坐椅,为周边提供在立面上也有机地反映,化作不同的空间。同时空间的分割用汉字笔画的堆叠关系去塑造之成为建筑的分割元素,并利将汉字的笔画抽象处理并使 Try to abstract the strokes of Chinese characters and become the dividing elements of the building, and use the stacking relationship of the strokes of Chinese characters to shape different spaces. At the same time, the division of space is also organically reflected on the facade, turning into a smaller-scale seat, providing infrastructure for the surroundings.

The overall building material uses concrete, frosted glass, and glass. To highlight the concept, the concrete wall is thick and protrudes from the end to show the architectural temperament. The second layer cantilever is large, so the truss structure is used as the support, and the frosted glass is used as the external wall to expose the structure.

10 A BB A 一层平面 / Ground Floor Plan A-A Section B-B Section

11 二层平面 / Second Floor Plan


of trade made riverbank area a gathering place for local residents. With the changes of the times, water transportation has been gradually replaced by other means of transportation, and great changes have taken place along the river. When we conducted a field study, we found that the block and the river bank did not establish a good connection, resulting in few people would go to the green way of riverbank to take a walk and enjoy the beautiful scenery along the river. Also we found that there are few public service facilities around this area. These questions arouse our thinking. The base was selected in the area along the river between the Qingcheng Bridge and the Qingchuan Bridge, hoping to break the original boundary and integrate the base resources, so that the landscape can penetrate into the block interior and stimulate the space vitality. Cai, Zixian

13 residentsrelated激发空间活力。片区,希望打破原有的界限,整合基地资源,使得景观可以渗透到街区内部,同时沿河区域周边的公共服务设施也较少。立起良好的联系,导致很少人会到河岸的绿道来散步,享受沿河的美景。也发生了很大变化。在日本实地研究时,我们发现公园街区和河岸没有建的交流场所。随着时代变迁,水运逐渐被其他交通方式所替代,沿河区域民就利用运河运输货品,买卖的出现使得沿河一带形成了当地居民聚集性自古以来日本江东地区与运河有着紧密的联系。江户时代开始,当地居这些问题都引发我们的思考。设计选址在西南清澄桥与清川桥之间沿河的Sinceancienttimes,theKotoregionofJapanhasbeencloselytothecanal.AtthebeginningoftheEdoperiod,localusedthecanaltotransportgoods,andtheemergence

Huang Role in Team: Design (60%), Technical Drawings (60%) One month in September 2019 Location: Kiyosumi Shirakawa, Tokyo Instructor: Jiawei Chen, Yi Qi, Ke he

02 RIVERSIDE CENTER Intergrate Resources and Create Common Space 2019 Sino-Japanese Architectural Design Workshop Best Collabration Award Design: Group Work with Danmiao

14 住宅/ Living Zone 寺庙 / Temple 工厂 / Factory 资源汇总 / All Resources 教育 / Education 商业 / Commerce 基地周边功能调研/ Neighborhood Function Analysis 资源整合 / Resource Intergration Site Kiyosumi Shirakawa, Tokyo, Japan 自然资源 / Natural Resources 城市资源 / Urban Resources 人群资源 / Human Resources We used three natural resources of site: the sun, the tree, the river. Kiyosumi Shirakawa is a residential area. There are also some schools, parks , children museum. In this area, there are different kinds of people. We hope to create an activity platform in this place so that everyone can share resources. Break The Original Boundary and Integrate The Base Resources

The dynamic conditions around the canal are different, and the types of resources are also different. Therefore, the Chinese and Japanese classmates chose sites in the two districts separately, hoping to influence the neighborhood through two-point design


Sectionradiation.ofSite Resource Type Map Dynamic and Static ElevationDivisionofSite

The space along the original canal blocked the connection between the block and the canal due to the narrow and dense houses. At the same time, the gap between the buildings was very narrow, which caused the residents to not have good access to the resources of the canal.


16 空间原型 / Space Prototype 生成图解 / Generation Graphic 1 我们基地的初始位置位于河岸更热闹的一面。 1 The initial location of our site is on the more lively side of the river bank. We try to propose a model of vertical living, and use the privacy space as a trunk, the living space and common space to be released as branches and leaves. 2 Many apartments centers are found around 2 基地周围发现很多公寓和老人中心。 Block ResidentsCommon Space Common space become the 2nd house of the residents and neighbors. Greenroad Nature NatureSpacePrivate SpacePrivateSpacePrivateUnited Space SpaceCommon

17 apartments and senior around the site. 基地周围发现很多公寓和老人中心。 3 Keep the apartment and choose the factory as the renovation area. 4 Use the building as a public node to strengthen the connection between the river bank and the park. 5 Release floor space according to different landscapes to form public space. 3 保留公寓并选择工厂作为改造区域。 4 将建筑作为节点加强河岸和公园的衔接。 5 根据不同景观释放楼层空间形成公共空间。 Factory

18 2F 1:1000 4F 1:1000 1F 1:500 3F 1:1000 5F 1:1000 建筑平面 / Architecture Plans

柱网结构 / Column Net Structure 错动的楼板 / Staggered Floor 街角与自然的链接 / Connection of Block and Nature

20 户型类型 / Unit Type Two Persons: Shared Canteen & Bathroom Four Persons: Shared Canteen & Office & Living Room Four Persons: Shared Canteen & Office Three Persons Four Persons: Shared Canteen & Office Four Persons: Shared Canteen & Office Four Persons: Shared Canteen & Office & Living Room

The ground floor space of another block is to integrate resources such as parks and museums to form a shared public recreation space. The public and private platforms of different scales are used on both sides facing the block and river bank, so different types of people can enjoy the surrounding cities and natural resources.


The ground floor is a shared book belonging to residents, where you can enjoy the view of the greenway and interact with the block.


03 BEYOND AGE Create A New Community Center For Everyone The Last Project of The Junior Semester 2019 Aedas Award 2nd Prize Design: Individual Work Two months in 2018 Location: Shenzhen Instructor: Yi Qi , Jiawei Chen

The community center base is surrounded by high-rise residential areas and elementary schools, so the base itself exists in an isolated state. Then the community center designed on this plot should have a certain form of attraction and a place suitable for people to stay. These are two points that need to be considered in this design. Therefore, my strategy is to enrich the fifth facade of the building through the form of Pavilion, and at the same time increase the outer gray space of the building. At the same time, when I researched the community center building, I found that the existing community center building is more only for the elderly or children, resulting in activities limited to a certain age of communication. So, what I want to do is that some functions are released on the basis of functional groups, and the released functions indirectly pass through the three blocks in the form of bridges, supplemented by some communication corridors to achieve communication between different age groups.

23 交流的廊道,达成不同年龄层的交流。被释放出来,释放出来的功能间接以桥梁的形式贯通三个体块,辅以一些一年龄层的交流。于是,我想做的是在功能组团的基础上有一部分功能是一类型建筑更多只是单一面向于老人或是孩子,导致了活动发生局限于某加大了建筑的外围灰空间。因此我采取的策略是通过Pavilion的形式去丰富建筑的第五立面,同时又定的外形吸引力以及适宜于人停留的地方。这是本次设计需要考究的两点。是以一种隔离的状态存在。那么在此地块上设计的社区中心,它应该具有一本次社区中心基地周边都是高层住宅小区以及小学,因此基地本身更多同时在对社区中心这一类型建筑进行研究时,我发现现有的社区中心这

The temple was regarded as the earliest prototype of the community center. Later temples changed into ancestral halls where people will hold some special activities.

Neighborhood Research of Community Center

New Communtity Center

History Temple Clan Hall

Space is no longer restricted to the interior,and public pavilions are going to be proposed

Grey Space Population Diversity

24 基地周边调研&社区中心历史发展研究 /

By 2019, the community center is not only considering individuals who are limited by the elderly, but for all the people who yearn for public activities.

The users of community center are changed in different times. So the diversity of users should be considered.

Analysis &

25 在这里相识相知。公共流线系统去串联不同的功能区,使得人群尽可能功能组团的基础上,释放出一些公共空间,并用一条人群之间形成良好的社会纽带。于是我所做的是,在契机,提供不同年龄层的人群不同的活动体验,使得如今的社会人与人之间日渐疏离,社区中心正是一个当今的社区中心应该更多承担起凝聚人群的使命。

Today community centers should assume more of the mission of bringing together people. Society is becoming more and more estranged from one person to another. The community center is an opportunity to provide different activities for people of different ages, and to form a good social bond between the people. So what I did was to release some public spaces on the basis of functional groups, and use a common streamline system to connect different functional areas, so that the crowd could get to know each other here as much as possible.

设计概念/ Design Concept 需求调查/ Research of People's Needs 空间关系示意/ Relationship of Space Public Steamline Create A New Type of Community Center beyond Age Traditional & DividedYoung Middle Old Broken & Public United 1 987654321 观景 & 阅读 / View & Read 展览 / 公共平台入口茶室培训老年活动室手工坊活动室Exhibition/Playroom/CraftStudio/Playroom/Training/Teahouse/Entrance/PublicPlatform 2 3 86 4 75 9

26 场地处理 / Ground Design 设计过程 / Design Process Consider The East-west Landscape & Take into Account The Local Climate of Shenzhen to Create A Large Gray Space. 体块生成 / Block Generated 表皮生成 / Skin Generated 首层平面 / First Floor基地周边有两个住区和一个学校Plan根据基地长条形布置体块布置消防疏散体量曲面尝试形体链接不流畅 采用折板形式顺应高差封面上层挑出形成灰空间 消解体量感区分材质 根据功能选择掀起最终结果 呼应东西向景观调整体块 体块抬升形成连续的交流空间 下凹形成地下花园 根据社区入口设置路线 形成地下广场 1 入口大厅 / Entrance Hall 2 咖啡厅/ Cafe 3 阅读区/ Read 4 茶室 / Teahouse 5 药店 / Medical Shop 6 平台 / Public Platform 7 地下花园 / Underground Garden 1F 1:500

27 各层平面 / Plans 1 社区管理 / Community Office 2 儿童游乐/ Playing Zone 3 茶水间/ Teahouse 1 公共平台 / Public Platform 1 室内展览 / Indoor Exhibition 4 自由展览 / Free Exhibition 2 球类运动区/ Ball's Sports Area 2 自由展览 / Free Exhibition 5 客人接待 / Guest Reception 3 网络室 / Internet Room 3 商店 / Shop 6 报告厅 / Report Hall 4 手工作坊 / Workshop 4 花园/ Garden 1 屋顶阶梯 / Roof Staircase 5 活动室 / Activity Room 5 活动室 / Activity Room 2 观景空间 / View Space4F 1:500 3F 1:500 2F -1F1:5001:500

Scene 3 Scene 2 Scene 1 Scene 1


The northeast side of the site is the entrance to the school. After investigation, the entrance to the school is without any shadow. So I try to design the grey space near the entrance to stop people from exposing to the sun.

Scene 2 Scene 3

According to interviews, the residents in the surrounding communities are mainly business people, so they work at home for a long time, so the compliance of the functions of the community centers can also bring more convenient and rich experiences to the residents.


30 1 外层涂料10mm 4 外墙木板10mm 7 钢化玻璃 20mm 10 木板铺地 2 面层铝板6mm 5 屋顶吊顶 8 玻璃固定杆件 11 找平层 3 菱形网表皮 6 固定结构 9 院落排水槽 12 environment.有的活动宛如发生在一个大空间中,不再有任何的限制。采用双表皮策略使得整个建筑处在一个大屋顶下,同时帮助营造良好的微气候环境。当人们来到这个社区中心时,会被透过的阳光所打动。所防水层Adoubleskinstrategyisusedtokeeptheentirebuildingunderalargeroof,whilehelpingtocreateagoodmicroclimateWhenpeoplecometothiscommunitycenter,theywillbemovedbythesunlightthroughthem.Allactivitiesseemto happen in a large space without any restrictions. 双表皮策略 / Double Skins Strategy

31 材料 / MaterialB-B 剖面图 / B-B Section 网架节点/ Grid Node 结构爆炸图/ Exploded Structure 菱形网 / 柱网&桁架楼板玻璃玻璃肋线系统网架结构Skin/Structure/LineSystem/GrassRib/Grass/Floor/Structure用菱形网作为表皮模糊体块,同时给公共空间带来丰富的空间效果。表皮结构运用网架结构,局部封玻璃,节点处用螺栓球连接。线系统由楼梯廊道等元素构成,连接楼板的同时,起到交流作用。建筑主体部分用玻璃围合,使得整个建筑更通透更自由。建筑主体功能部分。建筑主要运用柱网结构体系,局部为满足观景以及底层灰空间采用桁架结构。

The plot consists of two sub-lots in a long strip shape, which brings a great opportunity to the lateral extensibility of the design, so what I did is to consider the two as a whole, super high-rise and commercial integration The body is like a mini-community that integrates office business and several public living spaces. It uses several folded up urban street spaces to link the two, thus forming a peripheral public space that wraps the core office and commercial space.


system should not be limited to vertical core-tube links. It should have some public street systems above the high-rise buildings to organize the connection between different groups of floors, giving people a feeling of strolling in high-rise communities.

33 inflatalleys与商业空间的空间逻辑。叠而上的城市街道空间去链接二者,从而形成外围公共空间包裹内核办公如同一个集办公商业以及若干公共生活空间为一体的微型社区,用几条折很大的契机,因此我做的是将二者进行整体性考虑,超高层与商业综合体层社区的感受。之上的公共街道体系去组织不同组团楼层间的联系,给予人一种漫步于高想垂直的高楼体系不应该局限于竖向的核心筒链接,它应该拥有一些高楼缺乏交流的平层空间中。过去街市巷道中的你来我往日渐消失。因此我在城市高楼逐渐增多,取代了从前的弄堂和巷道,人们慢慢被动地生活在本次地块由两个分地块组成,呈长条形,这给设计的横向延展性带来了Urbantallbuildingsaregraduallyincreasing,replacingtheformerandalleyways,andpeopleareslowlyandpassivelylivinginspaceslackingcommunication.Inthepast,youcameandgonethestreetlanes.Therefore,Iwasthinkingthattheverticalhigh-rise

Public Street Systems above The High-rise Buildings

The First Project of The Senior Semester Design: Individual Work Four months in 2019 Location: Shenzhen Instructor: Jianhua Ding, Ke He, Shuai Lv

34 基地调研 / Site Analysis 基地选址 / Site 水系 / Water System 绿化 / Green System 公共用地 / Public Land 周边建筑 / Building 路网 / Traffic System Site is located in the Qianhai area of Shenzhen,China and will be the center of various industries in the future. At the same time, the southeast and northeast sides of the site are respectively facing a green water park and urban green belt, and further away are the mountain and sea views. Therefore, from the vertical direction, landscape effect is very good. Qianhai International Football Stadium Government Open Public Space Shopping Mall Guiwan桂湾公园Park 法治大厦前海国际足球场 城市开放空间城市开放空间 购物中心 居民区 Open Public Space Residential Community 是山景与海景,因此从垂直方向上,基地的景观效应很好。的东南面和东北面分别朝向一个绿化水景公园与城市绿化带,再远处便基地位于中国广东深圳前海片区,处于未来多种行业的中心。同时基地

The plot consists of two sub-lots in a long strip shape, which brings a great opportunity to the lateral extensibility of the design, so what I did is to consider the two as a whole, super high-rise and commercial integration.

35 概念模型 / Concept Model 概念图解 / Concept Graphic 设计概念 / Design 空间的空间逻辑。间去链接二者,从而形成外围公共空间包裹内核办公与商业生活空间为一体的微型社区,用几条折叠而上的城市街道空虑,超高层与商业综合体如同一个集办公商业以及若干公共展性带来了很大的契机,因此我做的是将二者进行整体性考本次地块由两个分地块组成,呈长条形,这给设计的横向延Concept


The high building is like a mini-community that integrates office business and several public living spaces. It uses several folded up urban street spaces to link two boxes, thus forming a peripheral public space that wraps the core office and commercial space.

Staggered floors form different levels of activity platforms and vertical parks Steel columns are arranged inside the tower and the complex to match the truss Mixedstructure.use of truss and cable structure to achieve a large span overhanging part of the Thespace.skin is made of glass and frosted glass. The frosted glass is used in the public space of the street to provide a unique light experience while shading.

Conform to the landscape elements around the base, the winding masses form upward to form the peripheral street Thespace.public space is enlarged according to different landscape points. Since the higher the wind, the stronger the environment, and the street volume is adjusted gradually to close in. The main building is divided into vertical functions roughly. The functions of the main part are arranged to arrange the functions of the surrounding public street space, and they penetrate each other to form an organic whole.

37 生成逻辑 Generation/ Logic 建筑元素 / Building Elements 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 Step 1 1 核心筒 / Core 2 楼板/ Floor Step 2 Step 3 3 柱网 / Column 4 桁架 / Truss 5 表皮/ Epidermis Step 4 Step 5 部分。穿行的路,地块的衔接问题是设计需要考虑的基地有两个地块,其中中间需要保留一条车辆 遮阳并给人带去独特的体验。料,街道公共空间处运用磨砂玻璃,表皮采用玻璃与磨砂玻璃两种材跨悬挑部分空间。混合运用桁架与拉索结构以实现大搭配桁架结构。塔楼与综合体部分内部布置钢柱,与垂直公园。错动的楼板形成不同层的活动平台作用。钢筋混凝土核心,承担主要的结构There间的功能,并互相渗透形成有机整体。呼应主体部分的功能来排布外围的公共街道空对主体建筑进行垂直方向上大致的功能划分。高风环境越强,调整街道体块逐渐往里收。根据不同的景观点放大设置公共空间,由于越外围街道空间。顺应基地周边的景观元素,缠绕体块向上形成aretwoplotsatthebase,ofwhich a road needs to be reserved for vehicles. The connection of the plots is part of the design. The reinforced concrete core bears the main structural role.

The long street space is with a restaurant space facing the urban green belt, and links the group space through the staggered relationship of the masses to form some compound spaces.

The middle and top of the building and the complex are some office space with jump-levels, which are connected by long blocks.

38 Folding Street One Folding Street Two Folding Street Three Folding Street Four Folding Street Five Cinema Office 塔楼核心筒 / Tower Core 商综核心筒 / Commercial Part Core Canteen harshThe高层办公人群的运动层。中部的体块则是一条闭合的“街道”,由于位于高层中部,其定位是服务于块局部往里收在建筑内部营造跨层的交流空间。空间定义的性质是服务于大型公司办公,由于高层风环境恶劣,最上面的体该长条街道空间以面向城市绿化带景观面良好的高层餐厅空间为中心,通过体块的错落关系去链接组团空间,形成一些复合型空间。高层和综合体的中部与顶部分别是一些跃层式办公空间,利用长条体块链接,之间形成一些阶梯空间,形成聚集效应。传统的影院位于顶层缺乏一些公共联系感,利用长条的街道空间串联影院与高层的多样性办公,营造辅助空间供人停留休闲。spaceisusedtoservetheofficeofalargecompany.Duetothehigh-risewindenvironment,thevolumeispartiallycollected inside the building to create a cross-layer communication space.

The traditional theater is located on the top floor and lacks some sense of public connection. The long street space is used to connect the theater with office and create an auxiliary space for people to stay and relax.

The mass in the middle is a closed "street". Because it is located in the middle of bulding, its location is to serve people as the sports layer .

节点空间爆炸图 / Node Explosion Diagram

39 总平面 / Architecture Design Plan 街道公共空间 / Public Space The high-rise building faces various landscapes at different heights.According to the landscape the project trys to create different kinds of public spaces for the people in the building.

40 重要层平面 / Vital Layer Plans 2F商业平面图 / 2F Commerce & Office 5F影院层平面图 / 5F Cinema & Catering 首层平面图 / Ground Floor Plan 1 会议室/ Meeting Room 1 展厅/ Exhibition Hall 1 大堂/ Commercial Lobby 2 电话室/ Phone Room 2 商场 / The Mall 2 办公前厅 / Office Lobby 3 聊天室/ Chatting Room 3 办公前厅 / Office Lobby 3 消防控制 / Fire Control 4 办公区 / Office Area 4 合用前室 / Front Room 4 展厅 / Exhibition Hall 5 展览 / Exhibition 5 会议室 / Meeting

41 街道节点空间各层平面 / Plans of Street Node Space 54F 跨层交流平面图 / 54F Cross Layer Communication 55F 跨层交流平面图 / 55F Cross Layer Communication 37F 经典工作层平面图 / 55F Classic Working 34F 体育层平面图 / 34F Sport Center 22F 餐厅层平面图 / 22F Canteen 22F 跨层交流平面图 / 22F Cross Layer Communication 1 攀岩区 / Climb Area 1 咖啡角 / Cafe Corner 2 办公区/ Office Area 2 厨房/ Kitchen 3 室内露台/ Indoor Platform 3 就餐区/ Dining Area 1 咖啡角/ Cafe Corner 1 咖啡角/ Cafe Corner 1 乒乓球区/ Table Tennis 4 讨论室 / Talking Room 4 自由阶梯 / Staircase 2 会议室 / Meeting Room 1 会议室 / Meeting Room2 阶梯交流 / Staircase 2 健身区 / Fitness 5 自由区域 / Free Area 5 报告厅 / Report Room 3 讨论室 / Taling Room 2 咖啡角 / Cafe Corner3 办公室 / Office 3 桌球区 / Snooker 6 屋顶花园 / Roof Garden 6 屋顶花园 / Roof Garden 4 室外花园 / Garden 3 办公区 / Office Zone4 会议室 / Meeting Room 4 慢跑区 / Jogging

42 剖面图 / Section


Shenzhen river is located in the border area between Shenzhen and Hong Kong. The river has witnessed the history of the site.At Shenzhen river is located in the border area between Shenzhen and Hong Kong. The river has witnessed the history of the site. At that time, Shenzhen and Hong Kong people used to fish here. Now, Shenzhen and Hong Kong are blocked by the sidewall. As a carrier between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, the sidewall not only separates the life atmosphere but also the memory of history.

Design: Group Work with Yifan Zhao, Jingshen Lu Role in Team: Design (50%), Technical Drawings (50%)

Instructor: Yiqi Tao , Deng Ai

Two months in 2019 Location: Bord of Shenzhen & Hong Kong

45 这片失活已久的河岸空间。连续的滨河公园步行体系,用“网“这个设计语言来联系两岸生活,并激活于彼岸的遐想。因此我们尝试将边界网推倒,融合渔网的形态,设计成一个然梯田山丘资源。这两片区域因河水阻隔缺少联系,边界网更限制了人们对罗湖村发展而来的传统社区及历史悠久的口岸,南岸香港一侧有着丰富的自的向往。体,隔开的不仅是万家渔火灯明的生活气息,还有人们对历史的记忆和自然友,如今深港人民被边界网阻隔,凭网垂悼。边界网作为阻隔深港两地的载强烈的割裂感。深圳河见证了太多的过往,过去深港人民打渔于此,以网会深圳河位于深港两座城市的边缘交界地带,高网密布的边界空间充斥着方案选址于中国广东省深圳罗湖口岸的三角洲地带。北岸深侧聚集着由

The project is located in the delta area of Luohu port in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, China. The north bank(Shenzhen)is traditional community and the port. The south bank(Hong Kong) is rich in natural terraced fields and hills. The sidewall limits people's imagination of life on the other side. Therefore, we try to pull down sidewall and integrate the form of fishing net to design a continuous riverside park walking system. The design language of "net" is used to connect the life on both sides of the river and activate the longdeactivated riverbank space.

Border's Riverside Park Walking System

UIA-HYP CUP 2019 International Student Competition


47 基地剖面分析 / Site Section Analysis 生成 / Generation 边界历史/ History of Bord Plan

旧与新 / Old & New功能链接 / Function Connection 剖面& 场景/ Section & Scenes Retrofit of The Neighborhood Buildings Bord Community 废弃的边界桥割裂地块边界社区边界禁区废弃的房子围合空间隔离的围墙隔离的两岸隔离区 农作物市场时光之桥桥梁连接乐活社区乐活区域开放空间公共广场水上市场生态旅游Seperate Area Abandoned Bridge Restricted Zone Abandoned House Closed IsolatedIsolatedSpaceWallBanks Penalty Zone Happy Community BridgeMemorialConnectionBridgeCropMarket Playful Zone Open Space Public Square WaterEcotourismMarket

逝去与重生/ Past & Present Reshape The Boundary Space through The Memories of Old Photos 1950s 2050s


The Project of Urban Density Lab Lemberg 2020 in Vienna months in , Lviv , Ukaine Design: Group Work with Yanqi Wu, Alexander Urban Role in Team: Design (60%), Technical Drawings (60%) Andreas Hofer , Christian Gigler Award of 2020 WUPENiCITY


Factory REMA of radio-electronic medical equipment is in the industrial area of Podzamcze and has a long history. Today, the industrial zone is in the transition stage from manufacturing to an innovative industry dominated by knowledge and research. A large number of artists and architects have gathered here and become the source of artistic creation. Small and micro enterprises and maker groups are also increasing, gradually becoming an important part of the economic structure. Therefore, traditional office space is no longer suitable for the new office model. The new office group needs more open and free custom office space and shared space. The design tries to start from the needs of the crowd and the type of space, through using sharing space to link functional spaces and transforming the original space, to create a new type of office and living space. for Art and Recreation



51 新型的办公与居住场所。共享空间链接功能空间以及改造原有空间的两大策略,激发绿地活力,创造动的发生也不再局限于室内。设计尝试着从人群需求及空间类型出发,通过新兴创客人群更多需要的是开放自由的自定义办公空间和共享空间,同时活部分。源头。小微型企业以及创客群体也在日益增多,逐渐成为经济构成中的重要主的创新产业的转变阶段。大量艺术家建筑师汇集于此,成为了艺术创造的Podzamcze工业区。而如今,工业区正处于由制造业向以知识与研究类为利沃夫的REMA工厂是一家历史悠久的无线电电子医疗设备工厂,位于因此传统的层次分明、整齐划一的办公场所不再适合于新型的办公模式,

2020 Location: REMA


52 基地区位& 周边环境调研 / Site Location & Research of Neighborhood REMA SiteLVIV , Ukaine REMA is located about 1.5km in the north of the city center of Lviv. This area is marked by a lot of industry buildings and represents a potential for transformation in the coming decades.

53 公共活动 / Public Activities Lack of Various Public Spaces for Activities

54 The history of existing factories goes back to the 1920s, other buildings like the factory (2) were added in 1960s. The former use of them was the production of Radio and Electronics and Medical Equipments which provided 1000 workspaces. The density of it was 15m2 / 现有工厂的历史可以追溯到1920年代,在1960年代又增加了其他工厂,例如工厂2person. 。 它们以前的用途是生产无线电,电子和医疗设备,空间总共能提供1000个工人。 其工 We作空间密度为15平方米/人。choose12smallcompanies of them to analysis business, space scale and requirements. Today, only 1/3 of the two factories are used by 70 small companies. The new residents of created a public organization 商业类型饼状图/我们选择其中的12家小公司来分析业务,空间规模和需求。共同创建了一个公共组织“如今,这两家工厂中只有1/3的空间被利用,大约有70家小公司在此办公。新的居民“ReZavod”.ReZavod”,旨在推广REMA的新兴产业。 Business Breakdown 基地历史&工厂业态调查 / History of REMA & Current Use of Factories


56 Nontraditional Space Multipurpose Space The emergence of new materials and structures makes the construction of space easier and leads to flexible, diverse spaces. The space can also be multipurpose like grey space or open space, which provides more possibilities for people to have different activities. Traditional Space: large & old The traditional office space is large scale and lacks of individuality, flexibility and diversity. And we also propose one question whether this kind of space is really suitable for the current REMA site 空间类型转换 / Space Transformation 设计目标 / Design Goals

57 人群关系 / User Diagram 设计概念 / Design Concept 功能需求 / Needed Functions Factory Office Cultural Space CommonHouse Space Three Relationships 1 Residents & Workers Residents apply for the job; Workers produce products for sale to residents. 2 Workers & Artists Worlers produce works designed by artists; Artists obtains copyrights and funds to continue his creation. 3 Residents & Artists Artists hold activities to enrich the daily life of residents; Residents help artists harvest popularity and money.

58 功能图解 / Function Diagram 发展阶段 / Development Phases Phase 3 Factory Retrofit and HousingPhase 2 Residential Buildings and OfficePhase 1 Residential Buildings and Office

59 设计元素 / Elements of Project 1 Connect saved factories. 4 Link surrounding environment. 5 Extract nodes in public streamlines. 6 Place connectors at nodes. 2 Make communities link surroundings. 3 Form the main public square structure. Phase 6 Full Build OutPhase 5 Added ConnectorsPhase 4 Public Plaza

60 设计平面 / Urban Design Plan

61 居住分区 / Residential Area Apartment Original House Office Retrofit of Factory Public Building House 办公分区 / Office Area 公共广场结构 / Public Square Structure 路网 / Road Net 绿化结构 / Greenland Structure

62 首层平面 / Ground Floor Plan

63 连接体图解 / Connector Diagram Strategy 1: Connect buildings in space Strategy 2: Connect people in activities连接体与被连接建筑的关系策略1:通过连接体连接建筑策略2:通过活动联系人群 / Relationship of Connectors & Buildings 办公建筑与连接共享体 / Office & Connector 工厂与连接共享体 / Factory & Connector 居住建筑与连接共享体 / Residential House & Connector


Connectors link buildings through public, multifunctional common space. Its program is dictated by the functions of the two adjacent buildings. The skeleton construction includes outdoor and indoor spaces. An open groundfloor allows people to pass through the connector or stay in the grey space.

65 连接体剖面 / Connector Section 交互立面 / Interactive Facade 连接体灰空间 / Connector Grey Space The project involves opened and accessible grey space under the connectors, which could provide place for people to hold different public activities. It will make this area more popular and promote the creative community. Provide Remarkable Infrastructure to the City a.Columns as Light Poles b.Mini-Balconies between Beams c.Extruded Bench or Shelves a bcab c Residential Building Roof GreenGardenFacade Library Art Workshop

66 工厂复兴 / Factory Retrofit 原结构/ Original Structure Scene 2 Scene 1 原有 / Volumes 加建 / Additional Volumes 空间划分 / Space Division Lviv factory of radio-electronic medical equipment REMA began activities in 1944.Now REMA is in the stage of industrial conversion and it attracts lots of young people.Today, this place has become a platform for new initiatives, experiments and projects. Even theatre company and art gallery works here and hold the parties also. So we try to save the structure of the factory and reorganize the spatial structure of the factory to make it be connected with surroundings. 厂的结构并将工厂的空间结构重组为使它与周围环境相连。甚至剧院公司和美术馆也在这里工作并举行聚会。业转型阶段,吸引了许多年轻人。今天,这个地方已成为实验项目的平台。利沃夫的无线电电子医疗设备工厂始建于1944年,如今REMA处于工因此,我们尝试保存工

新工厂功能图解 / Space Function Diagram Scene 2 Scene 1

68 Urban Village Research & Abstract Drawing / 2018 Spring Conductor : Kehan Wen , Wei Wu 艺术作品 / Art Work Recreate The Urban Village from Another Perspective

69 Urban Village Art Installation / 2018 Spring Conductor : Kehan Wen , Wei Wu

70 其他作品 / Other Projects Urban Village Archive / 2018 Spring Zhangwei Memorial / 2019 Autumn Additional Construction of Architecture College / 2018 Autumn Conductor : Shan Jin , Haofeng Wang , Shuai Lv Conductor : Ling Zhang , Jiawei Chen , Yi Qi Conductor : Jiawei Chen , Yi Qi , Ling Zhang


Xu ShenzhenZhiweiUniversity , Shenzhen 518000 , China Tel : +86 156 0290 3829 E-mail : 408191384@qq.com

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