International Ulama Conference on Afghanistan

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Organization of Islamic Cooperation








Message of Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud


Welcoming Remarks of HRH Prince Khalid Al-Faisal, Advisor to the Custodain of the Two Holy Mosques, Governor of Makkah Region


Statement of H.E. Dr. Yousef bin Ahmed Al-Othaimeen, OIC Secretary General at the Reception of Custodian of The Two Holy Mosques for The Ulama


Opening Statement of H.E. Dr. Yousef bin Ahmed Al-Othaimeen, Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation


Message of H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ashraf Ghani, President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan


Statement of H.E. Dr. Abul Latif Al Sheikh, Minister of Islamic Affairs, Call and Guidance, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Statement of Sheikhul Hadith Mawlawi Qeeyamuddin Kashaf, Representative of Afghan Ulama Council


Statement of Dr. Saleh bin Abdullah Bin Humaid, Imam of the Grand Holy Mosque and Advisor at the Royal Court, Saudi Arabia


Declaration of International Ulama Conference for Peace and Security in Afghanistan


OIC Report of the Conference


Letter from President of Afghanistan H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ashraf Ghan


Snapshots from the Conference

Organization of Islamic Cooperation Chief Editor Maha Mostafa Akeel

Layout & Design Mohammed Abdelqader Qalaba





Afghanistan, once a cradle of great thinkers, scientists, poets and writers has immensely contributed to the global civilization. Strategically located and rich in resources, Afghanistan is pivotal to the geopolitical stability and prosperity of the region. Embroiled by domestic security challenges of global implications, Afghanistan is at the heart of international efforts to achieve durable peace and stability in the country. Although there have been numerous political bilateral, tripartite, quadripartite, regional and international initiatives, the idea of addressing the issues of reconciliation and confronting extremism from Islamic religious perspective was not considered at international levels. Terrorist acts carried out by militant groups under the cover of misinterpretation of Quran and Hadith, require thorough analysis of their deviant thoughts and misconceptions and countering and renouncing them through true and precise interpretation of Islamic beliefs by renowned scholars, based on consensus and collective effort. Muslim Ulama have historically and traditionally played a key role in promoting peace and reconciliation, moderation and tolerance and in countering radicalism and misinterpretation of Islamic tenets. The challenges to peace and stability in Afghanistan had always warranted for a significant role of Ulama. The OIC Islamic Summit and Council of Foreign Ministers therefore desired to convene an International Ulama Conference on Afghanistan to reject the erroneous interpretations of Islamic tenets by terrorist groups operating in Afghanistan, delegitimizing their acts and propaganda in the light of Islamic teachings and to create conducive environment for peaceful reconciliation. The Afghan authorities, specifically the High Peace Council, since its establishment in 2010, and the OIC General Secretariat have been working on this initiative. The first such conference, titled ‘Ulama Conference on Islam and Peace’, was held in Kabul in September 2013. It was jointly organized by the High Peace Council of Afghanistan in cooperation with the Ulama Council of Afghanistan and the OIC General Secretariat. Over 200 religious scholars, intellectuals and Islamic Jurists from different Islamic countries participated in the conference and discussed issues related to peace and security in Afghanistan. The OIC and Afghanistan High Peace Council continued their efforts to implement the recommendations of the Kabul Ulama Conference and Council of Foreign Ministers. The current security situation and prospects of reconciliation further necessitated holding of the International Ulama Conference at the earliest. Therefore, the International Ulama Conference, being attended by eminent Muslim scholars from around the world was aimed at: i- facilitate the national reconciliation process in Afghanistan and ii- denounce and delegitimize all acts of terrorism and violent extremism in the light of Islam’s teachings.






11 July 2018 Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia




MESSAGE OF CUSTODIAN OF THE TWO HOLY MOSQUES, KING SALMAN BIN ABDULAZIZ AL SAUD The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud received at Al-Salam palace on 11 July 2018 the delegation of scholars participating in the International Conference of Muslim Scholars on Peace and Stability in the Republic of Afghanistan. The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques welcomed the scholars, commending them and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) for holding this conference. The King said, “You are the best who work to serve Islam and Muslims, unify their words and ranks, and eliminate the Islamic world from wars and crises afflicting it as well as the scourges of extremism and terrorism. Almighty Allah honored the Kingdom to serve the two holy mosques and this is what we have always been doing and still doing since the era of our father up today”. The King affirmed that the Kingdom has experienced with the Afghan people their suffering since the beginning of the Afghan crisis and its resulting civil war, whereas the Kingdom has provided humanitarian and economic assistance and exerted continuous political efforts to eliminate division and differences among the factions of the Afghan people. The King added, “Today, we are optimistic that your efforts will contribute to closing the page of the past and opening a new page in Afghanistan that would achieve the aspirations of the Afghan people for security and stability, and this requires adopting the approach of dialogue, reconciliation and tolerance as dictated by our Islamic religion.” The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques thanked them for their efforts and endeavors, wishing the Afghan people all success.





We welcome you, our brothers and guests, in your country. We regard Afghanistan and the Afghans as our people, our brothers, and our children. We in this Holy Land consider ourselves honored by Almighty Allah to serve you and the guests of the Lord of Mercy on this blessed land. We pride ourselves on this, especially since our Leader, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, chose that title for himself instead of ‘His Majesty’. This is the Grace of Almighty Allah on the leaders and the people of this country.


Welcome to your country and to your land. We pledge before Almighty Allah and we promise that we will always be in the service of Islam and Muslims at all times in light of the circumstances through which the region and the entire world are passing.


Welcome here and everywhere in which we gather. We support you and we will be with you through thick and thin, inshaAllah (if Allah wills). We look forward to such a day on which Afghanistan would be parallel to the world’s largest countries in terms of civilization and elevation, living in peace and security because it deserves to be so. We all need to join our efforts to serve the Muslim Ummah in general and Afghanistan in particular. Please feel at home, as we take pride in serving you here and in any place in the world.




STATEMENT OF H.E. DR. YOUSEF BIN AHMED AL-OTHAIMEEN, THE OIC SECRETARY GENERAL In the Name of Allah, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy. Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz, Assalamu alaikum wa-Rahmatullah wa-Barakatuh It is my honor on behalf of the Ulama participating in the International Conference of Muslim Ulama on Afghanistan, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), and myself, to extend my heartfelt thanks and gratitude to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques for ordering the hosting of this Conference in Saudi Arabia, the Land of the Two Holy Mosques. Its convention near the sanctified Kaaba, the Qibla of one billion seven million Muslims, is another manifestation of the relentless pursuit of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, under your wide leadership, and that of His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, to achieve peace and security throughout Afghanistan. Afghanistan, this great Muslim country, has been suffering from decades-long scourge of division, fighting, and terrorism. Therefore, more than 100 distinguished Muslim Ulama from around the world gather here on this Holy Land to clarify the concept of reconciliation in Islam. They are determined to clarify the correct stance of Islam against terrorism, extremism, and violence, express the Shariah opinion on these



important issues, and take a collective position against those strive to cause corruption in Afghanistan in the name of Islam, which has nothing to do with them. Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, This Conference provides an umbrella platform for Ulama to discuss the situation of the Republic of Afghanistan from a Shariah perspective. They hope this would achieve security, peace, and reconciliation between the components and spectrums of the Afghani society through dialogue, transcending the wounds, and renouncing all forms of violence, extremism and terrorism that contravene Islam, the religion of mercy, peace, and coexistence. This Conference shall conclude with the Makkah Declaration, which affirms these lofty principles and forms a legitimate roadmap for reaching a peaceful solution in Afghanistan derived from the teachings of Islam and the enlightened position of its followers. The Conference will also give a strong and sincere message to the entire world of the Muslim Ummah’s interest in the affairs of Afghanistan and that it is able, inshaAllah, to resolve its crises on its own with Allah’s Grace and the determination of such distinguished Ulama who are here today. They have come to listen to your guidance and benefit from the wisdom of a unique Muslim leader who has been always keen on reunification, cohesive voice, and establishing peace and security in the Muslim world in general and in Afghanistan in particular. Perhaps the most recent of your fruitful efforts was the sponsorship of the truce reached during Eid Al-Fitr and your appeal to the parties to respond to the call and extend it to stop shedding sacrosanct blood and to create an atmosphere of peaceful dialogue. This invitation, followed by hosting this international conference on Afghanistan, reflects the Kingdom’s clear, firm, and steadfast position on the issues of the Muslim world, its spiritual leadership and its continued support for joint Islamic action. Thank you, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, for the renewed support to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the collective voice of the Ummah. I pray to God Almighty, O Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, to bestow on you the best reward for your efforts in the service of Islam and Muslims and to perpetuate the grace of security and safety for the Land of the Two Holy Mosques, and to lift the adversity off the entire Ummah. Wa Assalamu alaikum wa-Rahmatullah wa-Barakatuh






10 -11 July 2018 Jeddah and Makkah Al Mukarramah Kingdom of Saudi Arabia  




In the Name of Allah, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy And Peace and Blessings be Upon His Prophet Your Eminences and Venerated Scholars; Assalamu alaikum wa-Rahmatullah wa-Barakatuh, Praise is to Allah who says in the Noble Qur’an what can be translated as, «And cooperate in righteousness and piety …» (5:2) I greet you from the Land of the Two Holy Mosques, heart of the Muslim world, Qibla of Muslims, headquarters of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), and the country that has vowed to serve Islam and Muslims, unify their word, gather their ranks, conciliate their visions, and support their efforts towards the realization of their hopes and aspirations. This country has been the pioneer, the guiding beacon and the cornerstone of Islamic solidarity. This is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under the leadership of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz. It has spared no effort in supporting the pride and dignity of Muslims in application of the Qur’anic verse translated as, «Indeed this, your religion, is one religion, and I am your Lord, so worship Me.» (21:92) Here in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where words go hand in hand with deeds, will embraces resolve, and intention couples with determination, the distinguished Ulama of Afghanistan and from all over the world gather in this great Islamic event, hosted by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. This emanates from their desire to preserve the unity of the Afghan people and support their sincere desire to come back from the tumultuous dark disputes into the fold of one word, security and stability. Afghanistan, one of the founding countries of the OIC and homeland of many prominent figures and forerunners of Muslim civilization has remained for long an impenetrable safeguard at one of the Muslim frontiers. However, it is bitter to say that it has been going through a long, inconceivable and unjustifiable period of challenging circumstances hued with division, killing, destruction, and bombing. Therefore, today it seeks your help and appeals to all to stand with it, support it to make security and stability prevail therein, and reunite its entire people.



The OIC, while thanking the Government of Saudi Arabia for hosting this International Conference, highly appreciates the recent call of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques for Afghans to work towards the best interest of their country, heal their divisions, and spare no effort to make security and stability prevail in their brotherly country and for its people. I take this opportunity to call upon the Afghan Government and all components of Afghan society to respond to this sincere call from the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and to work for the realization of peace and harmony in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. I would also like to extend my sincere thanks and gratitude to you, distinguished Ulama, for responding to the OIC invitation to participate in such an important Islamic forum in reflection of your concern for eliminating discord and realizing reconciliation among Muslims. This complies with the words of Allah (Glorified and Exalted is He) translated as, «And if two factions among the believers should fight, then make settlement between the two. But if one of them oppresses the other, then fight against the one that oppresses until it returns to the ordinance of Allah. And if it returns, then make settlement between them in justice and act justly. Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly.» (49:9) This is also an embodiment of Muslim solidarity, in both letter and spirit, described by the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) as: “The parable of the believers in their affection, mercy, and compassion for each other is that of a body. When any limb aches, the whole body reacts with sleeplessness and fever “. (Sahih Al-Bukhari 5665) Your Eminences and Venerated Scholars, The resolution of the OIC Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs (CFM) at its fortieth session in Guinea in December 2013 encouraged «… all Muslim scholars to unanimously and strongly condemn terrorism, through fatwas, preaching and holding international events». It also requested the OIC Secretary General to «continue his efforts towards an International Conference dealing with peace and security in Afghanistan». This has materialized today after the recent CFM Resolution in Bangladesh in May 2018 welcomed the «… convening of the International Ulama Conference on Afghanistan, which will be held in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia». There is no doubt that the determination to activate these resolutions through convening our Conference today is a reflection of the gravity of the strife and division in Afghanistan that have denied Afghan people the grace of security and stability, hindered development, frustrated society and killed hope. Worse still, killing the innocent in the name of Islam aggravated the situation. The killer raises his hands while saying Allahu Akbar (Allah is [the] greatest) while the dying raises his index finger saying Shahada (the Muslim profession of faith (‘there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah’), one of the Five Pillars of Islam) to be his last words and testimony he died as a Muslim. Allah has promised the killers dire consequences in a chilling manner, «Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely.» (5:32) Add to this, «But whoever kills a believer intentionally - his recompense is Hell, wherein he will abide eternally, and Allah has become angry with him and has cursed him and has prepared for him a great punishment.» (4:93) In his Farewell Pilgrimage, the Prophet of the mankind said (peace and blessings be upon him), «O people! Verily your blood, your property and your honor are sacred and inviolable until you appear before your Lord, as the sacred inviolability of this day of yours, this month of yours, and this very town (of yours).» These are the words of Allah (Glorified and Sublime is He) and His Last Prophet (peace and blessings INTERNATIONAL ULAMA CONFERENCE ON PEACE AND STABILITY IN AFGHANISTAN


be upon him). What is then the reference of those who kill the innocent without any right? This is our tolerant Islam that prohibits killing any soul. What is then the religion of those who adopt killing and intimidation as an approach just for transient worldly political gains? Your Eminences and Venerated Scholars, Today’s conference comes at a critical point of time in the history of Afghanistan. Great store is set by this event to meet the aspirations and hopes of the people of Afghanistan who have been torn apart by intermittent discord and fighting and want to see their country make a comeback and return to security, stability and prosperity. Afghanistan is in acute need of our full support, both individual and collective, to overcome disagreements of the past and begin a new chapter of reunion and tolerance, nonviolence and sparing innocent people, since the pristine message of Islam is to avoid discord and bond together in a common goal of righteousness, piety, forbearance and reconciliation. The most obvious initial takeaway from this conference is that there is sincere determination to bring an end to the conflict and violence in Afghanistan. Ours is a strong resolve to build a safe future for Afghanistan – a future grounded in the pristine traditions of Islam. We are here to help heal rifts across Afghanistan for peace, security and stability to firmly take root, to assist in the country’s effort to preserve its unity and territorial integrity, and to ensure harmony among all members of the Afghan society, ahead of a broad national reconciliation process in the country. Your Eminences and Venerated Scholars, Afghanistan has long been on our agenda at the OIC. Indeed, the Organization has always come out in full support of this country dear to us, engaging in countless initiatives and actions, both regional and international, and playing host to several meetings of the International Contact Group for Afghanistan (ICG). Further, the OIC has taken an active role on the international arena, contributing greatly to driving economic development, including through humanitarian aid initiatives, healthcare and education promotion projects, and clean drinking water supply efforts. In the same vein, the OIC has been helping stimulate bilateral support for Afghanistan. Here I would like to reiterate our unfailing support to have a fruitful peace process owned and led by Afghanistan. I also wish, from this rostrum, to call on all stakeholders and forces to engage in the Afghan government’s call for unconditional peace talks, a critical ingredient to achieve a prosperous, safe and stable future for the country. Your Eminences and Venerated Scholars, It is a matter of huge responsibility for you, eminences and venerated scholars, to live up to what the people of Afghanistan expect you to accomplish. We are confident that this conference will be of great benefit not only to Afghanistan but also to the broader Muslim world. The entire Muslim community is looking forward to you to have an active part in the effort to correct misguided and distorted interpretations of the Islamic teachings, stand in the way of evildoers who hijacked Islam stirring up killing and destruction and acting wrongly in the name of Islam. The call is for you to foster adherence to the principles of coexistence between races and religious creeds, and encour-



age national reconciliation among Afghans. On this, I wish to assure you that the OIC and all its Member States are here, as they have always done, to assist and ensure your recommendations are put into effect. Counting neighboring countries of Afghanistan among its members, the OIC has been actively engaged in driving peace and security in the country. The OIC has a longstanding focus on boosting regional cooperation for peace and stability in Afghanistan, and we are taking our cooperation and coordination in this regard to a new level. The current situation on the ground and the lessons learned from the efforts made may serve as a solid groundwork on which to build a more comprehensive, realistic and integrated approach, leveraging this region’s potential for peace and development. Frankly, I would say once again that military action is no real durable solution. We have to take a comprehensive approach that encompasses all cultural, economic and social perspectives. May I, on behalf of the OIC, pledge full and unwavering support to all the efforts being made, regionally and worldwide, to bring peace and stability in Afghanistan. In conclusion, I wish to place on record my most grateful appreciation to the government of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques for so perfectly hosting and organizing this very important event. I am also thankful to you all, eminences and venerated scholars, who have come from across the Muslim world, bound together by a shared commitment to partake in the effort to achieve durable peace, security and stability in Afghanistan. I pray to Allah the Exalted for this conference to be a significant turning point that augurs well for Afghanistan and the region at large – one where disagreements and conflicts of the past are surmounted and a prosperous future lies for peaceful and brotherly cohabitation in the country. All praise be to Allah. Wassalamu alaikum warahmatu Allah wabarakatuh.




Your Excellencies Ulama and Mashaikh Assalamu Alaiakum Warahmatullahe wa Barakatuh First of all, let me extend my sincere gratitude to you all for attending this auspicious and unprecedented conference. We are thankful to all the Ulama who have gathered here on behalf of the entire Islamic world to discuss peace and stability in Afghanistan on the basis of the principles of the sacred religion of Islam. We are also cordially grateful to the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation for organizing and to the government of Saudi Arabia and particularly to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdul Aziz for hosting this important event. Excellencies, the true representatives of Islam, Afghanistan is going through an important stage of its history, and as you know, our tireless efforts has prepared a conducive ground for durable peace and stability. There remains no any religious reason or excuse for the continuation of violence in our country. I am sure your support will help us end this decades-long suffering of our people in Afghanistan. We are fully confident that the constructive engagement of the OIC in the Afghan conflict is a very positive step, thus we request the organization to continue supporting us to reach a negotiated settlement. We also firmly believe that the support and mediation of Saudi Arabia as a sacred land for all the Muslims of the world, is significantly important for the success of the peace process in Afghanistan. The Ulama of the Islamic World as a respected part of the Islamic society can play a very important role in ensuring peace and stability. This role of the Ulama is particularly paramount in Afghanistan than any part of the world, because the victims of the current war which is fought under the banner of Islam are merely innocent Afghan civilians. Ulama are able to eliminate all types of ambiguities in this regard and lead the society towards peace and tolerance. I, as the president of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, once again thank you for participating in this conference and invite all of you to visit Afghanistan and closely see our efforts for the peace process and help us put an end to this conflict imposed on us by outsiders. We are strongly committed to bringing about peace, and the recent efforts we made in this regard are the sole testimony of our commitment. As we give so much respect to the Ulama and Sheikhs and since we are sure that they are always in the lead when it comes to the good of the Ummah, so we will without any hesitation accept and comply with any decision you make in this conference and will act upon any responsibility towards ensuring peace in Afghanistan you assign us for. At the end, I once again appreciate all of you for participating in this conference and I hope your support will bring good news of peace and stability to our Muslim nation. Wassalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahe wa Barakatuh.



STATEMENT OF H.E. DR. ABUL LATIF AL SHEIKH MINISTER OF ISLAMIC AFFAIRS, CALL AND GUIDANCE, KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA Your Excellency, the Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Excellencies and Eminencies, Distinguished Guests, Assalamu alaikum Warahmatullahe Wabarakatuh In continuation of the ongoing goodwill action pursued by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under the leadership of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman Bin Abdulaziz, may Allah safeguard him, with his well-known efforts in the service of Islam and in support of Muslims and their causes, in compliance with Allah’s injunction: “The believers are brothers, so seek to reconcile them”, and in pursuit of the particular interest accorded by this blessed country to the stability, safety and well-nurturance of the Islamic faith of its sisterly Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is hosting today the “International Conference on Peace and Security in Afghanistan” which is being held under the aegis of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). This country of ours has always been, as it continues to be, a staunch and unwavering ally of its brothers and sisters across the Islamic world and keen to help resolve their disputes. Moreover, it has always been eager to repair the effects of accidents and disasters and offer prompt relief and succor, rallying itself to every cooperative endeavor among the Islamic world, seeking to benefit others and striving to help both people and land. In hosting this conference the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia offers further confirmation of the interest accorded by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, May Allah grant him comfort and support, to the affairs of Muslims. Honourable Participants, It is incumbent on each one of us, particularly those steeped in learning and scholarship, to make a point of ensuring the preservation of their countries and their safety, and of safeguarding their achievements and the future of their prospective generations. This is both a religious and a patriotic duty for all. Indeed, one’s belonging to a nation and to a faith forms a relation of complementarity and cohesion, not a relation of antagonism. Islamic Shariaa, with its sage objectives, laid particular stress on the importance of unity of rank and on guarding against discord and dispersal which Allah has cautioned against. Allah, in his boundless wisdom also commands us to preserve our unity around INTERNATIONAL ULAMA CONFERENCE ON PEACE AND STABILITY IN AFGHANISTAN


what is just. Allah says: “Do hold fast, in unison, to the rope of Allah and be not divided among yourselves” 2:103. Preserving the national unity is a responsibility that is shared by all, both individuals and institutions. And, we all agree that compromising it is totally inadmissible and may even constitute a threat to the country’s security and stability. Islam is a religion of subordination to the One God (Allah), a religion of unity and peace, and it is therefore the duty of scholars to warn against dispersal whether in thought, in sentiment or in affiliation. Unity is indeed strength, mercy and blessing. It entails Allah’s satisfaction and support. And by contrast, if the result of unity and mutuality is strength, then the result of dispersal and partisanship is failure, impotence and ruin. One of the entrenched fundamentals and most solid guarantees of security and stability is obeying the ruler in righteousness. And if you look into the texts of the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah you will find clear and unequivocal insistence on obligatory obedience to the rulers among Muslims and on the fact that disobeying them or turning against them is a major sin susceptible to lead the Ummah into strife and disarray. Allah Almighty says: “O you who believe, obey Allah, and obey the Messenger (Muhammad) and those of you who are in authority” 4:59. The responsibility entrusted to scholars and thinkers is of momentous weight, as to the clarification of truths in light of the Islamic Shariaa, cautioning against strife and perversion, spreading the spirit of fellowship, elevating the principle of authentic Islamic brotherhood and steering away from dispute and division. It is also incumbent upon them to underline the Almighty Allah’s cautioning against disobedience to the rulers in charge or seeking to sow confusion as to what is right and what is wrong, or resorting to violence and damaging their society’s potentials. Dear brothers, the scholars and officials in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, rest assured that the joy felt by the leaders of this blessed country and its scholars as well as that felt by the scholars of the entire Ummah is no less than the joy felt by your own people as you return to them holding your heads up in pride, having taken a pledge before Allah and determined to unify your ranks and achieve a united stand at this particular site, the most sacred spot on earth. In conclusion, I cannot but raise my hands to Allah – Almighty and Sublime be He – and implore Him to shower His blessings on the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and his Crown Prince, HRH Prince Mohamed Bin Salman, and reward them bountifully for the attentive care they have always accorded to the causes of the Islamic Ummah and for the outstanding services they are extending to Islam and Muslims. Due thanks are also extended to the OIC General Secretariat for having arranged for this scholars’ conference. I pray to Almighty Allah that He may safeguard our country and all the land of the Muslims and preserve their safety, security and stability and grant them protection against the evil of the wicked and the malice of the malignant and that He may crown this conference with full success. Wasalam Alaikum Warahmatullahe wa Barakatuh




Praise be to Allah, Lord of all creation. May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon the Noblest of Prophets and Messangers, our Prophet Mohammad, his kin and companions and those who are guided by his Sunnah to the Last Day. Excellencies, Ulama, Muftis and Sheikhs of the Islamic World, His Excellency Dr. Saleh bin Humaid Imam of the Haram Al-Maki, Secretary General of OIC and other distinguished members and participants, Assalamu alaikum Warahmatullahe Wabarakatuh I am very glad today to be amongst the greatest personalities and Ulamas of the Islamic world. I feel so lucky and proud to be part of an event where the religious scholars of the world have gathered on the basis of the following Hadith of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) to talk about the salvation of a war-weary nation who has for many years suffered from fighting and misery.

Rasulullah PBUH said that the parable of the believers in their affection, mercy, and compassion for each other is that of a body. When any limb aches, the whole body reacts with sleeplessness and fever (Sahih Bukhari 5665 and Sahih Muslim 2586). Distinguished participants, We are here to share with you not the voice of a brave Mujahid, but rather a beleaguered nation. Today we want to tell you the story of a nation that has sacrificed two million of its people for Islam and promoting the word of Allah. Defending our religion and faith, we have sacrificed around two million of our people. We have more than half a million widows, hundreds of thousands of orphans and more than two million disabled people in our country. Every individual is a victim and there is no any place that has not been destroyed or remained safe by the ongoing conflict. We are here to narrate the current situation of this war-torn nation and share with you its pain, hopes and aspiration. Afghanistan has been burning in the flames of war for the last 40 years. The war imposed on us particularly in the last 17 years is totally different. Due to this imposed war, each and every-day our Islamic and national values and norms are being violated. The current war has created a situation where no place has remained to be safe. Our houses, mosques, markets, offices and other public



and private places are constantly under serious threats. Mothers, children, elderly people, patients, men and women are killed. Everyone in our society feels unsafe and threatened. Our mosques, Madrassas, funerals, schools, universities and even our hospitals are blown up by suicide attacks. We are suffering from heinous and brutal acts where no one can imagine and no human conscious can accept. Despites all these atrocities, this brave nation has not given up its struggle for peace. Ulama, Mujahideens, elders, women and youth of this country have started peace campaigns. Recently, this national uprising for peace has turned to such a strong movement that the history of the world has never witnessed. Alhamdulillah it has had positive results. The entire nation has started serious discussions amongst the entire population about ensuring peace and stability. People of the country have provided their valuable recommendations and inputs about peace in the country. The main desire was to find ways for the resolution of the current conflict with the conditions that must guarantee the religious and national values and norms so that ways are found to end current conflict through dignified negotiations. The leadership of the government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan has taken strong steps for bringing about peace. On the basis of the recommendations, suggestions and demands of the different layers of the nation, the president of Afghanistan has developed and presented a comprehensive peace roadmap to regional countries, Islamic world and the International community. This comprehensive peace plan encompasses all the demands of the Taliban and provides ground for a dignified intraAfghan dialogue and negotiations. This roadmap has further enhanced the desire and commitment of people for peace and turned peace efforts to a national movement. Considering their important Islamic responsibility, Afghan Ulama have recently intensified their efforts for peace and raised their voices in every nook and corner of the country for ending this heinous conflict. Convening the trilateral Ulama Conference of Afghanistan, Indonesia and Pakistan was one of these efforts. Additionally, around 2907 Afghan Ulama from all provinces of the country gathered in Kabul and issued a unanimous Fatwa, namely, “The Peace Fatwa”. The fatwa termed the current conflict as forbidden (Haram) and making peace as an obligation. The Ulama also had specific recommendations for both the Afghan government and the Taliban. Besides other demands, the Ulama called upon both sides to declare a ceasefire and commence direct negotiations. We are grateful that the president of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan positively responded to our call by declaring an eight-day ceasefire. We also appreciate the Taliban for reciprocating it by declaring a ceasefire for only three days of Eid-Al-fitr. This was a very good move, as people had the opportunity to have three joyful days. We hope this ceasefire persisted forever, so that the people of the country remained blessed in peace and security. It is incumbent on us to thank all those countries, Ulama and leaders who voiced their support for the continuation of the ceasefire. Particularly, I, on behalf of the people and government of Afghanistan would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, H.E. Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais and H.E. Sheikh Abdullah Al Baijan for supporting the ceasefire. May Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) bestow his blessings on them. The ceasefire has clearly proved the fact that this nation is thirsty for peace. Fighters of both sides hugged and embraced each other and prayed together during the Eid days. People shed tears of joys and it was the first time in war-torn areas where people felt safe and secure. The ceasefire also proved that Afghan government, the Taliban and the nation want peace. You may have seen media



reports that how emotionally people were celebrating the ceasefire days. It is because of the fact that we all have one book, one faith and share culture and values. The problem is that there are still some clandestine hands who do not want Afghans to live in peace and continue to impose war on them for their personal goals. We request you all to help us end this unfortunate conflict by mediating between the Afghan government and the Taliban. We also would like to once again thank the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation for hosting and organizing this auspicious conference. The people of Afghanistan are impatiently waiting for what would the Ulama of the Islamic world give them to end their pains and sufferings in the light of the sacred religion of Islam. Sure, we can do a lot. We can play an important role. Ulama are the heirs of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and they can put an end to our problems. H.E. Mohammad Ashraf Ghani, President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan has given us full authority of mediating, and we would like to delegate this authority to you to contribute in the Afghan peace process as prescribed by the principles of Almighty Allah, provide ground for a peaceful Afghanistan and may help Afghans live in peace and prosperity. We believe that time is riper than ever for peace negotiations with the Taliban as there remains no any excuse and demand unaddressed by the government of Afghanistan. The government of Afghanistan has presented a generous offer that was fully supported by all at national, regional and international levels. It is now time for the Taliban and their leadership to enter into peace talks as their remains no any religious, moral or political reason for the continuation of war in Afghanistan. We believe that peace and security in Afghanistan is peace in the region. It is in this spirit, that we, the Ulama of Ummah, are obliged to save our Afghan brothers from this war imposed by outsiders. We have the following expectations from this conference: 1. The participants of this conference should call upon both sides to declare and implement a longterm ceasefire and commence direct talks. 2. A delegation of the participating Ulama in this conference should be assigned to directly talk to the Taliban. 3. We request the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to convene a summit of the leaders of the Islamic countries on peace and stability in Afghanistan. 4. We kindly request King Salman bin Abdul Aziz and the government of Saudi Arabia to invite Taliban to Haramain Sharifain for peace talks. 5. We also call upon the OIC to organize another International Ulama Conference that will be hosted by Afghanistan. 6. We call upon the Ulama of the Islamic world and OIC to clearly declare their position regarding the ongoing war in Afghanistan. 7. We, the Ulama, are duty bound to clearly declare our stance at the level of Islamic world about violence, killings, extremism, explosions and suicide attacks. 8. We kindly request the participants of this auspicious conference to support declarations and measures of the Afghan Ulama for peace and stability in Afghanistan. I would like to conclude by inviting you all to Afghanistan so that you personally see the suffering of our people that have endured for the last 40 years and hear the stories of their pain. You will also have the opportunity to closely look into the culture and lifestyle of this Muslim nation. You INTERNATIONAL ULAMA CONFERENCE ON PEACE AND STABILITY IN AFGHANISTAN


will have a chance to meet victims, widows and orphans of this brave nation. We firmly believe that their sufferings will make you cry. We are sure that you will also join us in calling this illegal war waged against the people and state as Haram. You would realize that the Muslim nation of Afghanistan doesn’t deserve to be killed on religious grounds. You would also get to know that there is nothing going on against the sacred religion of Islam in Afghanistan. Today, the Afghan nation is impatiently waiting for the decision of this conference and they expect that Ulama and Mashaikh of the Islamic world who have gathered here in the land of Haramain will bring them good news. News of an end to this imposed war where people will have the opportunity to safely live in their country. Afghans are grateful to you all and wish you further successes. They commit themselves to be at your side and appreciate your efforts for peace in Afghanistan. May Allah Almighty put Barakah in your knowledge of religion and May you become the pride of all the Islamic Ummah. May Allah swt be pleased with you. Thank you Wasalam Alaikum Warahmatullahe wa Barakatuh




Praise be to Allah alone, and peace and blessings be upon the one after whom there is no other Prophet. Islam is a religion of peace and its salutation is Salam. Security and Iman (meaning faith) go hand in hand in perfect agreement true to Allah’s word, “So which of the two parties has more right to security, if you should know? They who believe and do not mix their belief with justice – those will have security, and they are [rightly] guided.” Security in the Quranic verse has several facets, including inner faith security, intellectual security, economic security, livelihood security, food security, water security, and psychological security, etc. The point I want to make, honorable scholars, is that peace follows from Islam and security from faith (Iman). This is something inherent in the lives of individuals, nations and states. No people or country can really develop and have stability unless in an atmosphere of security. Development policies can never bear fruit unless in a state of peace. Peace is the goal at which the efforts of every government are aimed. It is the basis on which to build a stable policy, a strong legal system and a reliable judiciary. Development in social, economic, agricultural, commercial, educational and other spheres of life demands security and peace. This is true for both rich and poor countries. Many people and nations have perished because of conflicts, wars, feuds and disputes. These destructive problems mar peoples’ livelihoods and lives, denying them a life of dignity that reconciles economic prosperity and commercial opportunity. One cannot speak of younger generations and their future and ambitions in the absence of peace and security. It is in peace alone that the youth can reach their full potential, in a serene environment marked by open and fair competition. Honorable scholars, This is evident in Allah’s word (Surat al-Baqara), “O you who have believed, enter into Islam completely [and perfectly] and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy.” Taking the path of peace and following the footsteps of Satan are two diverged roads. Before that, Allah says (Surat al-Baqara), “And when you have completed your rites, remember Allah like your [previous] remembrance of your fathers […].” In this verse, Allah is reminding the believers of how INTERNATIONAL ULAMA CONFERENCE ON PEACE AND STABILITY IN AFGHANISTAN


boastfully and proudly they would refer to their ancestors and of how fragmented and averse they were to each other before embracing Islam. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) also said, “Do not revert to disbelievers after I am gone, striking the necks of one another (killing one another).” It is Satan provoking discord among men, goading Muslims into fighting one another, damning them to hell. As the Quran puts it, “And tell My servants to say that which is best. Indeed, Satan induces [dissension] among them. indeed, Satan is ever, to mankind, a clear enemy.” Dear brothers, the immaculate religion of Islam has come to remedy fratricidal fences and has established rules to prevent bloodshed, to preserve communities and to promote unity. Ulama and politicians, more than any other section of our societies, are duty-bound to preserve peace all throughout in every form. As Allah says, “And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you – when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make clear to you His verses that you may be guided.” Indeed, a society that has feuds and aversions within it is doomed to decay and dissolution. In fulfilling their responsibility to achieve and promote peace, Muslim scholars should follow the following three courses of action: First: build and strengthen bridges between rulers and peoples, for better preservation of the rights of all, in a relationship of fair authority and obedience. As the Quran puts it, “And cooperate in righteousness and piety, but do not cooperate in sin and aggression.” Second: establish dialogue and reconciliation between the various segments of society, while launching nation-focused initiatives for stronger unity and greater awareness of and dedication to the religious values of justice and truthfulness. Third: foster tolerance and coexistence among people in all their diversity, the ultimate aim being to boost cooperation and prosperity. Scholars and wise society members have provided a number of recommendations for greater cooperation. These are as follows: • One should avoid controversial argumentation, while boasting gains and detecting pitfalls. Instead, we ought to overcome adverse, strife-provoking practices. • People should look into doing good to one another, and avoid attacks meant to discredit and make others vulnerable. • It is also important to admit that people differ in their perceptions of the universe. This much is true, because this is Allah’s way in His creatures. So, diverging in views should not warrant discord and strife. Indeed, falling into strife is due to oppressioin, unlawfulness and inclination driven by greed and rising ambitions. Sowing strife is the means of sick minds who divert genuine intellectual exchange into controversial debates with surreptitious designs. Muslims who truly believe in Allah, His Quran, His signs and His Prophet Muhammad (SAW) can get to separate the evil from the good. Human wisdom has it that if it is the rope of right that unites people, it is wrong that pulls them



apart. Unless united by worshiping the only true Allah, people will be piecemeal, because their hearts are immersed in vain desires and have followed the footsteps of Satan. It is also the truth that if people are not true in their pursuit of the Hereafter, they will fight over worldly mundane things. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, “Do not revert to disbelievers after I am gone, striking the necks of one another (killing one another).” Such is the path of people of true knowledge, and such are the commandments of the wise. This is Allah’s way in His universe for the former and the later peoples. This much is true – Allah is predominant over His affair. Before I conclude, let me place on record the efforts being made by the Land of the Two Holy Mosques, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the heart of the Muslim world and the direction to which Muslims all over the world turn for prayer, in serving the causes of the Muslim Ummah. At the root of its international relations is a keen interest on preserving the Muslim entity for the peace and safety of all Muslim peoples and nations. Allah has blessed Saudi Arabia with a wealth of bounties, especially the privilege to serve pilgrims. The country wields considerable global political and economic clout. This and its outstanding relations with most countries of the world have earned it a strong political, religious and economic position regionally and worldwide, particularly on issues of concern to the Arab and Muslim worlds. In view of all this, the government of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz, along with His Royal Highness the Crown Prince (may Allah preserve them), is strongly supportive of reconciliation in Afghanistan. We set great store by this august meeting to bear fruit for the beloved people of Afghanistan who have suffered more than enough. Goodwill, genuine resolve and good faith are the means to build stronger bonds between Muslim brethren. Allah says, “But sufficient is your Lord as a guide and a helper.”





DECLARATION OF INTERNATIONAL ULAMA CONFERENCE ON PEACE AND SECURITY IN AFGHANISTAN JEDDAH - MAKKAH AL-MUKARRAMAH KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA 26-27 SHAWWAL 1439H / 10-11 JULY 2018 Praise be to the Lord of the Universe and Peace and Blessings be Upon the Master of all Messengers, Our Prophet Muhammad, and on His Kin and Companions and all who keep to His Guidance and Follow His Example until the Day of Judgment. In compliance with the injunctions of our Lord in His divine wisdom in support of stability and peace in Muslim societies and in shunning strife and dispersal, and in line with the sage law that calls for fellowship among the believers and their assembly around the Word of Truth and Justice and for due referral to the divine Shariah in case of dispute or difference, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) held the “International Ulama Conference for Peace and Security in Afghanistan”, in the two cities of Jeddah and Makkah Al-Mukarramah, on 26 through 27 Shawwal 1439 H (10-11 July 2018), in the gracious hospitality of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and under the kind patronage of His Royal Highness Prince Khaled Al-Faisal, Advisor to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, Governor of Makkah Al-Mukarramah Region, may Allah grant him long life, all based on the OIC’s anticipated role in looking after the interests of the Member States and as an extension of its endeavours towards spreading prosperity and consolidating peace and security in the Islamic societies in accordance with the teachings enshrined in the Holy Scripture and the tradition of our noble Prophet, may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon Him. In pursuance of the resolution issued by the OIC Foreign Minister’s Conference at its Fortieth Session in the Republic of Guinea Conakry in 2013, which was further reiterated by the 45th session of the Foreign Ministers Council held in the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, The participants reviewed the sufferings endured by the Muslim Afghan people with the shedding of innocent blood, the loss of sacred lives, and the wasting of the Muslim state’s resources in a prevailing environment that is in no way approved by the noble Islamic faith, which accords prime value to security, and which offers a whole range of texts calling for concerted action to establish peace in the Muslim societies and to encourage reconciliation among Muslims, a reconciliation which Islam places on a high pedestal as a prime act to please Allah, Mighty and Sublime be He. The participants in the Conference issued the following Declaration: • Afghanistan is an Islamic state. Its citizens are Muslims whose life is sacrosanct and who all aspire to peace and security, and the perpetrations it has been undergoing in terms of the killings of innocent lives are contrary to the principles and formal teachings of Islam and run counter to the principles of unity, solidarity and social coherence among Muslims. We hereby call on Muslim states, organizations and elites to join efforts and pull their weight towards the establishment of peace and security in Afghanistan, using all their potential and influence towards this noble goal to ensure a peaceful and decent life where Muslims cooperate towards building up and developing their nation in harmony with the will of Allah and His Prophet. • Based on the texts of the Quran and the Sunnah Islam is a religion of peace and mercy, that the believers should all be merciful towards one another, and that their blood, property and honour are inalienable and should be protected against aggression, we hereby affirm that the suicide attacks targeting innocent people and fighting among Muslims are all acts that are prohibited by Allah and His Messenger under texts that are conclusively clear and well-established, whereby INTERNATIONAL ULAMA CONFERENCE ON PEACE AND STABILITY IN AFGHANISTAN


Allah says “And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his punishment is hell; he shall abide in it, and Allah will send His wrath on him and curse him and prepare for him a painful chastisement.” Based on the above, we hereby express our condemnation of the hostilities in Afghanistan and call upon all parties to the conflict to abide by Allah’s injunction, end this strife and resort to reconciliation among brothers and put down the flames of animosity. We call upon Afghanistan’s government and the Taliban movement to conform to a truce and ceasefire and set on a track of direct Afghan negotiations. • Reconciling between battling Muslims is one of the greatest and most honoured acts of worship, for the spilling of innocent blood is among the greatest sins and an abominable deed that splits the ranks of the Ummah, fragments it and weakens its fabric. We hereby call on Muslims at large, and on the scholars among them in particular, to persist in their firm stand against the advocates of violence and extremism, in defense of their religion and in preservation of their Islamic Ummah’s unity. • A national dialogue is the optimal way to end the conflict between the Afghan Government and the Taliban Movement, and the solution to the cause of the Muslim Afghans must particularly go through mutual understanding and direct peaceful negotiations. We, in this respect, endorse and support the recent efforts of the Afghan scholars towards a successful Afghan reconciliation. We pay tribute to the efforts put in by the President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ashraf Ghani, and praise him for his invitation to the Taliban Movement to engage in a direct, peaceful and unconditional dialogue, and for his recognition of the Movement as a political party whose goal shall be the predominance of security in Afghanistan. We also call on the Taliban Movement to respond to the invitation made by the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to eschew violence, end the mutual killings and sit together around the negotiating table. We further reiterate the substance of para (4) of the resolution issued by the OIC’s International Islamic Fiqh Academy under reference no. (195-204) dated 15-19 Muharram 1435H, at the 21st session of the Academy’s Council stipulating that “laying stress on dialogue approach in line with Resolution no.182 (8/19) as a means to resolve political differences and disputes and in managing relations between the rulers, the populace, and the various political parties; on non-use of force or weapons between peoples of the same Ummah and country; and on eschewing fanaticism, sectarianism and narrow-minded dogmatism.” • We hereby extend our grateful appreciation to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under the leadership of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman, for their interest in the causes of Muslims everywhere as well as for their gracious hosting of this conference. We praise the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques for his follow-up and interest in the truce reached during the Eidul Fitr between the Afghan Government and the Taliban Movement, and we appeal to all parties to respond to the call for the extension of the truce. We also highly appreciate the Kingdom’s stances and efforts in favour of establishing peace and security in Afghanistan, in a drive to ensure an environment conducive to peaceful negotiations and to an end to the fighting and bloodshed. • We hereby extend our deep thanks to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) for having arranged for this important meeting and we highly appreciate its commendable efforts, wishing it full success in its ongoing noble role in favour of a peaceful solution to the issue of the Muslim state of Afghanistan.



• We request H.E. the Secretary General to dispatch to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz, may Allah preserve him, as well as to His Royal Highness Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman, may Allah preserve him, and to the Government and people of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia a cable of gratitude and appreciation for the generous hosting of the conference and for the excellent arrangements and sincere efforts deployed by the Kingdom to support national reconciliation in Afghanistan. May Allah grant us guidance and set us on the right path.




KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA 10-11 JULY 2018 The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), in pursuance of the resolution issued by the 40th OIC Foreign Minister’s Conference in the Republic of Guinea Conakry in 2013, and further reiterated by the 45th session of the Foreign Ministers Council held in the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, held the “International Ulama Conference for Peace and Security in Afghanistan”, in the two cities of Jeddah and Makkah Al-Mukarramah, on 26 through 27 Shawwal 1439 H (10-11 July 2018). The Conference was hosted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and was held under the patronage of His Royal Highness Prince Khaled Al-Faisal, Advisor to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, Governor of Makkah Al-Mukarramah Region. The Agenda of the Conference was: • Fostering peace and stability in Afghanistan • Condemning terrorism and violent extremism in all its forms and manifestations The Conference was attended by 106 prominent Muslim scholars from all over the world. The Conference was opened by the Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Dr. Yousef A. Al-Othaimeen. In his remarks, the Secretary General highlighted the basic purpose of the Conference and stated that the Conference is being held in pursuance of the mandate of the Council of Foreign Ministers and under the political vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to foster fraternity among the Afghan people, to assist them in addressing their internal feuds and differences and to create an atmosphere of peaceful co-existence and harmony in Afghanistan.



Warmly appreciating the role of Muslim Ulama in reconciliation, the Secretary General expressed his gratitude to the Muslim scholars for attending the Conference and attending to the call of dire need for reconciliation in Afghanistan. Drawing reference from Quran and Hadith on the role of Ulama in fostering fraternity and promoting reconciliation among conflicting parties, the Secretary General requested the scholars to take this opportunity to take stock of the situation in Afghanistan, address the difference of opinion among jurists on the subjects of jihad and qital (fighting), condemn the indiscriminate use of force against civilians, stress the need to distance from deviant groups perpetrating atrocities and committing terrorism in the name of Islam, and to vividly elaborate on the role, position and the religious obligation of following the political leadership and legitimate government of a state. In his statement Sheikhul Hadith Mawlawi Qiamuddin Kashaf, the representative of the Afghan Ulama Council graciously thanked the Secretary General and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for hosting such an important Conference at such an important juncture when reconciliation in Afghanistan is required more than anytime before. He drew attention of the participants to the decades of devastation and war situation in Afghanistan, which has had enormous toll on human life, society, economy and political fabric of the country. Nevertheless, the resolve of Afghan people to peaceful living and reconciling with past and making peace with disputing parties remains unwavering. The comprehensive reconciliation strategy set forth by the Afghan government has inspired new hopes in Afghan people and the cross section of the Afghan society led by Ulama is sincerely committed to use this rare opportunity to foster durable peace among all warring factions. On behalf of the Ulama of Afghanistan, Shiekh Kashaf pronounced Afghan Ulama’s unconditional support to all reconciliation initiatives and their readiness to engage with all parties to address the differences in a brotherly manner as guided by Quran and Sunnah. He requested the OIC Secretary General to soon convene another such conference in Kabul with wide scale representation of Taliban leadership INTERNATIONAL ULAMA CONFERENCE ON PEACE AND STABILITY IN AFGHANISTAN


Dr. Abdullatif bin Abdulaziz Al-Sheikh, Minister of Islamic Affairs, Call and Guidance of Saudi Arabia, delivered his statement on behalf of the host country. Emphasizing on the importance of the Conference and drawing references from Islamic tenets, he made his appeal to the Ulama to take this opportunity to address the decades-long war in Afghanistan and establish durable peace a new social order in Afghan society. He emphatically renounced all forms and manifestations of terrorism, especially the ones committed in the name of Islam and in the false garb of Jihad, as the authority to wage Jihad which rests solely with the State. The statement on behalf of the participating Ulama was made by Dr. Saleh bin Humaid, Imam of Al Haram. He underscored the importance of the role of Ulama in reconciliation efforts, and called upon the community of Muslim Ulama to recognize their role as prescribed in Quran and Sunnah and endeavor to bridge the difference between conflicting parties, and differences between the masses and leadership and to promote the culture of dialogue, tolerance and fraternity in the society. He also warned on the perils of rhetoric and propaganda, which has greatly damaged the social fabric of Muslim society and sowed discord among the Ulama as well. The Opening ceremony was followed by two thematic sessions, namely: I. Reconciliation in Islam: Role of Ulama in Bringing Peace and Stability in Afghanistan II. Islam’s Position on Terrorism and Violent Extremism SESSION I: Reconciliation in Islam: Role of Ulama in Bringing Peace and Stability in Afghanistan The Session was moderated by Dr. Saleh bin Abdullah Bin Humaid, Imam of the Grand Holy Mosque and Advisor to the Royal Court of Saudi Arabia. In his opening remarks, Shaikh Humaid stated that Islam is the religion of peace, signified by our faith and belief in its tenets. It is therefore an obligation on Muslims to establish peace. Thus, it is also the duty of the state to establish a peaceful order in the society. Feuds, conflicts and disputes are an anathema to the tenets



of Islam and ultimately result in havoc, disorder and friction to normal human living. The Session proceedings consisted of a presentation by Sheikh Mohammad Ismail Labib, ViceChancellor, Salam University, Kabul and followed by general discussions by Dr. Isam Ahmed Al Bashir, ex-Minister of Religious Affairs and Former Chairman, Islamic Fiqah Council in Sudan and Dr. Ismail Lutfi, Lecturer at University of Jala of Thailand. Presentation by Sheikh Mohammad Ismail Labib, Vice-Chancellor, Salam University, Kabul. Sheikh Labib gave a compressive discourse on the significance of reconciliation in Islam, drawing references from Quran and Sunnah. Discussing the current scenario of the reconciliation efforts, he made the following points: 1. The reconciliation strategy of the Government of Afghanistan has been made after thorough consultations, in the last three years, with the cross section of the society: tribes, Ulama, politicians, academicians, civil society, etc. 2. In the light of general public opinion, the High Peace Council submitted a report to the Afghan President recommending a roadmap of reconciliation among the warring parties. 3. Thus, negotiations with Taliban ensued in February 2018, intermittently taking place at various levels and at different locations, the last one being held in May 2018 in Indonesia. The purpose of the reconciliation strategy is: 1. That the people of Afghanistan and the various warring parties, who all are Muslims by faith and considered as thorough practitioners of their faith, find an opportunity to reconcile their differences purely in the light of Islamic teachings. 2. That Afghanistan makes a new start to normal and natural human living. 3. That Ulama recognize their responsibility and play their due role in bridging the differences and preparing common grounds for conflicting parties.



Dr. Isam Ahmed Al Bashir, ex-Minister of Religious Affairs and Former Chairman, Islamic Fiqh Council, Sudan Dr. Al Bahsir gave a comprehensive overview of the challenges to reconciliation and the role of Ulama in situations of conflict and dispute. He underscored the following: 1. The concept of ‘takfeer’ has greatly damaged the unity among Muslims and sowed dissention and fueled the conflict in Afghanistan. 2. The poor understanding of the Islamic concepts of ‘jihad’ and ‘qital’ is one of the biggest sources of contemporary disputes. 3. A proper understanding of the ‘concept of promotion of good and prohibition of vice’ and the role and position of leader/head of state is the key to solving disputes and ensuing dialogue process. 4. Establishing dialogue among warring parties and bringing home to them Islam’s message on reconciliation is the paramount duty of Ulama. 5. Reconciliation can only be successful and durable if it’s based on impartiality and free of all forms of biases-religious, cultural, political and social bias. 6. The Ulama should unanimously declare the sanctity of human blood and unambiguously pronounce all acts of terrorism as Haram (sinful). 7. All Ulama should unite their ranks and use their influence in bringing all Afghan groups to the negotiation table. Dr. Ismail Lutfi, Lecturer at University of Jala, Thailand Dr. Lutfi shared the experience of reconciliation and harmonious living of people of different faiths in Thailand, which was realized through frank dialogue and open minded and pragmatic approach to the challenges and causes of conflict. He advised the Afghan Ulama to seek guidance from Quran and Sunnah and relate their disputes and differences of opinion to the similar situations during and after the times of Prophet Muhammad PBUH and accordingly find a solution which suits their situation.



He highly praised the role of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in bringing peace and stability in Afghanistan and requested the OIC and the Kingdom to continue their support to Afghan brethren and provide them with such platform of dialogue and negotiations. Following the presentations the floor was opened to participants. The participating Ulama made the following general interventions: 1. Unanimously thanked the OIC Secretary General and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for convening the Conference. 2. Such conference should be frequently held for Ulama at various levels to promote frank and free discussions on the challenges to reconciliation and the causes of dispute and conflict. 3. The Ulama should realize their responsibilities in the wake of disputes and should be aware of their duties in bringing an end to such situations. 4. A proper understanding of Islamic teachings regarding reconciliation and addressing disputes and conflicts is indispensable for establishing durable peace in the society. It is this lack of understanding that has rendered reconciliation efforts thus far ineffective. 5. Promotion of impartiality, shunning personal, sectarian and tribal bias is key to the success of dialogue process. 6. Sanctity of human blood, irrespective of any backgrounds, is the fundamental teaching of Islam. Therefore, there is no justification for killing, except for law enforcement and lawfully waged war by the state. 7. Ulama should beware of playing in the hands of foreign elements. SESSION ll: Islam’s Position on Terrorism and Violent Extremism The Second Plenary Session was opened by Sheikh Dr. Shawki Ibrahim Allam, the Grand Mufti of Egypt as the Moderator of the session. Mr. Mohammad Qasim Halimi, Member and Spokesperson of the Afghan Ulama Council made a presentation on the topic of the session and Dr. Abdulsalam INTERNATIONAL ULAMA CONFERENCE ON PEACE AND STABILITY IN AFGHANISTAN


Al-Abbadi, Secretary General of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy (IIFA) shared his views after the presentation. In his brief introductory remarks, the moderator thanked the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the OIC for hosting and organizing the Ulama Conference. He paid his profound tribute to the Custodian of the two Holy Mosques and the Crown Prince for their strong support to Muslims and Islam. He noted that followers of takfiri and terrorist ideologies are deviated from Islam and emphasized on portraying the correct image of Islam and showing mercy to others. Presentation by Mr. Mohammad Qasim Halimi, Member and Spokesperson, Afghan Ulama Council After the brief remarks of the Moderator, Mr. Mohammad Qasim Halimi made his presentation on the Position of Islam on terrorism and violent extremism. He made an overview of Afghanistan, including its demography, religion, national constitutional provisions about Islam and the role of government to promote moderation in resolving problems. He stated that Islam promotes reconciliation, negotiation and tolerance to promote peace and stability and prohibits fanaticism and killing of people in the name of it. Referring to the ongoing terrorist activities in Afghanistan, he mentioned that the ongoing war in Afghanistan is among the Afghan people and they are the victims of the conflict. He also briefed about the activities of the Committee formed to implement the recommendations of meetings and conferences that took place earlier in different provinces of Afghanistan, and at the national, regional and international levels. He ended his presentation by expressing his hope that the Ummah would be capable of ensuring peace, stability and security in Afghanistan and elsewhere. Dr. Abdulsalam Al-Abbadi, Secretary General, International Islamic Fiqh Academy Dr. Al-Abbadi deliberated his views on the topic and the presentation as well. He recalled his research works on terrorism, IIFA resolution on terrorism and Islamic tenets on conducting peaceful life and other affairs. There is no place for terrorism in Islam, stressed Dr. Abbadi. Islam guarantees the inviolability of human lives. He went on saying that infringement upon anyone or killing someone without reason is not permitted in Islam. A Muslim has to conduct his/her affairs truthfully and righteously. He identified ignorance as the biggest problem/weakness of the followers of Islam and



called upon all to enlighten themselves with the accurate knowledge of Islam and the teachings of the Prophets. After the deliberations of Dr. Abbadi the floor was opened for discussions. A number of participating Ulamas and scholars took part in the discussions and shared their views/remarks on terrorism and violent extremism vis-à-vis the role of Islam to tackle the issue. All of them called upon the people/groups who are engaged in violence and anarchy in Afghanistan and elsewhere to shun the path of violence, use their wisdom, and commit to negotiations for peaceful settlement of differences. Following are important remarks and recommendations made from the floor during the discussions of the Ulamas scholars: Remarks: • Terrorism is an exported phenomenon in Afghanistan. • Almost all Muslim States suffer from religious extremism and foreign interference. • Muslim Ummah suffers from acute political, cultural, economic crises. These crises keep the Ummah divided. • Islam calls for peace, security and tranquility. Those who violate these principles are violators against Allah and the teachings of his Prophets. • Security and stability are two major pre-requisites for peaceful life. • Prophets of Allah did not conquer the world with the power of sword, rather they used the message of peace. • The Taliban in Afghanistan has many factions and they cannot defeat each other. • Five issues trigger terrorism and instability. These are (i) injustice caused by leaders; (ii) failures of scholars; (iii) ignorance of Islamic Ummah; (iv) poor governance and (v) divisions among Muslims. Recommendations: • Muslims should know the real tenets of Islam; • States have the responsibility to ensure peace and stability; • Muslims should promote tolerance, justice, knowledge and accountability; • All stakeholders should avoid detrimental rhetoric referring to any involved party in meetings and negotiations; INTERNATIONAL ULAMA CONFERENCE ON PEACE AND STABILITY IN AFGHANISTAN


• Muslim States should focus on how to save Islam from a handful of terrorists who use it to gain their motivated agenda; • Muslims should set up a program to dispel the accusations against Islam. CLOSING CEREMONY The closing ceremony of the Conference was held on 11 July 2018 at Al Safa Palace in Makkah Al Mukarammah, in which the Makkah Declaration for Peace and Security in Afghanistan was announced, the salient points of which are: 1. Call on Muslim states, organizations and elites to join efforts and pull their weight towards the establishment of peace and security in Afghanistan, using all their potential and influence towards this noble goal to ensure a peaceful and decent life where Muslims cooperate towards building up and developing their nation in harmony with the will of Allah and His Prophet. 2. Affirm that the suicide attacks targeting innocent people and fighting among Muslims are all acts that are prohibited by Allah and His Messenger under texts that are conclusively clear and well-established. 3. Call upon Afghanistan’s government and the Taliban movement to conform to a truce and ceasefire and set on a track of direct Afghan negotiations. 4. Call on Muslims at large, and on the scholars among them in particular, to persist in their firm stand against the advocates of violence and extremism, in defense of their religion and in preservation of their Islamic Ummah’s unity. 5. Resort to a national dialogue, which is the optimal way to end the conflict between the Afghan Government and the Taliban Movement, as the solution to the cause of the Muslim Afghans must particularly go through mutual understanding and direct peaceful negotiations. 6. Call on the Taliban Movement to respond to the invitation made by the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to eschew violence, end the mutual killings and sit together around the negotiating table.



Letter from President of Afghanistan Unofficial Translation

Dr. Yousef A. Al-Othaimeen Secretary General Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)

Assalamu Alaykum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuh, I extend to you my deepest respect and wish to congratulate you on the successful organization of the Conference of Islamic Scholars, a fruitful initiative on the part of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation under your graceful leadership. On behalf of the Afghani people, I would like to offer you our profound gratitude for this momentous step which I consider as an impactful one in the direction of restoring security and encouraging peace talks. Excellency, Organizing such a conference at the current stage was an imperative need for the Afghani people, for the years of war have resulted in enormous material and human losses for Afghanistan and have obstructed progress towards prosperity and welfare for our people. Such encounters will, undoubtedly be coupled with some pressure to prompt the warring parties to join the peace talks. The Government and people of Afghanistan welcome the final declaration issued by the Conference and proclaim their readiness to implement it. Indeed, Afghanistan is ready to engage in any fruitful action in favour of achieving peace and stability in the country and the region. Once again, I wish to extend to you my sincere gratitude for organizing this great conference. I look forward to broader cooperation between Afghanistan and the OIC, and wish you plenty of health and success.

Mohamed Ashraf Ghani

President, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan









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